Inexpensive do-it-yourself shower for a summer house. Heated summer shower: do-it-yourself shower for a summer cottage. Photo instructions for a summer shower on a plank base

Inexpensive do-it-yourself shower for a summer house.  Heated summer shower: do-it-yourself shower for a summer cottage.  Photo instructions for a summer shower on a plank base
Inexpensive do-it-yourself shower for a summer house. Heated summer shower: do-it-yourself shower for a summer cottage. Photo instructions for a summer shower on a plank base

It’s a hot day, you’re at the dacha, you need to do something, but you don’t really want to. Sound familiar? I want to freshen up, but there is no river nearby, and it’s not yet possible to set up a swimming pool. Simple Summer shower for a do-it-yourself dacha - perfect solution problems of heat and fatigue. Even a small stream of water will refresh you and make you more energetic in just a minute.

This building has another practical purpose - taking care of our health. It is very important to periodically wash off accumulated dust, which may contain, for example, particles of fertilizer. Doctors note that summer residents, who are all hygiene procedures postponed until a comfortable home bath, very often then they go to doctors with skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

This building has many options. Both technically and aesthetically. The principles of constructing any country shower are the same: you will need a frame, fencing, tank and floor (pallet). But incarnations can be very different.

The simplest option is to take a bucket, punch a dozen and a half holes in its bottom and hang it in convenient location. The advantage of this option is its absolute accessibility. But still, ten liters of water may not be enough. And from an aesthetic point of view, such a shower will achieve a maximum of one point. But you don't need to build anything.

If you're not looking simple solutions, That garden shower for the dacha can be made from wood, various plastics, metal profiles. Each option has its own tricks and pros and cons. For example, you can build a summer shower made of wood with your own hands using a large number of design options, but plastic and metal do not require special protective treatment.

A country summer shower can be made from wood or corrugated sheets

It is very important to consider from the very beginning how many people will use the shower and how often. Two things depend on this key points: tank size and the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using a shower can also be at different levels. If possible, it is better to equip not just a shower stall, but with a changing room. Then your things will definitely remain dry. And just the highest chic - this is a whole house, which immediately has a shower, a toilet, plus a dressing room. Of course, this is the most expensive and time-consuming option.

A little trick: The water will heat up faster if you choose a black shower tank.

Where to put it?

The place for installing a summer shower should be sunny and away from trees and any buildings. This is important because the sun heats the water. The second point - do not place the shower where the ground is noticeably lower, otherwise the flow of water will be difficult. The drain itself needs special care.

For example, with infrequent use and a small volume of water, a small drainage layer under the pan is sufficient. And if a shower is being built for a family of several people who plan to wash frequently, then it is better to provide a septic tank. Moreover, it is undesirable to arrange it directly under the base of the shower, otherwise unpleasant odors may arise. It will be enough to retreat 2-3 meters from the building.

Another trick: You can plant moisture-loving crops near the country shower - they will provide natural drainage and decorate the place.

We're working!

Once you have decided on the location, design and material, it’s time to build a shower for your cottage, step-by-step instruction to help you.

  1. Prepare the foundation for future shower: select the direction of drainage and make the appropriate slope.
  2. If a drainage hole is provided, dig it in a pre-selected location. Depth - 2-3 meters, diameter - to fit old tires or a barrel without a bottom. There should be a small layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the pit.

  3. Make a drain from the future shower stall to the hole: dig a ditch, lay it in it waterproofing layer. You can use roofing felt, hydroglass insulation or film, fill it with concrete with reinforcement. It is not recommended to use clay for this; it tends to erode over time, which will lead to contamination of the drainage ditch.
  4. When the drain and pit are equipped, they need to be closed. You can use grates or spreads. This is especially important if there are children and/or animals on the site.
  5. Now you can install the supports for the frame. Standard option how to build a summer shower in the country - make four supports with a diameter of 10 cm, installed in one and a half meter recesses and filled with concrete as a foundation (of course, if the shower is not planned to be moved anywhere). The supports should be 20-30 cm above the surface.
  6. A 10 x 10 cm beam or metal pipes are used as a frame. Be sure to check the vertical using a level or plumb line! This base should be allowed to settle for 2-3 days. If the shower design does not include such complex work, then installation still begins with the verticals of the frame. The height of the building should be 2.5-3 m, and the area of ​​the shower compartment should be at least 1x1 m.
  7. The next stage is the upper and lower trim.
  8. If the building has a roof, then this is the next stage. In some cases, the roof itself serves as a roof.
  9. A water container is usually a plastic or metal barrel or tank (100 or 200 liters). Before installing the cabin on the roof, it is necessary to make an outlet and secure the shower head. If it is impossible to get to the barrel water filling hose, then later you will have to install a ladder nearby to lift the water in buckets. This version of a summer shower for a summer house is easier to build, but more difficult to maintain. You shouldn’t put an open container and hope for rain to fill it either - the rains can let you down. In addition, dust, dry leaves and insects will get into the open container.
  10. Now you can move on to the walls. They can be continuous, from floor to ceiling, or literally cover only the “most interesting” parts. Can be used wooden boards, corrugated sheets, slate sheets, moisture-resistant plywood or lining, and even polycarbonate. The main thing is to make everything smooth and secure well.
  11. The floor is done last. He can be solid with water drain or lattice. This option is suitable if you do not plan to use the shower mercilessly every day.
  12. The final gesture is the installation of a door or curtain, depending on the planned shower model. After this, you can conduct tests and celebrate the appearance of the new building.

A separate article presents popular ones that you can use to build the structure yourself.

Until now we have been talking about the soul as a separate building. But you can simplify your task a little. For example, attach a shower to one of the walls country house . Of course, if you have a wall at your disposal that is illuminated by the sun almost all day. In this case, you will only need two supports, a base for installing the tank, a floor and a drain. If the tank can be installed on the roof, this option also deserves attention.

Finished polycarbonate shower

When most of us hear the word “polycarbonate,” we imagine a greenhouse. The question immediately arises - how to use such a shower, is it transparent? However, a material is produced specifically for shower stalls that will perfectly hide everything. The polycarbonate is attached to a metal frame, and the entire structure is attached to a base, preferably concrete. In this case, anchor fastenings are used.

If you still don’t want to think about how to make a summer shower yourself, then There are now a lot of models of ready-made polycarbonate shower stalls. They can be single or double and even triple - the same combination of shower + toilet + locker room that has already been mentioned. The equipment can also be different and is selected according to the financial capabilities of buyers. For example, more cheap option- This is a shower stall with a curtain instead of a door.

No matter how wonderful a polycarbonate shower cabin for a summer house is, you still have to arrange a drain and drainage hole(with a large number of active users). But these efforts are redeemed by simplicity further actions. Installation of ready-made polycarbonate booths is a relatively simple matter. And it won't take much time.

Depending on the design and color of the plastic, such buildings can look very attractive. Of course, it’s not worth showing off a polycarbonate booth and placing it in the most visible place. But the owners and guests at the dacha will be very pleased to look at such a shower and wash in it. In addition, polycarbonate does not require special care.

Which is better to choose, or a barrel? Learn about the pros and cons of containers and the materials they are made from.

Different types of toilets for country toilets described on .

About storage containers made of plastic for arrangement country sewerage there is information on this link

Enjoy the results

Now you know how to make a shower in your dacha yourself. And if you are sure that you need a country shower, then feel free to act. Best result obtained through careful preliminary calculations. And after all the work is completed, you can return to everyday dacha chores - if something happens, you will have a place to refresh yourself.

Many people in summer time prefer to leave stuffy city apartments and spend time on suburban areas. However, the absence of such a benefit of civilization as a shower can significantly spoil the impression of even the most best vacation Outdoors. The solution to this problem is an outdoor shower, the construction of which is the subject of this article.

General information

Building an outdoor shower yourself is not at all difficult, and you don’t even need to spend a lot of time on it.

All you need is:

  • Prepare a tank of suitable volume;
  • Make the frame of the future shower stall;
  • Cover the frame with any sheet material.

The main part of the work is making the frame. If you know how to work with a welding machine, then the best option there will be a frame made of profile pipes. This material is inexpensive, strong and quite durable.

Advice! If it is not possible to make a shower from pipes, you can use a wooden beam pre-treated with an antiseptic for this purpose.

Below we will look at how to build a summer shower from pipes.

Construction Features


So, to build an outdoor shower from profile pipe you need to prepare the following materials:

Selecting a location

Before starting construction, you need to decide where the country shower made from a profile pipe will be located.

The following requirements apply to the site for future construction:

  • It is advisable that the shower be located on a hill, which will improve the flow of water. If there is no such place on the site, you need to dig a drainage hole.
  • The place should not be shaded, which will allow the water to quickly heat up in the sun.
  • If there is a well on the site, the distance from it to the future shower should be at least 8 meters. In addition, the shower should be located at a sufficient distance from the foundation of the house.

Project preparation

Any construction, as you know, begins with the preparation of a project, and the construction of a summer shower is no exception. At the design stage, it is necessary to determine the size of the future structure and its design.

Most often, summer showers have the following dimensions:

  • Height - 2 -2.5 m.
  • Length and width – 1.5 m.

Of course, you can change the dimensions if you wish. For example, many increase the area of ​​the building and equip it with a locker room. The latter can be separated from the shower with a curtain or partition.

Preparing the base and drainage pit

Construction should begin with your own hands by preparing the drainage pit and foundation. The size of the pit depends on the number of people living. The pit should be located close to the booth itself, for example, behind it.

The bottom of the pit must be filled with sand and gravel, and the walls are lined with stone or brick. When the pit is ready, you need to make a foundation with a drain.

The work is carried out in this order:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the site - remove debris and grass.
  • Then it is laid so that it goes into the hole at an angle. It is best to place the drain in the center of the shower stall.
  • Next, you need to mark the future site and make formwork from boards or other material along the contour.
  • After this, the bottom of the formwork must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and compacted.
  • Then supports are installed at the corners of the formwork. To do this, the pipes need to be driven 20-30 centimeters into the ground. The racks can be positioned vertically or at a certain angle, as shown in the diagram.
  • After installing the racks, a metal reinforcing mesh should be laid, which should rise slightly above the surface of the crushed stone.
  • To complete the work, you need to fill the formwork with concrete.

Frame making

When the concrete hardens, you can make a frame for a summer shower from a profile pipe. Since in the process of work concrete screed will not be subjected to heavy loads, it is not necessary to wait 28 days for the concrete to gain brand strength.

The manufacture of the frame begins with the construction of a frame for the tank. To do this, you need to connect the racks along the perimeter, as well as diagonally. Then the racks must be connected with cross members located on three sides, which will add rigidity to the structure.

At this point, the frame for the shower from the profile pipe is ready, now you can start arranging it and covering it.

Shower arrangement

The arrangement of the shower begins with the installation of the tank. It is desirable that the container be flat and wide. In specialized stores you can purchase a special tank for a summer shower with installed fittings.

If the container has enough surface area, it can serve as a cabin roof.

Otherwise, you will first need to lay the roofing material.

  • A fitting should be cut into one of the walls of the tank, which will face the cabin.
  • After installing the tank on the roof, it is attached to the fitting ball valve and a shower head. The water supply is regulated by a ball valve.

Advice! To make the water heat up faster, the tank should be painted black.

Shower - outbuilding, which must certainly be on every summer cottage. On hot summer days, even the simplest, unsightly-looking country shower turns into an unusually popular device, for which all household members line up. Make this one so required item dacha use can be done quite simply. When developing the design of your shower, rely on the dimensions of a standard profile sheet, the parameters of which are 960 by 1500 mm.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:
steel profile pipe rectangular section 30 by 20 mm;
three profile sheets of the size indicated above;
plastic tank equipped with a valve and water sprayer;
self-tapping screws;
anchor bolts;
welding machine and electrodes for it;
cement, crushed stone and sand;
boards for formwork construction;
plastic sewer pipe;
primer and paint for metal;
vinyl shower curtain.

Operating procedure
1. Cut the profiled pipe into bars of the required length, based on the dimensions of the future shower stall 960 by 960 by 2000 mm

2. Weld two rectangular frames from a pipe measuring 9960 by 2000 mm.

3. Install the frames in parallel and connect them at the top and bottom using four 96-centimeter pipe sections by welding. As a result of your work, you should end up with a shower stall frame - a parallelepiped with ribs 960 by 960 and 2000 mm.

4. Three side walls strengthen the booths with pieces of profile pipe - to do this, weld one piece into them parallel to the floor at a distance of 1 m from the ground.

5. Make a roof for the soul - strengthen a welded platform on top (cross-shaped or other shape) on which a water tank will subsequently be installed.

6. Once the shower frame is completely assembled, sand all seams, prime the pipes and paint them.

7. After the paint has dried, use a drill and screws to attach profile sheets to the frame on three sides. Attach the sheets at a height of 15 cm from the ground; the gap formed at the bottom will ensure ventilation of the shower stall and prevent the appearance of mold and fungi in it.

8. Dig a hole for wastewater, lay a sewer line to it plastic pipe, build the formwork of the required size.

9. Mix the concrete and pour it into the formwork. Smoothing the surface of the solution, form a slope for easy water drainage. After the concrete has completely hardened, disassemble the formwork.

10. Place the shower stall in its designated location and secure it to the concrete with anchor bolts.

11. Install and secure on top of the shower plastic tank, place all its fittings inside the booth.

Nothing like relaxing after a hard time working day in the country, like a summer shower. Water not only calms, but also refreshes, distracts from unpleasant thoughts and relieves stress. But what to do if there is no shower on site? If you don’t want to splash around in a trough or basin, you need to take care of comfort in field conditions and design a refreshing summer shower for your favorite summer house with your own hands, using finished photos and drawings.

How to build a summer shower with your own hands

Summer shower takes one of the first places among all country houses. Sometimes this is not just a way to wash yourself after a day of cultivating the land has come to an end, but also the only way to cool down in the heat.

First you need to choose a place to install the shower structure. To do this, you should examine your site for secluded places.

On the other hand, this place should not be far from the main building, so that you do not have to freeze on the way to a warm house if you decide to take a shower on a cool day.

Advice! If a solar heated tank is provided, ensure that nothing obscures the water tank.

After you have found appropriate place, pick up optimal sizes for your cabin. Please note that for ease of movement a person needs a room of at least 1 m 2. If a dressing room is planned for changing clothes and storing dry things while swimming, the building increases by another 60-70 cm. The height of the shower stall is approximately 2.5 m. So, the estimated dimensions of the shower for the dacha are 170x100x250 cm.

If the structure is supposed to be wooden, then the next stage of construction will be the construction of a frame from wooden beam or metal corner.

Next are the walls. Please note that for better ventilation, the walls should be no less than 20-30 cm away from the ceiling and pallet. The walls are constructed mainly from those materials that were left over during the construction of the main dacha building.

Water supply in a country shower

When installing a shower for a summer house with your own hands, it is necessary to provide for the water supply and drainage in advance. Drain system is laid at the stage of foundation construction, and the supply of clean water is organized during the installation of the tank.

Hot weather is a rarity in most of our country. On cold days there is simply no way to heat the water in the container to the required temperature. Those wishing to receive ice shower not so much.

By country shower, most people mean simple design with a barrel on the roof. This shower has the following disadvantages:

  • the water in the container blooms very quickly;
  • arise constant problems with barrel filling;
  • it is impossible to maintain the desired water temperature.

To realize your idea, you need to familiarize yourself with the advice of craftsmen. Country shower will allow the family to comfortably receive water procedures.

The mobile shower works according to the following principle. Any container is installed next to the device. This could be a bucket or basin. It's pouring into her warm water. After this, the end of the hose is lowered into the container.

The device that pumps water into the shower looks like a rug. A hose with a watering can is connected to one end of the pump. In this way, you can get a stream of water that will flow while stomping on the mat. This option is convenient because a mobile shower can be used not only in the country. The device will be useful for people who want to maintain hygiene while hiking. Even in such spartan conditions you can wash yourself. The advantage of such a shower is the ability to adjust the water temperature.

How to make a summer shower at the dacha with your own hands - for construction reliable design carefully select photos and sizes.

When building a stationary shower, the owner needs to decide where to divert the water. If there is already some kind of drainage hole on the site, then you can drain the water directly there. But that's not the most The best decision, since many people use bacteria to process wastewater. An increase in humidity will have Negative influence on the speed of purification of contaminated liquid.

During the construction of a shower room, it is best to make a separate drainage hole. To strengthen the bottom of the hole, you can use broken brick.

The hardest thing to do is strengthen a hole dug on sandy soil. Her walls will blur wastewater during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to line the walls of the sandy depression with boards.

The owner can save money when building a shower due to materials. To build a shower there is no need to build. During construction, foundations are most often used foundation blocks. They are leveled and the shower is raised 20 cm above ground level.

This height is enough to prevent the treated wood from rotting. When constructing a foundation, it is not necessary to use wood at all. You can weld a metal body and place it on paving slabs. If desired, you can strengthen the base by filling it with concrete.

There are no specific standards regarding the frame. A shower cabin, as a rule, consists of several parts. In one compartment you can arrange a locker room. There is a water heater in another room. It can use wood as fuel.

A room for storing equipment can be attached to the shower. If you are planning more lightweight design, then you can use the following option - instead of a door, hang a curtain. This will make the design easier and reduce construction costs. Be sure to take into account the height of people who will use the shower. Optimal height should be 2.2 meters. The width of the structure must be at least 0.9 meters. When making a frame, you can use not only metal, but also wood.

To make a metal frame, it is advisable to use corners with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters. The width of the shelf depends on the load. The frame will hold the water tank. What to do if you plan to supply a plastic container with a volume of 100 liters?

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of covering the shower stall on both sides with special clapboard. This material is considered the most practical. He has attractive appearance and is able to withstand a humid environment for a long time. But for this it is necessary to treat the lining with a special solution.

To do metal carcass you can use scraps metal pipes. The pipe wall thickness must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the shower structure may not withstand the load.

The frame can be strengthened using lathing. To do this, weld additional corners to the structure. With absence welding machine can be fixed with bolts.

To build a shower in the country with your own hands, you need to calculate the volume of the tank. For a family of 4 people you will have to supply a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. For the manufacture of wooden frame you can buy timber. The beams are fastened using a tongue-and-groove system.

You can build a summer shower for your dacha with your own hands without using expensive materials.

Film is considered the cheapest material for covering shower walls. The disadvantage of this option is that the service life is too short. Within a year you will have to buy a new film. Therefore, summer residents prefer more reliable materials, which can last for several seasons.

It is better to give preference to impregnated fabrics. This material is used to make awnings and tents. When purchasing lumber, keep in mind that you cannot use fresh lining. The reason is that any lumber undergoes shrinkage.

During the drying process, the material loses its shape and previous dimensions. This affects the quality of lumber. Various defects may appear on its surface, reducing its strength. Warping and cracking are the most common imperfections that have a negative impact on wooden structures. In a structure built from fresh lumber, cracks may appear within a year. Do-it-yourself shower in the country, drawings, dimensions, photos are of interest to many users who want to warn themselves against these shortcomings.

For cladding, you can use the corrugated sheet left over after the construction of the fence.

Polycarbonate - transparent material, which will decorate any shower room. Do not allow any cracks to appear, as dust and moisture will enter them. This is a favorable environment for algae to grow. Gradually, the walls of the polycarbonate will be completely covered with greenish vegetation.

When constructing a shower, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system. Constant moisture can cause wood to rot. Fungus appears on the walls, destroying the structure.

Any container is suitable as a shower tank. It can be a metal or plastic barrel. However plastic barrels They heat the water worse. For middle zone this can be critical, since the water requires heating.

Ice water the owner is unlikely to like it country house. Although plastic containers are cheaper than metal ones. But this is the only advantage of such barrels. It is best to install metal containers. Not only are they easier to install. The owners will not have to think about how to secure metal barrel. In such a container, the water will heat up much faster. The process of heating water can be accelerated by painting the container black. The disadvantage of this option is the appearance of rust.

People wonder how to make a shower at the dacha with their own hands and how to choose the right water container; when studying photos of the building, you can decide the right choice structure and water tank.

Sometimes a septic tank is installed directly under the shower stall. In this case, the boards are laid with a gap of 3 mm. The water will flow down and fall directly into the drainage hole. In sandy soil, water will not stagnate.

But for clay soil This septic tank option is not suitable. To organize normal drainage, you need to dig a hole in another place. A pallet for building a septic tank can be bought in a store. The finished pallet must be selected based on the size of the future building. It is necessary to install bars around the entire perimeter, otherwise it will dangle.

The foundation can be laid out of bricks. At the bottom of the building you need to lay a layer of gravel 15 centimeters thick. After this, a drain pipe is installed. After the concrete has hardened, you can continue building the shower.

Most summer residents have a desire to take a shower after excavation work. The procedure has a positive effect on human health. Of course, you can buy a ready-made shower. But this will increase construction costs.

It is cheaper to make a shower yourself, without the help of specialists. Water must flow at a certain slope. Don't forget to carry out waterproofing work on your shower. By using waterproofing film it is possible to prevent the occurrence unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to lay a special mesh. The recommended depth of the drainage pit is 2 m.

To retain heat, it is necessary to install on top of the tank polycarbonate roof. It will create a greenhouse effect. Required element The tank is a sensor that informs the user about the water level. If there is no water, they may burn out. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor this parameter. To equip the floor in the shower you need to install drain pipe.

What to do if there is no running water in the house? To fill the tank you have to carry water in buckets. This is too time consuming. Before building a shower, think about the water supply. If you have running water, you can fill the tank fairly quickly. Just open the tap and wait until the container is filled to a certain level.

Advanced home owners have come up with a scheme that automates this process. This can be done using a float system. It is necessary to provide for the installation of a system that is designed to drain excess water. According to the laws of physics, the warmest water is at the top. Therefore, water is drawn from above. At the bottom of the tank you can install a hose to drain water into the sewer.

Of course, you can use the energy of the sun. At the same time, you do not have to spend money on electricity. However, this method has significant drawback. It is difficult to warm up large amounts of liquid using the sun. In addition, this method can not be implemented in all climatic zones.

In this case, you can use heating using devices that use electricity. Heating elements can heat water to the desired temperature. The person who decides to take a shower sets the temperature regime.

In order for the warmest water to flow into the watering can, you need to attach a piece of foam to the hose. Therefore, water is taken from above. To speed up the heating of water, you can make a coil.

The shower can be built at the farthest end of the site, near the fence. On sandy soil, water will not linger in the sump. Thanks to the rapid absorption of water, rotting can be avoided wooden materials, which are used as cladding materials.

When constructing a shower near a fence, the owner gets an advantage. In this case, it is enough to install 3 pillars. To prevent the pillars from wobbling, it is necessary to dig holes 78 cm deep, fill everything with crushed stone, compact it and fill it with concrete.

After leveling the floor, wood processing begins. You can buy aspen boards and impregnate them protective layer. Then the lumber is processed with a grinder.

When installing shelves, consider the weight of the barrel. It must withstand a load of at least 100 kg. The corners will rust during use. To increase service life, the metal frame is painted with a special paint that can be applied directly to rust.

To install polycarbonate, you can use self-tapping screws. Violation of technology can lead to cracking of polycarbonate sheets in sunny weather.

Therefore, people prefer a summer shower equipped with a heating system. To obtain a convenient and practical design, it is necessary to pay great attention to the construction site. A draft after a shower can lead to a cold. With the help of heating elements you can heat water to a certain temperature even in cold weather.

  1. Between the shower design and drain hole there must be a distance of at least 5 meters.
  2. TO earthworks You can proceed only after calculating the volume of the drainage pit. There is 0.5 cubic meter per person.
  3. When laying pipes, maintain a slope of 3 to 5 degrees.

The simplest design of a drainage pit is considered to be a cube shape. But this option has a significant drawback. The walls of such a pit lose strength.

It is best to use a drain pit cylindrical. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the likelihood of destruction is reduced. In order to increase the service life of the shower structure, it is necessary to use products biological basis. Many bacteria are capable of processing waste. Water will be absorbed into the soil faster.

The advantage of a plastic tank is that the water in them does not bloom, the joints do not rust, and the properties of the water do not change.

Electric heaters can be supplied with my own hands. However, it is best to purchase a ready-made tank equipped with a built-in heater. In this case, the system controls all parameters automatically. The installation has a control panel and automatically turns off in case of emergency situations.

In the shower high humidity. Therefore, during construction the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Instead of an iron pallet, it is advisable to use plastic ladders. They provide good air circulation and prevent water stagnation.