DIY modular staircase made of metal - drawings. Making and installing a modular staircase with your own hands Installing turning steps on a modular staircase

DIY modular staircase made of metal - drawings.  Making and installing a modular staircase with your own hands Installing turning steps on a modular staircase
DIY modular staircase made of metal - drawings. Making and installing a modular staircase with your own hands Installing turning steps on a modular staircase

One of the components of the ease of use of any multi-level residential property is rational organization moving between floors. Metal modular stairs have many advantages (durability, sufficient load bearing capacity at light weight and a number of others) over concrete and wooden counterparts, which is why they are so popular in private buildings.

Moreover, it is not difficult to make them yourself. You just need to follow certain instructions and draw up a drawing correctly. The modular (or spiral) version of the staircase is considered more promising, since the assembly process is significantly easier. This article will introduce you to all the nuances self-made modular metal staircase to the second floor

If you look at the available information on this request, you can conclude that each author interprets the concept of a modular staircase in his own way. Some imply sliding (portable) or folding stationary structure, others - made of different materials.

And yet, most authors emphasize that this is a prefabricated version of the staircase, consisting of separate sections, which are assembled into a single whole according to the principle of a constructor. Next, we consider the specifics of manufacturing just such a modular staircase. All its components are made of metal. But the steps are your choice.

For residential buildings or multi-level apartments, decorated in techno, hi-tech, loft styles perfect option- made of metal. If the dimensions are chosen correctly, a drawing is drawn up and everything you need is available, it will not take much time to assemble such a modular staircase with your own hands.

Design features of a modular staircase

The main load falls on two components - the lower one, fixed to the floor, and the upper one, fixed to the ceiling. They are connected by a metal stringer, on which additional elements are installed - steps and fences.

A more common option is the installation of individual modules, which, when joined, turn into a full-fledged staircase. Drawing up a drawing involves independently calculating such characteristics as the length of spans, the number of steps, tread parameters, and so on.

That is why there cannot be unambiguous instructions for the manufacture of a modular staircase, since when developing its design, one should be guided by the specifics of the building in which it will be installed. For example, steps, unlike other parts, can be made of wood. You just need to correctly determine optimal thickness boards, in accordance with the expected load.

The only drawback of modular stairs assembled independently and without welding, using only bolts, is the need regular maintenance designs. First of all, this concerns tightening all connections. But if you consider that the cost of such models starts from 42,980 rubles, then making them yourself has many advantages.

In addition, you should know that modular stairs come in several types. How are they characterized?

  • Screw.
  • In terms of operation (movement and movement of goods) - the worst of the options. The advantage is that installing such a model staircase does not require much space. Marching. As a rule, with one or two spans. The most
  • comfortable models

, but differing in significant dimensions. For a small private house, especially a combined apartment, this is not the best solution.


The best option for a modular staircase, allowing you to choose the most suitable shape, steepness, number of landings, and so on. Components and assembly features Kosour

A structural element that is the basis of a modular staircase. To make it yourself, you should choose its chain version (the device is shown in the figure). One of the advantages is the possibility of docking modules under

different angles

. This allows you to build a staircase of any shape and configuration, to suit the characteristics of a particular room.

There are two possible engineering solutions for a do-it-yourself stringer.

The modules are connected using the “pipe to pipe” principle. Additionally, the staircase is reinforced with plates (corners) and fasteners.



  • Gradual deformation of the plates from a constant load leads to “sagging” of the entire structure. As a result, there is a need for regular repairs.
  • It is not possible to adjust the step pitch. Therefore, the drawing of a modular staircase must be drawn up as accurately as possible.
  • It is difficult to achieve the correct geometry of a structure assembled with your own hands. Installation practice shows that some curvature of the stairs cannot be avoided.

The "clamp" principle

The technology is quite new, and therefore not often implemented. The difference is that all flanges are movable and can be rotated to a certain angle. This engineering solution allows for precise adjustment of the staircase to the installation site after all its components have been assembled. That is, change parameters such as the interval between steps and their length.

The procedure for assembling a staircase from modules with your own hands

Drawing up a drawing

All linear dimensions– in cm

It is necessary to decide on the installation location of the stairs and take measurements of all the parameters of the room.

How to determine the number of steps

The size of the riser is usually taken to be about 20. Knowing the height of the room, it is easy to calculate the number of steps. If the result is a fraction, it is rounded to the nearest whole number. And between the floor and the first stage the interval increases slightly to level out the error.

  • The width of the stairs is 100.
  • The width of the steps (tread) is 30.

All that remains is to break the entire drawing into parts, each of which is a separate staircase module.

Preparation of components


It is advisable to use wood for living space. Minimum thickness boards for a modular staircase - 4. Ready-made steps can be purchased, so the owner will have to choose - purchase or cut, process the wood with his own hands.


The picture shows what is required to make them.

It's quite difficult to do on your own. It is advisable to order from a specialized workshop according to an individual drawing. Alternatively, use a wall thickness of at least 0.5. But in this case, in addition to a drill (perforator), you will also need a welding machine.

Assembling the stairs

How exactly to make all the connections must be thought out at the drawing development stage. Fencing - at the choice of the master. It is not difficult to decide what technology to use to install it, depending on the parameters and shape of the modular staircase. .

After completion of the work, the design should be tested and all identified deficiencies should be eliminated.

  • Vertical supports are attached only to concrete base or lags. The latter are necessarily reinforced with transverse bars. Fix the racks on the rough flooring, especially since finished floor it is forbidden.
  • A modular staircase is mounted on brackets only if the thickness of the adjacent wall is at least 200 mm.
  • To strengthen wooden steps, you can use metal edging from a small corner.

If you wish, you can make a staircase that rests on just one central stringer and consists of separate repeating elements (modules with steps attached to them) fastened together. In this article we will talk about how to make a modular staircase with your own hands.

The design usually has the shape of a semicircle, so it requires enough large area. However, the “aerial” configuration (both pillars and beams-brackets protruding from the wall (or attached to it) can act as supports) allows you to give almost any shape (straight, rotating with a platform, in the form of a spiral, etc.) .

In order for a modular staircase to last long enough, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • under vertical supports it is better to pour a small concrete platform - a kind of foundation that takes on the weight of the structure;
  • if part of the load will be transferred to the wall through the brackets, then this wall must be solid, at least 200 mm thick (and not a thin partition);
  • a staircase installed on a wooden floor should be supported on joists, having previously reinforced them with transverse bars.

It is impossible to create modular stairs without preliminary calculations. To carry them out you will need:

  • Make a drawing of the room in which you are going to install the stairs. It is best to draw such a diagram to scale (on squared paper or graph paper).
  • Measure the height of the room, in centimeters. Next to the floor plan on the sheet, schematically draw a section of the room in height (mark with lines the floor level of the lower and top floor with obligatory observance of scale).

  • Then make a schematic drawing. The distance between the steps (vertically) should be 14-16 centimeters. If the last (upper) step is less than the required height, “scatter” this “excess” evenly over all other steps. For example, the floor height is 280 centimeters. With a step height of 15 centimeters, we will get 18.6 steps in the diagram. In this case, it is better to make 18 steps, the distance between them in height will be 15.5 cm.
  • Apply to the floor plan horizontal projection steps. The recommended width of the stairs is 1 meter. The width of the step is 28-30 centimeters.
  • When constructing a straight or L-shaped structure, the number of steps in which exceeds 15, it is better to make an intermediate platform, the length of which is 1 meter.

A spiral staircase must have an internal radius such that the free part of the step (from the side of the center of rotation) will maintain an open width of at least 20 centimeters.

Make a large drawing of the modules on which the steps will be attached. All modules must be the same. If you plan to order modules, then it is not necessary to make a drawing.

Let's start creating

First, we choose the material for the steps: any wood you have will do (the thickness of the board should be at least 4 centimeters). The boards on the steps usually have to be glued together and additionally fastened with long screws (to ensure the necessary strength). Alternatively, you can buy ready-made wooden steps required size or purchase a solid board of suitable thickness (or glue two less thick ones together).

Modules round section, on which the steps will be attached, are not so easy to make yourself. Therefore, it is better to order them from a special company, providing your drawing and calculation of the stairs.

Square-section modules can be made from a profile pipe with a wall thickness of at least 4-5 mm. The elements will have to be connected to each other using bolts (4 pieces for each connection), plus additional ones to enhance reliability. welds. It is this option that we will now discuss in detail.

The assembly of a modular staircase always starts from the bottom, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to concrete platforms(foundations) for load-bearing metal supports, which can be immediately concreted in them.

  • Slice profile pipe into elements of the length you need.
  • Drill holes in them to fasten the modules together with bolts.
  • Remembering to attach the modules to the supporting supports, assemble the entire structure.
  • To strengthen the structure, make several welds.
  • If you decide to make steps with edging from metal corner, weld it to the modules at this stage of the structure assembly.
  • Paint all metal parts with special paint, after removing rust.
  • Install the steps.
  • Make a railing for the stairs (wood or wrought iron).


This video is about installing a modular staircase.

WITH high ceilings people are faced with the question of constructing a staircase that would be comfortable, beautiful and take up as little space as possible usable space in room. One of the options for solving this issue is to install the so-called modular staircase , photo 1.

What is a modular staircase? Varieties, installation features, our tips

Modular staircase received its name from the components from which it is assembled - modules. The individual modules are inserted into each other and secured together with bolts, screws or studs. The load-bearing element of the modular staircase is the central stringer ( load-bearing beam, which is assembled from separate modules).

The modular staircase system is designed for installation between floors with a height of no more than 2.6...3.5 m. The ease of assembly and installation of the modular staircase allows ordinary people without installation skills, assemble the entire staircase in 3…5 hours.

Photo 1. Modular staircase options

The modular staircase was first developed and used in Italy in the 80s of the last century, as an alternative to heavy, massive stairs. Today all over the world modular system is increasingly gaining popularity due to its simplicity and relatively low cost.

The modular staircase consists of, photo 2:

  • modules (staircase frame);
  • steps (mostly wooden);
  • support posts (vertical supports);
  • railing posts (balusters);
  • handrails

The modular staircase frame consists of:

  • upper (finish) staircase module, photo 3a;
  • middle staircase module, photo 3b;
  • lower (starting) staircase module, photo 3c.

The frame of a modular staircase is usually made from the following materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • structural steel coated with polymer or a special paint and varnish composition.
  • wood (custom orders).

You should choose a modular staircase, the frame of which is made of metal, the thickness of which is more than 3 mm ( best option 4…5 mm).

Steps are made from the following materials:

  • solid wood;
  • pressed laminated wood;
  • pressed plywood;
  • PVC, plastic.

Photo 2. Design of a modular staircase using the example of the “Stamet” staircase

Photo 3. Modular staircase frame components: a) upper module; b) middle module; c) lower module

There are the following main types of modular stairs depending on the configuration:

  • marching;
  • screw;
  • combined or rotary (several flights).

There are also subtypes of modular stairs depending on the geometry of the descent, photo 4:

  • L-shaped;
  • straight;
  • arcuate;
  • U-shaped
  • zabezhnaya

Photo 4. Varieties of modular stairs

The most common version of modular stairs is a single-flight design, and the most popular configuration is a rotating one. Marching stairs They take up a lot of space, but are very comfortable. Spiral staircases, on the contrary, are the most compact, but inconvenient to use.

Modular stairs Depending on the type of assembly, they are produced in the following options:

  • “module to module” assembly (first generation);
  • assembly “on a threaded rod”;
  • assembly “on a clamp” (second generation).

Assembly type "module to module"

The essence of the “module to module” assembly is the installation of a module pipe of a smaller diameter into a lower module pipe of a larger diameter, photo 5. The modules can be cast (solid) or welded; they have connecting pipes different diameters and heights, photo 5 (fragment on the right). The pipe plates are bolted together.

Photo 5. Design of the “module to module” assembly of a modular staircase

Advantages of module-to-module assembly:

  1. Ease and speed of installation and manufacturing.
  2. Relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of module-to-module assembly:

  1. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of the steps.
  2. There is minimal curvature of the staircase due to play in the loose connection between the modules.
  3. Over time, this type of staircase sags.

Assembly type "on a threaded rod"

The “threaded rod” assembly consists of many individual parts modules that are connected to each other using threaded rods, photo 6.

Photo 6. Design of a modular staircase assembly type “on a threaded rod”

Advantages of assembly “on a threaded rod”: The seams of the connections between the modules are practically invisible - the structure visually looks complete.

Disadvantages of assembly “on a threaded rod”:

  1. Over time, the threaded connection of the studs weakens and the structure becomes loose, requiring you to constantly tighten the nuts.
  2. There is no possibility to adjust the height of the steps.
  3. High complexity of installation.

Assembly type "on a clamp"

Assembly “on a clamp” (second generation) consists of rigidly securing module parts using screws or bolts, photo 7. The module usually consists of two parts: horizontal - two pipes connected to each other by a welded part and vertical - a pipe with a flange for fastening the step. The two parts are secured to each other and to the adjacent module with coupling bolts in any position and direction (arbitrary angle of rotation).

Photo 7. Design of a modular staircase assembly of the “second generation” (2)

Advantages of assembly “on a clamp”:

  1. Possibility of adjusting the height and angle of rotation of each step. The height of the step is freely adjustable in the range of 15...25 cm.
  2. High rigidity of ladder fastening.

Disadvantages of assembly “on a clamp”: high cost of stairs.

The main load from the ladder's own weight and from people moving along the ladder is transferred to the lower and upper modules, as well as to the support post (installed if necessary). Extremely permissible load per module is no more than 250 kg.

When choosing a ladder, you should pay attention to the type of ladder supports, photo 8. There are two types of supports:

  • support on a bracket (cantilever mount);
  • application support post– it is recommended to install after 4...7 steps (modules) with a large span (2.5 m or more) or if it is impossible to securely fasten the finishing module to the interfloor ceiling.

Photo 8. Types support system modular staircase

Tilt angle

The optimal angle of inclination of a modular staircase is 39...43°, but can reach up to 63...65°, photo 9. The modules can be adjusted in height using special inserts. Minimum height The tread of a modular staircase is 18...20 cm, and the maximum is 24 cm.

Photo 9. Options for the angle of inclination of the stairs

Advantages of modular stairs

  1. A large number of varieties and design styles of modular stairs; a wide range of color range frame, steps and railings; The staircase easily fits into any interior of the house.
  2. Easy to install and dismantle the ladder.
  3. Possibility of adjusting the angle of rotation of the stairs, up to 360° (except for stairs with a stud connection).
  4. Possibility of using steps from various materials.
  5. Occupies a minimum of usable space.
  6. Relatively low cost of the ladder (compared to other types of ladders).
  7. In most cases it is possible simple repair stairs, by replacing standard parts or individual modules.

Disadvantages of modular stairs

  1. There is a high probability of subsidence and staircase wobbling. To prevent this, additional fastenings (supporting pillars) should be installed, which spoil the aesthetic appearance of the entire staircase, photo 10. It is recommended to install supporting pillars every 4…5 modules.

Photo 10. Modular stairs with additional fastening installed

  1. If the width of the march (width of the stairs) is 1 m or more, then when walking along the stairs, great importance bending moment, leading to rocking, vibration and even tilting of the entire staircase. To prevent such unpleasant swaying and unsteadiness of the stairs, additional support corners are installed under each step, photo 11, which rigidly secure the position of the entire ladder (attachment to load-bearing walls and heavy partitions). It is recommended to install corners every 1 step for a width of up to 0.9 m or under each step for a width of 1 m or more.

Photo 11. Additional fastening to the wall of a modular staircase

  1. Before installing a modular staircase, the following conditions should be considered:
  • for comfortable movement along the stairs, it is necessary to provide an opening in the floor of the upper floor of at least 2.5 × 0.9 m;
  • It is recommended to connect staircase modules or other elements together using screws or bolts, the length of which must be at least 10 mm. The connection with screws and bolts will ensure the strength and reliability of the ladder for many years;
  • to turn the staircase by 180°, at least 6 modules and winder steps are required, and when turning by 90°, 3...4 modules are required;
  • the base for fastening the support column of the rack must have dimensions of at least 120x60 mm; the stand must be attached to 4 or more fasteners (bolts, anchors, etc.).
  1. For the convenience of calculating a modular staircase, it is recommended to measure the following dimensions, which are shown in numbers in the diagram photo 12. For a clearer view general sizes stairs to photo 13 The classic diagram of a modular staircase is shown, with the main standard parameters.

Photo 12. Dimensions that you need to know to calculate a modular staircase: 1 - height between floors; 2 – possible dimensions of the space allocated for the stairs; 3 – parameters for the opening in the ceiling; 4 - floor thickness

Photo 13. Classic scheme of a modular staircase with basic standard parameters

Thus, the height between the floor levels of adjacent floors is measured. Then, depending on the distance between the floor, the number of steps is determined. Various manufacturers standard modular stairs provide the ability to adjust the height of steps (treads) by 1...6 cm on each step. Consequently, almost any staircase system can be adjusted to the existing height of the room. IN table 1 Approximate calculations of the number of steps are given depending on the height between floor levels (the number of steps does not depend on whether the staircase is straight or turned).

Table 1

Determining the number of steps of a modular staircase

If the calculation turns out that the upper step is at the lower level interfloor ceiling, then you can leave it like this, considering the thickness of the floor as the last step, photo 14.

Photo 14. Construction of the upper (last) step level with the floor of the second floor

  1. The next step is to decide on the geometry of the descent, which can often exceed the dimensions of the room allocated for the stairs in the house.
  2. If the first step is rectangular (the direction of the step coincides with the direction of movement along the stairs), then a conventional starting module is used. If the direction of the first step does not coincide with the direction of movement along the stairs, you should install winder step(rotary step) and starting winder module, photo 15.

Photo 15. Winder (left) and straight (right) steps of a modular staircase

  1. Installation of a modular staircase must begin from the top, by securing the top finishing module to the slab or floor beam.
  2. Then the stringer modules are installed, according to the assembly instructions, with the bolts lightly tightened, so that you can later adjust the height of the steps during installation. IN designated places intermediate supports are fixed.
  3. After setting the stringer, steps are installed in the direction from top to bottom. In this case, the height of each step is finally adjusted, followed by final tightening of the bolts.
  4. The lower starting module is fixed to the base of the floor.
  5. The supports are fixed to the base of the floor.
  6. Then the railings are installed.

Photo 16 shows the main options for attaching railings to steps. If there is no opportunity or desire to install a modular staircase yourself, you can use the services of the manufacturer or supplier, but then you should count on the cost of the installation service in the amount of 30...45% of the total cost of the staircase.

Photo 16. Basic options for attaching steps to bolts

The leaders in the production of high-quality modular stairs are countries such as Italy and Poland. Chinese stairs in most cases are not of high quality, but have a lower cost.

Publication prepared by an expert

Konev Alexander Anatolievich

Self-expression of the owners of private houses can manifest itself not only when implementing the external appearance of the home, but also when working out the details inside it. For some, stairs are just a way to move between floors. But often it is located in the most visible place, thereby becoming part of the interior. And since such an element takes up a lot of space, it attracts a lot of attention, so its appearance is important. Owners who want to put “a piece of themselves” into their home can use the instructions for making a modular staircase with their own hands, given below.

Modular staircase and its types

First, let's figure out what it looks like, what types exist. The staircase got its name due to its frequent use. identical elements— modules. They can be mounted not only in a straight line, but also at an angle, thereby saving space in the room.

All stairs are divided into several types, so before starting work you need to decide which one is suitable for your case:

  • marching Stairs allow you to climb in a straight line and have wide steps. Such stairs are rarely used in suburban construction because they take up a lot of space.
  • can be dangerous and difficult for children to lower and lift, but they take up little space.
  • rotary The stairs have intermediate platforms, which provides a comfortable climb, and they also take up little space. This type is most often used in private homes. Their design provides for several marches and the presence of turning areas.

If we consider the design of modular stairs, then the presence of a stringer can be identified as the main element. It is on this that the steps will be attached. The stringer can be mounted directly or at an angle, because it consists of stacked parts. This allows you to make stairs of any design. The stringer is fixed on support modules, which allow you to achieve the necessary rigidity. There are two such modules in the design - lower and upper. In the staircase design modular type support pipe included. She is also responsible for rigidity. It is installed after 1-1.5 running meters. This element can be replaced by a wall made of brick or concrete, on which the steps will be fixed.

Modules for installing single-flight stairs are much simpler in design, it is easier to ensure their rigidity without putting a load on load-bearing elements. But during assembly, the presence of solid stringers is not justified.

There are also three options for assembling modules. When choosing one, you need to consider their pros and cons to choose the right one for you.


Installation "module to module". This assembly forms a chain stringer, which is secured with two plates and locking screws. Such stairs were “pioneers,” which indicates the imperfection of the design. Now let's look at their shortcomings. The pitch of the steps is fixed rigidly and cannot be adjusted. After installation, a curvature may be noticeable, which, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated even by tightening the locking screws. Such a staircase may not stand the test of time. The mounting plates used in its design may sag, which again is not in the best possible way will affect the appearance. But this ladder also has advantages. It is easy to assemble.

The main element of this type of staircase is an all-welded module. It consists of two pipes, the diameter of which allows them to be assembled so that one fits into the second without creating gaps. The pipe, which has a larger diameter, is cut along the longitudinal seam. A corrugated pipe is welded on both sides of the cut rectangular shape, which is cut lengthwise. The halves of the professional pipes are tightened with bolts. A flange is welded to the upper part of the smaller diameter pipe. Holes are made on it for fastening the steps. Both modules - upper and lower - provide platforms for anchoring to the ceiling and wall.

Assembly should begin by securing it to the floor. This is done using the anchors of the lower module. Next, the remaining structural elements are mounted, ending with the fixation of the upper module using anchors. The rigidity of the staircase modules is ensured by tightening the bolts. The steps are attached to the flanges using screws or countersunk bolts.

Don't forget about installing fencing. After all, this is your safety. A thread is cut on the pipe. Its diameter should be 1/2 - 3/4 inches. On the step you need to make a hole of the same diameter. Next, a lock nut is driven onto the baluster thread, passing it through the prepared hole in the step and securing it with a lock nut.

Another type of assembly is using threaded rods. This eliminates the curvature of the stringer. But a new drawback appears, which manifests itself in the complexity of assembly; also, after installation, it is impossible to adjust the height of the step. When using this assembly, you need to be prepared for the fact that the threaded connections may become loose. This problem can be solved by tightening them, but you will have to repeat this procedure often during active use of the stairs.

This type of assembly uses two carved pipes that have the same diameter. They are connected using a pipe of reduced diameter, clamping it with bolts inside the modules. There is a flange on it for fastening the step. With this design, it is possible to adjust the height of the step. As assembly instructions, you can use the instructions for the previous type of modular staircase. They differ in that with this type of construction the lower and top element, and then they are connected.

The last type of assembly is fastening using the clamp principle. This design has a large number of improvements. It is the most perfect compared to the previous ones. The advantages of this type include maintaining the ability to adjust the height and length of the step. The module in this design can not only be rotated, but also the flange, which is a mount for the steps, can be deployed. Connections will not become loose despite use. threaded connection, because the load on the fastening is distributed differently.

No split pipes are used for this type of assembly.. All parts of the structure are secured with long pins that will bear the load. Assembling such a staircase can be difficult, but after the work is completed, all auxiliary elements will be hidden from view.

When installing the second type of assembly, bolts are used, although they can be used in other types. The bolts are placed between the steps. They are fasteners that enhance reliability.


It is best to start installation work with calculations in order to be able to prepare everything necessary elements in advance. The easiest option is to use an online calculator. To calculate, you will need the height of the room where the stairs will be located, as well as the slope angle, etc.

The main parameter influencing the calculation is the location where the stairs are planned to be placed. The space occupied will be affected by the choice appearance stairs. Spiral staircase modular type is installed in an area of ​​less than 3 sq.m. The width of the steps of such a staircase should be at least 10 cm. For more convenient operation this parameter can be increased, but the occupied area will also be larger. It has wide steps of 12-15 cm, so it takes up a length of 4 m and an area of ​​7 sq.m. If the width of the steps is reduced, the operation of such a staircase may be inconvenient. Marching rotary a modular staircase will become the “average” option.

The angle of inclination of the stairs will also affect the final calculation. The most comfortable angle for lifting is 45°, but sometimes, to reduce the space taken up, they deviate from this parameter. The height of the riser and the length of the tread—the height and width of the step, respectively—will depend on its choice.

The height of the stairs will affect the calculation. It is determined by measuring the distance from the floor of the first to the floor of the second floor. This parameter will allow you to correctly calculate the amount and dimensions steps. Choose suitable angle tilting also follows at this stage.

Most comfortable sizes when designing:

  • step height – 17 – 20 cm;
  • step width – 20 – 26 cm;
  • The length of the step is different for each type of staircase. For the screw - 100 - 120 cm, for the march and march-rotary - 120 - 150 cm;
  • tilt angle 30° - 45°.

Using special program entering these parameters is necessary to create a future image of the staircase, which will be clearly shown in the picture and will allow you to decide on the changes that you would like to make to the final model.

Video instructions for assembling and installing a modular staircase

» Assembly of the modular staircase “Dream”

Assembly of the modular staircase “Dream”

Instructions for assembling an interfloor modular staircase on a metal frame.

To assemble a modular staircase you will need the following fasteners (included in the kit):

  1. Capercaillie bolt for fastening steps (6 pcs. per 1 step).
  2. Bolt, nut and washer for M8 for fixing intermediate modules in a horizontal plane (2 pcs. per step).
  3. Dowel-nails or anchor bolts for attaching the stairs to the floor and ceiling (6 pcs. for the lower module, 6 pcs. for the upper module and 4 pcs. for each of the supports).

Required set of tools for installation and assembly of a modular staircase:

  1. Drill (screwdriver)
  2. Level
  3. Drill bits: ø6.8 mm, ø8.5 mm, ø5.8 mm with stop
  4. Tap for M8 thread
  5. Ratchet driver
  6. 13 mm socket head
  7. Pencil
  8. Wood hacksaw
  9. Hacksaw for metal
  10. Roulette
  11. Sandpaper or sander
  12. Hammer

Note: If necessary, you may need a hammer drill with a set of drills, an angle grinder with a metal cutting disc, and a screw jack.

Staircase components

We unpack all the modules and supports. In our case:

  • Lower module – 1 pc.
  • Intermediate module – 12 pcs.
  • Upper module – 1 pc.
  • Small support – 1 pc.
  • Large support – 1 pc.

Assembling a metal frame

We start with the bottom module, insert the modules into each other (don’t forget about the supports).

Note: If the floors are already finished, we recommend placing corrugated cardboard under the lower module and supports to avoid scratching the floors.

Note: if the floors are not level, we recommend using additional supports (screw jacks) during installation.

Note: if necessary, trim the supports in right size grinder or hacksaw for metal.

Attaching the upper module

It is possible to mount the upper module below the floor level, if the ceiling allows this. This option allows you to save space occupied by the stairs.

Note: We draw your attention to the fact that it is the upper step to the floor level, and not the upper module.

Note: Don't forget to check the installation level.

Note: the metal frame should be in the center of the steps. The exception is winder steps, because They are additionally attached to the wall with corners.

Shaping the metal frame

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 1. We move the resulting column of modules directly into the opening. We fix the upper module so that the upper step is level with the floor of the second floor.

Step 2-4. Pull it out metal carcass. We give it the required shape according to the project.

Fixing modules together

To give the frame rigidity, we need to fasten all the modules together. To do this, perform the following steps:

— drill 2 holes in the modules from the wall side with a ø8.5 mm drill.

— insert an M8 bolt from the outside, a washer and an M8 nut inside. We clamp the screw pair.
— in the places where the supports are installed, drill 2 holes from the wall side with a ø6.8 mm drill.

— cut the M8 thread in the drilled holes with a tap.

— screw M8 bolts into the cut threaded holes.


Note: on the module that we are drilling, there must be a level b.

Note: Before cutting the thread, drop a few drops of nigrol or other oil onto the tap.

1. After all the modules and supports are firmly held together, we screw the supports to the floor using dowel nails or anchors.

2. Lastly, we attach the lower module to the floor using dowel-nails or anchors.

Note: Be sure to check the level.

Fastening the steps

Installation of steps: We place the steps on the metal frame and mark the holes for fastening.

We drill the intended holes with a ø5.8 mm drill to the required depth (drill with a stop).

Note: Be sure to drill a hole with a ø5.8 mm drill, otherwise the step may crack when tightening the screws.

We screw the step to the modules (6 screws per step).

We perform this operation with all steps.

Note: do not forget to attach the winder steps to the walls using corners.