Sea buckthorn (Lat. Huppophae) - how to collect, prepare and use for medicinal purposes. Sea buckthorn - beneficial properties of berries and leaves, use in folk medicine, contraindications Sea buckthorn beneficial properties care and planting

Sea buckthorn (Lat. Huppophae) - how to collect, prepare and use for medicinal purposes.  Sea buckthorn - beneficial properties of berries and leaves, use in folk medicine, contraindications Sea buckthorn beneficial properties care and planting
Sea buckthorn (Lat. Huppophae) - how to collect, prepare and use for medicinal purposes. Sea buckthorn - beneficial properties of berries and leaves, use in folk medicine, contraindications Sea buckthorn beneficial properties care and planting

In any reference book on medicinal plants, sea buckthorn is described as a shrub or tree 4 to 6 meters high with linear-lanceolate leaves, dioecious, unisexual flowers. The fruit is a drupe, blooms in April–May, bears fruit in September–October.

However, this is only an overview of the main characteristics of the plant, which provides only superficial knowledge about sea buckthorn, since its main biological feature is highly polymorphic, i.e. its forms differ in the structure of the crown, the color of the bark, the color, size and shape of the fruit.

Therefore, sea buckthorn is best defined as a shrub that can only be called a tree if it is of sufficient height. Sea buckthorn has brown bark and short shoots of a silvery-rusty-brown color, ending in spines.

The alternate, linear-lanceolate leaves are 8 cm long and 1 cm wide, narrowed into short petioles, dark green above, silvery-white below, with brown scales.

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious, dioecious plant. Small, inconspicuous flowers appear on young shoots in the leaf axils. Men's and female flowers located on separate bushes.

Male (staminate) flowers are collected in an inflorescence in the form of a spikelet of 10–14 flowers. The perianth consists of two sepals with round-ovate concave lobes, in which 4 free stamens are located. Female (pistillate) inflorescences differ from male ones in their smaller size and the presence of two covering scales, which fall off at the beginning of flowering, and the female flowers remain covered with green leaves. Female flowers, from 3 to 12 pieces, are collected in racemose inflorescences.

The above is also of practical importance, since the size of the buds in the spring, before the start of the growing season, can easily determine the sex of the bush. On male bushes the buds are larger and have several covering leaves; female bushes have smaller buds with two covering scales.

Sea buckthorn fruits are an oval or spherical drupe, red-orange-yellow in color on a short stalk. Almost sessile, they densely cling to the branches. Ripen in September-October.

Most often, sea buckthorn grows along river floodplains and on the sand and pebble banks of reservoirs, sometimes forming continuous thickets. This plant is most common in Transbaikalia, Sayan Mountains, Tuva, Altai, southern regions Kazakhstan and Central Asia(Tajikistan), in the Caucasus.

However, it can be grown in other regions of Russia, where they allow climatic conditions: This is a frost-resistant plant, but requires light. Sea buckthorn was introduced into culture; with the help of breeding, forms were developed that do not have thorns, as well as with larger fruits and longer stalks.

Sea buckthorn propagates by sowing seeds in autumn, as well as by green cuttings in winter and summer. Good results When propagated by green cuttings, they were obtained in greenhouses.

Sea buckthorn is also cut in boxes with sand, covered with glass, where constant humidity and air temperature are maintained. Lower leaves At the same time, the cuttings are removed, the rest are cut in half.

Varietal sea buckthorn is propagated by grafting on seedlings of wild varieties. When planting seedlings, it is recommended to deepen the root collar, which causes the formation of additional roots.

Description of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn - medicinal plant or a tree from the sucker family. It reaches a height of up to 6 m. The branches of the tree are covered with thorns. The leaves are green, grayish on top, silvery below, entire, alternate, linear-lanceolate. Its flowers are yellowish, inconspicuous, small; male flowers are grouped into short spikelets, female flowers sit on short stalks of 2–5 pieces in the axils of the branches. The fruits are fleshy orange oval drupes that ripen by mid-September. Sea buckthorn blooms in the spring between March and June.

Where does sea buckthorn grow?

It can be found in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Caucasus, and even in Central Asia on river banks, along floodplains, along lakes and in wetlands. Gardeners fell in love with her not only for her beauty, but because she frequent guest on garden plots. Since sea buckthorn oil is always popular, sea buckthorn is also cultivated on an industrial scale. You can read about how on our website.

How and when to collect sea buckthorn?

The leaves, bark and fruits of sea buckthorn are used for medicinal purposes. You can store all the leaves from the tree growing season. Dry them by spreading them out on a clean cloth, making sure that dust does not settle on them.

Sea buckthorn bark is cut off immediately after winter ends. To do this, cuts are made on its branches in the form of a ring, then a longitudinal cut is made and two half-tubes of bark are removed. Dry it in air, finally drying it at a temperature of 35°C in a dryer.

Fruits for treatment and for cooking medicinal products are prepared for future use at the beginning of ripening, before frost, until they lose their elasticity. To make sea buckthorn oil, it is better to remove them after freezing. To do this, lay a cloth under the crown of the tree and shake off the fruits onto it. It is not advisable to shake off the fruits in sunny weather, since at this time their shell thaws and the integrity of the berries is easily damaged when harvested. Therefore, berries collected after the first frost are stored frozen, preventing them from thawing. Such fruits retain their healing properties for about six months.

Chemical composition of sea buckthorn

The berries of the plant contain B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, E, K1, P, carotenoids, carbohydrates, ascorbic, folic and organic acids, up to 7% sugars, flavonoids, tannins, nitrogen-containing compounds, fatty oil, phytoncides, trace elements.

Sea buckthorn oil contains sterols, fatty acid, choline, phospholipids, beatin and phytochiton. The chemical composition of the fruit and oil determines its properties.

Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil also has bactericidal, as well as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing properties. Local use of oil regulates metabolic processes occurring in the mucous membranes and skin.

Sea buckthorn juice is a storehouse of vitamins, primarily ascrbic acid. The juice and its fresh fruits stimulate digestion and have a bactericidal effect.

The use of sea buckthorn in folk medicine

Freshly picked fruits help with atonic constipation, low acidity of gastric secretions, during the treatment of toxic hepatitis, and are a natural multivitamin.

The juice of the fruit treats skin with purulent ulcers. Helps women take care of their skin as a skin firming, nourishing, tonic and emollient.

An infusion of sea buckthorn leaves in water is used for diarrhea; it is used for gout and rheumatism for baths.

Sea buckthorn bark extract in alcohol has a radioprotective effect and inhibits tissue proliferation in cancer patients.

Traditional medicine uses sea buckthorn oil externally and internally. It is used internally to normalize lipid metabolism in the liver. Sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers and duodenum helps improve tissue condition. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, the secretory activity of the pancreas (prevention of type 2 diabetes) and intestines, and increases the bioelectrical activity of the heart muscle. Systematic use of sea buckthorn oil improves the condition of vascular atherosclerosis. In such patients, angina attacks disappear and return to normal. arterial pressure, vegetative-vascular disorders occur less frequently. Suppositories made with sea buckthorn oil are used to treat hemorrhoids, anal fissures and proctitis.

Externally, sea buckthorn oil is used to treat trophic ulcers and burns, and to heal wounds; Sea buckthorn oil is used in gynecology for various inflammations and for healing uterine erosions. In ophthalmology, it helps heal damage to the cornea of ​​the eye.

For diseases of the ear, nose and throat, upper respiratory tract and to prevent them, oil inhalations are recommended. Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis are treated with oil.

Possibly at home. To do this, squeeze the juice out of the berries using a juicer. Dry the sea buckthorn cake, grind it (blender, coffee grinder), pour in sunflower vegetable oil 1:1.5 by weight. Keep it in the room stirring it from time to time. At the end of the third week, drain the liquid without sediment. This is sea buckthorn oil, ready for use.


The first thing gardeners pay attention to when describing the sea buckthorn plant is the difficulty in collecting its berries. Indeed, while the fruits are not yet ripe, it is impossible to remove them from the bush. And when they reach maturity, they literally burst in their hands. The name of the plant comes from what sea buckthorn looks like - its numerous berries tightly cling to the thorny branches, and in the absence special devices there is no need to collect them.

What sea buckthorn looks like: photo and description

In ancient times, sea buckthorn was widely known and revered as an effective remedy and a delicious product. In our country, only one species grows - sea buckthorn, which is a deciduous shrub or tree usually 1.5 to 3 m high. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, green above, silvery below. The fruits are yellow-orange or red.

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. On females, the flowers are pistillate, fruits set, and the harvest ripens. The male flowers have staminate flowers with pollen, which is carried only by the wind. No insects are involved in the fertilization process. For several female plants, you must have at least one male plant.

Sex differences become noticeable only 2-3 years after planting the seedling, when the plant begins to bear fruit.

Kidneys male plants 2-3 times larger than female ones, covered with several large dense brown scales. There are up to ten of them. At the very beginning of flowering, the buds of males are surprisingly similar to miniature pineapple fruits with a tassel, and before and after flowering they look like small pine cones. The kidneys of females are significantly smaller. They are covered with two covering scales and resemble the back of a small beetle with folded wings.

In conditions southern region sea ​​buckthorn blooms in early - mid-April, simultaneously with the appearance of the first leaves. Flowering lasts approximately one decade. Two or three windy days are enough for normal pollination.

Fruiting occurs on last year's growths. Therefore, the better the conditions and care were in the past year, the longer the growth was by autumn and a larger harvest can be expected.

Description of the best varieties of sea buckthorn

Forms are grown in amateur gardens various terms ripening, varying degrees of prickliness, different shapes and berry colors. Check out the photos and descriptions of the sea buckthorn varieties that are most popular among gardeners.

"Botanical"- medium-sized, spreading bush with a rounded umbrella-shaped crown, medium thorn. The fruits are elongated, yellow-orange, shiny, with an average weight of 0.7 g. The berries are semi-dry and easy to tear off.

"Golden Ear"- variety early date maturation. Trees with a compressed compact crown. The branches are short, well branched.

As you can see in the photo of this variety of sea buckthorn, its fruits are oval, light orange, almost yellow:

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"Baikal"- a universal variety of medium ripening period. The bush is weak-growing, slightly spreading. The spines are located in the upper part of the shoot, short, thin, weak, single. The berries are medium, oval in shape. The color of the berries is red-orange with dark-colored stripes.

"Golden Braid"- the plant is medium-sized, the spine is small. The variety is more technical. Suitable for all types of processing, but especially tasty juice with pulp. The fruits are small, yellow, with a short stalk.

"Baltic Surprise"- the crown is tall (up to 3 m), spreading. The fruits are small, red-orange, ovoid, moderately sour taste, fruit detachment is dry. Ripening period is late (end of September). This one is the best varieties Sea buckthorn is valued for a combination of such indicators as disease resistance, absence of thorns, high oil content, dry fruit detachment, and stable yield.

"Stolichnaya". The bush is medium-sized, with a pyramidal crown. The shoots are straight, greenish-brown with a silvery coating, rusty at the top. The spines are located under acute angle to escape.

Look how sea buckthorn of this variety looks in the photo - its fruits are large, orange-shiny with a red “tan” at the base:

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"Oil". The crown is well branched. There are few thorns. It bears fruit on thin, hanging branches; the leaf blades are smooth, narrower than other varieties, dark green, densely silvery on the underside. The bark is dark brown with a grayish tint, the fruits are ovoid, brownish-red, come off with the stalk and are not crushed. Ripen at the end of August.

"Orange". The crown is medium dense, oval. The shoots are brownish-green with summer branches. The leaves are yellowish-green, yellowish on the underside. According to the description, the berries of this sea buckthorn variety are similar to the fruits of the Golden Cob variety, but have an orange-red color. The length of the stalk is 7-10 mm. Ripens in the second half of September.

"Abundant". The plant is very tall, the crown is medium spreading, rounded. The leaves are large, green, slightly concave, with a curved tip, with yellow pubescence at the midrib. The fruits are cylindrical, dark orange. Ripen at the end of August. Suitable for use in fresh. Processed into juice, jam, compote, etc. The length of the stalk is 2-3 mm. The average yield per plant is 16 kg, the maximum is 20 kg.

"Giant". The crown is round-cone-shaped, of medium density, with a pronounced leader, branches of medium thickness. The bark is brownish-gray. The shoots are well developed, light green at the bottom and dark green with pubescence at the top. The leaves are dark green, long, folded in a boat so that their underside is visible. The fruits are cylindrical, orange. Ripen in the second half of September. At 5 years of age it produces a harvest of up to 9 kg. The fruits can be consumed fresh or processed into juice, compote, jam, etc.

Large sweet and sour varieties of sea buckthorn

Below is a description of varieties of sea buckthorn, characterized by large fruit and a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

"Botanical Amateur" It has a tall bush, a medium spreading, slightly pyramidal crown. The leaves are light green, heavily pubescent, with a silvery coating. The spine is weak. The fruits are oval, orange-yellow, large (12.5 x 10 mm). The taste is sour with a weak aroma, the flesh is juicy. Fruit detachment is dry and easy.

"Vorobevskaya"- a medium-sized variety, a spreading bush, with weakly spiny shoots at the top. Large fruits cylindrical Dogwood-like, orange-red, with a red spot at the top.

"Moskvichka". The bush is compact, medium-sized, with a slightly pyramidal crown. Medium ripening variety.

Pay attention to the photo of this sea buckthorn variety - its fruits are dark orange, large, sweet and sour, aromatic:

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"Altai News". The variety is winter-hardy, plant height is up to 4 m. It has a wide, spreading, strong crown. There are no thorns. The branches are slightly drooping. The leaf blades are large, dark green above, silvery below. The bark of the stem is light brown. The fruits are round, bright orange, with red spots at the ends. The taste is sweet and sour, without bitterness. Ripens at the end of August.

"Golden". Plant medium strength, height up to 2.7 m. Crown of medium density, spreading. The bark of the shoots is brown. The thorniness is weak. The leaves are dark green, concave, wide. The length of the stalk is 2-3 mm. This large variety sea ​​buckthorn with oval, orange fruits of sweet and sour taste.

"Excellent". Plant of medium vigor. The crown is sparse, spreading, the shoots are brown, of medium thickness, there are no summer shoots or thorns. The leaves are long, boat-shaped, green with a yellowish coating on the underside. The fruits are cylindrical, orange, large, sweet and sour taste.

"Nugget". The plant is of medium height, height up to 2.5 m. The crown is of medium density. The bark is brown, there are summer shoots. The thorniness is weak. The leaf blade is green, yellowish on the underside, flat, wide. The length of the stalk is 3-4 mm. The fruits are orange, oval, large, sour. The yield of 5-year-old trees is from 9.5 to 11.7 kg. The fruits ripen at the end of August and are suitable fresh and for processing.

"Chuyskaya"- has a low bush with a spreading crown. The thorniness is very weak, mainly at the ends of the shoots. It bears fruit early. The fruits are large, oval-cylindrical, orange. The sweet and sour fruits of this sea buckthorn variety ripen at the end of July.

"Dressy"- a medium-sized bush, with a compactly spreading crown, thick, straight, slightly spiny shoots. The fruits are large, oval-round, red-orange with a “tan” at the stalk and in the upper part; Fruit detachment is dry and easy. The taste is sweet and sour. The fruits ripen in August.

"Yellow Early"- a bush of medium height, with a medium spreading crown, straight thick, light brown shoots, practically without thorns. The fruits are large, oval-round, amber-yellow with a red spot at the stalk. The detachment of fruits at the beginning of mass ripening is dry, the taste is sweet and sour with pleasant aroma. The fruits ripen in mid-July.

"Caramel"- the plant is short (up to 1.9 m), the crown is spreading, the shoots are without thorns. The fruits are large, orange, oblong, with a long stalk. The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Fruit detachment is wet. The ripening period is early - mid-July.

"Dubovchanka"- the plant is low-growing, compact, the shoots are not thorny. The fruits are large, orange-yellow, cone-oval, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste. Fruit detachment is easy, dry, the stalk is long, convenient for harvesting. The average ripening period is the end of July.

Conditions for growing and caring for sea buckthorn

When breeding sea buckthorn, the conditions for growing the crop must be given Special attention. Sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant; it should not be planted in the shade of a tree or building. Therefore the most sunny place in the garden is allocated to this crop with a placement scheme of 2? 2 m.

For planting and caring for sea buckthorn, light weights are optimal. mechanical composition soil, with good air mode, moisture-intensive, filled with organic matter. Sea buckthorn does not tolerate heavy clays.

The root system of sea buckthorn is powerful, well branched, reaching up to 10 meters or more along the radii of the trunk in tall plants.

Up to 90% of active sea buckthorn roots are located in a soil layer from 10 to 40 cm. Moreover, large skeletal, conductive roots, similar to ropes, are found close to the soil surface. They tear easily when loosened and are injured by a hoe. Therefore, near the trunk, you should not cultivate the soil deeper than 5 cm. The root layer is relatively small and dries out quickly. Regular watering is required to saturate the soil to 50 cm.

Before growing sea buckthorn, the soil must be enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements. There is an opinion that there is no need to add nitrogen to sea buckthorn, since on its roots, like clover and others, there are nodules with bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen. But this is not enough: there are few nodules, they are not formed everywhere and not immediately, so they are not able to completely supply the plants with nitrogen.

How to grow sea buckthorn and care for bushes: feeding and fertilizers

When growing and caring for sea buckthorn, fertilizing with nitrogen should be eliminated from the second half of summer. At this time, they will already delay the ripening of fruits and the preparation of the plant for winter.

Potassium, like nitrogen, is easily washed away by melt, rain and irrigation water. Don't forget to replenish its reserves in the soil. For example, by adding ash, which also contains phosphorus.

Phosphorus, third required element food, sparingly soluble in water. Therefore, superphosphate should be dissolved in heated water. This property of phosphorus can be used to create centers of plant nutrition for 3-4 years.

In the process of caring for sea buckthorn, remember that young, sick or depressed plants perfectly absorb foliar feeding produced using a sprayer. In spring - urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), in summer - full mineral fertilizer, preferably with trace elements of the same concentration. From the second half of summer - and.

For getting bountiful harvests Intensive plant nutrition is necessary not only with mineral fertilizers, but also with organic fertilizers (mullein infusion diluted with water 1:10, or bird droppings - 1:20).

How to propagate sea buckthorn: planting and growing seeds and shoots

There are several ways to propagate sea buckthorn: chamois, shoots, layering, lignified and green cuttings, budding, grafting.

Growing sea buckthorn from seeds is the cheapest and fastest way to increase planting material. From the seeding material, a good half of the seedlings will turn out to be male, but this will become clear only in the 4th-5th year, when they enter puberty.

Before propagating sea buckthorn, the soil must warm up well. Seeds are placed 5 cm apart from each other in grooves 5 cm deep, spilled with Fitosporin solution, and 1-2 cm of sand or peat are poured on top. The distance between the grooves is 40 cm. To create a greenhouse effect, they are covered with a film on a low frame.

When growing sea buckthorn by seed, after planting, when two true leaves appear, the first thinning is carried out, the second - when there are five pairs of leaves. Excess seedlings can be replanted in places where seedlings are sparse. In the future, you need to ensure that the soil is moist all the time. Fitosporin-M should be added to irrigation water three times during the summer, which will prevent blackleg disease of crops. On permanent place seedlings are transplanted at a distance of 1 m from each other. After a few years, excess male specimens are removed and the plantings are adjusted so that the distance between plants is at least 2-2.5 m.

When propagated by layering, a low-lying branch is pressed and pinned to the ground, leaving only its top on the surface, sprinkled with soil, which is constantly kept moist. Soon the branch takes root and sprouts in the spring; by cutting it, several seedlings are obtained.

Growing sea buckthorn is also possible with shoots - this is an excellent planting material. To use it, you need in early spring Cover the shoot with damp soil to a depth of about 15 cm, and keep this mound moist. At the end of summer or early autumn, or even better, early spring of next year, rake the mound with your hands or wash it away with water from a hose, carefully sharp knife in a horizontal direction, the shoots are separated from the mother root (by this time it will have acquired own roots) and transplanted to a permanent place.

This transplantation should be done in the fall or spring before the leaves bloom, like all sea buckthorn plantings and transplants. IN further care usual: systematic watering, surface loosening, fertilizing, weed removal.

What is contained in sea buckthorn: composition and beneficial properties

Due to its composition and beneficial properties, sea buckthorn is a valuable food and medicinal plant. Vitamin-rich juices, syrups, and jellies are prepared from the berries. In combination with sugar 1:1.5, they are perfectly stored in room conditions, do not mold, do not ferment. To preserve vitamins, the berries are never boiled. Sea buckthorn contains carotenoids (provitamin A), vitamins C1, B1, B2, B6, K1, E, P, folic acid, carbohydrates, organic acids (malic, tartaric, oxalic), tannins, fatty acids, nitrogen-containing compounds, trace elements and phytoncides .

All parts of sea buckthorn have beneficial properties: healing substances are contained in the fruits, leaves, bark of branches, and roots.

Sea buckthorn, as a champion in biologically active substances, has long been transferred from simply tasty and healthy to the category of medicinal crops.

In ancient medicine of Greece, China, Mongolia, and Siberia, sea buckthorn was used as a tonic, vitamin, antiscrofulous, antisclerotic, and wound healing agent. For skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, even for chronic pneumonia, polyarthritis, as an astringent antidiarrheal agent.

Biologically active substances sea ​​buckthorn increases immunity, the body's resistance to infections, colds and various adverse conditions.

There is more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in sea buckthorn than in black currant. Some varieties even come close to rose hips. Vitamins C and P enhance each other's action and together give elasticity to small and large blood vessels, allowing them to stretch and prevent hemorrhages. Vitamin K also contributes to this. If we consider that sea buckthorn contains anti-sclerotic substances, then the beneficial effect of sea buckthorn on those suffering from cardiovascular diseases becomes clear. Vitamins K, B1 and sea buckthorn coumarins normalize blood clotting and at the same time prevent the formation of blood clots.

What else is contained in sea buckthorn, cultivated in amateur gardening? Its fruits contain a lot of serotonin. This substance, together with vitamins B1 and B2, was also discovered several years ago in sea buckthorn succinic acid play a large role in the normalization of the central nervous system, in the processes of excitation and inhibition. The effectiveness of treating gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcers, with sea buckthorn products is well known. Sea buckthorn juice and oil have a strong bactericidal effect, inhibiting typhoid and paratyphoid salmonella, staphylococci, and streptococcus aureus.

It is known that the May foliage of growing sea buckthorn is bactericidal and does not allow the number of bacteria in the air to increase, and the already “mature” (June) foliage is bactericidal and lethal to microorganisms.

Sea buckthorn contains ursolic, oleanolic and adsorbic acids, betaine and beta-sitosterol. These substances, plus vitamins A and E, successfully treat a number of gynecological diseases.

What does sea buckthorn treat and how to use it in folk medicine

Special healing properties Sea buckthorn oil has: it is widely used in the treatment of dozens of skin diseases, various burns, and frostbite. For hair loss, beginning baldness, and brittle nails, sea buckthorn oil, a source of vitamin A, is effective.

Considering the benefits of sea buckthorn, oil from its berries is recommended for use during radiation therapy for cancer of the esophagus and throat. Sea buckthorn products help remove salts from the body heavy metals and various toxins generously supplied with polluted air, food, water and produced by the body itself.

Sea buckthorn can also be used as an excellent cosmetic product, because cases of allergies to these berries are extremely rare. In cosmetic practice, the juice is used as a softening, tonic, nourishing and skin elasticizing agent.

There are two known contraindications for treatment with sea buckthorn or consumption of its products in significant quantities. This is pancreatitis, that is, inflammation of the pancreas, and gallstone disease.

Remember! Do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor, because the most healthy, tasty and harmless plant in excessive quantities can turn out to be dangerous.

IN medical practice Sea buckthorn oil is widely used, which can be successfully made at home. In Bulgarian herbal medicine, for example, instead of oil, it is recommended to apply fresh fruits to the affected areas of the skin.

Traditional medicine recommends sea buckthorn oil for oral administration. It improves lipid metabolism in the liver, protects biological membranes from the damaging effects of chemical agents, and is indicated after operations on the esophagus for those suffering from cancer and other diseases.

What else does sea buckthorn cure and why are its fruits valuable? To prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations with sea buckthorn oil are recommended.

Fresh fruits and sea buckthorn juice have a bactericidal effect and stimulate digestion. They are recommended for low acidity of gastric juice, atonic constipation, used in the complex treatment of patients with toxic hepatitis, and prescribed as a natural multivitamin.

Sea buckthorn is a plant whose fruits contain a large amount of natural vitamins. Sea buckthorn is widely used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Sea buckthorn is popularly called the “Orange Queen” and below you will understand why.

In nature, the medicinal plant sea buckthorn occurs in the form of shrubs or small trees. Trees can grow up to 3-4 meters in height. The branches are covered with small thorns, the leaves are green, slightly elongated.

Sea buckthorn begins to bloom at the end of May. Sea buckthorn has oval fruits, small size(about 10 mm), red-orange or orange-yellow.

The sea buckthorn plant grows in Russia, Europe, and Southern Siberia. Sea buckthorn prefers sandy soils, so it can be seen near reservoirs and lakes.

Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is one of those plants from which the human body benefits. Sea buckthorn improves tissue metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby making them less permeable. Sea buckthorn can also prevent tissue oxidation, that is, prevent skin aging, as it has antioxidant properties. It can relieve tissue inflammation, improve the course of various chronic diseases, and promote wound healing. Sea buckthorn bark has an antitumor effect.

Vitamins and microelements

Sea buckthorn berries contain vitamins C and A, groups of vitamins B, PP, P, K, E - no other plant has such an amount of vitamins.

The biologically active substances that nature has endowed with sea buckthorn make it not only a therapeutic agent, but also a preventive one. Sea buckthorn also contains 15 different microelements. Here are some of them: manganese, magnesium, sodium, calcium, aluminum, silicon, iron, titanium.

Sea buckthorn also contains valuable oil, organic acids, beta-carotene, sterols, phospholipids, flavonoids, alkaloids, leukoanthocyanins, phenolic acids, betaine, coumarins, inozide, rutin, pectin substances, serotonin, choline. It was they who made a small “bomb” from sea buckthorn, which is charged with the most valuable substances useful for health and beauty. Daily norm useful substances can be obtained from a glass of sea buckthorn juice or 100 grams of fresh berries.

Official and traditional medicine uses this medicinal plant both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for use

  • avitaminosis;
  • burns;
  • decreased immunity;
  • wounds;
  • colpitis;
  • bedsores;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • radiation damage to mucous membranes and skin;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • erosion;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the throat and esophagus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • decreased male potency;
  • nervous diseases.

Ways to use sea buckthorn

  • Sea buckthorn berries are used in the form of juice, oil, syrup, water decoction or infusion. Medicinal properties This plant is used to speed up the healing of wounds and reduce pain during various inflammatory processes.
  • Sea buckthorn is used internally for chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastritis, blood diseases, lack of vitamins, duodenal and stomach ulcers.
  • Externally, sea buckthorn berries are used in the form of water infusions and oils for skin diseases, burns, ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds. Widely used in gynecological practice, for defects and injuries of the cornea, eye burns, radiation and inflammatory lesions of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.
  • Compresses made from sea buckthorn leaves are used for rheumatoid arthritis, as they reduce painful sensations in the joints. For baldness, an infusion of sea buckthorn fruits is used (the infusion is taken orally and rubbed into the affected area).
  • Sea buckthorn oil is used in ENT practice for the treatment (the oil is injected into the maxillary sinus), pharyngitis (the mucous membranes are lubricated, inhalations are made), and laryngitis.
  • Persons working in hazardous industries are recommended to inhale using sea buckthorn oil.