Games won't launch on the computer, what should I do? There is not enough space on the disk where the game is installed. Requires running as administrator

Games won't launch on the computer, what should I do?  There is not enough space on the disk where the game is installed.  Requires running as administrator
Games won't launch on the computer, what should I do? There is not enough space on the disk where the game is installed. Requires running as administrator

Regular computer users and fans of computer games (of any age) regularly encounter one annoying problem - their favorite game does not start. How to find out why games won't launch on my computer? Where to begin? Let's find out in the article!

The main thing is not to panic. Now let's look at possible reasons:

The main reasons why games do not start

Reason #1) Weak computer

Why don’t games launch on my computer and what should I do? First of all, find out the parameters of your computer. The game requires certain system requirements (or appropriate configuration) from your computer, but it does not have any.

That is, literally, the computer, in terms of its system and software parameters, does not meet the requirements of the game. So start by checking whether a particular game is suitable for your computer (information about the game’s system requirements can be found on the back of the disc, or simply on the Internet). We compare the following parameters:

  • type of operating room Windows systems;
  • processor type (or CPU);
  • volume indicator random access memory(RAM);
  • video adapter indicators;
  • volume hard drive– each game requires a certain amount of space on your computer’s hard drive to install;
  • The game may also require additional software or updates.

Reason No. 2) Problems with the video card software (lack of drivers necessary for operation)

To check the status or availability of the driver, go to the “START” menu, right-click on “MY COMPUTER”.

Find the item “PROPERS” in the drop-down list. Next, a window will open in which you need to click on the “EQUIPMENT” tab. Then, go to the “TASK MANAGER”. In the device manager tree, select “VIDEO ADAPTERS”.

If you see exclamation marks near some lines, this means that the driver requires either reinstallation, or updating, or complete replacement.

It may even be that your system is running on an integrated VGA driver, but the driver for your specific video card is not installed at all.

Reason #3) Components for running games are not installed

People often ask why games won’t run on Windows 7? Required DirectX update– a software module responsible for the graphical execution of the game. Or, your computer may be missing a file with a .dll extension. In this case, you need to install all the necessary components from the links below:

Other possible reasons

There is not enough space on your hard drive to install the game

If such a problem occurs, the game either simply does not install or freezes during the installation process. When installing most modern games The installation also requires additional space to unzip temporary files. Therefore, please note that when installing games, your HDD must have a space twice as large as the volume of the game itself.

The CD containing your game is damaged.

If the visible surface of the disc is simply dirty, then this problem can be easily solved with a cotton pad, a weak soap solution and dry soft towel. If your disc is mechanically damaged (for example, scratched), then most likely trying to launch the game is a futile endeavor. The only option is to try to read the disc on a new drive model using special programs to recover information on disk. If successful, you can create a virtual disk image and, in the future, copy it to new media.

Game incompatibility problem with operating system

In this case, you can try turning on compatibility mode. To do this, right-click on the game icon and in the new window that opens, click on the “COMPATIBILITY” tab. Next to “Run the program in compatibility mode for...” you should select a compatible operating system.

Errors at work operating system and viruses

If everything lies only in viruses, then antivirus will save software. All sorts of utilities for cleaning the registry will get rid of errors in the system - most of them are available for free download.

Do not forget, also, about such a built-in system mechanism. Although, the most reliable and proven option is a completely reinstalled Windows system.

Modern requirements for computers, of course, differ from those that were put forward for them a couple of years ago. So, when buying a computer today, the user wants to have a 2-in-1 device: so that it is suitable for both work and leisure. How much disappointment will the user experience when at some point the games simply stop playing!

Moreover, such a problem can arise not only with a laptop with weak hardware, but also with a gaming one. Most often, the situation looks like this: after launching a particular game, the gamer sees an error on the screen or . But don’t rush to take your computer for repair! Perhaps you can correct the error yourself. So, I propose to talk about what to do if games do not launch on Windows 7.

DirectX related errors

The most common error that occurs when starting a game is that an information window appears with a message that one of the necessary files absent. For example, error d3dx9_31.dll or xinput1_2.dll, etc. The solution to this problem lies on the surface: you just need to download and upload latest version DirectX. This can and should be done on the official Microsoft website. After downloading, you will probably have to restart your computer, and then try loading the toy.

Errors related to video card drivers

Another common problem. The point is that, for example, after Windows reinstallation, the necessary drivers may not be available. And this operating system is designed in such a way that after reinstallation, by default it installs the standard WDDM driver.

It is for this reason that if errors occur when launching the game process, it is best to immediately check your computer’s graphics drivers. It is best to update them on the official website, for example, on NVIDIA or AMD.

Running the game as administrator

However, not only an error message may appear on the screen. It often happens that the user is denied access because he does not have permission to run this game. In this case, I would like to advise you to right-click on the game shortcut and select the “Run as administrator” line. If this doesn't help, try disabling UAC by doing the following:

Very often, computer and laptop users who actively spend time playing games encounter various errors or system inaction when launching a particular software product. There are quite an impressive number of reasons causing failure. Let's look at the most common ones and determine methods to combat them.

The game doesn't want to start. Causes and fight against them

Outdated software. Usually, when the game starts, it indicates the fact that an “outdated” version of drivers is installed on your computer, and even suggests updating to the latest one, but sometimes no notifications are given. After launch, nothing happens, you can only guess about the reason for the failure. One way or another, it is recommended to promptly update drivers, codecs and other multimedia software. This is not so difficult, because in licensed game services such as Steam, Uplay and Origin, DirectX, Visual C++ and other software packages necessary to run a particular game are almost always updated during installation.

Older OS versions may not run new games.

For example, you don’t even have to try to run the latest Gears of War on Windows 7, since the cunning Microsoft made it exclusive to the Windows 10 platform. On the other hand, new operating systems may not run or run incorrectly older games. Sometimes you can solve the problem by setting the compatibility mode for more old version OS in the properties of the game executable file, emulation through a virtual machine.

Most reliable way– installation of a second operating system on your computer (some kind of Windows XP or even 98).

Problems with pirated builds. Very often, craftsmen who compress the game distribution, cut out all unnecessary things and carry out other manipulations, make mistakes due to which the game does not start for some or even all users. This could be a missing file, an incorrectly created path to the game settings file, or other problems. For example, a ridiculously simple mistake - a person incorrectly specified the shortcut parameters. The user installed the toy, clicks on the icon created on the desktop, but nothing works. He immediately begins to think that the game simply does not work, and deletes it. In fact, all he had to do was go to the folder with the installed game, find the executable there and launch it.

High settings. Not always installed game can adequately determine the capabilities of the computer, adapting to its configuration. It also happens, especially with all sorts of compressed distributions that save the settings of the PC on which this assembly was created, that the parameters are set almost to the maximum. Accordingly, if a game is launched from a shortcut, for example, in DirectX 11 mode, but is present on the computer with support for only the tenth version, there can be no talk of any launch. The problem can be fixed in three ways:

  1. We look for an executable file with settings in the game folder, where we reduce the parameters to acceptable ones - screen resolution, anti-aliasing, DirectX, drawing quality, etc. Experimentally, we can achieve an acceptable ratio of performance and picture quality.
  2. If there is no such .exe, you will have to dig deeper into other files, opening them in text editor and changing the values ​​manually. Sometimes they are hidden not in the game folder, but in directories on the system drive, for example, in the folder with a saved user profile. By the way, you can try to remove it altogether, and then try to start the game again.
  3. Upgrade. You need to understand that progress does not stand still. You can optimize games as much as you want, but every year your PC's performance will decrease. And updating components will eliminate startup problems and increase FPS, making game process smoother and more comfortable.

Lack of hardware support for new technologies. Here's a simple example. There is the Phenom II 955 and the FX-4320, which is almost identical in performance. On the first, the game Mafia 3 does not start due to an error, but on the second it plays quite normally. And all because the obsolete Phenom does not support SSE4.2 technology. Yes, he can physically handle this game, but the developers deprived him of this opportunity. Here, again, you will either have to fork out for new processor, or download an emulator from the Internet, with which you can cheat the game. You can immediately refuse the latter - the drop in performance will be such that you still won’t be able to play comfortably.

Inability to launch due to the fault of the developers themselves. No matter how hard video game manufacturers try, they cannot test all possible configurations of computer hardware and software - there simply aren’t enough resources. That is why, in the first days after the start of sales, users begin to pour messages about bugs on forums, send angry letters to technical support, etc. Usually, after a couple of days, a fresh update is rolled out that corrects the most critical errors. You just need to be patient.

Conflict with antivirus software. It also happens that one of the game files is mistakenly recognized by the antivirus as malware. As a result, he deletes it or quarantines it. You will have to manually add the required file to the exclusion list, and then try launching again. The problem is especially relevant for pirates, because antiviruses are extremely unfriendly to any .dll that is introduced by hackers to bypass the protection of a software product.

Note! If the antivirus reacts negatively to a “pill” from one manufacturer, you can try a crack from another. Just don't forget about version compatibility.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the most things can cause the game to not work: different reasons. Most of them can be avoided by keeping your computer software and hardware configuration up to date. If this doesn’t help, you should ask for help on the Internet.

Usually it is enough to copy the code of the error that appears, and then go with it to a search engine or to the developers’ forum. How more popular game, the easier it will be to find a solution.


Many people like to play computer games, including browser games that do not require installation. However, in the case of regular and browser games, there are various problems. One of the most common problems is the game refusing to launch. In this article we will look at this problem We will tell you in more detail why games do not open.

Let's pay attention to the following problems:

  • failure to launch the game, provided that it was launched earlier;
  • the game has just been installed;
  • The game is browser-based.

The game does not start after installation

If the game does not start after installation, it is better to first check the system requirements.

Check your computer's specifications. If it does not meet the minimum system requirements game, the game will not start. You should also take into account the fact that some games require support for special firmware. For example, in the case of The Sims 3, support for pixel shaders is required. If your video card does not support this firmware, the game will not start.

One of the most common cases is also outdated drivers on your computer. Drivers are programs that are installed for a video card. If you need to update your drivers, do so as soon as possible.

  • For owners of AMD RADEON video cards: AMD Graphics Drivers and Software.
  • For owners of Nvidia video cards: .

Also quite common problem The problem that the player has to deal with is the failure to launch the game due to outdated Direct X. To solve this problem, you should download the updated data package:

  • DirectX 9.0c - Windows XP, Server 2003 (download from Microsoft website).
  • DirectX 10.1 - Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 (download).
  • DirectX 11 - Windows 7/Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 with x32 and x64 systems (download).

If the game has been launched before

  • If your game opened earlier, but now refuses to launch, then first of all check the version of Net Framework. It is recommended to update regularly this program. You can find links to all versions here: Download Net Framework.
  • If you encounter the "Microsoft Visual runtime library" error, then you need to update your Microsoft Visual. You can find a link to the version of this program here: Microsoft Visual C++ versions
  • Another common problem is the lack of connection to the games for service. windows live. This free gaming service allows you to play many games, and some games may not work correctly without it. You can connect to this service using this link.
  • It may also be due to the presence of virus software. Scan your computer for various malware and remove them.

If the browser game does not start

  • Browser games do not launch most often due to problems with the Internet. Therefore, it is recommended to check the connection first. There may be problems with your modem settings.
  • Another reason for this problem may be the cache, which needs to be cleared. To do this, each browser has a special cache clearing function.
  • Also the reason may be an outdated version Flash Player. You can update your Flash Player

Good time everyone!

It happens that you install a game, click on the shortcut, and... nothing happens. It’s good if after 20-30 seconds. An error will appear, and you can roughly understand what’s going on. But what if there is no error and nothing appears on the screen?

And according to the law of meanness, this usually happens with the most beloved games, which I have been waiting for and have long wanted to install.

In this note, in fact, I will try to answer this question and analyze the main reasons. Having gone through them sequentially, you high share most likely you will solve this problem.

Now closer to the topic...

To begin with, I want to give a few general recommendations, which would be a good idea to check before everything else:

There are no video drivers installed on the system

Perhaps one of the most common reasons. Most users rarely update the video driver after installing Windows (and even less often go into its settings).

To check whether the video driver is installed on the system, just go to device Manager (to open it, press Win+R, and in the Run window use the command devmgmt.msc) and open the tab "Video adapter" .

If the driver is installed- you will see the name of your adapter (for example, IntelHD 5500, GeForce 920 M, as in the screenshot below).

If there is no driver- devices may be named as “Standard VGA adapter”, or the yellow light will just light up next to them Exclamation point ).

Also pay attention to the tray (note: icons next to the clock) and : if the normal “full” version of the video driver is installed, you should have a link to its settings (see screenshot below. Instead of IntelHD, you can, of course, have nVidia or AMD) .

To help!

Windows is missing components and some libraries

Every game, besides those. hardware requirements, there are also requirements for the system and components that are necessary to run it. Typically, this information can be found on the game's official website or in a file readme(among the game installation files). If the required component is not in the system, the game may either throw an error at startup or not start at all...

The most common components required for most modern games are:

  1. DirectX is an essential set of components that allows computer games interact with the video and audio equipment of your PC/laptop. If you don't have the required version of DirectX, you simply won't have the necessary DLLs, and the game won't "know" how to behave (of course, you won't be able to run it). How to update DirectX -
  2. Visual C++ - used to develop many games. If you do not have the components of this environment in your system, or their integrity has been compromised, the game will not work. About how to install and update Visual C++ -
  3. Framework - special a package whose task is to combine and organize the operation of various software written in different languages programming. In its “essence” it resembles codecs (if you don’t have the required codec, you won’t be able to watch the video. With the Framework, the story is the same...). How to install the required Framework version -

Here I will also add that the 3 components listed above are not a panacea. Your specific game may require other libraries; it is hardly possible to consider all of them in one article.

In this regard, I would like to note the utility for auto-updating drivers Driver Booster. In addition to drivers, it can find and update all the most necessary components and libraries for games (automatically!). It helps a lot and saves time when dealing with such problems.

Antivirus conflict with some game files. Virus check

Also, the game launch is often blocked by the antivirus. This often happens with patched files (some users, for example, remove game protection, and the antivirus has a very “negative” attitude towards processes that change other files) ...

In addition, it is possible that the game is actually infected with a virus and the antivirus is doing everything correctly. I would recommend first checking both the game and the system with third-party products, and then, if everything is fine, disabling the protection and trying to start the game again.

To help! How to check your computer for viruses and malware-

Also, many modern antiviruses (including Avast) have game modes: if you turn it on and add the game to the exception, it will receive some “freedom” from the antivirus (in addition, due to this, you can increase PC performance in the game, because at this time the antivirus will not load the CPU).

The game is too old (newer operating systems don't support it)

New Windows operating systems do not always support old games (and perhaps this is very common reason games not working). If you open the properties of the executable file "EXE" of the game, you can find the tab "Compatibility" . In it you can specify the compatibility mode with one of the older Windows operating systems (see screenshot below). True, it doesn’t always help (but it’s worth trying, for example, a game like Worms WP - thanks to this kind of “shamanism” it works in Windows 10) ...

In general, in my opinion, the most effective solutions V in this case will be:

  1. buy a used laptop for old toys: it won’t take up much space, and it will solve the problem (nowadays such devices can be purchased for mere pennies on the same "Avito");
  2. install a second, older OS on your PC specifically for gaming. On how to install 2 OS, see this note:
  3. use virtual machine , into which you can install any Windows OS, and already download and install it the game you want. See here for the sequential execution of this operation:

Try using special. utilities for speeding up and optimizing games

For example, a utility like Game Fire can: disable some “unnecessary” processes (unnecessary in game mode) that may interfere normal operation games. In addition, it automatically defragments game files, sets some OS settings before launching games, etc. In general, it makes sense to try.

Game Fire - main window (one of the utilities for speeding up games)

Additions are welcome...

All the best!