Medical contraindications for working as a salesperson. “Suitable Personnel” is your main resource. Medical examination of sellers - legal regulation and labor legislation

Medical contraindications for working as a salesperson.  “Suitable Personnel” is your main resource.  Medical examination of sellers - legal regulation and labor legislation
Medical contraindications for working as a salesperson. “Suitable Personnel” is your main resource. Medical examination of sellers - legal regulation and labor legislation

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • Physics is a specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Biology - at the university's choice

New achievements of mankind demonstrate an amazing integration of sciences and phenomena that seem completely incompatible. An example of this is the specialty 05/30/02 “Medical Biophysics”, which combines three most important disciplines. These are medicine, physics and biology. As it turns out, at the intersection of all these sciences, an important specialist is born who can apply precise knowledge and valuable skills to solve global and specific practical problems.

Since the emphasis is on the medical component, the mission of the direction can be considered medical activity. But it is understood that the graduate of the course will have broad powers. He will be competent to provide the first medical care, and for carrying out competent diagnostics. Graduates of the course occupy serious positions in medical institutions, are at the forefront of research aimed at improving treatment, rehabilitation and medical care in general.

Admission conditions

The main objective of the direction is to teach the student the most important disciplines from three areas that can hardly be called related. But they are interconnected with each other, so here you have to have an extraordinary mind in order to be able to integrate the acquired knowledge in your work.

What subjects do future specialists take when entering Moscow universities:

  • physics (profile exam);
  • Russian language;
  • Biology, Chemistry.

Future profession

The range of tasks that a young specialist will face is wide enough so that he can choose the most interesting direction in professional self-realization. The graduate of the course will be able to work with the latest medical and laboratory equipment. He will delve into pressing problems medicine and look for ways to solve them. You can also choose to be a practicing physician, teach, or produce medical equipment.

Where to apply

Currently, the following educational institutions are ready to offer a specialty program in this area:

  • Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov;
  • First Moscow State University named after Sechenov;
  • Kazan Federal University;
  • Kazan State Medical University;
  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Training period

In order to master all the disciplines that are included in the curriculum, you will have to complete the course for six years after graduating from the eleventh grade.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Students on the way to obtaining a specialist diploma master the following important subjects:

  • cybernetics in physiology;
  • pediatrics;
  • radiobiology - general and medical;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • genetics: general and medical;
  • biotechnology in medicine;
  • internal illnesses;
  • radiology diagnostics;
  • biophysics in medicine;
  • radiation therapy;
  • evolutionary pathology;
  • quantum biophysics;
  • higher mathematics.

​ Skills to be acquired

Successful completion of the specialty program means that the graduate can perform the following tasks in the course of his working life:

  • receiving patients - therapy, surgery, neuralgia;
  • provision of emergency assistance;
  • drawing up a survey plan;
  • usage different types research: medical and genetic, biophysical and immunological;
  • selection of treatment methods;
  • drawing up a pedigree;
  • analysis of research results;
  • development and implementation of new diagnostic methods;
  • introduction of new methods of patient recovery, from a medical point of view;
  • study of pathologies from the point of view of the mechanisms of their occurrence;
  • work using the latest equipment;
  • checking the functionality of the new medical equipment, troubleshooting and troubleshooting;
  • compliance with medical ethics;
  • carrying out activities related to health, ecology, and preventive measures;
  • teaching activities;
  • compilation of educational and methodological manuals;
  • organization of work of medical staff;
  • fluency in a foreign language.

Job prospects by profession

With the acquired specialty, the graduate will have no questions about who and where to work. This profession is relatively young, and therefore very in demand. It allows you to engage in pedagogical or scientific activity. Also, a former student can choose the path of a practicing doctor. He will be hired in a laboratory doing biophysical research.

Another place of employment is a research institute. You can count on vacancies in pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions. Broad specialists are needed in agricultural enterprises and in factories where the latest medical equipment is produced.

What positions do specialists hold:

  • doctor;
  • laboratory doctor;
  • researcher;
  • Researcher;
  • biophysicist;
  • teacher;
  • Senior Assistant;
  • immunologist;
  • medical technologist;
  • biologist;
  • geneticist.

This profession is considered highly paid. Average level income at the starting stage - 35-40 thousand in domestic currency. Since new treatment and diagnostic technologies are emerging at a rapid pace, a specialist who quickly masters them is valued very highly, and his salary increases accordingly.

Benefits of postgraduate study

Young professionals who choose the path of immersion in science by entering graduate school discover new perspectives for themselves. In the training program, practice plays a significant role, participation in real laboratory research, serious study of a foreign language.

The training program involves familiarization with all the new products in the field of medicine, physics and biology. Including, it is necessary to become familiar with world achievements. Therefore, the graduate of the course becomes a competent professional capable of applying for leading positions in international corporations. He can also choose the path of a scientific scientist or occupy teaching positions in educational institutions.

Every high school student sooner or later faces the question “Who do I want to be in the future?” Only a few, listening to the whisper of a child's dream, know the answer to this question, while the rest have to resort to outside help. People usually seek advice from parents, friends, or the Internet. And, of course, everyone expects to hear about the profession of their dreams: meaningful for others, relevant, exciting and interesting (so that it drags you up to your ears!).

This is exactly how he speaks about his future profession Shtyfluk Maria - second year student at Far Eastern Federal University, who found her calling at the Faculty of Medicine.

Masha, why did you decide to become a doctor?

In general, it’s quite difficult to answer this question with anything other than “I’m interested in this” and “I’ve dreamed about this since childhood.” All I can say are quite obvious, even banal things. In many ways, my decision to go to medical school, unwittingly, was influenced by my parents. They and most of their circle, if not doctors, are closely connected with medicine. So I had plenty of opportunities to appreciate the delights medical specialty. A doctor is a very special, noble profession that requires enormous dedication, a lively mind and even self-sacrifice. It has been needed from time immemorial, and will always be needed, because as long as people live on Earth, they will get sick. This profession is very difficult, thankless, and that makes it even better.

There is no doubt that this profession is noble, but why do you think that it is ungrateful?

A doctor always has a huge responsibility! One wrong step, one mistake in treatment, which can be fatal and that’s it... Hello “checkered sky and striped friends.”

It could also be like this: the doctor tries, treats, gives all of himself to the patient, but, despite all his efforts, he can no longer help. Then the saddened relatives begin to look for those to blame, and find them, of course, in the doctor. Therefore, the doctor must think not only about the patients, but also about how to protect himself legally. This is when it comes to serious doctors: neurosurgeons, oncologists, etc. And doctors' salaries are low.

What kind of doctor do you want to become?

This complex issue. I want to get several specialties. But first of all, he is a biophysicist, because I am already studying to become one. And then we'll see.

What exactly do biophysicists do?

In general, biophysics, as you might guess, is at the intersection of physics and biology, therefore, a biophysicist studies the passage of physical processes in various living organisms. This involves working using all the knowledge of natural science disciplines. Based on their theoretical basis, a biophysicist, for example, can develop and implement new technologies for treating diseases, or can work on complex medical equipment. In general, biophysicists are theorists in medicine. Their main tasks are diagnosing diseases and studying in laboratories what and how can be treated.

Do you consider your future profession interesting?

Naturally! Biophysics involves research activities, that is, in fact, the progress of medicine depends on this activity. And there is no need to even talk about the importance of this progress.

What fascinates you most about it?

I imagine my future work like this: you’re sitting in the laboratory, the calculations don’t add up, you’re tired of the routine, your soul immediately becomes sad... And then you remember how important things you’re doing! And everything is fine again, and it doesn’t matter that the records differ, everything can be corrected. I think this is great! And secondly, the very study of the human body and the processes in it from the point of view of physics has some kind of poetry. It seems to me as if human body- a car, and I'm a mechanic.

What is your favorite subject and what do you do in it?

I can’t choose just one, each item has its own charm.

What is your most memorable day in teaching?

One day we were taken to medical Center, or rather, they were simply allowed to be there. Specialists from Moscow held a conference for our professors: one of the topics, I remember, was “ Modern methods treatment of spinal diseases." For a couple of hours I managed to imagine myself as a doctor of medical sciences.

How did you feel attending this event?

I am proud that if I can become a competent specialist, I will become a part of all this. I don’t even know... It’s just that after this event I felt such an emotional uplift, such inspiration that words cannot express it. One thought was spinning in my head: “I will become like them.”

Which ones, on at this stage training, do you see the pros and cons of your profession?

I believe that if you see at least some disadvantages in your future profession, then it is not suitable for you and you need to look for something else. A person must be in love with the business he is engaged in.

So I don’t yet see any disadvantages that would deserve attention.

You say that there are no serious disadvantages. But everyone knows perfectly well that training to become a doctor is one of the most difficult. Isn't this a disadvantage for you?

The more complex, the more interesting. Simplicity is boring. Working in your specialty will not be any easier. You need to be prepared for this. Moreover, it seems to me that all specialties are complex in their own way, but if the profession is chosen conscientiously, then these difficulties do not seem so difficult.

A doctor is a complex profession that requires hard work, perseverance, a thirst for knowledge, confidence, and most importantly, love for one’s work. If you feel that you have it all, then collect your documents and run to medical university. Otherwise, even if you are able to enter the medical profession, most likely, afraid of thick textbooks, sleepless nights and many other difficulties, you will give up without even finishing the first year. Being a doctor is a profession (like many others) that requires genuine love for what you do.

Photo from the heroine’s personal archive

I like

Form of study: full-time
Training period: 6 years
Entrance tests (USE): physics, biology, Russian language

Medical biophysics is the science of physical processes and phenomena occurring in biological systems, first of all, in humans, in normal condition and in diseases. Medical biophysics refers to interdisciplinary fields of knowledge and serves as a link between fundamental biological and medical disciplines and the exact sciences.

The main tasks of medical biophysics include:
study of the physical and physicochemical foundations of normal and pathological processes, development of new methods for treating diseases;
identification of physical and physicochemical parameters that can be used for objective diagnosis of the functional state of the body;
study of action mechanisms physical factors(ionizing radiation, light, ultrasound, etc.) on the body and the development of pathological processes.

In the first two years, students study mathematical sciences ( mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics), all branches of physics: from mechanics to nuclear physics, chemistry (from inorganic chemistry to biochemistry, including physical chemistry) and biological sciences ( general biology, cytology, histology and anatomy). In addition to natural sciences, students are taught philosophy, history, English language, Latin. In the third year, along with pharmacology, biochemistry, microbiology, general and medical genetics, students begin professional disciplines: molecular and cellular biophysics, biophysics of organs and tissues, and biophysics of pathological processes. Lecture courses run parallel with practical exercises, where students are taught the basic laws of biophysics and the rules of research work in the laboratory. From the fourth year, students become familiar with clinical disciplines, such as diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, experimental and clinical surgery, and a set of courses on nervous diseases (neurology, neurosurgery, diagnostics). In addition, students study special biomedical disciplines: immunology, clinical laboratory diagnostics, medical biotechnology, radiation diagnostics and therapy, etc. In the 6th year, all students complete and defend thesis on research or clinical topics and receive a diploma.

To a graduate who has mastered educational program in the specialty “Medical Biophysics” and who has successfully passed the state final certification, is awarded the qualification “Doctor-Biophysicist” in the specialty 05/30/02 “Medical Biophysics”.


Graduates of the “Medical Biophysics” specialty are in demand in research laboratories, clinical laboratories for functional diagnostics (electroencephalography, ultrasound, computed tomography, MRI studies, etc.) and clinical laboratory diagnostics laboratories (automated analysis components blood and cells), as well as in university departments as teachers. According to the law, graduates can work in the following medical specialties: medical specialist; radiologist; radiologist; clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor; ultrasound diagnostics doctor.

Many of our graduates work in research and development educational organizations Russia, USA and Europe. The most outstanding graduates became members of the Russian Academy of Sciences; today they head research institutes, laboratories and university departments.

To work as research fellow or a university teacher in the USA or European countries, a specialist in the field of medical biophysics does not need to pass exams or obtain additional certificates.

Graduates can continue their studies in graduate school in the areas of "biological sciences" and "fundamental medicine" and in residency in the areas of "clinical laboratory diagnostics" (bacteriology, virology, laboratory genetics, laboratory mycology) and "radiology" (radiobiology, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics).

The purpose of the catalog of professions on our website is to help high school students navigate diverse world modern professions.

Descriptions of professions include: codes of higher professional education specialties, a list of universities where training in this profession is carried out, entrance exams to universities (list Unified State Exam subjects), requirements for applicants.

The section is regularly updated. If you have not found descriptions of the professions you are interested in, come back later, they will definitely appear on our website.

Specialty codes:

  • 06.05.01 Bioengineering and bioinformatics (Specialty)
  • 05/30/02 Medical biophysics (Specialty)
  • 05/30/03 Medical cybernetics (Specialty)
  • 03/19/01 Biotechnology (Academic Bachelor)
  • 03.03.02 Physics (Academic Bachelor)
  • 06.03.01 Biology (Academic Bachelor)
  • 03.03.03 Radiophysics (Academic Bachelor)
  • 03/12/04 Biotechnical systems and technologies (Academic Bachelor of Applied Bachelor)
  • 03.04.01 Applied mathematics and physics (Master)
  • 03.04.02 Physics (Master)
  • 03.04.03 Radiophysics (Master)
  • 04/19/01 Biotechnology (Master)
  • 06.04.01 Biology (Master)

Field of activity: nature, sign systems, technology.

Activities: research, analysis, work with natural objects, design.

Short description:

  • Study of physics natural phenomena;
  • Research in Physics elementary particles, optics, high energy physics, physics of materials, etc.;
  • Conducting experiments in the field quantum physics, mechanics, radiophysics, etc.;
  • Research of nuclear processes and technologies;
  • Study of the relationship in the physical and biological patterns of functioning of a living organism;
  • Design artificial systems body and organs;
  • Conducting research in the field of organ transplantation and the creation of artificial organs;
  • Research in the field of creation and application of artificial intelligence systems.

Physics- the most fundamental branch of natural science. Achievements modern physics so significant that they cannot but cause admiration. Microelectronics and personal computers, lasers, controlled thermonuclear fusion, holography, high-temperature superconductivity are far from full list application of physics achievements last decades. A physicist studies the nature around us, namely physical bodies and physical phenomena. The essence of the work is testing logical conclusions by experiment. Ideas are tested by experiment experimental results suggest new ideas.

Within the profession of “physicist” there are many specializations, for example, the objects of research include space physics, physics of the microworld, mechanics and thermodynamics, optics and electronics, etc.

The profession of biophysicist combines two of the most complex sciences - physics and biology, studying the passage of physical processes in various living organisms.

Computer science is a branch of science that studies the structure and general properties information, as well as issues related to its collection, storage, search, processing, transformation, distribution and use in various fields activities. Bioinformatics is the name given to computer science as applied to molecular biology.

Everyone knows that the human genome has been read.


  • Love for nature;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Willingness for monotonous work;

Where to work:

Laboratories, research institutes, medical companies, educational institutions.

Average salary of a certified specialist 28,000 – 42,000 rub..

Where to study:

  • Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin - Faculty of Veterinary Biology
  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman - Faculty of Basic Sciences
  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU) Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Physics
  • Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies