Minister of Natural Resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Vavilova. Where do the firewood come from? What is the regional Minister of Natural Resources accused of? Work experience in specialty

Minister of Natural Resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Vavilova. Where do the firewood come from? What is the regional Minister of Natural Resources accused of? Work experience in specialty

Articles on the problems of theory and methodology of physical education and sports training, history, philosophy and sociology of sports, management, marketing and economics of physical culture and sports, sports pedagogy, psychology, medicine, physiology, morphology, biomechanics.

Archive of scientific articles from the journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture”



    The sports team of students of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (founded in 1899) takes a special place in the historical chronicle of formation and development of university sport in Russia. The purpose of the present study was to summarize the experience of many years of practice of organizing student public sports organizations of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. The study revealed the major organizational features of the origin and development of university sport in St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. The potential of actualization of the matter of interest is related to self-organization and amateur activities of young people in the framework of the first university sports club of the institute, which became a model for similar activities in other universities of the country. Unfortunately, informational materials and statistical indicators of victories and achievements of polytechnic students, forms and trends of development of individual sports, such as mountaineering, handball, athletics, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, chess and others, were not reviewed. Detailed analytical remarks on these aspects of the work are of significant interest, and they are constantly brought to the notice of the sports community.


    ZHOVAN G.F., RUMBA O.G. - 2015

    The paper presents the findings of the studies dedicated to estimation of adaptive reactions of the hemostatic system to physical exercise, conducted in the Applied Research Center of Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle at Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsev"ev. The study involved students of the Faculty of Physical Culture. The effect of one-time physical load on the activity of lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes, fibrinolytic and adsorptive abilities of the latter was studied before and after a 20-minute high intensity cycle ergometry exercise. Two types of response of red blood cells to physical activity were detected. The first one was characterized by the increased concentration of plasminogen activators in red blood cells and active plasmin with an adequate decrease in the concentration of profibrinolysin. of response was presented by the lack of response of activation of fibrinolytic activity with a tendency to increase of the antiplasmin concentration. The findings confirmed the assumption that primary changes in a state of immediate adaptation occur at the level of cell membranes, including by the modification of the lipid bilayer structure at changes in lipid peroxidation processes. A linear correlation was traced between the changes in the fibrinolytic activity of erythrocytes during physical exercise and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in erythrocytes. The fibrinolytic activity of red blood cells increases with a decrease in the malondialdehyde level in them.



    Development of sports science in Russian universities is directed overcoming the depressive inertia by forming innovative clusters (Engl. Cluster - aggregate, union), focused on increasing of the intellectual potential of universities. The trajectory of the cluster project is created in the context of global trends: the permanence of development, structure, irreversibility and scale invariance of the processes that help predict the dynamics of creation of a cluster in the stochastic field of its possible states. Expected technological breakthrough and increase of competitiveness of university research is due to the capitalization of all types of resources: financial, human, information, targeted towards the project implementation. In connection with this, the strategic objective is to create modern industrial parks on the basis of interaction between educational institutions of higher professional education, research institutes, research and educational centers, design organizations and laboratories operating in the departments. Obviously, the solution of the problem, that has been discussed above, meets modern challenges of increasing competitive relations, reducing traditional development resources and forming a common information space. Technological expansion of research and development is paid by the preferences of support at the early stages of research, the transformation of ideas, informatization of research projects and acceleration of the introduction of innovative products into practice. The aim of starting a new project is associated with the strategy of priority development through technical re-equipment, large-scale renovation of fixed assets, structural and technological modernization of university research in general.


    Perevoznikov A.A. - 2015

    The article touches on the issues of the spread of the Olympic movement in Moscow, the formation and activities of the Moscow Olympic Committee in 1913-1914. The role of the Committee and its initiatives related to the development and management of sports in Moscow are analyzed. The activities of the Committee are considered from the angle of the moral principles that formed the basis of sports activities at the beginning of the 20th century. It is noted that the history and activities of the Moscow Olympic Committee have been practically forgotten by sports historians. The authors conclude that from the moment of its creation the committee became the organizer of the sports movement in Moscow. The largest city and all-Russian competitions were held under his patronage. By 1914, the committee united representatives of 9 Moscow city leagues in sports. The committee acted as an intermediary between Moscow sports societies, city sports leagues and the Russian Olympic Committee. Numerous initiatives related to the dissemination and popularization of sports came from the Moscow Committee. Through the activities of the Committee, the principles of Olympism were transmitted, directly related to the moral behavior of athletes.


    PRONIN S.A. - 2015

    Back in 1968, the new leadership of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR began to radically change the entire system of organizing physical culture and sports in the country. At the same time, all the best that existed in this field of activity was preserved and creatively increased. Turn of the 60-70s. XX century was characterized by a sharp increase in results in all sports. This required the formation of an integral system for the reproduction of significant results of scientific activity in the field of physical education and sports. Coordination links between research activities in the organized system began to be created through the holding of specialized conferences. A subordinate role in scientific and technological activities within specific sports was to be played by regularly published specialized scientific and methodological collections of articles. The crown of the entire system was the integrated scientific groups (CSG), which in 1973 were formed under all national teams of the USSR. They began to carry out scientific and technological activities to develop practical recommendations for coaches of national teams of the country. In the 70s The central scientific and technological task of improving the training system for high-class athletes was to “... learn to manage the development of sports form, including all its components.” In turn, this problem could be successfully solved only by controlling the athlete’s training and competitive activities. The actualization of this problem clearly required determining the directions and main forms of control, identifying objective performance indicators and developing rating scales that record significant criteria. The controversial and, in some cases, pioneering nature of the materials published in the magazine allowed us to take a fresh look at many aspects of sports activity and highlight priority approaches to solving the problem of managing the training process, which were directly or indirectly implemented in the training of leading athletes.


    KABACHKOVA A.V. - 2015

    It has been established that the psycho-emotional state (well-being, activity, mood) of first-year students when attending physical education classes during the academic semester is favorable. The results of the SAN questionnaire on the scales “Well-being”, “Activity”, “Mood” at all stages of measurement before and after classes (in the first week of classes, at the end of September, at the end of October, at the end of November) exceed 4 points. At the same time, a statistically significant increase (p≤0.05) was noted in the indicators “Well-being” and “Activity” by the end of the semester by 1 and 1.1 points, respectively. “Mood” after physical education classes at all stages of measurement statistically significantly improves (p≤0.05) by 0.4-0.5-0.6-1.1 points (in the first week of classes, at the end of September, at the end October, at the end of November, respectively). When subjectively assessing their mood after physical education classes on a five-point scale, first-year students characterize it as excellent and good (5 and 4 points, respectively), only 24% (108/467) noted a level of fatigue above average, and 2% (9/467 ) - decreased performance.



    The purpose of the study was to study the adaptive capabilities of young sambo wrestlers (an acyclic sport) based on indicators of the cardiorespiratory system. The heart rate was studied according to the method of R.M. Baevsky (1976). When analyzing and interpreting the results of heart rhythm, the concept of R.M. was taken as a basis. Baevsky about double-circuit regulation of heart rate. Athletes aged 12-14 years old who practice sambo trained 3 times a week for 1.5 hours, with about half an hour devoted to relay races and outdoor games. Starting from the age of 13, the number of training sessions increased to 5 per week, and their duration was 2-2.5 hours. The function of external respiration was studied using the Spiro-Spectrum device from NeuroSoft, a computer and appropriate software. In a longitudinal mode, over two years, 31 young athletes aged 12-14 years were examined on the basis of the Adyghe Republican Children and Youth Specialized School of Olympic Reserve Sambo. The data obtained indicate that the age of 12-14 years is a critical stage of ontogenesis, when some regulatory mechanisms break down and others replace them. Incorrect dosing of the training load leads to the depletion of the body's reserves and low energy capabilities, which is reflected in a slowdown in catabolic processes. This process poses a great risk to the health of young athletes. They need careful monitoring of their functional capabilities and assessment of the adequacy of their reactions to the imposed training and competitive load. The results of the study showed that the adaptive capabilities of the cardiorespiratory system depend on age, the direction of the training process and individual characteristics.


    Khrebtova A.Yu., SHALAMOVA N.A. - 2015

    The work examines the effectiveness of using a compound based on succinic acid to increase the aerobic endurance of highly qualified handball players under mixed loads during the preparatory mesocycle of training. Against the background of the use of 3-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-ethylpyridine succinate (Mexidol) as a pharmacological corrector of metabolic processes, experimental data on the dynamics of some indicators of the functional state of the body, general physical performance and the level of development of special endurance of highly qualified handball players at the stage of the preparatory mesocycle are presented, in which included three training camps (TCC) of different directions. Optimal schemes for administering the test compound have been proposed in order to adapt the body to physical activity and increase the efficiency of aerobic processes of energy supply when performing physical activity in the zone of high (aerobic-anaerobic influences) power and reducing the share of the anaerobic-glycolytic component in the total volume of energy production during the recovery stage of the mesocycle. Basic recommendations for the use of Mexidol at the control, preparatory and pre-competition stages of the annual training cycle have been developed. In addition, an assumption has been made about the advisability of using the drug in order to increase the body’s resistance to hypoxia in mid-altitude conditions and increase adaptive capabilities against the background of anaerobic glycolytic loads. The work also recommends the need for the synergistic use of 3-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-ethylpyridine succinate with groups of metabolic drugs, namely in combination with compounds of malic acid and its derivatives, α-ketoglutaric and fumaric acids.


    The purpose of the study was to substantiate the model and identify the leading factors of successful sports activity. The basis for the integrative activity of the body of middle-distance runners was the modeling of the effective mechanisms of the athletes’ condition. The model is based on the information content of the principal components, analysis of variance, and comparative statistical characteristics with the full and adjusted models. It has been shown that the dominant indicators of the special functional system of the body are indicators: blood flow, energy supply, white blood components, stomach functioning, etc.



    The purpose of the study is to analyze the body composition indicators of combined skiers (7 qualified athletes aged 17-20 years) after training loads of different directions. The microcycle training plan for combined skiers consisted of 6 training days of different content. On Monday and Friday, the combined athletes performed training tasks of a predominantly aerobic nature, aimed at improving the technique of movement with simultaneous one-step and two-step skating moves. On Tuesday and Thursday, the athletes improved their ski jumping technique, mostly in the alactic-anaerobic mode. Training sessions on Wednesday and Saturday were aimed at increasing the level of special physical fitness, primarily in the anaerobic-aerobic mode. The results of the study showed that the greatest impact on the body composition indicators of biathletes is exerted by aerobic training (a significant decrease in results was recorded compared to the initial values ​​in terms of total water content by 1.3 l, intracellular water by 0.9 l, body weight by 1 .4 kg, muscle mass by 0.5 kg, etc.). Changes in body composition indicators of combined athletes after anaerobic-aerobic training loads turned out to be less significant compared to the results recorded after aerobic training sessions, but more significant in comparison with the results obtained after alactic-anaerobic training sessions, as evidenced by a comparison of the results results with other results of the study (a significant decrease in body composition indicators of athletes was registered compared to the initial values ​​in terms of total water content by 0.7 l, intracellular water by 0.5 l, body weight by 0.6 kg, muscle tissue mass by 0 ,3 kg, etc.). Alactate-anaerobic training did not have sufficient impact on the body composition indicators of combined skiers, since the results obtained did not exceed the trends.



    Problems of social, medical, economic, psychological and pedagogical nature related to human disability and processes of their rehabilitation have always been relevant in the society. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of physical working capacity of skilled orienteers with hearing impairments. According to analysis of the dynamics of heart rate and running speed on competitive distances, high performance of orienteers mostly correspond to steadier mean values ​​of pulse and running speed. Pulse curves were rather flat with small fluctuations associated mainly with reaching the checkpoint, registering and leaving it. As revealed in a series of investigations, orienteers with hearing impairments had a fairly high correlation between running speed and heart rate during competitive activity. It is especially evident when passing lowland parts of the distance. An increase in heart rate was observed when dealing with inclines, water-logged grounds and plowed fields. Heart rate decreased when descending, stopping or slowing down while reaching a checkpoint and registering on it. The required level of physical working capacity of skilled orienteers with hearing impairments is ensured by high resource indicators of the oxygen transport system. The indicators of maximum oxygen consumption of the leading Russian orienteers with hearing impairments are at the level of 66-71 and 55-60 ml/min/kg for men and women respectively, the speed at the anaerobic threshold is 4.8-4.9 m/s and 3.9-4.1 m/s for men and women respectively, which is slightly different from the indicators of elite orienteers.



    The purpose of the work is to identify the level of compliance with the regulatory qualification requirements of the professional standard “Coach” for the implementation of training of coaching personnel in the system of higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports. A comparative analysis was carried out according to three generalized and nine labor functions defined by the Professional Standard “Trainer” at the 6th qualification level of a coach, and professional competencies laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of 49.03.01 - “Physical Education” (level - academic bachelor's degree) (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education "FK"), and in the Project of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of 49.03.04 - "Sport" (level - academic bachelor's degree, applied bachelor's degree) (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education "Sport"). The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 49.03.01 - “Physical Culture”, currently implemented in the system of higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, does not meet the specified requirements of the 6th qualification level of the Professional Standard “Coach”. The structure and content of the Draft Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 49.03.04 - “Sport”, in terms of the requirements for the results of mastering undergraduate programs (list of professional competencies) displayed in it, fully comply with the requirements for the professional qualities required at the end specialists for the full implementation of their labor functions given in the Professional Standard “Trainer”.


    ZEBZEEV V.V., ZEKRIN A.F., ZEKRIN F.Kh. - 2015

    The purpose of the study is to identify the anthropometric characteristics of judokas of light, medium and heavy weight groups. The experimental study was carried out in the laboratory of the Federal Training Center (FTP) for winter types of training (ZVS) “Snezhinka”, which is part of the organizational structure of the Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture. The experiment was attended by 30 judokas aged 17-19 years, athletes of the sports club “Judo” in Tchaikovsky, with sports qualifications of the 1st category, CMS and MS. All of them were divided into three groups, 10 people in each: wrestlers of light weight categories - 60, 66 kg (lightweights), judokas of middle weight categories - 73 and 81 kg (middleweights), athletes of heavy weight categories - 90, 100 and over 100 kg (heavyweights). To determine the anthropometric characteristics of judokas of different weight groups, the morphological scanner “BodyScaner” was used, which allows obtaining a three-dimensional model of the athlete’s body. The method we used to assess anthropometric data showed significant advantages in comparison with mechanical methods of body measurement. The results of the study made it possible to identify the anthropometric characteristics of heavyweights (height - 180.6 cm, average neck circumference - 42.5 cm, chest circumference - 112.7 cm, waist circumference - 96.4 cm, hip circumference - 110.3 cm, etc. ), middleweights (height - 173.6 cm, average neck circumference - 36.7 cm, chest circumference - 96 cm, waist circumference - 78.1 cm, hip circumference - 95.7 cm, etc.) and lightweights (height - 164.8 cm, average neck circumference - 36.3 cm, chest circumference - 86.5 cm, waist circumference - 73.3 cm, hip circumference - 89.4 cm, etc.). Thus, as a result of the study, the anthropometric characteristics of judokas of light, medium and heavy weight categories were identified. Information about the body structure of athletes can be used by trainers and teachers when improving the technical and tactical arsenal of their judokas.



    The kinematic structure of leg extension in badminton when performing a forehand smash was studied. A comparative analysis of the sequence of leg extension in the hip, knee and ankle joints was performed, and the time to achieve maximum angular velocities in the joints under study was determined. The sequence of extension in the knee and hip joints when hitting on the spot and in a jump is not the same: when hitting on the spot, the knee joints are first extended, and then the hip joints; when hitting in a jump, pushing off from the support begins with the extension of the hip joints. Similar patterns are also characteristic of achieving maximum angular velocities in the hip and knee joints. When hitting on the spot, the peak angular velocity of extension in the knee joint of the right leg occurs much earlier than in the hip joint; for a jump strike, the maximum angular velocity first occurs in the hip joint and then in the knee. The studied patterns indicate the need for different approaches to teaching and improving these two motor actions in badminton.



    There is a wide variety of shots in basketball, but 70% of all shots in the game are made with one hand from above while jumping (jump shot). Improving this type of throw is important both for professional basketball players and for the successful training of only beginning players (students, schoolchildren), since it affects the psychological aspect of success in the game, and therefore the educational process. At the same time, from the point of view of sports physiology, an unsupported position is a non-standard condition for performing any motor action, and adaptation to it requires a complex multilateral restructuring of the functional systems of the body. The biomechanical features of throwing in an unsupported position by basketball players of various qualifications were studied. The results obtained indicate that changes in the system of movements of highly qualified basketball players provide, first of all, adaptation to an unsupported position, speed-coordinated movement and turn the body hanging in the air into a technical skill. At the same time, the physiological adjustment of the body's systems to an unsupported position during a jump throw is a factor-forming aspect that has a complex negative impact on the success of performing this motor action.



    The results of an analysis of the biomechanical features of walking in patients with cerebral palsy are presented. It has been shown that the main differences in the dynamic gait pattern of children with cerebral palsy are the delay in the forward movement of the central nervous system and the disorganization of movements of the lower extremities in the vertical plane. The predominant flexion-adduction position of the lower extremities during the locomotor cycle, associated with limited movements in the hip joint, is compensated by an increase in body sway, weakening of activity in the posterior push phase and its sharp increase in the fourth phase. In this case, changes in the structure of movement of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs can be considered compensatory. The simultaneous activity of extensor and flexor muscles does not act as an episodic phenomenon, but as the main feature of locomotion control, being both a manifestation of pathological disorders and a compensatory mechanism.


    GERTNER S.V., POPOV A.N. - 2015

    Bionomics is presented as a natural philosophy of the 21st century. Particular attention is paid to its epistemological roots, which are associated with the names of domestic and foreign authors - supporters of the evolutionary approach to the development of self-organizing systems at the micro-, meso- and macro-level. The connection between bionomics and economics is considered in line with the theory of interaction and the theory of community, each of which in its own way focuses on the gene of self-development of physical culture and sports organizations. In order to free ourselves from intellectual “slavery” and the hasty politics it generates, it is proposed to completely break with the two-hundred-year tradition of presenting the economy as a mechanism for maintaining a stable equilibrium. Instead, it is proposed in bionomics to consider the economic system as a developing ecosystem. According to bionomics, like the development of an ecosystem, the growth of a market economy is a spontaneous evolutionary process. Neither of these systems are planned. Neither one nor the other needs centralized control. Both the ecosystem and the economy are examples of what modern science calls “self-organizing chaotic” processes. The authors include the “theory of organizations” among the epistemological roots of bionomics. In accordance with the proposed concept, within its framework, the power distribution of resources, preferences and value guidelines is carried out within certain boundaries (frameworks) of the division of labor. All this, according to the author, is the subject of bionomic research, since it is associated with the activities of a “sports personality” (and above all an entrepreneur, manager). Both of them, as shown in our work, are examples of self-organizing systems.


    Moiseev S.A. - 2015

    The study of the problem of variability in the functioning of various biological systems is one of the most pressing in the field of human physiology. The most appropriate approach is one in which variability is considered not as a random scatter in the functioning of the sensorimotor system, but as part of a nonlinear dynamic system, where variability serves as additional information about its state, i.e. it should be considered as a positive phenomenon that allows the system to adapt to the demands of the motor task. We studied the variability of the external and internal structure of the motor act - archery and its individual phases according to phase, kinematic and electromyographic characteristics. A significantly greater intra-individual variability of kinematic movement parameters was established in comparison with electromyographic ones. The duration of activity of the studied skeletal muscles in their different inclusions varied over a wide range; medium and high levels of variability were noted. Using factor analysis using the principal component method, functionally related muscle synergies were identified, but their assessment from the standpoint of variability in bioelectrical activity parameters turned out to be ambiguous. The data obtained in the work on the magnitude of variability in the parameters of the external and internal structure of a complex precision motor action - archery - expands the understanding of the mechanisms of regulation of this type of sports movements. It has been established that factor analysis using the principal component method can be used to identify muscle synergies involved in movement, which probably have a single control mechanism at a certain level of the central nervous system.


    Shlyakhtov V.N. - 2015

    The article reflects the results of the functioning and the current stage of development of the Velikoluksk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. Historical information is given from the moment of creation of the university as a branch to the current status of the academy. The contribution of leaders who headed the university at different times to its formation and development is also revealed. Today the Academy occupies a strong position in the field of education, logistics and personnel support in the North-West region. This is one of the most popular universities for applicants from the Pskov, Tver and Novgorod regions nearby Velikiye Luki, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation. Training of specialists is carried out in four enlarged groups of specialties (directions), training programs for highly qualified personnel and additional professional education. About 1000 students study at three faculties of the academy. Over 45 years, more than 4.5 thousand graduates have been trained. There are 89 teachers working at 11 departments, including professors, doctors and candidates of science, masters of sports, honored workers and excellent students of physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation. More than 70% of the teaching staff have academic degrees and titles. Revealing the results of sports, educational, scientific, international and educational work, the article paid much attention to the achievements of athletes who studied at the academy in different years. The university’s successful state accreditation in 2012 proves the academy’s stable knowledge of the higher education system in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the presence of high personnel and research potential.



    The paper presents the results of a study whose purpose was to analyze indicators of the functional state of middle-distance runners. Indicators of success in the competitive activity of middle-distance runners are determined by the specifics of their training and various individual factors. Canonical ones were used, coefficients of canonical variables of athletes' performance, principal components, the ratio of canonical variables, and individual canonical variables were calculated. The canonical variables constructed in this way make it possible to study group dependencies between blood flow indicators and performance indicators of athletes in middle-distance running and steeplechase.

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3. Scientific articles should consist of sections: “Introduction”, “Methods and organization of research”, “Results and their discussion”, “Conclusion” (“Conclusions”), “Literature”. Materials of a methodological nature, both pedagogical and medical-biological in nature, should consist of an introduction, practical recommendations, scientific or experimental justification, and a list of references. The practical recommendations section of such articles makes up at least 75% of the total volume. Articles of a discussion or journalistic nature for the headings “We invite you to discussion”, “Consultations”, etc. can be written in any form.

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12. Due to the overload of the editorial portfolio, some of the materials will be published in the form of short abstracts in the “From the Editorial Portfolio” section. Remember, the smaller the volume of your article, the greater the likelihood of its speedy publication. The editors reserve the right to make decisions on the nature of the publication, its heading and title, as well as to shorten the article, including significant ones.

To publish articles in the journals “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture” and “Physical Culture: Upbringing, Education, Training”, you must provide one review from leading experts on the issues of your research.

The review should include a justification for the relevance, scientific novelty, reliability of the results obtained, where and when they were first published.

The volume of the review may not exceed 2-3 pages, the text must be certified at the reviewer’s place of work.

Reviews are sent along with scientific materials, possibly by email to: *****@***ru or by regular mail, Moscow, Sirenevy Boulevard, 4.

Review of scientific articles in journals presented in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Without reviews, the article will not be accepted for publication.

Changes in the requirements for publishing scientific articles in the journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture” in 2013

The scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture” has been published since 1925 year and is a world-famous scientific publication. Articles submitted to the editorial office are professionally reviewed by highly qualified experts, edited, and have an abstract in English of at least two thousand characters. However, a brief abstract does not always provide a clear idea of ​​the content of publications. The magazine is read in many countries of the near and far abroad, the Baltic countries, is subscribed by the best foreign libraries, higher educational institutions, and has its readers abroad. Therefore, there is a need to publish it in English. In addition, since 2010, the journal has been included in the List of elite scientific journals Thompson Reuters , which gives the right to determine the international citation index by calculationImpact -factor a , however, this calculation can be made subject to the publication of an English version of the journal. To solve these problems, the editorial board of the journal decided from January 1, 2013 release along with the Russian language English-language electronic version of the magazine with its posting on the Internet on the website www. *****. Calculation of Impact Factor indicators will enable authors of publications to obtain an assessment of their own scientific rating and will allow foreign scientists to make references to the research of Russian authors. Thus, it will increase the significance of Russian sports science at the international level.

In this regard, we ask authors to pay attention to the need to provide full text of articles in Russian and English. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and quality of the translation. The editors assume the right to review, edit and proofread both versions of articles.

If there is no English text of the article, the editors do not guarantee its publication in the journal. We are convinced that authors and readers will support the initiative of the Russian industry journal and will help improve the quality of published journals.

Detailed information about the requirements for publications in the journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture” is available on the website www. *****.


Editorial address: Moscow, Sirenevy Boulevard, 4 (Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy).

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Theory and practice of physical culture

Physical culture: upbringing, education, training


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Physical education

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Review article

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Sports theory


Professional education

Sports management

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Why was Krasnoyarsk Minister Elena Vavilova removed from her post? She is accused of exceeding her official powers, but her guilt has not yet been proven. The fact that a criminal case has been initiated does not make a person a criminal.

S. Alexandrova, Krasnoyarsk

Why are we losing billions?

At the request of the regional department of the FSB, on October 23, the court of the Central District of Krasnoyarsk deprived the head of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of Elena Vavilova of her powers. As practice shows, including in Krasnoyarsk (you can at least recall the case of Denis Pashkov), major officials are removed from office in order to prevent them from influencing the course of investigative measures. After all, all possible witnesses in the case are directly subordinate to them.

Let us remind you that a criminal case was opened against the official for abuse of power. The basis was an inspection by the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The commission of the antimonopoly department found that the regional ministry entered into an anti-competitive agreement with the Krasnoyarskles State Industrial Complex and alienated approximately 1.8 million cubic meters of timber in its favor. And this is about 17% of all round timber that is harvested annually in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the same time, the state enterprise “Krasnoyarsk Forest Management” itself is a problematic asset; since the spring of this year it has been under surveillance procedures. Why would an enterprise that was constantly teetering on the brink of bankruptcy be trusted with such a vast forest fund is a big question. According to unofficial information, the forest plots that Krasnoyarskles received virtually for nothing could then be actively transferred to other commercial structures. And the region lost billions on these “deals.”

Who did the minister cross?

“For actions and agreements that restrict competition, officials may face not only administrative, but also criminal liability. The work of the Krasnoyarsk OFAS in cooperation with law enforcement agencies clearly shows this,” said Andrey TENISHEV, Head of the Anti-Cartel Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The FSB has so far refrained from commenting on the case. Let us remember that Elena Vavilova herself previously stated that she was ready to cooperate with the investigation in every possible way, since the campaign against her was inspired by shady businessmen in the forestry industry, whom she crossed the path of.

“The Ministry of Natural Resources has taken a number of steps to eliminate the uncontrolled logging and sale of round timber, as well as shadow schemes that have been used for a long time by dishonest entrepreneurs for their own enrichment,” Elena Vavilova said immediately after the claims were presented to her.

Expert opinion:

Alexander SIMANOVSKY, Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Legislative Assembly of the region

“I am a lawyer myself, so I won’t comment on Vavilova’s case in any way, I’m simply not familiar with its materials. As for Krasnoyarskles, it was created when the new Forest Code of the Russian Federation came into force. A state-owned enterprise that could engage in economic activities was needed so that four thousand forestry workers would not end up on the street. But then negative aspects began: questions arose to the company’s management, and there were criminal cases. Although, when we heard the last report on the activities of Krasnoyarskles in the spring, positive aspects were noted there. His debt decreased and there were signs of financial recovery. By the way, at the November session we wanted to hear the minister on this matter. Apparently, the performance is now postponed..."

​​​​​​​​ Elena Vasilievna Vavilova was born in Moscow.
In 1984 she graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
She has worked at the University in the Department of World Economy since 1992, where she rose from assistant to professor and head of the department.
In 1997 she received the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences.
In 1999, E. V. Vavilova was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the Department of World Economy.
Since 1997, E. V. Vavilova has been working in the dean’s office as deputy dean, first deputy director of the Institute of World Economy and Trade.
From 2002 to 2013 She held the position of dean of the Faculty of International Trade, Faculty of Customs.
From 2014 to 2016 She held the position of dean of the faculty of applied bachelor's studies.
In November 2002, prof. Vavilova E.V. won a grant and visited the United States of America as part of the Open World program implemented by the Center in Support of Russian Leadership and Russian-American Cooperation at the US Library of Congress. The goal of the program was to study the development of educational reforms in the United States and promote reforms in the Russian education system.
During his stay in the USA, prof. Vavilova E.V. got acquainted with the American education system, with the specifics of organizing the educational process in higher, secondary and secondary vocational educational institutions in the USA, modern forms and methods of teaching students, their lives, explored the possibilities of using American experience to improve the efficiency and quality of education in Russia and, in particular, at RGTEU.

Since 2016, he has held the position of Director of the Center for Personnel Development and Assessment

Teaching activities

E.V. Vavilova conducts a lot of educational and pedagogical work. Over 20 years of scientific and pedagogical activity, she has developed lecture courses in the following disciplines: “World Economy”, “Economic Geography and Regional Studies”, “Economic Geography of Foreign Countries”, “Economic Geography and International Tourism”, “Economics and Geography of Tourism”, “Organization international tourism", "International trade", "Trade and economic relations of Russia at the present stage", "Economic potential of the customs territory of Russia".

Total work experience

Work experience in specialty

​25 years

Advanced training / professional retraining

Program "Innovations in the field of higher education" (72 hours) Center for training and advanced training of university teachers of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KNRTU", 2012.

Program “Applied Bachelor's Degree. Secondary vocational education in the structure of higher education. System of network interaction in vocational education organizations" (72 hours) FSBEI DPO "Institute for Advanced Training of Vocational Education Specialists", 2013.

Participated in 2 on-site project seminars organized by the Center for Advanced Training of University Teachers of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, in 2013-2014.

Federal School of Education Quality Experts, 2016. Certificate of completion of the program, certificate of inclusion in the federal register of education quality experts with the right to conduct training programs

Program "Linguistic training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions: academic competencies for conducting lectures and seminars in English" (72 hours) FSBEI HE "REU named after G. V. Plekhanov", 2016.

Program "Development of the educational trajectory of the university until 2021" (22 hours) FSBEI HE "REU named after G. V. Plekhanov", 2016.

Scientific research

​​Vavilova E.V. has about 200 p.l. scientific and educational publications.
​The textbooks of E.V. Vavilova are used not only by students of our University, but also by students of other universities. Including her five textbooks, they have been awarded the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the relevant educational and methodological associations and are recommended for teaching students in economic specialties.

Elena Solovey in the film “Slave of Love”
// Photo: still from the film

Elena Solovey was born in Germany, in the city of Neustrilz, although Moscow will always be listed as the girl’s place of birth in her passport. This family is another example of how people found love after the war. Her parents met in Berlin, her mother helped the wounded as a nurse, and her father was an artilleryman at the front. When little Lena was three years old, the family had to leave for ten years to Krasnoyarsk, where Elena’s younger brother, Volodya, was born. After Krasnoyarsk, Moscow awaited the family, and all this time the girl dreamed of becoming an actress.

Since childhood, Lena was a very creative child. She not only attended various school clubs, where she developed her acting talent, but also studied at a music school. As soon as the “last bell” rang, the girl immediately ran to enroll in the Moscow Art Theater School - towards her childhood dream. True, Lena’s luck ran out, and the future TV star did not qualify for the competition. However, this did not become the end of the world for the girl: the girl began teaching singing at school. The next year, perseverance won, and the childhood dream began to come true step by step. Lena became a student at VGIK.

From her first year, Elena was regularly invited to film shoots, and after graduation she was offered to play at the Maly Theater. But at the same time, the time has come for other goals, other priorities. Elena found her love in the person of the decorative artist - Yuri Pugache. He soon became her husband. And following her love, the artist went to Leningrad.

“Personally, I don’t confuse my acting life and my personal life. For me, acting life ends in the theater, in cinema, and therefore I do not treat my heroines as myself. These are some other women who are incredibly interesting to me, but they live their own lives, independent of mine, after I played these roles. My role in this film is over, but my life continues. And this is my happiness,” says Elena Yakovlevna.
Film masterpiece “Look for a Woman”
// Photo: still from the film

Her career was going uphill, Elena Yakovlevna played both in the theater and in films. The star family also continued to grow: first, a daughter, Irochka, was born, then she had a younger brother, Pasha...