Methodology for measuring staff satisfaction (loyalty). Employee survey. Why staff leave Questionnaire to determine staff satisfaction

Methodology for measuring staff satisfaction (loyalty).  Employee survey.  Why staff leave Questionnaire to determine staff satisfaction
Methodology for measuring staff satisfaction (loyalty). Employee survey. Why staff leave Questionnaire to determine staff satisfaction

Too many companies consider employee surveys not a priority and therefore lose true professionals who could bring the business millions.

If your employees feel undervalued and their ideas, opinions and desires are not taken into account, then they are more likely to look for another job opportunity. Think about it, perhaps you are losing first-class specialists who simply “were not considered.” They can go to your competitors and bring invaluable benefits to their company.

Employee satisfaction survey

This is why it is important to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys. From the lighting and equipment of the office to lunches and social packages, from loyalty to the company/management and salary level to opportunities for self-realization - the results of the team questionnaire survey will provide you with information that will help you avoid staff turnover, as well as create comfortable working conditions for specialists.

On the website you will find samples of questionnaires dedicated to employee surveys. They will help you easily create your own profile and get valuable information needed to retain existing staff and attract new ones, as well as suggestions from employees.

A survey of employees will provide an opportunity to make sure that you are making the right decisions and open your eyes to new management horizons. Here are some ideas for a questionnaire that will help establish a dialogue with your team.

  • Survey to determine the atmosphere within the team. The questionnaire will help assess the mood of employees, their emotional state in the workplace, employee relationships, find out their assessment of the effectiveness of teamwork and identify the reasons that impede it. By better understanding your employees, you can create more comfortable working conditions for them, and, accordingly, increase their productivity and desire to stay in your company.
  • Survey of employees upon their dismissal. Finding out why employees leave an organization can help prevent other highly qualified employees from leaving.
  • Corporate event planning. Any of your employees, using such a survey, will be able to easily plan and organize a corporate party that will satisfy everyone, without being distracted from their direct responsibilities.
  • Financial security and self-realization. This employee survey will allow you to find out whether the employee has enough opportunities for self-realization in your company and whether there are any obstacles to this, as well as to what extent his salary and benefits package meet his needs, what he is ready and can do for the company in order to increase his rating in the eyes of management and receive greater financial rewards or career advancement.
  • Collection of ideas and suggestions. A questionnaire distributed among the team will help collect ideas for the development of the company that many employees might be afraid to express out loud. You can perceive employees as executors of instructions, but it is better to see them as specialists who can not only make valuable suggestions, but also implement them. You need to use this!

How to use employee surveys?

First of all, develop criteria that are important to you. The results of an employee satisfaction survey will show you which areas of your company's operations need improvement, which will improve productivity. The criteria will help you, when conducting repeated surveys, to observe changes occurring in comparison with the situation in other departments or competitors.

Our sample employee surveys (company employee questionnaire) will provide ideas for questions and answer options. Templates will save a lot of your time and will bring undoubted benefits when interviewing employees.

Finally, follow these simple rules:

  1. Get closer to your employees. Keep the survey casual and conversational.
  2. Enter gifts for completing the survey.
  3. Make the survey anonymous. Employees must be confident that their responses will not have a negative impact on them.
  4. Let employees know that their opinions will be heard and their suggestions will be considered. At the end of the survey, inform employees about what actions you plan to take based on the results of the survey.

Every manager would probably like to look at his company through the eyes of his own employees. After all, a lot actually depends on how employees evaluate their working conditions and the organization’s achievements. It is for this purpose that there is a study of employee satisfaction, which is needed not only to satisfy the curiosity of the manager. In fact, such research solves the most important problems.

The concept of employee satisfaction is found in economic disciplines. But this is rather a psychological category, because it reflects the emotional sphere of a person. That is, satisfaction can be understood as a positive emotional reaction to the current situation. It turns out that if a person likes working at a given enterprise and is satisfied with everything, then his satisfaction will be extremely high.

Many studies have proven that the higher the satisfaction of a company's employees, the higher the rating of the company itself. Such a relationship should be obvious to a competent leader.

Assessment Methodology

There is a special assessment methodology that allows you to find out exactly what level of staff satisfaction exists in the company. First, you should collect all the necessary information personally from employees. But in a personal conversation with management, people may not say everything, and this is quite natural. Therefore, the most often used method is a questionnaire or survey.


  1. Selecting the target audience. Management can assess the satisfaction not of the entire team, but of a specific group. For example, this happens when a department undergoes changes and you need to determine how employees reacted to it. If you need to determine the level of satisfaction of the entire team, then in this case there is no need to interview everyone. It will be enough to make a sample that can provide very accurate data. The main thing is that such a sample includes representatives of all departments of the company, only then the result will be reliable.
  2. Format selection. The survey can be conducted either in the form of a paper questionnaire or electronically. The electronic form is more modern and convenient - it saves time on processing results.
  3. Worker training. Employees should be notified in advance that a survey will be conducted. It is also important to convey to people the significance of such research so that everyone takes it seriously.
  4. Confidentiality. Providing anonymity is very important in order to obtain truthful answers from employees, and not those that may please the authorities.
  5. Preparation of questions. Questions should be written fairly simply, preferably in the form of short sentences.
  6. Conducting a survey.
  7. Results. This is where the satisfaction rate comes to light.

Sample survey questions

You can only understand whether employees are satisfied with their work in an organization if you ask them the right questions. Therefore, the questionnaire must be correctly compiled, it is best if a specialist is involved in this issue. Below we give sample questions that a manager can ask his subordinates:

  1. Do you like to spend your weekends with your colleagues?
  2. Do you believe that your salary can increase in the near future?
  3. Do you think it is possible to live decently on your salary?
  4. Do you believe that you are able to find another job with a higher salary?
  5. Is your salary commensurate with the effort you put into your work?
  6. Is your salary fair when compared to other colleagues?
  7. Would you like to work less and get paid less?
  8. Can you say that you work in a modern and dynamically developing company with great potential?

Here are more examples of such questionnaires.

You can also find out how employees relate to each other, that is, determine whether they are satisfied with the work in the team, the people working nearby. For example, everyone needs to choose colleagues with whom they feel comfortable working. The satisfaction coefficient here is determined by the following formula: the number of mutual choices is divided by the number of choices made by each survey participant. That is, the more mutual sympathy there is in the team, the higher the coefficient will be and the more prosperous the situation will be. You can read more about this on specialized forums for HR specialists.

You can find out how employees relate to each other, that is, determine whether they are satisfied with their work in the team.

Assessing satisfaction will help you understand in which direction you need to work with your team. Analysis of the assessment results is very important, which is why many modern companies regularly conduct such surveys. If the satisfaction of his employees is important to a manager, he can easily increase his profits, because he never forgets that without people he cannot achieve real success. A competent personnel policy is the key to high ratings for any company!

Assessing employee motivation is an important part of every HR job. Since the interest in work and focus on results of personnel directly affects the efficiency of the company and its profits, it is necessary to somehow measure and control these parameters.

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One way to do this is to conduct a survey using a questionnaire to assess employee motivation. What kind of questionnaire this is, how to compose and use it, we will consider in this article.

What it is?

A questionnaire for assessing staff motivation is a questionnaire with tasks/tests/open-ended questions, filled out by employees/personnel of the organization, after analyzing which the manager can draw a conclusion about the motivation of each individual employee or the entire staff.

For what purpose is it used?

The staff motivation questionnaire can be used for different purposes, but the main ones are a better understanding by HR of the motives, desires and needs of its employees, and diagnostics of staff.

To work effectively, managers need to know what actually attracts subordinates to their work - for example, the level, the opportunity for self-realization and career growth, a free schedule, or something else.

A well-designed questionnaire allows you to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What attracts employees to their position/job?
  2. What is important to them in their activities?
  3. Are subordinates satisfied with relationships in the team and with senior management?
  4. How much do employees value themselves as specialists?
  5. How do staff evaluate their contribution to the company?
  6. Do employees see prospects for career growth in the organization?
  7. How important is their position to them?

And these are just a few examples. In fact, by conducting a survey, you can get answers to any questions HR is interested in - from satisfaction with the level of wages and working conditions to interest in career growth and compliance of the employee’s goals with the goals of the organization.

Of course, the most interesting thing with the help of such a questionnaire is to identify non-obvious things.

For example, with the help of well-written questions you can:

  • understand the hidden motives of employees;
  • discover unrealized potential or selfish goals.

All this information is extremely important in the work of HR, since, based on it, it is possible to build more constructive relationships with subordinates, give them assignments that best suit their desires, skills and capabilities, and more effectively stimulate the work of the organization’s personnel.

How to create a staff motivation questionnaire?

Creating a questionnaire to assess work motivation is not always as simple as it seems.

This process can be divided into 2 stages:

  • First stage– definition of the goal. That is, you need to answer the question of what exactly you want to know and make a list of such questions. In this case, let’s take the list of 7 questions given above as an example.
  • After the first stage is completed, you can move on to the second - the actual preparation of the questionnaire. Here you need to focus on the list that you compiled at the previous stage. After that, select the form of the question with which you will receive the answer. This could be a rating scale, a table, an open-ended question.

Let's take a closer look.

For example, the item “What attracts employees to their position/job?”

You can leave it in an open form, then the employee will write in the appropriate field what, in his opinion, is important for him. But subordinates may not always be honest. Therefore, if you want to see hidden motives, it is recommended to choose more veiled forms of questions.

You can offer ready-made answer options: “salary”, “career growth”, “work in a young team”, “free schedule” and ask them to prioritize them. Or you can go the other way and ask the following question: “Suppose you are invited to transfer to another department for a similar position. Under what conditions would you accept this offer? And give ready-made answers or leave the question open.

You can also make a table with possible answer options and offer to give each of them a rating from 1 to 5.

This is what it will look like:

Name 1 2 3 4 5
Salary level
Opportunity for career growth
Relationships in the team
Possibility of self-realization
Flexible work schedule

Another important point is the anonymity of the questionnaire.

The fact is that employees are likely to be more honest in their answers if they are confident in their anonymity. However, this option is only suitable if you want to see the overall picture or collect statistics for the entire department/enterprise.

In order to assess the motivation of each employee individually, “personalized” questionnaires are needed.

Below is the main list of areas, assessing which you can get the most complete picture:

  • Personnel self-assessment. It will allow you to see what goals a person sets for himself, how to relate to his work and his achievements.
  • Professional skills of workers. This information is best obtained from the profiles of people in leadership positions. To do this, you should add specific questions from the series “how do you assess the professional skills of your subordinates/specific subordinates.
  • Managerial performance. Similar to the previous point, only now the assessment is given by subordinates.
  • Ambitious and focused on career growth. It will allow you to identify leaders and employees who are ready to work and develop in the area that interests you.
  • Employees' readiness for career growth/increased responsibility. It is also recommended to determine through questionnaires of managers.

In short, compiling a questionnaire is a creative process that must be approached seriously. In some cases, consultation with qualified specialists, such as psychologists, may be necessary.

How to interpret?

The larger the questionnaire and the more extensive the questions in it, the more conclusions it allows to draw.

By analyzing the answers, you can better understand the atmosphere in the work team. By the way, detailed questionnaires often reveal problems that exist in an organization but are not noticeable at first glance.

It can be:

  • dissatisfaction with wages;
  • problems in relationships in a team;
  • a feeling of lack of recognition of one’s abilities and contribution to the development of the organization;
  • overwork and professional burnout.

Having seen such problems, you will receive guidance on specific actions that will help improve working conditions in the enterprise and the individual problems of workers.

By studying individual employee profiles, you can draw conclusions about their motivation and interest, work potential and readiness for promotions. The data obtained will allow you to determine the most suitable position and tasks for a specific staffing unit.


Having collected and analyzed the data, it is necessary to give feedback, draw some conclusion, summarize and determine the results of the work performed. This could be specific instructions, conversations held with employees, or an action plan aimed at solving specific problems.

For example, the result could be:

  • Formation of a personnel development program.
  • Organizing trainings for employees (for example, on how to increase motivation and fight professional burnout, plan your activities).
  • Changes in wages, promotions for specific employees, changes in work schedules and other real actions.


We have already considered options for possible questions in the questionnaire. Here, as an example, you can find a document with a real questionnaire, based on which it will be easier for you to create your own.

Your employee's job satisfaction is the most obvious indicator of his loyalty. This parameter is influenced by various factors: management style and culture, involvement in work, and the presence of authority in decision-making. We offer you a questionnaire with which you can assess the level of job satisfaction of your employees.

The questionnaire was compiled to analyze the level of satisfaction of your beauty salon employees. The data obtained during the survey can be used to improve the working conditions of personnel at the enterprise.

Sample questionnaire on employee satisfaction with their work

Job title ____________________________________________________________

Division ______________________________________________________________

Work experience in the company ________________________________________________

Were there any promotions _____________________________________________

Circle the required item

1. Does working in our company meet your expectations?

  • No (on which issue your expectations were mainly not met)
  • I find it difficult to answer

2. From the factors listed below, mark those that you dislike the most (no more than 3).

  • The salary does not correspond to the amount of work
  • Not satisfied with the operating mode
  • Work is far from where you live
  • Monotony and monotony at work
  • Workload is too high
  • Overstrain at work (fatigue)
  • Disrespectful and rude attitude from managers
  • Lack of mutual assistance and understanding in the team
  • Lack of conditions for career and professional growth
  • Lack of attention, approval and objective assessment of work from the manager
  • Dissatisfaction with the social policy of the enterprise (no concern for people)
  • Work outside of your specialty
  • Lack of conditions for further education
  • Difficult working conditions (please indicate which ones) _________________________________________________
  • Other ________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How would you rate the psychological climate in your team?

  • Employees feel comfortable, relationships in the team are friendly, everyone can count on help and understanding
  • Relationships are friendly in the team, but the manager introduces tension
  • The team works harmoniously, but relationships outside work are cold
  • The team is divided into groups that compete with each other
  • Workers constantly conflict with each other, which significantly reduces work efficiency
  • I find it difficult to answer
  • Own assessment ______________________________________________________________________________

4. What do you think needs to change in your workplace?

  • Equipment, technical means of labor (specify which ones) ____________
  • Living conditions (what exactly?)__________________________________________
  • Length of working day (reduce to ___ hours, increase to ___ hours)
  • Schedule
  • Wages
  • Relationships in the team

5. What do you think should remain the same in your workplace?

  • Equipment
  • Living conditions
  • Working hours
  • Schedule
  • Wages
  • Relationships in the team
  • Relationships with management
  • Your suggestions and wishes ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your assistance!

October 10, 2018 HR universal.

IP Khramtsova P.V.

Personnel satisfaction survey questionnaire The purpose of this survey is to determine your satisfaction with the company. Survey anonymous

, its results will be used in a generalized form to draw up a program for the development of a personnel management system.

Carefully read each sentence in the “Working Conditions” column, select one of the most appropriate answers in the columns on the right (from “Completely dissatisfied (not satisfied)” to “Very satisfied (completely satisfied)”) and check the appropriate box. Fill out the answers to the questions on the second page and submit the form to an employee of the HR Directorate.

Date of completion: ____ ___________ 20__

Working conditions

not satisfied

(not satisfied)

A little


Difficult to answer (neutral)



Very satisfied (completely satisfied)

Labor organization (standardization of work and rest time)

Occupational safety (provision of protective equipment, special clothing)

Relationships in the team (with management, colleagues)

Wage level

Additional payments (for an absent employee, for working on weekends, etc.)

Level of social benefits and guarantees

Leadership style in your department

Organization of training, opportunity for advanced training

Prospects and opportunities for career growth

Provision of necessary materials and tools for work

Recognition of your merits, attention to you from management

Administration work (registration of admission and transfer, consideration of applications)

Please answer a few questions on page 2.

What can improve your satisfaction? ________________________________________________________________________

Do you think it is possible and realistic to change the current situation? Select one of the answer options:

I also want to say: ______________________________________________________________________________

Please answer a few questions to process the survey results:

Your age:

Over 50 years old

Work experience in the company:

Up to 0.5 years

More than 1 year

General work experience:

Over 10 years

master (senior master)

head of a production unit (site, shift, workshop)

employee, specialist

head of an administrative unit (bureau, department)

Please submit the completed application form to a member of the HR Directorate.

Thank you for participating in the survey!