Prayers to help you get out of debt. Rituals for the quick return of loans and debts

Prayers to help you get out of debt.  Rituals for the quick return of loans and debts
Prayers to help you get out of debt. Rituals for the quick return of loans and debts

Debt hole: how to get rid of it with the help of white magic, with the help of practical life tips, how to learn to live without debt and not take on debt anymore?

Against the backdrop of fattening oligarchs ostentatiously flaunting their abundance and wealth, half of the country's population is driven into a debt hole. No increase for years wage, economic instability, huge price jumps, willy-nilly for reasons beyond a person’s control, plunge him more and more into this pool. There are times when people, due to their financial illiteracy and greed, accumulate debts, but this does not change the overall situation.
Whatever the reason, you need to get rid of debts.
If every effort has been made, but there is no result, it’s time to turn to magic.

How to get rid of debts using magic: general rules?

get rid of debts using magic: general rules

You should not think that all this will happen easily and quickly.
After all, magic, like any other skill, has to be learned. In addition, you need to do it so that it is heavy financial difficulties never happened again.

  • First of all we carry out cleansing ritual with egg. As a rule, the main sign of debt is damage. If you skip this ritual, the rest of your work may be pointless.
  • Then analyze why this problem happened. We look mentally to see if we are overcome by feelings of envy, resentment, and greed. These attitudes hinder successful well-being. At the energetic level, they expose the aura, which in this state is unable to retain the energy of financial success. Therefore, you need to get rid of such thoughts
  • In conclusion preparatory stage, necessary calm down internally. Let go of emotions. Don’t get hung up on personal relationships and life circumstances. Just look at yourself from the outside, as if it were you and at the same time not you. Only when the understanding comes that you managed to achieve this state, we begin the ritual. Otherwise, finding yourself in a world that is not clear to you with its own rules and traditions, there is a risk of making the situation even worse
    The preparation stages are completed. Let's begin the ritual.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money: rite, ritual?

How to get rid of debts and lack of money with the help of ritual?

Sometimes, despite all attempts to pay off the debt, such an opportunity never presents itself.
In this case, we use the ritual:

  • Performed exclusively during the full moon
  • In the room on the floor we lay out a square of four inverted saucers
  • Place lighted candles on each saucer
  • We take the following prepared in advance: A knife, a white cotton cloth measuring 50 by 50 cm, some salt and coins, thread
  • We stand in the middle of the resulting square,
  • facing east, we say:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the east.”

  • Turning west:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the West.”

  • To the north side:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the north”

  • To the southern part of the world:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the south.”

  • Raising your head up:

“I repaid my debt to fate, I paid all sides of the world.”

  • Leaving the square
  • Cut the prepared fabric into two halves with a knife
  • Wrap in the first - salt. Tighten tightly into a knot
  • We fix the coins in the second half
  • We connect two bags, tying with green thread
  • We put them in the closet. We are waiting for the next full moon
  • Don’t put out the candles, let them burn out to the end
  • Saucers are suitable for further use
  • When a new full moon occurs at midnight:
    take the bags and go crossing the road away from housing
  • Throwing into an untrodden space under a tree
  • We leave without talking to anyone and without looking back
  • Let's go to bed immediately. Saying: “Salt will cleanse, liberate, the debt is paid, the enemy is finished off.” The ritual is very strong

Debt conspiracy

get rid of debts - conspiracy

  • We perform the spell on the fifth day after the new moon. In clear weather.
  • Take a church candle
  • Pour running water into a glass
  • We stand at the window from which we can see the moon
  • Place a lit candle in front of the glass
  • We slander the water three times:

“Rest, for cold lips, for pale bodies, for silent miracles, make this water such that all my troubles enter into it, so that all my debts go into it, so that all my sadness goes into it. Yes, as soon as everything enters this water, it will remain in it, and I will be happy, and without unnecessary sorrows, amen, amen, amen.”

  • We take a glass and go to the first intersection. Be careful not to spill water
  • In the center of the intersection we splash water
  • Leaving dishes on the side of the road
  • You can use such a conspiracy only once. So that we no longer fall into monetary bondage
  • Conspiracy is only permissible for the baptized

Prayer for debts

get rid of debts - prayer

Poverty and need often accompanied Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
Therefore, he especially helps those who turn to him with prayer from their overwhelming obligations.

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

The most appropriate moment to get rid of any difficulties through magical ceremonies is the period of the waning moon.
There are a huge number of rituals and ceremonies.
Let's consider the most perfect and effective:

  • Within seven days, before the designated magical day of the ritual, we collect coins with the lowest denomination
  • On the chosen night, we go to a little-traveled, deserted intersection
  • Let's stand in the center
  • Scatter 2-3 coins to the four cardinal directions
  • Simultaneously saying in each:

    “I don’t throw away change, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen".

  • After which, without looking back, we silently go home
  • We expect the situation to improve gradually, but the first changes will not occur earlier than in a month

Mantra to get rid of debts

Mantra to get rid of debts

When the Moon begins to wane 108 times in a row, in one meditation session, we read the mantra:


The most important thing is to have the right attitude and be detached. Let go of the situation and don’t expect instant results. It wouldn’t hurt to do this ritual even after all debts have been paid off.

How to get out of debt and learn to live debt-free?

How to get rid of debts and learn to live debt-free?

If it so happens that you have accumulated more debts than income received, you should not panic. There is always a way out of any situation.
Persistence, adherence to strict financial discipline and advice based on the experience of people who have been in this situation and managed not only to get out of the debt hole, but also to significantly increase their income, will help you overcome this difficult stage of life:

  1. We notify creditors.When the situation arises that there is not enough income to pay off loans, you should not hide from creditors. All the same, the debts will have to be repaid. Better save a good relationship with the bank. Submit, for example, to
    restructuring. It will be possible to make a smaller payment. The bank does not always make concessions. But at least you will demonstrate your willingness to pay. Avoiding lengthy litigation.
    Even at the beginning trial, the court will be more loyal, seeing your desire to do everything possible to repay the loans. Which will also influence the court's decision in your favor in the future.
  2. We constantly make minimum payments. Even if the debt seems overwhelming, we continue to make payments. 10% of your monthly income will not improve your situation, but it will at least reduce your debt a little. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to learn financial literacy. And the main thing is to understand that it is not possible to pay off all debts at once, but over time this will happen. And the rule of saving 10% of your income will help you reserve savings in the future.
  3. We make a contribution more than the minimum. Strict payment according to schedule does not allow you to save money. By making contributions at least a little more than the minimum, there is a chance to pay off the debt faster, thereby reducing the overpayment. Reducing debt is a good incentive for further actions. We pay off the least profitable loans first.
    If you have several loans and it is not possible to repay them at the same time, we repay them one by one. We start with those with higher interest rates. This reduces the cost of servicing the loan, and the repayment process with the remaining, more profitable loans approaches.
    You should not make late payments on other loans. Penalties and fines further aggravate the unfavorable financial situation
  4. Paying off a small debt. After repaying the loan with the highest interest rate, we proceed to repay the smallest debt. We pay off small debts that can be paid off quickly. Reducing the number of loans will serve
    an excellent incentive for progress towards the task
  5. We only refinance loans with unfavorable interest rates. Sometimes, in order to close an old loan with a high interest rate, you can take out a refinancing loan from the bank with the most favorable rate. In this case, the economic benefits should be calculated very carefully. Even if the bet turns out to be less. Loan processing fees and other fees set by the bank can destroy this benefit. Therefore, if the difference in percentage is not big, there will be no savings. In this connection, we refinance those debts for which the rate is significantly higher than the recommended
  6. We distribute our money wisely. We analyze all our expenses. Maybe there is an opportunity to give up something and use the freed up money to liquidate the credit debt
    We keep strict records of expenses, recording them on paper; such a system opens up a hidden reserve for savings. Expense planning is the path to material freedom.
  7. We increase our income. After order has been established in accordance with the previous paragraph, finances are under strict accounting and there is no room for rational use material resources. You may be wondering how to get extra income? Part-time work, on the Internet, maybe even a change of job to a higher paying one. We think. If you wish, you can always find at least a small extra extra. Even a small amount brings you at least one step closer to your goal
  8. Let's implement something unnecessary. It is recommended to sell the TV. This will help you get extra time for part-time work. If you have a car, we sell it. This will not only help you get additional funds, but also to get rid of financial difficulties for the time being additional expenses. We send the funds received to repay the loan
  9. We do not make new loans. A firm decision to pay off all debts must be accompanied by the main rule - we do not take out new loans. There is no way to make monthly payments - we arrange debt restructuring. There is no money for pressing problems - we eliminate unnecessary expenses or look for additional income
  10. The best way to learn to live debt-free is to not take on debt.

To ensure that we never fall into such bondage in the future, we observe basic rules:

  • We keep accurate monthly records and planning of financial receipts and transfers
  • We no longer issue loans. But if you want to repeat the extreme sensations, we follow the principle - 20% and no more permissible loan of the amount of annual income
  • We monitor payments for all banking transactions so that closed loans do not end up with a debt for servicing them. Which we learn about when a decent amount has already accumulated

    By balancing your capabilities with your desires, you can do without loans. Having repaid all debts, you should exclude even thoughts about such a situation in life: How and with what to repay the loan?

An easy way to live debt-free

get rid of debts

You don’t need to be a highly competent specialist to plan expenses. This is the only correct and most easy way live without debt.

General principle planning used by fairly successful people is that:
We use 50% of income for necessary current needs
20% for repayment of debts, in the absence of any for savings
30% - for training, entertainment and any additional expenses
In each case, you need individual approach. But by using the basic principle of planning, it is possible to avoid becoming a slave to debt. Live comfortably without carrying this heavy burden.

Having rethought the whole situation, we replace the irresponsible attitude towards the financial part with a competent and practical approach.
We do the opposite - we make savings, rather than accumulating debts. Then there is a feeling of freedom and understanding of a full life without painful debts.

get rid of debts

Video: Getting rid of problems using White magic

People who are in debt feel backed into a corner. This is understandable. After all, there is nothing to give. Few people know: there is a conspiracy to get rid of debts.

After all, it is known: debts can arise when a person is destined to work off past sins. This is a difficult situation.

And the conspiracy to get rid of the debt softens it, even corrects it over time.

Please note: in such a situation, you will not be able to change everything right away. It takes endurance, faith and time.

  1. In the morning, when you wake up, put it in a glass.
  2. Speak the formula into it.
  3. Then take three sips and wash your face three times.
  4. Repeat as necessary.

Water must be used “live”. For example, consecrated or baptized.

If there is none, then prepare melted milk.

Conspiracy words:

“The water is rich and strong! The water is clean and abundant. You live in the earth, you fly in the clouds wherever you want, you flow, you know no barriers, you never become scarce. Give me your strength, give me something to drink and wash me, so that the light can come to my home. Just as you, water, are strong, so is my soul. Amen!"

The gypsy way of getting rid of money debt

The Gypsy people came up with a ritual that helps open the way to well-being and...

They offered their clients a piece of gold to pay off the devil who was tormenting them with debt problems.

  • To do this, you need to prepare three “gold” coins.
  • Another key yellow color you will need it.

The ritual was performed when the queen of the night begins to wane.

  1. At night you need to go to the crossroads of country roads. You will have to bury coins, so a paved highway will not work. For example, you need to look for suitable paths in the park, in the forest. In general, mark the intersection in advance.
  2. When you come to Right place, throw coins into the dust, trample them with your feet so that they hide in the ground.
  3. Say the words:

    “Lord of all roads! I want you to help me. As the crescent moon wanes, so my debts diminished. Let them decrease and turn into income! I close it with the key (throw the key) and cry! I will receive your help! Amen!"

  4. Say these words three times and leave. Don’t look back, and in general, try not to appear in this place again.

Ancient ritual with a cat

There is also an old ritual. It requires a cat. If you have a pet, ask him to help in the ritual.

If you haven’t made a friend at home, then buy a toy.

Although, it is better to carry out the ritual with a live cat. You can “borrow” a pet from your friends for one day, and even bring it from the yard!

Just don't hurt the animal. Feed, caress. And then don’t forget to treat the yard servant with treats.

  1. Place the cat on your lap.
  2. Pet her until she purrs. Then say the words of the conspiracy exactly seven times.
  3. That's it, now you can release the animal. Look where it goes.

If you fall asleep on the sofa or bed, you will quickly get rid of your problems.

If he goes looking for food, he will have to suffer further with creditors. You know they won’t leave you right away.

Conspiracy words:

“In the field of seven forests, there is a stump from seven trunks. The flower does not bloom on it, the grass does not grow under it, the bird does not build a nest, the snake does not live under the log. So let debt bondage leave me too. Let her go under the stump if she is not too lazy. The servant (name) does not owe the Lord to anyone, neither his master, nor godfather, nor godfather, nor relatives, nor strangers, nor his own. So be it, like not walking on earth for a month. Amen!"

That's all.

And don’t forget about the cat – your helper.

Feed and water your savior.

Today, due to the complexity of life in modern world, many are mired in debt and, not knowing how to get out of it, have painted themselves into a corner. But some people also have the exact opposite problem, related to the fact that they borrowed money and the debtor is not going to repay the debt. In this case, you can resolve the current situation using magic. But rituals of this type can only be successful if you sincerely believe in magic.

You should know that sometimes when you cannot cope with debts on your own, this may be the result of damage or the evil eye. In this case, you cannot do without magic, but you will need to use a conspiracy for debts.

The peculiarity of rituals is that such magical effects will help create such an environment around you that it will be relatively easy for you to earn money and pay off all your debts. If you are going to perform a ceremony aimed at repaying a debt, then you should understand that your debtor will experience strong internal discomfort until he repays the debt.

It is imperative to get rid of debts, because debt tails disrupt cash flows, so you will never be able to achieve material well-being. The poverty complex is very dangerous factor which does not allow a person to feel the joys of life.

Ancient way

A strong conspiracy against debt involves the use of water. It is believed that water element due to its natural energy, it is capable of removing problems related to the financial sector. There are many variations of rituals, so you need to try to choose the ritual that is as close as possible to you in its focus.

A powerful ritual that came from antiquity is carried out next to a natural river or stream.

You need to stand on the shore and, looking at the water, say the following words:

“A flock of fish is always like a flock of flying birds. She is sparkling, colorful and many-eyed. A school of fish swims along the stream of water, flows away, and heads far, far away, right to the ends of the world. So let the stream of water carry my debts to the cliff and abyss. Let the fish swallow my debts, and let the stream of water carry them away forever with the fish. And there, beyond the blue sea, a bird big fish he will catch me with my debts and tear them apart with his sharp claws. Fast and swift water flow, the shores are full. I have no more debts. Amen".

From this moment on, circumstances will begin to turn out very well for you. Not only will you be able to get rid of debt quickly, but you will also never have to borrow even small amounts again.

If it is not possible to carry out the ritual near an open source of water, then you can carry it out at home. In this case, magic words should be spoken at an open water tap.

They sound like this:

“Drop by drop, and a large stream flows into a natural stream. Just as it is fast and swift, so quickly my debts will flow away from me. I'll stay clean natural water washed, and in the future forever hidden from debts. Amen".

All rituals related to financial debts must be carried out during the waning moon.

To prevent loans from occurring

After the ritual against debts has been carried out, you should use a simple ritual that will allow you to adjust your own energy to avoid any loans in the future. To do this, you can go to any natural source of water and throw a white coin into it.

Then say these magic words:

“My payment for debt is quick and full, my head is clear without debt. I drive my debts away from me into the water, and from there they will forever go into the ground. I paid (paid) in silver, and I pay only from myself, and not from others. I don’t ask princes and boyars for this. The key along with the coin is in the water, I throw it in and dissolve it, and the water is absorbed into the ground. Debts are forever closed for me with a word, and locked with a coin. Amen".

Debt repayment conspiracy

To carry out a ceremony to repay a debt, you must first write on a piece of paper the name of the debtor and the amount of his debt. After this, you need to take a small stone, wrap it in this paper, tie it with a cord and throw it into a natural reservoir.

Then you should say the following words:

“Let the stone at the bottom force the debtor to return my money to me.”

Debt conspiracies can be read at any time of the day. But it is very important that there are no witnesses during the magical performance. If there are a lot of debts or many people owe you, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to carry out several rituals, one ritual is enough. In order to avoid taking on debt in the future, you need to try to become a financially independent person. Having gotten rid of the poverty complex, you can easily change your life attitudes and adapt to the realities of the modern world.

Many people are mired in debt and simply don’t know how to get out of it. Some people have the opposite problem: they gave people money, but no one is in a hurry to return it. In this case there is one effective method- read the plot against debts. It is important to carry out the ritual only with full confidence in a positive result. Thanks to this, circumstances will be created in which a person will be able to cope with all problems in a short period of time.

Conspiracy to get rid of debts

It is best to perform rituals with water, as it is believed that it takes away all problems, including those of a material nature. There are several similar rituals:

You need to go to a river or stream and, looking at the water, say the following words:

“A flock of fish is like a flock of birds - multi-colored, different-eyed. It floats, it flows away, it runs towards the end of the world. So my duty carries me towards a cliff, rushes towards the abyss. Swallow the fish, the water will absorb it. The bird will scatter its wings and tear it with its claws. The water is fast, the banks are full. My debts are with the water, with the fish, far from me, from this shore.”

If there is no nearby natural sources, then you can perform the ritual at home. To do this, open the tap with cold water and, without taking your eyes off the flow, it’s worth saying the following spell three times to get rid of debts:

“Drop to drop, stream to stream. Just as it flows quickly and quickly, so the debts float past me. I am clean, washed with water, hidden from debts.”

It is important to carry out rituals on the waning moon, but the time of day does not matter.

Conspiracy to repay debt

To carry out the ritual, you need to take a sheet of paper and write a list of debtors on it. It is best to indicate your name and specific amount. After this, you need to wrap a large stone in this paper, tie it with a rope and throw it into any natural body of water. Try to throw as far as possible. After that, say this spell:

“Let my debts sink to the bottom like a stone, but come to me like air.”

Rituals using food are considered effective. Take any dish or even an ordinary bun and salt everything thoroughly so that it is simply impossible to eat. While doing this, say these words:

“As this food is salty, so will everything be salty for the servant of God (say the name of the debtor). He will not drink water, he will not forget about his duty. I’ll hurry up and return everything I borrowed.”

Then the food must be discreetly dropped off at the debtor’s house.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how, with the help of an independent conspiracy, to solve the issue of debts and influence scammers, how to force a thief to return what was stolen, and force the debtor to repay his debts. In previous materials, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already presented rituals for getting rid of troubles and failures associated with the financial sector, and also discussed methods for filling a person’s money channel.

And it also happens that you yourself consciously become a debtor. For example, no Money, and they are needed right now. With magic, it makes no difference who you borrow from: the bank, friends or mother. If you are afraid of refusal, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what kind of conspiracy is needed to lend money.

A strong conspiracy to find money - a talisman will help bring good luck into your life

But first, I would like to say a little about the currently fashionable money talisman - the scooping spoon. Such money amulet can be made from any material, but preference is still given to silver. But in order for a souvenir to become a money talisman, you need to work hard by reading magic spells to attract money. You can find a scoop spoon in souvenir shops. Or you can take an ordinary coffee spoon, perform a witchcraft ritual with it - and the money talisman is ready.

To attract wealth into your life, you can even read conspiracy for found money, making a real money magnet out of randomly received bills or coins. But be careful here, because often sorcerers cast spells on money and plant it so that foolish people can take it.

At the end of the article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you for your reference an effective ritual for finding treasure, which can be used as a spell to find money on the street. It works on personal strength, and therefore everything depends on how much you are into the ritual of finding money - on your desire and visualization.

A strong conspiracy to get rid of debts - how to pay off poverty at a crossroads

In rituals practical magic money, there are many ways to get out of poverty, get rid of the obligations and debts that are pulling you back. Various conspiracies for getting rid of debts and loans are effective. You can perform a witchcraft ritual using personal power, or through demons or the dead. Magic rituals for debts and otherworldly entities are effective, but here everything depends on contact with the Forces.

You can also ask for the Power in your own words to get rid of debts and loans on your own, to buy yourself out of poverty, so that the result will be better than from strong rituals and conspiracies.

However, you still need to work according to established, proven standards and safe rules witchcraft. You can’t last long on inspiration alone and you can’t achieve serious heights in real magic. Well, for example, effective ritual repayment of debts. Working, tested many times in practice. It's not strong spell to get rid of debts V pure form, but it really helps to get out of the debt hole, close loans, and influence finding money.
Before you read effective conspiracy from debts, typical for monetary rituals of this type, prepare the following materials:

  • old cup
  • 7 any coins
  • a handful of earth or sand

An independent ritual to get rid of debts should be performed on the waning moon, after sunset. Throw coins into the cup one after another, read the words once for each coin:

“Here is your payment for poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but don’t touch me, God’s servant (name). Here’s your ransom, here’s your tribute, but leave me alone in poverty, leave me alone forever.”

Throwing all the coins into the cup, pour earth or sand into it, then read the text of the conspiracy against incurring debts 3 times:

“You, poverty, must lie under the ground (sand), but I, not knowing grief, live in joy, make friends with money. Let it be so".

The cup is immediately taken to a deserted intersection, where it is left with the words: “I bought myself out of poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Exactly!". There is no need for ransom here. However, if before a good conspiracy to pay off debts and throw off the burden of lack of money, you do, then it is necessary to pay off. In such rituals, the payoff for unexpectedly finding money is standard: coins, vodka. Someone carries cigarettes, black bread, depending on the experience of a practicing magician, or your personal preferences, but I, magician Sergei Artgrom, advise - do not skimp, pay off with the trinity.

This magical ritual of poverty alleviation is very simple.

Despite his exceptional help, it is clear that in this way, in severe, advanced cases, one can only alleviate the fate of a person suffering from debt, but cannot cure it. But, in practical magic, any problem can be solved. There are very strong conspiracies to get out of debts and loans. In running difficult cases It is good to use wax castings of money negatives. Even better is to work comprehensively with annealing.

A powerful conspiracy to pay off debts - through 3 graves for a good life

A magical ritual to pay off debts, strong, 100% working. But, as with any independent ritual for money, there are pitfalls. So, let's talk about everything in order. Firstly, you need to understand that this is cleaning, and not work to attract large and fast money. Work is going on at three graves, and the main thing here is to deal with the dead. And that’s exactly what witchcraft power, experience and intelligence are required for.
A strong conspiracy to get rid of debts and loans, of course, is not literally writes off your debts. The ritual works as a cleansing of closed paths; reserves open up for the performer, due to which he gets the opportunity to change his financial situation. Work at full capacity magic ritual for good luck in money matters, starts in about 2 months. For some, it may unwind earlier.

To perform a cemetery ritual in order to get out of debt, you need the following:

  • new knife
  • cup with honey
  • 7 nickels

Do it yourself money ritual from debts, on 3 personalized graves. It is clear that you need to look for graves with your name, or with the name of someone to whom an effective ritual for attracting money through 3 graves for a good life is addressed. Strong rite do on Friday. And, since this is a cleansing, the moon should be waning. At the first grave, stick the knife vertically into the ground up to the hilt, and read the words of the conspiracy for debts:

“I’m tied with shackles, but tied in a noose, my life is ruined, so it’s turned crookedly, now I ask the dead man, now I close it with a knife, what’s knitted, now it’s cut, the noose is trimmed, so my life is straightened forever. A knife for the dead, yellow rye for me, and a golden field. Amen".

Bow low to the grave.
You need to bury a bowl of honey on the second grave. Use a container with a lid. When digging in, you need to read the second strong conspiracy to get out of debt:

“Sorrowful, since it is let down, everything is washed with a salty tear, the dead will now bless everything with honey, the bitterness snows, and the tear dries up, my fate will now be matched with the sweetness of honey, like the dead with honor, and with sweetness for me. Amen".

Bow to the grave.
On the third grave you need to bury 7 nickels, and at the same time read the spell text for debt relief:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“The seven-nickel coin is now buried, because it was accepted by the dead, since it was accepted, then my fate is blessed, so may it be enjoyed by luck, my life is golden, but crowned with whim. Amen".

Bow to the third grave.

And leave according to the rules, without looking back. If everything is done correctly, then a very strong conspiracy to get out of debt will show its results, and life will become different. There is no need to leave anything on the graves, but the owner of the cemetery must purchase it!

Let's look at how the conspiracy to get rid of debts works through 3 graves

In the black rite, in order to find good luck, a practicing magician makes a request to the dead to remove life's obstacles and for positive changes. That is why a magical ritual is performed not on the waxing, but on the waning moon. Before opening paths, it is necessary

  • clean out the negativity
  • remove damage
  • remove the evil eye,
  • remove obstacles

It's logical. But, if a practicing magician perceives this effect not only as an effective ritual and conspiracy to get rid of debts, but also as work to attract finance, then it is permissible to perform it on the waxing moon. But not before the cleaning is done.
I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider it advisable to do this: magical cleansing on the waning moon. Including cleansing from financial failures and closing paths. On the first lunar day, on the waxing day, carry out witchcraft rituals to fill the money channel.
I, magician Sergei Artgrom, repeat: the strongest ritual for getting rid of constant lack of money on 3 graves is really working, and works well for novice magicians. It works great during stagnation in life, shows a noticeable and, most importantly, stable result when you need to attract luck and luck. If you think of it as opening a path, that's exactly how it works. If you treat this work as a conspiracy to get rid of debts and attract wealth, it really attracts money. If you are making a conspiracy specifically to attract money, then after the ceremony is performed, do not forget to secure it, i.e. put a lock on your work so that things don’t get ruined ahead of schedule.

And here is a very subtle point. A matter of perception. If you look at this cemetery creation as a strong conspiracy to get out of debt, then there is no need for fastening here. But it’s imperative to install protection on your financial channel after you’ve cleared out all the negativity. But, first check with diagnostics whether all negative programs have been removed, so as not to accidentally put under protection some old family stealer of monetary luck. Diagnostics are also needed before conducting a cemetery ritual to get rid of money problems. It is best to do it in combination; the ritual really gives a stable cash income, and goes well with other conspiracies for good luck in the financial sphere. But it happens that this magical ritual is simply not suitable for a person. And then you may not receive wealth, but even lose any sources of monetary income.
In general, from experience, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this powerful conspiracy to pay off debts, carried out on the waning moon. It works very well as a transfer of failures in business and complete lack of money. There is simple and expressive symbolism here. It’s not for nothing that the hangman’s rope is mentioned. To remove the stranglehold of a corrupted life, the performer gives the ghoul a knife. Then the second and third graves work on the purchase, which the magician leaves - this is honey and 7 nickels. Before starting a ritual for good luck with money on your own, purchasing for the cemetery Hosts is mandatory. Of course, too.

Which conspiracy to choose to lend money?

I want to offer you white conspiracy to give a loan, read it before taking out a loan from a bank. You can practice an effective spell not only on this occasion, but in general, if necessary, borrow money from difficult situation. It is done through Christian Forces, the performer addresses them.

And here is this white conspiracy to lend money. You need to wear a handkerchief under your armpit for 3 days. When you come to ask for a loan of money, wipe your face with this handkerchief on the threshold and mentally say:

“Lord, my God Christ, my angel brought a request. My Lord, You said: ask, and it will be given.” Amen".

A strong conspiracy to return stolen money

To force a thief to return what he stole, you need to take the old one. rusty knife, read the plot to return stolen money 3 times so that your breath touches the blade of the knife. After which, take the enchanted knife to the cemetery and stick it in the registered grave of the thief or debtor. Leave, as always, according to the rules. I note that this independent conspiracy for a refund, it will help you take your money back not only from an unscrupulous client or boss, but also from scammers, who, in fact, are also thieves.

Read the words of the text of a strong conspiracy to get your money back:

“The dog barks, the pig digs, the wind blows, sparks fly, the locks creak, they don’t close. The sharp knives became dull, became covered with dirt, and the slave (name) felt dryness, aching, melancholy, yawning. Hands are taken away, eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear, hair is falling out, teeth are rotting. Someone else’s goods are of no use, my word is locked, no one will open the lock, the dog will faithfully guard. Amen".

How to find money on the street - a warlock spell for treasure

Probably each of you would like to have the ability to often find money on the road. In the arsenal of black magic there are also such effective conspiracies helping to find treasures. That is, treasures in the literal sense, well, and that money that, so to speak, is in bad shape. For example, you can use an effective spell to gain the ability to find money on the street.

Get up before dawn. IN left hand take a burning candle and read the words of the conspiracy to find money 7 times:

“I will get up with the dawn, I will walk with the early sun along the hills and ravines, along the hills and steeps. I will find a huge stone, and under that stone lie gold, jewelry, clear stones, cast silver, cast pearls. I will roll away that stone like a feather and take what lies under it, and I will take for myself the good silver and all the yachts with clear pearls along with gold. Whoever laid the treasure dreamed about me (name) that I would come in the morning with the sun and I would take everything that was allotted. Shine quickly, the sun is clear. Show me the way to the treasure, to the strong and heavy stone. For me, he will be a feather, a light sliver. Dawn, clear dawn, show me the path to the golden treasure that lies in places unknown to me, behind a hill, behind a hill in the middle of a valley. Wind, wind, blow quickly, mark the path for me to the treasure myself, so that I can find the treasure, like my home in the middle of the night. And you are a strong pebble, make way, fall down, let me take the treasure, like rye from a great field. I am going on a path and I will find that treasured treasure that was laid for me by a hand unknown to me. Goy."