Fashionable turquoise color in clothes: beautiful shades and combinations. What colors should you combine turquoise in clothes with? Combination of turquoise blue and blue colors

Fashionable turquoise color in clothes: beautiful shades and combinations.  What colors should you combine turquoise in clothes with?  Combination of turquoise blue and blue colors
Fashionable turquoise color in clothes: beautiful shades and combinations. What colors should you combine turquoise in clothes with? Combination of turquoise blue and blue colors

Turquoise is a cross between green and blue. His ability to harmoniously fit into the interior and clothing style was noticed by designers. Therefore, the presented shade has been on trend for several years. a shade in the interior can emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, creating a unique design for almost any room.

Each color carries certain associative information. Therefore, when choosing dark shades of turquoise to decorate a room, it is necessary to study its properties and features. The right combination with other colors will also help make the interior harmonious and effective.

general characteristics

Some people equate the color turquoise with either a blue or a green tint. However, this is wrong. This is an independent color that is as unique as the mineral that defines its name.

The dark turquoise color is associated with the expanse of the sea. He's very calm. Like the shades themselves, they remind a person of serenity, depth and spaciousness. This color exudes a pleasant coolness. This is a very beautiful shade. It's chill and relaxing.

Experts say that the presented color can relieve irritation and stress, restoring clarity of thought and calm. However, you should not use too many dark turquoise elements when decorating your interior. This may cause some discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly apply and combine the shade with other colors.

Dark shade

The color is not pure. Its structure defines several different shades of the spectrum. The main ones are blue and yellow. The final shade depends on the proportions of these colors.

It should be noted that each person perceives dark turquoise differently. For some, it is approaching green. It can even be called glass. This is explained by the depth of color. The dark shade hides the boundaries between tones.

However, there are people who, in a combination of green and blue, highlight the second component of the combination more. Blue color in this combination is a priority for them. This feature allows you to create a variety of moods if you combine turquoise with other colors.

Interior Design

Has a lot of advantages. It easily matches with almost all colors. Even different tones of turquoise can be combined in the same interior. This provides a wide field for the creative imagination of designers.

Dark turquoise can be used for interior decoration as the main color in combination with some other shades. With its help you can place small but rich accents. It all depends on the design style and preferences of the home owners.

Dark turquoise color is noble and versatile. It can be found in many modern interior styles. It is used quite often to decorate a kitchen, bedroom, living room or bathroom. It doesn’t have to be a marine interior style. By using different color combinations you can create almost any type of interior.

Combination with yellow-green shades

It may look gloomy if it is not supplemented with different details and combinations. One of the winning combinations in this case will be the proximity to pistachio, olive or mustard shades. This combination gives the interior energy and cheerfulness.

It is best to use pure shades. Some designers argue about the advisability of using such colors in the interior. However, the smooth flow of dark turquoise into warm yellow-green shades pleases the eye. With the right approach, the room turns out to be spectacular, beautiful and interesting.

When combining these shades, you should avoid combining colors of the same saturation level. One of them must be dominant.

Turquoise and blue

If you want to decorate a fresh interior of a living room or bedroom, you can give preference to a combination of dark turquoise with blue or blue. All shades should not be contrasting or bright. They should blend smoothly with each other. For example, if you want to set off a carpet or sofa, you can place dark blue accessories against the background of such objects. This will highlight the play of shades well.

Blue or light blue should be a secondary color. They only emphasize the natural beauty of turquoise. In the living room it is allowed to use deep or bright shades. They can act as the main color for pieces of furniture and rugs. A large dark turquoise sofa looks beautiful in combination with the same curtains.

This combination will also look harmonious in a nursery. You shouldn’t decorate the entire room in these colors. It's better to leave them for accents. You can combine turquoise, blue with other bright colors. This contributes to the proper development of the child and proper rest.

Brown and beige

The combination of dark turquoise with brown and beige shades also looks very impressive. Do not use contrasting black or white shades. The interior in this case will be unnatural, oppressive. Smooth tints between brown, beige and dark turquoise will create an atmosphere of natural purity and freshness.

This combination looks elegant and laconic. This is expensive simplicity. There is no place for rhinestones and feathers. Turquoise itself looks like a jewel against the background of a muted design. To make the interior seem richer and more interesting, you can add simple patterns to the bedspread, curtains, and other interior elements. There shouldn't be many of them.

The presented combination is well suited for decorating a living room or bedroom. For the kitchen or bathroom it is better to give preference to other combinations. Beige shades will make the dark turquoise color noble and deep. When decorating in a marine style, you can combine turquoise with white and red decor.

Bright combinations

Or the nursery will look interesting and bright in combination with warm and bright shades. Bright pink, orange, and yellow colors are good for this. Cool dark and light bright shades will make the interior interesting and lively.

In such combinations it is better to give the main role to turquoise. Orange and yellow shades should act as small accents. You can add beige or white to this interior. The combination of gold and dark turquoise looks harmonious. It is worthy of palace walls. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Everything should be in moderation so that the decoration of the room is done with taste.

Red, pink and purple can be paired with dark turquoise. This is an advantageous combination for the kitchen. Depending on the style of the interior, all details are thought out.

Purple and pink

Dark turquoise color, combinations which are very diverse, can be combined with all. If they are pale, pastel, this will lighten the interior. For example, a soft purple rug and bedspreads will highlight the beauty of dark turquoise.

Purple shades can be more saturated. This adds drama to the interior. You can combine the presented combinations with gray shades. However, it is better to give preference to light tones of purple or pink. In the West this is a fairly common combination.

Also, against the background of a dark turquoise color, variegated interior elements in pink or purple colors will look very bright.

When choosing a dark turquoise color for interior decoration, you need to know several of its features. This shade should be used in spacious rooms. The room should have good daytime and evening lighting. Otherwise the room will turn out dark and gloomy. Even bright accents cannot bring cheerfulness. The sun's rays penetrate especially naturally into this interior.

In an interior with dark turquoise there should not be more than 3 shades. Otherwise, the appearance of the room will seem overloaded. Color combinations should not be of the same saturation level. Each shade should be lighter or darker. Multi-layering and smooth transitions of combinations will decorate the room and bring harmony.

Only one third of the room should be dark. Therefore, in combination with turquoise, most of the space should be given to light and neutral shades. The cold beauty of dark turquoise can become a spectacular, original interior decoration. The owners of an apartment or house must correctly discover all the possibilities of this color.

Having considered what a dark turquoise shade represents in the interior, you can create a uniquely beautiful design. Combinations with different colors provide a wide field for creative imagination and expression of the individuality of the home owners.

Blue, green, turquoise are natural colors that are often used in interior design to create a lively and light atmosphere in the room. In addition, these colors are almost universal and can decorate any interior. An unsuccessfully chosen color scheme will not only highlight all the flaws in the room, but will also create an uncomfortable atmosphere. Below we will talk about how to beautifully and harmoniously combine shades in the interior.

Luxurious blue and its shades in the interior: how to use it correctly, what to combine it with

Blue is not the most popular shade in the interior, since it is usually associated with coldness and restraint. But this is one of the most peaceful, rich and relaxing flowers.

It fits perfectly into both classic and fashionable interiors, and look at the marine theme. In addition, blue color normalizes heart function and stabilizes blood pressure. Undoubtedly, it will be optimal for decorating a children's room, bedroom, etc. Its effect on appetite in the direction of reduction was also noted, so for those who are looking after their figure, a blue tint in the kitchen is what they need!

Advice. Since blue is a representative of cool shades, you should be very careful when choosing this color when decorating rooms. So, it is not very suitable for northern, dark rooms - it will only make them even colder and gloomier. But sunny, oriental rooms decorated with blue shades will only benefit.

If your goal is to create a cool atmosphere, then feel free to adopt blue and turquoise shades. It is worth adding warm colors - a little yellow, pink, orange and you will get a warm and soft interior.

White color is most often a companion to blue in the interior. And this is not surprising, because white in tandem with blue solves two problems at once:

  1. Visually increases the space.
  2. Makes the room soft and fresh.

It’s no wonder that marine themes have remained in demand for decades. The most beneficial would be to use white in the decoration of walls and ceilings, and blue in furniture elements and window decoration.

Creating a green interior

Green has always been considered one of the most comfortable, calm and “juicy” colors. It evokes lush greenery, nature and stunningly beautiful precious stones such as emerald.

One of the distinctive features of green is neutrality; it can be successfully played from any angle. It will not only be a wonderful addition to the main color of the interior, but it can also play a dominant role.

Despite all the advantages of the green palette, many interior designers are not very willing to use it in their work. It’s not so easy to choose the right one from a huge variety of green shades and successfully fit it into the interior. But if this succeeds, the result may exceed even the wildest expectations.

Using green, you can create a bright accent in the white and beige interior of a room, and beige will look more advantageous in wall decoration, and green in furniture details and floor finishing.

And again let’s turn to white, because it is absolutely universal and goes with all shades. For example, a light green-white pair will highlight the vintage style. In general, white and green combinations are among the most powerful in interior design.

People have very mixed opinions about the combination of green and black, but it is enough to observe moderation and wisely select details for the interior of the room: dilute the viscous, gloomy black color with white elements and inserts in the decoration of walls and furniture.

Joyful turquoise shades in the interior

Turquoise is a luxurious sea green mineral. And turquoise color is one of the most advantageous in the interior. Turquoise color is a spectacular combination of green and blue. The beauty of this color is that with its help you can easily create an accent in almost any interior:

  • White interior. Turquoise color will help to easily and effectively dilute the white textures of any room. It is enough to use a minimum of elements, for example, pillows, elegant fabrics, decorative vases and much more.

  • Beige tones. If the room is made in soft beige tones, then turquoise will simply “explode” the calm atmosphere with freshness. For example, you can add details such as chairs, a carpet and turquoise vases.
  • "Chocolate" interior. Ideal companions in interior decoration are turquoise and chocolate. Bright aquamarine, greenish-blue shades will bring a piece of the sea to rich cinnamon interiors.

We combine related colors: blue, green and turquoise

If you want to create a piquant interior in the above color scheme, it is important to adhere to one rule: always choose a third color as an intermediary. For example, if we combine green with blue shades, then green will be one of the two main ones, the second main one is white, and blue will be an accent. Or, if you want to make green the main color, then you can use soft beige shades as a secondary color, and turquoise as an accent.

Advice. Green-blue combinations are good both for decorating kitchen spaces (they reduce hunger, “kill” cravings for sweets) and for recreation areas: bedrooms, living rooms. They create a feeling of relaxation and promote sound, healthy sleep.

We offer the most successful color combinations as a cheat sheet:

  • green - turquoise;
  • light green - aquamarine;
  • mint - blue;
  • emerald - azure blue.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the art of combining shades, and the information provided in the material will help you create your own individual style when decorating the interior.

Green color in a blue interior: video

Green, blue and turquoise colors in the interior: photo

The combination of warm shades with turquoise resembles a breath of freshness on a hot day, but the palette depends on the shades of the color itself. 6 palettes with 16 colors + selection of shoes.

Have you noticed the availability of turquoise clothing in fashion stores? I noticed because this color is hard to pass by. Although those who prefer red or pink often avoid this color. And in vain, since turquoise goes well with both red and pink.

Fashionable women's clothing has often been turquoise. So in the 50s and 60s, a bright shade of this color was in fashion, it was combined with pure pink and yellow, so this combination will be considered retro. Turquoise with gray or silver, as well as with terracotta and light brown, appealed to the taste of Western America. And the combination of clothing colors: turquoise with black and white colors will be in the Art Recor style.

We discussed the meaning of turquoise color, its shades and role in fashion in . In this article, we will consider fashionable combinations with several turquoise shades, who they will suit, as well as the selection of the color of shoes and accessories for them.

Turquoise color matches

Pale turquoise color matches

This color is similar to aquamarine. Delicate, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It cannot be called pale or bright. It will suit any color type.

This color, in its calm bliss, is best worn on vacation and summer celebrations. The relaxation that this color promotes will be superfluous in the bustle of everyday life. Jewelry that will suit a dress or blouse of this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Pale carnation-colored jewelry, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry will suit it. It is advisable to use opaque stones.

Pale turquoise color combination: with peach pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange coral, sea wave, cool shade of green, sky blue, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown .

Turquoise blue color and combination with it

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. It is bright, but not blinding. Energetic, sociable, this color suits everyone. The color is changeable in combination, it will give you a special personality.

This color is good for both the beach and the office, and will be comfortable at a party or at home. Don't pass by this color: a universal, characterful color that will be ideal in any wardrobe.

Costume jewelry will include gold, silver, pearls, topazes, amber, coral, and turquoise. Any blue shades in stones and jewelry are welcome.

Consider color combinations of turquoise with hot pink, red rose, yellow ocher, pink coral, orange, blue green, cold light green, aquamarine, purple, blue, white blue, white, straw beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Dark turquoise color matches

This color is similar to sea green. This is the least bright turquoise, it will also suit everyone, but representatives of the color type should especially take a closer look at it . Not intrusive, discreet, soft color serves you unnoticed. Without focusing attention on itself, the color, first of all, presents you, highlighting your skin favorably, giving your eyes a blue-green shine or creating a contrast with brown eyes.

Dark turquoise is as versatile as turquoise blue.

For jewelry, transparent stones of any blue, lilac, pink shades are suitable; pearls, amber, agate, garnet, turquoise. Feel free to combine gold and silver with this color.

What color goes with this shade of turquoise? Soft, not flashy. You might like combinations of turquoise with coral, lilac pink, raspberry coral, green yellow, light sand, orange sorbet, blue violet, lilac, light lavender, burgundy, lavender, thrush egg color, light beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Bright turquoise color and combination with it

A combination of turquoise and will be profitable, exotic, light and bright.


Catchy and fresh, extravagant, but surprisingly beautiful combination of turquoise and.

Turquoise color can be easily obtained by mixing paints. By definition, turquoise is a shade of blue and green, a sea green color, close to cyan. There are a number of ways to achieve turquoise, they will depend on the result the artist wants.

Turquoise color in nature, its meaning

Turquoise is one of the most beautiful shades; it is widespread in the world around us. This tone can be seen on the sea near resort shores; the water in the area of ​​sea lagoons, various oases and water quarries is colored turquoise. Different shades of turquoise are seen in the sky in the early hours of the morning. This color is not present in the main palette; it must be obtained by combining paints.

Psychologists call turquoise cold and mysterious, although people associate it with intimate conversations with friends. In Eastern countries, the color symbolizes faith, healing, compassion, and in Europe it was previously considered a talisman that bestows good luck.

Alternative medicine uses turquoise in color therapy: this shade is good for the eyes, can strengthen the immune system, and reduces the risk of overload, depression and stress. It is believed that this tone is very harmonious, designed to add calmness and balance to a person, and helps control emotions.

Getting a turquoise shade

Making turquoise color with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you can use gouache, watercolor, acrylic paints, you just need to mix them in certain proportions. Since turquoise is a mixture of green with a drop of blue, these two basic tones will be required to prepare the paint.

There are no clear instructions on the number of colors. Search is a creative process where paint standards are selected individually. To work you need:

  • white palette or plate;
  • tassels;
  • a glass of water;
  • paper.

You should take a sufficient amount of greenery for work, which does not have foreign impurities, and then add blue drop by drop. follows after the introduction of each new portion of the material. In any case, the amount of blue paint should be less than green. If a color seems right, you should try it out. To do this, make a smear on the paper - a uniform turquoise tone should remain on it.

There are various shades of turquoise - sea wave, azure, blue-green, as well as curacao, aquamarine, the color of thrush eggs and others, which are exotic to the ears of beginners. It is worth considering the process of making the most popular turquoise halftones in more detail.

Light turquoise

To create a lighter tone, you will need blue paint rather than blue. It is made using the simplest method - adding a little white to the desired degree of lightening. Then they begin to gradually introduce a blue tone into the green until a delicate turquoise tint begins to “emerge.” Also, professionals often add a drop of yellow paint to the mixture - it adds brightness and lightness to the greenery, making it light green, so the finished turquoise will be airy and very beautiful. If the finished tone does not seem delicate enough, it can be diluted with any amount of white paint until a pastel shade is obtained.

When light turquoise still needs to be “cooled,” you can add a little gray paint to the finished color scheme. That is, they mix green, blue, white and gray tones. The result is an unusual muted color, perfect for painting pictures of the sky.

Dark turquoise

Making dark tones of turquoise yourself is also easy. To do this, you should purchase cyan paint, which already has a green tint with a hint of blue (sold in an artist store). You need to put a little of this paint on the palette, then add the usual green color in small portions. The dark turquoise color is obtained by adding a small amount of greens, and thorough mixing is very important. Some specialists add a little brown to darken the tone even more; this color will be a little warmer than ordinary turquoise.


Sea color is obtained in a similar way. It will require two standard colors - blue and green - in approximately equal proportions. They are mixed until smooth, then a tiny amount of white paint is added for some lightening. Depending on the amount of white, the sea green color will change from rich to paler. Professionals call marine color a mixture of blue phthalocyanine and titanium dioxide, but for the average person, ordinary (classic) gouache from a store is quite suitable.

Color ratio table for obtaining turquoise

You cannot see turquoise in the spectrum of primary colors; there are only basic tones. But by mechanically mixing paints, you can make almost any desired color. Here is a table with data that will help you navigate the variety of shades of turquoise:

Even a schoolchild can make the shade in question. Experiments will help you create an original color - all you need is paints, brushes, a palette and a little imagination!

The freshness of the summer breeze, sea waves and cloudless sky - the bright and pure turquoise color invariably evokes associations with relaxation, a carefree and joyful pastime. Clothes of all shades of turquoise look great not only at the resort - both in summer and winter, and in the cloudy off-season, this cheerful color helps to make the image bright and memorable. What to wear and combine with turquoise clothes? Turquoise is universal - it suits owners of hair and skin of any shade, and combines harmoniously with other colors, allowing you to create discreet or contrasting looks.

In order for turquoise to combine with your color type and advantageously emphasize your skin tone, eyes and hair, it is important to choose the right color nuance:

We combine correctly

This bright tone is combined with both classic basic tones and those of equal saturation. The following shades will harmoniously complement and highlight it:
  • White. A win-win option - any shade of turquoise can be combined with white, from delicate aquamarine to dark azure. Such a fresh combination is a great idea for a summer, vacation wardrobe.
  • Black. The combination with black is a classic for any color; in a duet with turquoise it is “responsible” for severity and restraint. It is important to get the balance right: if there is too much black, the image will turn out heavy. Let the tones be present in equal proportions or turquoise predominate.
  • Grey. Gray can shade the brightness of turquoise and somewhat “calm down” its brightness: it can be light, cold silver-gray, gray-beige (taupe) or dark gray anthracite.
  • Beige. Another calm base tone that goes well with turquoise. It can be warm (milk chocolate color, camel) or cold (coffee with milk, cocoa).
  • A juicy, optimistic combination - turquoise and all shades of the solar spectrum. The sea wave tone looks equally impressive in a duet with both bright yellow and pale lemon color.
  • Blue. Lying in one part of the spectrum, these tones support and complement each other. Choose a shade of blue that is equal in saturation - royal blue, electric blue or ultramarine.
  • Coral. Lightened coral – the so-called “lobster” color – is best combined with the color of the gemstone.
  • Gold/Silver. The shine of precious metals combined with the brightness of turquoise help create a luxurious, evening look.

Adding brightness to your wardrobe: how and with what to wear turquoise-colored clothes

The total look, without a doubt, looks spectacular, but you shouldn’t dress in one shade from head to toe every day - combine things with other parts of your wardrobe to create stylish, bright and memorable sets.


A bag and shoes of the same shade is an outdated trend. Choose one thing: “balance” bright shoes with a beige bag, and vice versa – complement a bright bag with a pair of shoes in basic tones. If you definitely want to “support” a bright bag or shoes with an accessory of the same tone, let it be a small piece - a thin belt, necklace, watch bracelet, or even just nail polish.

Don't be afraid to be bright - be sure to include a shade of turquoise in the palette of your wardrobe. Whatever you choose - a bright turquoise coat or an unusually cut jacket, a small bag or shoes - you are guaranteed a fresh, optimistic, fashionable look.