Myrtle ordinary care at home, propagation by cuttings, pruning of the myrtle tree. The myrtle tree is a wonderful wedding gift. What is the myrtle tree for at home?

Myrtle ordinary care at home, propagation by cuttings, pruning of the myrtle tree.  The myrtle tree is a wonderful wedding gift. What is the myrtle tree for at home?
Myrtle ordinary care at home, propagation by cuttings, pruning of the myrtle tree. The myrtle tree is a wonderful wedding gift. What is the myrtle tree for at home?

One of the indoor plants, the origin of which is closely intertwined with mythology, is the myrtle tree, which can boast not only beauty, but also useful properties. In many legends, you can find myrtle - in Greek mythology it is considered the tree of the goddess of love Aphrodite; in biblical legends, Adam carried a sprig of this particular plant from paradise as a memory of lost happiness. IN modern world, this plant is considered a symbol of purity and peace. Its beneficial properties are revered. Therefore, wedding bouquets are often decorated with its branches; by the way, this tradition came to us from the shores of Baltic Sea, where brides grew their own myrtle tree to ensure a happy marriage. The myrtle tree is not demanding - caring for it at home consists of loosening and watering, spraying the foliage. We will tell you further about how to grow a myrtle tree at home.

Today let's learn in more detail about what this plant is, how to care for it at home, and also look at it in the photo.

The basin is considered the birthplace of the myrtle tree Mediterranean Sea, where it grows to 3 meters in size. IN room conditions it can reach 60 cm, and with proper and careful care 1 meter. In the photo below you can see beautiful trees that have taken root well at home.

The flowers of the myrtle tree are somewhat reminiscent of apple blossoms. They are usually pink or white in color and are quite fluffy due to the long golden stamens. The inflorescence can reach 3 cm in diameter; it is located on a thin peduncle and usually one at a time. Myrtle flowers are very fragrant due to the fact that they contain quite a large amount of essential oils.

Myrtle leaves are quite fleshy and have a leathery, dark green surface. Upon careful examination, you can notice small dark specks in which the content of essential oils is concentrated. On the shoots, the leaves are arranged oppositely, as shown in the photo below. They also have a very pleasant, but less pronounced aroma, which is why they are often used as spices in some countries.

When the myrtle flowers, it produces a fruit that may be dark green or dark blue color. It can also be used as a spice. In fact, the well-known “spicy clove” is the fruit of the myrtle tree. Due to the content of a large number of beneficial essential oils, they are quite useful and popular in the culinary world. A myrtle fruit can contain no more than 7 seeds, which are used to grow the tree at home and in open ground.

There are more than 100 species of myrtle tree, but only one is cultivated at home - it is called the common myrtle, it does not grow more than 60-70 cm in height and is considered quite compact and useful. This and other types of this plant can be seen in the photo below.

Useful properties of myrtle tree

It's no secret that the myrtle tree is both at home and in natural environment It is considered a plant with a number of beneficial properties. For example, the evaporation of its essential oils kills harmful microbes in its environment, making the air cleaner. Some housewives start such a plant in their home, since according to some folk superstitions it is believed that myrtle can bring happiness and peace to the household. But, as you know, there is a share in this common sense. The evaporation of essential oils has a rather beneficial effect on nervous system and in folk medicine these substances are often used as an excellent sedative. The beneficial properties of the myrtle tree do not end there.

Among other things, the myrtle tree at home helps to treat diseases respiratory tract and colds. Many owners of myrtle observe that if you get such a plant, your immunity will increase, and the functions of the reproductive system will improve, it’s not for nothing that it is called sacred tree goddess of love.

Essential oils from the myrtle tree not only act as a sedative, it is often used to treat varicose veins and in dermatology. This even applies to official medicine.

It is also worth saying that a myrtle tree at home can reflect the condition and health of its owner. At the same time, with the help of such a plant you can safely cure depression and get rid of melancholy and sadness once and for all.

Perhaps the phrase “will bring happiness to the house” is confirmed Scientific research, but many of its owners say that this tree is truly unique and mystical. So, some girls, after having found such a living decoration, quickly found their happiness in their personal lives and found peace of mind. Such a tree is also perfect for a family; if there is discord in it, it will bring peace and tranquility to all members of the house and will help all household members become friends.

Growing a myrtle tree at home

There are two ways to grow a myrtle tree at home - cuttings or seeds. Both of these methods are quite effective, but in the first case the myrtle will bloom in the second year, and in the second in the third. In order to grow a tree from seeds, they must be collected from soft fruits, when they are full and become lilac color. The berry sits directly in the ground and is watered. After 1-2 weeks, green shoots form from the seeds. Growing is a long process; you can buy ready-made cuttings.

As for propagation using cuttings, growing a myrtle tree at home will not be difficult. To do this, take a woody cutting, soak it in any root-forming solution and plant it in citrus soil. After this, the future plant is covered clear glass or cling film to create a greenhouse effect.

In order to grow a healthy myrtle tree, you need to feed it. To do this, complex fertilizers are used once or twice a month, as well as every week in spring and summer (during the active growing season).

In addition, to form a beautiful and neat shape, the tree must be shaped. This is done periodically - new shoots are removed. This is the only way to get a tree, otherwise it will be a shrub that is found in its natural habitat.

Crown formation is also beneficial for plant growth. With its help you can grow a beautiful, neat tree with lush flowering. Flowers and leaves will form on new shoots, thereby creating a rather impressive crown.

The enemies of the myrtle tree, even at home, are aphids, spider mites and scale insects. Special insecticides are used against them, one of which can be a soap solution. Chemicals use is strictly prohibited.

Caring for myrtle at home and replanting it

At home, myrtle should be cared for and cherished, even in winter. This plant definitely deserves a very responsible owner who is able to create everything for it the necessary conditions. So that our readers can become such, let's learn the basic rules for caring for myrtle trees at home, and also look at the photos beautiful plants, which you can easily grow for yourself.

First of all, it’s worth talking about temperature and humidity. Since the myrtle tree comes from tropical zones, it simply needs its own microclimate. That is why it is recommended to spray it with soft water from a spray bottle, especially if there are hot radiators and stale air in the apartment. The temperature in this microclimate should be between 18 and 23 degrees during the period of active growth. Only if such a balance is maintained, a tree can please with beautiful lush flowering.

Myrtle - pretty light-loving plant, but you shouldn’t spoil it with direct sunlight, especially if the thermometer outside shows more than 30 degrees. If the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, then the myrtle tree can be taken out to Fresh air- this will contribute to stronger shoot growth and abundant flowering. It is especially good if you take myrtle out to the terrace, garden or put it on the balcony after rain, so it can be pleased with sufficient humidity in the air.

In the spring, it is necessary to prune new shoots of the plant and replant it, but not more than once every two years. Replanting it gives rise to new roots and shoots.

Winter time is peace for the myrtle tree. The best climate for him during this period will be bright room with a temperature of no more than 8 degrees. If leaves suddenly begin to fall off, this indicates that the temperature is high. If there is no way to reduce it, you don’t have to worry, new leaves will grow in the spring.

Covered in legends and traditions - that’s what you can say about beautiful myrtle, this plant was noticed by people in ancient times. For the ancient Romans, myrtle symbolized eternal love and marriage, among the Jews - peace, among the Egyptians - joy, among the Chinese - fame and success, in Europe the plant represents innocence and youth. And in Greece there is still a custom: when passing by a plant, pick a twig or leaf for a happy and long life. myrtle tree has earned such fame not only due to its beauty, although the slender trunk crowned with a magnificent crown is very elegant, but also due to its useful properties. Flower growers claim that in a house where there is this plant, people get colds less often and do not suffer from allergies. Growing the legendary myrtle at home is not so easy; to do this you need to know the specifics of care.

Description and origin

The legendary myrtle is common in regions where human civilization began. Perhaps this is why so many myths and legends are associated with this plant.

Its homeland is northern Africa, southern Europe and central Asia. Myrtle groves grow along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; later, the tree's closest relatives were discovered in Central America and on the Atlantic islands. There are about fifty species in the plant genus. Some of them have been almost completely exterminated and are under protection.

The tree is called the tree of paradise, or Adam's tree. According to legend, Adam, leaving Eden, grabbed a myrtle branch as a reminder of carefree times and hope for the creation of Paradise on a sinful earth. Myrtle in its natural environment is evergreen tree

up to 5 meters in height or shrub with a branched crown. The leaves, elongated, small and harsh, and the flowers, white or pink, are rich in essential oils. They, as well as dark blue fruits, have long been used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Its wood is considered the best fuel for a smokehouse; dishes cooked in it have an exquisite taste.

The plant has been known in home floriculture for almost half a thousand years. Indoor trees usually do not grow higher than a meter. They have an even stem and branches covered with bark. The glossy, leathery and small (1 to 5 cm) leaves smell pleasant when crushed. Plants bloom from the age of five. In spring, fragrant white or cream flowers with recurved delicate petals

. And the middle fluffs up with needles of long stamens. There are so many of them that the inflorescence resembles a hemisphere. If you successfully pollinate myrtle, berries will form that are black with a bluish tinge. No consensus about the origin of the name of the plant. He is associated with Greek name nymph Myrsin, according to myth, after her death at the hands of Athena, myrtle appeared. And with Latin language

Indoor myrtle is as elegant as its tall relative. It is perfect for landscaping any interior. However, this plant still cannot be called popular. In winter gardens and greenhouses, myrtle is a frequent resident. But you rarely see it in houses and apartments. Flower growers fear that they will not be able to cope with growing the Mediterranean beauty. Their fears are not unfounded. Flower does not apply to very light crops.

This tree will require attention and care. It needs a lot of light and humidity all year round, coolness in winter, its thick crown needs to be trimmed. But he loves this procedure. The tree produces charming, complex bonsai trees.

Even an ordinary, no-frills myrtle tree attracts the eye. And if it’s also blooming, you won’t be able to take your eyes off it. It’s not difficult to make friends with a plant if you know its habits. Plus, growing a whimsical symbol of peace and love is sure to bring the family together.

A sprig of this plant is a must-have in a bride’s bouquet or wreath at weddings in Germany, Great Britain and the Baltic countries. It is believed that the plant preserves love and family happiness.

Video: beneficial properties of myrtle

Types and varieties of house plants

Despite the diversity of the myrtle family, only the species communis (ordinary), its subspecies and varieties have taken root at home. They differ in size, shape, color of leaves and flowers, as well as size. Let's tell you more about the most famous indoor species.

  1. Common myrtle (communis) grows best indoors. In nature, this is a tree or shrub no higher than 4 meters. At home, his height usually does not exceed a meter. The leaves of the plant have the shape of an elongated oval, 4–5 cm long, they are bright green, hard and shiny. Small white flowers smell pleasant.
  2. Swamp myrtle (its popular name is Cassandra) is a meter-high shrub with straight shoots and a spreading crown. Leaves are on short petioles, up to 4 cm long. White or cream flowers are located in clusters at the ends of the branches. This plant, evergreen in the southern regions, has adapted to frost and become deciduous in temperate climates. As an indoor culture it is rare.
  3. Hymen myrtle is a variety of common myrtle. This is a bush or tree about a meter tall. The leaves are bright green and small. The flowers are single, about 2 cm. The petals are snow-white, long golden stamens fill the entire center. At home, it is easily pollinated and sets fruit. The blue-black berries, like the flowers, are fragrant. Myrtle, named after the god of family ties - Hymen, is considered a symbol of fidelity and youth; it is also called the happiness of the bride.
  4. Large-leaved myrtle has tetrahedral shoots and oval-pointed rather large (5–7 cm) leaves. On long stalks there are white flowers equipped with yellow-golden stamens. This variety is famous for its more pronounced medicinal properties.
  5. Myrtle Alhambra is a variety with leathery oval leaves. The flowers are very fragrant, the fruits are of an unusual greenish-white color and elongated shape, with a pleasant smell. In the south it is cultivated as a garden plant; in temperate latitudes it grows indoors.
  6. Myrtle Tarentina is a dwarf bushy form. Is different rapid growth. The leaves are no more than one and a half centimeters. The flowering is very abundant and fragrant. A variegated variety has been developed - Tarentina Variegata. And the Granada variety has cream-colored fruits.
  7. Lemon myrtle - rare in indoor floriculture plant. Its leaves and yellowish inflorescences smell like lemon. Essential oil is obtained from this myrtle and syrups are made. Dried leaves and flowers are used as spices.
  8. Myrtle common variety Flora Pleno is distinguished by rather large pointed leaves and double snow-white flowers.
  9. Myrtle variegata is a tree with oval-elongated leaves of variegated color. They are yellow- and white-green, with colored stripes or edges. The flowers of this myrtle are white or light beige shade, with a characteristic aroma.
  10. Microphylla is a dwarf, slow-growing variety of myrtle. The tree usually grows no more than 60 cm. It has very small (up to 1 cm) leaves and miniature single flowers. Thanks to its compact size and dense microphylla crown, it is easy to form an indoor bonsai.
  11. There is a variegated (variegated) form of myrtle microphylla. The tiny leaves are colored white and green.
  12. Boethica is another variety of myrtle that is most suitable for creating bonsai. It's flexible and slow developing plant. The stem can be easily given an original twisting shape. The leaves of this myrtle are quite large and more delicate compared to other varieties.

Myrtle highlights a large number of useful phytoncides that destroy pathogens, including pathogens of acute respiratory diseases. It also fights allergies.

One of the first skin toners contained myrtle oil. Ancient Greek and Roman women made a cleanser from the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Large-leaved, small-leaved, variegated, dwarf, ordinary and others in the photo

The Alhambra myrtle has very fragrant flowers, and the fruits are greenish-white in color. The swamp myrtle with flower clusters. The boetic myrtle is a flexible and slowly growing tree. The variegata myrtle has oval-elongated leaves of variegated color. The large-leaved species has the largest leaves. Lemon myrtle is rarely grown in indoor floriculture. The variegated myrtle. forms of myrtle microphylla dense and variegated crown Microphylla - dwarf slow-growing variety of myrtle
Hymen myrtle is distinguished by flowers with many golden stamens Common myrtle (communis) is well adapted to home conditions Tarentina myrtle grows quickly Myrtle Flore Pleno with double snow-white flowers

Video: getting to know the culture

Conditions for indoor myrtle (table)

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
SpringBright light, some direct sun will be helpful. Any side except the north is suitable for placing myrtle. When there is a lack of lighting, it does not bloom, and the leaves become smaller.High, 60–70%.
  1. Spray the leaves frequently. During flowering, be careful not to let water get on the buds and flowers.
  2. Arrange the myrtle shower, but be sure to cover the soil with film to avoid waterlogging.
  3. Place the pot with the plant in damp peat or moss, on a tray with pebbles, expanded clay and water the filler (the bottom of the pot should be above the water).
  4. Place wide containers of water, an aquarium, an electric humidifier or an indoor fountain nearby.
Moderate, about 20 degrees. Myrtle loves fresh air, ventilate the room.
SummerOn a very hot afternoon, be sure to shade indoor myrtle, especially young plants.Moderate, better up to 25 degrees, maximum 27.
In the summer, place a pot of myrtle on the balcony or in the garden. Fresh air stimulates flowering.
AutumnIf there is not enough light, add artificial lighting.
With short daylight hours, myrtle may shed its leaves.
Moderate, 50–60%, when kept cold.
High, 60–70%, in a warm (+20) room.
Humidify the air in all available ways.
Do not place the plant near heating devices.
Moderate, 20–25 degrees.
Gradually lower it. Bring the plant home from the street.
WinterThe temperature is cool plus 12–15 degrees. Myrtle cannot tolerate temperatures below +6 degrees.
At high temperatures, myrtle may begin to defoliate.
Keep away from cold drafts.

Video: the effect of lighting on the crown

Planting and replanting from a pot

Young bushes, until they are three years old, are replanted every spring, gradually increasing the size of the pot. Adult specimens do not grow quickly at all. And they need a transplant about once every 4 years or less. The plant should not change the pot if the roots have not occupied all the soil.

For good development, myrtle will need light, loose, moderately nutritious soil. Good drainage is very important - fine expanded clay, perlite, brick or ceramic chips.

Soil mixture options:

  • ready-made universal soil for indoor plants with the addition of coarse sand or chopped moss;
  • turf soil, peat, humus and sand in equal parts;
  • two parts each of leaf and peat soil plus one part each of turf soil and sand.

You need a pot approximately the same in height and width, always with large drainage holes. The exception is the trees from which bonsai are formed; they will require a special low container. Myrtle grows well in plastic pots. But it looks more organic in ceramic ones. In addition, ceramics are heavier and more stable, which is important when the tree is tall. If you want to make the tree bloom, do not choose a pot for growth; it should be a little cramped.

Replanting myrtle

  1. Let's prepare the pot, soil and drainage, and sterilize everything.
  2. We place a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, and a little soil substrate on top.
  3. Do not water the plant the day before so that the earthen ball dries out a little; this makes it easier to remove it from the old pot.
  4. Carefully remove the myrtle from the old container.
  5. We examine the roots. We remove the rotten ones. Carefully remove several outer roots from the soil.
  6. For better adaptation in a new pot, the roots can be treated with a stimulator (kornevin).
  7. We install the flower in a new pot, straighten the freed roots.
  8. Carefully fill the space between the earthen lump and the walls of the pot, shaking it.
  9. We compact the soil with our fingers, being careful not to damage the roots.
  10. We water the tree generously and spray its crown. Humid air will help you adapt faster.
  11. We keep the transplanted myrtle in partial shade for about a week or, if necessary, longer. Then we put it on permanent place and take care of it as usual.

Video: how to replant myrtle


As already mentioned, myrtle is not the easiest plant to care for. He needs high humidity air, well-regulated watering and coolness during the rest period. The myrtle reacts to the gardener’s mistakes by dropping its foliage. But it must be said that the tree is still tenacious.

Sometimes a completely “bald” myrtle could be brought back to life.

Watering and fertilizing Myrtle is very sensitive to soil moisture. It does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots; the water must be drained from the pan. And the tree of paradise does not tolerate drying out of the soil at all.

A dry earthen lump leads to yellowing of leaves, wilting and leaf fall. Therefore, when watering, follow the rule: regularly, but little by little. Be sure to use only soft water. Check the soil in your myrtle pot frequently. As soon as it dries surface layer

, moisten it. In spring and summer, myrtle should receive water on demand; in autumn and winter (if the temperature is low), the interval between waterings must be increased. During spring growth and preparation for flowering, myrtle will appreciate moderate feeding. He will like mineral complexes for flowering plants

. Apply them to watered soil once every 2-3 weeks. During the dormant period, fertilizing is excluded.

Time to bloom and collect seeds

Indoor myrtle does not always give flowers to its owner. But if the plant likes the care, it blooms in the summer. This is a bright and fragrant phenomenon. The dense green crown of myrtle is abundantly strewn with white fragrant flowers. They usually appear at the "top" of the tree because the top gets the best light.

  • In order for the myrtle flowering time to come, a number of conditions must be met:
  • cool winter dormancy with limited watering;
  • abundant lighting all year round;
  • with the arrival of heat (spring and summer) - fresh air;
  • a cramped pot;

early pruning at the end of winter, young shoots cannot be removed, it is on them that buds form.

Flowering house myrtle is very susceptible to pollination. When a tree stands in the fresh air, it will certainly attract pollinating insects. And if kept indoors, become a bee yourself. Use a regular paint brush to brush over the flowers, transferring the pollen. After some time, fruit ovaries will appear on the myrtle (they are edible).

In indoor conditions, the berries ripen successfully, and from the seeds you can grow new trees for good luck. The temperature will have to be lowered to +12–15 degrees. It can be lower, but not less than +6. In warm regions, myrtle can easily overwinter on a glazed balcony.

In southern latitudes, myrtle is left to winter on a protected veranda or loggia, at temperatures of +6 degrees and above. In order for myrtle to comfortably survive the winter, it is necessary to insulate the roots. Lay foam plastic under the container with the plant, mulch the top of the soil with peat or sawdust. And wrap the pot itself with foam rubber, batting or other insulation.

IN northern regions more difficult to create optimal conditions. You can place myrtle almost close to a cold window glass and separate it from the rest of the room with a screen to keep it cool. When kept cold, a moderate level of air humidity is sufficient. It is necessary to cancel water procedures.

But you can and should spray myrtle foliage if the temperature is about +18–20 and above. Otherwise, dry air and heat will lead to leaf fall. Most likely, in the summer the myrtle will again grow a thick green crown. But after warm winter it is unlikely to bloom.

It doesn't matter what temperature your myrtle overwinters at. Even during dormancy, it should receive a lot of light, even in excess, especially variegated varieties. The southern plant does not like short daylight hours; help it by adding artificial lighting. But ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable for this. Install special phytolamps, gas-discharge or fluorescent lamps. LED lamps have the most effective effect on plants.

Crown formation

The crown of myrtle will be thicker and prettier if it is regularly shaped. This plant responds very well to pruning. And a skilled hairdresser will give the green hairstyle any shape. You just need to take into account that the procedure should be carried out at the end of winter, so that young shoots will grow by the time of flowering. Or in the fall after flowering and before winter rest.

In summer, it is enough to pinch the tips of the shoots to form side branches.

From myrtle you can grow a spherical (or other shaped) bush, and also form standard tree. In the first case, you need to leave the side branches at the bottom of the trunk, only shortening them by pinching them. In the second, gradually expose the bottom of the stem, creating a fluffy hat at the top.

We create bonsai

Slow-growing myrtles (such as microphylla and Boethica) - best material for the formation of bonsai. But growing a tree with original outlines will require patience and several years of work. Please note that to create a bonsai you need adult plants, at least three years old.

To grow a mini-tree, you will need not an ordinary pot, but a special low ceramic container. The soil should have a high sand content. So that myrtle grows very slowly, but constantly.

The plant will have to be replanted more often, once every year or two. Each time you replant, the roots must be shortened by half. For formation, a special copper wire. It cannot be used on young shoots or left on the tree for more than six months.

How to shape a bonsai

  1. Wrap the wire in a spiral around the trunk and adult branches.
  2. Give the stem the required shape by carefully bending it along with the wire.
  3. Leave the myrtle wrapped in wire for several months; the younger the plant, the shorter this period (the longest is 6 months).
  4. Water the tree regularly and spray it daily.
  5. After 2–6 months, remove the wire by cutting it in several places.
  6. Let the myrtle rest, and then repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired shape.

Bonsai plants are more heat-loving; they must be kept at a temperature of at least + 17 degrees, even in winter. There should be a lot of light, but without direct sun. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to feed myrtle bonsai organic fertilizer, which slowly decomposes.

Care errors (table)

Manifestation Cause Elimination
Myrtle leaves dry out and curl.There is not enough moisture in the soil and air.
  1. Adjust the watering mode.
  2. Spray the plant and humidify the air in other ways.
The ends of the shoots turn black and dry, the leaves fall off.Too high temperatures and dry air in winter.
Or is it root rot due to waterlogging of the soil (see the following table for information on how to deal with it).
During warm wintering, provide myrtle with high humidity.
The shoots become too elongated and the leaves lose color.There is not enough lighting.Place the plant in a brighter place and turn on artificial lighting in autumn and winter.
The leaves turn pale and curl up.Excess sun.In hot weather, shade myrtle from the midday sun.

Resuscitation of dried myrtle

The drying out of the earthen coma at the roots of the world leads first to leaf fall, and then, if measures are not taken, to the death of the plant. But even lifeless, at first glance, myrtle can be reanimated.

  1. Continue to water and mist the plant moderately.
  2. If root system is still alive, after two weeks the axillary buds on the side shoots will begin to wake up.
  3. The upper branches that are no longer awakening should be pruned to help the myrtle regain its strength.
  4. New leaves and twigs grow slowly. After 2–3 months or later, a renewed bush will form.

Video: caring for a myrtle tree

Diseases and pests of myrtle

MealybugWhite, sticky fluff on the leaves. They turn yellow and die.
  1. Remove insects by hand.
  2. Spray the plant with a solution of insecticide or alcohol.

Myrtle propagation

The ancient Greeks planted entire myrtle groves around temples. To enjoy the blossoms and aroma of the tree of paradise. You can also grow a myrtle grove at home. Moreover, one plant will be enough to start with. Myrtle can be grown well from cuttings and propagated by seeds.


It is better to propagate myrtle from stem cuttings in the summer, when the plant is full of vigor. In addition, rooting requires a fairly high temperature.

  1. Take semi-barked cuttings (7–10 cm) from the side shoots of myrtle.
  2. Remove the lower leaves, treat the cut with a stimulant (kornevin, epin, heteroauxin)
  3. Prepare a greenhouse or small separate containers, fill them with a mixture of peat and sand, and moisten them. Plant the cuttings in the substrate.
  4. Cover the seedlings with a transparent lid, bag or something else.
  5. Place in a warm (+25) and bright place. If you carry out cuttings in winter, provide lighting.
  6. Ventilate and moisten the seedlings.
  7. It will take about a month for roots to form.
  8. When the young myrtle grows 4-5 leaves, replant it in regular soil and a permanent pot.

Video: how to grow myrtle from cuttings


Flower growers often complain that purchased myrtle seeds have low germination rates. Perhaps the problem is with the shelf life. At the same time, myrtle is successfully propagated by seeds obtained from a domestic plant.

Myrtus, or myrtle, is an elegant evergreen shrub from the large myrtle family, growing in the warm countries of the Mediterranean, southern Europe and North Africa.

Since ancient times, the plant has enjoyed great love and respect from people. But the shrub gained its popularity not only due to its beauty, but also to its numerous healing properties. It is no coincidence that the name “myrtle” translated from ancient Greek means “balm” - all its parts exude a pleasant aroma.

People have long used leaves and branches in perfume industry to obtain essential oil. In cooking, finely chopped fresh or dried leaves are used to add a piquant aroma to dishes. Doctors recommend having a myrtle tree to get rid of insomnia and nervous diseases. And the phytoncides contained in the leaves will purify the air in the room and help in the fight against colds.

Myrtle is shrouded in many myths and legends. Written references to it go back to biblical times: the Talmud says that a person who sees a myrtle tree in a dream will soon become rich. The Bible says that the festive decoration of the temples consisted of myrtle branches. Wreaths and bouquets of myrtle were indispensable attributes of Christian holidays.

The Arabs considered it one of the plants of the Garden of Eden - on the day of expulsion from paradise, Adam managed to carry away a twig, from which the first myrtle tree on earth later grew.

The peoples of the Mediterranean basin revered the bush as a symbol of eternal youth and unfading beauty, they believed sacred plant Aphrodite. Entire myrtle groves were planted around the temples dedicated to the goddess of love. Wreaths of myrtle branches crowned the heads of the winners and served as decoration for the bride.

The custom of giving a myrtle tree for a wedding or other celebration migrated to the northern countries. Weaving flowering shoots into the wedding decorations of young girls was considered a lucky omen among the Baltic peoples, as well as in England and the Scandinavian countries. To do this, they carefully grew myrtle from a seed if a daughter was born in the family.

Greek and Roman women resorted to the help of the plant, dreaming of preserving the blooming appearance. Ancient women of fashion washed their faces with water infused with myrtle leaves. There is an old Mediterranean legend about the insidious beauty Alcina, who lured men and turned them into myrtle bushes, so that she could then wash herself with a fragrant infusion and be famous for her unfading beauty.

As a decorative and garden plant the shrub has been known for thousands of years. Myrtle is quite thermophilic and therefore does not tolerate the harsh climate of temperate latitudes. But it can be grown indoors. The plant prefers sunny windows southern exposure, regular watering, spraying, and during wintering - cool rooms. In summer it can be placed outside. Myrtle tolerates pruning well and lends itself to crown molding.

At good care In just a couple of years, myrtle will delight its owner with delicate white flowers that completely cover the tree in the summer months. Blue-black berries appear on the branches in autumn and give the plant a decorative appearance.

Date: 2013-02-21 | Views: 7069

People have long attributed miraculous properties to plants, endowed them with magical powers and even deified them. Today all this is quite explainable by scientifically proven facts, indeed unusual properties flora that can both heal and kill. However, the floral symbolism still remains a mystery. All this goes so deeply into antiquity that modern researchers can only make assumptions, or unconditionally trust the legends.

Here, for example, is a myrtle tree. Why is this evergreen shrub considered a symbol of purity? Why did Adam choose him, who brought him from Paradise? What is this wonderful plant that has become popular? indoor flower? And how to keep this native of Eden at home, providing him with competent care and comfortable conditions? Let's try to figure it out.

Historical reference

As one of the legends (Arabic) says, myrtle came to us straight from Paradise. The exiled Adam brought it with him to the sinful earth, as a kind of souvenir that would allow him to remember a carefree life and heaven. That is why myrtle has become a symbol not only of heavenly happiness, but also of hope (for a return to blessed times?).

According to Jewish legend, Zechariah, who appeared in a myrtle bush, announced the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. Hence another symbolism of myrtle - the emblem of peace. Among the ancient Greeks, myrtle was considered the flower of Aphrodite and symbolized beauty and youth. And in Ancient Egypt Myrtle was associated with the afterlife or life after death, since according to one legend it grew from the body of a young murdered woman. That is, she was reborn in the myrtle tree. By the way, in ancient times, graves were decorated with myrtle branches, which is where the tradition of laying mourning wreaths and garlands originated.

Do you remember the legend about the apple of discord? So Paris, who gave Venus the apple (“crown” of the beauty queen), was allegedly seduced not by the beauty of Venus herself, but by the beauty of the myrtle wreath that adorned the contestant’s head. And the head of the god of marriage, Hymen, was decorated with the same wreath. Well, love, marriage, myrtle and, as a result, a new symbol (of love and marriage). However, symbolism is symbolism, and myrtle trees are grown in homes more for aesthetic reasons than as talismans. This evergreen shrub is so beautiful, as if it really decorated the Garden of Eden. What was it really like?

Botanical certificate

Myrtle is a whole genus of evergreen woody plants of a subtropical climate. Myrtle is notable for the fact that its leaves contain essential oils and smell no less than the flowers. And the blooming myrtle is not only a beautiful phenomenon, but also fragrant. This is probably why myrtle groves are associated with paradise. Essential oils of the myrtle tree have long been used to make incense. And the buds of the clove tree (one of the varieties of myrtle) are still used as the most famous spice - cloves.

An indoor myrtle tree or bush is the common myrtle or compact myrtle. No other species of myrtle has been “domesticated” by humans. Common myrtle is an evergreen shrub with a woody stem that can be shaped and grown into a small tree. home tree Myrtle never grows higher than two meters, but blooms and begins to bear fruit after the third year of life. The leaves of the common myrtle are ovate, dark green and shiny, about five centimeters in size. The flowers are small, fluffy, white or pinkish. Compact myrtle is distinguished by its miniature size and narrower leaves, as well as black decorative berries appearing on the plant after flowering.

The myrtle tree is a long-lived plant among indoor flowers, which has not yet fully adapted to living in a confined space. Therefore, indoor myrtle requires special care. And although in general myrtle is considered an unpretentious plant, you still need to know the intricacies of its cultivation.

Myrtle tree care

So, you have a myrtle tree - how to care for it so that it not only easily survives relocation, but also continues to grow in your home, so that it is spared diseases and is not tormented by pests? The special care is explained by the origin of this plant. Since myrtle comes from the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, for it to successfully live in the room you need to create a similar microclimate. The main thing myrtle needs is high humidity. Therefore, the tree needs not only to be watered regularly and well, but also to be sprayed periodically. Water the myrtle bush only with soft, well-settled water.

In the warm season, for a comfortable existence, myrtle needs to be provided with temperature regime within 18-23 degrees. At this time, the main care is to maintain temperature and light mode, so the tree needs bright lighting at this time. If it is possible to move a pot with a tree into fresh air, then put it on the balcony or even move it to the garden for the summer - but outdoors the myrtle tree literally comes to life and feels great. Myrtle easily tolerates straight Sun rays, but needs shading in particularly hot weather.

The myrtle tree should be watered so that the soil in the pot always remains slightly moist. At the same time, under no circumstances should stagnation of water be allowed, which will cause root rot and death of the plant. In addition, pests (scale insects and whiteflies) easily infest and multiply in waterlogged soil. Therefore, it is better to water the myrtle tree often and regularly, but not abundantly. Better yet, arrange drainage from porous pebbles in the tray of the pot.

IN winter time It is advisable to move the plant to a cool place. If the temperature in the room is too high, the tree will begin to shed its leaves. However, experienced flower growers claim that with the onset of spring, myrtle quickly comes into shape, knocking out new buds and restoring the crown. So maintaining the desired temperature, regular watering and spraying constitute the main care for this plant. But care does not come down to this alone.

Like any long-lived plants, myrtle requires periodic replanting. It is best to do this once a year with the onset of spring, choosing soil with neutral acidity for the tree. More frequent replanting (two to three times a year) may be necessary only during the initial period of tree development. If you are forming the crown of a tree, then it is advisable to carry out pruning during this period. However, additional pruning during the summer will not harm the myrtle. Pruning will not only give the crown the desired shape, but will also make it thicker.

Propagating myrtle at home is a literally elementary process. It can be propagated by ordinary cuttings, using green cuttings as planting material. It is especially convenient to do this after pruning, choosing the strongest and healthiest specimens. The cuttings are placed in a glass of water or placed in wet sand. Cuttings take root quite easily, but for a long time - within two to three months.

Incorrect care of myrtle - waterlogging or drying out of the soil, as well as too frequent feeding. This plant needs to be fertilized no more than twice a year. It is advisable to do the first feeding in the spring with the beginning of active growth of shoots, and the second time feeding the myrtle is necessary during the budding period. And here foliar feeding(spraying) myrtle will not harm. So use any complex fertilizer for this, spraying about once every ten days.

Properties of myrtle tree

Myrtle leaves release essential oils all year round and therefore constantly retain their healing power. What are the properties of the myrtle tree?

Firstly, myrtle is able to disinfect indoor air, destroying harmful microorganisms. This is the main bactericidal property of the myrtle tree.

Secondly, myrtle essential oils have a rejuvenating effect and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and the functioning of the heart.

Thirdly, this plant can improve mood and stabilize the emotional background.

Myrtle is also considered a kind of indicator of family relationships. They say that this plant does not take root in a house where there is frequent quarrel.

You can prepare a healing tincture from myrtle leaves and take it for infections and inflammations, and also use it instead of brilliant green and iodine. Myrtle flowers and leaves can be added to tea, and you can simply inhale the aroma of this amazing indoor tree very useful and pleasant. This is such an extraordinary and legendary plant: myrtle - the tree of paradise.

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Evergreen woody plant Myrtle belongs to the Myrtaceae family. In nature, these are trees or shrubs that can reach three meters in height. Indoor plant Myrtle at home is a bush with a round crown no more than one meter high. The plant has long been considered a symbol of hope, peace and glory. Our ancestors used myrtle flowers for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Preparations made from them are still popular today. Lovers of indoor plants willingly grow beautiful trees in their homes. Knowing how to care for myrtle correctly, you can get a plant of optimal shape that will decorate your home with its small leathery leaves and simple or double fragrant flowers.

The tree at home grows in height from 30 to 60 cm. It has elongated, small, leathery leaves that appear polished. The leaves have a pointed apex and grow on short petioles. In summer, clusters of simple or double flowers, or single flowers, form in the leaf axils. After flowering, the plant ripens fruits, which are a drupe berry or a nut.

In indoor floriculture, the common myrtle (communis) is most often grown, the care of which we will discuss in detail in our article.

The ordinary world - care at home

Myrtle communis (common) is a small tree with a short branched trunk. It has red-brown bark, leathery, glossy, oval-lanceolate green leaves and white or pale pink flowers. Stamens protrude from the middle of the flower. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma. It blooms throughout the summer, after which red-black berries form on the tree.

Myrtle is recommended to be grown on windows on the western and eastern sides. On southern windowsills in the summer it will need to be shaded, for which it can be used tulle curtain. When grown on northern windowsills, flowering will be sparse.

Air temperature. Indoor myrtle does not like heat and grows well at air temperatures within +18...+20 degrees. It is recommended to ventilate the room regularly. In winter, the plant needs to be provided with cool conditions with an air temperature of +5 to +10 degrees. At higher temperatures in winter, the flower may shed its leaves.

Air humidity. Myrtle needs high air humidity, so in spring and summer its leaves must be regularly sprayed with settled water. room temperature. In winter, when indoor temperatures are low, spraying will not be necessary. But, if it is not possible to provide the plant with cool conditions, spraying should be carried out several times a day. Operating heating radiators at home causes the air to become dry, causing leaves to fall from the tree. To avoid this, you need to increase the air humidity around the plant. For this you can use special humidifiers or place the flower pot on a tray with damp expanded clay or moss.

Watering myrtle. Water the tree abundantly in spring and summer, as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, in a cool room, the frequency and abundance of watering decreases. Under no circumstances should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out! Otherwise, the leaves of the indoor plant may fly off and the branches may dry out. If the soil is still dry, place the pot in a container of water for a few minutes. Also, do not allow the soil to be wet all the time. Constant waterlogging of the soil can lead to rotting of the roots. Water for irrigation is used to stand for 24 hours.

Feeding myrtle. From March to August, once a week or two, the flower must be fed with fertilizers for flowering plants. If myrtle is grown as a bonsai and its flowering does not interest you, then fertilizers are used that are intended for decorative deciduous plants.

Rest period. Myrtle definitely needs a period of rest, during which it gains strength to flower and grow foliage. Therefore, in winter the plant is grown in cool rooms for three months. You can place the flower on a closed loggia, where the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. At this time, watering should be sparse, and fertilizing and spraying should be stopped. In a warm room, the dormant period of myrtle lasts about one and a half months.

Pruning myrtle. To give the tree the desired shape, pruning should be included in your myrtle care at home. It can be done in early spring and after flowering. To get a tree, the side shoots are pruned. A bush-shaped plant will be obtained by trimming the upper branches. If you don't trim the myrtle at all, it will take on a pyramidal shape. However, it should be remembered that frequent pinching has a negative effect on the formation of flowers, so it is not recommended to get too carried away with pruning. If flowering is not too important for you, then you can experiment and pinch out the branches. The myrtle houseplant grows quickly, so its appearance can be changed every year.

Transplanting myrtle

Should be transplanted into new soil one to two weeks after purchase. In the future, young plants are replanted every year, and adults - once every two to three years. New pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The substrate can be bought at the store or prepared yourself. The following soil mixtures are suitable:

  1. Sand, peat, turf and humus soil. Everything is taken in equal parts and mixed.
  2. Sand, turf, humus, clay, peat land (1:2:2:2:2).

It is necessary to pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, which is covered with a small layer of nutritious soil. The tree is carefully removed along with a lump of earth from the old pot and placed on a layer of soil in a new container. The roots around and above are covered with soil. There is no need to fill the base of the trunk. Transplanted myrtle must be watered immediately.

Pests and diseases of myrtle


At proper care and keeping the plant in conditions favorable to it, no diseases or pests will affect it.

High temperatures and dry air are favorable conditions for the appearance of scale insects, thrips, spider mites on tree leaves, mealybug, whiteflies. They all feed on the sap of the plant, which is why the leaves begin to dry out, turn yellow and fly off. Treatment with Actellik or Aktara will help get rid of pests. These are insecticidal preparations that should be diluted and used strictly according to the instructions.

This situation may arise if the rules for caring for myrtle at home were not followed. Myrtle leaves dry out for the following reasons:

  1. Irregular watering. If you forget to water a plant and its soil often dries out, then not only the leaves, but also the twigs will begin to dry out.
  2. Low air humidity. In winter, the air temperature for the flower should not exceed +18 degrees. In a room with heating radiators running, the air becomes dry, which is why the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. Spray foliage in a dry and warm room more often and more abundantly. Keep it on a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, but so that the water does not reach the bottom of the pot.

Myrtle leaves are falling

This situation may arise in the following cases:

  • lack of light;
  • high air temperature;
  • the plant is in a draft.

With excessive lighting (in summer on southern windows), the leaves lose their shine, turn yellow and curl. If there is not enough light for the plant, the stems become elongated and the leaves grow pale and small.

As you can see, all problems when growing myrtle at home arise from improper placement of the flower or errors in care. Care for the plant according to all the rules described above, and it will delight you with a beautiful, lush crown and flowering.

Cuttings are the most reliable and The best way myrtle propagation. Its seeds quickly lose their viability, in addition, when seed propagation Flowering will occur only after three years.

Cuttings can be taken from friends after formative pruning of the tree. It is best if they come from the middle or lower part of the crown. Rooting of cuttings should be carried out in January, February and July. For cuttings, semi-lignified shoots of the current year with a length of 8 to 10 cm are selected.

Procedure for rooting cuttings:

  1. The lower leaves are removed from the cut shoot.
  2. The large leaves located at the top are shortened by half, and the small ones - by a third of the length.
  3. The lower cut is treated with a root formation stimulator (Heterauxin or Kornevin).
  4. A wide and low container is prepared.
  5. The soil for rooting should consist of sand and sphagnum (0.5:1) or sand and leaf soil (0,5:1).
  6. The cuttings are placed in moist soil and covered glass jar or other transparent cap.
  7. The containers are placed in a shaded place with an air temperature within +17...+20 degrees.
  8. To prevent the soil from turning sour, the cover must be removed briefly every day.

After about a month, the roots will grow, and the cuttings are planted in separate pots with a diameter of about 7 cm. The same soil mixture is used. Caring for young seedlings involves regularly moistening the soil and spraying the foliage. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

When the cuttings grow up, which will happen in about a year, the plants are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be 9 cm. Rooted and grown bushes should be cared for in the same way as adult trees.

Properties of myrtle

The plant has healing properties, since its fruits and young shoots contain active substances and essential oils with antibacterial effects. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the tree in children's rooms and bedrooms, where it will clear the air of bacteria and germs, protect health, and help cope with the flu and acute respiratory infections.

Myrtle tinctures help treat cough, purulent otitis, staphylococcal infections, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and diabetes.

Myrtle - signs

IN different countries to cultivation indoor myrtle are treated differently.

In Europe, they believe that wood brings love and peace to the home. But this is possible if the bush was planted by the owner of the house and all family members are proud of their beautiful pet. Myrtle is carefully looked after so that the flower does not die. Otherwise, along with dead tree luck will leave the house.

Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, because according to their superstitions, it is believed that this plant dooms young girls and boys to loneliness.