About family planning. Formulate your rules for housekeeping: zoning your apartment for efficient cleaning. Economical management of the family budget

About family planning.  Formulate your rules for housekeeping: zoning your apartment for efficient cleaning.  Economical management of the family budget
About family planning. Formulate your rules for housekeeping: zoning your apartment for efficient cleaning. Economical management of the family budget

Today I would like to talk again about one of the components of an ideal wife, this is the role of a housewife. It's no secret that housekeeping is an art. And if we want to become an ideal wife, we need to master this art.

Work, home, lunches, laundry......and so on in a circle, every day. Daily worries consume all my time. And how to manage everything, how to plan your affairs so that the house is clean, the family is fed, everything is washed, ironed, and you don’t want to forget about yourself.

We will try to examine this exciting topic. I want to talk about the FlyLady system by Marla Seelly, which gives specific advice on housekeeping, and claims that in the process of passing simple steps By organizing your home, other areas of life are also improved.

Marla Cilley shares how to deal with CHAOS and clutter in your home and life. There was a moment when real chaos reigned in her house, and unexpected guests caused horror. But she found the strength to cope with this chaos, and he left her life forever.

She got there by taking one step at a time, and if you want, you can too.

But how do you know if you need these tips? You need them if:

You live in eternal CHAOS (the “God forbid, someone walks in” syndrome).

Guests are coming to your place, and you are in despair.

Your windows are so dirty that you can’t tell whether it’s cloudy or sunny outside.

You yell at the children.

You can't find anything in the house.

You are always in a bad mood - for a reason unknown to you.

Getting up in the middle of the night, you ran into something in the dark.

If at least one of the above definitions applies to you, then these tips are for you.

Eleven Commandments of Flylady

1. Keep your kitchen sink sparkling.

2. Perform the Morning Ritual as soon as you get up. And Evening - every time before bedtime.

3. Dress carefully every morning, even if you don’t feel like it.

4. Don’t try to take on two things at once. One thing at a time!

5. Don't get distracted by the computer.

6. Clean up after yourself. If you take out something, put it back in its place as soon as the need for it has ceased.

7. Try to finish work as quickly as possible - then you will have more time to relax.

8. Don’t take out more things than you can put back in one hour.

9. Do something for yourself every day, or maybe every morning and every evening.

10. Don’t forget to laugh every day. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

11. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It's contagious. Decide to be happy - and you will be.

And now I want to briefly tell you about the steps that Marla Seeley suggests:

First step: Polish your sink until it shines.

The first step is the easiest, but necessary.

Marla Scilly is painted the whole system, how to make a sink clean, it doesn't just need to be washed, it needs to be given a sparkling look so that you can be proud of your sink. May your sink always be empty and shining. The sight of a clean sink in the morning will bring a smile to your face.

This will be your very first Step - to constantly maintain the sink in such a condition that it shines.

Second step: Choose your clothes for tomorrow.

Before you go to bed, prepare what you will wear tomorrow. This simple task will save you precious minutes in the morning when you are running around the house like crazy. So, think for a couple of minutes and choose what you would like to wear, do it in the evening.

Third step: Get rid of the junk.

This will only take 5 to 15 minutes a day.

We all dread cleaning because we think we have to do it all day. And this should be done jokingly, playfully, using a timer and setting it for short time intervals. So, Marla advises getting a timer. Did you get it? Now set a timer. You can start with 15 minutes. This will become your daily routine. Turn on the timer, grab a box or bag and walk around the house as fast as you can, collecting things to throw away. The main thing is speed. Don't overthink it and don't allow yourself to rummage through the trash. Stop when the timer goes off. Everything is enough.

Do this every day until there is no junk left in your house. We will consider the topic of trash separately.

Fourth step: Combating hot spots.

What causes Hot Spots? It's simple. There is an unwritten rule of trash. Trash attracts trash to itself like a magnet. As soon as you say, “I'll put this here and deal with it later,” you have created a Hot Spot.

You will immediately know where your Hot Spots are, because the rest of the family members will dump things there that they are too lazy to put away.

Twice a day you should check your Hot Spots and replace items left there - this will be part of two daily rituals, Morning and Evening. If we take just five minutes to find appropriate place for things piled up, Hot Spots will disappear.

Fifth step: Setup and planning

You definitely need an attitude; if you decide to follow the rules for housekeeping, then follow them.

Firstly, you can show your family an example of love, and secondly, you will involve your family in this program.

1. Write down your daily tasks on a piece of paper - in the order in which you should do them, i.e. plan your day.

2. Create morning and evening rituals. Let them be real rituals, repeated day after day. Do them the way that is most convenient for you - you and your family!

3. Divide the house into zones.

4.Make a plan for the week.

Rituals help us cope with our affairs. The weekly plan prepares for the next seven days. And dividing the house into zones prevents chaos from taking over it. Plan so you don't feel behind!

4. Practice your Rituals, reinforcing one skill at a time.

There are seven days in a week, and each day you can devote to something specific. This does not mean that you will do this or that work all day - it just means that on Monday, for example, you must complete certain work.

5. Every week you should have a list of things to do.

You should have a clear plan for what and when you do around the house.

For example, on Monday Marla has her weekly cleaning hour. Yes, she only spends one hour cleaning her house. In truth, she spends only 10 minutes on each specific task, i.e. little everywhere. When the timer stops, she stops what she is doing and moves on to the next one.


1. I set the timer for 10 minutes and change the linens on our bed. The timer urges me on.

2. Then I set the timer again for 10 minutes, collect all the trash in the house and throw it in the trash container.

3. After this, with one hand I brush off dust from horizontal surfaces with a feather duster, and with the other I wipe these surfaces with a cloth moistened with a special composition. It only takes 10 minutes. Then I stop and do something else.

4. Now that I don't have a carpet, I sweep the floors. It only takes 10 minutes. After the timer rings, I interrupt this activity. Then I wipe the puppy’s paw marks on the floor and also wipe the bathroom floor. After 10 minutes I stop.

5. Next, spend 10 minutes getting rid of old magazines on coffee table. It doesn't take 10 minutes, so I usually also work on my permanent Hot Spot - the table next to my chair.

6. After that, I apply the finishing touches. I take glass cleaning liquid and wipe the windows in the front and back doors, then wipe all the mirrors in the house. You know all those toothpaste splatters on the bathroom mirrors! All this takes me a maximum of 10 minutes.

Sixth step. Cleaning by Zone.

It's quite simple. We divide our home into five zones and focus on one of them every week. There are almost always five weeks in a month.

First we get rid of the trash, and then we do a detailed cleaning. Below is a list of zones that you can approach creatively by changing something.

Cleaning by Zone is a process during which you do something, little by little, but every day in this zone. All I ask is that you spend 15 minutes every day getting rid of clutter and dirt. Pay attention to a different area every week.

Dining room

1.Wipe the ceiling.

2. Wipe down the window sills.

3. Wash the windows.

4. Wipe everything down drawers and put them in order.

5. Wipe and polish the dining table top.

6. Rinse the plants in the shower.

7. Wipe down baseboards.

8. Rinse the floor thoroughly.

9. Add individual touches - cover the table with a tablecloth, place a beautiful vase with flowers.

1) hallway, veranda;

2) kitchen, dining room

3) bathroom, toilet

4) children's rooms, guest bedroom or office;

5) main bedroom, living room, common room.

If you look at your calendar, you will notice that there are generally five weeks in a month. This is how we determine which zone we are in. You can have your own zones.

Seventh step. Cleaning with children

Let's take a look at our homes, focusing on this problem: how to encourage our children to help us? For this, two things are necessary: ​​for children to be interested and for their work to be rewarded.

So, how can we involve our family in the blessing? Make it a game. Leave the most difficult work for yourself. And don’t even think about finding fault with how the children completed their assignments. Otherwise, there is no point in starting a game - it will not bring pleasure to anyone.

Eighth step. Involve your spouse in cleaning

Start with yourself. First of all, change your attitude towards home, towards family, towards yourself.

Set an example of love for your family. Show that you care. And then you will see that they will change too. Start with yourself, and your household will begin to help you.

You can't change anyone but yourself. It is your example that will set the tone in the house. When you do everything with love, your family notices and starts helping.

Ninth step. Lingerie: how can we defeat it?

Laundry poses a serious challenge to us, requiring endless care: sorting, washing, drying, folding and putting away.

Imagine a process of five operations: sorting, washing, drying, ironing. When we miss one of them, the laundry begins to live own life, which is not very pleasant for us.

We all have to do laundry - some a couple of times a week, some more. Everyone has the same thing: we put it off until it turns into this serious problem that we are afraid to even think about it. You know what I mean: mountains of dirty laundry that keep growing and growing.

You can overcome laundry if you think through a certain system and plan.

Tenth step. What are we having for lunch?

The first thing you should do is set aside time in the week when you will create a menu and list necessary products for lunch.

1.Make a menu for the week.

2. Make a grocery list for the week.

And then you won’t have to rack your brains every day about what to cook and what to use. Just take one day out of the week and plan everything out. Planning saves a lot of time and money.

Well, that's all, I tried to briefly convey to you the Marla Scilly system.

If you take her advice on housekeeping, you will probably hear from your husband: “I just have the PERFECT WIFE!”

Housekeeping is a skill bordering on art. Modern woman, balancing on the brink of work and home life, must make every effort to achieve success. Proper balance of power, saving, planning - these are the “pillars” on which the “career” of housewives rests.

Live within your means

Try to live within your means. Plan your expenses in advance. Of course, you can occasionally treat yourself to a delicacy or a vacation, but all these “excesses” should not go beyond the budget. If you are not the wife of a billionaire or oligarch, then most likely you are always short of money. Not because you earn little, but because you spend a lot.
Some tips for those who can’t get out of the local financial crisis:

  • Be content with what you have. Don’t overwork yourself, don’t look for a second job, better learn to plan your expenses. Agree that if you add up your salary and your husband’s salary, you will get quite a substantial amount. Try to stay within the limits, not go beyond your capabilities, and there will be enough money for everything.
  • Moderate your ardor regarding loans. Borrow only what you really need. If your refrigerator breaks down or washing machine, but there is no money, then, of course, you cannot do without a loan. But is it worth taking out a loan to replace your old TV model with a new one? Do not forget to pay off your debts on time so as not to lose solvency in the eyes of banks.

And most importantly: never take out two loans at the same time!

  • Be skeptical about advertising. Remember that the main task advertising is about getting you to buy something. Advertisers and product manufacturers care deeply about you and your problems. They only think about their own profit. Don't let someone make money off of you. Be thoughtful and judicious when planning your purchases. The world produces many expensive and completely unnecessary things. You're not going to buy all these things, are you? If every trip to the store turns into a battle with yourself, send your husband shopping. Believe me: both marketers and merchandisers are powerless in front of a man with a list of necessary goods. Men very rarely buy unnecessary things.

Financial issue

In heavy economic conditions the issue of planning is especially acute family budget. Strange things happen to money: it simply “floats away” from your hands. No matter how much money is brought into the house, they all disappear somewhere at jet speed. What to do? Gather for a family council and, together with your spouse, draw up a balance sheet in which you enter your income and expected expenses. Determine the amount you can spend per month on groceries, household chemicals, and clothing. Prioritize.

So, in first place we traditionally have shopping for essential goods. This category includes food and household chemicals. We remind you: products are not only candies and seafood, but also sugar, salt, and cereals. The “strategic” reserve should always be at hand. A good housewife never runs out of salt and sugar, because supplies are always replenished. The same applies to powder, bleach, and other household chemicals.

Next in importance is payment on loans(if you have them). Make the necessary payments first. Late payments will lead to loss of reputation among banks. What does loss of reputation mean? modern conditions? And the fact that at the most critical moment you may find yourself without money.

Is it necessary to spend money on entertainment and relaxation? Of course, but only in moderation. Plan your vacation on a budget. If you don’t have money for a “big trip”, go on a “small” one. That is, replace a vacation abroad or at sea with a trip to the nearest sanatorium. The same goes for entertainment. No money for a club? Take your child to the circus. This way you will save money and give your child a lot of fun.

Get rid of bad habits. Alcohol and smoking not only undermine health, but also create a huge hole in the budget. Don't let tobacco and alcohol manufacturers exploit you through your addiction.

Since you are not a slave at the stove or a hired housekeeper, you can safely distribute household responsibilities to your household members. Don't worry, they won't overexert themselves while dusting or washing dishes. Create a “work plan” and determine who should do what. Household responsibilities should be distributed according to three main guidelines:

  1. According to individual preferences. Ask your loved ones what they want to do. What if some of them have a desire to go shopping or vacuum?
  2. According to skills and abilities. Everything is clear here. It’s hardly worth forcing your child to cook borscht and your husband to iron the laundry.
  3. By degree of usefulness. It is better for a child to be assigned tasks that will help him navigate his future adult life.

Traditional ideas about the distribution of household responsibilities are not without meaning. After all, you can’t fix the iron for your husband, so don’t ask him to do purely “female” tasks. Leave the washing, ironing, and sewing to yourself, and feel free to place the repair responsibilities on the courageous shoulders of your spouse. If he doesn't know how to do it, then let him learn. Or at least take the household appliances to a repair shop.

You can cook together or separately. Classic version looks like that: routine work The wife takes on the responsibility, while the man cooks rarely, but with high quality. Agree that there are dishes that your husband does better than you. If your loved one loves to cook, encourage him to experiment. If you work, then the routine will have to be divided into two. You can do everything one by one or determine the order of cooking by day: whoever comes first cooks dinner.

Cleaning should be spent together as a family. After all, you litter together, right? So clean it up together. Have your child vacuum and dust (no polish!). Let your husband take out the trash. Take on the difficult responsibility of tidying up the bathrooms (you shouldn’t insult your manhood by cleaning toilets) and washing the floors.

A few words about cleanliness

When cleaning residential premises: living room, bedroom, nursery, start by removing dust and cobwebs. Wipe windows, window sills, radiators. Don't forget to raise your head up and pay attention to the chandelier shades. Of course, the chandelier does not need to be washed daily; dirt from its surface must be removed as it accumulates. Then vacuum carpets and wash the floors.

Wet cleaning can be done once or twice a week. Cleaning of things - daily. If all things are in their places, then the cleaning itself will not take much time.

Cleaning sanitary zones should be done as often as possible. It all depends on the number of people in the family, as well as the presence of children and pets. It is necessary to act according to this principle: the bathroom and toilet should always be clean! The slightest pollution is a threat to your health and the health of your loved ones. Therefore, the bath must be washed after each ablution. Each family member should do superficial cleaning of the toilet bowl with a brush themselves after visiting the toilet (with the exception of small children).

spring-cleaning sanitary zones are carried out once or twice a week.


If you involve your household members in doing household chores, do not forget to praise them. It won't cost you anything, but it will bring a lot of pleasure to your loved ones. Tell your spouse and child how much you can't do without them. Having learned about your talents in the field of cleaning and cooking, your loved ones will be happy to help you. And that’s exactly what you need, isn’t it?

Many of us are faced with the need to save. This is primarily due to the fact that prices are rising, but wages, according to many, are not. It is no secret that the family budget and its distribution mainly depends on the woman, because from time immemorial the man was the breadwinner, and the woman the keeper hearth and home, she had to run the entire household.

That is why the task of saving the family budget falls on the fragile shoulders of women, and it is the woman who must be very dexterous and inventive so that everyone in the house is fed and clothed, but at the same time it is possible not only to save, but also to put money aside.

The basis of savings

The task of saving is very difficult, so women go to all sorts of tricks to save the family budget.
Basic steps:

  1. Distribute income and expenses correctly. The second should in no case exceed the first.
  2. Avoid excesses. Buy only what you need and don’t throw money away.
  3. Try to give up loans. Nowadays, credit is a real debt hole, from which families cannot escape for years.
  4. Buy quality products. It’s not for nothing that the French say: “We are not so rich as to buy cheap things.”
  5. Plan your purchases, research the quality of goods on the Internet or ask your friends. To do this, you can keep a diary plan where you write down all upcoming purchases.

The main expenses of each person are: housing, food, clothing, public utilities, transport, health and living arrangements. At every point, the thrifty housewife knows how to save money.

If you don’t have your own home, then try to rent a cheaper apartment, not necessarily in the center. And you will see how much money will remain in your pocket.

You might want to think about a mortgage. In the same way, you will have to pay a certain amount monthly, but each payment will bring you closer to getting your own home. Unlike rent.

A very important point for thrifty housewife is the food for her family. After all, you need to feed deliciously, and at the same time, it should be inexpensive and also healthy. The task is far from easy, but thrifty housewives know how to cope with it.

Here are a few tricks that help women manage their households:

  • You can stop going to a restaurant and cook at home. Find, collect your collection of recipes and cook unforgettable dishes every day.
  • If you keep track of the proteins, fats, carbohydrates you consume and prepare meals according to a predetermined plan, you can not only provide a variety, healthy eating, but also to know what products and quantities will be needed in the coming week.
  • Products can be bought at the market, which is much cheaper than stores. Experienced housewives They don’t buy semi-finished products, because they are expensive and harmful to health.
  • You can also save a lot on pickled vegetables and fruits. Do not buy canned food in stores, but seal it yourself. In the summer, when everything is cheap, it will not be difficult to do this in order to enjoy delicious fruits and vegetables in the winter. Buy basic goods (sugar, salt, flour, etc.) at wholesale stores in winter.
  • Don't buy from large quantities products that spoil quickly.
  • If meat is too expensive for you, then buy chicken, preferably whole - it’s cheaper. Bean coffee is much cheaper than instant coffee and is not as harmful.
  • Important for food proper storage, in which food does not spoil longer. For example, bread can be stored in the refrigerator. Sausage, cheese in cling film.

Small tricks for saving money at home

Skillful housewives can save on clothes. Here it is important to buy quality clothes that will last for several seasons. You may have to pay a lot, but it will still save your budget.

A damaged item can be sewn up or remade; there is no need to throw it away.

Discounts in stores too great option. Thrifty housewives always know which store is offering promotions, and many also have discount cards that allow them to purchase items for the whole family at a great discount.

Don’t hesitate to wear things for someone else. Yes, yours younger son can wear things from his older brother.

Utilities also eat up a lot. The solution here is simple - install meters for all types of services and do not use water, electricity or gas unless absolutely necessary. Don't leave the water on if you don't need it, and so on. This tip will save you a good amount.

A little trick - energy-saving light bulbs. You will have to spend a lot of money to purchase them once, but your daily energy costs will decrease. The same advice applies to electrical appliances - economical models are worth purchasing.

They say that you can’t skimp on your health, and that’s true. We need to do prevention. If you lead healthy image life and visit all specialists twice a year and treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, you can save a lot of money on the treatment of severe cases.

Agree, it is better to pay attention to gastritis than to spend your entire life treating a stomach ulcer, which is expensive and very painful.

What women know how to save on is housekeeping. The secrets of an economical housewife in this area are countless. Women can replace almost any cleaning or detergent its cheaper analogue or even use folk remedies.

So, in the arsenal of any housewife there must be soda, vinegar and much more. These products can literally replace everything in the household. Baking soda can clean your stove, remove scale from your dishes, and even whiten your laundry.

A good housewife also needs vinegar, which also gets rid of scale, helps remove stains on dishes and clean carpets. Ammonia Will clean any glass and ceramic surface.

The very existence of any family is closely connected with the need for daily household work. Not only the material well-being of a family, but to a large extent its moral well-being, and ultimately its strength, depends on the ability to rationally manage a household.

Running a household means providing normal conditions for the life of the family, work and rest of all its members, as well as necessary order in everything.

How exactly to run a household is a purely individual matter; each family does it differently.

As in any responsible business, reasonable planning and clear organization are important in housekeeping.

One of the essential elements of housekeeping is the constant maintenance of the house in proper order; everything should be in its place so that, if necessary, any thing can be used without wasting time looking for it. This order is achieved first of all and mainly due to the fact that it is not just one person who takes care of it, but all family members without exception. At the same time, it is important not only and, perhaps, not so much to put things in order in the house every day, but to be able to maintain it. If each of the family members, without counting on the other, always cleans up after themselves, taking some thing, putting it or putting it back in its place, etc., then this will ensure the necessary order and greatly facilitate family life. life.

It’s good when each spouse takes the initiative in doing one or another available household chore. For example, a wife sees a torn button from her husband’s jacket and, without waiting for a special request, sews it on; When my husband discovered that the water tap was faulty, he immediately repaired it or called a mechanic. However, if such an order has not been established in the family, one must not rush to make claims against each other for any reason, and not rush to reproach. It is much better and easier to prompt, advise, remind, or express a request in a calm, friendly tone. Such relationships will help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and, at the same time,will provide an opportunity to deal with emerging issues in a business-like mannereconomic problems.

The following should also be noted. It’s bad when a person is stingy and petty, overly calculating, but no less bad if he goes to the other extreme and, wanting to demonstrate his “broad nature,” wastes money, buys what is needed and not needed, does not take into account real needs, without thinking , throws away what could still serve or be used somehow.

An important role in successful housekeeping is played by careful handling of food products, their rational use. Particular emphasis should be placed on the need for judicious handling of bread.

Young people who have received good working training in their parental families know how to do a lot with their own hands: girls themselves sew and alter, knit, embroider, and show creativity, which is inevitable in the household; young men can make this or that furniture, repair Appliances, make various crafts decorating the apartment, making the necessary repairs, etc. Not to mention the fact that such economic activity of the spouses in the family allows them to save cash, everything is done with my own hands, usually gives greater satisfaction and serves as convincing evidence of the spouses’ real concern for the well-being of their family.

Unfortunately, it happens that young people, when getting married, do not give of great importance the upcoming everyday work in the family, and often they are simply not accustomed to it. Their parents did not take care of this at one time, and as a result, the young wife does not know how to cook soup, mend socks, and the young husband is not able to nail a hanger properly or repair an electric switch... It is clear that such ineptitude creates many inconveniences in life together, leads to a humiliating feeling of helplessness and does not at all decorate a person. Of course, in such cases there is no need to talk about the working atmosphere of the family. Most often, in such families, young spouses gradually become dissatisfied with each other, leading to dissatisfaction, irritation, and conflicts.

During the lesson, it is advisable to especially highlight the idea that in general a normal, healthy person should be able to do everything that is necessary, if possible, this is what ensures his actual independence, independence, as well as the readiness and ability to help others. In this case, there will be no problems in housekeeping.

True, it should be noted that the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts in a young family can be not only the ineptitude of the wife or husband, but also simply the reluctance to do this or that household work.

IN in this case each spouse must clearly understandthat no one will do their household chores for them and the reluctance to work for the family of one will inevitably result in an additional burden on the other.And this is not only unfair, but also fraught with all sorts of family troubles.

by law family life isequal distribution of responsibilitieson housekeeping between all family members, of course taking into account real possibilities everyone. This is especially true for men, who often, under various pretexts, try to avoid any domestic work, clinging to outdated traditions, and consider it the lot of women.

In this regard, you can consider the following fairly typical situation with students. The young husband came home from work and began reading the newspaper while waiting for dinner. Meanwhile, the wife, who had also returned from work, ran to the shops to buy groceries, and when she returned, she began to set the table. After dinner, the husband sat down to watch TV, and the wife had to prepare lunch for the next day. Do these facts indicate the presence of a working atmosphere in this family? Can such a “distribution” of housekeeping responsibilities help strengthen the family?

A fair distribution of housekeeping responsibilities between family members and the conscientious work of everyone are extremely important important for raising children. The example of the father and mother's everyday attitude towards household chores plays a big role in the formation of these qualities in children.Being an involuntary witness to the constant good cooperation of father and mother in all household matters, their mutual assistance, the child naturally perceives this as the norm, as a role model.

In such cases, the child, as a rule, himself strives to take part in all possible activities. working together, to contribute to the common cause. Prudent parents not only encourage such a desire of their son or daughter, but also tactfully stimulate him in every possible way, offering or assigning accessible tasks, involving him in every way possible. collective work, providing necessary help showing and advice.

When involving children in household work, you need to follow a certain rule:children should be entrusted with some task from beginning to end,some kind of permanent duty, and not “pull” them with small individual tasks, from which both parents and children are mentally tired.

Thus, the working atmosphere of the family is formed gradually. The conscientious work of all members of the family team, both for society and for one’s own family, ensures the necessary harmony in relationships and guarantees material well-being. For its part, moral, calm relationships in the family, based on cooperation and mutual assistance, serve the interests of the productive work of parents and the education of children.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Joint household ownership often becomes a stumbling block among young couples. Everyday life kills the romance of relationships. The union is gradually being destroyed. How to run a household correctly and maintain harmony in the family? The advice of seasoned wives will help you.

Who is in charge of the household?

In the 21st century, a woman works equally with a man, so why should she do household chores alone? If a wife is tired of everyday life, she does not have time to take care of herself. She cannot rest and relax, spend the evening in the company of friends. Irritation accumulates gradually, the woman lashes out at her husband and children, becomes grouchy and aggressive.

If you don't want this fate, distribute the chores around the house. Husband and children find themselves indispensable assistants with a skillful approach. Determine what household chores your man can do, take into account his abilities and talents. Some husbands are great cooks but hate vacuuming. And someone masterfully manages children. If a man likes the activity, the result of his work will pleasantly surprise you.

It is too early to involve young children in household chores, but cleanliness must be instilled. Putting away toys is not difficult, especially if the storage system is clear and accessible. Select cabinets in the children's room to suit the child's height. Pictures of things stored there pasted onto the drawers will help your child not get confused when cleaning. Older children participate in putting things in order along with adults. They are quite capable of cleaning their room, dusting, watering flowers or washing dishes.

Your husband or children may have their own plans for free time. A sudden loss of work turns out to be a cause of discord in many families.

To make household chores take less effort and time, think in advance about how to simplify them.


Menu for the week

If you decide that you will cook cutlets on Wednesday, then it won’t take much effort to get the minced meat out of the freezer on Tuesday evening. Imagine how much time you will save by doing this. Instead of waiting for the minced meat to defrost, you can immediately stick the cutlets and send them to the frying pan.

You don't have to go grocery shopping every day and waste time in lines at the checkout, and then run home to have time to cook dinner.

Semi-finished products

You don't have to buy them in the store. Freeze the vegetables, make dumplings or cutlets and put them in freezer. This will solve the problem if there is no time left for cooking.

Strategic reserve

The necessary products should always be in the house: sugar, salt, cereals, flour. Each family has a different list. Knowing the needs of your household, you can easily determine which products you need to maintain.

Cook in the oven or slow cooker

This method of cooking does not require constant attention. While the food is baking, you can calmly spend time on other chores.


Learn to keep things clean

Spending less time tidying up is simple: don’t litter. Teach your husband and children to put things away right away.

Don't turn your home into a warehouse for unnecessary things

Throw away everything you don't use. It is easier to maintain order where there is more free space.

Save time

You can soak the dishes, pour cleaner into the plumbing fixtures and stove, and after a while, remove the stains without much effort. This is much faster than intensive work with a sponge, rag and brush. Household chemicals do not stand still. In stores you will find new generation cleaning products that will save your time.

Don't try to remove everything at once

Schedule cleaning time for each day. Spending 15 minutes cleaning every day will keep you from getting tired.


Choose the right mode

This will save time on ironing and drying things. Modern washing machines equipped with many functions, just read the instructions. It will be useful manual mode. It can handle delicate washing of the most delicate fabrics and clothing items.

Buy a dryer

By hanging your bed linen correctly, you free yourself from the responsibility of ironing it.

Use hangers

Use hangers to dry shirts, jackets, blouses and other items that take a long time and are difficult to iron. This way you will reduce the time for subsequent processing and bringing the clothes into proper shape.

Add conditioners

They soften the laundry and prevent clothes from deforming during washing, which also saves time on ironing and putting things in order.

Household helpers

If you have the opportunity, take advantage of new advances in the home appliance industry. Grandmother's methods are popular due to their low cost. But is it worth the effort? Of course, you can boil laundry to bleach, and use old things to wash floors and spread dust from corner to corner. But why deny yourself the fruits of civilization? Yes, past generations of housewives lived without newfangled sponges and microfiber cloths, but life was different then.

In stores you will find multifunctional inventions from the household industry: rags, mops, special means for cleaning. They will make the cleaning process easier and save time and effort.

Appliances also does not stand still: dishwashers, robotic vacuum cleaners, multicookers, blenders, steamers - helpers for every taste. Many housewives consider the costs of such purchases unjustified, and their use uneconomical. But the washing machines, irons and hair dryers that are familiar today were also once a curiosity.

Household appliances are designed to make life easier for the housewife. It seems like it won't take much time to wash the dishes. But count how many times a day you do this and how much time you spend in front of the sink? New generation household appliances, contrary to many misconceptions, are economical and easy to maintain. Try it and you will appreciate it.

Household planning

The main problems in housekeeping occur due to inept distribution of time and effort.

A clearly drawn up plan helps you put everything in its place and find time to relax.

Determine the time needed for household chores. fit within the allotted limits. Assess your strength realistically. Don't set yourself impossible tasks.
Highlight the main and the secondary. There are things that are impossible to put off or not do. Deal with them first. You won’t lose anything if you don’t clean out your closet today, but your husband’s shirt that hasn’t been ironed on time will result in morning delays and unnecessary waste of nerves.
Plan your day in the evening. This way your brain will have time to prepare for the upcoming amount of work and will help you organize your day.
. The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish, without haste and unnecessary worry.

Don't let everyday life take over you. Having learned to properly distribute time and energy, you will be able not only to skillfully manage your household, but also to have a pleasant time with your family and friends.

16 March 2014, 12:53