Mangosteen (mangosteen), what kind of fruit, the beneficial properties of a tropical fruit. We reveal the secrets of how mangosteen is useful

Mangosteen (mangosteen), what kind of fruit, the beneficial properties of a tropical fruit.  We reveal the secrets of how mangosteen is useful
Mangosteen (mangosteen), what kind of fruit, the beneficial properties of a tropical fruit. We reveal the secrets of how mangosteen is useful

Most recently hit the shelves of supermarkets in our country. Thailand, on the other hand, has not only been cultivating mangosteen trees for a long time, but is also the world leader in the export of their fruits. Already in the middle of the last century under plantations mangosteen there were more than 4 thousand hectares of Thai lands.

The exact place of origin of mangosteen trees has not been identified. Ancient mangosteen forests are found in the Moluccas in Malaysia. Mangosteen is a capricious plant that does not tolerate even a slight drought and wind. Therefore, their artificial breeding requires a lot of labor. Nevertheless, mangosteen trees gradually spread throughout the South Asian region. In addition to Thailand, mangosteen is cultivated today in Indonesia, Burma, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Malaysia, India, Africa, the Philippines, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.

There are several varieties of mangosteen in the world, the fruits of which almost do not differ from each other either in appearance or taste. Exception: in North Brunei there is a wild variety of the plant, the fruit of which has only four lobules with a seed in each. Mangosteen is also known as mangosteen».

Biological description of mangosteen (mangosteen)

mangosteen- the fruit of a slow-growing, straight-stemmed tree, raising its pyramidal crown above the ground to a height of up to 25 meters. The trunk of the mangosteen tree is covered with almost black or dark brown scaly bark. Beneath the bark is bitter resinous latex yellow color. The short-petiolate leaves are opposite, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical, thin and leathery. The base of the dark green leaf is shiny and yellowish green. The leaves grow to a length of 25 centimeters and a width of 10 centimeters. Each vein is clearly visible on them.

The fleshy mangosteen flowers bloom up to 5 centimeters in diameter. They are located in small groups (3-9 each) at the ends of branches and can be either only male or bisexual on the same tree. Each flower has four oval petals, four sepals and many stamens. FROM outside petals are decorated with green and red spots, and on the inside - red-yellow.

The fruit of the mangosteen tree is at the end of the stem. It is smooth and spherical (diameter - up to 7.5 centimeters). skin color mangosteen- from red-lilac to dark lilac. The peel of the mangosteen is thick (up to 1 cm in section) and white-purple inside. It contains purple coloring juice and yellowish bitter latex. The pulp located inside the peel is divided into 4-8 slices. Fully developed seeds are not present in every fruit. The taste of aromatic pulp - from sweet-sour to frankly sour.

Legends of mangosteen (mangosteen)

Europeans fell in love with mangosteen so much that data about him fell into historical chronicles and diaries. famous people. For example, Queen Victoria liked the taste of mangosteen so much that she issued a decree in which she promised a substantial monetary reward to those who contracted to regularly supply exotic fruit to the royal table. The Swedish scientist Erik Mjoberg turn of XIX- XX centuries compared attempts to describe delicious taste mangosteen with blasphemy.

Useful properties of mangosteen (mangosteen)

The composition of mangosteen includes such useful substances as phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C. The pulp contains a natural antioxidant xanthonise. In the long secretory ducts of the core and bark of the mangosteen tree, Gummi-resina Gutti latex circulates, which is used for the production of paints and varnishes.

Mangosteen has been used in Thai medicine since ancient times. Extracts from fruit treat infectious diseases, they are used to prevent infections, increase the energy of the body, as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. For centuries, the fruit has helped people overcome diseases such as bronchitis, cholera, cystitis, diabetes, eczema, dysentery.

Research recent years discovered in the fruits of mangosteen antioxidants (xanthones) - substances that can resist oncological diseases. In addition, xanthones are widely used in pharmacology to maintain joint flexibility, strengthen the immune system, and improve mental health.

Mangosteen is part of the Zambroza berry and fruit drink, which is produced according to the GMP standard.

Who can eat mangosteen?

Like any exotic fruit, mangosteen can cause allergies in people who are not used to it. If a rash, redness and itching appear on the skin, as well as unusual pain in the joints, mangosteen should be excluded from your diet.

Mangosteen in cooking

Mangosteen is most often eaten raw. After heat treatment from fruit get a delicious sweet and sour jam. There are Thai recipes in which mangosteen slices, along with seeds, are marinated in brown sugar.

How to store mangosteen

In a dry room room temperature mangosteen will lie unchanged for almost a month before their skin begins to become tough and the flesh becomes dry. Studies have shown that at a temperature of + 3 ... 6 ° C and humidity, about 90% of mangosteen retain their taste and beneficial features within 49 days.

Other uses for mangosteen

In Ghana, mangosteen twigs are chewed like chewing sticks. In China, the peel of the fruit, which contains a lot of tannin, catechin and resins, is added to compositions for tanning leather and making black dye. The wood of the mangosteen tree is used in carpentry and construction.

By the way…

Little known to our compatriots, the mangosteen managed to "shine" in Soviet cinema. In the film “Guest from the Future”, based on the novel by Kir Bulychev “One Hundred Years Ahead” main character He speaks:

- ... you take a mangosteen, and fry it in peteyar oil for five minutes ...

Mangosteen fruits are small, the size of a large tangerine, round shape, with a dark purple skin, green leaves and white flesh in the form of 5-7 small cloves that look like garlic. Some segments are only juicy pulp, and some contain small stones that do not separate well from the pulp. Mangosteen grows on very tall evergreen trees with a voluminous crown. From the moment the tree is planted, at least 9-10 years must pass before it begins to bear fruit. The mangosteen tree blooms once or twice a year, depending on the climate. And at least 100 days must pass before the fruit fully ripens. One mature tree gives about 500 fruits. And the flowers develop on new shoots that have grown over the past year. They are white and quite large. It turns out that there are no wild mangosteens in nature, this is a natural hybrid of the other two. wild species plants. Mangosteen is an asexual plant, all its flowers are both female and male, self-fertilizing. And another feature of the queen of fruits is that her flowers do not produce nectar, so when she blooms, neither bees nor any other insects fly to her flowers, unlike all other plants.

The taste of mangosteen always has a pleasant light sourness, even when it is very ripe. An unripe mangosteen can contain quite a lot of acid and corrode the mouth just like hot pineapples.

The taste of mangosteen combines a cross between peach, apricot, strawberry, pineapple, grapes.

Useful properties of mangosteen

How to eat mangosteen

Still need to know this interesting point with mangosteen.

Pay attention to the flower pattern from the bottom of the mangosteen. How many petals are on it, so many slices of pulp are in this fruit. This works with absolutely every mangosteen.

Growing mangosteen

mangosteen fruit

General information

How to eat mangosteen?

Mangosteen fruit: benefits and harms, how to properly clean and eat mangosteen

We grow mangosteen

Surely, many already know about the king of fruits, durian, but he also has a queen. This title was awarded to another delicious exotic fruit - mangosteen. The homeland of this fruit, belonging to the clusiaceae family, is Southeast Asia. There is no specific country that can be called the country of origin of the mangosteen, but it grows in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and parts of America, Colombia and Africa. Only a tropical climate suits mangosteen, it is very thermophilic plant, which dies when the temperature drops to +10 degrees.

Mangosteen fruits are small, the size of a large tangerine, round in shape, with a dark purple peel, green leaves and white flesh in the form of 5-7 small slices that look like garlic. Some segments are only juicy pulp, and some contain small stones that do not separate well from the pulp.

Mangosteen - the queen of fruits

Mangosteen grows on very tall evergreen trees with a voluminous crown. From the moment the tree is planted, at least 9-10 years must pass before it begins to bear fruit. The mangosteen tree blooms once or twice a year, depending on the climate. And at least 100 days must pass before the fruit fully ripens. One mature tree produces approximately 500 fruits. And the flowers develop on new shoots that have grown over the past year. They are white and quite large. It turns out that there are no wild mangosteens in nature, it is a natural hybrid of two other wild plant species. Mangosteen is an asexual plant, all its flowers are both female and male, self-fertilizing. And another feature of the queen of fruits is that her flowers do not produce nectar, so when she blooms, neither bees nor any other insects fly to her flowers, unlike all other plants.

The taste of mangosteen always has a pleasant light sourness, even when it is very ripe. An unripe mangosteen can contain quite a lot of acid and corrode the mouth just like hot pineapples. The taste of mangosteen combines a cross between peach, apricot, strawberry, pineapple, grapes.

Useful properties of mangosteen

In addition to amazing taste, mangosteen has a lot of useful properties. For example, this fruit has antifungal, antiviral and bactericidal properties, kills cancer cells, relieves inflammation, maintains microbiological balance, protects our immune system, relieves fatigue, promotes fat burning, slows down the aging of the whole body, removes kidney stones, increases mental activity, relieves from depression, useful for the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, allergies, ulcers, diarrhea, fever (has a cooling effect) and other ailments. There are a lot of mangosteen useful substances, vitamins and microelements. It is most valued for its content of vitamins E, C, B, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, thiamine, etc.

As you can see, mangosteen is incredibly healthy, so when you come to rest in tropical countries, do not forget to include it in your diet. At the same time, mangosteen does not contain fat, and its calorie content is 70-74 kcal. Therefore, this tropical fruit can be eaten in any quantity without any harm to your figure.

How to choose a good mangosteen

There are several secrets on how to choose a good mangosteen. When buying, you need to lightly squeeze each fruit, and when pressed, it should not be oak, this indicates that the mangosteen has already deteriorated inside and is not suitable for food. Also, mangosteen leaves should be green, not brown. brown leaves there are old mangosteens, which are a little risky to take, they can be both good, but on the verge of spoilage, and completely spoiled. Feel free to feel every mangosteen you buy, because good and spoiled fruits look the same. We are all used to the fact that if a fruit spoils, then it is immediately noticeable visually, but not in the case of mangosteen. At first, it deteriorates inside, then its peel hardens, then the leaves darken, but in general it never looks rotten.

How to eat mangosteen

Eating mangosteen is pretty easy. To open this small beautiful fruit, you need to first remove its top (leaves) with a slight twist to the side, then press on the center of the fruit. Thus, it is very easy to get the pulp. When the mangosteen is fresh, the top comes off very easily without much effort. Only sometimes it happens that the mangosteen has lain down for some time after harvest, but has not yet deteriorated, and then their top is not so easy to tear off. In this case, you can place the fetus between the palms and squeeze. But such a fruit will be somewhat more difficult to open, and probably some part of it will already be spoiled.

If you want to cut the mangosteen beautifully, then you need to make an incision along the entire mangosteen, but carefully so as to cut only the peel and not touch the flesh. This method is relevant for very fresh soft-skinned mangosteens. Don't try this with hardened mangosteen - it's dangerous.

You also need to know such an interesting moment with mangosteen. Pay attention to the flower pattern from the bottom of the mangosteen. How many petals are on it, so many slices of pulp are in this fruit. This works with absolutely every mangosteen.

Growing mangosteen

How to grow mangosteen at home indoor plant quite difficult, but still possible if you put effort into it. This is a very moisture and heat-loving plant that dies if the temperature drops to +10 +15 degrees. Mangosteen loves high humidity air, which he receives at home in the tropics. You can buy or order mangosteen seedlings via the Internet, or you can bring their seeds from a vacation in a tropical country. Enjoyed the mangosteen, and save the seeds, they will be useful to you to replenish your collection of home plants. Seed germination is very fast - just a few days. But then the plant develops very slowly, so you need to be patient. While the mangosteen is small, it needs especially a lot of moisture and more shade. Only at the age of 2-3 years does he need a bright open sun. It is believed that the mangosteen loves clay soils.

Mangosteens are best eaten where they grow. After all, they are often brought to Russia, but the quality is not the same. They tolerate transportation well, but do not store for a long time. Therefore, in Russia you cannot try good mangosteens, they will be either unripe and sour, or oaky to the touch, which means spoiled inside. And in tropical countries, the season of this fruit is different - somewhere in winter, somewhere in summer, etc. It is believed that it is Thai mangosteens that have the best taste and are the sweetest. In general, mangosteen is one of the ten most delicious fruits in the world.

How to eat mangosteen

mangosteen fruit

Today we will learn all the most interesting about the tropical fruit with the intriguing name mangosteen. This fruit grows on an evergreen tree, reaching the size of a large tangerine when mature. The homeland of this plant is considered to be the southeastern part of Asia, but today it is cultivated in all areas with a tropical climate. After we have learned where this tree grows, let's take a closer look at its most interesting part - delicious fruits.

The ripened fruit of this plant has a purple-burgundy skin color, it is inedible. But under it is something that is of gastronomic interest to us. Inside the mangosteen are 4 to 8 cloves of fruit pulp, as well as plant seeds. The taste of this tropical miracle is very pleasant, it perfectly quenches thirst with its fragrant and very juicy sweet and sour juice. In addition to great taste, mangosteen fruit has very useful properties and extremely high nutritional value. But this is far from the main thing that mangosteen is useful for a person. The most valuable substances that it contains are xanthones. These elements are a real gift of nature to humanity. They are able to improve memory, stimulate the immune system, and also enhance the body's immunity to negative factors. environment. The nonsense is that the mangosteen fruit is the only known source of these elements on the entire planet Earth. Add to this the fact that mangosteen contains fiber protein - the most important “piece” for building muscles, and you have an almost perfect human food!

How to eat mangosteen?

Can't wait to try it already? Wait a bit, first we will learn from real gourmets how to eat mangosteen. First you need to know how to choose the right ripe, but not overripe fruit. A ripe mangosteen should be almost burgundy, very dense to the touch and always large. After all, the thickness of the peel does not depend on the size, therefore, in small fruits the edible part is very small. These fruits are most delicious from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Now let's move on to the peeling process itself. We make a shallow incision from the cutting through lower part fruit, and another one of the same crosswise. We break the peel and see what we will eat - white slices with seeds attached to them (the seeds should not be eaten). Enjoy your meal!

If you want to treat your friends with a curiosity brought from vacation, keep in mind that the shelf life of this fruit is very limited. Even in ideal conditions, in dry and dark room, it will lie just over three weeks after it is plucked.

Why not grow exotic mangosteen at home? The idea is not easy, but quite doable. Keep in mind that the seeds of this plant remain viable for a very short time. From the moment the fruit is removed from the tree, no more than 4-5 weeks should pass. If the seeds were packaged properly (wrapped with slightly moistened moss or fiber), then their shelf life increases to 8-10 weeks. Pour drainage at the bottom of the pot, then a mixture of light soil with high-moor peat. Further, at a depth of 1-2 centimeters, we plant a seed, a little moisten the soil and cover the container with a film. Growing mangosteen at home is greatly complicated by an underdeveloped root system, so many prospectors fail. You can see shoots only at 5-6 weeks. After you have learned how to plant a mangosteen tree, be patient, because up to 25-30 centimeters it can only grow in two years. Well, until the time when you first taste the fruits of the mangosteen tree, at least ten years! Mangosteen loves high humidity, but at the same time, the earth in the pot should be moist, not wet. Watering should be frequent, but not too plentiful. Optimal temperature regime- 28-30 degrees.

In addition, other unusual fruits can be found in Southeast Asia - the Dragon's eye and durian.

Mangosteen is called the queen of fruits. The king of fruits is the durian. and the queen is a mangosteen. There are several names for this fruit - mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia and mangkut. It is often mistakenly referred to as magnostin.

Mangosteen grows throughout Asia, in almost all tropical countries. There are especially a lot of them in Thailand and Indonesia, and it is there that they are the sweetest. For example, Philippine mangosteens are much more sour, and often eat away at the mouth as well as some pineapples, which is never the case with Thai mangosteens. Mangosteen is also very good in Vietnam. This fruit has a very pleasant unusual taste, sweet and sour. But it is rather difficult to describe it. This fruit is a must try. And once you try it, you won't be able to forget the taste. Approximately this taste can be described as something between pineapples, peaches, strawberries and grapes. pulp white color, very gentle and refreshing, melts in your mouth. Inside each fruit has several cloves that look like garlic cloves. Some lobules contain bones (one per lobule), some do not. The number of slices in the fruit is indicated by the drawing at the bottom of the mangosteen - how many petals are on it, so much is the proportion of pulp inside.

When buying mangosteens, make sure they are slightly soft when pressed. Very hard, stone ones should not be taken, this indicates that they have already deteriorated. This is the property of mangosteen - when overripe and spoiled, they become oak. When they are fresh and good, they are easily crushed with a little pressure. Such mangosteens are very easy to peel by hand. But if you don't want to get your hands or nails too dirty, you can use a knife to make an incision in the center of the mangosteen and open it in half. The easiest way to peel a mangosteen is to put pressure on the fruit with your hands, and it will open in half.

Mangosteen season is usually 2 times a year in every tropical country. For example, in Thailand they bear fruit in winter and summer. There are a lot of them in Indonesia in winter.

Mangosteen grows on tall trees with a spreading crown and large bright green leaves.

Tropical fruit mangosteen: how to choose and use

Here on these.

Handsome and delicious mangosteen!

Dark areas in the lobules, these are the bones:

And these are the mangosteen bones:

The most frequently asked questions about mangosteen

What does mangosteen taste like ?

Sweet with slight sourness. Remotely resembles ... fruit drink. The most refreshing fruit I have ever known!

Juicy fruit, like some kind of berry. Not creamy.

How to choose mangosteen ?

Feel each fruit upon purchase before putting it in your bag. Take only sagging fruits! Oak mangosteen = already rancid. You can hardly meet unripe mangosteens, but, by the way, they look different - they have a very light peel, pink-purple, and, as it is not oak, they are also easy to open with your hands, just the flesh will not be so sweet and tender.

How to clean and eat mangosteen ?

Forget the knife. Mangosteen is eaten with the hands! Just press on the fruit, and it will open easily, providing you with its tender, refreshing and incredibly tasty pulp.

Is it possible to taste and fall in love with mangosteen the first time ?

This is exactly what usually happens. Everyone loves mangosteen!

Where does it grow the most? ?

in Thailand and Indonesia. However, if you arrive in the off-season, then there will either be no mangosteen at all, or there will be few of them, and they will be of poor quality and expensive.

Which country tastes better ?

Again in Thailand and Indonesia. Philippines. for example, not a mangosteen country at all - there they are sour, expensive and few of them.

Summer and winter. Usually 2 seasons per year.

Varieties and types of mangosteen

Surely the mangosteen has different types and varieties, but I don't know anything about them. Mangosteen yes mangosteen.

Video about mangosteen:

Useful properties and contraindications of mangosteen

The exotic fruit mangosteen, also known as mangosteen or mangosteen (lat. Garcinia mangostana) belongs to plants of the genus Garcinia. Widespread in Indonesia and Malaysia. Today it is also cultivated in parts of Southeast and South Asia and exported all over the world.

Mangosteen fruits are dark purple in color, spherical different shapes. The peel is quite hard, about 5-10 mm thick. The pulp is white, soft, fleshy and juicy, divided into 4-8 slices, tastes like an orange. There are bones inside.

An interesting fact: this fruit was a favorite treat of Queen Victoria, so it is sometimes called the "king among fruits."

Scope of application

Fresh fruits are consumed raw. it delicious dessert, which is on the menu of every self-respecting Thai restaurant. And in Malaysia, delicious jam is made from the pulp of mangosteen.

On sale you can find canned or frozen fruits. Although they lose their unique aroma during processing, this is the price for a long shelf life.

The twigs of the plant are used as gum sticks in Ghana (in West Africa). Furniture is made from beautiful dark brown wood. The peel of the fruit contains a black dye, which is used in China to tan leather.

Various parts of the plant have found use in Southeast Asian folk medicine recipes.

The nutritional value

It is a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. The peel contains phytonutrients and bioactive chemicals that are beneficial to health.

Mangosteen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antiviral properties. Contains about 60 xanthones (a record number) - natural phenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial properties.

The peel is rich in pectin, and the seeds are fatty acids, vitamin C and phytonutrients.

health benefits of mangosteen

The medicinal properties of this fruit have been known since the 18th century. Today, many of these properties have received scientific justification.

According to scientific data, xanthones affect blood clotting. Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating mangosteen for people taking blood-thinning medications.

Allergic reactions are also possible.

Concerning the use of mangosteens during pregnancy consensus no. You'd better consult with your doctor.

Where to buy and how to choose?

These fruits can be found in major grocery stores. Pay attention to the supplier: the treat must be from China, Thailand or other countries in Southeast Asia. You can also order the delicacy online.

Choose fruits from large quantity leaflets crowning the top. As a rule, they are juicier and contain fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen?

Wash fruit under running water. With a sharp knife make an incision on the peel around the circumference. The incision should be deep enough, as the thickness of the peel is about 7-10 mm. Inside you will find white pulp, in the form of cloves, like garlic cloves. Juicy slices can be easily removed from the peel with a spoon.

Meet another exotic fruit that you can eat with a spoon - lychee.

Sweet and sour jam

  • 200 g fruit pulp
  • 70 g sugar
  • 70 g of water
  • 2 tbsp lime juice,
  • 1 tbsp pectin.

Make sugar syrup from sugar and water. Add syrup to the pulp of the fruit and cook until soft. Then add 2 tbsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. pectin for gelling. Simmer until the jam thickens.

Store the finished jam in an airtight container.


  • 250 g mangosteen puree,
  • 100 g liquid cream,
  • 1 glass of water.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender, add sugar to taste.

If you love discovering new healthy foods pay attention to the mangosteen. Even if you don’t like the taste, no one will take away the joy of new experiences from you.

Mangosteen (mangosteen, garcinia) is an exotic fruit of the Clusiev family. Thanks to medicinal properties, dietary product is widely used in traditional medicine Asian countries. It contains vitamins, micro and macro elements that are beneficial to human health.

Nutritional value and beneficial properties of mangosteen

An exotic fruit is a hybrid (polyploid) of two types of trees, the connection of which occurred without human intervention. Due to this feature, the content of useful trace elements and vitamins is greater than in ordinary fruits. Useful properties of fruits:

  • 100 g of fruit contains only 65 kcal, but nourishes the body with carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • fruits are rich in fiber and sugar derivatives (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • mangosteen contains a large number of ascorbic acid, vitamin E and B1 (thiamine);
  • content minerals(phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron);
  • fruits are valued for natural antioxidants (xanthones). Of the 200 known to modern scientists, mangosteen has 39 in its composition. These substances support the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as tone the body, improve protein metabolism, and help fight viral infections and stimulate brain activity;
  • patients suffering from allergic reactions are recommended to use fruit puree;
  • fruit eaten after a meal regulates body weight by controlling blood sugar levels;

  • mangosteen helps to restore the digestive tract, normalizing digestion;
  • due to its powerful antioxidant effect, the miracle fruit has beneficial effect on the cells of the epidermis;
  • incredibly, but mangosteen helps to defeat Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, fights cancer cells, leukemia, eczema and gum disease;
  • the properties of the healing fruit can slow down the aging of cells and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

Since xanthones have not yet been fully explored, experts do not recommend combining the use of the fruits of the mangosteen tree with the intake of heart drugs, and also be wary of their intake by women who are carrying a child.

AT exotic tree not only fruits are useful, and from pulp to peel, but also leaves with bark. For example, the skin contains a large amount of flavonoids that effectively fight dysentery and skin ailments. Since the rind is inedible, it is used in the preparation of juices from the pulp.

Useful properties of mangosteen (video)

Where and how does an exotic fruit grow

mangosteen is evergreen tree, reaching a height of 25 m, which gives a fruit harvest of up to 180 kg. The plant has a scaly trunk covered with black-brown bark, leathery shiny oval-oblong leaves and a pyramidal crown. The size of the ripened fruit does not exceed the size of a mandarin, a appearance similar to pomegranate. The white pulp, divided into 8 segments, is covered with a thick purple peel. Seeds are located inside the pulp.

The birthplace of the miracle tree is Southeast Asia, although the exact place of origin has not been determined. Thailand is the world leader in the export of fruits. Mangosteen trees are also successfully grown in Vietnam, Malaysia, and India. In countries with a tropical climate, the plant is found in botanical parks. The most suitable for cultivation is the equatorial climate without drafts and droughts.

How to clean and eat mangosteen

Mangosteen has a sweet taste with a slight sourness, reminiscent of an amazing cream of strawberries, peach, apple and sweet grapes at the same time. In order to choose a ripe fruit on the counter in the store, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • fruit color should be burgundy;
  • since the thickness of the peel does not depend on the size of the fruit, it should not be too small;
  • if the fruit is not overripe, it will feel firm to the touch, not soft.

Before eating the fruit, it must be cleaned and done correctly. The cleaning process begins with two shallow cuts (without affecting the tender flesh) from the cutting along the bottom of the fruit, made crosswise with each other. Then the peel should be broken. On the surface will be white pulp, consisting of 4-8 slices (like a tangerine) with attached seeds that fit snugly together.

The use of healthy mangosteen

Mangosteen has an exquisite taste and a lot of nutritional properties. Although only the pulp is considered edible, more nutrients are found in the peel. It is for this reason that the pulp along with the peel is used to make mangosteen juice.

The study of the fruit amazed the experts wide opportunity their applications. Due to the content of antioxidants, rare vitamins B1, B2, C, E, trace elements, as well as the presence of anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties, mangosteen has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

How to eat mangosteen (video)

Juice and drink

Most people prefer to eat fruits in fresh, but recently, manufacturers are increasingly processing fruits into canned food or juice. Thanks to modern technologies, vitamins, micro- and macroelements are maximally preserved in the product, active substances and unique components.

There are many more valuable properties of a unique product that are not listed. Due to its ability to break down body fat and improve metabolic processes, mangosteen in the form of juices and drinks is most often used for body shaping.

mangosteen oil

The oil of this fruit is used in aromatherapy as an antidepressant. Its main properties include a unique rejuvenating effect. In addition, it prevents moisture loss and the appearance of wrinkles.

To stimulate the metabolic processes of the epidermis, some manufacturers in cosmetic product add coconut oil, jojoba and macadamia. The composition is applied to the décolleté, face and neck 1 or 2 times a day and is not washed off. May be mixed with cream.

Harm from eating fruit

Since mangosteen has a wide range of health benefits, it is very popular among those who care about their health. There may be restrictions in the use of this healthy fruit for people with allergies. That is why the first time you try to eat mangosteen, it is recommended to start with a small piece. In the absence of irritation or redness on the skin, you can safely use the fruit.

With great care, fruits should be eaten by people with pathology of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys. Pregnant women are allowed to eat mangosteen only if they have tasted the fruit before conception and have not observed allergic reactions.

We grow outlandish mangosteen at home

Since the mangosteen is very demanding in care, it is difficult to grow it at home, especially from the stone. It is recommended to purchase adventitious embryos. But it must be taken into account that such tubers retain the ability to germinate for 6-7 weeks after packaging.

To land, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • At the bottom of the container for planting exotic plant it is necessary to place drainage, and cover it with soil with the addition of peat on top.
  • The seed should be immersed to a depth of 2 cm, moistened and covered with a film, thus creating a warm, humid environment.
  • Mangosteen has a very slow growth, therefore, the first sprouts appear 1.5 months after planting, and after a couple of years the height of the plant will reach only 25 cm. In this case, the conditions should be equal to tropical: temperature 27-30 degrees and high humidity.

How to choose a mangosteen (video)

Due to the difficulties associated with transporting and storing an exotic product, it is almost impossible to purchase mangosteen. Ripe and healthy fruits available in tropical countries all summer.

lovers exotic fruits you should definitely try mangosteen - the fruit of a plant belonging to the genus Garcinia. Unfortunately, this tree does not grow in the CIS countries, but is common in Malaysia, Thailand, in the east and south of Asia and in the countries of Indonesia. However, in most large supermarkets you can find this unusual fruit on sale. What is it, how is it applied? What is the composition of the fruit? Let's talk about the benefits of mangosteen and the dangers, and also "Popular about Health" will tell you how to eat the fruit.

What is mangosteen?

The mangosteen fruit is no larger than a tangerine. Its peel is dark purple, thick and dense. The thickness of the peel of the overseas fruit is about a centimeter. Inside is white pulp. It looks like garlic cloves. It tastes sweet and sour with a hint of citrus, a bit like an orange. The lobules contain seeds and pits. The pulp is quite juicy, refreshing. How is mangosteen used?

The use of mangosteen

Mangosteen is eaten fresh, it is very tasty and healthy. Canned fruits can also be found on sale, but during storage they lose some of their taste and useful properties. Mangosteen is also used to make smoothies or purees. In Thailand, fruits are served for dessert, and Malaysians love mangosteen jam.

However, the use of fruit is possible not only in cooking. For example, the wood of the plant is often used to make furniture. I found a use for the mangosteen and the peel. It contains a pigment that is used in the leather industry to dye leather goods black. In folk medicine, Asians use different parts of the mangosteen tree. What chemical composition fruits? What is special about it?

What is the composition of the fruit and the nutritional value ?

The composition of mangosteen is of interest to people who put their health at the forefront. Useful properties are found not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

It contains valuable phytonutrients that have an adaptogenic, tonic, tonic effect. Mangosteen is the record holder for the content of xanthones, powerful antioxidants. Mangosteen has a lot of vitamins A and C in the pulp, as well as trace elements - magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium. About 60 varieties of them were found in this fruit! To date, this fruit has no equal, there is no other vegetable or fruit that would simultaneously contain such an amount of antioxidants.

The peel is enriched with pectins and essential oils. The calorie content of mangosteen is 73 kcal per 100 g. Most of all in its pulp are carbohydrates - 18%, protein - 0.4%, and fat - 0.6%.

fruit benefits

In view of the composition of the fruit comes the understanding that it must be very beneficial to health. This is the case. Antioxidants are of great value, of which there are so many. They easily neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body, preventing the formation of cancer cells. That is, it is recommended to eat mangosteen for the prevention of cancer and the cleansing of the whole organism as a whole. If eating a mangosteen provided just that, that would be enough. But the benefits of fruit are not only this.

Mangosteen is also beneficial in that it helps to lose weight, but not only due to the low calorie content. Substances in its pulp speed up metabolism, improve digestion. By the way, with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, it is also useful, but not in the acute phase, but at the stage of remission. Due to its ability to relieve inflammation and heal, it can even cure peptic ulcers. Regular consumption of mangosteen helps to increase efficiency, gives a surge of vigor, relieves headaches, normalizes blood circulation and cardiac activity. Are there any contraindications to it?

Harm of mangosteen

In general, there is no need to talk about the dangers of the fruit, since the mangosteen does not have harmful properties. But! There are some known health problems in humans, in which it is not recommended to eat this fruit. For example, if you have poor blood clotting, refrain from tropical treats. The xanthones in its composition thin the blood. Also, from the fruit, harm is possible with an allergic reaction to it. This manifestation can become an obstacle to the use of the fetus.

How to eat mangosteen?

The pulp is eaten from the fruit. To get to it, you need to remove the peel from the fruit. Since it is quite thick, it is usually cut to a depth of about a centimeter and carefully removed by hand. Inside, under the skin, there are white slices, it is them that are eaten at the mangosteen. You can simply remove them with your hands or eat them with a spoon. The peel itself is rarely eaten fresh, although it is also extremely useful, it is used when cooking jam or for other purposes.

So your acquaintance with the mangosteen fruit took place. Perhaps you will someday be able to find it, being somewhere in the resort, or in another place. If you get the chance, be sure to taste the Thai fruit, which is a real source of health.


Mangosteen is an exotic tropical fruit that grows wild only in the Malay Archipelago. It is currently grown mainly in Thailand.

These fruits have a very specific appearance. Their white flesh is covered with dark purple skin.

The taste of mangosteen is distinguished by sophistication, and the fruit is used in food along with the peel. Juice is also prepared with it, because the skin contains the most large quantity useful substances.

These fruits are various countries called mangosteens, mangosteens, garcinias, mangkuts, the queen of fruits.

In this article, we will show an exotic fruit in the photo, talk about the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit for weight loss, the treatment of diseases, and its contraindications.

How to choose, clean and eat properly

Mangosteen combines taste, and. When buying, you should choose the largest fruits, because in small ones there is very little juicy pulp, consisting, as a rule, of seven slices with stones.

Fruit good quality must have bright colors, be slightly soft, and their skin is smooth and springy when pressed.

If the mangosteen is hard, dry to the touch, and there are cracks on its peel, then it is overripe. Don't buy these copies. There should be no yellow spots, mold traces on the fruits.

These fruits can store in a dry, cool place for about three weeks, in the future, the pulp loses its juiciness, and then completely dries up.

When eating, the peel of the fruit is cut in a circle, trying not to touch the pulp. The upper half is removed, the slices are pulled out with a fork.

The remaining peel can be added to juice or used for treatment., after drying in the sun and grinding into powder.

How to choose mangosteen:

Composition, caloric content, nutritional value, glycemic index

The calorie content of mangosteen is about 70 kilocalories per hundred grams product. Based on this, by weight of each fruit, you can calculate its calorie content. Glycemic index - 35.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 0.51 grams;
  • fats - 0.44 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 14.79 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 5 grams;
  • water - 79.26 grams.

The chemical composition of mangosteen is enriched with:

What is useful for the body

mangosteen contains special substances - xanthones. In these fruits, there are 39 types of them - this is the highest concentration of all food products.

They have unique antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and antioxidant properties. Therefore, these fruits contribute to a rapid increase in immunity. The body does not perceive negative environmental factors.

Also these fruits contain protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

A large number of vitamins and minerals allows a small amount of fruit to improve the body, get rid of diseases.

The program “Live healthy!” will tell about the beneficial properties of mangosteen:

Benefits for women, men and children, pregnant and lactating, the elderly

With its inclusion in the menu the cardiovascular system is strengthened, insomnia disappears, the quality of sleep improves, headaches disappear, the work of the brain and digestive system normalizes, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Helps to stimulate the activity of the endocrine system and stabilize the hormonal background.

The fruit quickly cleanses the body, which leads to its rejuvenation, increase in tone. For women, it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.

The fruit is included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, if it does not cause allergic reactions.

The useful substances contained in it will help to avoid birth defects of the fetus, to form it correctly nervous system. Thanks to antioxidants, the cells of the mother and child will be protected from external influences.

During feeding, the child will receive from milk a large amount of substances that contribute to its proper development.

Mangosteen can be included in the children's menu after a year. They will be happy to eat this delicious fruit and drink the juice made from it.

But you need to start with a small amount to test the reaction to this exotic fruit.

Potential harm, contraindications

We talked about the health benefits of mangosteen, let's see if there is any harm. Mangosteen has no contraindications.

But it should be consumed moderately by people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and those who experience frequent migraines. The fetus increases blood viscosity.

When enabled in the menu may come to light allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

Therefore, you need to start with a small amount so as not to harm your health.

sweet and sour fruit widely consumed fresh whole or canned. Medicinal syrups are prepared from it.

In many Asian countries, fruit seeds, previously fried, are used as food.

What to cook

Desserts, fruit salads, juices, cocktails are made from mangosteens., and in many Asian countries they are cooked very delicious jam or jam.

Fruits can be frozen, but, as with heat treatment, fruits somewhat change their specific taste and lose a number of useful substances.



  • mangosteen (pulp) - 500 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • pectin - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • boil water, add sugar to it, cook for several minutes;
  • chop the mangosteen pulp, put in the resulting syrup, boil for ten minutes;
  • add lime juice, pectin to the resulting mass and keep on low heat for another five minutes;
  • put the finished jam into sterilized jars, cork plastic lids. Store in refrigerator or cellar.

Fruit salad


How to cook:

  • peel the oranges, remove the film from the slices, cut them into pieces;
  • grate lemon zest, squeeze juice;
  • mangosteen, feijoa and strawberries cut into cubes;
  • fry walnuts, chop;
  • combine sour cream with sugar, lemon juice, beat;
  • combine fruit, pour sauce, sprinkle with raisins.

Fruit and creamy cocktail


  • mangosteen (pulp) - 500 g;
  • cream - 200 milliliters;
  • water - 200 milliliters;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100 g.

How to cook:

  • grind mangosteen into a puree;
  • squeeze juice from a lemon;
  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.

Other applications

For weight loss

Mangosteen well reduces appetite gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for breakfast, then there will be no desire to have a snack before lunch. The fruit burns extra fat in the body.

The fruit has the ability to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, cholesterol, remove excess fluid.

It also helps to shed excess weight. Improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Mangosteen - fruits with a very short term storage, then good fruits in our country are often very difficult to find. That's why fresh fruit can be replaced with syrup or peel powder which also promotes weight loss.

Some grow fruit in room conditions, but the difficulty lies in the fact that the fruits have to wait about ten years.

For the treatment of various diseases

An extract is made from the pericarp and used to treat arthritis, sciatica, and various inflammatory processes.

Peel pieces, dried and powdered using a coffee grinder, brew like regular tea. What they are being treated for: