Lineage 2 guide cannot be summoned from the rift. What is a Rift? The theory of exping in a closed space or everything in a rift

Lineage 2 guide cannot be summoned from the rift.  What is a Rift?  The theory of exping in a closed space or everything in a rift
Lineage 2 guide cannot be summoned from the rift. What is a Rift? The theory of exping in a closed space or everything in a rift

What is a Rift?

Simply put, Rift, he is Fault, is a location outside the world of Aden.

There are three ways to get into it.

The first is if you are registered in the catacombs, to fight the seven seals. Fit to anyone Priest of Dawn or Sunset (Priest of Dusk/Down) and teleport to Oracle of Dawn/Dusk, and there from any NPC actually to the Rift itself.

The second is from the catacombs themselves, talk to the statue at the entrance, near the inner Gatekeeper Ziggurat.

The third is if you are not registered for the struggle of seals. Get to any catacombs, go down and talk to the outside Gatekeeper. He can teleport you to the Rift for adena and special items - Fragment of Dimension (FoD).

Quests associated with the Rift:

When rolling in the catacombs , you fall Fragment of Dimension required to enter the Rift. The quest is taken from the same article, the required level is 20+. Stones fall in the party for everyone, regardless of whether you killed the mob, or another party member.

Quest for passage to the rift itself. As in other quests, the inventory must not be loaded more than 80%, and 1 quest slot must be free. The quest can be taken from the statue, level 20+.

How is the Rift itself arranged?

First, all players enter the peaceful zone, the first room. There are 6 NPCs there. They can either teleport back to the world of Aden, or send them on an "exciting" journey through the rooms of the Rift itself. Each NPC sends to rooms with mobs of different levels 30+, 40+, 50, 60, 70, 80+. Only parties, at least 2 people, can get into rooms with mobs. Everyone, when entering these rooms, takes a certain amount of Fragment of Dimension, if someone does not have enough of them - the whole party remains in the first room, the teleport does not occur. If the teleport was successful, the party gets into a room with mobs (sometimes RBs can also come across), and there it fights off them for 10 minutes. After 4 rooms (40 minutes) - the party will return to the starting, peaceful, room.

The party in the rift is fully controlled by the Party Leader. It is he who speaks with the NPC in order to teleport to the first room with mobs, he can return the party to a peaceful room or skip one (!) room with mobs. The Rift is a very dangerous place, and there is absolutely no need for amateur performance - all party members must listen to the SP's rooms.

If during pumping in rooms with mobs you use Scroll of Escape or use a similar skill - then the character will be in the first, peaceful, room. However, scrolls and teleportation skills do not work from there - the only way out is through the NPC. If you accept a new member in the party at the moment when the party is in rooms with mobs, the party will be teleported to a peaceful room. If a party enters a room with a Raid Boss, he must be hit within two minutes, or the party will be teleported to a peaceful room. The time to kill the RB is not limited to 10 minutes.

The mobs in the rooms are almost all aggressive. As for health, mobs here are 1/4 (a quarter of the usual HP), 1/2, x3 (the amount of HP is tripled) and x6. Also, there are chests. The tactics of killing mobs is simple - after the appearance of the party in the room, it is full of mobs. Pati runs back to one corner, and from there begins to aggro the mobs, so you don’t collect the whole room at once.

The download process in the Rift.

After clearing the room, a simple level begins. Mobs appear again, with the usual respawn time. There are two types of rooms in the Rift - large and small. The best quality in large rooms - in small ones it makes sense except to spoil on certain mobs. The reason is simple - mobs in small rooms are only x3, and this is clearly not enough for a normal, full party.

A set of mobs in the Rift:

  • "dolls" - small, aggressive, explode after death;
  • "ninja" - small mobs with debuffs - decrease in a.spd, accuracy, etc.;
  • "simple magical mobs
  • archers - rooms with archers are dangerous for mages, as they often crit, and attack mages in the first place

In large rooms:

  • 4 normal mobs x6 and lots of 1/4 and 1/2.
  • room with magicians - 4 magicians, 8 simple mobs, all have x6 health. Mages are not aggressive - but social to simple mobs. They must either be killed immediately, or throw a slip on them.
  • a room with chests, there are 2 types of them - 4 chests + 8 mobs, or 6 chests + 6 mobs with x6 health.

The drop/spoil chance in the rift is much higher than in simple locations, which makes it a great place to level up and get recipes, pieces, resources. There are no bots in the Rift, no wars, there are always free locations.

Rift - Rift between worlds- as you can understand from the name, it does not belong to the territory of any city, but is located somewhere between our world and some other, from which invaders constantly climb to us through the rift, which we will successfully stop.

Well, if without lyrics, the rift is really not tied to any location, if you open the map in it, you will see that you are somewhere in the sea-ocean in the upper left corner. In the rift, there is no such thing as "from what level it lets you into this or that rift." You can enter the 80th rift at least at level 20, so choose a rift according to your level. In each rift, mobs are strictly ranked by levels, that is, in the 60th rift, mobs will only be 60, 63 and 65 lvl, that is, N + 0, N + 3 and N + 5, where N is the level of the rift, and the raid boss will be N -2, which for the 60th rift corresponds to the 58th level.

What is interesting about the rift? There are no monsters with unique drops and spoils in the rift, that is, everything that we get there can be knocked out from ordinary mobs, but as a rule, the chances are much higher in the rift. Just one example: kei on . Usually, we either knock out kei on BV gloves or spoil them, that is, . There is a spoiler on the farm, but you need to feed the mobs, look for exactly the chicken with which these kei will be spoiled, there are already two mobs with this spoiler in the rift, and no extra actions. And you shouldn’t remember about Y-grade veapons at all - a bunch of mobs with their spoils, and the chances are on top. There are also several raid bosses, on one of which - you can download SA from level 12 to 13.
You can also swing in the rift without fear of wars, more on that below.

What is a rift? The central room is a peaceful zone. It has 6 NPCs through which you can go to 6 zones that differ from each other by the level of mobs. You can choose any zone, even highlevel the mobs of the 30th level, but this, of course, will be uninteresting and unproductive. Therefore, we choose a zone for ourselves according to the level. The zones are: 30-35, 40-45, 50-55, 60-65, 70-75, and finally 80 lvl. Each zone is divided into several large and small rooms, only one party can be in the same room, so wars in the rift never meet together and can swing without any obstacles.

The rooms are small and large, like in the catacombs. In the center of each room there is an NPC in the form of a teleporter, with its help you can skip the room you didn’t like (once per raid) or go to the peaceful dressing room area.

You can get into the rift either from the statue, which is located inside at the entrance of all the catacombs and necropolises (this is the statue from which the quest for Dimensional fragments is taken), or from the priest in any city (only in the week of the struggle), you need to select the item from the priest, that you want to visit the festival of darkness, and when you are moved to the festival, there any NPC can choose to move to the rift. In order to be moved from the catacombs to the rift, you must have at least one dimensional fragment in your inventory. In all of these methods, there is a binding to registration in seven seals, that is, you need to get inside the catacombs or to the festival in order to further spoil yourself in the rift. Previously, it was possible for any player to go into the rift through an external gatekeeper Ziggurat for an ordinary adena, but now this item has been removed from the menu of the teleporter, why I don’t know, I didn’t find any.

Only a party is allowed into the combat zone of the rift, from two spells per party. Each party member must have a certain number of dimensional fragments, this is the entrance fee to the battle zone, so make sure that each party member has about 40 fragments. When you gather in a peaceful zone, approach the NPC that provides a pass to the rift you need, buff, then the party leader talks to the NPC and teleports you all to an empty room in the combat zone. After a few seconds the room fills up with mobs and we can start kicking them.

If someone from a party in the combat zone crashes, disconnects, or simply leaves the party, the entire party will be moved to a peaceful zone, and everything will have to start over. When using COE and BSOE, it also moves to a peaceful rift zone. In order to get from a peaceful zone to the mainland, you need to use either SOE in kx or a castle, or targeted SOEs to cities, or from the NPC, first return to the catacombs, and then use SOEs.

You can enter the combat zone of the rift with one spell, for this you need to not bring all the other members of the party to the NPC in the rift, but put them in a far corner.

Mobs in the rift:
All mobs, except for the 50th and 60th rift, are undead, so you can expiring bish and EEshk, better bish, and EE and SH will pour mana. Mobs of different xness, from x1/2 to x6. Lots of mobs drop poison, paralyze and other nasty things, so have antidotes, purifi, cure poison, vitalize and other spells that cure abnormal statuses ready. A bunch of magicians, a bunch of archers, it may happen that the first time you don’t succeed, especially if you want to spoil it alone on the windows. But it's still worth trying.

You spend a certain amount of time in each room, after which you will be teleported to another room. You will be able to understand this at the moment when the walls are shaking, but you will not be able to collect the drop, so someone alone must collect the drop, wark is best suited for this role, since he has nothing to do between buffs. With the rebuff, do not delay and try to get on the rebuff immediately after you have cleared the room from the mobs and you see that the buff is about to subside.
If you came to the rift only to farm RB, after you are teleported to a new room, and this is not a room with a raid boss (and RB rooms are all red floors, it’s easy to guess), immediately stand in a corner and wait for you will be moved to another room. Mobs may or may not be aggroed, as it turns out. After farming, the RB does not teleport to the room with the raid boss for the next 9 minutes, so if you see that time is running out, and you just failed the RB, you can safely return to the peaceful zone. The time to farm the raid boss is not limited until you fill up the RB, it will not teleport you to another room, but the RB must start hitting within 2 minutes, if you enter and just stand, you will be thrown out.

I will tell you about each rift separately - which mobs are the most interesting in terms of drop and spoil, and how to distinguish them from each other (this is relevant, since there are many mobs in the rift with the same name, but with different drops and spoils).

Recruiters Rift- lvl 30-35 (undead)

Private Rift- lvl 40-45 (undead)

Officers Rift- lvl 50-55

Captain Rift- lvl 60-65

Hiro Rift with mobs of the 80th level - the top location not only for exping, but also for spoiling and knocking out items. Almost everything that can be knocked out and spoiled from mobs has an increased chance here compared to other locations. To enter the hero-rift, each party member needs 36 dimensional fragments.

In the hero-rift, we will have keymat spoils for , and , drop , and , drop and spoil and .

The only problem with hero-rift, and rift in general, is a bunch of mobs with the same name, but with different drops and spoils. Here I will tell you how to quickly find your way around the room, whether this room is needed for farming or it should be skipped.

All mobs within the same rift are in a strictly structured position, that is, it cannot be that mobs from one group fall into another group and jump from room to room - if the mob is only in the first room, it will never get into the fifth room , so we will now try to describe all the rooms and the mobs in them.

There are only nine rooms in the hero rift, eight with mobs and one with a raid boss, four rooms with mobs are small and four are large. All mobs, except chest and RB, are undead.

Room number 1(small).

In a room about three soldiers and a priest and two shamans. We determine the room by priests and shamans, they are not found anywhere else. In the MF drop, there is a robe with an even better chance than in the first room, and MF jewelry, in spoiler kei on , and . If none of this is needed, we definitely skip it, since there are too many magicians.

Room number 3(small).

There are two mobs of each type in the room, you can determine it by berserkers and disciplines. In the drop of MF and MF and NM ends and a helmet, in a spoiler that may be of interest. If not, then we skip.

Room number 5(large).

ID 21787 x6
ID 21788 x6 Poison
ID 18297 Level 83
ID 21786 Level 80

There are three mobs of each type and six chests in the room, the room can be identified by one of the soldiers who has the poison debuff and in the kei spoiler on the TT bijou or by the chest that he is lvl 83. In addition, another soldier in the spoiler has S veapons and armors with an excellent chance, and from the chest drops S veapons and armors, and the chance is better than that of the soldier from the spoil. You can stay, or you can find a room even more interesting. Chests can be of two types - lvl 80 are ordinary mobs with drops and spoils, lvl 83 are opened with keys (the difference is the same as for ordinary chests and boxes).

Room number 6(large).

ID 21789 x1
ID 21790x1/2
ID 21791x6

There are four mobs of each type in the room, you can determine it by all the mobs - if the patch indicates that the mobs are x, then the soldiers will be x1 and x1 / 2, and if not, then according to the warrior, he is no longer found in any large rooms . In general, I don’t know what the mobs in this room with AI have, they behave like a flock of sheep, constantly loitering back and forth in crowds. In the drop top A axes, including and , and MF and HM ends, in the spoiler S armor with a good chance and S arm with a bad one. You can frolic destrom, spoil not very much.

Room number 7(large).

ID 21792 x6
ID 21793x6
ID 18298 Level 85
ID 21786 Level 80

There are four mobs of each type in the room, including chests, determined either by the number of chests or by their level (85th). The room itself is illuminated with yellow light from below. In the drop and spoil from mobs, only , well, from the chests drop Y veapon and armor points, and the chance is slightly better than from the previous chest. Filling with keys, if there are a lot of keys, you can skip it. Chests can be of two types - lvl 80 are ordinary mobs with drops and spoils, lvl 83 are opened with keys (the difference is the same as for ordinary chests and boxes).

Room number 8(large).

Raidboss room. It is not difficult to identify it, it is the only one with red floor lighting. No matter what they proved to me by the time of respawning this RB, and no matter how they convinced me that immediately after his farm, you can go there again, but at the eurooff it was like that for 9 (nine) minutes after a successful farm, they didn’t let me into the room with the RB under no circumstances, that is, they farmed a goat - you can rest for 9 minutes and not look for a room with the boss.

Figuratively speaking, a place outside of space, outside the world of Aden.

How to get into it?

If you are signed up for the quest 7 seals:
From the city: at the Priest of Dawn/Dusk, teleport to the Oracle of Dawn/Dusk, and there any NPC in the rift.
From the catacombs: through the statue in the first room of the catacombs (next to the inner GC Ziggurat).
If you are not signed up for the quest 7 seals:
You get to any catacombs, go down under the water and teleport to the rift at the outer Ziggurat for a certain amount in adena, you need to have at least 1 Fragment of Dimension (FoD) in your inventory.
Rift-related quests.
In searching of Fragments of Dimension.
When exposing in cuts, the player receives FoD. In the party, they are given regardless of who killed the mob, immediately into the inventory. Taken from a statue at character level 20+.
In the Dimension Rift.
Actually rift quest. To get into the rift and act inside it, the usual conditions must be met - there must be a free quest "slot", the load by weight and the number of slots in the inventory must be less than 80%. Taken from a statue at character level 20+.

How is the rift?

First, the player enters the starting room. This is a peaceful zone. There are 6 NPCs in it, who can return to the ordinary world or go into battle with demons of certain levels for the corresponding NPCs: 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+, 80+. Only a party can go into battle, i.e. minimum 2 persons. During teleportation, a certain amount of FoD is taken away from each participant in the party, if someone does not have enough of them, the teleport of the entire party does not occur.
After teleporting, the party ends up in a room with mobs and stays there for 10 minutes. The party is then teleported to the next room for 10 minutes, and so on. After 40 minutes, the party returns to the peaceful zone. The next room can be a room with RB.
Features, party management.
Party in the rift is led by PL. It teleports the party to the first room (at the corresponding NPC), it can skip the room or return the party to the peaceful zone (at the GC in the room). You can only skip a room once per entry.
Self-activity is highly undesirable in the rift, the instructions of PL must be followed. Failure to do so will often result in the PL being forced to abort the campaign, returning the party to a peaceful zone. Where the brawler is kicked out of the party and the expiring continues without him.
If you do a restart / do SoE in the room, then the player will be in a peaceful zone of the rift. SoE in a peaceful zone does not work (the player remains in the same place). If a new member is added to the party while she is in the room, the whole party ends up in a peaceful zone.
After the party is in the room with the RB, it must be attacked within 2 minutes after the party or the party will be in a peaceful zone. Time to kill RB is not limited.
Features, mobs and rooms.
Almost all mobs in the rift are aggressive (mages are an exception). There are only certain levels of mobs in the n0+ rift: n0, n3 and n5. There are x1/4, x1/2, x3 and x6 mobs in terms of HP; plus chests. x3 exist only in small rooms (and they only have them), the rest in large ones.
In each room, 2 stages can be distinguished:
Cleanup - immediately after the appearance of the party, the room is full of mobs. In order not to aggro everyone, the whole party immediately after the appearance runs into the corner (right, if you look at the wall of the large room opposite from the appearance). Some of the mobs, of course, still aggro, they are killed, then the rest are gradually aggroed.


After the initial clearing, there is a normal exposure in the room, the appearance of mobs is limited by respawn. But, with a small party, she may not be able to keep up with the respawn and then everyone stays in the corner and there is a careful exping.
There are 2 types of rooms in the rift - small and large. Usually they swing only in large rooms, they go to small ones only for the sake of spoils or fun. The reason is that there are 3x mobs in small rooms, this is not enough for a big party. And the small one may not be able to cope, because when clearing, all the mobs in the room will aggro, and the sets of mobs in these rooms are very specific:
- "dolls": hello to Diablo 2 and Mephisto's dungeons. Small, vicious and exploding upon death;
- "ninja" - melee mobs with a set of debuffs: paralyze, - Aspd, -accuracy, etc .;
- Ordinary mages. Firebolts, hydroblasts and more;
- AoE mages. Fireballs, mass hydroblasts, etc.;
- archers. A very dangerous room for mages due to their crits, and archers are the first to aggro on mages.
— "crazy [email protected]": 4 regular mobs x6 n3 level and a bunch x1/4 n5 level and x1/2 n0 level. The latter are notable for their behavior model - they randomly run around the room and randomly aggro. The room is usually skipped. But in a 60+ rift with x6 mobs good spoiler (recipes on low A veapon with a high chance);
— a room with mages: 4 level n3 mages, 4 level n0 mobs and 4 level n5 mobs, all x6. Mages are not aggro, but social to others. They should either be killed in the first place, or stick together (CE should not forget that they also have a slip)).
- rooms with chests, 2 types: 4 chests + 4 mobs x6 n3 level +4 mobs n5 level and 6 chests + 6 mobs x6 n5 level.
Types and compositions of parties (rifts 50+ and 60+).
The main 3 types are exping, farm and RB party. The first two species are distinguished by the presence of HD. When exping / farming, the party swings only at suitable rooms, the rest are skipped or the party returns to the peaceful zone and goes to a new run.
The distribution of mobs by levels - n0, n3, n5 imposes a limit on the levels, n6+ players will have penalties for a third of the mobs, n9+ players for two thirds of the mobs.
RB in rift n0 of level (n-1)8, i.e. when going to RB, it is desirable that DD should be no more than level n0.
Approximate compositions of the party:
Mini-party 60+: SE 56+, BD 58+, 2 daggers 61+.


Mobs in a rift have noticeably higher drop/spoil chances than regular mobs, so a well organized rift level is quite beneficial. Although the chances of a regular drop are still not high enough to be guided by (excluding RB), the main thing is a spoiler. See Appendix 3 for spoiler data.
The Rift is a great place to level up. There are no bots, no PvP, there are always free rooms.
You can make good money in the rift, on spoilers and on RB.

Attachment 1.

The roles of classes in the rift.


The tank should spam the hate. All. Pour MP as needed and heal only the CE tank is much more convenient than treating everyone in a row, rooting mobs running after archers and nukers, sitting without MP on the eve of a rebuff / new room and, at the same time, listening to unflattering comments addressed to you.
What happens in practice: I will throw one hate per mob, mass hate - and what is it, I will have fun draining mp on the shield stun to the right and left, and in general, I don’t teach you how to heal, and you don’t teach me to tank .


The dagger's place is at the mob's ass (or wherever it could be). The task of the dagger is to distribute crits and generally justify his proud title of damage dealer. Spam abilities are welcome. If you don't want to spend MP on them, turn on accuracy/vicious stance. To be at full MP, when all the parties have it confidently tending to zero - not cool, dear.
Truth of life: to beat from behind? Crits more often? I hear about it for the first time (TX 60+). Bers? Ahh, I don’t need bers, my Pdef falls with him, I’ll die.
Hm. If I had accurate info on Eva, I would consider it very possible that the additional damage from Bers + VR exceeds the losses of Pdef and Eva. But even if not. You are a DD, get the most out of your dps (damage per second). Security = the task of the tank and healers. And one more thing - throw away the Karebir NM and dress in DC)


In relation not to the rift, but in general - an archer leecher in a melee party. With the archer, the total dps drops due to the constant overaggression of mobs by the archer with crits and the rest of the party running after them. Plus an extra headache for the tank and healers. In the rift, this is especially true because the mobs are thick, and the archer will not kill him with a couple of crits.
In general - you go to the melee party in the rift - the bow on the shelf, take the dagger.


Elders have too many tasks in the rift to properly recharge nukers. Therefore, it is not necessary to boldly and with a whoop merge mp in the first two minutes in the room and then sit and flood. Estimate at what speed and what skills you need to use in order to rest from the whole party. Skills with overhit, mass slip, paralysis - we actively use them, the party will thank you very much.

Appendix 2

Poushenny aka bottles.
The rift is a dangerous place, people come to the rift to swing properly, and in the rift it is absolutely not superfluous to drink before a fight or in the process).
Antidote is a must have. It costs a healer much more time and mp to remove a poison than a player to use an antidote.
GSAP - must have (if there is no prophet). It's all about dps, you should have a very good reason to use Alacrity instead of GSAP (15% bonus instead of 33%), and without a buff on Aspd, there is nothing to do in the rift.
GMHP - it's less critical here whether to use this or plain MHP, because of the small difference - MHP gives a 23% bonus, and GMHP 30%, i.e. only 7% more. In addition, nukers in the rift cannot "work" at full strength, and it is not important for them to maximize dps.
GHP - in a small party playing "on the edge", the use is mandatory to relieve the healer. And so - according to the situation, if, for example, everyone is actively using abilities, then it would be preferable for the Elder to spend MP on recharging, and the players will heal themselves. Those. using GHP will also increase dps.
Elixir of Life is a must have. Elixir - a means for critical situations, life-saver, the player must have a reflex - HP<10% — пьем эликсир. Не надо до последнего надеяться на хилера, танка, скиллы и прочее. У EoL reuse 5 минут, B эликсир восстанавливает около 1600 HP.
Elixir of Mental Strength. If HP elixir is a life-saver for the player, then MP elixir is more of a party-saver. A healer's MP close to zero at the time of clearing the room is a sign for the PL to exit, and using the elixir gives the slow-thinking PL a few more precious seconds. EoMS reuse has 10 minutes, B elixir restores about 300 MP.

→ Rift in Lineage 2

The Rift is a special location in Lineage 2. It appeared after the Seven Seals. When a split appeared between the worlds, the evil began to pass into the world of Lineage 2 through a special place. It was this place that became the Dimensional Rift, or simply the Rift.

For Rift La2 players first of all. This location is different from others in many ways. For example, you cannot attack other players in it. Because of this feature, the download there is quite safe, however, in order for the process to take place more efficiently, you need to know some subtleties. The features of the la2 rift will now be discussed.

How to get to the Rift

As a rule, they go to the rift for farming adena la2 and effective pumping. The mobs there are very complex, so it’s very difficult to deal with them alone. To avoid such problems, the developers have introduced several restrictions:

  • In lineage 2, the rift can only be completed in groups. You can create a party of two people, and they will let you through. But it's better to go there as a clan.
  • Inventory should be occupied by no more than 20%.
  • You need to complete a special quest.

Now about the quest. To enter the lineage 2 rift, you need to have at least one Fragment of Dimension. You can get it by completing the quest In searching of Fragment of Dimension. It is taken from the statue in the catacombs after level 20.

Once you have obtained the Fragment of Dimension, go to the catacombs and go down under the water (near the entrance to the catacombs themselves). There you will find a Ziggurat, who will need to give Fragment of Dimension and .

You will be sent to the starting room. In it you will meet 6 NPCs, each of which can send you to mobs 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70 and 80+ levels. It is in this room that you need to gather a party. You will also need Fragment of Dimension, and all party members should have them. If someone has few of them, the whole group will not be allowed into the shooting room la2.

After you form a party and fulfill all the requirements, you will be sent to the first room. You can stay there for 10 minutes, after which you will be transferred to another room. The total time of the lineage 2 rift is 40 minutes. But sometimes this time can be significantly increased. The fact is that in some rooms you can meet not mobs, but a raid boss. Within two minutes, you need to start attacking him, otherwise you will be sent to a peaceful zone. But to kill the boss himself, you will be given an unlimited amount of time. If you “didn’t like” some room, then you can skip it. But only one.

Now about drawing up a party. Here, too, there are a number of limitations. Firstly, you can exclude or accept a new member to the party at any time. But then you will be sent to the starting room. Secondly, if you don't like the raid boss, just don't attack him for the first 2 minutes. He will not aggro himself, and you will also be sent to the beginning of the rift.

As for the composition of the party, I can offer you the following option: a couple of damage dealers (daggers or shooting ranges la2 are best), 1 shilen elder and 1 death dancer. This is the bare minimum. If you are more serious and want to earn not only a lot of money, but also experience - collect a big party. Get a healer, buffer, warcryer/overlord, damage dealer, dancer or singer and at least one tank. In Lineage 2 with a stable heal, you can quickly clear rooms and move on to new ones. And any raid boss will not be a big problem for you.

What do we get and what do we spend?

Most often, mobs drop either recipes for armor / weapons, or sharpening. Especially often sharpenings fall from mage mobs. Accordingly, in addition to farming adena, you can also sell sharpenings and make good money on them. La2 Rift is a very useful and advantageous place.

Also in the rooms you can find chests. This is another reason why you should definitely take a dagger with you.
