Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? How to paint paper wallpaper (changing style) How to paint regular wallpaper with water-based paint

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint?  How to paint paper wallpaper (changing style) How to paint regular wallpaper with water-based paint
Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? How to paint paper wallpaper (changing style) How to paint regular wallpaper with water-based paint

Paper wallpaper is one of the most common finishing materials for apartment walls on the market. Be that as it may, over time they deteriorate, and the appearance of the interior becomes not as presentable as after renovation. The owners are faced with the question: should they make a new renovation or just update the existing wallpaper? Since completely re-painting the entire room takes a long time and is quite expensive, we will talk about whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper.

In fact, there are different opinions among professionals as to whether it makes sense to paint such canvases. There are such circumstances that there is no need to repaint wallpaper made from paper. For example, this applies to cases where their surface has serious external damage: it is severely torn, has cuts, etc. However, if the top decorative layer of wallpaper has been preserved relatively well, you may not need to completely re-glue the wallpaper yet, opting for repainting. Fortunately, this work can be done with your own hands. So, let's move on to a more detailed description of the painting process and everything connected with it.

Paper wallpaper for painting: what you need

So, in order to paint paper wallpaper, you will need a whole set of special tools and materials. Let's see what you need to take in order to do quality work yourself:

  1. . Its use prevents the wallpaper from getting wet, which guarantees a strong attachment to the wall surface. from its surface.
  2. Special coating with a water-repellent layer.
  3. Protection for baseboards (the optimal solution is masking tape).
  4. Equipment for applying paint (large and small brushes, as well as a roller). The pile on the roller must be selected taking into account the smoothness of the top layer of wallpaper: the smoother it is, the shorter the length of the pile should be.

Choosing the right paint

As far as the grain level of decorative paint is concerned, it can vary. The most generally accepted is the following classification of paints:

  • Glossy.
  • Matte.
  • Satin.
  • Semi-matte.
  • Semi-gloss.

As a rule, the choice of a suitable dye depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of the customer, but also on which room of the apartment will be painted. In addition, such a parameter as the level of natural light is taken into account. So, for example, for a large living room, matte paint is best suited. As for a small dining room or kitchen, the optimal solution may be a glossy or semi-gloss finish.

Helpful advice! Among other things, in order to choose the right paint for repainting, you need to take into account many more characteristics. For example, the ability to cover old paint, resistance to damage and exposure to light, resistance to moisture, as well as the environmental safety of a particular product.

As for whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper using acrylic paint, we must boldly say that yes, this is completely acceptable and even recommended. In addition, do not forget about such options as water-based, latex, and alkyd-based dye.

Stages of work

Let's take a brief look at the main types of work that you will have to do to paint paper-based wallpaper.

Necessary preparation

So, preparatory work represents the first stage, the quality of which determines how successful the entire repair will be. Brush dust, remove dirt and vacuum the room. Cover the baseboards and other protruding interior parts (film or masking tape is suitable for this). A water-repellent coating can then be applied. Only after this protective layer has completely dried, which takes at least 24 hours, can you begin to prepare the paint.

Attention! In order to subsequently avoid lengthy cleaning, it is advisable to cover the entire surface of the floor with film or, as a last resort, newspapers.

Preparing the paint

So, above we looked at what kind of paint can be used to paint paper wallpaper for painting. Preparing the coloring composition is not difficult. To do this, just open a can of paint and mix everything thoroughly. If there is a need and the design of the room requires it, you can mix a color scheme.

Painting the walls: instructions

The preparatory work has been completed, the coloring composition is ready, and now we can move on to the main stage: painting. Here's a quick guide:

  1. So, direct application is done using a roller. As for corners, as well as hard-to-reach places, use brushes of different sizes.
  2. First of all, repaint those areas of the walls that will subsequently be covered with pieces of furniture, as this will help “get your hand.”
  3. It is best to start by painting the ceiling (if provided for by the project) or the upper part of the walls.
  4. After applying two layers of paint (you need to leave a few hours between them to dry completely), make sure that the surface is smooth and the layer is uniform. That's it, the repainting can be considered complete.

Be sure to watch the video instructions for proper painting:


So, we hope that now you have a more detailed idea of ​​whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to properly organize the entire work process. To give a brief summary, we can say that for a good result you will need to properly prepare the working surface of the walls, repair damaged fragments, and also make a special layer that is highly resistant to moisture.

Do not forget that when painting you must use acrylic or water-based paint, which is applied using special tools. When carrying out work, all instructions must be strictly followed. This will guarantee that the result of your work will please both you and all your loved ones.

One of the most common finishing materials is paper wallpaper. This is due to ease of operation and low price. But it should be noted, no matter what the care, the surface still loses its original appearance over time. And first of all, the question arises: “Should we do the repairs again or can we restore the old surface?”

Everyone understands that completely re-pasting a room is quite expensive and very time-consuming, so the choice most often falls on surface restoration. The best way is to paint, and the question arises: “Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper?”

There are several opinions regarding painting paper wallpaper, and whether it makes sense to paint it at all. In some cases, coloring is completely meaningless. For example, the surface is damaged, heavily worn, and has completely lost its operational capabilities.

So, if the top layer of wallpaper is well preserved, you can give preference to painting. A good advantage is that you can do this work yourself. Let's move closer to the point and consider all the nuances of this process and everything connected with it.

What you need for painting

First of all, we need to figure out what we need to perform this type of finishing work efficiently.

  1. The first thing you need is, of course, paint. It is recommended to use a water-based one; its action will provide protection against the wallpaper getting wet. This factor will guarantee a strong attachment to the wall panel, and will not allow the old wallpaper to come off.
  2. Masking tape or polyethylene. This material covers baseboards, sockets and switches to protect them from moisture and paint.
  3. Coating with water-repellent properties. Since the paint is usually water-based, it is strictly forbidden to wet our surface, since the paper wallpaper will come off the wall and will not last long.
  4. And of course, painting equipment. The choice here is quite large: a variety of brushes, pile compounds and rollers, which have hundreds of varieties. The main thing is to choose the right fleecy elements; the smoother the layer of wallpaper, the less pile there should be, and, accordingly, vice versa.

Paint selection

A very important stage of preparation is the selection of paint; first you need to understand the classification of paint compositions, and they can be found as follows:

There is no need to rush into choosing; it’s not just the names and type of paint, which has a different appearance and that’s all. It is necessary to take into account its operational capabilities and select it depending on the room in which it will be used. Another important parameter to choose is the absorption and release of natural light. Based on this parameter, for example, a matte paint is suitable for the living room, while a glossy or semi-gloss paint is more suitable for the kitchen and bathroom.

Advice! Don't choose just because of its beautiful appearance and good light absorption or light output. There are many more factors that should be given special attention, such as, for example, strength, wear resistance, resistance to moisture and chemicals, environmental safety, etc.

Also sometimes the question of painting with acrylic dye arises. This is allowed, and even recommended, but of course you shouldn’t lose sight of other types of paints. Most often, water-based compositions are used, but latex and even alkyd ones can be used.

Stages of work

Let’s understand a little about the principle of operation and the stages in general. During the painting process we will need to perform the following algorithm:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Preparing the paint.
  3. Surface painting.

Let's look at each stage in a little more detail.

Surface preparation

The first stage is preparatory work. They need to be given maximum attention, since this is the so-called foundation of our painting. What should you do:

After these measures, apply a water-repellent layer to the wallpaper and leave until the surface is completely dry. This takes about a day.

Preparing the Paint

After preparing the room, you can begin to prepare the paint composition and begin painting paper wallpaper.

Having studied the features and chosen the type of paint, we proceed directly to the preparation. This doesn’t require much effort: open the jar and stir. If necessary, add dyes and solvent.


The last stage of such finishing work is painting itself. Let's look at a brief instruction on painting paper wallpaper:

  1. We immediately begin applying the colorful composition to the paper wallpaper. To do this, use a roller with properly selected bristles. To treat corners and hard-to-reach places, brushes of various sizes are used.
  2. First of all, for the so-called training, start painting those areas that will later be covered by furniture and interior items. Such a beginning will help you understand the structure of painting and “get” your hand, which will later make itself felt and help you paint open areas efficiently.
  3. It is recommended to start painting from the ceiling, if provided, or to start painting the upper part of the walls.
  4. It is important to know that the paint is applied in several layers. In this case, apply at least 2 layers. Between applying each of them to paper wallpaper, you should take a break until the paint dries completely, which can take from several hours to a day. After applying layers of paint, you should check the wall for defects. If they are absent, the layer is applied evenly, and the wall itself remains flat, then the painting process can be considered complete.

Do not forget to take environmental factors into account, choose the right number of layers, in some rooms one may be enough, and in others two or three are required. And most importantly, try to paint with water-based paint.

The following video clearly shows the process of painting paper wallpaper:

Let's sum it up

I hope that this material answered the question - is it even possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to do it. The algorithm of actions can be drawn up as follows:

  1. Proper preparation of the room and surface as a whole.
  2. Repair of damaged surface fragments.
  3. Provided with moisture resistant coating.
  4. Prepared tools.
  5. Correctly selected paint.
  6. Compliance with application rules.

It is compliance with this plan that will provide you with high-quality repairs, or rather restoration of your walls.

Paper wallpaper is an attractive and affordable finishing material. But they tend to become unusable after a while, losing their external aesthetics, or simply become boring with their colors. And then you have a choice: replace this part of the interior or update it?

Changing the finish completely is quite expensive and time-consuming, but we will look at whether it is possible to paint old paper wallpaper and how to do it in this article.

Technology for painting old wallpaper

So, is it possible to paint regular paper wallpaper? It is possible, but not often and only after pre-treatment, since unprepared paper and the water in the paint will soak and deform.

Preparatory work


  1. We take all movable furniture out of the room and cover the non-movable furniture with plastic wrap. It is also advisable to protect the floor from accidental splashes of paint and varnish material.
  2. We clean the surface from all kinds of dust and dirt using a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

  1. Glue up the peeling areas. If the condition of such fragments is too deplorable, then carefully cut them off.

  1. Damaged areas and scratches are covered with mastic, which after drying is sanded with sandpaper.
  2. We prime the surface. This is the most important step that will protect the wallpaper from paint penetrating into its structure. The primer will create a reliable polymer layer that reduces the porosity of the paper and protects the dilapidated finish from further wear.

  1. After the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting.

Paint selection

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? Even necessary. This is the most suitable suspension for restoration.

To see this, let's look at its advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness. When hardened, only harmless water vapors are released, which is important when using the emulsion indoors.
  • Low price. This is achieved due to the absence of an expensive solvent in the composition.
  • Wide range of rich shades. Plus the ability to mix them to create unique color solutions.

  • Moisture resistance. After evaporation of H 2 O, the resulting polymer film has high water resistance.
  • High resistance to abrasion, exposure to sunlight and temperature changes.
  • Non-flammability. For paper finishes, this is a great way to improve fire safety.
  • Ease of application. Does not form drips or streaks.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning. Allows you to keep the renewed coating clean.
  • Long service life. With proper care it can reach ten years.

Application of emulsion

  1. Dilute the purchased mixture with water according to the instructions included with it.. If you purchased a white emulsion, then we also add the necessary dyes, mixing everything using a construction mixer or a drill operating at low speed.

  1. Pour the resulting solution into a special paint bath..

  1. Dip a brush into the suspension and paint corners and other hard-to-reach places.

  1. Then we take a pile, pick up the emulsion with it and run it several times along the ribbed surface, getting rid of excess liquid.

Advice: if you have textured ones, take a tool with long pile.
It will be better able to handle numerous indentations.

  1. We move the tool from left to right, descending from the ceiling to the floor. In this case, it is necessary that each subsequent strip extends a few centimeters onto the previous one.
  2. When the liquid in the roller runs out, we run it over the already painted part of the wall to collect excess suspension from it.
  3. We wait for the first layer to harden, after which we apply the second one perpendicularly.
  4. R We check the result by bringing a bright light source close to the finish.. This way we can see the spots that stand out.
  5. If the check was successful, then we can safely enjoy the work done..


We looked at whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to do it. First of all, for this you need to carefully prepare the surface.

This includes:

  • cleaning;
  • restoration of deformed areas;
  • creation of a protective moisture-proofing layer.

Next, you should purchase water-based paint that is best suited for the task and apply it with a brush and roller. Follow the recommendations outlined and you will not have any difficulties.

The video in this article will give you an additional opportunity to familiarize yourself with some information that directly relates to the materials discussed. Painting is always easier and cheaper than completely replacing the trim.

Wallpaper, without a grain of exaggeration, is considered one of the most popular finishing materials. When buying them, we can always choose whether to give preference to ready-made canvases or choose a material on which paint can be applied. We suggest talking about the second type of finishing in detail.

Nowadays, the market surprises with a wide range of materials for wall decoration. The design and color of canvases have long been no longer considered a determining factor, because each buyer can choose an original pattern by simply adding the selected pigment to the paint. Thus, painting wallpaper becomes the most affordable and easiest method of changing the interior with your own hands.

Painting wallpaper is an affordable way to change the interior yourself

However, this finish has its limitations - more layers of paint cannot be applied to it than specified by the manufacturer. Glass wallpaper is considered the most durable and reliable - coloring compounds can be applied to such wallpaper for painting more than 15 times, and to canvases with a convex relief and large pattern - more than 20 times.

Paper wallpaper can be painted no more than 3 times. Subsequent applications have a bad effect on the structure of the finish, resulting in the formation of holes in it.

Often, beginners try to paint thick vinyl-based wallpaper, which is glued to the wall using PVA glue. But experienced craftsmen do not advise making such attempts, except perhaps for painting over children's drawings on canvas.

Wallpaper on which a coloring composition can be applied has a more noble appearance. Among the main textures, the following canvases stand out:

  • smooth;
  • with small patterns;
  • with large ornaments;
  • wallpaper with different relief.

Depending on the type of base and its technical characteristics, wall panels are divided into:

  • glass wallpaper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • impregnated paper;
  • linkrusta wallpaper - their relief is created by applying a special composition of chalk, flour, tree bark and wax.

Properly painted wallpaper can last a very long time.

If you paint roll wallpaper correctly, such canvases can last from 10 to 15 years. In this case, the first tone should be made as light as possible so that after applying the paint the base does not begin to show through. Further layers of paint should be a shade darker than the base.

Unlike ordinary wallpaper, canvases that are coated with paint can be washed. Thanks to the protective layer, they will not come apart from moisture. This makes it possible to use this finish for decorating children's rooms, where the risk of staining the material is especially high.

The paint can usually indicates the approximate consumption per square meter

The total area includes the area of ​​all walls and ceiling, if you plan to paint that too. From these indicators, subtract the area of ​​the windows and add approximately 200–300 g of paint in reserve. As a result, you will get the total working surface area.

The approximate paint consumption per square meter is indicated by the manufacturer on the can with the composition. Please note that each manufacturer’s paint differs in absorption properties and density, so it will be used differently. The "standard" consumption is about 200 g/m2. If the paint is applied in 2 layers, then this figure will increase to 250 g/m2. It is also important to take into account the ability of the canvas to absorb paint. Thus, wallpaper made of paper and non-woven material absorbs much more composition than fiberglass materials.

To paint wallpaper well, when choosing paint, pay attention to factors such as the material of the canvas and the function of the room in the house. Each type of base requires a specific type of paint.

Paper wallpaper can only be painted with water-based paint. For non-woven fabrics, compositions based on water-dispersed components are suitable, and for glass wallpaper, latex or acrylic paint is used. Experts advise applying acrylic, wax or oil-based liquid paste to linkrust wallpaper.

Be sure to consider the type of room. So, acrylic paint is suitable for washable surfaces in the bathroom or kitchen. The surface painted with them is very easy to clean, as a protective film is formed on it. Fabrics on which such compositions are applied will pass and absorb air worse, but they are not afraid of the effects of steam.

In open, brightly lit rooms, latex compounds are used. They do not fade when exposed to UV rays, but they must be handled with extreme care when cleaning. Wallpaper after painting with latex compounds cannot be washed; only dry cleaning is allowed.

You also need to take into account the degree of light reflection of the coloring composition. Depending on this, experts distinguish between matte, satin, glossy and semi-matte paint.

Satin paints with a moderate sheen are ideal for the bathroom or kitchen. They are characterized by high durability and reliability. Matte compositions perfectly hide defects in walls and ceilings. They also handle excess light well. Glossy paints, on the contrary, visually increase lighting. Experts often paint embossed wallpaper with matte paint to achieve a jacquard effect.

Experts advise beginners to paint wallpaper with water-based paint - it is easy to apply and the most durable. Acrylic compositions are considered the most versatile in use.

To ensure that the painted wallpaper looks exactly the way you plan, test the color intensity of the composition on a control sample before work. If the shade turns out to be too pale, then pigment will need to be added to the composition. Make sure that the amount of pigment in each can of paint is the same.

To prevent the paint from drying out, open the can immediately before work.

The algorithm for the work ahead is quite simple. First of all, you need, then - open walls, decorated with wallpaper, and at the end - secondary walls behind cabinets and sofas. In order not to stain the floor and interior items, they need to be covered with old newspapers.

Painting compounds in open cans dry out fairly quickly. Therefore, you need to open and dilute the paint immediately before applying it.

Before painting the wallpaper, you need to prepare the necessary tools. First of all, you will need a paint roller - with it the work will go quickly and without problems. However, stores have a wide selection of different tools, and without knowing which one is suitable for painting a canvas, beginners make a lot of mistakes. For example, you can find rollers on sale:

  • with long pile;
  • with short hairs;
  • velor roller;
  • fur roller;
  • foam tool.

To paint wallpaper you will need a roller

Each of the tools is designed for specific cases. So, with a short-haired roller you can easily roll out a relief image, while a long-haired tool will help to deeply paint the entire texture. A foam tool leaves unpainted bubbles if it touches smooth walls. You can also find tools with replaceable attachments on sale. When working with them, specialists carefully check and rinse them and only then cover the canvas with paint.

To paint wallpaper for further painting without streaks, experts advise buying a roller with short pile. It will absorb the right amount of paint and distribute it evenly over the surface.

To paint corners and hard-to-reach places, buy a couple of paint brushes. You need to dip the roller into a special cuvette. To stir the composition with the solvent you will need a bucket.

Painting non-woven wallpaper is an excellent opportunity to get an original design. After work, the surface will imitate more expensive exclusive finishing materials. Also, such canvases look good on the wall even without painting, thanks to the embossed outer side.

If you will frequently clean the canvas made of this material, then use latex paint for painting, which gives the finish a protective layer. To work with such materials, a fur roller and a brush for hard-to-reach places are suitable. This wallpaper is painted in at least two layers. When applying, do not keep the roller in one place for a long time, otherwise it will lead to drips.

Non-woven wallpaper must be painted in at least two layers

Paper wallpaper must be properly prepared before painting. To do this, the canvas is coated with a special impregnation that prevents the paint from flowing over a smooth surface. It is optimal to apply one layer. However, if you made mistakes when applying it, the canvas can be covered with another layer. Before painting, make sure that there are no traces of glue on the seams of the trim, otherwise it will significantly complicate the work.

Glass wallpaper is considered the most durable material for painting. They are made from fiberglass. The most popular textures among buyers are considered to be “path”, “herringbone” and “cobweb”. They are ideal for repeated application of paint, which penetrates deeply between the fibers of the fabric. Before painting, glass wallpaper will need to be primed. After this, a latex or acrylic composition is applied to the material. This wallpaper is painted in two layers.

Vinyl sheets on a paper backing provide a multi-layered paper texture. the canvas made of this material also needs to be primed. After the primer has dried, you need to apply the coloring composition. To do this, use a long-haired roller and a paint brush. Once the paint has dried a little, apply it a second time. Lastly, a decorative layer is applied, but if the canvas is not embossed, then you can do without it.

After applying and drying the primer layer, proceed directly to painting the canvas. To do this, pour a third of the paint can into a bucket and add solvent. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour the mixture into the cuvette. Moisten it. It is best to apply paint to the walls starting from the top and gradually moving down.

Be sure to ensure that after application there are no drips or unpainted areas.

Paint is mixed with solvent in a cuvette

Once the first coat is completely dry, begin applying the second coat. After painting large areas, begin applying the compound in hard-to-reach areas. To do this, lower the brush into the paint tray and start painting in the upper corner of the room. When painting, make sure that no lint remains on the wall after brushing.

After the second layer has completely dried, you can begin to decorate the canvas with a decorative layer. Before doing this, we advise you to make a rough drawing of your patterns and follow it. Try to put maximum imagination and creativity into your image to make the interior of your room original.

After the third layer has dried, you can also coat the finish with clear varnish. This will be especially relevant when decorating children's rooms, where it is unlikely to be able to avoid mechanical damage to the finish.

To avoid problems when painting canvas, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with expert advice that will greatly facilitate the work of novice repairmen. When preparing a room for painting, experts advise covering not only the floor and furniture, but also windows, sockets and baseboards from paint. After preparation, wet the roller in the paint pan. After this, be sure to roll it on an old newspaper so that drips do not appear.

The color of the wallpaper to be painted also plays a huge role. It is best to choose canvases of a white or light shade. To apply the composition more evenly, experts advise using a spray gun instead of a roller.

If you just can’t get rid of pieces of old wallpaper, then you can hide their traces and imperfections on the walls by applying matte paint to the new finish.

It happens that there are no special funds for major repairs, and a vacation is ahead. And I really want to refresh my apartment, add newness and zest! There is a solution: paint liquid or vinyl wallpaper in your home. If you choose high-quality materials and understand the intricacies of the process (what types of wallpaper can be painted (for example, liquid wallpaper), and what you shouldn’t touch), very soon your apartment will sparkle with new bright colors.

Is it possible to paint regular wallpaper?

No matter how beautiful your favorite wallpaper is, sooner or later its color will fade or simply get boring. Agree, seeing the same design, shade, year after year - everything over time begins to make any person despondent. Something needs to be changed urgently, but how can you change old wallpaper without extra expenses and effort? To do this, they are painted. But the question is: is it even possible to paint a regular coating or are only materials specially designed for this suitable?

Traditional types of wall coverings include paper wallpaper. They can be found in almost every apartment. If you suddenly want to update them, but not buy new ones and spend days and nights gluing new roll materials, be careful. Experts say that it is better not to paint ordinary wallpaper. Double-layer, single-layer wallpaper - this type of wall covering can be damaged by paint. However, a well-organized process will refresh long-faded colors in your home. It is necessary to study the basic requirements.

You can only paint wallpaper if it is not seriously damaged. It is important that the material does not peel off from the wall; on the contrary, it must adhere tightly to it, otherwise there is no point in buying a coloring composition.

Special requirements are placed on the level of paint quality. Among its basic characteristics should be present:

  • strength. Ordinary ones need to be protected from various mechanical damages;
  • environmental friendliness. If the coloring mixture contains toxic elements, the paper coating may not survive such painting;
  • durability. The paint should retain its color for a long time. It is equally important to protect the coating from the harmful effects of water - choose a composition that can cope with this.

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You can paint the old coating, but this is done exclusively with water-based paint. This category includes latex coloring composition. What is advantageous about its use is its ability to strengthen even ordinary paper coating. They become durable and can withstand further exposure to water. Feel free to wash the wall covering after using this material. Acrylic composition with a latex base is another popular product. After painting with this material, a regular coating acquires texture and is less susceptible to corrosion. You can paint them with water-based acrylic paint. Then the room will not feel musty or steamy, and the composition itself will dry quickly. The most budget option is water-based emulsion. It has no smell, dries instantly, but does not differ in water-repellent properties.

Liquid wallpaper

Sooner or later, painting liquid wallpaper may also be necessary. Over time, stains and dirt appear on liquid wallpaper, which cannot always be removed. Painting is the best way out. Choose a high-quality coloring composition and get to work. The choice of shades is so diverse that you can safely experiment. Buy either ready-made paint, or a base and colorants: this way, you can independently create a beautiful shade of color for liquid wallpaper. Whether it will be bright and saturated or, on the contrary, muted, depends entirely on you.

Before you decide to paint liquid wallpaper, pay attention to one key nuance: this material is silky and very soft to the touch.