Public Relations Manager. What problems does it solve?

Public Relations Manager. What problems does it solve?

Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees
Sections « Industry-wide qualification characteristics of positions of workers employed in enterprises, institutions and organizations" And " Qualification characteristics positions of workers employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations ", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37
(edited on May 15, 2013)

Chief designer

Job responsibilities. Manages the creation of new and modernization of product designs (complexes, machines, devices, instruments, mechanisms) of existing production, ensuring their high technical level, competitiveness and patentability, compliance with modern achievements of science and technology, the requirements of technical aesthetics and the most economical production technology. Takes measures to accelerate the development of promising design developments in production, the latest materials, widespread introduction of scientific and technological achievements. Organizes the development of projects for new experienced and industrial installations, non-standard equipment and devices in connection with the reconstruction of facilities, automation of production and mechanization of labor-intensive processes. Carries out work to increase the level of unification, standardization and certification of developed product designs. Ensures compliance of new and modernized structures with technical specifications, standards, and requirements rational organization and labor protection, safety standards. Manages the preparation of feasibility studies on the effectiveness of new design developments and their advantages compared to previously manufactured ones. Organizes the development of long-term and current implementation and development plans new technology, design preparation of production, research and development work, controls their implementation. Provides systems implementation computer-aided design, timely preparation, coordination and approval of drawings and other technical documentation developed by design departments. Together with customers, it develops technical specifications for design, ensures protection and approval in in the prescribed manner developed preliminary, technical and working designs, represents design solutions For approval. Organizes storage in accordance with current rules, reproduction and timely provision of production with drawings and other design documentation. Takes measures to reduce the time required for mastering new technology, the cost and the cycle of design preparation for production through the introduction of advanced design methods, computer and telecommunications technology, and advanced methods of reproduction technical documentation, widespread use of standardized and unified parts and assembly units in projects. Manages research and experimental work carried out in pilot production units. Organizes the production of prototypes, their experimental testing, testing of pilot batches and the release of the first industrial series, achieving constant improvement in the quality and reliability of products, the level of their manufacturability, environmental friendliness, reducing their cost, labor and material intensity. Participates in installation, testing, adjustment and commissioning of new product designs. Provides design supervision over the manufacture of products and their operation. Submits for approval changes made to the technical documentation for design preparation of production. Takes part in the certification of products according to quality categories, development of proposals for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, intensification of production, increasing its efficiency, ensures the design development of rationalization proposals and inventions accepted for implementation. Reviews and gives feedback and conclusions on the most complex rationalization proposals, as well as on draft standards and other design documentation received by the enterprise from third parties. Organizes work to improve the qualifications of workers carrying out design preparation of production. Manages department employees, directs and coordinates the activities of subordinate units.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on design preparation of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise; prospects for technical development of the industry and enterprise; production technology of the enterprise's products; systems and design methods; organization of design preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacity, specifications, design features and operating modes of enterprise equipment, rules of its operation; procedure and methods for planning design preparation of production; technical requirements for the structures being developed, the conditions for their installation and commissioning; methods of technical calculations; fundamentals of technical aesthetics, artistic design and ergonomics; standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials on the development and execution of design documentation; basics of patent science, standardization and certification; computer-aided design systems; modern computing and telecommunications tools, including means for copying and reproducing design documentation; requirements for rational organization of labor for design and engineering developments; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry; advanced domestic and foreign experience in designing similar products; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation; basics labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and experience in design work in engineering, technical and leadership positions in the industry relevant to the enterprise profile for at least 5 years.