The best examples of wall decoration with decorative stone and wallpaper in the hallway and kitchen. Decorating kitchen walls with decorative stone: step-by-step instructions Artificial stone in an apartment kitchen

The best examples of wall decoration with decorative stone and wallpaper in the hallway and kitchen.  Decorating kitchen walls with decorative stone: step-by-step instructions Artificial stone in an apartment kitchen
The best examples of wall decoration with decorative stone and wallpaper in the hallway and kitchen. Decorating kitchen walls with decorative stone: step-by-step instructions Artificial stone in an apartment kitchen

New renovation- new expectations. But can you expect anything truly new if you continue to think in old patterns? If you want redevelopment in an apartment or house to bring a real, and not a far-fetched change in the interior for the better, you should already use the usual design ideas look with fresh eyes. You may not have noticed, but in interior design there has long been a tendency to synthesize finishing materials that are polar to each other in aesthetics. A sort of interior oxymoron, a combination of the incompatible - in theory, but in practice, as it turns out, everything works brilliantly. Our focus today is decorating the walls in the kitchen and hallway with decorative stone and wallpaper. We will carefully study photos from modern interiors, consider all the advantages of the solution, and also try to give worthwhile recommendations for the optimal implementation of a winning combination. In a word, it will be interesting.

All the benefits of the combination

Natural stone is mainly used for finishing the facades of private houses, but for interior decoration It is advisable to use its imitation from modern finishing materials. This is probably the rare case when a copy is no worse than the original, especially if you look at this matter from a practical point of view. Let's consider all the advantages of combining decorative stone and wallpaper in the design of walls in the hallway and kitchen.

  1. resistance to mechanical stress- this is especially true for ceramic imitation of stone textures and embossed vinyl wallpaper;
  2. stylistic versatility- this combination will fit favorably into both classic interior, and in modern design built according to the laws of loft and minimalism;
  3. environmental safety- almost all materials used to make decorative stone are based on natural ingredients, so you can always use them in any room, even in the kitchen, where you regularly eat, store food and cook;
  4. favorable combination with lighting- accentuate the stone texture with placements in right place lamps and you will see how much the atmosphere in the room will change;
  5. light weight- unlike the so-called natural stone decorative is quite lightweight and can be safely used even in plasterboard structures;
  6. affordable price- and again, it is worth mentioning natural stone and drawing quite obvious conclusions about the more favorable cost of its imitation, as well as about the cost of wallpaper - relatively inexpensive, attractive and practical;
  7. a large number of variations- you can choose wallpaper with a stone-like texture and harmoniously complement the wall fragment finished with imitation, or use photo wallpaper with interesting drawing and correctly fit them onto a wall trimmed with stone along the perimeter: and these are just a few successful options from a whole series of possible ones.

As for the technical aspects of using decorative stone and wallpaper for walls, for example, in the hallway and kitchen, then from the photo above we can draw a fair conclusion: this combination can be safely used in the interior, regardless of the level of humidity in the apartment or house, are there open sources of water nearby, is the temperature regime observed, are there any prerequisites for the occurrence of mold and other manifestations of pathogenic flora. However, with some materials you need to be extremely careful and use certain tricks to extend their operation for as long as possible. But more on this in the section devoted to materials that are widely used in industry to produce high-quality imitation of stone texture in the interior.

Modern materials for imitation stone

Surely, you have all come across wall decoration more than once, where decorative stone is combined with wallpaper in the format of both the kitchen and the hallway. Or you’ve seen a lot of photos on the Internet with similar examples of interior design. The stone texture on almost all of them looked convincing, but in a number of cases they used nothing at all to imitate it. different materials. What modern materials best suited for this task?


  • large selection of textures;
  • very convincing conveyance of the features of rocks;
  • absolutely undemanding to installation.

Today, gypsum is one of the most successful ways to “place” stone finishing in your interior, and without any strain on your budget. An affordable price tag, a large number of mastered forms, very light weight and basic installation - what else is needed for happiness? Oh yes, plaster is not only possible, but even necessary to be painted: you can correctly fit it anywhere, and with well-chosen wallpaper nearby, the interior has every chance of noticeably transforming. If your walls are made of gypsum board sheets, then this option will be optimal solution.

Good advice: After installation, you can treat the plaster with varnish with the effect of wet asphalt or any other glossy sheen and stretch an LED strip of a neutral shade over the wall - you will get an amazingly beautiful solution that will amaze you with its deeply realistic texture and incredible volume. Checked!


Clinker refers to red clay tiles that have undergone severe heat treatment. As a rule, they are used not only for decorative finishing walls in the hallway and kitchen, but also outside, as facade decoration. Based on this, it is already possible to draw a very specific conclusion about how convincing clinker is in its characteristics:

  • is not afraid of water or high/low temperatures;
  • fireproof;
  • absolutely non-toxic;
  • easily fits into the most capricious interior.

The photo shows several options for decorating walls with such decorative stone in the hallway and in the kitchen - next to the wallpaper and without it.

Porcelain tiles

  • very strong but heavy tiles;
  • impeccable characteristics;
  • unconvincing relief.

Porcelain stoneware is often confused with clinker, but there is a significant difference between them: porcelain stoneware is hardened at a higher temperature, its base is made of ceramic mixed with quartz sand. In terms of characteristics, of course, there is complete parity: also universal use - and also absolute immunity even to strong mechanical influences. However, in terms of conveying the features of stone texture, porcelain stoneware does not have many trump cards here. It does an excellent job of imitating marble rocks, but in everything related to volume and relief it is completely inferior to gypsum and clinker options.

Flexible stone

  • easy-to-use material;
  • high price;
  • well suited for the design of non-linear surfaces.

An option that is rarely seen in modern interiors due to its high cost. However, visual decorative effect fully justifies the material investment. And from the installation point of view, everything is very simple and understandable even for beginners.

You can read more about the most popular types of decorative stone in the article: “Finishing stone for walls inside an apartment.”

Key usage features

Every time we try to integrate some kind of new element, we hope that he will reach his potential in any case. However, the opposite situations often happen. In order not to throw ashes on your head about this later, it is better to foresee all the nuances in advance - such a constructive approach to organizing the interior will undoubtedly bear fruit.

Consider the size of the room

Very often people try to overload their already modest square meters with flashy details. Decorating the walls with decorative stone and wallpaper cannot be considered cosmetic changes in the interior: such a combination invariably attracts attention, makes you look at the texture over and over again and note the mood that it brings to the house. And it's good if free space enough for the entire decorative potential of such a solution to be fully realized. But otherwise, we get an extremely uncomfortable interior with all the ensuing sad consequences.

Remember: decorative stone in combination with wallpaper in any room requires enough free space to reveal all the beauty of its texture. If effective area The premises are modest, then it is worth thinking about the advisability of using such a combination in general, otherwise the risk of turning the apartment into some kind of cave and losing all the comfort is very high.

Lighting is your secret weapon

We have already mentioned the role of lighting in unlocking the decorative potential of stone texture. You really have a significant trump card at your disposal, the use of which allows you to radically transform the visual appearance of the room and emphasize good choice one or another finishing solution.

If the texture of a decorative stone is already replete with relief and you want to consistently diffuse light across the entire surface of the wall to create a harmonious look, then use front rays, which allow you to somewhat smooth out the relief and remove all unnecessary shadows. This option is again good for small rooms, in which an overly active decorative stone texture on the walls can provoke visual redundancy.

If you are faced with the exact opposite task, then use central lighting with streams of light from above: this way you can get an amazingly beautiful and even mysterious play of shadows and advantageously emphasize the features of the stone texture of the walls.

The photo shows several options for using the winning combination. We selected options both in the hallway and in the kitchen.

Photo wallpaper + plaster = a good combination

Sometimes there is no room to turn around in the hallway, but if you decorate the wall in a fresh and original way, your guests will completely forget even about this inconvenience. For this, use wallpaper with some interesting image, and on top of it, decorate the walls with decorative stone. Gypsum is very suitable for these purposes, as it adheres perfectly to any type of surface. As a result, you can get a breathtakingly beautiful result that will significantly expand the boundaries of your cramped hallway and allow not only your guests, but also you to feel comfortable in it.

Here are a few successful examples with a photo of a similar one wall decoration decorative stone and wallpaper are made in the hallway - and you can look at it endlessly.

Be smarter - decorate the corners with decorative stone

Our four-legged friends at home have an undisguised love for corners: the way the wallpaper is damaged in these places can be seen in every apartment. However, you may well be smart and give a decisive rebuff to the unruly “hooligans” if you decorate the walls with decorative stone in this “in-demand” place. As a result, the walls will receive a few points in terms of visual perfection, but most importantly, they will remain intact.

However, even if you don’t have pets, nothing prevents you from using such a tool: in combination with wallpaper it looks extremely advantageous, fresh and interesting.

Highlighting the apron and dining area

Here you should be extremely careful: not every decorative material used to imitate stone can be suitable for decorating a work area (apron). The fact is that constant operation in conditions high humidity, periodic contact with water can seriously shorten the life of gypsum wall finishing. But they will cope perfectly with all these nuances of imitation from porcelain stoneware, flexible stone or clinker- they can be safely used to decorate the work area.

Beautifully lit LED strip, these decorative materials for walls help to create a great mood and feel that very homely atmosphere that absolutely all owners in the world strive to create.

The only thing is that for these purposes it is better to use a calmer texture - it is easier to care for, but every housewife knows perfectly well what an apron is and how long it sometimes takes to wash it after intense cooking.

But as a wall decoration for a dining area, gypsum performs well without losing its performance qualities. Take a look at a few photos and see for yourself. We emphasize that wallpaper in the kitchen should also be chosen carefully, giving preference to practical, washable options.

Any housewife dreams of being a queen in her kitchen. How can you be a queen without your kingdom?

Since ancient times, the most common material for building castles and palaces has been ordinary stone.

Since then, practically nothing has changed, except that expensive natural stone has been replaced by one that is in no way inferior to it. cheaper artificial or decorative stone.

A little about decorative stone

- it is a composite material, consists of a mixture of cement, sand, fillers and pigments, reliably copying texture, shape and color natural stone.

Decorative stone, like its natural counterpart, has a wide range of applications in various fields of construction.

Types of artificial stone

Decorative stone is available in several types:

Porcelain tiles

Made from clay and feldspar with the addition of mineral and coloring additives, all components are mixed and pressed under high pressure, then fired.

Advantages of porcelain stoneware– durability and resistance to temperature changes, disadvantage – they do not tolerate the effects of chemicals well.


They are made from polyester resins, marble, granite chips and other additives.


  • Variety of shapes and colors;
  • Exact copying of the surface of natural stone;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Resistant to temperature changes.


  • Instability to chemicals;
  • Poor tolerance to sunlight;
  • High abrasion.

Colored concrete stone

It consists of Portland cement, sand and various additives that affect color, strength and other characteristics. This type Decorative stone is most often used for finishing.

Advantages of artificial/decorative stone

These include:

  • reasonable cost;
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • no disadvantages of natural stone;
  • attractive appearance;
  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • a large assortment;
  • lightness (compared to natural stone, artificial analogue 1.4 times lighter);
  • the ability to increase and improve characteristics and properties;
  • long service life.

The use of decorative stone in kitchen decoration

Decorative stone is used in the kitchen in many areas due to its practicality, convenience and beauty.

This facing material can be used both for a kitchen apron, a bar counter, and for doorways and windows.

By covering an ordinary room with this decorative element, it will become a real dream kitchen if the interior is decorated correctly.

Kitchen apron

Kitchen apron is a work area that should have a neat and tidy clean look. Decorative stone finishing is more common here.

And this is quite understandable - eternal humidity, dirt, drops of grease, temperature fluctuations from the stove, damage and chips are present precisely in the working area.

Any of these troubles are not terrible for decorative stone, because it is easy to wash, clean and does not chip at the edges.

Artificial stone has another advantage - it fits any interior. There are several styles in which stone plays a major role:

  • country style;
  • Provence
  • country style;
  • Mediterranean and even modern style.

In any of them, the presence of such decor will only be a plus.


The chosen interior style must be holistic and complete, so decorative stone can be used not only for a kitchen apron.

An excellent option would be decorating the walls with such a finishing element, However, the kitchen should not have high ceilings.

So you can create cozy atmosphere, where it will be pleasant for the whole family to stay.

You can use a simple trick - pave the walls with decorative stone not vertically, but horizontally. This way you can visually expand the room.

Covering all the walls completely with stone is not necessary; it is enough to cover some parts of the walls with this finish, and cover the rest of the surface with wallpaper or paint.

Patterns on kitchen walls They look interesting, fresh and modern.

Door and window openings made of decorative stone

The entrance opening made of decorative stone trim will be transformed, regardless of its shape - square or arched.

The presence of stone at the entrance will visually highlight a traditional doorway.

Refusal of the door to the kitchen and decoration arched vault followed by finishing with decorative stone – good welcome to make a regular entrance to the room separate element decor.

A passage that seems to be “cut out” in the wall will attract more attention than a standard wooden door.

The same trick works on window openings.

The windows will look like you are in a medieval castle.

A light curtain will create a cozy and gentle atmosphere. It is very pleasant and comfortable to be in such a room.

Finishing the ventilation duct using decorative stone

It’s impossible to call a ventilation duct something attractive in the interior.

But you won’t be able to remove it either. All that remains is to add a presentable look to it and adjust it to the overall picture of the interior.

A great way is to use decorative stone for it too.

With this finishing you can get an interior that also includes a false fireplace.

But we should not forget that everything should be in moderation; there is no need to get carried away with stone finishing, so as not to spoil the overall picture of the kitchen with excessive saturation.

In order not to go wrong with interior ideas, use the suggested tips for decorating a kitchen with artificial stone:

  1. Decorative stone needs to be adjusted to those design styles where it is really appropriate - country, rustic and Provence style.
  2. Should not be used bright light, the stone surface looks more saturated with slightly dimmed warm lighting.
  3. Stone and greenery - more ideal combination and you can’t imagine that the more flowers, the tastier and juicier the kitchen looks.
  4. In addition to greenery, you can use metal shelves, handles, wooden utensils, spoons, and jugs.
  5. A soft and holistic interior will only be achieved using rich, but warm shades finishing. It is better to forget about bright and neon colors if there is decorative stone in the decoration of the room.

Artificial stone went out of fashion for a short time, but now it is again at the peak of popularity, despite the variety of modern styles.

High-tech, modern and art deco compete with the classics, so decide what is more important for you - comfort and comfortable conditions or modern and stylish technologies.

Remember that the stone has incredible ability take you back to past times and forget about the bustle, immersing you in a world of mystery and romance.

The name artificial itself relates only to the word stone, since this material is natural. It is made made of cement and sand, and in some cases plaster. Dyes are added to the composition, imitating one or another color of the stone, and only they are of artificial origin, but their share in the composition does not exceed 2-3 percent. That is, at its core, artificial stone is lightweight concrete.


  • Artificial stone, so in a room such as a kitchen, its use is quite relevant. If the stone is not bright white, but of ordinary dark and light natural shades, traces of fat and dirt are not visible on it. Experts advise covering the artificial stone surface with a semi-matte varnish, then you won’t be afraid of any grease or dirt.
  • dining area. Firstly, from a design point of view, this immediately makes it stand out and make it very beautiful, and secondly, no traces of food remain. Stone can be used to highlight a bar counter area or decorate a window opening. These zones look very interesting if they are illuminated with one or more lamps.
  • apron in the kitchen


The hallway is one of the dirtiest places in the house. But at the same time, it is the face of the house, the room by which everything else is judged. Therefore, from a practical point of view, hallway walls in parts artificial stone. For example, if you want to hang

Living room.

stone in the living room- a great solution. Therefore, this material looks natural in any style from Japanese minimalism to country style. And, regardless of the style of your living room, by naturally choosing the desired tone and structure of the stone, you can fit it into your interior. Can select a TV area
fireplace in the living room

Laying stone.

Laying stone is no different from tiles. The only thing you will need to do is select a pattern in advance, since the tiles are not the same in color and size, that is, they are made the same as in natural conditions. If you use artificial stone indoors, then it should be laid using ordinary tile adhesive. Grouts various colors for stone are usually presented in a wide range at points of sale. The stone is perfectly cut and sawn, and if uneven edges remain, this only makes it more natural.


You can depict a piece of a stone wall on the Mediterranean coast or the interior of a German Gothic castle. It all depends on your imagination and imagination.
. And if you consider that only some parts of the walls in the interior are decorated with stone, then it is not very expensive. For example, an average kitchen apron requires approximately three square meters stone Of course, compared to the price of inexpensive wallpaper, this is a significant amount, but if you consider that artificial stone is almost impossible to spoil, break or stain and it will serve you for decades, then this is a very profitable investment in the interior of your apartment. After all, the wallpaper in the hallway, for example, can be changed every few years, but the stone will last you much longer.

Views: 82042

Artificial stone in the interior.

Artificial stone is a relatively new building material. It appeared a couple of decades ago, but has gained great popularity due to its ease of use and low cost compared to natural stone.

The name artificial itself relates only to the word stone, since this material is natural.

It is made made of cement and sand, and in some cases plaster. Dyes are added to the composition, imitating one or another color of the stone, and only they are of artificial origin, but their share in the composition does not exceed 2-3 percent.

That is, at its core, artificial stone is lightweight concrete.

Nowadays artificial stone is successfully used not only in exterior decoration houses, but also in the interior of premises and interior decoration.


First of all, it is worth noting the extreme practicality of this material.

  • Fake diamond getting dirty is very problematic, therefore, in a room such as a kitchen, its use is quite relevant.

    If the stone is not bright white, but of ordinary dark and light natural shades, traces of fat and dirt are not visible on it. Experts advise covering the artificial stone surface with a semi-matte varnish, then you won’t be afraid of any grease or dirt.

  • Often finished with artificial stone dining area.

    A modern take on stone in the kitchen interior

    Firstly, from a design point of view, this immediately makes it stand out and make it very beautiful, and secondly, no traces of food remain. Stone can be used to highlight a bar counter area or decorate a window opening. These zones look very interesting if they are illuminated with one or more lamps.

  • Recently it has been popular to make from artificial stone apron in the kitchen. Its appearance will give the kitchen an unusual texture and unique look.


The hallway is one of the dirtiest places in the house.

But at the same time, it is the face of the house, the room by which everything else is judged. Therefore, from a practical point of view, hallway walls There will never be dirt (as is the case with paint or light wallpaper) and you will never encounter such a problem as grease around switches. And from a design point of view, even small hallway can be issued in parts artificial stone.

For example, if you want to hang mirror on the wall, you can make a frame for it from stone, and not necessarily strictly rectangular, you can create an unusual pattern or imitate crumbling brickwork.

Living room.

One of the remarkable properties of stone is that it combines with almost all surfaces and structures - from a smooth and glossy wall to textured plaster or wooden logs, so... stone in the living room- a great solution.

Therefore, this material looks natural in any style from Japanese minimalism to country style. And, regardless of the style of your living room, by naturally choosing the desired tone and structure of the stone, you can fit it into your interior.

Can select a TV area, which, as a rule, is the central item in the living room or zone the living room, separating the sleeping area or kitchen from it.
A special place in stone finishing occupies fireplace in the living room, even if you have an imitation of it. Tastefully selected stone can look very interesting in the fireplace area. When heated, the stone does not emit smoke, but keep in mind that if you do light a real fire in the fireplace, it should be placed on special glue, which is heat resistant.

Laying stone.

Laying stone is no different from tiles.

The only thing you will need to do is select a pattern in advance, since the tiles are not the same in color and size, that is, they are made the same as in natural conditions. If you use artificial stone indoors, then it should be laid using ordinary tile adhesive. Stone grouts of various colors are usually available in a wide range at points of sale.

The stone is perfectly cut and sawn, and if uneven edges remain, this only makes it more natural.


Each company producing artificial stone produces at least fifty, or even a hundred types of tiles of various shapes and colors, from Mediterranean limestone to classic aged English tiles. You can depict a piece of a stone wall on the Mediterranean coast or the interior of a German Gothic castle.

It all depends on your imagination and imagination.
Compared to natural stone, the price of artificial stone is very low - on average from 900 to 2000 rubles per square meter. And if you consider that only some parts of the walls in the interior are decorated with stone, then it is not very expensive.

For example, an average kitchen splashback requires approximately three square meters of stone. Of course, compared to the price of inexpensive wallpaper, this is a significant amount, but if you consider that artificial stone is almost impossible to spoil, break or stain and it will serve you for decades, then this is a very profitable investment in the interior of your apartment.

After all, the wallpaper in the hallway, for example, can be changed every few years, but the stone will last you much longer.

Artificial stone in the interior video:

Views: 82043

Decorating kitchen walls with decorative stone

Home » Wall design

Kitchen wall design photo

Walls are a basic element, the design of which determines the overall appearance of the room. When it comes to the kitchen, here, thanks to various materials, colors of the walls and showing imagination, you can zone even the smallest and seemingly unsightly room.

The color and design of the kitchen is usually thought out in advance.

The choice of color can only be influenced by the tastes of the home owners. The kitchen can be white, yellow, purple and even black. Usually a combination of several colors is used.

Interesting! However, it should be borne in mind that a kitchen made in red colors will significantly increase your appetite, which can have a bad effect on your figure, while light green will calm and relax, and yellow will help lift your spirits.

Walls in the kitchen - choice of material

Kitchen wall renovation usually begins with the choice of material.

This can be either standard drywall, wallpaper (liquid, vinyl, non-woven, etc.), plastic, decorative stone, decorative plaster, tiles, lining, or unusual methods of using mirrors and glass in the kitchen.

When choosing a material, you should consider which wall it will be placed on. So, for zone y work surface It is better to use tiles, plastic or glass. All these materials are abrasion resistant and wash well. Dining area It is better to wallpaper, plaster and paint, or use decorative stone.

Important! It is better to choose wallpaper for kitchen walls that is washable, durable and UV resistant.

These include non-woven and vinyl wallpapers. Fabric wallpaper It is better not to use it for the kitchen.

The combination of several materials in kitchen design will only add sophistication to your interior.

For example work area You can decorate the dining room with tiles, the dining room with wallpaper, and highlight the corners with decorative stone.


Decorative stone is an environmentally friendly and wonderful material that will create a finished and impressive look for your kitchen. However, the cost of this material is very high. That is why it is recommended to use it only for highlighting some fragments.

Kitchen wall decor ideas

To create a complete look for your kitchen, we offer several ideas for decorating the walls.

Photo wallpaper is suitable for zoning the kitchen, which will help expand the space and make it look voluminous. The image can be anything: a forest, a river, an ocean - whatever you want.

A very non-standard idea would be to place mirrors (in whole or in part) on one of the walls. They will help visually expand the room, which is ideal for small kitchens.

For kitchens in a modern style, various posters, street signs, posters, modern paintings etc.

Thanks to modern technologies A large number of finishing materials have been created that maximally imitate natural surfaces. Externally, artificial stone in the interior of a kitchen, room or hallway is not much different from its natural counterpart.

It creates a certain style, looks unusual and attractive, has many shapes and textures, and fits into almost any room. It is used to decorate walls (partially or completely) and kitchen splashbacks; it is used to make sinks, countertops and decorative elements; it is used to lay flooring.

Types and characteristics of the material

In its modern design, artificial stone appeared relatively recently.

It's much cheaper natural material, but looks no less impressive, which is why it gained its popularity among potential consumers.

Many types of artificial stone used for wall decoration are lightweight concrete made from natural materials:

  • cement;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • gypsum;
  • limestone.

Manufacturers use marble and granite chips as fillers; dyes are added to the mixture to help achieve natural colors of the stone.

A material is called artificial only because it did not appear under natural conditions, but with human participation. Artificial stone also includes traditional floor and wall ceramic tiles.

But in addition to natural components, when producing certain types of artificial stone, acrylic binders and polyester resins are added to the composition, which increase the performance characteristics of the material.

In this case we're talking about about quartz and acrylic stones.

Decorative stone in the kitchen interior looks unusual, but not so unusual that it cannot be used as a finishing material for walls.

The design of the room will benefit from the presence of stone in the dining or work area not only visually, but also from a practical point of view. Dirt and grease from its surface are easily washed off, and no traces of splashes or smudges remain.

It additionally protects the surface from contamination, which even the most careful housewife gets in huge quantities during the cooking process.

Externally finishing the kitchen with stone artificial origin might look like:

  • Brick wall;
  • marble monolith;
  • uncut or chipped stone;
  • granite slab;
  • masonry;
  • tile.

Manufacturers try to design decorative stone as close as possible to its natural counterpart in shape, structure and color.

High-quality material should not resemble a monochromatic painted surface.

30 ideas for decorating the kitchen with decorative stone

Its external similarity to natural stone is achieved through color transitions using halftones, adding notes of liveliness and naturalness to the texture.

To obtain the effect of heterogeneity, dyes of several shades are added to the prepared mixture.

In addition, during the production process, iron oxide or ordinary soot is rubbed into the compositions, which creates an additional effect of aging the surface. Finished stone slabs laid on the walls are decorated, for example, with moss or creeping indoor plants. The kitchen design, in this case, turns out to be outlandish, as close as possible to nature.

Advantages of artificial stone

Decorating walls with decorative material that imitates stone has a whole range of positive qualities:

  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • UV resistance;
  • possibility of installation on any surface, with the exception of drywall, which will require preliminary reinforcement;
  • easy care;
  • easy installation;
  • manifold color solutions and textures;
  • ideal combination with other finishing materials and plaster.

Compared to natural ones, substitute stones have:

  • lower cost and weight;
  • warm and pleasant to the touch surface;
  • the ability to imitate rare types of stone;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

In addition, the artificial material allows for the possibility of restoration and does not possess radioactivity, which many rocks accumulate over hundreds of years.

Although the use of granite chips in the manufacture of decorative stone does not exclude the production of not entirely “pure” material.

Kitchen design with artificial stone finishing elements

Consumers like natural materials for their naturalness and natural appeal. But not everyone can afford to design a room using luxury finishing in the interior. rock because of high cost material.

As a compromise that combines a reasonable price and the result obtained, manufacturers offer a range of artificial stones that can satisfy the taste of even the most demanding consumer.

Their use in the design of walls, floors and ceilings inside a home is limited only by the imagination of the designer or owner.

Often, artificial stone turns out to be even stronger and more beautiful than its natural counterparts.

In addition, many of the imitations on the market are easier to process than the originals.

Finishing the kitchen with decorative stone of artificial origin involves various options execution.

With his help:

  • visually divide the space into work, bar and dining areas;
  • emphasize window and door openings;
  • decorate a kitchen apron;
  • make wall or ceiling panels;
  • they line niches and free-standing structures, such as pillars.

Kitchen design should be based on two fundamental principles: multifunctionality and ergonomics. But when decorating it, you should not forget about aesthetics and comfort.

The hostess spends a lot of time near the work area, the whole family gathers at the dining table, and from time to time guests come to chat over a cup of tea. And all this happens in the kitchen, which is the most visited place in the house.

Popularity requires a careful approach to the design of the room, the highlight of which can be artificial stone that can withstand the effects of constantly changing temperature and humidity conditions and an aggressive environment.

The kitchen is considered the most suitable room in the house for unleashing the potential of artificial stone used in finishing work.

A wall completely lined with stone looks stylish and elegant, and partial cladding emphasizes the originality of the owner.

The artificial material is not afraid of moisture and traces of grease, so it can be laid near a sink or stove without fear.

Finishing the kitchen with decorative stone of artificial origin will not create inconvenience in caring for the walls. As a rule, its surface is treated with water-repellent compounds, so it can be easily wiped with a damp cloth.


Cast stone countertops are durable, but too heavy and expensive.

A more affordable option is to clad a solid moisture-resistant chipboard or MDF board with artificial stone. They are made from:

  • work surfaces;
  • bar counters;
  • dining tables.

Countertops are made matte and glossy, various forms and sizes.

They have smooth surface, which is easy to wash. An interesting option is built-in stone sinks combined with a countertop, which are often made according to individual sketches.

Experts say that a sink made of artificial stone is durable and wear-resistant, and for stone countertop– more preferable compared to a traditional steel sink.


When thinking about the design of your kitchen, you should take care of lighting the walls, decorated with artificial stone, and do the electrical wiring in advance.

With the correct placement of lamps, a spectacular play of light and shadow will appear on the relief surface.

For “brick” walls, powerful wall or ceiling lamps, spreading muted light.

A shiny surface imitating flat stone, it would be better to illuminate with point-directed rays. Such lamps are often installed above work surfaces.

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What? Where? When? Finishing the kitchen using 6 materials

On thematic forums on home improvement, I often come across the question, what materials can be used to decorate a kitchen? Well, let's take a closer look at this important point; fortunately, there will be something to talk about. Below I will talk about the most popular and practical options finishing, their advantages and disadvantages.

What will make your kitchen cozier?

One of the main advantages of kitchen renovation is a wide range of proposed finishing materials. Depending on the size of the room and your preferred interior style, you can choose:

I will dwell on each of the proposed materials in more detail.

Material No. 1. Dye

Interior decoration of the kitchen with paint is a convenient and practical way to update the interior. But in order for the result to exceed all your expectations, you should take into account several important factors during the work process.

  1. For the kitchen you should choose only washable paint, otherwise rubbed marks from drops of grease and food will become your permanent neighbors.
  2. High-quality painting can only be done perfectly smooth wall. In standard Khrushchev apartments, this phenomenon is akin to a unicorn in a forest clearing, which means you will first have to thoroughly plaster the surface.

  1. Of two paints of the same type, always choose the one that will take longer to dry.. High quality paint needs additional time in order to perfectly “spread” over the surface.
  2. I usually don’t adhere to the principle “the more expensive the better,” but I have to admit that such a rule works with paint with a bang. Be prepared for the fact that a high-quality, durable coating with economical consumption will cost you at least 2,000 rubles. for 10 l.

  1. Be careful if materials contain ingredients such as VOC or LOV on the label. This means that they contain harmful volatile substances.
  2. The weaker the aroma of paint, the more environmentally friendly and harmless it is.

Using paint is good for many reasons. I won't even mention the thousands of color variations that can be successfully arranged and combined.

Due to the fact that the material can have different textures, you have the opportunity to simultaneously use different type coverings. For example, you can paint the walls with matte paint, and make the work area or the wall near the dining table glossy. This design looks incredibly stylish and original.

Material No. 2. Wallpaper

Modern wall decoration with wallpaper is no longer much different from the options that were popular in earlier times. Progress does not stand still, so ordinary people have an excellent opportunity to choose a suitable and much higher quality material.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the description of existing types of wallpaper and listing their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Paper. The version of standard paper wallpaper, familiar to many, still enjoys some popularity. Perhaps this can be explained by their advantages:

  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • wide range of colors and patterns.

A huge disadvantage is insufficient strength and poor moisture tolerance. Decide last problem You can use tiles to decorate the work area near the stove and sink.

  1. In addition to tiles, wallpaper can also be combined with artificial stone, paint or panels.

  • Non-woven. An improved version of paper wallpaper, which contains cellulose and polymers that bind it. Non-woven wallpaper has the following characteristics:
  • They are easy to glue, which is good news for those who decided to hang wallpaper for the first time.
  • The dense structure allows them to be applied even to walls with small cracks and irregularities.
  • Fire resistance.

Good wear resistance.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite easy to damage, so if you have small children or animals in the house, then I would recommend finishing the lower part of the walls with PVC panels.

  1. If you decide to change the color and want to paint the wallpaper a different color, it is better to use water-based paint. Vinyl. These are canvases with non-woven or paper base

and a vinyl top covering.

They are divided into smooth, flat, hard and foam wallpaper. For tiling the kitchen, you can use everything except the last option.

  • What's good about vinyl flooring?
  • It is quite dense and helps to mask minor surface imperfections. Slightly susceptible.
  • mechanical damage
  • Does not fade in the sun.

It can create an imitation of almost any coating: from natural fabrics and materials to snake skin.

  • As you can see, the benefits are quite noticeable. True, it was not without its shortcomings. These include:
  • Airtightness, due to which the kitchen will need to be ventilated more often.

  • The need to cover the wall with plaster if the non-woven layer is not dense enough.
  • Such wallpaper requires applying glue directly to the canvas, which makes the process of gluing it yourself much more complicated.

Quite a high cost.

  1. I have described in detail the most popular options; in addition to them, you can also recall other types of wallpaper:

  1. Fabric. They undoubtedly look luxurious, but are not suitable for the kitchen, as they easily absorb odors and dirt. Liquid. Found in different textures

and shades, easy to apply. True, due to the fact that liquid wallpaper does not tolerate moisture well (what an irony), they cannot be used near the sink and work area.

  1. When you decide on the type of wallpaper for the kitchen, you will definitely be faced with the question of which color to give preference to? I will share with you some nuances and tips that will help you in this difficult matter.

  1. A small kitchen will visually benefit from the use of wallpaper in light shades. Although reduce space, they will be appropriate when decorating a room whose style is not focused on spaciousness (steampunk, ethnic style). They can also be successfully used in repairs large kitchens(over 20 sq. m).
  2. If comfort is paramount for you, use wallpaper with yellow, orange, beige, gold or brown patterns.

  1. The choice of wallpaper color largely depends on the style of the interior. So for high-tech they use white or black tones, for pop art - bright, almost flashy shades (pink, yellow), in country, eco-style, and wallpaper in natural colors and shades is often found.

  1. If in the kitchen you can find many decorative elements or an unusual set, then you should think about purchasing wallpaper in not too saturated colors.

Material No. 3. Decorative plaster

When talking about finishing materials for the kitchen, one cannot fail to mention decorative plaster. From a practicality point of view, this is an excellent, design-correct solution. Plaster can be either natural or artificial:

  1. Mineral with granite or marble chips. This is a dry mixture based on cement and additives. The main advantage is resistance to moisture, which makes this material very appropriate in the kitchen.
  2. Acrylic resin based. Ready-made composition that can be used without preliminary preparation immediately after purchase.

  1. Silicone on synthetic resins. Easy to apply, also known for good adhesive properties.
  2. Silicate based on liquid glass. Resistant to mechanical damage, vapor permeable.

If we consider from the point of view of practicality, the most acceptable option is acrylic-based synthetic plaster.

Material No. 4. Tile

Tiling kitchen space– a solution proven over decades. Besides modern options ceramics allow you to experiment with colors and shapes. Besides the magnificent decorative properties, tiles have many advantages:

  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance.

In addition, tile is one of the most affordable types of finishing. Despite all the advantages, I would recommend not decorating the entire kitchen, but simply decorating the kitchen backsplash.

This solution will look much more impressive.

  • What should you know when using tiles in kitchen decor?

  • Tiles with a vertical or horizontal pattern will help create a spatial accent.
  • Don’t be afraid to use several colors at once in one layout; it is only important that they fit harmoniously into the existing style and set. This can be achieved in one of 2 ways - by shading the existing elements with tiles that differ from them by a maximum of 2 tones, or by playing with contrast.

  • Remember that the kitchen must have at least one element similar in color to the tiles. This could be curtains, a wall panel or a tablecloth.

Material No. 5. Panels

This type of decoration, often found in a private home, confidently moves into city apartments. Made from extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Panels are classified based on their sizes and external parameters.

PVC panels will be a good option for decorating kitchen walls in an apartment or country house, because they have many undeniable advantages.

  • Due to the lightweight design, the process of attaching the panels is quite simple. Moreover, repair work will take you 10 times less time than installing tiles.
  • Caring for the panels is very simple - just wipe them with a damp sponge. The main thing is to choose detergents that do not contain abrasive substances.
  • The range of colors and patterns for PVC panels is quite extensive. So you can easily choose something exactly for yours.

  • The material is made resistant to high temperatures(the upper sensitivity threshold reaches 120 degrees).
  • And I would consider the main advantage of the panels to be their low and affordable cost.

Like any other type of finishing, PVC panels are imperfect and have several disadvantages:

  • They break quite easily or simply lose their original appearance over time.
  • From prolonged contact with ultraviolet rays and aggressive detergents may cause damage to the surface.
  • The panels are definitely not fireproof materials; their flammability coefficient is quite high. Keep this in mind when deciding how to decorate the area around the stove.

Material No. 6. Decorative rock

Believe it or not, I haven’t considered all the kitchen finishing options yet. In this article, I couldn’t help but mention artificial stone, which will add depth and expressiveness to the interior. To its main positive characteristics relate:

  • large selection of textures and shades;
  • attractive appearance and wide range;
  • ease of care;
  • light weight compared to natural samples;
  • long service life.

The advantages are more or less clear. But here's how they differ different kinds decorative stone and what are their features?

Type of decorative stone Peculiarities Advantages
  1. Porcelain tiles
It consists of feldspar and clay, to which mineral and color additives are added.
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  1. Algomerates.
Consists of granite resin, granite chips, marble and other additives.
  • exact imitation of natural stone;
  • wide range of colors;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  1. Stone made of colored concrete.
It is made from Portland cement, sand, and additives that affect the color of the material.
  • strength;
  • affordable price.

Finishing with decorative stone will add a touch of bohemian chic to the interior of your kitchen. True, you should be careful and use the material in doses. So, for example, in a small kitchen it is worth decorating only one wall or opening with stone; you can also decorate the apron with it.

Don't forget about the summer kitchen

A summer kitchen is a wonderful place that allows us to cook and dine in the fresh air. Having become the proud owner of such a wonderful place, it is definitely worth thinking about its arrangement. Below you will learn how to decorate a kitchen in a private house if it is located on the street.

A summer kitchen is a rather specific room, so finishing materials she has special requirements.

  1. The interior decoration of the summer kitchen should not be sensitive to sudden temperature changes, high humidity, splashes from hot water or fat.
  2. The materials should be easy to clean, because no one in nature wants to spend a lot of time cleaning.
  3. The finishing must comply with all hygienic standards and prevent the accumulation (and, accordingly, further spread) of harmful microorganisms in the room and area.

What materials can fully satisfy the above criteria? I will focus on the two most popular: stone and wood.

  1. Stone. A kitchen trimmed with stone can protect from the heat in summer heat, but that’s not all. In cool weather, it is able to retain heat perfectly, so you can safely cook in such a room until mid-autumn without feeling discomfort.
    If the base of the room is made of brick walls or a wooden frame, repair work is reduced to covering the surfaces with plasterboard and then installing decorative or natural stone on it. For floor covering, both stone or porcelain stoneware and standard paving slabs are suitable.

  1. Tree. Decorating walls with wood is one of the most popular options for arranging a country summer kitchen. Naturally, before repairs, the material is treated with special compounds that increase its moisture resistance and also prevent further rotting or the appearance of fungus.

If a kitchen decorated with wood is an unaffordable luxury for you, then you can opt for a cheaper, and therefore more affordable, lining.


Well, I tried to describe the most popular materials for finishing kitchens as objectively as possible and answered the question of how to decorate a kitchen in wooden house, or rather a summer kitchen with all its features. I hope this material will be useful to you and will simplify the repair process.

With that, dear reader, I take my leave. If you have any questions on the topic, be sure to ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone.

October 28, 2016

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