PayPal Resolution Center is not working. PayPal dispute as a way to protect yourself from scammers and unscrupulous sellers. How to open a dispute in PayPal

PayPal Resolution Center is not working.  PayPal dispute as a way to protect yourself from scammers and unscrupulous sellers.  How to open a dispute in PayPal
PayPal Resolution Center is not working. PayPal dispute as a way to protect yourself from scammers and unscrupulous sellers. How to open a dispute in PayPal

UPD: Information updated as of March 21, 2019

Dispute - dispute. A dispute on eBay is also commonly called a Case.
If the problem is not resolved, the dispute is converted into a claim.​

Procedure for opening and maintaining a dispute on eBay or how to open a dispute on eBay​

Procedure for closing a dispute on eBay

In the event of a dispute on eBay (the purchased item was not received or was received but does not match the description), the buyer has the right to use the eBay Buyer Protection Program. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the terms of the Protection Program to make sure that your transaction is covered by the program. If all the parameters of the transaction correspond to the program and a decision is made to open a dispute on trading platform eBay, then the procedure for opening a dispute (dispute) will be as follows.​

Procedure for opening a dispute on eBay

There are two ways to open a dispute on eBay.​

Method 1

You need to go to the Purchase History page in the My eBay section, find the product for which a dispute will be opened, opposite this product, open the “Advanced” link and select “Resolve Question” in the drop-down list.​

On the next page that opens, you must select the reason for opening a dispute by clicking on the appropriate link:​

On the next page you need to determine whether this will be a new dispute or whether you need to add information to a previously open dispute. Continuation of opening a dispute occurs by clicking on the required item.​

Method 2

The second method of opening a dispute will be more correct and more universal. Why this is exactly so – we’ll tell you a little later. To open a dispute, you will need to open the eBay Dispute Resolution Center. To do this, at the bottom of the eBay main page, open the tab " Legal issues, confidentiality, etc.” and on the tab that opens, select the “Conflict Resolution Center” item.​

The page that opens will display a list of all products purchased over the last 60 days. You must select the product for which a dispute is being opened and click on its image. If more than 60 days have passed since the date of purchase, the purchased item will already be moved to the purchase archive and will not be displayed on the Conflict Resolution Center page. To open a dispute on such a product, you will first need to find it. It is for these purposes that the search window is intended, in which you must enter the number of the previously purchased product and click the “Find” button. The item number for the item you purchased can be found either in your purchase history or in the email you receive from eBay after your purchase. The ability to open a dispute for goods already moved to the archive makes the second method of opening a dispute more universal.​

If a dispute is opened due to the fact that the purchased product has not been received, then it is necessary to take into account estimated terms delivery of goods. If you try to open a dispute for non-receipt before the estimated delivery date, the system will issue a notification that it is too early to open such a dispute and will simply not allow it to be opened.​

Regardless of which method of opening a dispute was used and if all deadlines for opening a dispute are met, as a result of all the actions described above, the following page will open:​

After this, you will be taken to a page where you will need to indicate all the details of your dispute, offer the seller your preferred method of resolving the issue, and also write a message to the seller regarding the dispute being opened.​

In a message to the seller, you can describe the essence of your problem and write the most preferable way to resolve this issue (replacement of the product, return of the entire amount or part of it, something else at your discretion). The more detailed you describe the problem, the easier it will be for the seller to find a solution. The seller message field allows 3000 characters. As a rule, this is quite enough to describe in detail the essence of the problems that arose with the seller.​

When opening a dispute over non-receipt of goods, the page will have a slightly different appearance. It will display information about the tracking number (if the seller provided it), as well as options for the preferred solution to the problem (refund or sending a new product). There will also be a field for message to the seller.​

After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is click the “Submit” button and the dispute will be opened. There will be information about this on the next page:​

This will indicate the date by which the seller must provide you with a response to this dispute. After this date, if a compromise is not reached with the seller, it will be possible to convert the dispute into a claim. Next on the page three links will be displayed for further transitions. It is strongly recommended that you go immediately to the Conflict Resolution Center to ensure that the dispute is indeed open.​

An open dispute in the eBay Dispute Center will appear as follows:​

The preview of an open dispute will display all the important and necessary information on the dispute:​

· Information about the product for which the dispute is open;​

· Cause of dispute;​

· Date of opening of the dispute;​

Also, information about open dispute will also appear in the Purchase History of the My eBay section.​

In addition, after opening a dispute, you will be sent two identical notifications. The first can be found on the personal messages page of the My eBay section, the second will be sent to the email address specified when registering on eBay. The messages will be as follows:​

Those. the messages will contain all information about the open dispute, the seller’s response time and the deadlines automatic closing dispute, if it is not converted into a claim. Also in the letters there will be a “More details” button, by clicking on which you can go to the dispute details page.​

The dispute details page looks like this:​

1) Information about the product for which the dispute is open, the date of its sale, seller ID, date the dispute was opened, reason for the dispute, unique dispute number;​

2) Information about the seller’s response time, the time frame for automatic closure of the dispute, a link to add a new message to the dispute, a link to close the dispute;​

3) Details of the open dispute, the message that was written to the seller when opening the dispute;​

4) Ability to add up to 20 photographs as evidence;​

5) Photos that the seller can add as evidence.​

eBay dispute procedure

After the seller responds to your first message with an open dispute, you will receive a notification about this in private messages in the My eBay section and by e-mail. The messages will be identical and look like this:​

A notification will also appear in the purchase history of the My eBay section and in the Conflict Resolution Center that the buyer is required to “complete an action.”​

Your correspondence with the seller will be displayed on the dispute details page. If the seller's answer allows you to resolve your issue, then the dispute can be closed. The corresponding link will always be located on the dispute details page. If the seller’s answer does not suit you and you want to offer the seller some of your own alternative solution problems, then you should click the "Provide a response to this case" button. After this, the form for sending a message in a dispute will open.​

In this way, you can correspond with the seller in a dispute until a compromise solution is found. Please keep in mind that all correspondence with the seller as part of the dispute will be available for review by eBay support.​

If a dispute is opened due to non-receipt of the goods, then on the dispute details page there will also be a link to change the reason for the dispute “The product was received, but does not correspond to the description.” Those. if a dispute is opened due to the fact that the goods have not been received, but during the dispute the parcel is received, but it turns out that the goods in it are not the same or are very different from the description provided by the seller, then the reason for the dispute can be reclassified and, accordingly, new demands can be put forward dispute.​

Procedure for converting a dispute on eBay into a claim

If in the process of correspondence with the seller in an open dispute you were unable to reach a compromise solution to the problem, after 3 business days from the moment the dispute was opened, you will have the opportunity to convert the dispute into a claim and submit it to eBay customer support for consideration. A new link will appear on the dispute details page to convert the dispute into a claim.​

To convert a dispute to a claim, click the “Refer your case” link. On the page that opens, you will need to select the reason for converting the dispute into a claim:​

On the same page there will also be a field for a text message in which you can describe in more detail the reasons for converting the dispute into a claim. After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is click the “Send” button and your dispute will be transferred to the category of claims. A corresponding notice about this will appear on the dispute details page, and information about the escalation of the dispute will be sent to you by email. eBay customer service will review the reasons and details of the dispute and contact you within 48 hours of the dispute being converted to a claim. Next, you will need to follow the instructions from customer support.​

If a dispute was opened with a demand for a full refund and the seller satisfies this demand, i.e. transfers you the money for this transaction in full, the dispute will be closed automatically after the seller transfers the money.​

If the dispute has already been converted into a claim, the buyer still has the right to close the claim by at will any time. This may happen if, for example, a dispute and claim is opened due to non-receipt of goods, but the goods are received after the dispute has been converted into a claim. Or, during the consideration of the claim, the seller and the buyer came to a compromise solution to the problem that arose. The procedure for closing a claim is similar to the procedure for closing a dispute.​

It all started on May 14th - my payment for hosting did not go through. The provider debits the payment via PayPal itself, I don’t need to do anything. Well, maybe just throw money at the card, which is where the trouble came from. There was no money on the card, the payment was naturally rejected.

The next day I topped up the card and tried to force pay the bill - there is such an option in the provider’s control panel. Nothing worked for me, I couldn’t find out the reason - some strange error occurred, the payment was not processed, contact PayPal.

I changed the payment method and paid directly by card, which almost calmed me down - you never know what kind of glitches there are. I finally wrote to PayPal, outlined the essence of the problem, and waited a couple of days for a response. They didn’t tell me anything sensible - the payment was rejected for an unknown reason, they advised me to contact the issuing bank.

I was too lazy to contact the bank, but I had to - the problem arose again when paying for a purchase on eBay, the symptoms were the same, but here I no longer had a choice, I had to pay with a “Stick” and nothing else. I have already won the lot, and I need it as soon as possible.

Call to the bank, a couple of switches, PayPal keywords Refusal Problem. The girl routinely started a song about PayPal withdrawing 2 dollars, about the confirmation code... Then I interrupted her and in just five minutes managed to convince her that I had been using the card for more than a year, had paid repeatedly both directly and through PayPal, no problems did not have.

She climbed to look at the activity on my map. The only refusal is the one when there was not enough money. After this, there are no transactions at all, except for replenishment and payment directly, bypassing PayPal. That is, my unsuccessful attempts to pay for hosting and for purchases on eBay are not recorded in banking statistics at all.

There was something good - the bank girl assured me that everything was OK with my card (I have a Visa Classic), the bank did not introduce any new conditions for payments on the Internet, they did not enable it, PayPal should work.

I started thinking about PayPal again. I came up with one radical solution - remove the card and add it again. It's a couple of days to wait for the card to be verified, but nothing better has been thought of. First, I went into editing the card in my PayPal profile, maybe I’ll see something useful there. I saw that you can edit the card details. All the numbers there, of course, remain unchanged, but you can change the payment address.

Without much hope, I changed my billing address. I already had the address from another card entered there, so I just had to select the line in the “drop-down”. I saved it and went to check. It's working! I paid for the purchase normally and was pleased with my resourcefulness and front-line ingenuity.

The irony is that Billing Address Verification (AVS) for Russian maps Visa/MasterCard does not work, that is, you can indicate any rubbish in Latin letters, as long as it looks like the address. This is roughly what happened to me, since I don’t know the real payment address (as it was registered with the bank when the card was issued) - they didn’t give it to me.

This all sounds like a PayPal glitch and a relatively simple solution to the problem. I wasn’t even too lazy to write to support outlining all the symptoms and my steps, but no beautiful thank you I didn't receive it, unfortunately.

Deadlines for opening and conducting a dispute
A dispute can be opened no earlier than 10 days after payment and no later than 180 days from the date of payment. After opening a dispute (dispute), within 20 days, it must be transferred to a claim, otherwise it will be automatically closed not in your favor. The dispute will close automatically and it will no longer be possible to open it again.

How to open a dispute in Paypal:

I. Go to the Paypal website and go through authorization. Next, go to the “My Account (1) and History (2)” tab. Now we need to find the required payment (transaction) for which we want to open a dispute.
In the found transaction, click “Details” (4).

II. We check the correctness of our search. Whether we found the transaction correctly or not. Follow the link “Problem Resolution Center” (5)

III. In the Problem Resolution Center, you must indicate the situation you are faced with. Select the most appropriate option (6) for your situation and click “Continue” (7).

IV. Clarify the essence of the problem (8). If you have not received the product, then select: “I haven't received my item”, if you received the product, but it does not correspond to what you bought (product description) or the product is missing, damaged, then select: “I received my item, but it is significantly not as described.”
Clicks “Next” - “Continue” (9).

V. You need to choose Additional information purchase category and you can also leave a message where you must indicate additional information that you consider necessary (11).
Remember that the text must be written only in English. Paypal does not have a Russian-speaking support service. State the situation concisely, clearly and as truthfully as possible. PayPal really values ​​​​photos and videos. It is best to post photos on: Google Picasa or The radical has problems with display.
If you speak English poorly, use our recommendations and ready-made phrases:

Having finished with the description, just in case, copy what you typed into the buffer (if composing the text took a long time, the authorization session may be lost and you will have to type everything again) and click “Continue” (12).

VI. Congratulations - you have successfully opened a dispute. Remember that the dispute will be automatically closed (13) after a certain time if you do not turn it into a Claim. If the seller answers you, you will receive an email notification.

What decisions can be made during the dispute?:

If the item is not received, with the help of a Dispute, the Buyer can return the entire amount paid, including delivery costs. The return procedure can be carried out either by the Seller, voluntarily, or by PayPal, but forcibly, if the decision on the Dispute is made in favor of the Buyer.

If the item received does not match the description, is damaged, etc., then the Buyer can also return the entire amount using the Dispute procedure, but for this he will need to send the goods back to the Seller in a way that involves tracking the delivery progress via the Internet and providing the parcel number. The cost of sending the goods back is not compensated; this issue is already resolved through mutual agreements between the parties.

The buyer can close the Dispute at any time independently, if the parties came to an agreement and the Seller himself returned the funds paid, either in full (full refund) or partially (partial refund) or sent a replacement product.

Dispute algorithm
The dispute is opened by the Buyer, providing, if desired, all the information about the current situation, attaching links to photographs (if relevant), etc.
As soon as a Dispute is opened, an amount equivalent to that paid is blocked on the Seller’s account and remains inaccessible until it is closed. The Seller, if desired, also responds in the Dispute, providing counterarguments.
In this way, the parties can discuss until they reach a mutual agreement. Then the Buyer can close the Dispute with the wording that all problems have been resolved. If the parties do not find mutual understanding, the Buyer transfers the Dispute to a Claim and then PayPal will act as an arbitrator. This is when the information provided by the parties during the discussion will come in handy.

PayPal reviews the information provided and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If in favor of the Seller, then the blocked funds in his account become available again, if in favor of the Buyer, then the funds are returned to him. If the Buyer, due to certain restrictions imposed by PayPal, cannot accept payments (and this rule applies to residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), then the funds are returned not to the account, but directly to the payment card that was used. Return times vary and average 1-2 weeks.

More detailed information you will find in on our .

Paypal claim

A claim is the logical conclusion of a dispute. If you have not reached a consensus with the seller and the dispute is not closed automatically after 20 days (due to your carelessness), then you can contact PayPal so that they can judge your situation.

On the page where information regarding the dispute is provided, you can:
1. Read the messages.
2.Add information or reply to messages (16) by typing it and clicking “Review & Post” (preview and post).
3.Close the dispute by informing that the problems have already been resolved and Paypal’s help is not needed. To do this, select “My concerns” have been resolved, I want to close this dispute” (17) and click “Continue” (19). We remind you that Once the Dispute is closed, it will no longer be possible to open it again..
4. Convert the dispute into a claim (Claim), so that the PayPal system makes an independent decision about your situation (based on the information provided by you and the seller). To convert a dispute into a claim, you need:
choose " I would like to end communication and escalate this dispute to a claime with PayPal"(18) and click "Continue".

Standard Claims Resolution Options

Let's look at what decisions PayPal usually makes in standard situations if the Dispute is transferred by the Buyer to a Claim. Since from official sources Obtaining this information is very problematic, so here we rely on the experience and stories of other users.
The decision is made in favor of the Buyer :
-If the goods are not received and the Seller cannot provide a number to track the progress of delivery of the parcel via the Internet (tracking number). For example, if the parcel was sent in a way that does not provide online tracking.
-If the tracking number provided by him does not work, it displays incorrect information or shows that the parcel has been returned to the sender.
-If the received product does not correspond to the description, if the Buyer was able to convincingly prove this fact (preferably with a photo), he sent the received product back and can confirm this by providing the tracking number of the parcel.
The decision is made in favor of the Seller :
-If he provided a tracking number - a number that shows that the parcel has been sent and is in the process of delivery.
-If the Buyer’s claims regarding the goods received are obviously unfounded and the Seller has proven this.
-If the product does not correspond to the description, it is extremely minor.
-If the Buyer during the Dispute, if there is a controversial situation, does not give his reasons or does not give reasons for them or simply ignores the discussion.

Since there are a lot of questions about deadlines and claims on Paypal, I decided to write a few main points.
Just a few warnings. Today's realities on PP are such that all residents of the CIS automatically have a disgusting reputation (bad rating) with PP. Plus unfriendly Balts in the Support Center in London. I don’t know a way out of the current situation, if anyone knows, let him tell me a case that was decided in his favor. The only way out, in my opinion, is to stay within the boundaries of the RR rules and then your dispute will be forced to be resolved in your favor. All statements relate only to my Paypal account. I don't know the rating of my account. Perhaps your rating is better, then PP will be more willing to meet you halfway. So.
Dates for starting a dispute over non-receipt of a parcel.
1. The seller did not provide a track. Doesn't respond to emails or is clearly taking time.
What to do - open a dispute after 21 days. If there is no track, then after 7 days the dispute will be converted into a claim.
2. The seller gave the track. There is no traffic on it.
What to do - open a dispute after 45 days. If there is no movement, then after 10 days the dispute will be converted into a claim.
3. The seller gave the track. According to him, the parcel was stopped before import.
What to do - 45 days after the cessation of movement, open a dispute. If there is no movement, then after 10 days the dispute will be converted into a claim.
Screenshot from the seller’s website with the track. Circle it to make it stand out.
Screenshot from the mail site in English. Write on the screen the last day of movement.
Link to the carrier's official website. Track number and explanation in English. 5-6 sentences. Remember that the RR moderator has a couple of minutes to respond to your complaint. Therefore, maximum evidence in minimum time.
4. The seller gave the track. According to him, the parcel stopped after import. The worst case.
You definitely need paper from the post office (ACT f.51). Receiving it is a hemorrhoid - a lot of time and you need a receipt from the sender. I make it simpler - I write a statement about the loss of the package and take it to the local claims inspector. The inspector is assigned to several post offices, we need to find out where he sits on the phone hotline mail. After 5-6 days they give me an official excuse from the Russian Post that the parcel is lost and the sender needs to submit an application for a refund. This is enough for PP. But now PP has begun to demand a paper from the police confirming the loss. They accepted (and decided in my favor) a scan of the refusal to initiate a case from the police. Here the PP requirements, apparently, are not clearly defined. It all depends on the person handling your case.
Well, screenshots and scans of the tracks, everything that is written in the previous paragraph.
In conclusion. Remember that now it is easier, better and cheaper to negotiate with the seller.
Please note that all past achievements do not work now. And what was previously decided clearly in your favor will now be decided in favor of the Chinese. Therefore, maximum evidence.
About squeezing the baby bump and what it now threatens in the next episode.

User comment -

Continuation of the sad story about some features of purchases and refunds. The series about the baby bump is temporarily postponed. We now have an equally pressing issue—receipt. What you need to know:
— theft from parcels at the post office is greatly exaggerated
- large Chinese stores They rarely resort to direct deception, and if you bought a phone, they sent you the phone.
But all these facts are immediately forgotten when the package with the phone finally reaches your post office and weighs half as much as your friend on the forum. So.
The weight of the parcel either decreased or was initially clearly less than necessary. What to do?
1) Weigh upon receipt. You have every right to do this. If postal workers refuse to weigh, call the hotline and complain. Typically, dialing the hotline number in the presence of a postal employee is enough to start weighing. If the weight is really less than required, then refuse to receive it and write to the seller that the parcel is visually damaged and you refused to receive it. If you write an official refusal at the post office, the parcel will immediately go back and will not lie around for the required month. Usually, after the parcel is returned to the sender, the seller automatically issues a refund. If the seller received the parcel but does not return the money, then PP. We open a dispute and immediately transfer it to a claim.
What should be included with the claim?
Screenshot from the seller's website with a track. Outline it to make it stand out.
Screenshot from the mail site in English. Underline the line about the seller receiving the parcel.
Link to the post office website in English. Track number and explanation in English. 5-6 sentences. Remember that the RR moderator has a couple of minutes to respond to your complaint. Therefore, maximum evidence in minimum time.
2) If the weight is closer to the real one, but there are doubts, then your next steps. Ask to inspect the parcel and read what is written in the mandatory customs declaration, which is analogous to an inventory of the contents.
It’s bad if the customs declaration says MP4 player, the weight differs from the real one and there are doubts. In such a situation, I advise you to follow the simple path - refuse to receive the parcel. The algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous paragraph.
If you bought a phone and it says phone number, then ask to open the parcel and draw up a report. If postal workers refuse, call the hotline and complain. I repeat that usually dialing the hotline number in the presence of a postal employee is enough. Further quote - “If upon opening the parcel a shortage, replacement, complete or partial damage or damage to the attachment is discovered, then the postal worker draws up an act f.51-c, which is signed by the head of the postal facility, the postal worker and the addressee. The act f.51-c is drawn up in four copies. The first copy of the act together with the parcel (or just the attachment) is transferred to the addressee. The second is sent to the head of the transit postal facility from which the parcel was received. The third - to the place where the parcel is received. The fourth one is filed with the documents of the postal facility that delivers the parcel.” You have received the parcel, once opened it is no longer possible to refuse receipt. Write to the seller, if you can’t come to an agreement, then PP. We open a dispute and immediately transfer it to a claim. All the papers that are written in the previous paragraph plus the act we received. But now PP has begun to demand a paper from the police confirming the theft. I think a scan of the refusal to initiate a case from the police will do. Here the PP requirements, apparently, are not clearly defined. It all depends on the person handling your case.
Pimply in the next episode

System electronic payments PayPal is the de facto market leader today. A clear interface, prompt support service and the ability to return money if the recipient turns out to be a fraudster are just a few of the reasons why so many users prefer the service. And in this article we will figure out what to do if PayPal suddenly doesn’t work.

Possible problems

Let's look at some of the most common difficulties in working with this payment system.

Withdrawing money from an account

In addition, it is important to remember that when registering you must provide only truthful information. Then problems with PayPal will practically not arise.

If letters don't arrive

Sometimes users are faced with a situation where an email from PayPal does not arrive. As a rule, this most often happens during registration. In such cases, you can try to specify a different Mailbox. It has been experimentally proven that letters almost always reach mailboxes registered on, so it is most preferable to use it. It is also important to remember that in the payment system, the email address is the main identifier, so you need to choose a reliable email service.

What to do if your account is blocked

Now let's consider a situation where PayPal blocked an account. There may be several reasons:

  1. If incorrect information was provided during registration.
  2. With frequent use of proxy servers and anonymizers, both in PayPal itself and on eBay (which, in fact, owns the service).
  3. With frequent conversion from the PayPal service to virtual title units of other systems.
  4. At large quantities open disputes in a short period of time.
  5. Any other violation of the rules of the user agreement.

If the Paypal security service suspects fraud, a letter will be sent to the user's email in which it will be reported that the account has been blocked and the reasons for this.

In some cases, such letters are sent by attackers and demand money for unblocking. To recognize a scam, just read the letter carefully: if it is real, the user’s first and last name will be there, in addition, a notification will come with mail server service, it can have, for example, the following form: [email protected].

To unlock, you will need to write a letter to the Problem Resolution Center and, possibly, confirm your identity again by sending a fax or uploading a photo of yourself holding documents in your hands.

What to do when PayPal doesn't work: Video