Wallpaper for a dimly lit room. Wallpaper for a dark room. How to visually enlarge a small bedroom

Wallpaper for a dimly lit room.  Wallpaper for a dark room.  How to visually enlarge a small bedroom
Wallpaper for a dimly lit room. Wallpaper for a dark room. How to visually enlarge a small bedroom

A dark room is like Tolstoy’s unhappy family - all light rooms are equally good, each dark room is bad in its own way. If you got a room with a window facing north, with a window shaded by trees, with a small window, with a shaded balcony block, long narrow room, asymmetrical room - in general, if you have a dark room and need to make it lighter, then this article is for you.

Here I will tell you how to make a dark room brighter in daytime, at natural light, but I won’t touch the electric light.

It is by no means necessary to use all the design techniques that I will talk about - choose those that suit you best and like them.

The first way to brighten a dark room is to “white box” - white walls, white ceiling and white floor. In photo 1 you see a kitchen that has a configuration in which daylight falls only on part of the space, and the main part of the room is in the shadow. The “white box” reflects more light.

Photos 1, 2 and 3

In photo 2 you see a room that may seem bright - no, it's just when photographing a window with daylight It always seems dazzlingly light because the rest of the room is shaded. In fact, this room is very dark, if it were not a white box, it would receive almost no daylight, since the window is north and the room is asymmetrical. Due to the white color of the “box” (floor, walls, ceiling), it becomes much lighter.

There is absolutely no alternative to a white ceiling in dark rooms; Russian consumers are gradually starting to get used to white walls. But the white floor causes protest, because white is the most rarely used floor color in Russia.

But a dark room with a white floor becomes noticeably more illuminated, the difference is very noticeable. And besides, the “white box” is not only a way to reflect maximum daylight into the room. This is also a way to make a narrow room visually more spacious, especially if the furniture is white, as in the photo above. It sounds terrible (all white), but it works!

Photo 3 shows a very dark narrow room, which in any color other than white would simply become a crypt. The white floor, ceiling and furniture make it brighter during the day and more elegant in the evening when the electric lights are on.

If a white floor is combined with white walls and white furniture, the room becomes lighter and visually more spacious. Then the lack of contrast and transition between background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) and furniture makes the space more homogeneous (the boundaries of the room seem to blur), and, in turn, because of this, the space seems wider.

The room in photo 4 seems large and bright. In fact, it is small and not very well lit - there is one tall narrow window and two very small ones, total area windows are small. But white walls, floors and white furniture create a completely different impression. Mentally paint the walls, floors and furniture - and you will understand the difference.

IN dark apartments make white floors, white doors and white walls in all rooms. Everyone immediately thought about the dirtyness in the hallway and corridor. But modern materials(tiles, linoleum, veneer, washable wallpaper and permanent paint) are very easy to wash and do not lose their appearance for a long time. Well, yes, you will have to wash it more often. But it will be clean and bright :)

Many people are afraid of the “white box” solution, and even more so of the “white box with white furniture” solution, because it seems very sterile, boring and “hospital”. But it’s easy to avoid “white silence” in the interior - add bright accessories and small furniture bright colors, as in photo 5-8. If you don't like bright colors, just use more details (photos 9 and 10).

Dark rooms with low ceilings really benefit from a “white box” - among other things, this design of background surfaces also creates the feeling that the room is easy to breathe, this is very important in small rooms. To avoid boredom, use varied decor, from which white openwork is especially shown - lace, carving, macrame, patterns on glass, etc.

In photo 12 you see the most beautiful headboard, which greatly decorates a small dark room (note the height of the ceiling) and does not absorb light at all. That is, the room remains white, it doesn’t even use additional colors, but at the same time you definitely can’t call it boring.

Photos 12, 13 and 14

So, the first way to maximize daylight is dark room- “white box”. If the room is small, then the furniture and some of the decor can also be made white. For decoration, you can use several bright accessories or accessories in calm tones, but in large quantities.

If this method is completely unacceptable for you, modify it: use the lightest colors you can bear for background spaces, curtains and large furniture. Add white elements and accessories of rich colors to them, as in photo 11. This will help reflect the maximum of incoming daylight. Contrasting bright elements are needed to give the interior clarity, as in photos 13, 14 and 15, but there should not be too many of them - literally two or three.

Photos 16, 17 and 18

What colors are suitable for walls in dark rooms? From the cold ones: light blue, light green and mint, light turquoise, light light pink - these colors reflect a lot of light. But light lilac, light blue and light gray are not recommended in dark rooms - with a lack of daylight, these colors take on a dirty gray tint and look dreary.

It is not for nothing that the turquoise color, as in photo 19, is so often used in bathroom design - it reflects a lot of light and makes the entire design very light.

Warm colors suitable for dark rooms include: milky white, cream, the lightest beige and Ivory, light warm pink, very light pistachio, vanilla and all light yellow shades (they are especially suitable for northern rooms, since the yellow color of the walls partly compensates for the lack of sunlight).

Peach, terracotta (absorb a lot of light and in cloudy weather also takes on a dirty tint), olive and orange (absorb a LOT of light) are not recommended. In photo 23 you see how bright Orange color darkens the room.

Photos 22 and 23

In general, in dark rooms, experiments with bright background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) almost always fail - especially in northern and eastern rooms. Photos 24 and 25 are an eloquent example. The top of the bathroom walls were painted umber - a beautiful and rich color - and then they were repainted blue. Feel the difference.

Photos 24 and 25

So, the second way to make a dark room lighter is “light + white + bright”: light walls and floors, a snow-white ceiling, white elements (doors and at least a couple of pieces of furniture) plus a couple of bright accessories for contrast.

The third method is for some reason almost forgotten; I don’t even have good illustrations. This is a horizontal combination of wallpaper according to the principle “the bottom is darker + the top is very light.” Something like photo 26, only the colors don’t have to be contrasting. But the furniture against the background of the lower part of the walls should, of course, be light.

This wallpaper combination suits dark rooms well. The lower third of the walls is covered with darker wallpaper, the upper third with lighter wallpaper, the joint is usually covered with molding or wooden casing– white or in the color of the floor or doors.

Photos 27 and 28

Now a few small tricks that will help you make your interior brighter. Make some surfaces glossy white. If your room has a built-in wardrobe opposite the window, make the doors glossy and at least one of them mirrored. If there is no closet, but there is furniture on the side of the window, make it glossy white. In photo 27 you see how well the white gloss reflects the light.

A similar role can be played by a mirror placed in the same way - on the side or opposite the window (photo 28). But do not overuse mirrors - contrary to popular belief, an excess of mirrors is not so positively perceived in the interior - read more about this. In short, white gloss reflects only light, but a mirror reflects everything.

Use pastel colors in a dark room. Pastels contain a lot of white/whitish undertones and reflect daylight very well. Plus everything pastel shades combine perfectly with each other and allow you to create very light, visually light, but not boring color combinations, as in the photo in the article linked. Pastels are especially indicated if the room is dark because the window is shaded by trees.

Photos 29, 30 and 31

Hang only snow-white tulle and, if possible, white curtains (photos 29 and 30). If it is possible to do without curtains at all, closing only bottom part windows so that the room is not visible from the street is great.

For example, if your room is shaded by the thick foliage of trees growing in the yard, as in photo 31, or overlooks a non-residential space where no one can see into your room, you can simply close the bottom half of the windows transparent film or muslin, or light white tulle - and thus win a little more daylight. This method, of course, is not suitable for everyone.

Photos 32 and 33

Make the most of the window. In photo 32 you see that dinner table placed in such a way that people do not receive daylight at all - there is nothing near the window, and the table is pushed into the most shaded place in the room. Consider arranging the furniture in your room so that you spend maximum time in its brightest place.

In a dark room, wall decor is important. Use paintings or posters in a light, light color. If you want more brightness, let them have bright colors too, but let the background and overall color be light and be sure that the top of the picture or poster is lighter than the bottom. Light flowers are very good (photo 33): orchids, jasmine, white peonies, white lilac, sakura, lilies, etc.

It’s good if you use paintings or posters behind glass (photo 34) - glass reflects daylight, although its disadvantage is that then the painting becomes less visible.

IN dark bedrooms use light-colored bedspreads (photo 35), especially if you use the bedroom during the day. Few people think about this, but a bedspread is a large object, and the larger your bed, the greater the role the bedspread plays in the overall color of the bedroom. Therefore, if your bedroom is dark, choose not only the curtains as light as possible, but also the bedspread. Light colored bedspreads can be very beautiful, as you can see in the photo on the left. In general, bedspreads of the “light background + beautiful exquisite pattern” type are an excellent choice for any bedroom, but especially for a dark one.

Now a little about what is NOT suitable for dark rooms. All dull, faded, muted colors are contraindicated in dark rooms.

Neither for furniture, nor for carpets, nor for curtains, nor for decoration - for anything, do not use colors like those in photo 36. In bright yellow electric light they can be quite OK, but in daylight, as you can see, they take on this unpleasant “wornness”, especially in cloudy weather. Nothing makes a dark room look more gloomy than colors like these. Moreover, there are very beautiful muted shades of green, lilac, burgundy - it’s a pity, but you simply won’t see their beauty.

Photos 36 and 37

Gray color is not suitable for dark rooms. Gray color, even its light shades, has a very complex relationship with daylight and especially with its lack. Gray color often takes on an unpleasant, deathly hue during the day, especially in rooms facing north and northeast. In photo 37 you see an example - an elegant gray shade would be very beautiful if it were better lit, but as it is, it became flat and cold. At the same time, notice in this photo how well the light floor works as a reflector.

Pearlescent wallpaper is not suitable for dark rooms. Many people confuse gloss and mother-of-pearl or believe that everything that glitters and reflects light is good for a dark room. This is not true. Gloss reflects light without distortion, while mother-of-pearl distorts and darkens it. Silk-screen printing and metallography are not suitable for dark rooms - they darken the walls even more. In photo 38 you can see how strongly the metallography absorbs light - about two meters from the window the wall is already completely dark. Imagine this wall as simply light, without mother-of-pearl, and you will understand the difference.

So, if you have a dark room, don’t despair. Think carefully about its design and, in particular, its layout, abandon dark and dull colors in favor of white, pastels and pure bright colors; ask for samples of materials in stores so you can look at them at home in daylight (or buy them and return them if they don’t suit you), approach the issue as meticulously as possible - and you will succeed. I hope you found this article helpful - if so, click the +1, “like” button or your icon social network. Thank you!

90% of apartment residents experience dark rooms. Residents of private houses are also not immune from this problem, no matter how the house is located relative to parts of the world, some rooms will still face the dimly lit side. But it doesn’t matter, proper artificial lighting and properly selected wallpaper for a dark room can make it visually lighter and “warmer.”

Wallpaper color

First, let's look at the color scheme of wallpaper for a dark room. For such rooms, only light shades and preferably pastel colors are suitable: beige, cream, peach, pistachio, lemon, yellow, orange, golden. By the way, the last three shades are bright and joyful. And if you are unlucky with the sun in the room, then you can try to add it with the help of positive shades in the wallpaper.

By the way, colors can be mixed, for example, golden with yellow or orange; pale light green with yellow. How to do it? It’s elementary, you just need to take wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern where these colors are combined.

Continuing the topic about patterns on wallpaper, it should be noted that large patterns are not acceptable in dark rooms, even if it is a living room. Of course, in the living room there is more freedom in color preferences, because this room is not intended for work or relaxation, and, as you know, they have their own color canons.

But let's return to the ornament on the wallpaper. In dark rooms, it is better to hang wallpaper with an unobtrusive, medium-sized and low-contrast pattern. Because a large and contrasting pattern will visually make the room even smaller and darker, but this is not suitable for us.

If you have a choice between wallpaper with a pattern and without a pattern, then you can give preference to plain wallpaper in pastel shades. In this case, it would be correct to highlight one side with a brighter pattern.

    For example, we cover three walls with light pistachio-colored wallpaper, and highlight the fourth wall with a more saturated pattern, combining two shades, for example, dark pistachio and yellow.

Wallpaper for a dark living room

How to choose wallpaper for a dark living room? As mentioned above, there are practically no restrictions on color and texture. A good idea would be to combine several shades of wallpaper - playing with contrast, so to speak. Take a close look at your living room, which wall is the least lit? So highlight it with a lighter shade than the main color of the wallpaper in the room.

Also, don’t forget about the idea of ​​decorating a dark living room with eye-catching interior elements. One or two bright accents will add cheerful notes and positivity to a gloomy living room and, as a result, make it brighter.

Wallpaper texture

No matter how correctly we select the color scheme of the wallpaper, its texture also plays an important role. Matte wallpaper with a deep texture will absorb part of our efforts, namely part of the sun's rays. But glossy ones, on the contrary, reflect light and make the room visually larger and brighter - these are the ones we will dwell on in more detail.

Wallpaper with silk-screen printing, with a glossy texture, vinyl, paper, and even paintable are suitable for these purposes. In general, as you can see, any wallpaper can have a glossy base, even paintable, if you paint it with iridescent paint.

Don't discount the relief pattern of the wallpaper - it also plays an important role in the wallpaper's ability to absorb or reflect light. If the wallpaper texture is too large and convex, it will absorb light, even if its surface is the “correct” light color. But the fine texture of wallpaper, on the contrary, has the ability to increase the reflective effect.

A good room brightening effect is achieved when used, they have exactly the same necessary qualities, which allow you not to absorb light, but to repel it and reflect it, increasing the illumination of the room. Here you need to take into account one of their features - liquid wallpaper cannot be glossy, but the reflection effect is achieved due to sparkles added to almost all types of such coatings.

As you can see, you can lighten a dark room without much effort; the main thing is to focus on calm or cheerful shades of the walls, as well as their glossy finish.


Most people do not know how to use the richness of dark and rich colors in the interior, but they admire other people's examples. Traditionally for finishing city apartments and country houses whitewash or light wallpaper was used so that the room did not seem dark. But it is dark wallpaper in the interior of a hallway, bedroom or living room that can favorably highlight the nobility of natural parquet, luxurious furniture and the exquisite style of multi-layer curtains. It is worth understanding in detail when and how to use design techniques with the play of dark planes in order to add chic and extravagance to your personal space, where it is high time to change something.

Beautiful dark wallpaper

Dark wallpaper in bedroom design

There is no arguing about tastes, but there are cases when the choice in favor of black, dark gray or dark brown wallpaper in the interior is completely justified.

Secrets of a contrasting background

Many people have noticed that for the most advantageous presentation of expensive items, a black background with soft backlighting is used. In a jewelry store and on the catwalk with exclusive jewelry, at the exposition of an international exhibition or an elite salon. It would not occur to anyone to look at the black wall or the velvet backing; no, all attention is paid to the design of the main exhibit.

The same principle works when there is brown wallpaper in the interior, becoming the background for a fireplace, a white piano or a light furniture set graceful shape. It will not look most advantageous if it blends in with the color of the floor and walls. Although everyone decides for themselves how to decorate a room, it is worth experimenting with dark walls - here is a good example.

Dark wallpaper in the interior

Striped dark wallpaper in the interior

Advice. It is not necessary to decorate all the walls with a dark color in a light interior; one “central” (in perception) wall is enough to set off:

  • marble fireplace;
  • soft corner with expensive upholstery;
  • a glass showcase with lighting to resemble antiques or a collection of expensive porcelain.

The principle of combining three colors

Looking at the collections fashionable clothes, examples modern interiors or some design installations, the human consciousness will highlight and remember where 3 primary colors are used. In this case, there should be a contrast between dark and light tones, where dark is proportionally no more than ¼, plus one bright one - for emphasis. Other shades can act as a tint option. This is the generally accepted standard used by artists and designers all over the world. This also works in home decoration - from the decor of palaces to the interior with dark walls in a small kitchen or bedroom, as in the photo.

Dark wallpaper with patterns

Bedroom interior with dark wallpaper

The nobility of combination

The choice of scale and combination of shades occurs on a subconscious level. Everyone has their own preferences, but, with all the richness of the existing natural palette, we can name:

  • favorite colors;
  • shades that evoke hostility and unpleasant memories;
  • neutral colors or something that does not evoke any sensations in the interior of the room;
  • preferred “warm” or “cold” gamma.

By eliminating components that are unpleasant for the mind and actively using “favorites,” it is easy to play up the atmosphere, making the house more hospitable. For example, lovers of chocolate and coffee will certainly like brown wallpaper in the interior of a bedroom or dining area with gold streaks reminiscent of foil or plain. Silver and gold accessories and fittings are preferred.

Beautiful bedroom design with dark wallpaper

Living room with dark wallpaper

An excellent addition to a “delicious” place in a chocolate-colored house will be other “appetizing” associations. These are cream, peach, orange, raspberry and caramel shades, as in the photo.

On a note. Not everyone loves brown, but experts say that it subconsciously gives a feeling of stability and solidity. These shades are considered warm, they calm and calm the atmosphere, especially in a house where representatives of three generations live with different tastes.

Chocolate shades “reconcile” and lead to a calm, constructive dialogue. Perhaps this is why it is believed that chocolate candies- the best gift for guests, and in the living room - brown leather furniture.

Dark wallpaper in the interior

Dark wallpaper in the interior

Black wallpaper in the interior

Balance excess lighting

It's no secret that dark walls hide excess lighting, especially on the south side of the house. IN summer period straight Sun rays blind, and glossy walls and varnished floors only enhance the effect. To compensate for them, you should choose a room design with dark wallpaper with a matte texture:

  • chocolate;
  • graphite (dark gray);
  • burgundy;
  • emerald (dark green);
  • sapphire (dark blue);
  • black (jacquard or patterned).

Attention! Dark wallpaper is suitable for rooms of different functions with good lighting. Even in a northern bedroom or living room, they will be appropriate with proper lighting design with local lighting. To save money, use diode and energy-saving lamps.

Chic room design with black wallpaper

Dark wallpaper in the interior

Table of combinations of dark shades with companions in the interior:

Note. This table offers proven combinations, but bold experiments are acceptable.

Dark wallpaper in the bedroom interior

Chic room interior with dark wallpaper

Room interior with dark wallpaper

Expert recommendations for using dark wallpaper

A thoughtful interior with brown wallpaper suggests a balance of color, where no more than a third or a quarter should be dark, depending on the shades and additions. All shades of brown go well with white, especially if it contains a large amount of yellow:

  • cream;
  • light beige;
  • lactic;
  • ecru, etc.

A thoughtful interior with brown wallpaper suggests a balance of color, where no more than a third or a quarter should be dark, depending on the shades and additions.

The “chocolate and milk” duet is an excellent alternative to monochrome black and white interior. This contrast looks warmer and more welcoming. Adding accents of bright greenery will further enliven the atmosphere, especially for eco-style, as in the photo.

White furniture looks luxurious, regardless of style, but against the background of light walls it gets lost or blends in. Looks interesting design technique“yin-yang” when zoning a large living room. This is when I turn white leather furniture Brown wallpaper will set off the interior, and cabinet furniture made of wenge wood will be placed against a light wall with translucent curtains.

Dark wallpaper with beautiful flowers

Bedroom design with dark wallpaper

Many shades Brown are considered neutral because they harmonize well with natural wood and warm colors. This color is in different options saturation periodically returns to interiors with new new names. They are used in classic and modern settings:

  • cappuccino or “coffee with milk”;
  • chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • terracotta;
  • wenge, etc.

Practical advice. If you don’t like plain dark walls in your bedroom interior, but like the color itself, choose lighter colors with a pattern:

  • abstraction;
  • geometry;
  • wood texture;
  • leopard print;
  • autumn leaves;
  • flowers and plant motifs.

Brown wall background with yellow - perfect solution for a children's room, with pink for the bedroom, with gold in the living room, with orange in the dining area. The combination of wenge with beige is considered classic for the hallway, and with turquoise for the bathroom. Followers of Feng Shui recommend brown tone with red as a basis for the bathroom.

Black wallpaper in the interior

Black wallpaper with patterns in the interior

Unusual black wallpaper

Dark wallpapers in shades of grey, blue and green are used less often than brown ones, but this is exactly what they create luxurious interiors with dark walls, for example.

A dark background, as already mentioned, will perfectly highlight everything that you want to emphasize:

  • expensive furniture;
  • works of art;
  • antiques;
  • original accessories;
  • luxuries.

Saturated green tint looks great in english style, especially when it is in harmony with natural wood, billiard table cloth or velvet curtains.

Dark gray (graphite, anthracite, granite) wallpaper – fashion trend interiors in 2017. These shades are best used in modern styles - loft, techno and hi-tech.

Room design with dark wallpaper

Dark wallpaper in the interior

Advice. If you have already decorated the interior with dark wallpaper, but it turned out somehow gloomy, experts recommend placing photo wallpaper or decorative panels on a solid wall.

In the interior design of a small room, wallpaper plays an important role. Small apartments in five-story buildings from the times of the USSR, which are usually called Khrushchev buildings, they cannot boast of large room dimensions. Solid walls inside the apartment do not allow increasing the square footage and in order to make small rooms seem larger, it is better to follow some proven tips. Properly selected wall coverings will not only expand the room, but also create a unique, memorable image for it.

What wallpaper color makes a room look bigger?

Using color or a combination of certain colors you can visually expand a small space.

  • When decorating the ceiling in white, a small room will appear larger if you use cool colors for the walls.
  • Blue, light gray walls will add air.
  • Walls in shades of gold will make the room sunny and bright, but will not increase its size.
  • Black and dark blue color not suitable for a small room. Walls or ceilings of this color will make it even smaller.

For a bright room

If the room is bright, the walls can be rich, bright colors - blue, turquoise or green. It is better for small rooms, even light ones, not to use wallpaper in dark shades.

In the photo there is a light children's room with large window. Pink and blue wallpaper with floral motifs brought sophistication and coziness to a small room.

For a dark room

To make a dark small room seem larger, the ceiling and walls should be as light as possible. Sometimes the best design trick is to make them white. Then, against their background, the furniture will not seem bulky and may be dark.

Which design makes the room bigger?

Every year, wallpaper factories offer new collections with a variety of patterns and textures. With the help of some types of drawings you can change the visual impression of a room.

  • Plain wallpaper with a small floral pattern gives even a small room lightness and coziness.
  • A vertical stripe adds the missing height to a low room.
  • If the pattern on the wall does not contrast with the background, but harmonizes with it, then even if the pattern is large, it is an advantageous background for furniture and decorative items.

The photo shows a successful use of wallpaper with a small geometric pattern to decorate the corridor of a small apartment. A white ceiling balances the proportions of the room and relieves the saturation of the walls.

Room design ideas that expand space

There are several design techniques to visually increase the area small room. One of these techniques is to cover the view wall of the room with photo wallpaper or 3D wallpaper. Appeared in last years high-quality photographic images are not inferior to frescoes in terms of the impression they make, and benefit in price and speed of execution. 3D walls can change a room small hall or studio beyond recognition.

Wallpaper for a small living room

Living room - main room in the house and should be decorated in the most expressive way. To decorate and expand the space of a small room, you can use photo wallpaper. Most often, the wall against which the sofa is located is most suitable for this purpose.

In the photo, the wall of a small living room is effectively decorated with vintage photo wallpaper and images of predatory animals, which adds dynamics and originality to the interior.

On the picture end wall The small hall is decorated with photo wallpapers, on which images of bright house facades look very attractive. This design technique will not leave any guest indifferent.

In the photo, the combination of stripes and plain wallpaper not only added austerity to the boy’s children’s room, but also brought small room dynamics and diversity.

The photo shows a nursery for a little princess. The walls are covered with wallpaper with birds. The small room looks gentle, bright and sunny.

A small toilet is characteristic small-sized Khrushchev buildings. Wallpaper in such toilets is an interesting design technique that can refresh the room. In these small rooms there is no furniture and you can make the walls bright and expressive.

In the photo on the left is a toilet with exquisite patterns on the walls. The room gained style and expressiveness and gained in visual impression.

Visually expand a small bathroom

The use of wallpaper in bathrooms is becoming increasingly important. From this bold decision these small spaces only benefit. Here the wallpaper on the walls looks like frescoes or artistic painting.

When you want to decorate the dining room in an unusual way, but there is not enough space in a small apartment, you can use images that will expand the space and effectively highlight the eating area. The dining area in studio apartments, covered with expressive wallpaper, looks very nice.

Design options for dressing room

Even the dressing room can be decorated with taste. Interesting patterns will expand the space of a small room reserved for cabinets and shelves. Suitable for this purpose bright wallpaper, light or dark depends on the designer's idea.

Small kitchens, especially kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, can be visually enlarged in size if you do not limit yourself to traditional tiles when decorating the walls, but use expressive, bright wallpaper. Geometric patterns, stripes or shapes emphasize geometry in the best possible way kitchen appliances and technology. A bright accents They add speakers and a small room seems larger.

Ways to visually enlarge the hallway

The entrance hall in the house is the first room that welcomes owners and guests. To visually enlarge the hallway, the pattern on the walls can be chosen with horizontal stripes or a small pattern. To make the corridor seem larger, a design technique using horizontal stripes will reduce the height and move the walls apart.

How to visually enlarge a small bedroom?

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, it is better to decorate it in unobtrusive colors and patterns that are pleasing to the eye, promoting relaxation and restful sleep.

One of the design techniques for expanding space in small apartments and studio apartments - this is the use of photo wallpaper. When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made fresco or invite an artist to paint it, you can cover the view wall with photo wallpaper.

Perspective image of nature or city panorama with plans different sizes will create a certain mood in the room. In a studio apartment, proper zoning with photo wallpaper will help avoid clutter.

Style features to visually enlarge the room

Different interior styles have their own characteristics of using wallpaper for visual magnification small space


To make a small Provence style room seem larger, you can use light furniture. If the walls are covered with dark wallpaper, it would be appropriate to complement them with a white ceiling cornice.

The photo shows an office in Provence style, the walls are successfully combined with furniture and a white ceiling. The room does not look small and cramped.


For classic style typical use of wallpaper. Silky wallpaper with patterns, monograms and floral designs decorate this style.

The photo shows a bedroom in a classic style. The color of the walls follows the color of the furniture, which creates unity and adds sophistication to the interior. In small rooms this technique will always be relevant.


Style is also not complete without this decorative material like wallpaper. For decorating accent walls, for highlighting important surfaces This coating fits perfectly.

In the photo there is a bedroom with accent wall imitating mosaic. This technique creates a feeling of greater depth and size of the room.


Modern style or modern is exactly the style in which wallpaper is used in almost all rooms of the house. Light pastel colors on the walls create a feeling of airiness and lightness, which increases the size of a small room.

In the photo, light furniture in the Art Nouveau style is harmoniously combined with wallpaper of the same shade in calm geometric patterns. The absence of lines and colors that disrupt the composition creates a feeling of spaciousness and transparency.

Design options for a long narrow room

Long, narrow rooms can be made to look larger by using the right color and pattern on the walls. Geometry, especially with clear graphic contours, can create a feeling of freedom and permeability in a small room. Light walls with a glossy surface add light and space.

In the photo, the wall at the head of the bed is covered with wide striped wallpaper. This design technique allowed us to visually expand narrow space small room.

You can see in the photo interesting solution to expand a narrow small room for a child. A long boring wall of a small room is decorated with expressive 3D wallpaper with imitation shelves with books in cheerful colors.

In the photo in a narrow arch, bright inserts in certain places serve both as a visual accent and to expand the long narrow passage. The use of expressive, sunny wallpaper adds light and joy to a small room.

In order to visually raise the height of ceilings, there are some design techniques. Wallpaper with vertical stripes and a dark wide cornice between the wall and the white ceiling will help achieve the desired effect

The photo shows a small bedroom with a low ceiling. The stripes on the walls evened out the proportions of the room and added lightness and comfort to it.

The photo shows an example of using wallpaper in small hall with a low ceiling. The white walls were highlighted with maps filled with colorful wallpaper. Vertical arrangement The cards added height and originality to the room.

How to combine wallpaper for visual enhancement?

We cannot ignore such a design technique for visually expanding space as combining different wallpapers.

There are several ways to combine:

  • Contrasting combination of wallpaper on opposite walls of the room,
  • Highlighting an accent wall with photographs or contrasting colors,
  • A combination of different colored walls to zone a room,
  • Combining different colors and patterns for horizontal division of walls,
  • Highlighting with active wallpaper - bright against a pale background, with a pattern against a plain background to highlight the main area of ​​the room.

Using wallpaper, you can experiment with the interior of a small room, decorate the walls in an original way and visually expand the space. Below are photo examples of the use of wallpaper on walls in rooms for various functional purposes.

Probably many people are faced with the problem of proper interior design in a dark room. Some rooms in our apartments or houses become dark for various reasons:

  • this may be due to the fact that there is little sun on this side of the house;
  • due to nearby trees or neighboring houses;
  • as a result of redevelopment of the apartment, if the lighting of the room was not taken into account.

But with the right selection of wallpaper, you can adjust all this and visually brighten the room.

Ways to solve the problem

Of course, the problem can be solved with lighting, but you won’t keep the lights on all day and night, it’s expensive and unnecessary. Can be picked up color palette wallpaper for the walls of a small dark room. First of all, the wallpaper should be light in color: peach or gold. It is not necessary that they dominate the wallpaper colors; inclusions of these colors are enough. When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account that by mixing different shades and colors, you can achieve the feeling of a bright room, but in everything you need moderation: if you overdo it, it will turn out colorful, the room will become even darker, thus you will achieve the opposite effect. We don't need strong contrast.

To achieve the desired effect, you cannot use wallpaper with large patterns, this will worsen the visual image of the room, it will appear smaller and darker. A small pattern, small relief and discreet color are the most suitable. If you decide to use wallpaper without a pattern, then purchase plain wallpaper pastel colors.

To increase the illumination of the room, use this method: cover the wall located opposite the window with wallpaper with a small pattern and a light tone. And cover the remaining three walls with wallpaper that has a darker tone that matches the color of the light wall. You will get the visual effect of increasing light. The thing is that weak light from the street, reflected on a light wall, creates the feeling of two light walls.

Selection of color combinations

A dark living room can be brightened by selecting and combining colors to create an original look. But don’t rely on color contrast, this will only worsen the situation. Use the same scheme as given above, just decorate the room with bright and light elements, for example, decorations or pictures, but do not overdo it, because our task is to make the room not colorful, but light. Two or three bright colors are enough to add a touch of celebration and coziness.

Matte wallpapers absorb sunlight, so they are not suitable for us. We need the opposite: glossy wallpaper that reflects light and illuminates the room. It would be nice if the wallpaper had sparkles. Creative individuals We can advise you to paint the wallpaper yourself, enjoying the play of colors and admiring the effect produced by yourself. This type of wallpaper, such as liquid wallpaper, may well suit you. Light colors, especially yellow, will turn the room into a clearing illuminated sunlight. After all, liquid wallpaper contains reflective gloss.

In rooms with windows facing north, it is preferable to use cream-colored wallpaper. White color will be similar to the tone of gray and will create an unpleasant impression of being in such a room. Adding yellow to one of the walls will create the impression of a sunny day.

Don't be afraid to experiment! If you are not sure about your choice, take a few pieces of wallpaper as a sample (ask the seller) and see how they look in different lighting: in bright sunshine, in cloudy weather, with the lights on. This fitting will show you exactly whether the colors you have chosen are compatible.

The influence of different tones on a person’s mood

If you find it difficult to choose color options to brighten a dark room, knowing the effect of colors on a person’s mood can also be useful. Here is a description of the psychological effects of color on people:

  • Wallpaper peach color Great for the bedroom, they make the room larger and brighter. This color lifts the mood in gloomy rainy weather.
  • Beige wallpaper creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere and is also suitable for bedrooms or a living room. Combined with white, creating light, warm tones; when combined with other, slightly darker tones, they create a feeling of calm.
  • Wallpaper in golden colors stands out from the usual color scheme. They add a little solemnity, warmth, tenderness. An excess of this color will spoil the impression of the room; use it as small additions to beige or light brown wallpaper.
  • Cheerful yellow color goes well with almost any other color, creates the effect of a sunny day in a room, and is great for brightening up dark rooms.
  • according to the impression with yellow ones. Color promotes a working mood, raises tone, and encourages communication. It is not advisable to use such wallpaper in the bedroom; it is best to glue it where your whole family often gathers.
  • Brown wallpaper can make a person sad, but when combined with... light shades can make the room look more noble, austere. But they require more artificial lighting because they darken the room.
  • Pink color is characteristic of romance and sensuality. Light pink shade evokes calm, bright colors excite. Such wallpaper is quite suitable for brightening up a girl’s bedroom or bathroom.
  • Aggressive red color should be used in places where ostentation and festivity are appropriate. This color stimulates the appetite, so it should be used in the dining room or kitchen.
  • Wallpaper purple create a feeling of space in small rooms. It might seem like a dark tone, but it does a great job visual expansion rooms.
  • Blue color, on the contrary, narrows the space. This cool, soothing color reduces activity and causes drowsiness.
  • Blue is the color of romantically minded people; it gives a feeling of comfort and reduces excitability. Some companies use blue rooms to resolve conflicts and disputes. Suitable for small rooms, allowing you to expand the space, suitable for children's rooms.
  • Green is associated with life, confidence, and visually pushes apart walls. In such a room it is easier to cope with anger, irritability, and negativity.
  • Striped wallpaper affects a person not so much with its color as with its geometric pattern. Vertical stripes visually increase the height of the room. Horizontal stripes give the impression of increasing width. Bright colorful stripes create good mood, playfulness. Classic - strict style.

As you can see from this article, the color scheme can be chosen to increase light and space. For this purpose, there are certain colors that can affect a person in different ways. You just have to decide what you want to achieve from a particular room.