Male and female fire dragon compatibility. Compatibility of the dragon woman with other signs. Relationship Compatibility

Male and female fire dragon compatibility.  Compatibility of the dragon woman with other signs.  Relationship Compatibility
Male and female fire dragon compatibility. Compatibility of the dragon woman with other signs. Relationship Compatibility

When trying to understand yourself and your loved ones, it is very important to turn to astrology. And now, with the help of this amazing science about the stars, we will try to find out what character the Gemini-Dragon woman has, what distinctive features she has, with whom she is compatible and with whom she is not.


Gemini is the 11th sign of the zodiac with a specialty of "advisor". The Gemini man and Gemini woman, almost from birth, are endowed with prudence, rationality, have excellent logical thinking, and therefore are able to easily carry out both their tasks and help others with the completion of their tasks. They try to calculate everything and take advantage of any event, mood or resources, while at the same time trying not to advertise any personal information. Geminis can easily manipulate everyone around them and control their loved ones, but despite this, they always act fairly and are true to their word. If they encounter competition, then Gemini will easily overcome their opponent with their lack of perception and their inherent cold cruelty.

People born in the year of the Dragon

Dragons include people born in 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. They are always very prudent, have powerful business acumen, dream of achieving serious career success and strive for the very pinnacle of power. Some people like the Dragon's approach to life, and they try to turn it to their advantage, using his authority among others for their own purposes. However, people who were born this year know how not only to work, but also to love with all their hearts and make friends, giving themselves to their friends without reserve and always coming to their aid.

Dragons love society and communication, they can easily agree on everything they need and benefit from everything in the world, which is why it never happens that something doesn’t work out for a person born in the year of the Dragon. And if suddenly this happens, he will easily find a new business for himself thanks to his ease of mind.

Gemini born in the year of the Dragon

Regardless of gender, both the Gemini-Dragon man and woman can easily influence people’s moods, showing maximum prudence in communicating with them. If they need to, they will attract a huge number of people to solve their problems, who will only be happy to help the Gemini Dragon, because they will feel needed and useful. They try to get the most out of life, sometimes even getting carried away with it beyond measure.

They also often suffer from gluttony, which is why it is not uncommon for Gemini-Dragons to be significantly overweight. In addition, these zodiac signs are often prone to atheism and are arrogant. They will not miss their goal, and if they notice that something threatens them or feel danger, they immediately break off all relations with this person, trusting their intuition.

Gemini Dragon Woman

If a woman was born in the year of the Dragon under the constellation Gemini, then in addition to the above characteristics, she will have a trait that makes her the soul of the party, who with her charm and variety of interests attracts others, which is why she will always have many friends and admirers. In addition, such representatives of the fair sex often play the role of a connecting link in their environment, so that friends and acquaintances constantly come to her for advice, hints and friendly participation. In general, such a young lady is a very bright, creative, talented person with enormous energy potential, determination and ambition. However, its disadvantage is egocentrism, intolerance to opinions opposite to it and incontinence in anger and the heat of a quarrel or conflict.

Gemini Dragon Lady in Love and Family

The characteristics of the Gemini-Dragon woman show that in relationships with the opposite sex she will always be completely open and straightforward. She will never show that she is passionately in love; instead, she will simply use all her fans to her advantage, easily bringing each of them closer and away when she needs it.

The same thing happens to her in bed, where she strives only for her own pleasure and enjoyment, without particularly caring about the satisfaction of her partner. But on the other hand, when in adulthood the Dragon-Gemini lady wants to start her own family, husband and children, then she will direct all her power and tenderness not wasted on trifles to the home, so that in family life both she, her chosen one, and the children will very happy.

Compatibility with water and earth zodiac signs

Now let's move on to assessing the compatibility of the Gemini Dragon woman with men born under certain zodiac signs. And first we will test ladies with men who were born under zodiac signs influenced by the elements of Water and Earth.

  1. Cancer will be a true friend and a good husband for her if they have common interests in various areas of life.
  2. Scorpio will be an excellent sexual partner for such a woman, since their intimate life will always be full of novelty. If Scorpios do not hide their feelings from the lady, they will have an excellent romantic relationship.
  3. Pisces with the Gemini-Dragon lady can form a strong union if both partners make every effort to do so.
  4. Taurus does not go well with a woman born under the constellation Gemini in the year of the Dragon, since for her he is too down-to-earth a sign that lacks lightness.
  5. A Virgo man can only count on friendship and cooperation with such a representative of the fair sex, in a relationship with whom they will not have enough tenderness and warmth for them to become a couple.
  6. Capricorn is the most attractive sign for such a lady in an intimate sense, so at the beginning of the relationship she will take all the initiative, and their further development will depend only on the man.

Compatibility with air and fire zodiac signs

  1. Aries is an ideal friend for this representative of the fair sex, with whom she will enjoy spending time, but the emotional connection between these people will never be strong enough.
  2. Leo and the Gemini-Dragon lady create an excellent union, although they will have to work on it a little, but as a result they will have a good, strong family.
  3. Sagittarius and Gemini can either create a harmonious couple, or spend their whole lives in quarrels and conflicts, which depends solely on the ability to communicate with each other and hear the interlocutor.
  4. A Gemini man and a Gemini woman born in the year of the Dragon are too freedom-loving and restless, so they are unlikely to be able to create a strong union, unless they have a common cause and many common interests.
  5. Libra with such a woman will create a good union in which they will never be bored, however, they will not have a deep feeling of love, especially if the romance in the relationship is not fueled in any way.
  6. Gemini-Dragon ladies will have excellent mutual understanding with Aquarius, but for a strong union it is better for them to have many good mutual acquaintances.

Greatest compatibility by year of birth

Women born under the zodiac sign Gemini in the year of the Dragon are most compatible with those men born in the year:

  • Rats, so a man will shower his beloved with compliments and do everything for her to keep her near him, and she will like his courtship and constant signs of attention;
  • Monkeys, since they will have excellent mutual understanding, lack of competition and a warm spiritual connection, which is why such a couple may decide to live together even at the very beginning of the relationship;
  • Rooster, since such a man will constantly admire his woman, but in the future they may have misunderstandings, therefore, in order for the union not to break up, the couple will have to work hard.

Least compatibility by year of birth

But the lowest percentage of compatibility, according to the horoscope of the Gemini Dragon woman, is observed with men who were born in the year:

  • Dogs, since a woman will not be able to give him as much attention as he requires, because of which both will suffer, and the union will only cause both severe mental pain;
  • Rabbit (Cat), since it will be difficult for such a man to endure the temperament of his beloved, who wants constant communication with friends and acquaintances, while he wants to stay at home;
  • Goats (Sheep), since here the man will completely obey his partner, which will eventually get boring and the union will be destroyed.

With other men who were born in years not listed above, Gemini-Dragon ladies have average compatibility, that is, they can create a good union, but for this they need to truly love each other and constantly work on their relationships.

People born in the years of the Dragon have excellent health and a large supply of vitality. They are energetic and active, emotional and decisive, self-willed and capricious. The dragon is a strong-willed, noble and generous person. The desire for improvement makes him very demanding - both to himself and to others. The Dragon has its own negative traits: it is easily excitable and quickly gets irritated. His stubbornness can reach the point of obstinacy; he is unrestrained in his tongue and proud.

The Dragon will never be disappointed in love, because, although he is often the object of adoration, he himself rarely loves. The dragon, however, can easily become the cause of someone else's misfortune.

Compatibility of Dragon Women

Dragon Women. The representative of this sign simultaneously fascinates and frightens with her inner strength. She knows exactly what she wants and takes on any task firmly and decisively. The Dragon Woman is unusually practical and somewhat unceremonious; hates routine, conventions and prefers freedom of action. She is a business person, and even her clothing style emphasizes this. Nothing superfluous - no flounces and frills, all kinds of laces and buttons. Clothes, in her opinion, should be functional, and “extraneous” details are of no use here. By the way, this is the style that suits this woman best. Preferring to be in control of the situation, the Dragon woman will not allow her feelings to get the better of her. She would rather punish the one who dared to disappoint her than begin to suffer from unrequited love. There are always many men around the representative of this sign, and sometimes it is difficult for her to choose one of them. The Dragon enters into marriage only after firmly standing on his feet, but at home he also takes the reins of power into his own hands. This woman will not be able to devote herself entirely to the house - this is not in her interests - but she will definitely maintain order.

Compatibility of Dragon Men

Dragon Men. A man born under the sign of the Dragon cannot imagine his life without fans. Being extremely self-centered, he always demands attention to his person. Having once set certain standards for himself, he demands that others comply with them. The Dragon man has a special fiery passion that attracts women so much. Having fallen in love, he can shower the object of his adoration with gifts from all corners of the world. However, most often he is unsentimental and rightfully enjoys the fame of a Don Juan. The older a man is, the more women surround him. They are drawn to him and suffer when they become unnecessary. Very often, Dragons remain bachelors, since this lifestyle suits them better and even brings more happiness.

: He couldn’t find a better partner than the Rat. Of course, she will take advantage of the benefits that the Dragon will bring her, but she herself will be able to forgive him for everything, even indifference, and to top it all off, she will instill in the Dragon a love of money and share criticality, for which her partner will be grateful to her.

: The Dragon is unlikely to be able to get along with the Ox. Both partners value themselves too much and even in a love relationship will constantly fight for power. In addition, the bright Dragon, soaring in the clouds, will quickly get bored with the conservative Ox, standing firmly on the ground.

: The union of the Dragon and the Tiger does not promise peace and serenity, although, despite the clashes, the first will be able to influence the second and force him to listen to advice, even if it is not particularly good.

: You can have a good relationship with the Rabbit, who knows how to be attentive to loved ones, and the Dragon needs this attention. In addition, the Rabbit is a socialite and a diplomat. What more could you ask for?

: Two Dragons will never get along in the same room. Ambitious, demanding constant attention, in no way inferior to each other... Conflicts threaten to become eternal.

: A smart and far-sighted Snake can help the Dragon. The relationship will work out especially well if the Dragon is a man and the Snake is a woman. He will be attracted not only by her intelligence, but also by her beauty, and the man will be able to be proud of his chosen one.

: An alliance with a Horse is possible, provided, however, that it moderates its selfishness somewhat and periodically tells the Dragon how wonderful he is.

: A strong, bright Dragon can attract a Goat, but neither one nor the other will become happier from the ensuing relationship. The Dragon, of course, is beautiful, but the Goat will not admire him (because she is the most wonderful) and will not help in anything. It is unlikely that the Dragon will tolerate her.

: The Monkey will be an excellent complement to the Dragon both in business and in love. She will bring cunning and gain power, and it will benefit both. They need each other, but only the Monkey will realize this, so the Dragon needs to try to be careful. Even the Monkey’s humor (despite the fact that it is capable of ridiculing the Dragon) will have a beneficial effect on the partner: he will soften.

One of the most striking and emotional signs of the eastern horoscope is the Dragon. People born this year are brave and decisive. Essentially, they are conquerors who confidently move towards their goal. At the same time, the Dragon is endowed with a nobility of soul and is always ready to help. There are always many conflicts in the union of two Dragons, but the sensuality and passion of these fire signs can destroy any barriers.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Dragon man in love

Having fallen in love with each other, the Dragon man and the Dragon woman show bright emotions and outbursts of passion, which becomes the main prerequisite for good compatibility in love. However, in their feelings there is no place for sentimentality and excessive romanticism, because narcissism and awareness of their superiority are enough for them.

The dragon is so proud that even in sex he considers himself the best, and this is not always true. Such pride and selfishness prevent the two Dragons from opening up, so they prefer to have fun at the expense of your partner. Although Dragon men tend to embellish their abilities, they are excellent lovers, but Dragon women are far superior to them in this regard.

Both in such a couple want to lead and do not want to remain in the shadows. Their relationship can either be very strong and reliable, or quickly end due to constant quarrels and scandals. In addition, a woman needs to immediately accept that her man is a true womanizer who needs fans. Only a very loving Dragon man is ready to forget about everything and throw the world at the feet of his beloved.

Compatibility of a Dragon woman and a Dragon man in marriage

The family relationship of two Dragons is like a roller coaster, because it is difficult to find more emotional and hot-tempered people in the eastern horoscope. Everyone in this couple greatly values ​​their freedom and independence, but at the same time always strives to subordinate their other half to themselves and their goals.

Dragons hate commitments, but in order to be together, they should learn to distribute responsibilities and determine their comfort zones. Dragons are very it is important to have the opportunity for self-realization to express your emotions in what you love. If conflicts arise in a family of two Dragons, they are very violent and emotional, but just as quickly the Dragons cool down and make peace.

A distinctive feature of Dragons in the family is their love for children and the ability to feel their desires and needs. Another way to strengthen such a union could be a family business, where the Dragon spouses will be able to reach their potential. Despite such contradictory characteristics, this couple is able to get along well.

Compatibility of the Dragon with signs of other years

In addition to the Dragon, there are eleven more signs in the Chinese horoscope. Let's look at the compatibility of people born in the year of the Dragon with other representatives of the zodiac circle.

Compatibility of Dragon and Rat

The Dragon and Rat complement each other well. The Rat sincerely admires the brilliant, intelligent and very insightful Dragon. And he, in turn, like air, needs such increased attention, adoration and sincere love that only the Rat can give him. However, the Dragon is very amorous, so the Rat will have to come to terms with his infidelities. As for these signs, the best compatibility is demonstrated by the Dragon man and the Rat woman.

Compatibility of Dragon and Ox

The Ox brings stability and calmness to the Dragon's life, it balances his hot-tempered and emotional nature, and the Dragon gives the Ox the shake he needs. There are times when the Ox begins to be annoyed by the endless adventures of the Dragon, so they should learn to seek compromises. The only area where this couple gets along well and they find complete mutual understanding is work. Only a couple with an Ox man and a Dragon woman has poor compatibility in all areas.

Compatibility of Dragon and Tiger

Dragons are in many ways similar to Tigers in character and temperament. Both are brave, energetic and enterprising. In the Tiger, the Dragon will find a devoted friend, mentor and good adviser. The Dragon, in turn, will open new horizons for self-realization for the Tiger and teach him to think rationally and constructively. True, there are situations when the Dragon deliberately persuades the Tiger to participate in his adventures, but both get a lot of pleasure from this. In business, both signs are successful and never compete with each other, and in conflict situations they know how to come to an agreement.

Compatibility of Dragon and Rabbit

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit is not very high, but if you allow the Rabbit to be the leader in the pair, then such an alliance is quite possible. It is difficult for the Rabbit to endure the changeable and hot-tempered nature of the Dragon, so conflicts are inevitable. Harmony can be achieved through patience and the opportunity to occasionally be alone. Ideal compatibility can be found in a couple where the man is a Dragon and the woman is a Rabbit.

Compatibility of Dragon and Snake

The tandem of the Dragon and the Snake can be called not only the best, but brilliant. They complement each other well, and in this union the Dragon will become more restrained and tolerant, and the Snake will calm down its irritation and become more flexible. The Dragon always and everywhere loves to shine, and the Snake actively supports him in this. Related signs rarely find mutual understanding, but this couple destroys all patterns.

Compatibility of Dragon and Horse

The Dragon and the Horse are united by enthusiasm and the desire to fight, so in all joint endeavors they become rivals, but very loyal to each other. There is complete mutual understanding in this couple, because they have common goals and interests. Conflicts can arise only in cases where the domineering Dragon tries to subjugate the selfish Horse. To avoid such situations, they should learn to give each other a certain degree of freedom.

Compatibility of Dragon and Goat

The union of these signs is very contradictory and ambiguous, but more successful compatibility develops between the Dragon man and the Goat woman. On the one hand, the Goat receives in the person of the Dragon a reliable patron who is always ready to protect her and support her, and she is completely ready to obey him in everything. But, on the other hand, the Dragon wants to be admired and praises sung to him, but the Goat, although he does this, does so without much enthusiasm. In such an atmosphere, the Dragon soon becomes bored, and a cooling of feelings may be observed in the couple.

Compatibility of Dragon and Monkey

The Dragon and the Monkey have a lot in common, so they will never be bored together. The Monkey is cunning, knows how to win over with flattery and is a master at giving compliments, which the Dragon, who is prone to narcissism, undoubtedly really likes. Despite the rather deep sympathy and affection that arises from the first minutes of communication, it is not a fact that the Dragon and the Monkey will stay together for a long time.

Compatibility of Dragon and Rooster

The Dragon and Rooster love to be the center of attention, to shine and show off. The Rooster asserts itself in this way, and the Dragon simply cannot imagine himself without it, because such behavior has always been his style of life. Such a union can be called successful, because both complement each other well. The Rooster never tires of chanting the virtues of the Dragon, and he responds in gratitude with care, tenderness and love. The Rooster's excessive boasting may irritate the Dragon, but even on this they can agree. The most successful compatibility for this couple is the combination of a Dragon man + a Rooster woman.

Compatibility of Dragon and Dog

The Dog is the worst partner for the Dragon, and the reason for this is a complete lack of mutual understanding and completely different goals and aspirations. The dog always realistically evaluates life and the people around him, and it is completely incomprehensible to him why he should spend so much effort on narcissism. Such relationships have no future and end quickly.

Compatibility of Dragon and Boar

If the Dragon sincerely loves the Pig, then their union can be quite happy, and they can easily smooth out any moments of misunderstanding thanks to their patience. Such a relationship can only arise in a couple of a Dragon man and a Pig woman, who have a greater chance of compatibility. Otherwise, the Pig, losing his head from love, completely dissolves in his chosen one, and this can destroy his personality. The Dragon may quickly become bored with such a partner, and they will have to separate.

1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Love and marriage of the Dragon.

The Dragon will never be disappointed in love, because, although he is often the object of adoration, he himself rarely loves. The dragon, however, can easily become the cause of someone else's misfortune.

Compatibility of Dragon Women

Dragon Women . The representative of this sign simultaneously fascinates and frightens with her inner strength. She knows exactly what she wants and takes on any task firmly and decisively. The Dragon Woman is unusually practical and somewhat unceremonious; hates routine, conventions and prefers freedom of action. She is a business person, and even her clothing style emphasizes this. Nothing superfluous - no flounces or frills, any kind of laces or buttons. Clothes, in her opinion, should be functional, and “extraneous” details are of no use here. By the way, this is the style that suits this woman best. Preferring to be in control of the situation, the Dragon woman will not allow her feelings to get the better of her. She would rather punish the one who dared to disappoint her than begin to suffer from unrequited love. There are always many men around the representative of this sign, and sometimes it is difficult for her to choose one of them.

The Dragon enters into marriage only after firmly standing on his feet, but at home he also takes the reins of power into his own hands. This woman will not be able to devote herself entirely to the house - this is not in her interests - but she will definitely maintain order.

Compatibility of Dragon men

Dragon Men . A man born under the sign of the Dragon cannot imagine his life without fans. Being extremely self-centered, he always demands attention to his person. Having once set certain standards for himself, he demands that others comply with them.

The Dragon man has a special fiery passion that attracts women so much. Having fallen in love, he can shower the object of his adoration with gifts from all corners of the world. However, most often he is unsentimental and rightfully enjoys the fame of a Don Juan. The older a man is, the more women surround him. They are drawn to him and suffer when they become unnecessary.

Dragon compatibility horoscope

Very often, Dragons remain bachelors, since this lifestyle suits them better and even brings more happiness. However, if a representative of the sign nevertheless decides to commit himself to a serious relationship, then he will not find a better partner than the Rat. Of course, she will take advantage of the benefits that the Dragon will bring her, but she herself will be able to forgive him for everything, even indifference, and to top it all off, she will instill in the Dragon a love of money and share criticality, for which her partner will be grateful to her.

Compatibility of Dragon and Snake

The same can be said about the Snake. Smart and far-sighted, she can help the Dragon. The relationship will work out especially well if the Dragon is a man and the Snake is a woman. He will be attracted not only by her intelligence, but also by her beauty, and the man will be able to be proud of his chosen one.

Compatibility of Dragon and Boar

A good Pig will be a simply wonderful partner. The dragon will charm him, and in return will receive the admiration of his partner, who so wants to please him!

Compatibility of Dragon and Rabbit

You can have a good relationship with the Rabbit, who knows how to be attentive to loved ones, and the Dragon needs this attention. In addition, the Rabbit is a socialite and a diplomat. What more could you ask for?

Compatibility of Dragon and Rooster

The Dragon is also suitable for the Rooster, who can find a common language with a representative of this sign. In general, they are similar: both are active, both require attention. However, the Dragon is still stronger here, although this will not scare the Rooster: he will gladly use his partner to succeed.

Compatibility of Dragon and Monkey

The Monkey will be an excellent complement to the Dragon both in business and in love. She will bring cunning and gain power, and it will benefit both. They need each other, but only the Monkey will realize this, so the Dragon needs to try to be careful. Even the Monkey’s humor (despite the fact that it is capable of ridiculing the Dragon) will have a beneficial effect on the partner: he will soften.

Compatibility of Dragon and Horse

An alliance with a Horse is possible, provided, however, that it moderates its selfishness somewhat and periodically tells the Dragon how wonderful he is.

Compatibility of Dragon and Tiger

The union of the Dragon and the Tiger does not promise peace and serenity, although, despite the clashes, the former will be able to influence the latter and force him to listen to advice, even if it is not particularly good.

Compatibility of Dragon and Ox

The Dragon is unlikely to be able to get along with the Ox. Both partners value themselves too much and even in a love relationship will constantly fight for power. In addition, the bright Dragon, soaring in the clouds, will quickly get bored with the conservative Ox, standing firmly on the ground.

Compatibility of Dragon and Goat

A strong, bright Dragon can attract a Goat, but neither one nor the other will become happier from the relationship that ensues. The Dragon, of course, is beautiful, but the Goat will not admire him (because she is the most wonderful) and will not help in anything. It is unlikely that the Dragon will tolerate her.

Dragon-Dragon Compatibility

Two Dragons will never get along in the same room. Ambitious, demanding constant attention, in no way inferior to each other... Conflicts threaten to become eternal.

Compatibility of Dragon and Dog

The one the Dragon really needs to avoid is the Dog. A pessimist and a realist, she will not be able to believe in him, seeing him for who he is, and the Dragon is very proud and will not be able to forgive this.

Nata Karlin

In the eastern calendar, the Dragon zodiac sign is recognized as a symbol of wisdom, greatness, forgiveness and good luck. People born this year strive for self-improvement, self-knowledge, and success in all endeavors. If they really want to achieve something in this life, then they make every effort, mental ability, natural insight and cunning to “catch luck by the tail.” You can cooperate, live, be friends, work with them. But never try to contradict or do something contrary to the Dragons. The retribution for what he has done will be terrible. When angry, people of this zodiac sign do not control their emotions and the offender will be destroyed morally.

The Dragon man is an excellent strategist and politician, he knows how to manage his emotions and perfectly calculates the situation several moves ahead. Darling his work gives him genuine pleasure. At the same time, he is delighted with both rapid ups and crushing falls.

He likes to be reborn from the ashes, plunging those around him into amazement and causing genuine respect.

It happens delighted with flattering speeches, however, you should not be zealous, because then the Dragon man carefully analyzes what he hears and recognizes any falsity.

He is always making plans and dreams of power and greatness. However, there is a vicious circle here - in order to get all the benefits of the world, he needs power, and it can only be achieved by having at least part of these benefits. Therefore, the Dragon man can work hard and tirelessly to achieve a visible position in society. Since his youth, the Dragon guy does not waste time in vain and in every possible way trying to earn his “first million”. As a rule, by the age of 30 he is already a fully established person who knows what he wants to achieve. It is by this age that most of them begin to think about marriage. It should be noted that as a breadwinner and support for a family, men born under this constellation are simply irreplaceable.

She is distinguished by remarkable willpower and unbending character. When it comes to clothes, he prefers subdued colors and style; he never chases fashion, believing that the trend is clean, ironed clothes that are comfortable to wear.

The Dragon Girl is very calm, but vengeful. She will not rush into a fight with the offender, she will calmly express her insult to him, but she will take revenge in any case. And she will do it in such a way that the person will regret having ever known her. This position is fundamental for her in everything: in friendship, love, work and marriage.

The man of this enchanting and brilliant sign of the eastern horoscope I’m used to surrounding myself with shiny, exclusive things and as outstanding people as himself. Therefore, it would not be surprising if he turns his attention to the equally magnificent Dragon of the opposite sex.

Compatibility horoscope for Dragon and Dragon in love according to the eastern horoscope

Two bright, passionate and active personalities will definitely pay attention to each other at the first meeting. The love relationship between them is more like an explosion, fireworks, a hurricane of feelings and emotions.

A change of impressions, new horizons and the discovery of oneself as a reflection in the mirror of one’s partner, all this especially sharpens mutual sympathies

An endless, bright celebration of communication and the only desire is not to let this dynamic and vibrant relationship stop.

We can only summarize one thing - the passions raging in the soul of each partner will overflow, so clashes are inevitable. Short-term violent quarrels will be replaced by equally passionate periods of reconciliation and short calm. It is quite possible that the partners will continue to live like this - getting together for a while and scattering to their homes again.

A pair of Dragons will never build a quiet family nest

However, the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Dragon woman in love is quite high. Therefore, astrologers advise stop vigorously sorting things out and turn to natural wisdom - openly express feelings, emotions and desires. Learn to talk to each other and hear your partner.

If a Dragon-Dragon couple is just building a relationship, you should not rush to conclusions and move to the next level. It is advisable to enter into marriage when both Dragons are completely confident in their feelings. If a Dragon man proposes to a woman of the same sign, You cannot give him a sharp and categorical refusal. This greatly hurts the partner and the next time he asks for the hand of his beloved lady will not be soon, and perhaps never.

Compatibility in love between two Dragons will be much higher if the man is 12 years older than the woman, that is, exactly for the horoscopic cycle. In this case, it will be easier for him to talk with a rebellious and unbridled partner, clearly explaining to her who is the main and senior person in this tandem. It must be said that this is the ideal compatibility option for this zodiac sign.

Marital compatibility of couples born both in the year of the Dragon

A husband and wife, born under the eastern horoscope sign of the Dragon, are two freedom-loving and independent individuals. It takes them a lot of effort to decide to start a family.

Civil relations are much more convenient for them - without obligations, mutual claims and restrictions

They think for a long time, watch their partner, analyze certain situations before making a final decision. And it’s good if both partners do this at the same time.

If he and she are Dragons in marriage, the union is meant to last a lifetime. If a couple has known each other for quite a long time and are still together, registration in the registry office will not add or destroy anything in their relationship. This is a pure formality, and Dragons who are happy together will continue to quarrel, make peace and love each other with mad love. If there is no love in a couple, no compatibility of outlook on life and characters will simply be able to keep them together.

Dragons greatly value independence and will instill this quality in their children from a young age. This family will always stand up for their loved ones and their dear home. It is simply impossible to take a husband or wife away from this union. Fair and honest, they will never resort to meanness. If the Dragon leaves the family, it is only because he himself decided so, and there is no more love here.

Friendship between Dragon and Dragon according to the Chinese calendar

Dragon people, without a doubt, can be friends. However, a serious test awaits them here in the form of fierce competition. If this is a friendship between two women or Dragon men, then by all means disagreements will arise because of an equally attractive person of the opposite sex.

Compatibility in the work of the Dragon and the Dragon is as uncertain as in friendship. As work colleagues, these will be eternal competitors. If these are business partners, then even before the start of the relationship they need strictly establish the boundaries of influence of each and never interfere in the affairs of a comrade.

15 February 2018, 20:31