Is it possible to glue wallpaper with acrylic paint? How to glue wallpaper onto paint: determining the type of coating, working with water-based and oil-based paints. Wallpaper for whitewash? Let's glue it

Is it possible to glue wallpaper with acrylic paint?  How to glue wallpaper onto paint: determining the type of coating, working with water-based and oil-based paints.  Wallpaper for whitewash?  Let's glue it
Is it possible to glue wallpaper with acrylic paint? How to glue wallpaper onto paint: determining the type of coating, working with water-based and oil-based paints. Wallpaper for whitewash? Let's glue it

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If guided technological maps on Finishing work(documents that indicate the sequence of actions), then you can observe the following: any finishing paint coating is applied to the prepared and putty surface. But there are controversial issues, for example, is it possible to glue wallpaper over paint? - yes, this can be done under certain conditions.

The previous coating must be firmly adhered to the plaster layer, and also cleaned of dust, various contaminants and other defects. Accordingly, the first stage is an inspection of the surfaces. Just run your hand over the layer old paint, it will immediately become clear where it lags behind and where it holds tightly, then carefully clean these places with a spatula or scraper.

There are many paint compositions, but is it possible to glue wallpaper on water-based paint? - yes, this is possible provided that it holds tightly. But there is a nuance here: when applying the adhesive composition to such a surface, it sets at lightning speed, so it is worth pre-treating it with an acrylic dispersion primer, which will remove excess water absorption. During priming, it may swell in places of poor adhesion - that's okay, you just need to take a spatula and clean them out.

As for other surfaces that are based on oil paint, then yes, it is also possible. However, you will have to resort to continuous machining, in addition to identifying and eliminating crumbling areas. The fact is that oil compositions form a waterproof coating on the surface that is not able to absorb the adhesive composition. To ensure adhesion, the entire surface is roughened sandpaper, thus many small scratches appear - pores into which glue flows.

You can add 10% PVA glue to the adhesive starch composition, this will improve the tenacity, but for this case it is best to buy ready-made polymer glue, which can also be used to glue wallpaper onto enamel paint after the above-described treatment. Sometimes you can observe a sandless coating being carried out over an oil or enamel surface, after which a new topcoat is produced.

It is highly undesirable, but you can still glue wallpaper onto paint on water based. Such paints include old casein glue rolls, as well as whitewash. In the first option, the surface must be checked as always, then carefully primed. If the surface is whitewashed, then it will be impossible to paste wallpaper on it; you will have to carefully wash it down to the base (a primer will not help).

There are no special nuances about how to glue wallpaper onto paint; it is important to level the vertical marking lines the first canvas on each wall, taking into account uneven corners. As always when performing wallpaper work, drafts must not be allowed within 24 hours from the moment of pasting; If the surface was painted with oil paint or enamel, the drying time of the glue may increase by 2-3 times.

Wallpaper is very difficult to adhere to on a curved surface (oil or enamel), the seams may lag and come apart, and to avoid this, you need to pull the sandpaper. In addition, if the wallpaper is to be painted, then everything is even worse: it can peel off in places and the joints may separate during painting.

You can also watch a video on how to glue wallpaper onto paint, but according to technology, such techniques are not performed.


Owners of old Soviet apartments During the renovation process, the question probably arose whether it was possible to glue wallpaper onto paint.

It is this finishing material that often covers the walls in Khrushchev-era buildings, but preparing the painted surface is a rather difficult task, which will require a lot of effort and energy. Let's see if it is possible to glue the canvases without clearing the walls of the old oil or water-based coating.

Think about whether you want to risk the quality of your renovation and stick a new coating directly onto a painted wall? Subsequently, problems may arise associated with partial detachment of the canvas from the base, the appearance of bubbles and unevenness on the canvas, or complete falling of the sheets from the wall, which will entail the need for repeated repairs and the investment of additional funds.

Naturally, completely clearing a wall of finishing materials is a problematic task; you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Indeed, isn't it easier to glue wallpaper over paint?

Determining the type

To perform a high-quality pasting, first of all, you need to determine the type of coating used on your walls.


  • Oily. It has a smell, repels moisture well, and after drying it forms “ protective layer" on the wall.
    Removed in layers.
  • Acrylic (water-based). This finishing material is odorless, fits well on the wall and is absorbed into it, firmly fixed in the structure.
    Also has water-repellent properties.

To understand whether it is possible to stick wallpaper on paint and how to do it, try removing part of the coating with a putty knife. The oil one will fall off in pieces, while the acrylic one will hold tightly and be removed only in small parts.

When difficulties arise with determination, you can use proven methods that are universal for any coating.

If you don’t know how to glue wallpaper onto paint and don’t want to putty and prime the walls, use the simplest method.

Take high-quality glue, as well as any wallpaper except vinyl. The surface to be pasted just needs to be clean. Naturally, the quality of work is not guaranteed.

Usage quality soil will help solve the question of how to glue wallpaper onto paint. Apply primer and thoroughly prime the entire wall, if used good stuff, it will even be possible to lay tiles on tiles, not to mention gluing canvases to a layer of old finishing. After priming, it is advisable to putty any uneven areas.

Type of paint: learning to work correctly


So, is it possible to glue wallpaper on acrylic paint? To do this, we will have to prepare the surface by treating it with a mixture of solvent and primer. This composition will be absorbed into the walls, creating artificial depressions in which the glue can take hold.

After drying, treat the wall with primer again. Additionally, apply a layer of highly diluted glue. Once you've finished working with these layers, you can begin.


Is it possible to glue wallpaper with oil paint? Here we have two ways to prepare the wall. The first is simpler, but also less reliable.

  • Using a spatula, remove strips of small width trim from the wall. Then we prime, this treatment will allow the canvas to be more or less securely fixed to the wall.
  • Another way is to treat the wall with coarse sandpaper, which will create uneven surfaces, and then apply priming. Using high-quality primer will allow you to cover the wall while maintaining the quality of work. for a long time.

Pasting concrete walls

Since we're talking about non-standard basics, it's worth mentioning the usual concrete wall as a basis. Is it possible to glue wallpaper on concrete? Of course, holding preparatory activities seems unnecessary, but why, if the canvases will stick anyway.

It is worth noting that wallpaper, especially expensive fabric and natural specimens, is very demanding on the evenness of the walls, and concrete base is a plane completely covered with potholes and bumps - what quality of work can we talk about?

To prepare a concrete wall for pasting, it is leveled with bricks, this allows you to smooth out the main irregularities. Then comes the stage of cleaning the base with sandpaper and removing dust and dirt.

After drying, the wall should be plastered and high-quality composition, meeting the necessary technical parameters. The selected primer must have high level moisture resistance, provide protection against mold and mildew and, of course, reliably fasten the canvas to the plane.

Note! can only be carried out in premises with low level humidity and complete absence of drafts.

Now you know how to apply wallpaper to paint and are ready to put your knowledge into practice. Good luck with the renovation!

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides detailed photo and video instructions in which you will find useful information on this issue.

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Wallpaper, as a finishing material, came into widespread use in the second half of the twentieth century and since then its popularity has only been growing. For repairs at " a quick fix" This best option. But in old houses there are sometimes painted walls, and many are interested in how to stick wallpaper onto paint with their own hands so that it sticks securely.

The classic instructions say that under wallpaper or putty, the paint must be completely removed. But from experience we can confidently say that wallpaper on paint sticks well, only before gluing the wallpaper on paint, the surface must be prepared in a certain way. There are several methods of preparation and each of them is quite accessible to do it yourself.

Deciding on the type of paint

  • The first thing you should start with, before gluing wallpaper onto paint, is to determine what kind of base you got. Because different surfaces prepared differently.
  • To begin, wet a section of the wall or ceiling with regular warm water and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. If the surface has absorbed moisture and is easily washed off with a sponge or, then this is water-based paint.
  • If water flows from the wall without stopping, the coating has a durable glossy surface and when you try to remove it with a scraper or spatula it breaks off in one piece, then you have got a wall painted with oil paint or enamel.
  • These 2 reigned supreme in the last century and, as a rule, they will be on the old walls. Concerning modern colors, such as acrylic, alkyd, electrically conductive paint Zinga or fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, then the approach should be somewhat different. But first things first.

  • When choosing and purchasing wallpaper, you should take into account the fact that the canvas with a clear pattern will need to be combined. In this regard, the consumption will be slightly higher, on average by 10 - 15%.
  • The selection of glue is of great importance; we advise you not to overthink it and take glue for this type of wallpaper. Otherwise, the canvas will not hold securely or, on the contrary, will stick tightly, which will create serious difficulties for you during the next repair.
  • Work begins from the window and further along the perimeter of the room. You can glue alone, but it’s still more convenient and easier to work together, especially if you need to combine the design. The first strip is checked against a plumb line.
  • We recommend immediately applying glue to several pre-cut strips so that the glue does not dry out; fold the strips on both sides, from the edges to the center. It is best to spread with. This way, the canvas will be saturated with glue and fit well.
  • After joining, you need to level the strip and remove air bubbles using a soft rag or roller. The glue protruding along the edges is immediately wiped off with a soft, dry cloth.

Works on water-based emulsion

  • Next we will talk about how to glue wallpaper using water-based paint. This type the coating does not have a durable, sealed film on the surface and absorbs moisture well. If you try to glue it directly onto the water-based emulsion, it will draw moisture out of the glue and the canvas will fall off. Therefore the old ones are washed away water-based compositions must be removed completely.
  • The most basic way is to wet the wall and after 15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water or scrape it off with a spatula. But you can do it differently. The surface is moistened with water, after which the paste is applied; when the paste is completely dry, all you have to do is scrape it off the wall with a spatula and wipe it with a damp cloth. With this approach there will be much less dirt.
  • But now, especially on ceilings, acrylic or alkyd paints water based. In some sources they are also called water-based. But water will not take them; a different approach is required here. Before wallpapering with water-based paint with acrylic or alkyd filling, the wall is coated with a special solution.
  • The preparation instructions are extremely simple, mix the solvent and primer in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to take a solvent special for this type of composition; the primer is selected depending on the type of base. The solvent will partially corrode the surface and allow the soil to penetrate deeply into the wall. After the wall is completely dry, you can glue wallpaper on it.

Oil paint work

  • The question of how to hang wallpaper on oil paint is also relatively simple to solve. The fact is that oil paint is a fairly strong coating; in old houses it can be applied in several layers; removing it can be problematic. Before gluing wallpaper onto oil paint, the surface can be treated in 2 ways.
  • First, we will talk about a simpler and, in our opinion, optimal method. If the paint layer is firmly ingrained, there is no need to overexert yourself trying to scrape it off. In this case, you should take coarse sandpaper and sand the wall well until it is matte.
  • After this, a special solution is prepared, the primer for this type of wall is mixed in equal proportions with PVA glue. This composition is applied to the surface and left until completely dry. After which you can start gluing.

Advice: if there is a wall plane small scratches, chips or unevenness, it is better to use thick, heavy vinyl wallpaper.
Their price is slightly higher, but with their help you can hide all defects and do without putty.

  • But the oil paint layer does not always hold firmly; in this case, method 2 is suitable. Before applying wallpaper to oil paint, we recommend tapping the wall for voids and trying to scrape them off with a spatula. If the coating is removed in fragments, craftsmen advise organizing these fragments. That is, do not peel off the entire wall, but only scrape off horizontal strips 50 mm wide, at intervals of 200 mm.
  • Next, the strips are primed and puttied so that the surface is even. As a result, we get even strips of putty on which our wallpaper will stick. Some craftsmen advise something in between: putty on what has been torn off, then sand it and cover it with a mixture of primer and glue. Each of the above methods deserves attention, and decide for yourself which one is closer to you.

Advice: when working with oil paint, so that the canvas holds more securely, seasoned craftsmen It is recommended to add a little PVA to the wallpaper glue. Depending on the density of the fabric, it can be diluted in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5.

The video in this article shows general principle wallpapering.


In conclusion, I would like to note one more important detail. Regardless of the base on which you glue the wallpaper, from the time you start work until the time the walls are completely dry, the windows in the room should be closed and there should be no drafts. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, the wallpaper will fall off.

Very often there are walls painted with oil paints. This coating is particularly durable, but, nevertheless, the time comes to replace it. In such situations, the question arises: “Is it possible to glue wallpaper with oil paint?”

What should you do, start the long, rather dirty and unpleasant process of removing paint, or can you simply cover the unpresentable surface with wallpaper?

Determining the type of coating

When the time comes for repairs, it is necessary to clearly determine the type of surface. Everyone is used to calling any type of paint that cannot be washed off with water oil, although this is incorrect.

Important! There is no ban on wallpapering with oil-based paint, but it is still recommended to clean the base from it.

Old coating

So, before you hang wallpaper, you need to carefully examine the walls:

Preparing the walls

If you decide to leave the paint and glue wallpaper on it, then the first thing we recommend doing is sanding, i.e. make the coating rough, since oil paint is smooth and does not adhere to anything.

Before gluing the canvases, you need to decide on the choice of glue. At the same time, pay attention to the advice of experts, and they, all as one, say that it is better to use glue only for heavy wallpaper, even if you are going to glue light single-layer wallpaper.

Advice! If your financial situation allows, purchase PVA glue; it can be used either independently or together with wallpaper glue in proportion 1 to 1.


So that's it further actions, before gluing wallpaper, they must increase adhesion; accordingly, it is necessary to completely overcome the property of oil paint to repel substances rather than absorb them.

Experienced builders who know how to hang wallpaper in such a way that it serves faithfully for a long time advise doing the following:

  • First, we purchase a primer with high penetrating ability. “Concrete Contact” works well;
  • Next you need to wash the walls and then let them dry completely;
  • Apply the primer solution to the oil paint with a layer of 0.75 mm, and also let it dry completely;
  • then putty, then after drying, apply another layer of primer;
  • Only after this can you glue the wallpaper.

Advice! You can prepare the primer yourself, using PVA glue and alabaster.

Cooking steps:

How to glue

Most have their way personal experience already know how to glue correctly paper wallpaper, and this is done as follows:

But we should not forget that the surface on which you plan to paste the wallpaper is in this case, not standard, so some other factors are taken into account:

  • It is necessary to pre-apply glue not only to the wallpaper, but also to the wall, this helps to strengthen adhesion and, accordingly, will reduce the risk of the wallpaper coming off;
  • The presence of a draft is unacceptable, both during work and after its completion. Openings, doors and windows, must be closed until completely dry;
  • under no circumstances should you work under high humidity, too high or, conversely, too low temperature.

How to apply wallpaper to paint is shown in the following video:


To summarize, it can be noted that professionals do not recommend gluing wallpaper over any paint, but there are no clear prohibitions against this. If such a decision is nevertheless made, it is necessary to take the work very seriously and not allow the slightest mistake.

But it should be noted that even if you do everything strictly according to the instructions, there is no 100% guarantee that you will be able to hang the wallpaper successfully, you will get an ideal surface and the wallpaper will serve you for a long period of time. As for the rest, it’s up to each individual to decide whether it’s worth taking a risk or spending a little more strength and time and completely clean the surface of old paint?

Wallpaper is the most popular material for wall decoration and the most universal solution in the matter of interior design. Their diversity is impressive. They differ in structure, properties, and appearance.

Traditionally, wallpaper is glued to a cleaned wall surface, leveled with putty and plaster. Whether wallpaper is glued to paint, whether it needs to be removed from the walls before gluing, and what kind of wallpaper is glued, we will consider in this article.

Often, apartment owners in old Soviet houses have walls covered with paint, and cleaning the entire surface for wallpapering is a very complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, you need to determine what kind of paint you can use to glue wallpaper without fear for the quality of the result. There are these types of paints:

  • Acrylic is a water-based paint that fits perfectly on any surface, while being absorbed and strengthened in the structure of the wall. It is odorless and characterized by water-repellent properties.
  • Oil is a finishing material with water-repellent properties and no odor. After the paint dries, a protective layer is formed on the surface.

To determine what type of paint your walls are covered with, you need to stick a piece of tape to the wall and tear it off sharply, or use a spatula to pry off the layer of paint. If it comes off in pieces, it’s oil paint, and if it’s hard to remove, it’s water-based paint.

If the walls in the apartment are painted with oil paint, you can glue wallpaper on them. But before you start gluing, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper, wipe the walls with a sponge, ridding them of dust, or remove the paint completely and prime the surface.

Oil paints can hold tightly for a long time. for long years. The only thing is that before gluing the wallpaper onto the oil-based paint, you need to do preliminary work, thanks to which smooth surface will turn into rough.
Glue wallpaper with water-based paint not advisable. You can wash it off with warm water, and then use putty to level it. The walls must be completely dry, then prime the surface and begin wallpapering.

Thus, when painting walls with acrylic paint, you need to perform the same steps as when gluing wallpaper on plastered surfaces.

Important! It is forbidden to glue wallpaper on damp walls or surfaces infected with fungus. It will not be enough if you dry the damaged areas or treat the walls by special means for mold removal.

An effective solution in such a situation can only be the installation of a heat insulator. It is glued onto a special mesh, and then a large layer of plaster is applied or covered plasterboard sheets.


  1. Determine the type of coating that the walls were previously painted with.
  2. Remove old coating. Use a metal spatula to remove paint from the wall surface or clean the walls with a damp cloth. water-based paint. If you cannot remove the paint, you need to carefully prepare the painted surface.
  3. Carefully level the walls. Oil paint does not allow the adhesive solution to penetrate deep into the wall. Therefore, the surface must be treated with emery cloth. Then the adhesion of the wallpaper will be strong and strong.
  4. Treat the walls with primer. Choose only impregnating and deeply penetrating Decoration Materials. For a better effect, you can dilute the primer with PVA glue.
  5. Choose the right wallpaper. Choose thick wallpaper that absorbs moisture well. It is not recommended to glue vinyl sheets and heavy wallpaper onto paint.
  6. For gluing, use an adhesive solution. Do not lubricate the canvas too much when gluing. If the walls are treated correctly, the solution can only be applied to the surface of the walls. If the wallpaper chosen is thin and light, it is advisable to stick it on facing paper. It is prohibited to glue light wallpaper onto dark paint. This finish will change the color of the wallpaper itself.

When choosing and gluing wallpaper that will be glued to a painted surface, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Buy required amount rolls, while taking 1 more roll with a reserve.
  2. Join the canvases according to the pattern or ornament.
  3. Start gluing wallpaper from the window.
  4. Carry out work on gluing walls together: one person glues bottom part, the other is the top one.
  5. After cutting strips of fabric to the required length, lay them on the wrong side.
  6. Apply glue with a brush, evenly distributing the solution over the entire surface.
  7. After application adhesive solution on the wall and a strip of wallpaper, start gluing from the ceiling.
  8. Smooth the wallpaper to the edges with a roller or rag.
  9. Remove excess glue.
  10. The next strips should be glued end-to-end, not overlapping.
  11. Cut out sections of wallpaper for switches, vents and sockets with a construction knife.
  12. The gluing process should be carried out in a draft-free room.