Nazarova integrated education genesis and problems of implementation. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation. Equal opportunities for everyone

Nazarova integrated education genesis and problems of implementation. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation. Equal opportunities for everyone

Novikova Tatyana Vladimirovna

« Actual problems inclusive education"

Inclusion is the joint education of children with special educational needs with their normally developing peers.

For a long time, the domestic education system has divided children into ordinary and disabled children. Disabled children could not receive an education and realize their abilities on an equal basis with normally developing children. Children with disabilities always suffer from discrimination and exclusion. Most of these children study in special (correctional) educational institutions. These institutions have all the conditions necessary for such children.

Children with disabilities should have the same opportunities as other children in receiving education. There is a need to include a form of education that creates for children with disabilities optimal conditions training.

Extending inclusion to children with disabilities in educational institutions is another step towards obtaining an accessible education. Inclusive education gives every child the right to meet his or her educational needs.

The goal of inclusive education is to provide equal access to education and create necessary conditions for educational success for all children. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems, such as:

1. The problem of rejection of children with disabilities;

2. The problem of denying the idea of ​​inclusive education;

3. The problem is in the presentation and implementation of approaches to teaching children with disabilities;

4. The reluctance of most parents to educate their normally developing children together with children with disabilities;

5. Negative attitude normally developing children to children with disabilities;

6. Difficulties in socio-psychological adaptation of children with disabilities.

When solving these problems, children with disabilities will show a higher level of
social interaction with their normally developing peers compared to children who are in special care

Speaking about inclusive education, it should be noted that it is not only the creation technical specifications for teaching children with disabilities, but also

taking into account the psychophysical capabilities of the child. In educational institutions, high-quality psychological and pedagogical support should be organized, and a special moral and psychological climate should be created inteaching and student teams.


    Korkunov V.V., Bryzgalova S.O. Modern model special education in the context of integration of a child with special educational needs with the general education environment //
    Special education: scientific method. magazine / Ural. state ped. University, Institute of Specialization education. Ekaterinburg, 2006. No. 7. P. 7–12.

    Malofeev, N.N. Integration and special educational institutions: the need for change / N.N. Malofeev, N.D. Shmatko // Defectology. - 2008. - No. 2. – p. 86-94.

    Nazarova N.M. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis andproblems of implementation" // Scientific and methodological journal "Correctional
    pedagogy". – 2010. – No. 4 – p. 40.

Innovative technologies in inclusive education

T.V. Grebennikova

OKDOU " Kindergarten compensating type "Huge" Kursk

The inclusion of children with special needs in mass educational institutions provides for specialized correctional assistance and psychological support, whose tasks are to monitor the child’s development, the success of his education, and provide assistance in solving problems of adaptation among healthy peers. Therefore, in educational space a clearly organized and well-functioning infrastructure of specialized correctional and psychological assistance children with disabilities integrated into educational institutions (Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation // Social pedagogy. - 2010. - No. 1).

Currently in Russian system education (authors of the concept N.N. Malofeev, N.D. Shmatko - IKP RAO) distinguish several types of integration in the educational process:

  1. Combined integration (educational in type).
  2. Partial integration (by type educational and social).
  3. Temporary integration (social in appearance).
  4. Mixed integration (educational in type).

The authors of the concept also identify a type of complete integration, in which a “special” child with high level psychophysical development, close to normal, attends educational institutions on a par with peers, and receives specialized help in external institutions (PPMS centers, speech centers, deaf rooms, etc.).

Unfortunately, partial or complete implementation of any of the above forms of integration may entail the following problems and risks:

  1. Administrative and professional unpreparedness to adopt inclusive practices.
  2. Lack of variability in educational standards.
  3. Insufficient mechanisms for implementing inclusive practices.
  4. Failure methodological support implementation of inclusive educational process and corresponding technological and psychological-pedagogical support.
  5. Difficulties of interaction between all participants in the inclusive educational process.

It should be noted that with all identified types of integration (with the exception of full integration), it is assumed that there is a certain special unit in the educational institution with its own staff of special education teachers.

Inclusive education is a process of further development and expansion of educational integration. Integration and inclusion are not contradictory concepts. These are levels of one social process affecting and changing the education system. (Sirotyuk A.S. Organization of multi-subject activities of specialists in the system of inclusive education // Alma Mater (Bulletin high school). M., 2012. No. 4).

In this regard, the main task that needs to be solved is inclusion in the educational process various groups children and creating equal conditions for each child. Therefore, inclusion, according to UNESCO’s definition, is understood as a dynamic approach that involves encouraging differences and the perception of the individual characteristics of each child not as a problem, but as an opportunity to enrich the learning process (Semago N.Y., Semago M.M., Semenovich M.L., Dmitrieva T.P., Averina I.E. Inclusive education as the first stage on the path to an inclusive society // Psychological Science and Education 2011. No. 1.

System preschool education is most suitable for implementing an inclusive approach because:

  1. Most kindergartens have a well-prepared developmental environment;
  2. differences in cognitive development preschoolers with normative and deviant development are not so critical;
  3. game approaches to education and training contribute to the development of children with different starting capabilities;
  4. children preschool age successfully copy a tolerant attitude towards children with special needs;
  5. a large number of leisure activities make it possible to teach a variety of children and their families to interact in an emotionally positive context.

The integrative approach today is also carried out in those kindergartens where isolated groups of compensatory type work (speech therapy, for children with sensory, motor and intellectual disabilities) (Zubareva, T. G. Organization of PMPK activities in the institution. - P. 19-27).

To implement this task, tools and technologies are needed that must be both universal and individual, since each child has his own educational needs and abilities. These are the capabilities that modern interactive and remote technologies training that allows you to fully introduceinclusive education.

Innovation activities are aimed at solving the following tasks:

  1. creating conditions for obtaining a full-fledged education without territorial or intellectual restrictions;
  2. creation of the necessary adaptive environment in the educational institution by strengthening educational and material base institutions;
  3. adjustment of PHC support based on inclusive approaches;
  4. providing individual educational support for the child;
  5. providing access to additional education in an educational institution;
  6. creating conditions for receiving education in various variable conditions.

The most popular and effective technologies currently are:

  1. Interactive technologies that allow:
  • establish contact between children and peers in the group and with adults;
  • imperceptibly interfere with the educational process, since assessment, given by machine, is understandable to the child and perceived by him objectively;
  • create various learning situations in the group (taking into account individual characteristics each child), for which you can try different options.

In addition, these technologies allow teachers to independently create for the child educational material taking into account its characteristics and needs, as well as making the necessary changes as quickly and flexibly as possible (Zubareva, T.G. Contents of the work of a teacher-speech therapist at the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support, pp. 37-40).

2. Remote technologies

Modern Computer techologies completely change the concept distance education. After all, now, despite the fact that the student is outside the classroom, he can see and hear what is happening and actively participate in educational process. Also extremely important task is constant and effective accompaniment and support of specialists, teachers and educators, because the successful education of children depends on them.

At the same time, it is necessary to implement a support system for all participants in the educational process, which can be achieved using a multifunctional interactive sensory complex. With its help, you can solve problems such as psychophysiological development, correction and development of sensory integration functions, and carrying out various complexes aimed at implementing correctional and developmental measures.

The article is devoted to the problem of teacher readiness secondary schools to the implementation of inclusive education of children with disabilities in a public school setting as one of the main issues requiring the development of programs for advanced training and psychological support for participants in the inclusive process. Here is data illustrating the main parameters of professional and psychological readiness teachers to include a “special” child in the general educational process. Described professional difficulties mass school teachers associated with a lack of knowledge about the specific development of children with special educational needs, methods and technologies of working with them, as well as the psychological difficulties of their emotional acceptance. Special attention the authors pay attention to the development of a system of comprehensive support for teachers general education entering the inclusive process, from specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy, special and educational psychology. The article raises the question of the need to develop a set of programs for dynamic assessment of the parameters of the process of inclusion in educational institutions, one of which, according to the authors, should be considered the teacher’s readiness to professional activity in conditions of inclusion.

Alyokhina S.V., Alekseeva M.N., Agafonova E.L. Teachers’ readiness as the main factor in the success of the inclusive process in education // Psychological Science and Education. 2011. No. 1. P. 83-92.


Article fragment Inclusive education that is intensively integrated into practice modern school , puts a lot in front of her complex issues

Inclusion reaches deep social aspects life of the school: a moral, material, pedagogical environment is created, adapted to the educational needs of any child, which can only be ensured through close cooperation with parents, in close-knit team interaction of all participants in the educational process. There should be people working here who are ready to change with the child and for the sake of the child, not only the “special” one, but also the most ordinary one. For children with disabilities, the principle of inclusive education means that the diversity of needs of students with disabilities should be met in an educational environment that is the least restrictive and most inclusive for them. The implementation of this principle means: 1) all children should be included in the educational and social life of the school in their place of residence; 2) the task of an inclusive school is to build a system that meets the needs of everyone; 3) in inclusive schools, all children, not just children with disabilities, are provided with support that allows them to be successful, feel safe and belong.


  1. Towards an inclusive school: A manual for teachers. USAID, 2007.
  2. Nazarova N. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation // Social pedagogy. 2010. No. 1.
  3. Romanov P. V., Yarskaya-Smirnova E. R.. Disability Policy: Social Citizenship of Disabled People in modern Russia. Saratov, 2006.
  4. Loshakova I. I., Yarskaya-Smirnova E. R.. Integration in conditions of differentiation: problems of inclusive education of disabled children // Social and psychological problems of education of atypical children. Saratov, 2002.
  5. Shcherbakova A. M., Shemanov A. Yu. Controversial issues of personality development of a child with intellectual disability // Psychological science and education. 2010. No. 2.
  6. Federal state standard primary general education. http://mon.
  7. Yasvin V. A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. M., 2001.
  8. Lipsky D. TO., Gartner A. Achieving full inclusion: Placing the students at the center of educational reform // W. Stainback and S. Stainback (Eds). Controversial issues confronting special education: Divergent perspectives. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1991.

Place Russia, Cheboksary
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Dear Colleagues!

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education« Chuvash State Pedagogical University them. I. Ya. Yakovleva Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology


All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference


We invite you to participate in the conference scientists, university teachers, doctoral students, managers and teachers educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, as well as young scientists: graduate students, undergraduates and students.


1. Theoretical basis inclusive education.

2. Scientific and methodological support for inclusive education.

3. The situation of disabled children in Russia: the right to education, social integration and rehabilitation.

4. Domestic models of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities.

5. Problems of creating accessible educational environment children with special developmental needs.

6. The role of parents in the inclusive education of children.

7. Modern challenges, content and forms of work with the family of a child with disabilities in the context of inclusive education.

8. Improvement teacher training students in the context of inclusive education.

9. Application of ICT in inclusive education.

10. Early assistance in the system of inclusive education for children with disabilities.

11. Inclusion of children with disabilities in the preschool educational environment.

12. Inclusion of students with disabilities.

13. Social adaptation of children with disabilities.

14. Formation tolerant attitude to children with disabilities.

15. Features interpersonal interaction in an inclusive process.

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Rabchun I.V.

Ukraine, Kyiv, Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, master



The article deals with the essence and peculiarities of inclusive education. It presents the theoretical analysis of the term “inclusion” and “integration” of children with special needs into the inclusive educational. In Ukraine as well as in the most countries of the world the conception of inclusive education is used to people with special needs the number of children whose needs special education is growing. Such children need integration into active social life. It is underlined that many state documents concerning the education of children with special needs are adopted. In the article it is stressed that the aim of inclusive education is to realize the rights of children with special needs to education, their integration into society. Inclusive education is expected to create educational аіr due to the needs and possibilities of ever child regadless of its peculiarities of mental and physical development, it must realize equal attitude to all people. This is the main aim of the development of the national educational system.

Keywords: inclusion, inclusive education, integration, psychological problems of teaching children, adaptation.


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