On which side of the plot should apple trees be planted? Expanding the apple orchard - all about autumn planting of apple trees. Distance between seedlings

On which side of the plot should apple trees be planted?  Expanding the apple orchard - all about autumn planting of apple trees.  Distance between seedlings
On which side of the plot should apple trees be planted? Expanding the apple orchard - all about autumn planting of apple trees. Distance between seedlings

Planting apple tree seedlings will give good results if they are chosen correctly. It is not recommended to buy those seedlings that have leaves and that were dug up before the beginning of October. After all, they did not have time to prepare for winter, the nutrients did not accumulate in them - such young animals are unlikely to survive.

The apple tree has many varieties, each of which is bred for specific climatic conditions. Do not rush to be tempted by a picture with beautiful fruits; find out whether the climatic conditions of your region correspond to the needs of a particular variety. Choosing blindly will lead to the fact that the apple tree simply will not bear fruit, or even die altogether.

When buying a seedling, pay attention to its length. The optimal value for a young tree is considered to be a length within 125 centimeters. If the plant is shorter, then it was poorly cared for or dug up prematurely. Conversely, if the seedling is taller than necessary, it is unlikely to take root. Most likely, such a plant will not survive even the first frost.

When choosing planting material, you need to examine it from all sides. Pay special attention to the root system - it must be moist! The roots should be light and the bark intact and intact. When moving a seedling or transporting it, the roots are wrapped in a damp cloth and a plastic bag.

How to plant an apple tree seedling - choosing a location

Let's consider the nuances of how to properly plant apple tree seedlings so that your efforts are not in vain. First of all, you need to prepare a place for planting a tree. The apple tree loves loose soil and does not tolerate waterlogged or rocky soil. If you are going to plant a whole apple orchard, leave 3-4 meters, and the interval between rows should be at least 5 meters.

The hole in which the young tree will be planted is prepared in advance, 30 days before planting. Its depth should be no more than 0.8 meters, and its diameter should be about a meter.

We drive a wooden stake into the middle of the dug hole, the length of which is at least 50 centimeters above the ground. It should be burned from below with fire so that it does not begin to rot prematurely. When the hole for the tree is ready, care should be taken to fertilize the soil. It is necessary to mix the soil with humus, manure, compost and organic fertilizers.

Pour the prepared mixture into the hole so that it is completely filled. It’s good if a mound of useful soil rises above the hole. A mound is needed because the soil will compact and settle. And since planting is planned only in a month, the ground will noticeably settle before that time. So, the hole is ready, all that remains is to figure out how to plant apple tree seedlings.

How and when is it better to plant apple tree seedlings?

Let's learn step by step how to plant an apple tree seedling correctly. In the hole, which we prepared and fertilized in advance, we make a depression. The diameter and depth must correspond to the root system of the seedling. We insert the seedling into the hole and cover it with soil, which we compact with our palms.

If you want to grow an apple orchard on your property or plant just one such tree and get abundant harvests, then you should first figure out how to do it correctly: how to plant an apple tree, when exactly to plant in the spring, what place to choose, what scheme to follow, etc. We will talk about this and much more further.

Did you know? Our ancestors always ate the fruits of wild apple trees. The charred remains of these trees were found by archaeologists at lake sites of the Neolithic period (in Switzerland). But the domesticated apple tree comes from the territories of modern Kyrgyzstan and southern Kazakhstan. There you can still find the wild Sievers apple tree, from which the popular domestic tree today comes.

Planting an apple tree in spring: when to start work

The advantage of spring planting is that before the onset of frost, the trees will have time to get stronger and will more easily survive the drop in temperature. The answer to the question “When exactly should I plant apple trees in the spring?” largely depends on the region where you live. For mid-latitudes, the planting period is mid-April, and for northern regions - at the beginning of May. To check the readiness of the soil, simply dig it with a shovel: the bayonet should enter the soil quite easily. Do not wait for the soil to completely thaw or for sap to start flowing. If planted too late, the tree will not have enough moisture, it will become sick and grow stunted. Everything must be done before the buds open. Perhaps the seedlings will lose their quality due to a sharp rise in temperature. This is especially true in areas experiencing early drought. It is very important to choose the right time for planting apple tree seedlings in the spring, since the favorable outcome of growing the tree largely depends on this.

Important! Trees planted in spring must be constantly and regularly watered. Insufficient watering can cause a noticeable drying out of the weakened root system, which will ultimately lead to uneven development of the under- and above-ground parts of the seedlings.

Having decided on the variety of apple tree, you can go for planting material. Spontaneous markets are not very suitable for this, since in such places there is a possibility of buying the wrong variety or weakened plants that were stored incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialized store or nursery. When purchasing, be sure to inspect the bark of the selected specimen: it must be without damage. At the time of planting apple tree seedlings in the spring, they should have 1.5 m in height, a two- or three-year developed root system (at least 3 skeletal branches 30-35 cm long) and several branches (at least 3, 50 cm each). A high-quality seedling will have a light and juicy cut, and any signs of pests and diseases should be completely absent.

Did you know? Often the trunk of a plant has already begun to become woody by the time it is sold.

Cultivated apple trees first appeared on the territory of Kievan Rus in the 11th century. In 1051 (the period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise) a whole garden was planted, which later became known as the garden of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the 16th century, apple trees began to be grown in the north of Rus'.

Choosing a place to plant seedlings Before planting an apple tree in the spring, take care of a suitable place.

Choose an area with good lighting (preferably not on the south side). and make sure that it is protected from the wind, because this way pollination by insects will be better and the yield will be higher. Also, be sure to make sure that the groundwater in this place is deep and over time it will not begin to wash the roots of the tree. Apple trees prefer fertile, light, loamy soils.

How to plant an apple tree in spring, step-by-step instructions

To make it easier to understand how to plant an apple tree in the spring, we offer you step-by-step instructions for this process.

Of course, you can simply, without any preparation, bury the seedlings in the ground, but then there is a high probability that they will not take root or the yield will not be very high. Therefore, it is advisable to dig up the selected area in advance (at the end of summer/beginning of autumn), and loosen the top layer of soil immediately before planting trees.

Important!When you decide to plant a large number of apple trees on your site, a year before it is better to sow lupine, mustard, phacelia or other green manure plants in the chosen place. Let them grow without flowering and mow them down. Do not remove the cut grass, leaving it on the site until digging.

If the soil is clayey, it will not be able to allow moisture to pass through and the apple trees will quickly wither. To avoid this, raise the surface level by 80 cm, using compost, coarse river sand and peat.

Preparing the planting hole

Preparing a hole for planting an apple tree can be done in the spring (a week before planting) or in the fall. This procedure is very important, since this will not just be a place for roots, but a nutrient medium for plants for the next few years.

That's why:

  • Dig the required number of holes 70 cm deep and about 60 cm in diameter.
  • Provide drainage if necessary.
  • Secure the stake in the center, leaving 30-40 cm on the surface.
  • Add peat, rotted manure, humus and compost to the extracted soil.
  • Fill the hole completely and place a mound on top.
  • Moisten the soil generously.

Speaking about how to plant an apple tree in the spring, it is also necessary to include in the step-by-step guide a scheme for planting seedlings.

It includes the following actions:

  • Start by placing the roots in water for a few hours before planting.
  • Then, in a previously prepared hole, dig a hole of the required size (the rhizome should fit comfortably).
  • Place the seedling in the hole so that the stake is on the south side of the plant.
  • Spread out the roots.
  • Pour warm water over them.
  • Cover the roots with soil before the moisture is absorbed. Make sure that the place where the trunk and rhizome connect is 4-5 cm above the ground.
  • Wait a little and compact the soil with a shovel.
  • Tie the apple tree to a support (near the root and on top).
  • Water the hole (apply 40 liters of water at a time), and then do not water for about a week.
  • Mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust or pine needles.
  • Prune to form a crown.

Did you know?When planting apple trees in both spring and autumn, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance between the trees. It depends on the type of tree. Previously, most often, large-growing apple trees were planted (at a distance of 6 m from each other). These varieties are still planted, but fruit trees on dwarf rootstock have become more popular. This is due to their compact size, which is very convenient for harvesting. They can be planted at a distance of 4 m from each other. Columnar varieties are often grown, keeping a distance of 2 m between them.

Probably not a single plot, garden or yard is complete without planting apple trees. Almost every gardener knows how to plant correctly and how to fertilize the soil to increase fertility. But no one can answer for sure - when to plant apple trees? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Choosing the time of year

The basic rule for planting apple trees is dig in seedlings during sleep. For young seedlings, transplanting to a new place is very stressful. Just imagine, different soil, food (after all, the composition of your soil is different from the soil in the nursery or the soil of your neighbor from whom you purchased the seedlings). The young plant will have to get used to everything new. So gardeners noticed that trees in a state of sleep are much better able to tolerate transplantation to a new location. After awakening, the seedlings get used to their new environment much faster.

Based on this, it turns out that the best time of year for planting apple trees is winter. But unfortunately, this is also not an option, because the fragile root system of young trees will not withstand planting in cold, frozen ground. So when should you plant apple trees? During sleep (in winter) - it is not recommended; during hot periods (in summer) - it is also not recommended. There are only two periods left suitable for planting: autumn - sleep time, spring - before the activation of vegetation processes.

Variety of varieties

Features of planting apple trees depending on the variety:

  • Columnar apple trees are best planted in the spring, as they penetrate the soil to a shallow depth. During the growing season, the roots will have time to “grow” quite firmly with the soil. By winter, you will have to carry out certain measures in order to insulate the root system.
  • To plant dwarf apple trees, you must choose the season in accordance with the weather conditions in certain climatic zones.

When to plant apple trees in the fall?

In any region, it is recommended to plant apple trees no later than 30 days before the first frost. In the northern regions, it is advisable to finish planting apple trees until early September. In central Russia, this period begins in mid-September and ends in early October. In the southern regions, the climate allows planting until the end of October. If for some reason you did not have time to plant the seedlings within this time frame, then it is better to postpone planting until spring. If you are late with planting, the seedlings may freeze, since the root system will not have time to strengthen and the plant will not receive proper nutrition in the winter.

When to plant apple trees in spring?

If you have decided to plant apple trees in the spring, then it is advisable not to delay this either. Planting seedlings recommended to be done in early spring, before the buds begin to bloom. In the northern regions this period shifts to the beginning of May. In central Russia, this period begins closer to mid-April.

Important: a month must pass before the onset of heat so that the root system is well established, otherwise the apple tree will hurt and grow weak.

Preparing the planting hole

Planting hole size apple tree seedlings depends on the nature of the soil on the site and how it was prepared.

  • If the soil on the site is fertile and deep digging has been done, then the hole can be made small so that it is suitable for placing the roots of the seedlings. The depth of the hole should be approximately 35 cm and the width 45 cm.
  • If the soil on the site is quite heavy, and deep digging has not been done, then the hole should be larger. The depth should be 70 cm and the width 100 cm.
  • If the subsoil on the site consists of chalk clay, crushed stone and marl, and the soil has not been prepared, then the depth of the hole should be at least 90 cm and the width 120 cm.

Preferably prepare planting holes in advance. To plant apple trees in the spring, holes should be prepared in the fall. For planting in the fall, the holes need to be prepared a month before the intended planting.

Landing technique

Planting an apple tree two-year-old seedlings. Their height should be at least 60 cm, with 3 shoots. However, developed annual plants even surpass biennial plants in terms of survival. An annual plant usually does not have a side branch, so it should be "scanned". To do this, measure 70 cm from the ground on the seedling, count 5 well-developed buds and cut the plant above them. This procedure is carried out in the spring if the planting was done in the fall. And if the planting was done in the spring, then the procedure is carried out immediately after planting.

A stake is placed in the center of the pit. Approximately 3/4 of the depth is filled with soil, mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers, per pit: 100 g of potassium sulfate, 20 kg of humus, 500 g of superphosphate. The filled soil is slightly compacted and an apple tree seedling is installed on the north side of the stake. The roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with earth.

In order for the soil poured onto the roots to fit more tightly, it needs to be compacted several times. This must be done very carefully. Then I make a hole around the planted seedling and water the plant. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the size of the pit. For watering, 5 buckets of water are enough. After the water is absorbed, the soil is mulched with sawdust or humus (10 cm layer). To prevent the young tree from becoming loose from the wind, it is tied to a stake with twine.

Now you know how and when to plant apple trees. You can choose the most suitable period and boldly begin planting. If you plant correctly and do not make mistakes, your tree will grow healthy. And then very soon you will be able to enjoy the taste of juicy fruits grown with your own hands.

Many people today do not dare to move to a metropolis. The environmental situation in these regions leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many people want to purchase a private house with a small plot. The size of a plot of land does not always allow for a large garden, but there is almost always room for several fruit trees.

Truly the queen of all gardens is the apple tree. This tree can be found in almost every garden. The varieties of apple trees are so diverse that every owner will be able to choose the right option for himself. Today popular apple trees are dwarf, tall, semi-dwarf, with a spreading crown, and wedge-shaped. The ripening period varies; long-term storage of the crop is possible. For summer residents living in Siberia or the Far East, it is better to choose zoned crops adapted to the special climate of the region. This way you can get a good harvest of juicy, tasty apples.

Landing place

Many people are interested in: how to plant an apple tree correctly? After all, there are some recommendations, taking into account which you can get a good harvest in the future.

First of all, you should choose the right place to plant the apple tree. The place where young plants will be planted must meet the following requirements:

  • good lighting;
  • wind protection;
  • fertile land.

A good sunny location promotes excellent fruiting. Please ensure that there are no tall trees nearby. The shadow they create adversely affects the development of the young tree and reduces the quantity and quality of fruit.

The site should be well protected from strong winds. But it must be well ventilated.

Of course, the quality of the harvest is also affected by fertile soil enriched with useful substances and microelements.

Would you like to plant several apple trees? Then it's better to do it in one place. It is not recommended to alternate plantings with other plants. This way you can achieve good pollination, which means abundant fruiting. In addition, it is easier and more convenient to treat plants from the negative influence of pests and diseases with this arrangement.

Experts also recommend choosing several different varieties with different ripening periods. For example, on a personal plot it is recommended to plant the following combination of fruit trees: White Fill, Cinnamon Striped and Lobo, Aport and Gold or Melba.

Soil Features

Soil is an indicator of the future quality of fruiting. Therefore, those who do not know how to plant an apple tree should pay attention to the composition of the soil in the chosen location. The plant is unpretentious in the choice of soil, but it should not be:

  • swampy;
  • rocky;
  • crushed stone.

The apple tree is a plant that loves loose soil. It is capable of transmitting moisture and air to the roots of the plant. It is not recommended to plant the plant in places where groundwater lies close. The minimum distance to them should be more than 2 m. Under such conditions, we can say that the apple tree will bear fruit for a long time and abundantly. If groundwater is located close, how to plant an apple tree? Experienced gardeners recommend laying a sheet of slate at the bottom of the planting hole. When the root reaches this depth, it will change its growth trajectory. In this case, groundwater will not harm the plant, no matter how far away it is.

The ideal soil for the crop we are considering is loamy. How to plant an apple tree in an area where the soil composition is completely different? It is enough to approach it competently. To do this, you need to mix the clay soil well with sand or peat. Humus must be added to soil containing a lot of sand. Peat can also be used for these purposes.

When to plant

Replanting a tree is stressful for the plant. Therefore, it is so important to know how to plant an apple tree correctly. The best adaptation of a plant to new conditions occurs during the period when sap flow ceases. This is the time when the plant enters the dormant stage. The growing season ends in September-October. It lasts until the kidneys awaken. Therefore, planting seedlings should occur in autumn or spring.

In winter, trees are in a state of complete dormancy. But it is not recommended to replant plants during this period, because young roots can die if they fall into cold, frozen ground. Apple trees are replanted in winter only in certain regions, using technology only for mature plants with a developed root system.

But when and how to plant an apple tree correctly? There is no clear answer to this question. Often everything depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In regions with warm climates, seedlings are recommended to be planted in mid-autumn. In cooler zones, where temperatures often drop sharply in late October, seedlings should be planted in the spring.

Planting pit

You should not only choose a place for the plant in advance, but also prepare a hole. The place where the seedling will be planted must be prepared a month before planting the crop. During this period, the soil will warm up and settle, and the plant will be able to easily adapt.

It is necessary to dig a round hole, putting the earth in 2 piles side by side. It is recommended to pour the soil into special containers or onto soil previously covered with plastic film. It is necessary to add fertile soil, which is located in the top layer of soil, into one pile. Pour the micronutrient-poor layer into the other. The optimal pit volume is 1 m.

The depth of the hole depends on the type of tree chosen and the degree of development of its root system. The walls must be vertical. It is necessary to create a support for the seedling. Therefore, in the center of the dug hole, it is necessary to drive a strong stake with a diameter of 5 cm. It should rise 40 cm above ground level. The stake must first be burned on one side. Then he will not rot in the ground.

Soil preparation

When the hole is ready, the soil removed from it is cultivated, removing weed roots and stones.

To properly grow an apple tree, you need to lay the soil correctly. After loosening the bottom of the hole, pour out fertile soil. Then add a mixture of 1 bucket of humus, 1 kg of mineral fertilizers and 750 g of wood ash. The nutrient substrate is mixed and lightly compacted. Pour out the remaining soil, and a small mound should form. A small depression should be made in it, into which the seedling will be placed. The size of the hole depends directly on the size of the root system of the seedling.

The planting hole can be filled in another way. It is necessary to add compost, peat, rotted manure and humus to the nutritious top layer. The pit is completely filled with this mixture. Be sure to ensure that a mound of earth is formed. From the soil from the bottom of the pit, sides are formed around the landing site. It can also be scattered between rows.

How to plant a seedling

You should not only prepare a place for plants, but also plant the apple tree seedlings correctly. Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to trim all ends of the root system with pruning shears. The same should be done with the top of the trunk and branches.

Afterwards, the seedling is placed in the hole in a vertical position. Carefully cover the root system with prepared soil. At the same time, make sure that the branches of the root system are directed downward or located horizontally. Otherwise, improper formation of the root system may occur.

It is necessary to fill the seedling in such a way that the root collar of the apple tree is located 3-5 cm above the ground.

Afterwards, water the soil well. After the soil settles, the soil is added again to the desired level, then watered again. Water compacts the loosened soil. Experienced gardeners do not recommend trampling the ground with their feet, as this can damage the root system.

This sequence of actions guarantees the adaptation of the plant. You already know how to plant an apple tree in autumn or spring. It is enough to choose the right place, prepare the soil and plant the seedling on time.

When planting a plant in the spring, for some time it is necessary to water the seedling every 2-3 days. If color forms immediately after planting, it must be torn off to allow the tree to become well established.

After planting a seedling in the autumn, it does not need to be watered.

Distance between seedlings

A small plot of land often motivates owners to plant a large number of fruit plants. Many people believe that this is an effective way to increase yield. But that's not true! Dense placement of trees will cause the following consequences:

  • deterioration in crop quality;
  • reduction in harvest volume;
  • rapid attack by diseases and pests;
  • fungal infection of shoots and leaves.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly plant seedlings of apple, pear, apricot or any other crop. A certain planting pattern must correspond to the characteristics of the plant. When planning planting, you should take into account the maximum dimensions of an adult tree. For low-growing varieties, the optimal planting pattern is 2.5 x 4 m, given that the rootstock was made for a dwarf plant.

Apple trees, the basis of which was a wild plant, must be planted according to a 5 x 3.5 m pattern. The distance between tall plants should be more than 4.5 m.

Of course, you should take into account the characteristics of the future apple tree. The owner decides which variety to plant. After all, new, modern columnar and dwarf fruit trees take up minimal space, which means they can be planted closer to each other.

Caring for young trees

In the first year of life, the fruit plant must be watered regularly - once a week. During the second watering in the spring, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate. Keep the soil constantly moist under the seedling until the shoots begin to grow. Afterwards, the volume of watering is gradually reduced.

If the apple tree sinks deeply along with the soil, it is necessary to carefully pull the seedling to the desired height. The plant needs regular inspection for pests or diseases. In the first year of life, they can cause irreparable harm to the tree.

From August, watering the tree stops.


The apple tree is the queen of all gardens. This fruit tree is unpretentious, hardy, and allows you to reap a large harvest. The variety of varieties allows you to get fruits both in summer and late autumn. In addition, among the wide variety, you can easily find the variety that suits you.

It is perhaps difficult to imagine a garden or summer cottage where there is not a single apple tree. Planting an apple tree is often not limited to one tree; amateur gardeners plant several varieties of apple trees at once, because this is one of the most popular fruit trees. In order for them to develop well and subsequently delight us with a generous harvest, we must follow the rules of planting and care.

Features of planting an apple tree

The very first thing is the time of planting young trees; here you need to pay attention to the climatic characteristics of the region, as well as the characteristics of the variety. The best time for planting apple trees is autumn or spring; if your winters are snowy, then you can plant the trees in the fall; if there is little snow, but the frosts are quite severe, then it is better to postpone planting to spring (March-April). This is especially true for apple trees planted in soil with close water occurrence.

Apple trees love loamy soil most of all; if the soil is clayey, then it is necessary to add sand, compost or peat. And, vice versa: clay, compost, peat, humus should be added to the sandy soil. Soil air exchange is very important for these fruit trees. In the year when planting is done, there is no need to fertilize, but regular watering must be ensured.

Planting an apple tree in the fall - rules, timing

Autumn planting is good for seedlings because it gives them the opportunity to take root, strengthen the root system, and “get comfortable” in a new place throughout the winter period. It is best to plant trees by the end of September (20th) - until approximately mid-October (14-17th). If you live in the southern regions, then autumn planting of apple trees is recommended. The soil for seedlings should be crumbly so that it can allow air and moisture to pass through well.

If you do everything according to the rules, then the place for the apple tree must be prepared in advance:

The distance between apple trees when planting should be at least 2.5 meters - this applies to ordinary trees. For grafted, low-growing representatives - at least 3.5 meters, if there are a lot of seedlings - they are arranged in rows, the row spacing should be approximately 5 meters.

As for especially tall, tall varieties, the distance between the rows should be at least 6 meters, and the difference between the trees should be at least 4 meters. If you plan to plant one apple tree, then the distance to other trees or bushes should be at least 3.5 meters.

Apple tree - planting in spring

Around the 20th of April you can start planting apple trees. The advantage of spring planting is that by the time winter cold sets in, the tree will already be stronger and will survive the winter more comfortably. If an apple tree is planted in the spring, at first it needs to be provided with regular, abundant watering so that the root system does not dry out.

About a week before planting, it is necessary to prepare a place for the seedling in advance. If the soil is suitable for the tree, the depth of the hole should be no more than 60 cm; if the soil is problematic, then no less than 70 cm. The diameter of the hole should be approximately 60-90 cm.

Before planting, the root system of apple trees should be well moistened; to do this, you can first lower the roots of the seedlings into a bucket of water (for a day). After planting, thoroughly fill the hole with water until it is no longer absorbed by the soil. To prevent moisture evaporation, you can cover the surface of the ground near the seedling with dry grass. When a young apple tree is planted in the spring, the planting rules are the same as in the fall (root collar above the soil, peg, etc.).

Planting an apple tree when groundwater is high

What to do if groundwater in your area comes very close to the surface of the earth? If in such conditions you plant an apple tree using the usual method, it will simply die due to contact of the roots with moisture and lack of air. Here it is necessary to give the roots the direction of surface growth (avoid contact with water). The solution is to plant an apple tree on an artificial hill.

Apple tree - care and planting of seedlings in conditions of nearby groundwater:

  1. We find the most elevated part of the area with a diameter of about 2 meters and dig it up.
  2. From old wooden boards (old wood will rot faster) we assemble a box, approximately meter x meter, 80 cm in height is enough. We install the structure on an elevation; it will hold the poured earth.
  3. Inside the box, pour manure and fertilizers (superphosphate) onto the dug up soil, and top it with fertile soil. Here you need to first take care of the availability of soil, since you will need quite a lot of it.
  4. We plant a seedling on the resulting embankment in compliance with all planting rules, after which the structure is covered with earth on all sides.

As the tree grows, the amount of soil should also increase (by adding more). With the onset of winter, the tree should be provided with additional protection from frost, and in the summer - from drought. In this design, the soil freezes and dries out much faster than with conventional planting.

Planting an apple tree at a high groundwater level is possible using another method - a concrete “cushion”. To do this, first dig a hole approximately 60-80 cm deep, diameter 90-100 cm, and a concrete slab is installed at the bottom of this hole. Thus, the roots of the apple tree, having reached the concrete, encountering resistance, will begin to grow to the sides (horizontally).

Sometimes gardeners do not resort to digging holes, but simply lay hard materials (slate, boards) on the ground, pour a mound of fertile soil up to 70-80 cm high on top - and plant seedlings.

Planting apple tree seedlings with a closed root system

At plant shows or nurseries, apple seedlings are often sold in pots or appropriate containers. Such trees quickly take root in a new place and tolerate planting comfortably, since their roots are not injured during the process.

Planting apple trees with a closed root system is done as follows:

Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time from spring to autumn.

Apple tree care

In the first year of planting, you can do pruning - if the apple seedling is powerful, well developed, and has branches at least 40 cm long. If the tree is rather weak, then pruning should be postponed until next year. This process is recommended to be carried out in the spring. Thus, the central conductor is shortened by 2 or 3 buds - this is done so that the side shoots gain strength and grow more actively. Skeletal branches are subordinate to the main conductor - they should be located below it. Subsequent care of the apple tree in the first year of life consists of timely watering and prevention of diseases and pests.

The very next year, pruning branches takes on a formative character. For the harmonious development of the crown, young shoots are shortened, all branches that grow inside the crown, as well as those that grow from the trunk at an acute angle, are cut out. Almost always one strong shoot breaks forward, which competes with the central conductor. It should be cut off, and the main conductor should be shortened again by 2-3 buds.

Skeletal branches should also be pruned in harmony with other branches. The more branches of the second and third order there are, the stronger the first order branch will be. This provides a reserve of power for the future, because someday the branches will have to withstand the weight of numerous fruits. For the harmonious development of the tree, productivity and many years to come, annual pruning should be done - shaping the crown.

Caring for the tree trunk in the first years of a tree's life involves regular weeding. Before fruiting begins, you can mulch the circle with hay, and then you can sow it with a sparse lawn. In summer, young apple trees are watered about once a month, pouring 3 buckets of water under each tree. If the summer is very dry and the tree grows on sandy soil, then watering should be increased to 1 or 2 times a week. Calculation of water for older apple trees is done in this way: how old the tree is, how many buckets of water it should consume.

For fruit-bearing trees there is a unique watering scheme:

  • until the buds open;
  • 20 days after flowering;
  • a month before harvesting the fruits;
  • after the final harvest.

When removing fruits from the branches, you should not water the tree - the apples will crack and will not store well.

Feeding, fertilizing

In the spring, young trees are given a solution of urea (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) - this is root feeding. For foliar (May-June) “Ideal” or sodium humate in solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is suitable. In September, it is recommended to carry out another root feeding with a phosphorus-potassium solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

A unique seasonal feeding scheme for adult apple trees requires 4 feedings a day. First, 500 g of urea is scattered and buried in the soil under each tree, second, at the beginning of flowering, a mixture of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate (80/50/100 g per 20 liters of water) infused for several days. Third - after the color has fallen, a mixture of nitrophoska, sodium humate (100/2 g per 20 liters of water) and finally, after removing the fruits - a bucket of humus for each tree.

Preventive treatments against pests and diseases should also take place; they can be combined with the application of fertilizers. Planting an apple tree is the beginning of a long journey from a young seedling to an adult spreading tree with plump, sweet fruits.