About final qualifying work (bachelor's work). Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “State University of Management Registration of final qualifying work

About final qualifying work (bachelor's work).  Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “State University of Management Registration of final qualifying work
About final qualifying work (bachelor's work). Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “State University of Management Registration of final qualifying work

Order final qualifying work According to a unified regulation for all higher educational institutions, academic qualifications of graduates of various educational training programs must be published on corporate portals or official websites of institutions.


The National Research University Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics) has an extensive portal for introducing graduates of recent years to their graduate studies. The regulation for publishing scientific research and thesis on the HSE website is to check it with the Anti-Plagiarism system.

The HSE thesis can be viewed here - https://www. hse.ru/edu/vkr/

Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University, according to the 2016 resolution, has a database of qualifying works for graduates of all faculties. Full versions of protected works are posted on the official website of the university in the public domain - http://elib. s fu-kras.ru/handle/2311/21660.


You can view the list of links to finished works by graduates of Volgograd State University on the official website of the educational institution. The VKR catalog has a convenient classification by specialty and qualification - https://vogu35.ru/ref-vkr


The VKR of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University is a system for posting students’ final works based on the electronic support system for educational courses: http://vkr. pspu. ru/users/index

Peter the Great University

Final qualification works of bachelors and masters of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University are located in the unified electronic library of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University - http://elib.spbstu. ru/search/advanced

Each work is assigned a unique identifier, which allows its author to use it in his future professional activities.


Moscow Pedagogical State University publishes graduates' thesis on its official website, in the section dedicated to scientific research. The catalog indicates the year the work was written, its topic, information about the author - http://mpgu. su/nauka/vkr/ .


The TPU electronic scientific archive contains a large catalog of student works with the ability to search for the thesis of interest by the date of writing or its subject - http://earchive. tpu. ru/handle/11683/173.


Russian Economic University named after. Plekhanov has in the structure of the official website not only an electronic library of thesis of graduates of past years, but also topics of thesis of bachelor's and master's theses at different levels of preparation - https://www.rea.ru/ru/org/cathedries/finmngkaf/Pages/diplomnieraboti. aspx.

Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

The electronic information and educational environment of the Federal Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has included a portal of final qualifying works of graduates since 2013 - http://diplom.kifsin. ru.

It is possible to view texts in protected mode, and users can also comment on the WRC.


The electronic library system of NSPU has a database of final works of university students indicating the topic of the thesis, the place of its defense and information about the curator. Works have been posted on the portal since 2016 - https://lib. nspu. ru/elektronnye-resursy/vkr/index. php.


Full texts of scientific reports and graduation works in all areas of training at Tomsk State University are based in the TSU electronic library - http://www. lib. tsu. ru/ru/vypusknye-raboty-vr .


RosNOU's database of ready-made academic papers has a large number of bachelor's and master's theses on economic topics. The university's website contains recommendations for the design and protection of academic documents - http://www. rosnou. ru/humanities/plans/SO_1/dipl om_ SO/ .


The LETI electronic library system contains a collection of students' final qualifying works from 2016 to 2018. There is a classification according to the area of ​​training - http://library. eltech. ru/vkr. html.

RGPU named after. Herzen

RGPU named after. Several years ago, Herzen approved the regulations for posting finished student works in the university’s electronic library system - at the moment the catalog contains all scientific works of graduates that have been checked using the Anti-Plagiarism system - https://lib.herzen. spb. ru/p/elres-common.


Moscow City University has been offering a convenient system for searching for students’ completed graduation papers since 2015. Any WRC can be downloaded in pdf format -


  • Guidelines for preparing, writing and defending final qualification papers, 668.34kb.
  • Topics of final qualifying works in the field of "Economics" for the 2011-2012 academic year, 32.97kb.
  • Topics of final qualifying works in specialty 080109 “Accounting”, 67.62kb.
  • Methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of final qualifying works (VKR), 550.75kb.
  • And the program publishing house of the Moscow State Forest University Moscow 2010, 830.69kb.
  • Invitation card and program Moscow State University Publishing House, 833.38kb.
  • In Krasnoyarsk, methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of final qualifications, 767.81kb.
  • Methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of final qualification works St. Petersburg, 520.35kb.
  • Recommendations for organizing and conducting a competition for the best lectures by professors, 92.95kb.

    Methodical INSTRUCTIONS

    on preparation, writing and defense

    final qualifying work

    specialty 080109.65 “Accounting, analysis and audit”

    Compiled by: Ph.D., Associate Professor Evseeva I.V.

    О МФУА, 2011

    1. Introduction

    These guidelines are intended for students of all forms of study at the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law and the Moscow State University of Management, members of the Final Certification Commissions and teaching staff as a guide to the preparation and defense of Final Qualification Works (hereinafter referred to as the FQR). The guidelines determine the procedure for developing assignments, planning the structure, volume, content and design of the thesis, the timing of its preparation, submission for defense and organization of defense, as well as appropriate control and assistance to students at all stages of their work on the thesis.

    The VKR completes the process of theoretical, methodological and practical training of students. In the work, the student must independently, under the supervision of the head of the research and development work, develop a chosen topic that reflects current issues of accounting, auditing and analysis, show elements of creativity during the research, and analytically argue the proposed provisions and practical recommendations. The basis for the implementation of the IQR is an in-depth analysis of practical material based on an objective study of the features of accounting, organizing an audit and analysis of the results of the financial and economic activities of a particular enterprise for a certain period, as well as regulatory, statistical or other information and special literature on the subject of IQR.

    When writing the thesis, the knowledge acquired by graduates during their studies, as well as materials collected during their practical training, are used. An important role is played by the information that students receive and summarize while participating in work at the department, enterprises, and student scientific conferences.

    The subject of the research is general and specific issues of the specialty (or specialization) chosen by the student and the activities of modern commercial and budgetary enterprises and organizations. The graduate is recommended to familiarize himself with the domestic and foreign state of affairs and work experience on the problem being studied in the research and development work. If choosing budgetary organizations as a practical example, the student must, in the first chapter of the thesis, conduct a comparative analysis of the organization of accounting or auditing and analytical work in a budgetary and commercial organization (one of the paragraphs of the first chapter of the essay must be devoted to presenting this issue).

    Types of activities of graduates and tasks of professional activity

    Graduates of the specialty “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” must have a complex of professional knowledge in maintaining accounting (financial and management) records and preparing financial statements; confirmation of its reliability; analysis and assessment of intermediate and final results of the activities of organizations to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise in the status of various organizational and legal forms of their functioning. Graduate specialists are prepared for professional activities in the positions of: chief accountant; deputy chief accountant; accountant for accounting of sales and costs, taxes, fixed assets, material resources, financial results; accountant-analyst; financial manager; financial controller; auditor; auditor, etc.

    The objectives of the professional activities of graduates – accounting specialists are:

    • be strictly guided in your work by the current regulatory framework for regulating accounting;
    • participate in the development and implementation of the accounting policies adopted in the organization;
    • do not violate the rules and principles of accounting and reporting in force in the organization; consistently analyze accounting and reporting information;
    • process and summarize accounting and analytical information using modern statistical, economic, mathematical and instrumental research methods;
    • comprehensively analyze financial reporting data, professionally and competently interpret source and analytical information;
    • if necessary, be able to transform data from Russian financial statements according to IFRS rules;
    • use accounting and reporting data to develop informed management decisions for the development and strengthening of the organization’s economy;
    • control over the movement of goods and services, income and expenses, assets and capital; assessing the effectiveness of IP in using its resource potential;
    • based on economic analysis, comprehensively assess the feasibility and effectiveness of interaction with domestic and foreign partners; debtors and creditors; suppliers and contractors; formulate a strategy for the further development of business relations and tools for their implementation in the conditions of the current reality.

    Qualification requirements necessary for professional activities

    The requirements for a graduate’s professional training are determined by the tasks and content of his future activities in the specialty. The graduate must:

    know content and methods of implementation of the current regulatory framework for accounting - Russian regulations and accounting standards (PBU), the procedure for their application in the mode of continuous operation of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of business;

    be able to justify and participate in the development and implementation of the organization’s accounting policies, create a working chart of accounts for each area of ​​work;

    own principles and rules for maintaining current accounting, preparing financial statements for a month, quarter, year, as well as qualitatively interpret the dynamics of information contained in current, quarterly and annual reporting;

    apply in accounting and analysis, computer technologies and standard programs for processing accounting and analytical information;

    be able to analyze the information presented in the financial statements and evaluate, based on the existing data, trends in the growth (decrease) of assets, capital, liabilities, income, expenses, and financial results of operations; characterize the level of solvency and financial stability of the enterprise and the dynamics of profitability of sales, costs, equity and borrowed capital; justify the degree of extensiveness or intensity of use of the organization’s resource potential;

    own tools for transforming Russian financial statements and compiling them in accordance with the principles and requirements of IFRS;

    develop based on accounting information, reasonable recommendations and proposals for the establishment and development of a competitive business of the organization, for optimizing and increasing the efficiency of using resources and capital, developing control and operational functions for managing production and sales of products;

    analyze the effectiveness and scale of investment, innovation and financial activities, assess the effectiveness of new projects, promotion of goods to new markets and interaction of business partners;

    predict growth (decrease) trends in the final results of operations, develop interaction with domestic and foreign partners, improve product quality, strengthen the solvency and creditworthiness of the organization, which are the fundamental basis for the formation of the development strategy of business entities.

    An accountant, an accountant-analyst, an accountant-controller and an auditor solve their main professional tasks in commercial organizations in various sectors of the national economy, budgetary institutions, tax inspectorates, professional consulting agencies, audit firms and other institutions of the relevant profile. In addition, a graduate of the specialty 080109 “Accounting, analysis and audit” can continue their studies in graduate school, engage in teaching work in higher education, and work in government agencies of the relevant profile.

    Requirements for professional training of graduates and the corresponding ones
    state qualification tests

    The professional training of graduates is formed, first of all, in the process of studying general professional and special disciplines of the professional educational program, completing coursework, tests and classroom work, passing tests and exams. The level of training of specialists is objectively established in the conditions of state tests: passing the state exam in the specialty and defending the final qualifying work.

    The purpose of the state exam in the specialty is to test and evaluate the residual knowledge of students in such special disciplines as “Accounting Theory”, “Financial Accounting”, “Management Accounting”, “Accounting Reporting”, “IFRS”, “Accounting” ", "Audit", "Analysis of financial statements", "Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity", etc.

    At the state exam, the graduate must reveal the depth of general professional and special knowledge on modern pressing problems of the development of the country's economy and the activities of independently functioning business entities in a market economic system; logically justify the prospects for the development of principles and rules of accounting, preparation of financial statements and auditing in accordance with Russian and international standards; assess the dynamics of the most important indicators and identify the influence of factors on their changes and the causes of deviations; predict capital growth, growth in financial results of the organization, increase in return on assets, etc.

    When preparing answers to the questions on the ticket, students can only use the Program for preparing for the MDE , developed at the department.

    The final stage of state qualification tests is the defense of the final qualifying work.

    When defending the thesis, the graduate must briefly and constructively present the results of the work performed, justify his personal contribution to the development of the chosen area of ​​research in accounting, auditing and comprehensive economic analysis, draw conclusions and develop recommendations aimed at solving pressing issues in the work of joint-stock companies, companies, firms and state enterprises. In addition, he must have knowledge of modern rules (standards) of accounting and auditing, drawing up reporting and audit report, methods for conducting integrated environmental nomic analysis and assessment of the organization’s performance, identifying the complex amount of reserves, drawing up forecast (prospective) projects (plans) for their use.

    Goals and objectives of the final qualifying work

    Purpose The research carried out in the final qualifying work is to reveal the topic, factors, mechanisms and substantiate the directions (paths) for the development of accounting, reporting, economic analysis and audit in market conditions.

    Tasks research is theoretical and practical results that must be obtained in the final qualifying work, the results and solutions of which will contribute to the commercial success of the company (points of the Table of Contents in a condensed form)

    Item research is determined by the topic and plan of the final qualifying work, the relevance of which must be disclosed

    Object of study– commercial activity of an enterprise, organization, firm, on the materials of which the final qualifying work is carried out.

    The main objectives of the WRC are:

    • theoretical justification and disclosure of the essence, historical aspects, processes of reforming professional categories, phenomena and problems on the topic of professional development;
    • analysis of collected and processed practical (specific enterprise) material on the topic of research and development;
    - finding ways (ways, methods) to improve the organization of accounting, auditing and analytical work at the enterprise;

    Development of substantiated proposals for improving accounting practices, organizing audits and financial activities at a particular enterprise

    Work structure– introduction, its chapters, paragraphs, their sequence with justification of the logic of the study, conclusion, list of references, applications.

    Problems Research and solutions are justified using economic, mathematical and statistical research methods.

    The following sequence of completing the final qualifying work is advisable:

    Preparation of the WRC plan and determination of its structure;

    Selection of scientific, educational and educational literature and normative documentation, legislative acts;

    Selection of specific factual material, its generalization and systematization;

    Analysis of specific factual material;

    Conclusions and suggestions on the problems addressed in the work;

    Registration of work.

    In the process of completing the final qualifying work, the student is recommended to adhere to the following requirements:

    Target orientation of collecting and processing material;

    Clarity of construction of tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams;

    Logical sequence of presentation of the material;

    Required depth of research;

    Complete coverage of the work issues being considered;

    Convincing argumentation in justifying the importance of the issue under study;

    Brevity and accuracy of wording and presentation of work results;

    Evidence of conclusions;

    Competent presentation of the text of the work, its neat design.

    3. Organization and planning of graduation preparations

    qualification works

    Tasks of the graduating department and dean's offices

    The organization of the preparation of the WRC begins with the choice of its topic. For these purposes, the department provides students with an approved list of topics.

    The main requirements for the topics of the WRC are: relevance; direct connection with the possible practical application of graduates’ knowledge in accordance with the specialization in the field of training (specialty); sufficient provision of topics with the necessary literature and the possibility of using practical material.

    The selection of the topics of the academic research and their assignment to students is organized according to the schedule of the educational process. Students choose the topics of the thesis independently from the proposed list, guided only by their scientific interests, practical experience, and knowledge of special professional literature on the chosen problem. Students can also independently formulate the topic of the thesis, coordinating it with the head of the department. Supervisors are required to assist students in choosing topics.

    Having chosen the topic of the thesis, the student submits an application in the prescribed form to the head of the graduating department. An application will be accepted only indicating the name of a specific enterprise or organization, on the example of which the research and development work will be carried out. The name of the topic indicated in the application must fully correspond to the title of the topic on the title page of the thesis, the assignment for the thesis, the response and review of the thesis.

    The head of the department determines the head of the research and development work in accordance with the chosen topic and submits to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs lists of students indicating their chosen topics and enterprises, as well as the candidacies of the leaders of the research work. The heads of the research and development committee are appointed from the teaching staff and attracted practitioners in the field of accounting, analysis and audit. Assignment of thesis topics and supervisors to graduates is carried out by order of the Rector.

    When selecting the heads of the graduate work, the graduating department ensures strict adherence to the professional compliance of the candidacy for the head of the graduate work with the specialization (specialty) to which the graduate work belongs. The head of the research and development team, as a rule, must have an academic degree (title) or be a practitioner with proven experience in the field of accounting, analysis and audit.

    Preparation of academic and technical qualifications by students according to forms of study is carried out according to the approved schedule of the educational process. The head of the graduating department and the dean are personally responsible to the administration for compliance with the established deadlines and the quality of preparation for the defense of the thesis carried out in the department. The schedule for completing the WRC is an internal working document and is not intertwined with the content in the WRC.

    Assignment to complete the research and development work

    After assigning topics to the students and appointing the leaders of the thesis, the latter, together with the students, develop, clarify and coordinate with the head of the department the task for completing the thesis, formatting them according to the established template. The assignment for completing the master's work is the basis for the development of a schedule and plan for the preparation of the master's work by the head of the master's work and the student. The assignment should briefly outline the initial data for implementation and the content of the work. In the section “Initial data for work” it is necessary to indicate the regulations, literature and reporting data of the organization on the example of which the research and development work is being carried out. The section “Content of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed)” should set out the issues that will be considered in each chapter of the work. “The contents of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed)” should include questions from the Table of Contents of the WRC.

    WRC implementation schedule

    The schedule for the implementation of the WRC includes the following stages: development of a work plan and an indicative list necessary for the analysis of regulatory, scientific, statistical, and practical materials;

    • compilation of a preliminary bibliography on the topic of the WRC;
    • collection of information and its processing;
    • writing the first (theoretical) part of the work;
    • writing the second (analytical) part of the work;
    • writing the third (recommendation) part of the work;
    • writing an introduction and conclusion;
    • presentation of the first edition of the work to the head of the research and development work;
    • preparation of the final version of the work, its design and submission for review to the head of the research and development work;
    - reviewing the work.
    • preparation of preliminary protection of VRC.

    No later than 1 month before the start of the Final Certification Commission, the head of the department, together with the heads of the graduate work, conducts an interim analysis of the degree of preparation of works for defense. Students who do not complete the assignments on time are not allowed to defend themselves.

    The terms of work of the Final Attestation Commission are established by the dean’s office of the faculty.

    Plan of final qualifying work

    The next important document is the detailed WRC plan. It is developed by the student and approved by the head of the graduate work on the basis of the assignment within two weeks after its receipt. The WRC plan specifies the list of issues under consideration, the names of chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections) of the WRC, the composition of the literature involved, and the objects and sources of obtaining practical material are determined. In the process of drawing up the plan, the theoretical level and practical significance of the WRC as a whole are predetermined. It is necessary to take into account that the presentation of individual sections (paragraphs) should be subordinated to the disclosure of the topic as a whole. The structure of the plan should be logical, the issues planned for development should be specific and interrelated.

    The WRC plan includes:

    • introduction, which substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines the purpose and objectives, subject and object of research;
    • three chapters where the theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem under study are considered, the degree of development of individual issues is noted, and a brief description of the object (enterprise) being studied is given; the existing state of accounting, analysis and audit at the enterprise is analyzed, recommendations or directions for improving the accounting, analysis and audit of the enterprise are formulated with justification
    The chapter ratio is 30:35:15.
    • the effectiveness of individual proposals;
    - a conclusion containing the results of the work carried out in all chapters. The WRC plan can be refined in the process of performing the work, depending on the progress of the research of the problem, the availability of educational and practical material.

    Collection and processing of practical material

    The collection of practical material is carried out by the student, as a rule, during pre-graduation practice (or independently) and is a critical stage in the preparation of the thesis. Its quality and objectivity of conclusions will largely depend on how correctly and completely the practical material is selected and analyzed. The facts and digital material presented in the WRC must be logical, justified and interconnected.

    The analysis of practical material should be carried out in a certain sequence. First of all, the purpose and objectives of the analysis should be determined, i.e. the final result, which should reflect the essence of the problem under consideration. Then the set of indicators (or criteria) necessary for the analysis is determined, the approximate sequence of their calculation (definition) is determined, and methods and materials for conducting the analysis are studied.

    After selecting characteristic indicators (criteria) and methodologies, the student proceeds directly to the analysis of the collected material. Not only the system of generalizing indicators is analyzed, but also private indicators and their determining factors in the dynamics of the development of the problem (issue, object) under study over the past 3-5 years (at most, at the beginning and end of the reporting period). Then the identified trends are formulated and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics are given.

    Systematization, analysis and processing of practical material presuppose the mandatory use of tables, diagrams, graphs, drawings, diagrams in the research work, which not only contribute to the clarity of the material presented on the pages of the work, but also more convincingly reveal the essence of the study.

    Collection and processing of practical material is the most labor-intensive stage in the preparation of the thesis. In order to speed up the processing of such material, it is recommended to widely use reference information systems and computer technologies.

    Structure and content of final qualifying work

    The most optimal structure for constructing a work is a structure that includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

    The work should not contain self-references; it is better to present it in the first person plural. For example, “we conducted a study,” “in our opinion, it seems appropriate.”

    The WRC should consist of interconnected theoretical, practical and recommendatory parts:

    1. Introduction 3 pages

    In the introduction you need:

    • justify the relevance of the chosen topic; state the purpose, objectives, object, subject, research. Describe the enterprise, using the example of which the WRC is carried out.
    • define the goal and list specific tasks set for solution in the WRC; formulate an object, subject, research.
    • indicate the organization whose materials are used when performing research and development work.
    2. Chapter 1.

    Theoretical and methodological assessment of the problem being studied. Contains 3-4 paragraphs, 25-30 pages.

    In this part, based on the study of literature and legal acts, the role and essence of the problem under study, the need and possibility of its in-depth analysis and reform taking into account modern requirements and computer technologies are revealed, the choice of methodology and specific techniques for the student’s work to reveal the tasks set in the research and development work is justified . A brief description of the degree of development of individual aspects of the problem (object) is given, their shortcomings are indicated and the main ways of improvement are outlined. When quoting, be sure to indicate the source. Literal borrowing of text, expressions from textbooks, specialized literature, normative and instructional materials without references, as well as unrevised photocopying and scanning of text is unacceptable.

    The chapter should end with conclusions on the state of knowledge of the issue and directions for its improvement.

    3. Chapter 2.

    Practical part. Contains 3-5 paragraphs, 30-35 pages.

    The first paragraph of the second chapter of the work (2.1) should be called “2.1. Brief description of the enterprise" and contain a diagram of the organizational structure of the enterprise, a description of its organizational and legal form and types of activities.

    The analytical part of the research work is carried out on materials from the activities of a particular enterprise, collected by the graduate independently or during internship, using literary sources, computer and reference information systems, statistical information, various forecast, legislative, regulatory and other data. The composition of the analyzed problems and indicators (criteria) are determined by the work plan of the WRC and are specified by the head of the WRC.

    In the process of analysis, trends and features of the organization of accounting and auditing at the enterprise are identified. The rates and patterns of change in individual indicators, the relationships between them, and factors influencing the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are analyzed. In addition, the analysis should reveal the reasons for the negative aspects of the object’s activities and determine ways to improve the efficiency of its work.

    This part of the WRC ends with specific conclusions based on the results of the presentation of accounting and auditing practices at the enterprise, as well as the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    Methodological literacy and depth of presentation of the materials in Chapter 2 of the Higher Contemporary Study characterizes the professional qualities of the graduate and his ability to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

    The first paragraph of the chapter should be devoted to a description of the areas of activity of the enterprise that require improvement; the second and third paragraphs contain the essence of the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of accounting and auditing at the enterprise or its economic activities with the calculation of the economic effect of the proposals made.

    The qualitative level of the materials presented in the second chapter predetermines the practical significance of the WRC, which is specified in Chapter 3 of the WRC. The recommendatory part of the WRC (Chapter 3) is developed based on the results of Chapters 1-2, summarizing the experience of similar recommendations and the use of special literature.

    It is necessary to identify the main groups of proposals for a substantiated or improved solution to the issues considered in the WRC. For example, recommendations can be divided into groups: organizational, methodological, economic, social and other in nature in the field of accounting, analysis and audit. After this, individual proposals are specifically formulated, and the feasibility of their implementation at the object under study is justified.

    Each recommended proposal is accompanied by a statement of its essence and content, and professional justification. The location of the possible implementation of the proposal at a specific enterprise, its possible impact on the organization of accounting and auditing practices, as well as the financial results of the enterprise are determined. The depth of development of individual proposals and the justification for their effectiveness are established together with the supervisor, depending on the content and importance of the recommendation.

    The chapter should end with a brief summary of the practical significance of the recommendations developed.

    5. Conclusion. 2-4 pages.

    The conclusion is the final part of the entire WRC. Here, based on the conclusions drawn in each chapter, the main theoretical and practical developments of the thesis are briefly summarized, the most important conclusions drawn in each chapter are given, and, in a generalized form, the effectiveness of the recommended proposals is shown. The conclusion should contain mainly textual material; it is not recommended to include in the conclusion numerical calculations that duplicate the results of the analysis.

    6. List of sources used (bibliography). Contains 25-30 items.

    7. Applications.

    The basic provisions, analysis and practical recommendations of the WRC must be based on specific materials from the enterprise’s activities. They may be:

    1. Accounting and statistical reporting of the enterprise.
    2. Accounting policy (Order on accounting policy).
    3. Audit program and report.
    4. Turnover balance sheets.
    5. Primary accounting documents, etc.
    In applications it is necessary to include voluminous tables that occupy 1.5-2 or more pages, as well as unfilled table layouts.

    The volume, composition and content of applications are determined together with the head of the project, depending on the nature of the topic being developed and recommendations.

    4. Registration of final qualifying work

    The written document must be tightly bound. An information sheet for the archival service should be attached to the hard cover (made in a bookbindery, can be laminated) (see Appendix 1 “Appearance of the VKR (photo)” and Appendix 2 “Information sheet for the archival service”).

    Weaving sequence of VKR:

    1. Title page (see Appendices).

    2.Task (see Appendices).

    3. Feedback from the manager (see Appendices). Binding an empty file, then inserting a Review into it.

    4.Review (see Appendices). Binding an empty file, then inserting a Review into it.

    5.List of accepted abbreviations (optional) (see Appendices).



    List of accepted terms (optional) (see Appendices).

    List of sources used (see Appendices).

    Applications (required).

    About final qualifying work (bachelor's work)


    decision of the Academic Council of the State University of Management

    (protocol No. 07)

    Moscow, 2015

    List of abbreviations and designations, conceptual apparatus

    1.1. Abbreviations and designations:

    1.1. Conceptual apparatus:

    Graduate department – a department that coordinates the entire educational process in a separate direction(s), focus (profile(s)) of training, individual specialties of students, and also ensures the implementation of final qualifying works and other forms of final certification of graduates in the direction of training (profile).

    Direction of training – a set of educational programs for students, characterized by a single commonality of fundamental training.

    Focus (profile) of the educational program– characteristics of the educational program, determining its orientation towards specific areas of knowledge and (or) types of activity, its subject-thematic content, the predominant types of educational activity of the student and the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program within the framework of the field of study as a whole.

    General provisions

    1.1. The Regulations on the final qualifying work (bachelor's work) of students in bachelor's training programs at the State University of Management (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes the procedure for preparing and defending the bachelor's work of students in bachelor's training programs at the State University of Education.

    Defense of the bachelor's thesis is the final stage of the State Examination, based on the positive results of which the State Examination Committee makes a decision on awarding the qualification “bachelor” in the direction of preparation and issuance of a diploma of higher education of the established form.

    1.1. A bachelor's thesis is an independent completed study on a given (selected) topic, written personally by the graduate under the guidance of a supervisor, demonstrating the level of preparedness of the graduate for independent professional activity. A bachelor's thesis can be based on materials learned by the graduate during internships and the completion of coursework (projects), research papers or other work related to the topic of the bachelor's work during the training period.

    1.1. To prepare a bachelor's thesis, the student is assigned a supervisor of the bachelor's thesis and, if necessary, a consultant (consultants) for the preparation of the bachelor's thesis from among the scientific and pedagogical workers of the State University of Education.

    1.1. Bachelor's work is not subject to review.

    Defense of bachelor's thesis

    1.1. Responsibility for the content of the bachelor's work and the accuracy of all data provided is borne by the student - the author of the bachelor's work.

    1.1. Students who have successfully completed the entire educational program in the areas of higher education, who have successfully passed state exams and submitted their bachelor's thesis with feedback from their supervisor within the established deadlines are allowed to defend their bachelor's thesis.

    1.1. The defense of a bachelor's thesis is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule for state certification tests at a meeting of the State Examination Committee in the relevant field of study. The procedure for conducting and defending a bachelor's thesis is determined by local regulations of the State University of Management.

    1.1. The decision of the State Examination Committee on the final assessment is based on the assessments of:

    1.1.1. the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis for the quality of the work, the degree of its compliance with the requirements for the bachelor's thesis;

    1.1.1. members of the State Examination Committee for the content of the bachelor's thesis, its defense, including the report and answers to questions.

    1.1. The procedure for appealing the results of defending a bachelor's thesis is determined by the local regulations of the State University of Management.

    1.1. The results of the state examination for defending bachelor's theses are discussed at meetings of graduating departments and the academic council of the institute (faculty, educational structural unit).

    Storage of bachelor's works

    7.1. Bachelor's work in paper form is transferred to the archive, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the State University of Management.

    7.2. Bachelor's theses created in the Microsoft Word text editor are stored in electronic form on CD-RW at the graduating department for five years, and then are subject to destruction in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the State University of Education.

    Appendix 1


    I ask you to approve the topic of the final qualifying work (bachelor's work):_______________________________________________________________




    The topic of the final qualifying work (bachelor's work) has been agreed with the supervisor _____________________________________________________________________

    (position; academic degree, title, last name and initials)


    "___" ____________201_ ___________________________

    (date) (student’s signature)


    (signature of the manager)

    Appendix 2


    «___» __________ 201_ Moscow No. _____

    Appendix 3

    A N N O T A T I O N

    Appendix 5

    Form of assignment for bachelor's work


    Appendix 6

    Example of a list of abbreviations

    List of abbreviations

    AN RF ARM AUP Vest. Moscow State University VNIIDAD State Duma of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation GSDOU D. EFAST EOC EU ECOMAR ESO IPS L. M., St. Petersburg. ILO MIS Ministry of Justice ILO ICC MUP VAT R&D UN Op. ORD PPP PSZ S. MEDIA SPP TC RF TNVED TNK USD F. Fax. ed. Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation automated workstation administrative and managerial personnel magazine "Bulletin of Moscow University". Series "Law" gross domestic product All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs State Duma of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation State system of documentation support for management business European Free Trade Association European Quality Organization European Union European Society for Public Opinion and Marketing Research International Organization for Information Standardization -search engine list of abbreviations from “Moscow”, “St. Petersburg”. Moscow Labor Bureau marketing information system Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation International Labor Organization International Chamber of Commerce municipal unitary enterprise value added tax research and development work United Nations inventory organizational and administrative documentation application package complete collection of laws page (not “page. "). mass media Collection of Government resolutions Labor Code of the Russian Federation commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity transnational corporation unified documentation system fund facsimile edition

    Appendix 7

    Appendix 8

    Appendix 9

    Basic requirements for registration

    Bachelor's work

    1. Bachelor's work is prepared in accordance with GOST 7.32 – 2001 as amended. Changes No. 1 of December 1, 2005, IUS No. 12, 2005 (Report on research work); GOST R 7.0.7–2009 Articles in magazines and collections. Publishing design; GOST R 7.0.5–2008 (Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation); GOST 7.1-2003 (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation); GOST 7.80-2000 (Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules of compilation), GOST 7.82–2001 (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules of compilation); GOST 7.0.12–2011 (Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules).

    1. A bachelor's thesis in one copy, bound in a special folder or bound in a stitched calico cover, will be accepted for defense.

    1. Bachelor's work is carried out in any printed way using a printer on one side of a sheet of white single-grade A4 paper with one and a half intervals (it is allowed to present tables and illustrations on A3 sheets); When printing, a black font is used in the Microsoft Word text editor – Times New Roman Cyr, font size (point size) – 14, justified; size of the right margin of the page text – no less than 10 mm, top – no less than 20 mm, left – no less than 30 mm and bottom – no less than 20 mm; each page should contain 27-30 lines of 60-65 characters per line; the paragraph must begin with a red line (indent – ​​12.7 mm).

    1. The pages of the bachelor's work must be numbered in Arabic numerals at the bottom of the sheet in the center. The numbering is continuous - from the title page to the last page of the work, starting with the “Introduction”.

    1. A new section (introduction, conclusion, chapters, list of used sources and literature, appendices) begins on a new page; paragraphs are not divided into component parts.

    1. The titles of sections, as well as “Introduction”, “Conclusion”, “List of used sources and literature” are printed in capital letters in bold type, in the center of the line.

    1. The tables presented in the text of the bachelor's work are placed on one sheet, without hyphenation, immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals, continuous numbering throughout the entire work. Each table must have a number and a title. The title and the word "Table" begin with a capital letter. The table name is placed above the table on the left, without indentation, on one line with its number separated by a dash. All tables are provided with links in the work. When referencing, you should write the word “table” indicating its number.

    1. Illustrative material (drawings) is placed along the text immediately after the link to it, or on the next page in compliance with serial numbering.

    1. Graphs, diagrams, diagrams and other graphic material are designed only as drawings and have a serial number and captions. Figure captions and the word “Figure” begin with a capital letter. The drawings are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The number and title of the picture are placed at the bottom of the picture, aligned to the left, without paragraph indentation, on one line with its number separated by a dash.

    1. Formulas are placed on separate lines in the middle of the sheet or inside text lines.

    1. The bachelor's thesis contains bibliographic references to the scientific literature and sources used. By location, bibliographic references are intratextual, placed in the text of the work. To connect bibliographic references with the text of the document, a reference sign is used, which in the text of the document is enclosed in square brackets indicating the serial number of the source from the list of used sources and literature and its page number.

    1. Applications begin on a new page in the order in which links to them appear in the text, and have a heading indicating the word Application, its serial number and name. Applications are not included in the established scope of bachelor's work, but are subject to page numbering.

    Appendix 10

    Change registration sheet

    about final qualifying work (bachelor's work)

    students in bachelor's programs at State University of Education


    decision of the Academic Council of the State University of Management

    (protocol No. 07)

    6.3.2. Characteristics of final qualifying work (GQR) (bachelor's work)
    Requirements for the content, volume, structure, and procedure for conducting final qualifying work in the field of study within the EP are developed on the basis of the “Regulations on final qualifying work (bachelor’s work) of students in bachelor’s training programs at the State University of Education.”

    The final qualifying work is the final stage of the learning process. When preparing and defending a final qualifying thesis, the student must demonstrate his abilities and capabilities in solving real problems of management and economics in industry, creatively using the knowledge acquired over the years of study.

    The purpose of the final qualifying work is to consolidate and further deepen the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by students in the field of economics of enterprises and organizations, economics of corporate production systems, economics and management in industry.

    The objectives of the final qualifying work are for students to demonstrate knowledge in the field of:

    • situational analysis of existing economic systems and management systems;

    • organizational modeling of management systems of the company and its structural divisions, taking into account international experience;

    • analysis of the efficiency of production and economic activities;

    • marketing methods of market analysis;

    • innovative strategy and tactics of companies;

    • long-term economic planning, planning of production and sales of products, including using e-commerce.
    Students must show:

    • the ability to independently solve practical problems in the mutual coordination of several related disciplines;

    • research skills in system analysis and design;

    • ability to use methods of economic and mathematical modeling, modern information technologies;

    • ability to work with various sources of information, specialized literature;

    • ability to logically and scientifically formulate theoretical and practical recommendations, analysis results, design solutions and measures for their implementation.

    The department annually develops (updates) an approximate list of thesis topics, based on the scientific interests of the department, professional guidelines of employers, and approves it at a meeting of the department. An approximate list of topics for the thesis is sent to the educational and methodological department of the institute within three working days after its approval at a department meeting.

    The department communicates to students an approximate list of topics for the graduate work no later than June 25 of the year preceding the year of completion of the student’s training, posting it on the bulletin board of the graduating department and on the official website of the graduating department (if available).

    The student must choose the topic of the thesis no later than 8 months before the planned defense period. The student has the right:

    • select one topic from the indicative list of WRCs;

    • propose your own topic for the thesis, based on the scientific interests of the department and your own preferences, but within the framework of the direction of training, focus (profile) of the educational program.
    When considering the student’s own topic for the thesis, the head of the department has the right to reject it with reason or, with the student’s consent, reformulate it.

    Section 7. Other normative and methodological documents and materials ensuring the quality of training of students

      1. Regulations on the point-rating system for assessing the quality of mastering basic educational programs (if it is used).
    For the effective implementation of EP, the technology of a point-rating system for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities is used. The system allows you to evaluate the quality of students’ training at all stages of knowledge acquisition. This system is implemented for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students.

    Local Regulations on BRS




    Institute, department

    IOM, Department of Economics and Management in Construction


    Type of final control, general distribution of points

    The rating assessment of students in a professional discipline consists of the current work in the semester (maximum 60 points), including assessment for attendance, activity and completion of academic work


    Distribution of points for the semester by type of academic work, deadlines for submitting the results of academic work (if necessary)

    All clarifications regarding the distribution of points are carried out by the teacher on a routine basis. The department stores the approved BRS regulations for each discipline. The student has the right to access it if the need arises.

    Information about the system is brought to the attention of students at the first training session.


    Criteria for recalculating points when passing into a traditional assessment based on the results of work in the semester and the test

    40 points or less - “not accepted”

    56 - 60 – “credited automatically

    50 - 55 “passed”

    Students who have scored 41 points (31+10=41 points) and above during the semester are allowed to take the final control (test).


    Criteria for recalculating exam scores into a traditional assessment based on the results of work in the semester and test

    40 points or less - “not admitted to the exam”

    50-60 “admitted to the exam”

    60 – “admitted to the exam” automatically

    Students who have scored 41 points (31+10=41 points) and above during the semester are allowed to take the final control (exam).


    Criteria for admission to the final control, the possibility of receiving automatic credit in the discipline, receiving bonus points, applying an increasing or decreasing coefficient, etc.

    Students who score 41-49 points in a semester may be asked to complete additional educational tasks to gain points.

    Students who have scored 60 points during the semester can automatically apply for a credit grade.

    Bonus points (in addition to the total number of points) can be awarded for participation in scientific work, significant educational and extracurricular activities of the department


    Forms and types of academic work for unsuccessful (returned to the course of study) students to gain points at the end of the academic semester.

    If the test has a total score of 40 points or less, the student, in agreement with the teacher, must submit existing debts or complete additional academic assignments. The form, type and timing of additional educational assignments are determined by the teacher individually

    7.2. Agreements on the procedure for implementing joint educational programs with foreign and Russian partners and mobility of students and teachers.

    The department is implementing a project of international cooperation with the People's Republic of China for the preparation of bachelors under the double degree program and mutual internship of students. Cooperation is carried out with Ningbo University on the basis Agreements between State University of Management (RF) and Ningbo University (PRC) dated June 16, 2014 (valid until June 30, 2019)

    The educational program in the profile “International Management” of the training direction “Management” - “International Business of Industrial Goods” of the Institute of Industry Management at the Department of International Manufacturing Business of the State University of Management is designed to train managers with bilingual language training to meet the demand for specialists in the actively developing Russian-Chinese business project cooperation. Along with fundamental training in management, applicants who graduate from Chinese and English language schools have the opportunity to continue language training. Our students, after two years of study at GMU, will continue to study at Ningbo University (PRC) and will receive two diplomas, Russian and Chinese, upon successful completion of the study program. Students undergo language practice in the country of the language they are studying, passing the relevant exams in Chinese (HSK), English (IELTS, TOEFL) and practical training in enterprises and organizations of the People's Republic of China. Our program provides a unique advantage in training a manager with a foreign language. Scientific supervisor (curator) of the program – Ph.D., Associate Professor F.F. Sharipov.
    List of OP developers

    Educational program for bachelor's training "Corporate Economics" in the profile "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations" in the direction of "Economics"


    university of management

    Head of the Department of International Manufacturing Business, Doctor of Economics, Professor

    I.N. Ivanov


    university of management

    Associate Professor of the Department of International Manufacturing Business, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

    A.I. Cerebral


    university of management

    Associate Professor of the Department of International Manufacturing Business, Ph.D.

    I.A. Kovaleva


    university of management

    Professor of the Department of International Manufacturing Business, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

    N.A. Volkova

    List of OP experts

    5.1. The student – ​​the author of the work – is responsible for the content of the thesis and the accuracy of all data provided.

    5.2. The defense of the thesis is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule for state certification tests at a meeting of the State Examination Committee for the relevant educational program. The procedure for conducting and protecting the research and development work is determined by the local regulatory act of the State Administration.

    5.3. Students who have successfully completed the entire educational program in the field of higher education, who have successfully passed state certification tests (state exams) and who have submitted the thesis with feedback from the supervisor within the prescribed time frame are allowed to defend their thesis.

    5.4. The defense begins with a graduate’s report on the topic of the thesis. Up to 10 minutes are allotted for the report on the master's degree of the bachelor's educational program. During the presentation, a presentation of the WRC can be used, illustrating the main issues of the speech, and handouts (illustrative) material can be prepared that clearly characterizes the main provisions and results of the WRC. Sample title page of handout (illustrative) material in Appendix 9.

    5.5. The decision of the State Examination Committee on the final assessment is based on the assessments of:

    The head of the thesis for the quality of the work, the degree of novelty, practical significance, validity of the conclusions and recommendations made by the author based on the results of the study, the degree of its compliance with the requirements for the final qualifying work;

    Members of the State Examination Committee for the content of the work, its defense, including the report, and answers to questions.

    5.5. The procedure for appealing the results of the defense of the thesis is determined by the local regulatory act of the State Administration of Ukraine.

    5.6. The results of the State Examination on thesis defenses are discussed at meetings of graduating departments and academic councils of academic structural divisions.

    Storage of final qualifying work

    6.1. The original thesis on paper is provided to the graduating department no later than five working days before the date of defense of the thesis.

    After protection, the research documents on paper are transferred to archival storage and stored for five years, after which they are destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

    6.2. The thesis on electronic media in PDF format with a scanned title page, annotation, assignment for the thesis and the last plagiarism check sheet is submitted by the student to the graduating department. Placing graduates' thesis on the appropriate section of the University website is a mandatory final stage of working with the graduates. The graduating department and the personal head of the graduating department are responsible for collecting and posting full-text electronic versions of the graduates' thesis.

    Appendix 1

    Application form for approval of the topic of final qualifying work

    from the student__________________________________________

    (Last name, first name, patronymic)


    (full-time, part-time, correspondence courses)

    Course ______ group

    areas of training


    educational program


    tel. mob.______________________________

    email address ________________


    I ask you to approve the topic of your final qualifying work: _________________________


    The topic of the final qualifying work has been agreed upon with the supervisor _______________________________________________________________________________

    (academic degree, academic title, position, last name and initials)


    “___” ____________20__ ______________________________

    (student’s signature)


    (signature of the manager)

    Appendix 2

    Form of the title page of the final qualifying work

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    higher education



    Final qualifying work

    (topic of final qualifying work)
    Direction of training
    (code) (Name)
    Educational program
    (name of educational program)
    (signature) (Last name and initials)
    Head of the Research and Development Committee
    (signature) (academic degree, title, last name and initials)
    Standard controller
    (signature) (Last name and initials)

    Allow for protection

    Moscow – 20__

    Appendix 3

    Annotation form for final qualifying work