National standardization system of Russia. Basics of the national standardization system

National standardization system of Russia.  Basics of the national standardization system
National standardization system of Russia. Basics of the national standardization system

National standardization system represents national standards and all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, as well as the rules for their creation and use.

National standard- a standard approved by the national standardization body of the Russian Federation, in accordance with existing standardization rules, norms and recommendations. As a rule, it is used on a voluntary basis in the same way and equally regardless of the country and (or) place of origin of the product, the implementation of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal. The use of a national standard is confirmed by a sign of compliance with the national standard.

The procedure for developing national standards consists of the following stages:

1) Notification of the development of a national standard is sent to the national standardization body and published in the public information system in electronic digital form and in the printed publication of the federal body executive power on technical regulation. As a rule, the notification should contain information about provisions in the draft national standard that differ from the provisions of the corresponding international standards.

2) The developer of the national standard (the developer can be any person) must ensure

availability of the draft national standard to interested parties for review. The developer is obliged, at the request of the interested party, to provide him with a copy of the draft national standard. The fee charged by the developer for providing the said copy cannot be higher than the cost of its production. If the developer of the national standard is a federal executive body, the fee for providing a copy of the draft national standard is paid to the federal budget.

3) The developer finalizes the draft national standard taking into account comments received in writing from interested parties, carries out a public discussion of the draft national standard and compiles a list of comments received in writing from interested parties with summary the content of these comments and the results of their discussion.

At the same time, the developer is obliged to save the comments of interested parties received in writing until the national standard is approved and submit them to the national standardization body and technical committees for standardization at their request.

Public comment period of the draft national standard from the date of publication of the notice of development of the draft national standard until the day of publication of the notice of completion of public discussion there must be no less than two months.

4) Notification of the completion of public discussion of the draft national standard must be published in the printed publication of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system in electronic digital form. Moreover, the procedure for publishing a notice on the development of a draft national standard and a notice on the completion of a public discussion of a draft national standard and the amount of the fee for their publication are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5) The draft national standard, along with the list of comments received in writing from interested parties, is submitted by the developer to the technical committee for standardization, which organizes the examination of this draft. After this, the National Standardization Body, based on the documents submitted by the technical committee for standardization, accepts decision to approve or reject a national standard.

Notification of approval The national standard must be published in the printed publication of the federal executive body for technical regulation and in the public information system in electronic digital form within thirty days from the date of approval of the national standard.

In case of rejection of a national standard, a reasoned decision of the national standardization body is sent to the developer of the draft national standard.

All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information (all-Russian classifiers) are regulations, distributing technical, economic and social information in accordance with its classification and being mandatory for use in the creation of state information systems and information resources and interdepartmental information exchange. The procedure for using such classifiers in the socio-economic field (including in the field of statistical accounting, forecasting, banking, taxation, interdepartmental information exchange, creation of information systems and information resources) is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The responsibilities of the national standardization body include:

¦ creation and approval of a program for the development of national standards;

¦ ensuring accessibility of the program for the development of national standards to interested parties. Information Support standardization documents have the following features:

¦ national standards and all-Russian classifiers, as well as information about their development, must be available to all persons interested in them;

¦ official publication in in the prescribed manner national standards and all-Russian classifiers are carried out by the national standardization body. The procedure for publishing national standards and all-Russian classifiers is determined by the Government RF.

Federal Information Fund for Technical Regulations and Standards is a state information resource and consists of: » international standards;

¦ standardization rules;

¦ technical regulations;

¦ documents of the national standardization system;

¦ national standards of other states;

¦ information on confirmation of conformity;

¦ information on international agreements in the field of standardization;

¦ information about the rules of use. The procedure for creating and maintaining the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards, as well as the rules for using this fund, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the Russian Federation, in the manner and under the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation, a unified Information system, designed to provide interested parties with information about the documents included in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards. All interested parties are provided with free access to the created information resources, except for cases where, in the interests of preserving state, official or commercial secrets, such access must be limited.

The general purpose of standardization is to protect the interests of consumers and the state on issues of quality of products, processes and services. In addition, standardization is carried out for the following purposes:

  • increasing the level of safety of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety, safety of life or health of animals or plants and assistance in compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;
  • increasing the level of safety of facilities, taking into account the risk of emergency situations natural and man-made;
  • ensuring scientific and technological progress;
  • increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services;
  • rational use of resources;
  • technical and information compatibility;
  • comparability of research (test) and measurement results, technical and economic-statistical data;
  • interchangeability of products.

Principles of standardization. Standardization as a science and as a type of activity is based on certain starting points- principles. The principles of standardization reflect the basic laws of the process of developing standards and justify its need for management national economy, determine the conditions for effective implementation and development trends.

The most important principles of standardization.

1. Voluntary application of standards and provision of conditions for their uniform application. The national standard is applied on a voluntary basis equally and equally regardless of the country and (or) place of origin of products, implementation of processes life cycle products (LCP), performance of work and provision of services, types or characteristics of transactions and persons (who are manufacturers, performers, sellers, purchasers).

2. Application of the international standard as the basis for the development of a national standard. An exception may be cases when: compliance with the requirements of international standards is impossible due to the inconsistency of their requirements with climatic and geographical features RF or technical (technological) features of domestic production; Russia opposes the international standard as part of the voting procedure in international organization on standardization.

3. Balancing the interests of the parties developing, manufacturing, providing and consuming products (services). In other words, maximum consideration of the legitimate interests of the listed parties is necessary. Participants in standardization work, based on the capabilities of the product manufacturer and service provider, on the one hand, and the consumer’s requirements, on the other, must find consensus, which is understood as general agreement, i.e. as the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties, the desire to take into account the opinions of all parties and bring together divergent points of view. Consensus does not imply complete unanimity.

4. Systematic standardization. Systematicity is the consideration of each object as part of a larger complex system. For example, a bottle as a consumer container enters partly into a transport container - a box, the latter is placed in a container, and the container is placed in vehicle. Systematicity presupposes the compatibility of all elements of a complex system.

5.Dynamism and advanced development of the standard. As is known, standards model real-life patterns in the country's economy. However, scientific and technological progress brings changes to technology and management processes. Therefore, standards must adapt to the changes taking place. Dynamism is ensured by periodic checking of standards, introducing changes to them, and canceling ND. In order for a newly created standard to be less susceptible to obsolescence, it must be ahead of the development of society. Advanced development is ensured by introducing into the standard promising requirements for product range, quality indicators, control methods, etc. Advanced development is also ensured by taking into account international and regional standards and progressive national standards of other countries at the stage of development of ND.

6. The inadmissibility of creating obstacles to the production and circulation of products, the performance of work and the provision of services to a greater extent than is minimally necessary to achieve the goals of standardization. Guided by the principle of advanced standardization when forming the level of requirements of a national standard or technical regulation, one should take into account the readiness of the country and organizations to implement increased requirements. Otherwise, the introduction of a new document may paralyze the activities of a significant part of organizations.

7.Efficiency of standardization. The application of ND must have an economic or social effect. Direct economic benefits come from standards that lead to resource savings, increased reliability, and technical and information compatibility. Standards aimed at ensuring the safety of life and health of people, environment, provide a social effect.

8. The principle of harmonization. This principle provides for the development of harmonized standards and the inadmissibility of establishing standards that contradict technical regulations. Ensuring the identity of documents related to the same object, but adopted both by standardization organizations in our country and by international (regional) organizations, allows us to develop standards that do not create obstacles in international trade.

9. Clarity of the wording of the provisions of the standard. The possibility of an ambiguous interpretation of the norm indicates a serious defect in the ND.

10.Complexity of standardization of interrelated objects. The quality of finished products is determined by the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components. Therefore standardization finished products should be linked to the standardization of objects that form its quality. The complexity of standardization involves linking standards to finished goods with standards for assembly units, parts, semi-finished products, materials, raw materials, as well as technical means, methods of organizing production and methods of control.

11.Objectivity of requirements verification. Standards must establish requirements for the basic properties of the object of standardization that can be objectively verified, including requirements that ensure safety for life, health and property, the environment, compatibility and interchangeability. Objective verification of product requirements is usually carried out technical means measurements (instruments, methods chemical analysis). Objective verification of service requirements can also be carried out using sociological and expert methods. Certificates of conformity and conclusions of supervisory authorities are used as objective evidence.

12. Ensuring conditions for uniform application of standards. For example, this principle should be taken into account when developing organizational standards. Although the procedure for developing, approving, accounting for changes and cancellations of standards of organizations is established by them independently, it must take into account: firstly, the principles of standardization; secondly, universal rules that apply to standards of any status in terms of the rules of construction, presentation, and execution of standards.

Technical regulation - This legal regulation

technical regulations,

Are common technical regulations

  1. National standards
  2. Organization standards.
  1. Technical regulations;
  2. Interstate standards
  3. OKTEI
  4. STP, STO

Development and application of specifications

TECHNICAL CONDITIONS - this is a document establishing technical requirements, which the product, process and service must satisfy.

In Russia technical specifications accepted at the enterprise level.

Specifications are technical ( but not normative!) document. However, the technical conditions referred to in contracts for supplied products are applied as a normative document.

The general rules for the construction, presentation, design, coordination and approval of technical specifications are established in GOST 2.114-95 “ESKD. Technical conditions". This standard establishes that technical specifications are developed by decision of the developer, manufacturer or at the request of the customer (product consumer) and are an integral part of the kit technical documentation for products, and in the absence of documentation must contain full complex requirements for products, their production, control and acceptance.

In the context of reform Russian economy The demand for technical conditions has increased significantly. Technical specifications are most widely used as ND within the framework of contractual relations between producers and consumers. This form of using technical specifications is fully consistent with foreign practice: a document similar to the technical specifications - data sheet developed by the manufacturer and, in agreement with the consumer, used as an integral part of the contract with the consumer company.

For special dangerous species(groups) of products and newly developed potentially hazardous products must:

· include the basic safety requirements and methods of their control in the technical specifications,

· coordinate technical conditions with state supervisory authorities,

· register technical specifications in the CSM,

· check compliance with the requirements of technical specifications from the manufacturer and in trade by state control and supervision authorities.

Types of standards

Developing standards the following types in accordance with GOST R 1.0-2004.

Product standards;

Standards for processes (work) of production, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal of products;

Service standards;

Fundamental standards (organizational, methodological and general technical);

Standards for terms and definitions;

Standards for control methods (tests, measurements, analysis).

The national standard is applied voluntarily, after which all its requirements become mandatory (GOST R 1.0-2004, clause 6.2).

"Type of standard" determines the content of the standard depending on its purpose:

Fundamental Standards are developed in order to ensure mutual understanding, unity of approaches and interrelation between the activities of science, technology and production. Fundamental standards also establish principles, requirements, rules and regulations. Fundamental standards can establish scientific and technical terminology that is widely used in science, technology, and manufacturing.

Standards for products (services) establish requirements either for a specific type of product (service) or for groups of homogeneous products (services). Two varieties of this type of standards are used:

Standards of general technical conditions, which contain general requirements for groups of homogeneous products (services) (GOST OTU, GOST R OTU);

TU standards (GOST TU, GOST R TU).



In connection with the entry into force of the law “On Technical Regulation”, a national standardization system has been operating in Russia since 1993. Its main goal is to promote the dynamic and proportional development of all industries and services using standardization methods.

Since 1993, the legislative and regulatory framework for carrying out work in the field of standardization and related areas of activity (metrology, certification) has been the Laws of the Russian Federation: “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”; “On standardization”; “On certification of products and services”; “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements.” At the end of 2002, a new Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” was adopted, which came into force in 2003. With its introduction, the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Standardization” and “On Certification of Products and Services” became invalid in mid-2003. Laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” are still in force today.

The introduction of the Law “On Technical Regulation” is aimed at reforming the system of technical regulation, including standardization and quality assurance, and is caused by the development of market relations in society. Technical regulation - This legal regulation relations in the field of establishing, applying and using mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal, as well as in the field of establishing and applying on a voluntary basis requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sales , disposal, performance of work or provision of services and legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment.

One of the main ideas of the law is that mandatory requirements contained today in regulations, including in national standards, are included in the field of technical legislation - in federal laws (technical regulations). A two-level structure of regulatory and regulatory documents is being created: technical regulations containing mandatory requirements, and standards containing voluntary norms and rules harmonized with the technical regulations.

Thus, a new regulatory document is being introduced - technical regulations, which will be adopted as a federal law or a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, and in exceptional cases as a decree of the President of Russia.

International and national standards can be used in whole or in part as a basis for the development of draft technical regulations.

There are two types of technical regulations in force in the Russian Federation: general technical and special.

General technical regulations are adopted on issues of safety of operation and disposal of machinery and equipment, operation of buildings, structures, structures, safety of use of adjacent territories, fire safety; biological, environmental, nuclear and radiation safety; electromagnetic compatibility. An example of a draft general technical regulation - a federal law (FL) - is the project “On the safety of machinery and equipment”.

Special technical regulations set requirements only for those certain species products and industries that are not met by the requirements of general technical regulations or the degree of risk of harm which is higher than the degree of risk of harm taken into account by the general technical regulations.

The provisions of the standards apply government bodies management, subjects economic activity, scientific, technical, engineering societies and others public organizations, including TC for standardization.

The set of standards of the State System of the Russian Federation includes the following main regulatory documents:

– GOST R 1.0-92. State system standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions";

– GOST R 1.2-92. State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for developing State standards;

– GOST R 1.4-93 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Standards of industries, standards of enterprises, scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations. General provisions;

– GOST R 1.5-2002. State standardization system of the Russian Federation. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

– GOST R 1.8-2002. State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development and application of inter state standards.

– GOST R 1.9-2002. State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for marking products and services with a sign of compliance with state standards.

– ISO/IEC 2. General terms and definitions in the field of standardization and related activities;

– PR 50-688-92. Temporary standard regulations on the technical committee for standardization;

– PR 50-734-93 Procedure for developing OK TESI;

– PR 50-718-94 Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets;

– R 50.1.004-95. The procedure for preparing interstate standards in the Russian State Standards Committee for adoption in the Russian Federation.

ND valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Normative document on standardization - this is a document establishing rules, principles, norms, characteristics relating to standardization objects, various types activities or their results, and accessible to a wide range of users.

ND on standardization is applied by state governing bodies, business entities at the stages of development, preparation of products for production, their manufacture, sale, use, storage, transportation and disposal, when performing work and providing services, when developing technical documentation (design, technological, project ), including specifications, catalog sheets for supplied products.

According to the State Standards of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents on standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include standards, technical regulations, all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information, as well as norms, rules and recommendations for standardization.

Regulatory documents on standardization (in accordance with the Law on Technical Regulation):

  1. National standards
  2. Rules for standardization, norms and recommendations in the field of standardization;
  3. Classifications applied in the prescribed manner, OKTESI.
  4. Organization standards.

Currently, the following standardization documents are in force in the Russian Federation:

  1. Technical regulations;
  2. State standards of the Russian Federation GOST R
  3. Regional standard (GOST, ST SEV
  4. Interstate standards
  5. International standards applied in the prescribed manner (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC)
  6. Rules, norms, recommendations for standardization (PR, R)
  7. OKTEI
  8. STP, STO

Still in effect SSR standards, if they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Technical regulations. According to the Law “On Technical Regulation”, TRs are used for the purposes of:

– protection of the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state and municipal property;

– protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

– prevention of actions that mislead purchasers.

The Russian Federation has general and special technical regulations. General technical requirements are mandatory for application and compliance with any type of product, production process, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal. The requirements of special technical regulations take into account technological and other features of types of products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, Article 13, documents in the field of standardization used on the territory of the Russian Federation include:

National standards;

Classifications applied in the prescribed manner, all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

Organization standards;

Codes of Practice;

Preliminary National Standards;

International standards, regional standards, regional codes of rules, standards of foreign countries and codes of rules of foreign countries registered in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards;

Duly certified translations into Russian of international standards, regional standards, regional codes of rules, standards of foreign countries and codes of rules of foreign countries, accepted for registration by the national standardization body of the Russian Federation.

Standard - a document in which, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, the characteristics of products are established; characteristics and rules for the implementation of its life cycle processes: design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, production, storage, transportation, sales, operation and disposal, performance of work or provision of services.

National standard– a standard approved by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization (Rosstandart).

National standards are:

● current state and interstate standards put into effect before July 1, 2003 (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation” came into effect).

● national standards newly developed and approved by Rosstandart.

Interstate standard. Example: GOST 6033 - 80

GOST 6033 - 80

Year of registration of the standard

Registration number

Interstate standard index

National standard. Example GOST R 8.401-99

GOST R | 8.| 4| 01| - 99

Year of registration of the standard

Serial number of the standard

Group of standards

System number

National standard index

All-Russian Classifiers of Technical, Economic and Social Information (OCTESI)- a normative document containing a systematic list of codes and names of classification objects, developed and approved in the prescribed manner, mandatory for use at various levels of management (Table 20).

Table 20 - All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information (OKTESI) (examples)

Classifier name

Short designation

All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations

All-Russian classifier of specialties by education

All-Russian Product Classifier

All-Russian classifier of information on social protection population

All-Russian classifier of services to the population

All-Russian classifier of standards

All-Russian classifier of worker professions, office positions and tariff categories

All-Russian classifier of units of measurement

Rules (PR)– a document in the field of standardization that establishes mandatory for the application of organizational, technical and/or general technical provisions, orders (rules, procedures), methods (methods, techniques) for performing work, as well as mandatory requirements for processing the results of this work.

Norm– a provision establishing quantitative or qualitative criteria that must be satisfied.

Set of rules– a document in the field of standardization, which contains technical rules and/or descriptions of product life cycle processes: design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, production, storage, transportation, sales, operation and disposal of products and which is applied on a voluntary basis .

Service station organization standards– standards of commercial, public, scientific, self-regulatory organizations, associations of legal entities, developed and approved by them independently, based on the need for their application.

Preliminary National Standard- a document in the field of standardization, which is approved by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization and the validity period of which is limited;

Other regulatory documents also operate on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Technical specifications– developed by enterprises in cases where it is impractical to create a standard: production of products in small batches, one-time deliveries, works of artistic crafts, etc. TU is a normative and technical document. They establish requirements for specific products. These requirements should not contradict the requirements of GOST R, but may tighten them.

Example: TU 2145 – 170 – 34267369 - 99

TU 2145 – 170 – 34267369 - 99

Year of approval

OKPO enterprise code

Registration number TU

Product group according to OKP

Document index

Set of standards– a set of interrelated standards, united by a common goal orientation and establishing agreed upon requirements for interrelated objects of standardization.

Sets of standards are systems of standards of inter-industry significance.

Examples of standards systems are given in Table 21.

Table 21 - Inter-industry standards systems (examples)

International, regional, national standards of other countries:

a) Adoption of a national standard representing the authentic text of the international standard in Russian without changes or additions - the “cover method”.

National standard adopted by the “cover method”. Example: GOST R ISO 945 – 97

GOST R ISO 945 - 97

Year of approval of GOST R

International standard designation without

year of its approval

International standard index

National standard index

b) Adoption of a national standard representing an international document translated into Russian with additional requirements for the object of standardization, reflecting the specific needs of Russia.

Example: GOST R 45324 – 98 (ISO 6782-92)

GOST R 45324 -98 (ISO 6782-92)

International standard designation

Year of approval of the national standard

National standard registration number

National standard index

Standards are needed so that there is something to compare with and something to strive for. And national standards are a standard that is adopted at the state level by the National Standards Authority (Rosstandart). For compliance, samples are classified by type.

In the image and likeness of the standard

To comply or not to comply with the templates is voluntary. But there is in Everyday life such moments that require compliance with the parameters established at the legislative level that guarantee quality and safety. The law reflects the norms and rules for the use of role models.

Ideal templates in Russia

IN modern life Every now and then you can hear or see references to the European standard or the global standard.

National standards of the Russian Federation are applicable only within our homeland and are regulated in accordance with State Law No. 162-FZ of June 29, 2015 “On standardization in the Russian Federation.” Basic provisions.

They are distinguished by the following types:

  • general or fundamental;
  • for specific products and services;
  • templates related to specific activities;
  • unified approaches to analytical and supervisory functions.

It would be difficult to imagine our life without meeting these standard requirements. National standards of the Russian Federation ensure discipline and increase responsibility.

What to strive for?

So, templates, role models - all this is designed to protect us and guarantee quality, based on certain requirements, be it environmental safety or labor safety, services that bring results and do not cause harm to those who consume them, sanitary and hygienic regulations for those or other types of products, conditions of detention, transportation, interoperability and replaceability different types goods, technologies, as well as information.

Thus, national standards are, first of all, normative documents that define specified parameters and properties for products or services of the same type. Any activity and production is subject to mandatory standardization when we talk about:

  • well-being and safety of people, safety material assets any level of affiliation (state, municipal or personal);
  • impact on nature, on the safe and healthy existence of living organisms of flora and fauna;
  • eliminating such influences that lead to incorrect conclusions on the part of potential consumers;
  • the need for oversight by government agencies to ensure compliance with standards.

Standardization covers almost all aspects of our lives. Its importance is only increasing. People have become more demanding in the choice of goods and services, in the quality of service, in working conditions, and they want guarantees.

GOSTs - it sounds modern

GOST standards have not been canceled, they are still in price and are relevant, perhaps, more than ever. And from July 1, 2017, many the latest designs to follow in the field Food Industry. Official documents regarding technical conditions and GOST for measurement methods are already in force. The list of GOSTs and their scope of application is published on special websites for all interested parties.

For the average consumer, it is important to see, for example, on a butter label, an indication of GOST. That is, the consumer sees that the oil is produced in accordance with a standard that determines the naturalness and quality of the product. If this product does not comply with GOST specifically for butter, which means it should be called something else. The same goes for cottage cheese and milk. Many sausage producers have also begun to follow GOST standards, because they see that buyers are increasingly giving preference to products with a guarantee.

Although this does not mean that manufacturers are limited in their actions. The goal of their work is to be better than others and remain competitive. This means that GOST and technical conditions are only part of the mandatory action program. The rest can be supplemented by the manufacturer with creative solutions.

Compliance patterns by industry

There are GOSTs for industries, for engineering and technological communities, for enterprises, and for various other organizations. Of course, the development of such templates involves specialized specialists who have experience and extensive training, have considerable scientific and technical potential, and have earned authority. Such samples are accepted only if they optimally take into account the interests of all enterprises. They are coordinated with government authorities. It's impossible otherwise - industry standards become a law that must be observed in practice.

So, when adopting an industry standard:

  • take into account the date of its introduction;
  • registered according to all rules;
  • government bodies that have adopted the standards inform about them, publish or re-issue them;

Those enterprises that are subordinate to the government body that adopted the standard are required to comply with these standards. Everyone else can comply with industry standards on a voluntary basis.

Standards Developers

Main actor in creating standards - this is Rosstandart. He has a very important mission:

  • To represent our homeland at world forums and meetings to create ideal role models, to take an active part in the implementation of global standards, taking into account the interests of our homeland. Sometimes international standards conflict with our standards and a compromise must be found.
  • Work with national standards. This means understanding the development program itself, organizing a review examination, approving standards, publishing them in media mass media and on websites, approve a special sign - its image, which means compliance with the standard.
  • Organize and supervise their activities.
  • Ensure that it is in the interests of our economy, consistent with material base and served technical progress. This is the most important goal when designing any patterns and stamps.

Rosstandart implements its functions and tasks thanks to the standardization bodies in the Russian Federation. These include:

  • Technical committees whose function is to develop standards for specific types works, services, standardize technologies.
  • Various institutes engaged in research, there are two dozen of them.
  • Federal bodies for standardization.
  • Enterprise standardization services.

All designated organizations have their own specific tasks and boundaries of competence.

How are templates and samples developed?

National standards are a set of requirements that are required in certain cases for mandatory execution. But the standards themselves require a strict approach to their creation. There are requirements for their formulation, construction, and composition. And also to the designation with special signs. All this is also regulated by GOST. When developing standards, it is necessary to indicate in the content:

  • brief content and “face” of the official paper;
  • content and introduction;
  • name and scope of implementation;
  • footnotes to standards;
  • decoding of symbols and abbreviations;
  • requirements, norms, rules and characteristics;
  • applications and bibliographic data.

National standards and codes of practice are of a declarative nature. Those organizations that develop templates can submit such an application. For example, various enterprises, public associations, government bodies and organizations. Important point- justify the need to develop the required template. Moreover, the applicant can even provide his own vision of this standard.

Where is it used?

The application of national standards has a fairly wide geography. It can be used voluntarily, and in some cases it becomes mandatory. An obligation arises when:

  • the manufacturer has decided to use a mark indicating conformity with a national standard;
  • the contract contains a reference to the standard of services provided or the quality of goods or to some other standard;
  • goods are made to order public services and organizations;
  • the manufacturer decided to certify its products;
  • the national standard is used as evidence of a direct relationship to the technical regulations;
  • the designer wished to reflect compliance with the standard to highlight the basis of many years of experience.

The consumer of services and goods develops a certain opinion if there is a reference to a national standard. That is, if a product or service is certified and meets the standard, then there is less risk of wasting money.

Key point of economic policy

National standards are also tools for economic growth in the country. From competent system standardization depends on the efficiency of all enterprises, business entities and federal bodies executive power, which generally affects the development of the state, so it is difficult to overestimate the role of such large-scale work.

Of course, the highest tasks and standards can be set. But their implementation will be hampered by the insufficient level of material and technical base, personnel shortages, low funding for certain works, and the imperfection of the legal and regulatory framework of the national standardization system.

Summing up

However, with the overall globalization of the world economy and integration in all areas, it will be necessary to somehow raise quality standards and provide one hundred percent guarantees. Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep up with global progress. Life itself forces you to keep up with the times.

National standardization system of the Russian Federation

To strengthen the role of standardization in technical progress, improving the quality, competitiveness of products and the economy of their production in Russia, the State Standardization System (GSS) was developed and put into effect, which began to take shape after the collapse of the USSR and was constantly improved. It was a set of interrelated rules and regulations, contained the structure of standardization bodies and services, the rights and responsibilities of these services, the organization and methodology of standardization work, the procedure for the development, execution, approval, approval, implementation of standards and other normative and technical documentation, as well as procedure for monitoring their implementation and compliance.

The national standardization system includes:

I. Participants in standardization work:

national standardization body;

standardization research organizations;

technical committees for standardization;

standards developers.

II. Fund of documents on standardization:

interstate national standards;

all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

codes of practice;

organization standards.

The main goal of the National Standardization System is to promote high rates of sustainable economic growth, dynamic and proportional development of all industries and services.

Legislative and regulatory framework The national standardization system consists of:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (clause “r” of Article 71), which relates standards to matters of the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The Constitution lists what is necessary and sufficient to ensure the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, ensuring its integrity and inviolability of its territory; the establishment of uniform standards and standards for the entire country meets these goals;

Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ, which defines the legal basis for standardization in the Russian Federation, participants in standardization work, rules for the development and voluntary application of standards;

regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on standardization issues;

fundamental standards of the National Standardization System.

Characteristics of the fundamental standards of the National Standardization System

Fundamental issues of organization and practical activities in the field of standardization in the Russian Federation are regulated in a set of national standards that were adopted in 2004-2005. Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions" - the standard establishes general rules formation, maintenance and application of the provisions of the standardization system in the Russian Federation.

GOST R 1.1-2005 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Technical committees for standardization. The order of creation and activity."

GOST R 1.2-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules for development, approval, updating and cancellation” - the standard establishes the rules for the development and approval of national standards, carrying out work to update them by introducing changes, amendments or revisions, as well as rules for canceling existing standards.

GOST R 1.4-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Organization standards. General provisions" standard establishes standardization objects and general provisions in the development and application of organizational standards and is intended for use by commercial, public, scientific organizations, self-regulatory organizations, associations of legal entities, as well as technical committees for standardization that organize the examination of organization standards.

GOST R 1.5-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules for construction, presentation, design and designation” - the standard establishes general rules for construction, presentation, design and designation of national standards of the Russian Federation, general requirements for their content, as well as rules for design and presentation of changes to national standards.

GOST R 1.6-2005 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Draft standards. Organization of examination" - this standard was introduced for the first time and contains the principles of organizing and conducting examination of draft national standards, organizing and conducting examination of draft national standards by experts and a technical committee.

GOST R 1.8-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Interstate standards. Rules for carrying out work in the Russian Federation on development, application, updating and termination of application."

GOST R 1.9-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Mark of compliance with national standards of the Russian Federation. Image. “Procedure for application” - the standard establishes the requirements for the image of the mark of conformity, as well as the procedure for its application.

GOST R 1.10-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Standardization rules and recommendations for standardization. Procedure for development, approval, modification, revision and cancellation" - the standard applies to standardization rules and recommendations for standardization approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, and is intended for use by research and other organizations and structural divisions Federal agency.

GOST R 1.11 -99 “State system of standards of the Russian Federation. Metrological examination of draft state standards” - the standard establishes the procedure and rules for conducting metrological examination of draft national standards (GOST is valid, but has not been revised).

GOST R 1.12-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Terms and Definitions". This standard complements general terms in the field of standardization, which are established as a national standard in the Russian Federation by the interstate standard GOST 1.1-2002 “Interstate standardization system. Terms and definitions" for the purpose of implementation individual provisions Federal Law"On technical regulation".

GOST R 1.13-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Notifications about draft documents in the field of standardization. General requirements" - the standard establishes general requirements for the preparation of notifications about the development of: national standards of the Russian Federation, interstate standards developed in the Russian Federation for use as national standards, amendments to standards, proposals to cancel standards.

GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions";

GOST 1.1-2002 “Interstate standardization system. Terms and Definitions";

GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation";

GOST 1.3-2004 “Interstate standardization system. Rules and methods for adopting international and regional standards as interstate standards";

GOST 1.5-2001 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation.”