Real calls of spirits. You cannot summon spirits. Ritual with Ouija board and saucer

Real calls of spirits.  You cannot summon spirits.  Ritual with Ouija board and saucer
Real calls of spirits. You cannot summon spirits. Ritual with Ouija board and saucer

The topic of the other world interests and intrigues many people to learn unknown facts about its inhabitants. Even in ancient times, our ancestors sought to turn to these mystical creatures in order to extract important information from them. Surely an interesting thought how to summon a spirit, any of you asked yourself at least once. To ensure that such communication does not cause harm, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the various rituals.

You can conduct them yourself, without turning to shamans and magicians.

The topic of inviting otherworldly beings to contact us has become overgrown with various myths that have a certain relationship to our real life.

What happens to us after death. There are different versions describing the development of events after our heart stops working.

What does history say about this?

Spirits also have their place in the beliefs of representatives of various nationalities. The Internet is replete with photos confirming contact with unknown entities. But scientists cannot yet fully confirm that this is true, and in fact such an interaction ever took place.

How to start communicating with spirits

There are many examples of rituals being successfully performed by ordinary people who do not have any special skills or abilities. But it is advisable to start with simple options.

Why you need to be careful

If they are successful, then you can try to establish contact with the soul of the deceased person.

  • Carefully read all the rules before summoning spirits at home.
  • Magicians are sure that for the first time a lower being, capable of deceiving, contacts inexperienced people.
  • You should be very careful; contact some souls only during the day, and some at night.
  • Remember that famous personalities do not make contact so easily, so it would be better to ask for help from deceased relatives.

Motives for otherworldly communication

For what purposes are such actions most often performed? Most often we try to find out whether our desire will come true, to get an answer to problematic questions. The simplest and most accessible list of creatures to whom you can turn with your difficulties, the so-called good “interlocutors”:

  • Gnomes
  • Brownies
  • Mermaids, etc.

Who can you contact?

Many occult tracts describe the distinctive signs of invisible creatures coming to us. If you have some interest in spiritualism, but do not have supernatural powers, then do not forget that there are only a few units out of countless categories of these curious creatures, communication with which is less dangerous.

You will not be able to point your finger at the other world and “invite” any “free” demon from there.

A specific substance should be chosen in advance for the ritual.

The biggest misconception of beginners before conducting a spiritualism session is complete confidence in the good intentions of the summoned ghost. They think that their deceased relatives are not capable of harming them, so contact with them is the least safe.


  • Before you call upon the spirit of a once close and dear person, understand that that side of existence erases absolutely all memory of your previous life. Especially if quite a lot of time has already passed since he left this world.
  • The ghost has virtually no memory of its past.
  • If you still have some questions for a friend who committed suicide or became a victim of rapists, give up this idea.

It is better to entrust such magical actions to an experienced specialist. Such “guests” are capable of making various attacks on the energy of an ordinary person, and a psychic will perfectly protect himself from these attempts.

  • Not in all cases, the face of a disturbed soul will “gladly” answer the questions posed.
  • Don't forget about the so-called ethereal natures.
  • They are looking for opportunities to consume energy.
  • If a spiritualistic session is conducted by a person who has little knowledge and is too vulnerable emotionally, then he will be perfect for the role of a donor.

What could happen

There is no need to try to appeal to a fictional character. As mentioned above, a creature of a lower caste may contact you in order to “play” and feed on the energy of all representatives participating in the sacrament.

Most often, such sessions are carried out by the younger generation.

They are bored and for the sake of entertainment they invite famous personalities as interlocutors: kings, leaders, writers, film actors, and so on.

  • Such an unjustified “pulling out” from the Kingdom of the Dead leads to the fact that ghosts once again appear at an entertaining sacrament with only one purpose: to scare their tormentors as much as possible.
  • In the end, everything can end very badly.

What spirits cannot be summoned

As you know, representatives of the other world are divided into positive and negative heroes.

Many shamans practice black magic and are able to evoke negative images:

  • larv,
  • evil demons,
  • sorcerers and others.

The reasons for doing this are also not very clear. Usually they are sent to a certain person and bring negativity into his life, or with their help they cast the evil eye, or are simply used for the purpose of possessing greater magical power.

Rules for conducting spiritualism sessions

Currently, many ways have been described to summon a spirit that fulfills wishes. But they are all united by a number of canons.

If you are aiming to turn to higher powers with your request, consider certain features:

Rule Description
Time Ideally - after midnight to 4 am.
Number of participants
  • It is not limited, the main thing is everyone’s confidence in the magical actions performed.
  • It can also be done alone.
Lighting Only lit wax candles, no electricity.
Asking questions
  • Clear and specific questions should be asked to the point, without the possibility of double interpretation of their meaning.
Penetration of the spirit into the house Provided that the window or window is open, the entity will freely appear before the ritual participants.
Availability of decorations
  • None of those present should have any jewelry, especially a cross.
Preventing the appearance of lesser creatures To ensure that a truly expected character acts as your “guest,” first fumigate the room with incense.
  • Bright clothing can be one of the obstacles when establishing a connection with a living substance.
  • Not only will she not communicate with you, but she may even get angry.
Event days
  • Do not start a sinful undertaking on the days of great divine holidays.
  • Even if you do not consider yourself a believer, it is better to refuse inviting guests from the Middle Kingdom during this period.
General mood
  • Before carrying out the ritual, it is better to try to adhere to fasting for some time and not quarrel with anyone beforehand.
  • Your thoughts should be pure and your mood should be good.
  • Serious substances are more likely to visit people with positive energy.
Turning off household appliances
  • Unplug TVs, tape recorders, computers and set-top boxes.
  • Turn off your cell phones.

You have no idea what power the representative of higher powers who appears to you will have.

He may want to play pranks and short-circuit the wiring or set your apartment on fire.

How to properly summon a spirit at home

If you are interested in esoteric practices, then it will not be difficult for you to successfully complete the process of communicating with the other world. Moreover, detailed video instructions are presented in a wide variety.

What you need to know when communicating with the other world

Before summoning a spirit, ask for protection for yourself and read any prayer you know. This will maximize the safety of you and your surroundings in case of any unforeseen event if something goes wrong.

You may get scared and turn on the negative program by choosing the wrong code for the fate of the development of future incidents in your life.

At the same time, in other conditions a positive attitude may work.

What is better - telling fortunes or summoning spirits?

In order to find out when you will find your destiny, what your betrothed will be, or the question about the number of children, it is better to ask Christmas fortune-telling. The distant future is beyond the control of spirits at seances.

Ritual using a Ouija board

The Ouija board has gained immense popularity and is widely used to communicate with the other world. However, it is not so easy to get it. But there is an opportunity to make it yourself.

People who use it claim that this attribute in many cases has helped them make contact with various representatives from the world of the afterlife.

How to make a Ouija Board

As accessories needed for making a Ouija board yourself, you need to take whatman paper and an ordinary saucer.

  • On paper, draw a circle with a larger diameter than the vessel.
  • On the outside, list all the numbers and letters of the alphabet.
  • Be sure to include the words “yes” and “hello” at the top and “no” and “goodbye” at the bottom.
  • Draw a line on the saucer itself.

How to perform the ritual

Like every magical ritual, a seance with a board has its own rules that are best adhered to.

The procedure for your actions is quite simple, if you follow it, then you will succeed.

  • As mentioned above, you should turn off the electricity completely, leaving only the wax candles lit.
  • All participants sit in a circle in front of the prepared board.
  • Hold the vessel over the candle flame and place it upside down in the center of the circle drawn on whatman paper.
  • Everyone should touch the edge of the saucer with their fingers.
  • Now you can start calling the previously planned interlocutor.
  • The slight movements of the plate will tell you that it has already appeared.
  • Don't forget to say greetings, and in return you should see his answer, i.e. moving to the corresponding word written on the paper.

What can you ask ghosts?

The most mysterious part of the process, how to summon a spirit, is over, now you can proceed directly to your questions. You will receive answers to them as the saucer moves and the line drawn on it corresponds to a certain letter of the alphabet.

All you have to do is form the right words.

Having found out everything you planned, be sure to say goodbye so as not to displease the invisible creature.

What attributes to use when addressing otherworldly forces

When you can't find the answer to a question that worries you, you turn to forces beyond our minds. But you can’t just approach them and ask them about what’s bothering you.

To communicate during ritual actions, various things are used that can attract the attention of these creatures.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common methods and ways of establishing close contact with summoned ghosts.

Attributes used
  1. A deck of cards that has not been used for games
  2. Wax candle
How to conduct a spiritualism session
  • The room should be dark, only the light of the candle you lit flickers slightly.
  • For your protection, draw a circle around the area you are in.
  • Shuffle the deck, mentally speaking to the creature you are about to summon.
  • You should first clarify whether he has a desire to communicate with you.
  • To do this, you need to draw a card from the deck, the red color of the suit will mean “yes”, black – “no”.

If you receive a positive answer, start asking your questions. Please note that your requests should be consistent and concise.

The answers to them will again be the cards you draw from the deck.

Their suit will tell you a lot:

  • Bubnovaya - most likely your dream will come true,
  • Clubs - there is no clear answer to the question asked,
  • Chervovaya – definitely yes,
  • Peak – strictly no.
  1. Coin
  2. Large mirror (the deceased was supposed to look into it)
  3. sharp needle
  4. Wax candle
Most often, this ritual is used only if it is necessary to contact a deceased relative. But its adaptation to other entities is also possible.
  • You must be alone so that no one accidentally interrupts the magical process.
  • Prick your finger with a needle and use blood to draw all the letters of the alphabet on the mirror surface.
  • The words “no” and “yes” must also be present on the glass.
  • In complete darkness, light a candle and place a coin edgewise on the surface of the mirror, lightly pressing it with your fingers.
  • Whisper the words of the spell and wait for the spirit to come into contact with you.
  • You can feel it when the coin begins to move.

What to say at the session

As in the previous case, you definitely need to clarify whether the ghost is ready to answer your questions.

After his affirmative answer, you can start communicating.

Follow the movements of the coin and put together words from the letters it points to.

Having clarified everything that interests you, ask the entity to leave, after saying goodbye.

The used mirror should be stored upside down for ten hours.

Say the following plot

How to summon a spirit to a bowl of water

Attributes used Necessary sequence of actions
Candle (black or white)

Bowl of water

Reflective surface

The most classic method of ritual, how to summon a spirit
  • Choose the color of the candle for it depending on what type of creature (good or evil) you are going to communicate with.
  • Set the water so that it can be seen in the mirror, sit opposite and light a candle.
  • Focus on reflecting the flame to relax a little, but don't forget to think about your intended interlocutor.
  • Say the cherished words and look closely in the mirror.
  • Try not to blink or look away.
  • Soon a certain image will appear in front of you, to which you need to address your problems. You will receive answers in the form of appearing pictures.
  • Please note this important point: you should look at both the emerging creature and the response images slightly from the side so as not to destroy the connection.
  • Once you have learned everything you wanted, say goodbye and put out the candle.

Say the following words:

How to summon a wish-granting spirit

As children, many of us believed in beautiful fairies who give gifts to obedient children, were afraid of the wrath of the Queen of Spades, or, having matured a little, told fortunes about our betrothed for Christmas.

But in adulthood, we understand that there are no fairy-tale creatures, as healthy skepticism takes over. But they constantly talk about the presence of otherworldly forces, trying to find evidence of their existence, which means they are still present among us. In addition, in some cases, even successful and wealthy people tend to turn to them for help.

The spirit of desires - how to evoke

The most popular is the so-called Spirit of Desires.

Does it really help you achieve success in business? Any of us can verify this for ourselves. Let us remind you once again that contact with invisible forces should not be considered as child's play.

  • Your wrong actions can lead to an imbalance between the worlds.
  • The consequences of this cannot be predicted.
  • This means that the answer to the question about the danger of communicating with invisible forces is obvious: it is unsafe.

But many remember the famous saying about risk and champagne. And to drink this pleasant drink, it is still worth the risk. But this should be done wisely, following important tips.

What wishes can you make?

  • Before calling the spirit, keep in mind that everything in this life requires retribution.
  • And, if you don’t think of what you will give in return for your desire, then they will take from you what they consider necessary.

How much does it cost to make a dream come true?

Like all energy vampires, spirits are interested in replenishing their energy reserves. If you have poor health, you are not strong in spirit, then it is better to leave this idea. Immediately assess the prospects of your requests, whether you will still need them in years to come. Knowing the possible consequences, carefully weigh your need so as not to regret it in the future.

So, you have weighed everything carefully and decided to turn to the spirit of desires. The rituals performed for these purposes are simple and do not require special knowledge.

It is important to be able to prepare and behave according to the proposed advice. You will be pleased with the effective end result when you go through the entire process completely alone.

Options for conducting a ritual to appeal to the Spirit of Desires

Way Actions Performed
№ 1 Important Rules
  • Eliminate the presence of white things in the room (clothes, bedding, curtains, tablecloth, etc.).
  • Prepare candies that will represent your dreams.
  • Accordingly, their number should be equal to your desires.
  • Stretch a rope between two chairs and tie the sweets to it.
  • Turn off the light and, standing with your back to your structure, begin to call: “Come, spirit that fulfills all desires.”
  • You may hear the rustling of candy wrappers.

Only the one that means that the request personified with it will not be fulfilled will remain intact.

№ 2 Another method on how to appease the Spirit of your Desires and Hopes.
  • Choose a room without mirrors and prepare a sweet treat.
  • You can take cookies, candy, refined sugar or any other sweet.
  • Think about what you want to achieve and place your gift on a saucer on the table.
  • Turning your back, say the cherished words three times: “Spirit of desires, visit me!”

Under no circumstances turn towards the sound of rustling or ringing.

Just think about your dream while waiting for the ritual to end peacefully.

Believe it or not

The proposed methods have been used by many people repeatedly. But, if you are going to ask an unearthly being to fulfill your request for the first time, perhaps you should think twice and not participate in a dubious undertaking.

Such a meeting will not pass without leaving a mark on your aura. Is the goal you set worth such consequences? Do you really need communication with the world on the other side of our lives?

Why communication with spirits fails

Many beginners fail to successfully carry out actions to establish contact with the other world. But don't despair. Experts believe that this is a completely normal situation.

  • Numerous mistakes and failure to follow all recommendations can lead you to a fiasco.
  • It is possible that you are performing the ceremony solely for fun and entertainment, and therefore the result leaves much to be desired.
  • When plunging into the world of magic, you must believe in what you are doing so that your work is not in vain.

Consequences of seances

Numerous warnings from psychics about the dangers of contacting dead people are often not taken seriously. But there are known cases when an evil spirit appears, taking away your strength and health, bringing negative consequences to your everyday life, even threatening death.

How to protect yourself

To eliminate the possibility of such a development of events, follow certain safety measures:

  • It is necessary to conduct spiritualistic seances without the presence of additional thoughts in your head, without the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Before making a personal request to the summoned being, ask your angel for protection through prayer.
  • The emerging substance should be treated with respect and its consent to communicate must first be obtained.
  • Before the session, draw a circle of salt around yourself.
  • At the end, be sure to say goodbye and thank you for your time.

Is it worth communicating with ghosts?

Of course, unpleasant situations may arise in our lives when it seems that we have stumbled upon an insurmountable wall, which there is no way to get around. An obstacle in our path makes us believe in hopelessness and takes away hope for the best.

We can't think of anything better than asking ghosts for advice. We believe that only they will help you get out of a deep crisis, gain health, and find good luck and success.

This happens because the other world has not yet been fully explored, and its constant fluctuations give us faith in a fairy tale where everything will end well.

But think about whether it is worth using methods to summon a spirit if everything is good in your life, you are surrounded by close and dear people, you have a roof over your head, and you are not starving. Possible consequences may change everything not for the better, so use your own strengths and capabilities to achieve your goal.

Many daredevils are not afraid to get involved with the otherworldly, and sometimes do not think about what calling a ghost might lead to. Experts in paranormal phenomena have repeatedly said that it is better for unprepared people not to engage in spiritualism, as the consequences can be the most terrifying.

We have already written about this before. And today we will talk about its consequences.

Scary ghost story. Eyewitness Leonid tells

This happened in 2009 in St. Petersburg. Then my wife and I had just moved into a new apartment. But as soon as we finished the renovations and moved in, terrible things began to happen. At night we heard someone’s heavy steps, as if from army boots, someone was constantly knocking on the wall, the sound of dishes was heard in the kitchen, and sometimes there were sounds as if someone was scratching with claws. And this happened almost every night.

After some time, the wife began to say that she felt someone’s presence, and as if something was trying to strangle her at night.

A few days later it got even worse: dishes began to break and furniture began to move. And one day, at night, I saw some kind of shadow in the hallway that resembled a human one. When I turned on the light, there was no one there anymore.

In the morning I sent my wife to her parents to protect her from trouble. And when I was left alone, I remembered. That when we first bought this apartment, it was terribly cluttered: mountains of unnecessary rubbish, and no renovations had been done to it for exactly thirty years. When we were taking out the trash from the apartment, I discovered among the trash a Ouija board, some pentagmas and other mystical artifacts. But, since I am a convinced atheist, I forgot about this junk within five minutes.

Now I realized that the former owners of this apartment were engaged in spiritualistic seances and summoning spirits. And it seems that one of the spirits decided to settle in this apartment.

I hastily sold the apartment, and we bought a new one, albeit a smaller one, in a new building. But now I know for sure that no one did anything in this apartment.

Is it dangerous to practice spiritualism?

Is it worth summoning spirits? Do you want dangerous games? It's up to you to decide. In the case of Leonid, the ghost decided to gain a foothold in the apartment; after moving to a new place, the guy and his wife forgot about the nightmares. But it also happens that a ghost haunts the person who called it, no matter where he moves, for the rest of his life.

I read a lot of your stories on this site, and I wanted to write my own - or rather, what my grandmother told me.
My grandmother told me this story, it was a long time ago, when she was still a teenager. Often, she and her friends would gather at someone’s house and arrange something like nightly gatherings. And then one day two of my grandmother’s friends suggested summoning the spirit. The grandmother and her sister refused at first, but then they were finally persuaded. They made a special board, wrote letters and numbers there, brought a saucer and put it on this very board. I won’t describe further how they started calling him and what else they did for this, because I don’t know myself, my grandmother didn’t tell me this, unfortunately. So, they began to summon the spirit of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and he came. They began to ask various questions, and the saucer moved very quickly along the board and answered all the questions, the grandmother and her sister sat scared. When all the questions were over, the girls tried to send the spirit back, but he did not leave for a long time, he was still in the room, then they still barely chased him out, and he left.
Some time after this incident, these two girls had a continuous streak of misfortunes, one of them began to die relatives, and the other did the same. After some time they had boyfriends. They, naturally, have already grown up, become more mature, smarter, but the streak of misfortunes has not ended. The young people decided to go on vacation in nature, to some village - they had a house there. And so at night they, absolutely sober, went to bed, and that night their house burned down (something seemed to be connected with the wiring), and all four died. But the strangest thing is that everything was fine with the grandmother and her sister, they were not haunted by misfortunes - probably because they did not take much part in this, they just sat and watched as others summoned the spirit.
And from then on, my grandmother began to believe in any calling of spirits and began to take it very seriously. And in general, she said that you shouldn’t bother people from the other world, it’s a sin. The dead must be where they belong.

Many people are curious by nature, they try to solve various mysteries. Almost everyone would like to know what happens to the soul after death. At all times there have been people who were called sorcerers and sorcerers. They could look beyond the boundaries of the living world and communicate with spirits. It is these people who are called necromancers.

The sorcerers knew how to summon the spirit. They could do this in Sumerian tombs, ancient Greek sanctuaries and other places of power or where people have ever died. Since ancient times, rituals have been known to summon a spirit or revive the dead. It is believed that in this way the sorcerer provided himself with additional protection from the afterlife.

Many people are driven to summon the spirit by simple curiosity. But there is a false idea that this is how we can learn about our future. In fact, this side is inaccessible to spirits. The entities will communicate with people, but often the latter very soon begin to regret their actions. The spirits' mood changes very quickly. At first they seem quite friendly. Those who summon the entity begin to trust them, sometimes even become attached, considering them their assistants. And if the spirit is evil, then it can ultimately cause great damage to health. This is due to the fact that at such sessions it is mainly not the summoned souls who come, but lower entities. They feed on people's fears and often cause great harm.

Knowing how to summon a spirit, you can find out serious things. For example, where the missing person is located. And often spirits really reveal these secrets, especially if their loved ones are looking for their body.

Following certain rules. Sometimes, when trying to solve a mystery, people don’t think that once they know the answer, they will no longer be able to live in peace. And the spirits, out of compassion, do not reveal the whole truth to the caller. But if this does not stop you, then think about whether during your lifetime you caused harm to the person whose soul you want to evoke. If everything is in order, then follow these rules:

The souls of the dead can be summoned from 24:00 to 4:00.

Conduct the session in silence.

There should be twilight around.

Be sure to write down the questions that worry you.

Open a door or window for the spirit.

Remove all metal objects from yourself.

Pre-fumigate the room with incense, it helps scare away lower entities.

After the session, thank the spirit that was with you.

The session should be less than an hour.

You can communicate with 1-3 spirits at a time.

Before the call, do not drink alcohol or eat a lot.

Let's look at how to summon a spirit. You can use the method with scissors and a book. Take the things listed. Place the scissors inside the book. Leave the rings on the outside of the pages. Tie the book with a red ribbon. Insert your little fingers into the rings of the scissors and call the spirit. When he appears, the book will begin to move on its own. Ask questions that interest you. If the answer is positive, then the book will move to the right, and if negative, then to the left.

How to summon a spirit using a saucer? In this method, you need to gather several people for a session. Draw a circle on large paper (whatman paper), and draw numbers and letters around its entire perimeter. Draw a vertical line in the very center. Write “yes” at the top and “no” at the bottom. Now take the saucer and turn it upside down. Call the spirit and start asking questions. Everyone participating in the session must place their fingertips on the saucer. It will begin to move on its own if the spirit wants to respond to you. He will give a specific answer to every question.

When calling spirits, do not forget that you are taking on a great responsibility. All religions say that communication with the other world is a great sin. And this conversation could end not just in some kind of trouble, but even in death.

Few people know that among the inhabitants of the magical world there are quite harmless, kind creatures that you can call with a friend even during the day, at home or on the street. Most often, such creatures are various fairies, gnomes and others, which are considered open entities and spirits for children.

Entities that can be summoned during the day

Who can you call at home during the day or at the entrance? First of all, it is worth noting that summoning some magical creature is a rather complex ritual. You need to develop a special talent for this. But if you already feel that you are completely ready to touch another world, you can try to summon good magical entities with the help of accessible and simple rituals. These entities include the following:

  • Gnome.
  • Flower fairy.
  • Fairy of wishes.
  • Mermaid.
  • Kavyi.

This also includes the tooth fairy.. The ritual of calling her at home is quite simple.

Summoning the Tooth Fairy

There are two rituals through which you can summon this magical entity at home, which brings gifts in return for lost teeth.

  • Method 1.

Using the first method of summoning the tooth fairy, you need to wait until your baby tooth falls out. You need to tell your parents about this, and at night put the fallen tooth under your pillow. Some sources claim that in order for this ritual to work, the tooth must not be placed under the pillow, but placed in a container filled with water. In this case, the container must be placed near the head of the bed. After this, the following words are pronounced three times: “Tooth fairy, appear!”

When you fall asleep, the entity flies in and exchanges your tooth for sweets or a small gift. But if you want to see this fairy with your own eyes, then you just need to close your eyes tightly and pretend to be asleep. When do you start to feel the presence of a magical being?, try opening one eye slightly and then you will see a real tooth fairy standing in front of you.

  • Method 2.

There is another fairly simple way to see this magical creature. To do this you need to find a house. Most often, a hollow is used in a large tree, which is located quite low. During the day, the child must leave his lost baby tooth by saying the following words: “Tooth fairy, come to me today.”

When night falls, a magical creature should come to the child, and then he should be asked to fulfill one wish. To do this, you also need to pretend to be asleep so as not to miss the appearance of the tooth fairy. If you fall asleep, the fairy will not wake you up, and will just leave a gift in the hollow. This gift will need to be picked up in the morning.

Spirits that can be summoned on the street during the day

There are many different entities that are fairly harmless and can be summoned even if you don't have much magical ability. These entities include the following:

  • Elemental spirits of the lowest rank.
  • Local perfumes.
  • Beregini.

To summon one of these good spirits, it does not require much work, but you need to decide what exactly you want to receive from such an entity. During the day, you can easily summon a good spirit on the street. You can do this yourself. If the summoning ritual is quite successful, and the spirit responds to you with its presence, then you will acquire a faithful assistant for the rest of your life. Such helpers most often are those entities that belong to various natural elements. But if, for example, is a rather difficult ritual, then summoning a water spirit of the highest rank is a fairly simple task that literally anyone can do.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that such kind creatures can also worry, feel, be afraid, and also joke about people. That is why there is no need to offend or anger them. To spend the day outside, you need to find a secluded place. This ritual can be performed with a friend. Agree with her in advance who exactly you want to see, and then hold hands and say the following words: “Spirit, bright, sweet, kind, come to us. Be our friend and helper."

These words must be said three times, after which you must close your eyes and imagine the image of a good spirit in front of you. In just a few seconds you will begin to feel the warmth passing through your body. This means that the spirit has arrived and is ready to establish contact with you. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of him. When he is nearby, you need to tell one of you what exactly you want from the summoned good spirit. Try to explain to him all your desires.

After this, you must thank the entity for coming, and then release the spirit. If the spirit agrees to constantly help you when needed, it will be next to you and protect you, suggesting the right decision in some specific actions.

Calling the sun bunny

There are many different reliable and simple ways that will help a novice wizard get in touch with the world of magic. For example, you can quite easily summon a sun bunny, which is considered the spirit of the sun's rays and is also capable of fulfilling your wishes. This creature will be faithful and a harmless assistant to any other wizard. To summon this spirit, you will need a sheet of paper, as well as a yellow felt-tip pen or pencil.

The ritual can be performed both independently and with friends, even at school. When calling a spirit at school, draw a bunny on a previously prepared sheet of paper, but without lifting your hands from the paper. After this, the drawing must be placed on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall on it. Now you should say the following words: “Come to me, little sunbeam, make my wishes come true!”

This text must be repeated 5 times, after which you must close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Mentally count to 10 and open your eyes. At this time, you will see a sunbeam sitting on your palms. Without taking your palms off the drawing, ask the spirit to fulfill your desire. When you say your wish, you need to take your hands off the drawing and release the bunny into the wild.

After some time, the wish will come true. It happens that the bunny gets scared and doesn’t come again. But most often he loves people and easily makes contact with them.

If you still can’t decide who exactly you want to call at home with a friend, then it is recommended to choose a good spirit, a sun bunny or a tooth fairy. It is these good spirits that can touch you, and you will touch the world of magic.

Queen of Spades

This horror is a favorite in summer camps in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Republics. A woman who crawls out of a playing card, out of a mirror, from under a bed, and is currently able to excite children's minds and young fragile psyches. But few people know that initially there was nothing frightening in the image of the Queen of Spades from the well-known deck. It is believed that this painted royal figure represented Athena, Joan of Arc or the biblical Rachel. But how to summon the Queen of Spades at home?

First of all, you need to stand in front of a mirror, put the Queen of Spades card in front of it, and on both sides light candles from her. After this, you need to look in the mirror and say the following words three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” According to legends, at this moment a dark female silhouette should appear in the reflection. This is the Queen of Spades. To prevent the Queen of Spades from crawling out of the mirror and killing you, you must immediately extinguish the lit candles and turn the card face down.

Bloody Mary

Who can you invite to Halloween? Of course, Bloody Mary! Bloody Mary is an American alternative to the Queen of Spades familiar to Soviet children. But who is this mysterious entity? Why her spirit still cannot rest in peace. One legend says that it was an ordinary woman named Mary who died and her spirit was sucked into a mirror. Since then he has been wandering around all the mirrors. Hence they began to cover mirrors with rags if someone dies in the house. The mirror is a kind of trap for spirits.

Another version says that this was the name of the old Pennsylvania witch who drank the blood of kidnapped young girls for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The third version says that Bloody Mary is Mary Tudor, the first queen of England, who became famous for her bloody massacres of followers of Protestant schools, as well as her own relatives. How to call Bloody Mary at home?

To do this, you need to stand in front of the mirror and say this name three times. Next, you need to close your eyes for a few seconds. When you open them, you should see a female reflection in the mirror, this will be Bloody Mary standing behind you. You can scare Bloody Mary away by using a lit candle. That is why you need to make sure that she is near you.

Theoretically, it is possible to evoke the spirit of absolutely any deceased person, but most often the greatest research interest among thrill-seekers is caused by some celebrities who have won fame, among whom Pushkin and Gogol have occupied pride of place for several decades. Our grandmothers also practiced this kind of fortune-telling.

In general, you shouldn’t joke with calling spirits, otherwise they may be offended and even . A seance is considered quite popular. It is especially common among young girls. Thanks to a spiritualistic session, you can find out the answers to your questions. But you need to prepare for such a ritual very carefully:

  • For the session you will need paper, preferably clean, there should be no drawings or notes on it. You need to draw a small table on paper, indicating in it all the letters of the alphabet, numbers, as well as the words YES and NO.
  • A hexagon is drawn in the center of the table, inside which the name of the summoned spirit is written.
  • The main element of a spiritualistic session is a needle on a thread or a saucer with an arrow drawn or glued on.

The ritual must be performed only at night, not in the evening, and also in a quiet room. Before calling the spirit, the lights in the entire house are turned off and candles are lit on the table. This session is recommended to be carried out alone, or in a small group of up to 5 people. Most often, at first, the saucer turns out to be too slow or, on the contrary, very restless. You can independently regulate the activity of the saucer using your fingertips. But in the process the problem disappears by itself, as a rule.

Mediums should remember simple rules of etiquette: always greet the spirit before moving on to questions, make sure that the spirit agrees to provide you with information, be sure to thank him, and say goodbye politely.

When everything is already prepared, you can begin the periodic session itself.

At first glance, it may seem that a spiritualistic session is quite harmless, but if you anger the spirit, then after the ritual health problems may arise and a series of failures will occur. That is why you need to think carefully about who you can call at home.

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