Is it possible to apply putty on painted walls? How to apply finishing putty with your own hands: is it possible immediately after the starting putty, how to level it correctly and when the finishing mixture is not needed. Is it possible to putty on old paint?

Is it possible to apply putty on painted walls?  How to apply finishing putty with your own hands: is it possible immediately after the starting putty, how to level it correctly and when the finishing mixture is not needed. Is it possible to putty on old paint?
Is it possible to apply putty on painted walls? How to apply finishing putty with your own hands: is it possible immediately after the starting putty, how to level it correctly and when the finishing mixture is not needed. Is it possible to putty on old paint?

Today we will learn how to putty the walls in an apartment with our own hands. We will analyze in detail the issue of preparing walls, selecting putty, its proper preparation, the tools used in the work and the process itself. The article will be useful for both beginners in repair and those who already have some experience.

How to properly putty walls under wallpaper. Preparing the walls

The walls are put in order so that they are even, and then wallpaper can be hung on them. But the fact is that their initial condition may be so bad that it may be premature to think about how to putty the walls, since first you need to seal them deep holes, then plaster and only then proceed directly to putty. Therefore, I highly recommend that you first read my article, which clearly presents a plan for working with walls, and putty is just one of the stages.

Puttying of walls is carried out in 3 cases:

  1. After removing old wallpaper, when the walls are relatively smooth and it is not important for you to level (plaster) them.
  2. After plastering the walls, when they are strictly vertical and ready for further processing.
  3. When in some places you need to repair small chips on the wall.

Let's go in order.

Why do you need to putty the walls at all, you ask? Well, I took off the old wallpaper and put up new ones. Or I lined the walls with plaster and also hung wallpaper on them.

The fact is that the walls, in any of the above cases, are quite rough, and the wallpaper on them will lie worse than if we had previously puttyed the wall. Wall putty is a fine leveling with millimeter precision. The good thing about putty is that, on the one hand, it is firmly attached to concrete or plaster, and on the other hand, new wallpaper fits perfectly on it.

Which putty is better to putty walls under wallpaper?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of putty you will work with. There are a lot of them in stores, and it is especially difficult for a beginner to navigate such a countless number of options offered. To make it easier for you, I will talk about one of the popular materials from Weber Vetonit, which I myself constantly use:

Let's make the following estimate. The walls of your house are not the same. Some are load-bearing thick walls facing the street. In cold weather, such walls can freeze very much. And there are interior walls that live at a relatively constant temperature. For these cases, Weber Vetonit has the following options:

  • Weber Vetonit VH - when hardened, this putty is resistant to low temperatures.
  • Weber Vetonit KR is just a putty for dry rooms.

How to determine the required volume of putty

After determining the type of putty, we need to calculate how much we need to take? Usually, on the back of putty packages everything is described in great detail. It would be better to go to the store and read this information directly on the bag. The fact is that all materials are different and it will be difficult to say the exact quantity, but an approximate quantity is possible!

How many times to putty the walls under the wallpaper

It is very important to evaluate how much you have prepared the wall before applying putty. If after plastering the wall is perfectly smooth, then of course one layer is enough. If you haven’t plastered the wall, but are trying to remove unevenness and small differences on the wall using putty, then the consumption of material will be completely different. Typically, the thickness of the putty ranges from 1 to 3 mm, in some places up to 5 mm - no more. Therefore, in the worst case, if you are going to smooth out unevenness up to 1 cm, then in any case you will need to lay the material in 2 layers.

For example, I just had such a case without plaster, when on interior wall 3.5 meters by 2.5 meters, with total area 8.75 meters it took me 15 kg of Weber Vetonit KR putty.

How to putty walls for painting

If you plan not to glue wallpaper, but to paint the walls, then in this case they should be literally polished. In this case, first, with regular putty, unevenness and roughness that may exist after plastering are removed. Then, when the first layer has dried, the wall needs to be sanded, vacuumed, primed and a second layer of finishing putty applied in a very thin layer. The work turns out to be quite complicated in terms of labor costs, but perfectly smooth walls are worth it.

Considering the above, you just need to measure the area of ​​the walls that are to be puttied, estimate the thickness of the layer of putty that you are going to lay, decide whether it will be one layer or two and, based on the material consumption indicated on the packaging, calculate how much putty you need to buy.

When making repairs, you need to remember an important thing: . Sometimes, especially if you live in an apartment in which you are renovating, see, it is better to purchase building materials in parts.

Where to buy putty

My experience tells me that it is better to buy putty in large construction hypermarkets, such as Petrovich, OBI, etc. Why? Because everything Construction Materials Just like food, it has an expiration date. For example, putty in the form of a dry construction mixture, if the packaging is not opened, may have a shelf life of 12 months, 18 months, etc. from the date of manufacture. Some are dry building mixtures I only have a shelf life of 6 months. Therefore, in large construction hypermarkets the likelihood of purchasing expired materials is much lower than in dubious warehouses for half the price.

Always check the date of manufacture. You cannot work with expired putty - this will ruin all your work.

How to prepare walls for putty. Primer

If you apply putty to concrete wall, then it is better to prime the wall 2 times. If you have just plastered the wall, you can prime it once before applying putty.

In any case, you need to watch overall plan work with walls, which I mentioned above.

How to properly dilute putty and putty walls

If we use ready-made putty in a jar to putty the walls, then we open it and immediately get to work.

If we use dry mortar to putty the walls, then we need to prepare a putty solution. To prepare the solution we will need:

  • Container for preparing the required volume of dry construction mixture.
  • Steelyard for weighing dry construction mixture.
  • Container for the prepared solution.
  • A measuring stick for pouring the required amount of water.
  • Drill with installed mixer.


Putty is not plaster. You can prepare a lot of it at once, because the prepared mixture can live for about another day. Plastering, if we remember, will take place in 20 minutes. begins to harden. Therefore, estimate how much solution you are willing to put in over the next 24 hours.

25 kg = 10 liters

6 kg = X liters

X = 6*10/25 = 2.4 liters of water.

  1. Pour into a bucket required quantity dry mixture from a bag.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the container for preparing the solution.
  3. Pour the dry mixture from the bucket into a container with water to prepare a solution.
  4. Turn on the drill with the mixer installed and begin mixing the dry mixture with water.

You need to stir for about 3 - 5 minutes until the putty gives the appearance of thick sour cream. Then you need to let the solution brew for about 15 minutes and stir again (not for long).

The solution is ready. You can use it.

What is the best way to putty the walls? Tools

To putty the walls we will need:

  • A trowel for applying the finished mortar to the wall.

  • Spatulas (Large, medium (small)).

  • Rubber spatula (very small).

And below we will look at the most interesting thing - this is the process of puttying walls.

How to putty walls with your own hands

You need to start putting putty on the wall from one side and move in the opposite direction. The puttying process consists of using a trowel to spread the mortar onto the wall, and then using a spatula to move it left and right, up and down. When spreading the putty on the wall, you need to apply pressure on the spatula. It is necessary to ensure that you do not put an excessive amount of mortar on the wall so that smudges do not form. If you still put more than necessary, disperse this part of the solution along the wall where there is not enough putty applied.

When you run out of solution, prepare a new portion and continue working.

The skill of puttying does not come immediately, it needs to be trained. But I'm sure you will succeed. After applying the putty and dispersing it, literally after a few moments the putty may form smudges in some places. To remove them, you need to run the spatula over this area again.

What is the best spatula to putty on walls? If the area of ​​the wall being processed is large, then it is better to immediately learn how to work with the largest tool. IN hard to reach places use a medium or small spatula.

Why do you need a small one? rubber spatula?

It happens that in the process of work, you accidentally leaned on the wall, poked the sharp end of a spatula into the newly applied and leveled mortar, or just suddenly a hole formed on the wall in a certain place. Then you take a rubber spatula, dip it in putty and carefully apply the latter to the damaged area. In this case, it is not convenient to use a large spatula, because having eliminated a defect in one place, you can, by pressing a little harder, use the sharp end of the spatula to create new problem elsewhere, so it is better to use a rubber spatula.

The rubber spatula is elastic and allows you to apply very small portions of putty onto problem areas, without destroying what you have already done with such difficulty.


Try not to accidentally get dirt and especially hardened pieces of cement or plaster into your putty solution. The fact is that if this happens, then in the process of applying the solution and dispersing it with a spatula along the wall, an accidentally falling pebble under the pressure of the spatula will make a furrow in the wall, which will have to be repaired immediately.

That is why the container into which you pour water to prepare the solution must be clean, and there should be no remains of hardened cement or plaster pieces floating there.

How to putty plasterboard walls

Evaluation of completed work

After puttying, you need to look at the wall and understand how smoothly you managed to apply the solution, because then the process of sanding the wall will follow, which consists of grinding off excess micro-protrusions on the wall, see. If you are a beginner, then it is quite possible that you may not be able to apply the solution evenly the first time. Dont be upset, next wall It will definitely be smoother! However, if you understand that you have poorly puttied the wall, that during the grinding process you will definitely be left with multiple pits and grooves (traces from sharp corners spatula), then it makes sense to apply a second layer of putty after the first layer has dried.


Remember! A new layer of putty can be applied only when the first layer is completely dry. And this will happen approximately in 24 hours.

Of course, wall putty is not limited only to Veber Vetonit. We have a whole company that produces dry building mixtures, where you can read about them, get acquainted with them and gain a little confidence in them if you have never putty before in your life.

This is where the article ends. Today we learned how to putty walls. I’m curious, what difficulties did you experience during your work? What was your main problem: with the spatula or with the incorrectly prepared solution?

In old-type buildings, it is quite common to find painted ceilings and walls. When renovating, many people ask the question: is it possible to putty over paint? To what extent will the efforts be justified, or is it better to carry out complete removal old surface? For execution quality repairs you need to take your time and adhere to some of the recommendations presented in this article.

A professional worker, when asked whether it is possible to apply putty over paint, will answer that it is better not to do this. At the same time, quite often removing the old coating is very problematic or almost impossible. Therefore, ways to solve the problem have been invented that will allow the putty to be applied to a painted surface.

In order to find out whether it is possible to plaster the walls, first determine the type of paint with which the surface is painted. This is done using a sponge and warm water, which wets the wall or ceiling. If you apply a little water to water-based paint, it begins to foam and washes off well. IN in this case Painted walls cannot be puttied over paint; the entire layer must be carefully removed.

It is important to know! For quick removal dirt is applied to a wet surface thin layer paste, which after drying is easily removed along with the painted surface.

The water-based emulsion should be removed, as it absorbs moisture and the putty layer will simply fall off after drying. The coating is wetted using the same sponge or spray and left for 15-20 minutes. At the end of time, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula, after which the surface is wiped with a damp cloth and dried.

Wondering if it is possible to putty on water-based paint, it is worth remembering that this coating must be completely removed to further work with a wall.

If the paint does not come off under the influence of water, it is a composition based on drying oil. Provided that the paint adheres well to the walls and the surface is clean, puttying the paint is quite acceptable. It is recommended to scratch the surface with a metal spatula; if the enamel has peeled off, it must be removed.

If we talk about whether it is possible to putty on oil paint, it is worth noting that when smooth walls The surface can be puttied without defects.

So, we can conclude that it is unacceptable to putty walls with old paint in the following cases:

  • the walls or ceiling are covered with water-based enamel;
  • the surface is cracked.

It is unacceptable to putty painted walls if they have a loose, peeling surface. Fungus on the surface can appear even through a layer of putty, so it must first be removed.

Preparing Painted Walls

Walls with oil paint do not adhere well to putty, so they need to be prepared for finishing work. If the paint is partially removed and scratches and other irregularities remain, the surface must be puttied before priming, and then sanded with sandpaper after drying.

You can also apply a mesh with notches to the walls, scratch them with a spatula or chisel to obtain a rough surface.

To avoid possible problems, it is better to remove as much paint from the walls as possible. This can be done in several ways:

  • Thermal. The paint heats up under the influence of a hair dryer or blowtorch. After the manipulations have been done, everything can be easily removed with a spatula.

  • Chemical. For removal, solvents and removers are used to soften the enamel layer. Chemical compositions are very toxic, so all work is carried out according to the instructions, you also need to use protective clothing and ventilate the room well.

  • Mechanical. Work is carried out using grinding machine, drill with attachment, spatula and sandpaper. The most labor-intensive method, which leaves a lot of dirt and dust, so better job carry out in a respirator.

In the video: cleaning walls from old paint.

Preparing to apply putty

The base for applying putty must be dried and cleaned of components such as dust, dirt and greasy spots. The latter can be removed with a soap solution applied with a regular sponge. Before starting work, you need to check that all loose parts of paint and plaster have been removed. You also need to use a hammer and chisel to open up the cracks to a solid base. These defects are filled with putty based on depth; this can be one or several layers.

To strengthen the old coating, as well as to roughen the walls for better adhesion, a primer layer is applied under the putty. The primer should be used based on the base material; the solution is applied with brushes or a roller. At high humidity indoors, a special antifungal composition is used. The consistency of the primer should not be very liquid; it is better not to dilute the solution with water.

When processing large areas, covering all walls with a primer is quite expensive and unprofitable, so another method of obtaining a rough layer is often used, namely:

  • scratch the fine mesh with a sharp object;
  • treat the surface with a drill with a special attachment or coarse sandpaper.

It is important to know! Carrying out such work requires subsequent removal of dust using a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth.

Stages of puttying followed by finishing

After surface preparation work, you can begin puttying, which takes place in several stages:

1. If the walls are uneven or have serious defects, first level them with starting putty with a coarse-grained structure. Plaster in several layers of small thickness, this is much better than once with a large layer.

2. The surface is cleaned with a special mesh or sandpaper to remove sagging.

3. Apply finishing putty, which must also be polished to smooth surface, especially if in the future it will be covered with acrylic paint. It is worth noting that there is acrylic putty that fits perfectly on the walls and creates a strong connection after hardening.

4. On final stage the surface is primed, after which the walls can be painted or wallpapered. Any materials can be applied to a high-quality surface simply and for a long time.

Rules for applying putty

Putty should be placed on the painted surface starting from the corner, moving to the opposite edge. They pay attention to the corners first, so they are passed with special care. Irregularities are removed using the rule that different directions You can check the alignment of the wall.

Should be used for painting and wallpapering different types putties. Putty in 5-6 layers if we're talking about about further painting, or in 2-3 layers if wallpaper is to be glued. After hardening, each layer is rubbed with sandpaper.

When working in putty, air bubbles form, which can be removed using the same sandpaper. Actions must be carried out carefully so that unevenness does not form, otherwise you will have to putty again.

Wall painting

For getting beautiful color, painting should be done taking into account some rules:

  • The wall needs to be sanded to create a flat and perfectly smooth surface, since once the paint is applied, it will not be able to hide possible defects and irregularities.
  • You need to wait until the putty mixture is completely dry.
  • Paint the surface starting from the ceiling, this way you can avoid possible drips.

Compliance with all recommendations is the key to obtaining high-quality and reliable coating that will last for quite a long time over many years. The article fully provides information on how to putty on paint, when you can apply putty on paint, how the primer should be applied and all the basic rules for preparation finishing coating for painting.

Often when carrying out repair work there is a need for preliminary alignment walls for finishing them with new materials. According to building regulations, before this it is necessary to completely remove the old wall covering. However, dismantling may require high costs energy and time. This is especially true for painted walls - it can be very difficult to remove old but well-adhering paint. That is why apartment owners who have undertaken to carry out renovations with their own hands have a question: “Is it possible to putty over paint?”

When not to putty painted walls

First of all, it should be said that there is no clear answer to the question of whether putty can be applied to paint. Building regulations require that the wall be completely cleared of the old coating before applying a new coating. But experienced finishers assure that putting putty on paint is quite acceptable. The main thing is to follow the rules technical requirements and application features, and the putty will last on the wall for quite a long time.

Oil formulations

It is strictly forbidden to putty walls coated with oil paint using drying oil. Putty and drying oil-based paint interact very poorly with each other, as a result of which the putty mixture can lose its qualities and peel off from the surface.

In this regard, the answer to the question whether it is possible to putty on oil paint made on the basis of drying oil will be negative. This is also due to the peculiarity of walls painted with oil enamels: they have a very smooth, glossy surface. It is very difficult to achieve reliable adhesion of the finishing solution to it. Before you putty such a surface, it should be pre-treated to give it a rough structure.

Water emulsion

Water-based compositions are extremely popular today - they are used to paint the interiors of both residential and public buildings. They are divided into two types:

  • Moisture resistant.
  • Non-moisture resistant.

Special additives are added to moisture-resistant solutions to give them water-repellent properties. Non-moisture resistant paint is devoid of this advantage- such painted walls are scary wet cleaning. When water comes in contact with water-based paint, it gets wet and peels off the wall. A similar effect can be observed when applying a putty solution to non-moisture-resistant paint: the paint will absorb moisture from it and get wet, peeling off along with the putty.

Based on the above, to answer the frequently asked question “Is it possible to putty over water-based paint?” Possibly positive. But only if you used it for finishing waterproof paint. Otherwise, the walls will have to be cleaned of the water-based composition.

Other cases

It is also unacceptable to putty on paint in cases where the wall covering has visible mechanical defects - and peeling. If you apply the solution to such damaged areas, it will very soon fall off along with loose fragments of the paint layer.

Before you putty the surface, loose fragments should be removed. Another case when painted walls cannot be processed putty mixture- if they are damaged by fungus or mold.

Such covering should be dismantled down to the supporting base.

Surface evaluation

There are several ways to determine what solution the walls are painted with. The first thing is to rub them with a damp sponge or just a finger dipped in water. If traces of paint remain on your finger, and the painted surface is “blurred”, it means that a water-based emulsion was used for painting.

When the paint does not react to the coating, it means that it is made on the basis of solvents, moisture-resistant water dispersion compositions or acrylic.

You can more accurately determine what type of paint composition - oil-based or water-based - is applied to the wall using a metal spatula. You should try to separate a small fragment of the painted layer from the base. If the paint comes off in large sheets, it is either oil or nitro enamel.

Waterproof emulsion paint is scraped off in small flakes that do not form large plates or films. If, when you try to remove it, the painted layer is removed in the form of a film, the interior may have been decorated with acrylic, acrylate or silicone paint.

To determine how firmly the paint layer adheres, it is first examined visually. Surface layer must not have visible cracks, swelling, peeling or other defects. For greater reliability, you should try to separate the paint in the most suspicious places. You can use a metal spatula or knife for this.

If the paint does not give way even with considerable effort, then it holds strong enough and a layer of putty can be applied to it. If the painted layer easily comes away from the wall, it will be necessary to remove the entire “weak” fragment of the coating and only then proceed with putty.

Stripping the wall

To remove old coating use different methods depending on type paint and varnish material. For removing non-moisture resistant materials from the wall surface water-based compositions You can use a regular brush, rag or thick sponge. The painted surface is pre-wetted generously with water and left for half an hour to an hour. Then, after the layer of water-based emulsion is thoroughly saturated with moisture, it is simply removed with a brush or sponge. Those places that are difficult to peel off even after getting wet, you can try to scrape them off with a metal spatula or other available tool.

Oil and nitro-enamel paints and varnishes hold much stronger than water-based emulsions, so they will require more time and effort. Removal should begin from those places where the paint adheres weakest - cracks and bubbles.

The paint is removed with a spatula as long as possible. If difficulties arise, you can connect the “heavy artillery” - a grinder or a hammer drill with a spatula attachment. Chemical method involves the use of a special liquid to remove the paint layer.

When working with power tools, you should use protective equipment - gloves, goggles and respirators. They will protect your eyes and hands from fragments of the coating being removed, and your respiratory organs from construction dust.

If the wall is affected by mold or fungus, applying putty or other coatings to it is strictly prohibited. Otherwise new decorative finishing will be infected in the same way and will quickly become unusable. In this case, before you putty the wall, you will need to completely dismantle the finish, exposing the wall to the very base.

After this, you should find out the cause of the fungus - it does not appear just like that, most often the cause is increased dampness in the room, or dampness of part of the wall. arise this problem may be due to a number of technical problems. Here are just a few of them:

  • Ineffective exhaust ventilation.
  • Shift of the dew point inside the building due to improper thermal insulation.
  • Rain and melt moisture entering the wall through a leaky roof.

After removing the cause of increased dampness in the room, you should deal with the wall affected by the fungus. It is thoroughly dried using a directional heater, a heat gun or a hair dryer. Then problem area the walls are treated with antiseptic primer compounds, and only after that can one begin to restore all layers of finishing - plaster, finishing wall covering.

Preparing the wall

Even if the painted surface is quite suitable for applying a putty solution, this should not be done without first doing so.

Increased adhesion

Oil paints and nitro enamels have a dense glossy surface with a low adhesion rate. As a result, any finishing solutions and paints and varnishes cannot form a reliable adhesion with them. To increase the adhesion of a painted wall, use a grinder and a hammer drill, or “ percussion instruments» - hammer, chisel, etc. Frequent shallow cuts are made on the surface, on which the putty solution could get caught. The same notches can be obtained using an old hatchet or mason's pick. In addition, to increase adhesion, it is possible to use a sander equipped with a wire brush. After processing a painted wall, it becomes rough and finishing compounds can stick to it much better.


Application of the primer composition makes it possible to achieve several goals at once:

  • Increase the surface adhesion coefficient.
  • Strengthen outer layer load-bearing base.
  • Protect walls from damage by fungal organisms.

Primers are supplied to the market in a ready-to-use form; they can be purchased at any construction supermarket. The composition of the mixtures includes fine quartz sand, adhesive base and chemical additives. Thanks to fine-grained quartz, a thin, rough film is formed on primed walls. This is what allows the putty solution to adhere more firmly to a smooth painted surface.

The adhesive component, penetrating into the pores and tiny cracks of the outer layer, strengthens it and prevents cracking and delamination. Chemical additives have an antiseptic effect, which makes it possible to protect the putty base from the appearance of fungus and mold.

Before applying primer, you should clean it from dust and dirt. You can apply primer paint brush or with a roller, and when large areas the surface being treated - and using a spray gun.

Once the painted wall is properly prepared, you can begin applying the putty solution. It should be remembered that the quality preparatory work The durability of the decorative wall covering depends on it.

The video shows the painted bases.

Apartment renovations always involve leveling walls and ceilings. Especially if the property was purchased on the secondary real estate market. Often surfaces in the apartment, on staircases and the corridors were already painted. In this case, the owners have a natural question: is it possible to putty over paint? Experts advise first removing any colorful materials from surfaces, but do not exclude the possibility of working with painted rooms.

Evaluation of a painted surface

Before you start puttingtying, you need to carefully inspect the walls and ceiling and determine what paint was used to treat them.

To do this, moisten a small sponge or brush with water and wet the surface. Leave for 15 minutes. Below is a table describing the materials that can be used on the walls and ceiling.

Coverage type How to determine Is it possible to putty?
Water-based paint If the layer begins to foam and peel off, then the walls have been treated with water-based emulsion. It is easy to remove and does not cause much trouble. Is it possible to putty over water-based paint? Masters definitely do not recommend doing this. This coating will draw water from the putty and it will simply fall off the wall.
Oil paints and enamel Oil paint or enamel is not washed off with water due to the durable glossy film. Sometimes getting rid of such coating is very difficult. Can you putty over oil paint? Experts still advise removing the layer from the wall. If it cannot be removed, then before applying the putty, the surface is processed in a certain sequence.
Acrylic and latex compositions Moisture has practically no effect on such a surface. Acrylic and latex paint are durable and sometimes cleaning them off is problematic, especially on the ceiling. Is it possible to putty on acrylic paint? If the master is confident that the material is reliable and will not deform after a couple of years, then the surface must be sanded, dust-free and treated with a primer before applying the mixtures.

To ensure the strength of the painted layer on the surface, you need to take a metal spatula and scratch it. If after such manipulations the coating begins to crack, crumble or peel off, then it must be completely removed.

In addition to home repair work, many car enthusiasts also do painting by yourself your vehicle. Is it possible to putty over the old paint of a car? Body work professionals say that it is possible, but the body must be sanded first. The old coating will serve as additional protective layer for metal.

Removing water-based paint before puttying (video)

Putty process

Is it possible to putty over old paint and how to remove it if necessary? The entire process of work for leveling walls and ceilings in a room is conventionally divided into two stages:

  • cleaning and preparation;
  • applying putty and leveling.

If the master decides to first get rid of the old coating, then the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for puttying.

Preparing walls for puttying

Only the owner of the apartment decides whether to remove the coating or not. Below are the solutions oil paint from the surface.

There are three ways to clean walls oil compositions and enamels:

  1. Mechanical method. It is rightfully considered the most labor-intensive. To clean the walls, use a metal spatula or Sander. The disadvantage of this processing is partial removal coverings. The remaining islands of paint must be sanded and primed. Concrete contact is suitable for this.
  2. Chemical method. For removing oil coating are used special compounds. Their application softens the enamel and is easy to remove with a spatula. However, this method also has its drawbacks. Chemical compounds are quite toxic, so it is recommended to use them only in ventilated areas. It is also necessary to protect the skin of your hands and Airways from the possibility of funds getting in.
  3. Thermal method. To use this type of enamel removal you will need construction hair dryer. When heated, the paint softens and is easily removed with a spatula. This method is considered the easiest, fastest and most convenient.

How to apply putty to a painted surface?

After assessing the walls and ceiling, when it is already known whether it is possible to putty over the paint, you need to prepare the surface for work. A special primer is used to process the paint. It contains small granules that improve the adhesive properties of a smooth surface. The composition of such solutions includes quartz sand, and the liquid itself has the property deep penetration. After processing Smooth surface The paint acquires a noticeable roughness, which ensures reliable adhesion to the putty solution.

Is it possible to putty the ceiling over paint? Following all the above points, this work will not be difficult. Putty is applied to the surface in layers.

Tip: When working with putty, you need to monitor the thickness of the application. It is better to take a wide spatula for convenience.

Each layer should not exceed a thickness of several mm. After high-quality putty work, the surfaces of the ceiling and walls should be even and smooth, without depressions, roughness or flaws. Each ball of putty is applied only after completely dry previous one. To remove uneven surfaces, you can use fine-grained sanding paper.

For a visual representation of puttying walls using different coatings Videos with step-by-step instructions are provided:

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to putty over paint and what will be the outcome of such an action? In principle, putty can be applied over old paint, but first, you need to determine what kind and type of coating was used previously. It's very easy to find out:

  1. Fill a bowl with water at room temperature.
  2. Treat with a regular sponge small plot surface of your choice.

Water-based coating is easy to calculate. If it starts to wash off easily and at the same time foams, this is exactly this type of paint. Applying putty to water-based emulsion is a waste of time; it will begin to peel anyway.

If there is no such need, then it is better not to risk it and not to putty the painted surface.

The thing is that this type of paint draws moisture from the putty, so it will definitely peel off, and it’s just a matter of time. Therefore, this type of substance must be completely purified from working area. To do this, you need to wet the painted wall with a spray bottle or a damp sponge and wait 20 minutes for it to “soak.” A spatula can easily remove the peeling layer, after which the wall will need to be dried (to avoid the appearance of fungus).

Prohibition on applying putty to old paint

Applying putty to old paint is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if enamel paint based on drying oil was applied to the wall;
  • when the coating has already begun to crack.

You can safely putty on paint only after first testing it for strength. Checking the strength is not difficult:

  • take a regular spatula and use mechanical force to make several scratches on the painted surface;
  • move the spatula over the surface;
  • if after some time the paint has not peeled off, you can work with such a surface without preliminary cleaning;
  • Before applying the putty, the surface must first be cleaned with soapy water and degreased.

There are surfaces on which putty should absolutely not be applied:

  • the wall or ceiling is loose and peels off on its own;
  • Fungus has formed on the wall due to excess moisture.

Remember that putting putty over paint (old paint) is always a certain risk, since no one can guarantee the final result.

Never putty over paint that is peeling, cracking, or falling off.

Preparing the work surface

Thermal, chemical or mechanical method removing paint. The chemical method assumes that during work they will use special means, which help soften the enamel layer to such a state that it can be cleaned without any problems with a spatula. When exposed to toxic solvents that form the basis of such preparations, the paint quickly deteriorates “from the inside.” The only rule when using this type of product: the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

The thermal method is based on the effect of hot air on work surface. A professional hair dryer will help with this. The paint peels off easily and must be removed immediately with a spatula, without waiting for the temperature to drop.

The mechanical method is based on removing the unnecessary layer of paint using a spatula or a special sanding machine. This is a very long and not the easiest path, so if the paint comes off only in certain places, it is enough to remove it and try the methods suggested above on other parts.

How to apply putty mixture correctly

Putty is a material in the form of a powder or paste that is used to level walls before applying other materials to them. finishing materials. Putty on the paint must be applied strictly from the corners. During application, you must move to the opposite edge of the wall.

When puttying, it is necessary to mask the unevenness that we see on the wall. This is where you will come to the rescue special device- rules. Using the rule, check the entire wall and ceiling, in different directions. To mask uneven surfaces on the wall, a special putty with the addition of an oil mixture is often used. It is better to buy the oil mixture in a specialized store, and do not make the choice yourself, but ask for help from a sales consultant.

There are different types of putty. It all depends on whether you are putting putty under wallpaper or under paint. Before painting, a higher quality, even layer of plaster is often applied. You should apply up to 5-6 coats evenly. For puttying under wallpaper, the process is much easier - only 2-3 layers. The corners must be processed after the second layer, because they are the ones that catch the eye the most. First, they need to be corrected with a spatula so that bulges do not form, and then they need to be leveled from the corner to the periphery.

By using building regulations you can check the uniformity of the putty application

Eliminating unevenness on the wall

If you see vertical irregularities, then they need to be processed along the line of formation. Thus, the irregularities seem to be filled with missing material. For this also use plaster. If you see an unevenness that runs along a horizontal line, it is puttied accordingly in the same direction.

But a lot doesn't always mean good. Putty should not be applied to the paint in too large a layer, otherwise your work may simply crumble.

Air bubbles may form when puttying, but this is not a problem. They can be sanded when the base coat dries. You can sand the surface using special sandpaper. Try not to let gouges appear on the wall, because you must fill them all.

Before you apply a coat of paint to a wall or ceiling, apply a primer. Correct application primers will provide economical use painting material. The primer must be applied in a thin layer.

Getting ready for painting

To achieve a beautiful color when painting walls, you should consider a few basic rules:

  1. The wall must be smooth; paint will never hide small irregularities; on the contrary, it will only emphasize them. Especially if you paint with acrylic paint.
  2. After puttying, the surface of the walls must be completely dry.
  3. It is necessary to start painting the surface from the ceiling, so you can avoid unnecessary drips.

Applying paint

Paint can be applied:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray.

Each technique has its positive and negative sides. For example, a brush helps to paint corners well, and the instructions for its use are familiar even to children, because it is enough to simply carefully treat the surface by applying a small amount of paint to the brush.

A dense layer of material allows for roller application. Plus, when painting walls with a roller, you significantly save time, which must be spent on painting the entire room.

As for the special spray gun, the main thing here is to distribute the paint rationally. A spray bottle can help you save a lot of money.

To summarize, it can be noted that paint putty is not a myth, but a reality. And if you follow the appropriate rules, this coating will serve you for quite a long time.