Landscaping of a plot with a garden. Unusual and beautiful garden and vegetable garden design (51 photos) - what to look for. Modern garden - photo

Landscaping of a plot with a garden.  Unusual and beautiful garden and vegetable garden design (51 photos) - what to look for.  Modern garden - photo
Landscaping of a plot with a garden. Unusual and beautiful garden and vegetable garden design (51 photos) - what to look for. Modern garden - photo

Landscaping a garden is a necessary event for every novice farmer. Otherwise, after a few years, sorting out on your site will simply not be realistic. The design of the garden in the country allows you to correctly plan the use of the available space, allocating space for agricultural and ornamental crops. The landscape design of the vegetable garden and garden allows not only to streamline plantings, but also creates excellent conditions for work and leisure.

Landscape design of the garden in the country and his photo

Now some garden owners are not inspired by the idea of ​​​​a vegetable garden, but there are also fanatics of gardening, most of the owners of the plots combine the cultivation of ornamental and edible plants. How nice it is to build your own while it's not on the market or it's too expensive. If we compare the taste and appearance of cucumbers just picked from the garden with cucumbers bought at the market, then the difference is also obvious.

On the other hand, it has long been known that adults and fruit bushes- apple trees and, and plums, irga, - are unusually decorative. More and more gardeners are planting them not only in order to be able to pick a berry from a currant or gooseberry bush grown with their own hands and, perhaps, to make preparations for the winter, but also for beauty.

The landscape design of the garden in the photo may not look very practical, since for the most part summer residents are used to a different order in the beds.

Properly grown vegetables are attractive and elegant. Well-groomed beds are pleasing to the eye.

Look at the design of the garden in the country in the photo and appreciate the attractiveness of the planned beds:

Photo gallery

Country garden and vegetable garden design: videos and ideas

Healthy plants are always beautiful. You can not only enjoy them, but also admire them. country design garden allows you to use for decorative purposes not only flowering plants, but also many .

And even the most “non-gardeners” will not refuse a small one, only a few in size. square meters, kindergarten herbs, it is worth starting in any garden, it requires almost no maintenance, decorative and useful, and how nice it is to serve greens grown with your own hands to the table. It is better to place it near the kitchen or next to the seating area, you should not place it in a remote place in the garden.

look current design garden and vegetable garden in the video below and clearly illustrates some ideas:

Garden Design Ideas

And now let's look at practical garden design ideas with illustrations in the form of a photo. Several options for implementing ideas for a garden in the country are presented.

Garden elements:

1. gate.

2. front garden.

4. entrance road.

8. greenhouse.

9. body of water.

10. playground.

11. fruit garden.

12. potato field.

13. vegetable garden.

14. compost.

17. a screen of yellow-leaved hops and girlish grapes.

The garden here is traditional, not decorative, the ridges are stationary, fenced flat slate, neat and comfortable (length 10 m, width 80 cm), the passage between them is 50 cm. sunny place protected from north winds. In the garden, according to all the rules, a three-section compost heap water for irrigation is readily available.

Favorite vegetables - and. They always succeed. family bow(its botanical name is shallots) has been grown for a long time, in one nest there are many large bulbs that are well stored, they taste more tender than that of onions .. The English proverb is right: "The best of flowers are cabbage flowers." What kind of cabbage is not grown here: cabbage of three ripening periods - early, medium, late. And beloved -. In autumn, poured red-purple heads of cabbage sit on the gray leaves.

Timely watering and fertilizing, crop rotation, loose fertile soil. Every autumn, a manure machine is bought, which is laid both in the compost and on the ridges. mineral fertilizer("Kemira-universal") is also used, but sparingly, because it is expensive. Working with pleasure and intelligence gives an excellent result: annually 30 three-liter jars of pickles are rolled up, compotes are frozen, there is an abundance of sauerkraut and pickled apples in the cellar.

If you enjoy growing vegetables and you can devote enough time to it, then a greenhouse will bring you a lot of joy. It is convenient to grow seedlings of vegetables and flowers in it, to keep it from frost. thermophilic plants. It can be not only a "closed garden", but also a cozy haven for fussing with your favorite plants and even thinking and dreaming. But, when starting a greenhouse, do not forget that you need to open it in the morning and close it in the evening, and water the plants daily. It should be purchased only if you have the desire and time to care for the plants.

A traditional garden is a separate area that must be closed from the view from the house, from the gate and the recreation area, because for most of the season (in spring, early summer and after harvesting) it looks unattractive. Here it is decorated with a long mixborder, the background of which is occupied by shrubs (turf, sumac, weeping mountain ash on a two-meter stem, silver, park roses) and tall perennials (black cohosh, geleniums, panicled phloxes). In the foreground - low perennial asters,. This lively multi-colored "screen" perfectly copes with its task.

There are also purely decorative elements in the garden, for example, a barberry composition at the entrance to the site, a combination of purple and yellow leaves solemn and ornate. Under the old fruit trees, shady mixborders are broken, looking spectacular against the backdrop of a small lawn adjacent to the path. They are inhabited by decorative leafy plants: hostas, ferns, brunners, buzulniks - they feel comfortable here.

To the left of the entrance to the front garden, large shrubs are planted: chokeberry, lilac, mock orange, spirea, which do not let dust and noise from the road into the house and the plot. Between the house and the barn there is a living curtain of grapes and yellow-leaved hops, it always looks good, and in autumn it simply shocks with its beauty. After passing through it, we get to the lawn in front of the very mixborder that hides the garden, and we come to a rectangular pond. Another mixborder adjoins the house, the other - to the garage. Carefully selecting them according to the timing of flowering and planting according to all the rules, she makes up her favorite mixborders.

A decorative garden, the plan of which is a geometric pattern, is elegant and pleasing to the eye. It requires serious investment to create, but digging in the ridge-boxes is practically not needed, the harvest in them is always higher, and the vegetables are earlier and more beautiful.

Ornamental garden area orchard occupies about ten acres, exactly half of the site, located on two levels, decorative garden - the lower level, this part of the site goes well with the house. Successfully coloristic solution of graceful wooden arches, pergolas, flower beds and balustrades, made in the same style throughout the site. Everything here is done soundly, conscientiously, with fiction and love.

Not only traditional fruit crops, such as apple trees, pears, currants, gooseberries, but also varietal and viburnum, frost-resistant cherries. A lot of preparations are made for the winter, both from savings, and because it is customary to do this, and vegetables from our own are much tastier.

Growing vegetables is one of the most time-consuming activities in the garden. The garden needs to be cleaned every year, fertilized, sowed, planted seedlings, watered, weeded.

Why fence him? First, to get the freshest and healthiest vegetables.

Another reason is economy. You can save some of the vegetables for the winter and make preparations, although for most working townspeople this is more of a theory. To do this, you need to be able to grow vegetables, take a large area for a garden, spend a lot of free time and a lot of effort on it.

The third reason for leaving the garden is perhaps the most important. Growing vegetables and fruits is fascinating process requiring skill and talent. Skillful gardeners get the satisfaction of being able to grow the vegetables and varieties they want.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Beautiful garden able to transform and decorate beyond recognition country cottage area. Can create original design gardens with beds on the territory of a private house, having studied examples from photos of modern courtyards and landscaped landscapes. There are several ways to design, the main thing is to successfully plan the location of structures and decor.

Stylishly decorated summer cottage with green spaces

Competent planning

Everyone wants the yard to be comfortable and cozy, and the surrounding area attractively ennobled. It is worth starting the design with competent planning and creating a scheme.

What is important to consider:

Designers highlight some of the most popular options landscape design:

Landscape style

It is extremely important to choose a single style in which the landscape of the garden and vegetable garden adjacent to the dacha will be decorated. The green zone should not only be comfortable and homely, but also carry a certain idea with it.

Popular styles:

Techniques for decorating beds

When the territory of the dacha is decorated with a colorful hat of foliage, greenery and flowers, it is more pleasant and comfortable to be on it. A beautiful and neat framing of the beds looks attractive at any time of the year, so it should be given special attention.

Modern summer residents have taken the fashion to decorate the garden - these are tall structures that make it easier to care for the soil and plants. The advantages of such structures:

  1. They warm up well in the sun.
  2. They are easy to care for.
  3. Easier to endure wintering.
  4. They look neat and are not washed out by the rain.
  5. Match with any style.
  6. Better protected from rodents and weeds.

Smart beds with wooden fences square shape

Designer Tips:

If you seriously approach the design of a garden with beds of your own private house, having studied examples from photos of modern courtyards and stylish landscapes, you can create a real oasis in your country house. It is only necessary to correctly choose the landscaping option, style and harmoniously arrange all the elements.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A tiny pond, green hedges, a lawn, a flower bed - this whole bright picture is gradually replacing greenhouses, garden beds and other agricultural areas in the thoughts of many summer residents. This is not surprising, if earlier only specialists were engaged in the improvement of the summer cottage, then an inexhaustible source of information allows today to design a sophisticated and Beautiful design garden with your own hands. How should beginners behave in order to avoid collision with pitfalls as much as possible?

Assessing the potential of the land

Of course, for many summer residents their own meters land plot are the best and most expensive. However, if we are talking about landscape design, as in the photo, it is worth a little critical assessment of your possessions.

Pay attention to the age, number and condition of trees, the degree of infestation of the site with wild plants, the presence of slopes, hills and the presence of rockiness, the remoteness of natural and underground water sources, fall assessment sunlight on the different areas garden.

At the initial stage, it is worth considering that any feature of the site must be turned into an ally. For example, the same overgrown shrub can be made into a green shield that can hide the site from prying eyes, areas with old trees can be decorated in country style, in addition, bright illustrations and design photos will allow you to decorate the garden with your own hands.

Making a plan

It's time to arm yourself with pencils and paper. It is necessary to indicate your ideas and plans on the sheet, perhaps visualizing your ideas will allow you to slightly adjust your plans. Specialists do the same, only in their capabilities there are 3D effects. Already at this stage, the arrangement of plants and furniture in the garden should be indicated. Such a schematic plan will allow you to avoid some mistakes, for example, plant several seedlings in a seemingly empty corner of the garden.

Agree, in a few years this corner runs the risk of becoming an impenetrable thicket. You can avoid many other mistakes in do-it-yourself garden design by watching a video on the site, where expert advice will come in handy.

We mark the functional areas

Even the most small garden, the improvement of which you are currently engaged in, in the future should be not only beautiful, but also functional, as in the photo. It's so beautiful to sit in the garden gazebo and enjoy starry sky, and where the owners will repair their car, there should also be a place for barbecue. Developing interesting ideas do-it-yourself garden or vegetable garden design, it is important to clearly understand what functionality you will burden your site. All family members should participate in this business, because even small children will want to own their corner for playing with the ball.

Implementation of ideas

So, if you decide to do the design of the garden with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists, then you should start with large-scale work - this is leveling, lighting, installing a drainage system, increasing the fertile layer of the site, digging a foundation pit for a future pond, laying a lawn and so on. And only after these “foundation” works are completed, we can talk about the beginning of planting, designing a recreation area, and so on.

Even with their own efforts, everyone can turn their site into paradise- the main thing is to wake up in yourself the desire to turn your house into a fairy tale, and interesting ideas for transforming the garden will come up in your imagination, and if not, you can see them in the photographs that are presented on the site. It remains, the whole thing to realize and create an exceptionally beautiful garden design with your own hands.

Decoration personal plotcreative process, which allows you to take a break from working in the garden and in the garden. The equipped, decorated territory becomes a wonderful place of rest for the owners of the cottage and their guests.

When you want something beautiful, but there is only an empty piece of land with two old trees, it is not at all easy to decide what to do with this piece. Applying the skills of landscape design professionals is expensive. Isn't there a simple budget way decorate the garden with improvised materials? There is!

"Rainbow" in the rose garden

It will take small plot earth, ordinary stones and acrylic paint. AT this case the unsuccessfully overwintered remnants of the rose garden act as an experimental site.

By the way! Anything can come in handy, for example, tree cuts, from which you can build an excellent path for children and adults. It is better if the wood is dry. At least not wet.

This style of landscape design can be safely called "positivism". It will suit perfectly if you have children, you love flowers and think that summer is the time for bright colors.

Now it would be nice to mulch the hole. But no mulch. But there are stones. Smaller stones can be used as mulch. Around the trunk, carefully place white small pebbles on the leveled soil. Radius about 15 cm. If they are not white enough or even multi-colored, you can tint them right on the spot after laying with acrylic white spray.

large stones must be painted with a brush. Two layers of paint (one, and when dry - the second) is enough. Stones do not have to be painted on all sides - one of them will still lie on the ground.

Advice! Acrylic paints dilute half with water, otherwise they will be too thick and lie unevenly. Plus, they last a long time.

A jar of 200 ml of paint is enough for about 60 large stones. Large stones painted in bright colors, will serve as a border for roses.

Green trim

After that, the fun begins. Around the rose bushes, according to the idea of ​​the author of the project, emerald lawn grass will grow. This means one more thing is needed. Namely: sand or peat, humus, lawn fertilizer, grass seeds.

Best to sow immediately sports lawn, which incorporates at least four varieties of herbs. You need to sow thickly. The area for which the seeds are intended, written on the box with seeds, immediately multiply by two.

Advice! In order for the lawn to lie flat and uniform, grass seeds are mixed with sawdust. It is not worth mixing with sand, it is heavier and will not give uniformity with light seeds.

Before seeding the lawn, complete the placement of decorative pebbles around the white mulch pebbles. Stones do not need to be pressed into the soil, just lay them on the surface. When the grass begins to grow, it will slightly cover the pebbles.

Near rose bushes lay out the path from the painted wooden saw cuts. It is not necessary to make a continuous path, there are enough “steps” so that you can walk on them or stand on them to care for roses. While the young grass is growing, do not trample it.

How to seed the perfect lawn

  1. To prepare the soil, loosen it with a rake, breaking all the lumps.

  2. Then spread over the surface. thin layer humus (1 cm) and sprinkle with sand mixed with peat (2 cm) on top.
  3. Nutrient soil is not needed, since you have already laid a layer of humus under the future lawn. But for greater effect, you can sprinkle the prepared area with starter lawn fertilizer in granules.
  4. Then compact the soil. This does not require a special skating rink and even a large barrel. Two small sheets of plywood or any material you can stand on is enough. You put one sheet, stand on it, put the second one next to it, go to it. And so on until the whole area is equal.

  5. Now you need to water the soil well with water and seeds can be sown. They must be dry. When buying, pay attention to the date of packaging, which is on the box. It is desirable that it was no more than two years ago.
  6. Try to sow evenly in all directions. The thicker you sow, the denser the sod will be and the more stable the lawn will be.

  7. Filling seeds with soil. A layer of 1 cm is enough. Watering with shallow sprinkling, so as not to erode the earth.

Advice! If there is neither peat nor sand, buy a construction sieve. Choose a place in the garden with dry soil and sift it through a sieve. You will get a great filling.

If it is cool at night or an invasion of birds is expected, you can cover the crops with a film. Under the film it is warmer by 5-7 degrees, the seeds will sprout faster. And the moisture that the seeds need for spitting will remain better in the shelter.

Advice! Ants from one anthill can take half of your freshly sown lawn to them in a couple of hours. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking care to neutralize ants in advance, as well as slugs, which will eat young grass with pleasure.

Now it remains only to wait for the flowering of roses and the growth of greenery. All the beauty spent one weekend and a minimum of funds. Moreover, success is guaranteed, since there is nothing complicated in creating such a project. Looks very positive. Easy care. Causes the admiration of the neighbors and the stormy delight of the children.

Video - How to plant a lawn

Video - Decorative painting of stones for the garden

Flower "stream"

You have a summer cottage, a vegetable garden, a garden, a lawn, a flower garden, but something is missing. The soul asks for beauty. Here, for example, would be to make an artificial pond with your own hands. No, not a pool, but at least small pond, or brook. But it's so hard! You need to dig a hole, carry cobblestones, buy film or plastic container, fiddle with aquatic plants, to acquire all sorts of mechanisms - filters, pumps. Do you think beauty is not simple? How it happens! easy way to acquire beauty without additional material and physical costs - a stream of flowers.

A flower stream is not even an element of landscape design, but a way. An unconventional way of planting plants is not in the usual flower bed, but in the form of a stream flowing from a container. All costs are to purchase a container. Although, you can use an old clay pot.

Miracle from the pot

To create a flower stream, you will need a part of the site on which you were going to make another banal flower bed. Capacity - it can be: a pot, a jug, a bottle (any capacity from which the future "stream" will originate) and ready for disembarkation flower seedling. You can sow a stream with seeds, but in this case, firstly, you will have to wait with beauty, and secondly, it is not known how the seeds will sprout. The stream can turn out to be uneven and with “bald spots”. Seeds can be pecked by birds, washed away by rain, dragged into their homes by ants.

ground cover plants

The choice of plants for a stream is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. You can use ground covers and creeping plants.

Table. The choice of ground covers in accordance with the growth conditions.

growth conditionsTypes of ground cover plants
If the bed of the flower "stream" passes through the illuminated areas of the garden, it is necessary to plant light-loving ground covers.These include: obrieta, creeping carnations, rezuha, carpet phlox, alissum.
If the location of the stream is in partial shade, plant plants that can tolerate shade.Plant dwarf astilba, tiarella, yellow lamiastrum, bruner, tenacious, trifoliate waldstein, ranunculus anemone. These plants will bloom luxuriously and feel great in shading, for example, among trees.
A flower stream can be created even in a heavily shaded area.To do this, use shade-tolerant ground covers: fragrant violet, small periwinkle.
A stream can be created even where there is constant dampness and the earth “does not dry out” even in summer.Moisture-loving plants: goose cinquefoil, hauttuynia, coined loosestrife form a lush and colorful "water stream".


Along with ground covers, you can use many annuals to create a flower stream, just choose undersized varieties, not higher than 30-50 cm. The list of annuals for this purpose is huge. Limit yourself to those that are sown in the ground in your climate. An impressive list- there are plenty to choose from.

By the way! Bulb flowers will look effective. They can be planted close to each other, and weak and defective, if necessary, replaced.

Instead of a pot, you can use a stump

Bulb flowers and perennials

The “bulbous” version of the stream can be made from tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, glamini (miniature gladioli), anemones, freesias, cyclamen and other perennials.

Rooted perennials can also be used. Will look great in line with primrose, sapling, saxifrage, veronica, pansies, Carpathian bell, armeria, gerbil, daisies, liverwort.

No slope for "brook"? Create it with a mound of earth

Brook planting

Having decided on planting material, having found a suitable jug, indicating the length and width of the future flower stream, you can start planting.

  1. The earth is dug up, cleared of weeds, well leveled and moistened.
  2. Then the plants are placed in pre-marked places.
  3. Everyone is watering.
  4. It is important to remember that ground cover plants grow rapidly, so their landing zones must be limited, and the shoots emerging from the banks of the stream should be regularly removed.

That's all, the flower stream is ready. It will require no more care than an ordinary flower bed - watering, fertilizing, removing dried flowers. The visual effect that you get will surpass all your dreams of beauty. Still think that beauty is not simple?

Creation of a dry stream on the site

growing up

Creepers rank in hierarchy ornamental plants special place. Their stems are flexible and unstable (herbaceous annuals, among perennials there are tree-like vines). But vitality and the desire to grow “to the sky” are unparalleled. They only need support. Give the vines a foothold and they will turn your yard into a fabulous blooming kingdom.

Vertical gardening, for which creepers are used, is a very important part of landscape design. If most plants can “cope” with horizontal surfaces, then fences, walls, pillars, balconies, terraces can be decorated only with the help of vines.

Too hot in the summer in the gazebo? Create shade with climbing crops

What are good lianas

  1. For the most part, vines do not require large area nutrition. They only need a little soil (two times less than any other plant) to give you much more than any other plant, leaf mass and flowers.
  2. Creepers can grow near the wall of the house, where the foundation passes and a layer of soil above the concrete is only 15 cm.
  3. Creepers can grow in tubs and flower pots.
  4. Creepers are very resistant to drought, to excessive moisture, many to cold.
  5. They do not require highly nutritious soil. Of course, they will not refuse fertilizers, but even without top dressing they will grow and bloom, and some will also bear fruit.
  6. Annual creepers are beautiful in that their growth rate is up to 5 cm per day.

Advice! If you urgently need, already this summer, to decorate an unsightly wall or to envelop a pergola, gazebo, terrace with flowering greenery, seek help from morning glory, dolichos, sweet pea, kvamoklit, kobee, nasturtium, decorative beans. These fast-growing vines will cope with decorating the site perfectly.

Table. Annual creepers and their characteristics.

This climbing annual grows up to 4m tall or wherever you point it. If you don’t direct, it will “direct” itself. It will braid everything that can and cannot be braided - a fence, a neighbor's fence, a tree, a sunflower, grapes.
It is a climbing annual from the legume family. Its stems can grow up to 3-3.5 m. The stems are thin, ribbed. And the flowers are from 3 to 5 cm in diameter, of all kinds of tones and colors and with a delightful subtle but strong aroma.
Grows up to 5 meters. The flowers are small, but very interesting shape. The colors are also very different - from white to red and variegated. Beans can bloom until frost. Its foliage, along with flowers, looks very decorative and, at the same time, elegant.
This plant is interesting not only (not so much) with flowers, but with its openwork leaves. Quamoclite also has flowers. They are funnel-shaped, intensely red in color, quite numerous. But the foliage of the plant, bright green, dissected into many “lobes”, resembling either the needles of evergreen trees, or an acacia, helps the quamoclite flowers to appear in all their scarlet beauty.
This plant is exceptionally elegant. It has large, trifoliate leaves, dark green with a purple hue. Flowers are bean-shaped. Large, purple and emitting a magical aroma. Dolichos blooms late - at the end of summer. But it blooms until frost, until the end of October.
Kobe climbing - differs from other vines in very beautiful and large flowers. The flowers, up to 9 cm in size, are simply fantastic. In the form of bells, slightly elongated, and long stamens peep out of them far beyond the flower. Kobeya blooms from mid-summer until frost. The flowers are milky and purple in color. Purples are first greenish, then creamy, and only then turn lilac (or acquire a bluish tint) and become purple. Therefore, on one vine, you can simultaneously see flowers of three different shades.
Very helpful and highly decorative flower. Leaves, flowers and fruits of nasturtium are used in cooking, cosmetics, folk medicine. Grows up to two meters. Grows very fast. The leaves are large, wide, beautiful irregular shape. Flowers - "gramophones" of sunny colors - from maroon to lemon yellow. They bloom all summer and half of autumn.

Growing annual vines

There is nothing complicated in growing herbaceous annual vines. You can sow them directly into the ground (since these plants develop rapidly, it is better that the soil is loose and fertilized).

  1. Sow at the end of May.
  2. Make shallow holes, 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole.
  3. If the seeds are small, you can sow in the grooves. Depth - about two centimeters.
  4. Water the crops and wait.
  5. You won't have to wait long. After one and a half to two weeks, sprouts will appear.
  6. After another two weeks, it is worth preparing supports for them (pulling ropes, installing pergolas), along which they will climb.

If you want to get the flowering of annual vines earlier, it makes sense to grow seedlings first, and then plant them in open ground. Seeds are planted for seedlings in April, in separate peat pots(most herbaceous vines have a weak root system, which should not be injured during transplantation).

Video - Do-it-yourself gypsum mushroom house without special tools and forms

More and more often, the owners of garden plots are shifting the emphasis from the possibilities of growing vegetables and fruits to decorating their land, design garden plot. Money is earned in the city, and people come to the dacha to rest. Of course, fruit trees and shrubs vegetable beds- all this may be present, but they also obey the rules of landscape design. Entrusting a project to a professional is, it seems, great ... but too ordered, cold landscapes often come out of the hands of professionals. Self-decorated gardens, although not ideal, are much more comfortable and feel much better in them.

Where to start: planning

It all starts from the stove: you need to correlate your desires with realities. To do this, first sit down and write what you need on the site. Just a list of what you and your loved ones want to have. Then you take a site plan with dimensions and start placing something that you simply cannot refuse. Usually this is a playground or a carport, some kind of garden - at least a few beds, if there are children - a playground.

Put the carport closer to the gate - less space will go to the driveways, the playground in direct line of sight from the windows, and most likely from the windows of the kitchen: it’s not all the time to sit with them, but so, the children are under supervision, and you are doing your job. With the placement of the playground, you will have to be smarter: it is necessary that there is no draft, and part of it is in the shade, part in the sun. To have the best conditions.

Therefore, it is not necessary to hide it. It will still be a decoration of your site and you will be proud of it. Here for him you need a sunny piece of your site.

Now we need to find a place for technical and auxiliary premises. You will definitely need, and also compost pit. They can be taken to the backyards, but better - closer to the garden. If the house is planned for heating, you need a place to store firewood. They do this for this, and they can be attached to the barn, or they can stand separately, and some instances can also be decorative element. Somewhere in a secluded corner you will need to put a shower. It’s also a hassle with the toilet: you need to take into account the distance to neighboring areas (at least 2 m), and also the prevailing wind direction so that smells do not bother you.

Next comes the turn of what you really want. Usually it is a gazebo, or a fountain. A pond and a fountain can be combined, a gazebo can be placed nearby. Up to the point that with one of its edges it can hang over the water. On the other side, you can put a bench by placing an arch near it or by building a pergola (the same arch, but more solid). Near the gazebo, you can make a small canopy and put or - by choice. Under the reservoir, it is best to take the lowest area or where the groundwater is closest. Everything else will fall into place.

Pond and gazebo nearby - a good combination

It seems that these are all the main objects. If you managed to fit them all into the site plan - great: you can plan. You need to be smart and make minimal amount paths, but they must connect all the main buildings. Paths can lead to auxiliary facilities. It's even more romantic that way. And along the way, look for places for flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, decorative slides. You can even specifically bend the paths to block out a place for a flower garden. This, by the way, is one of the favorite tricks of professionals. They don't use straight lines at all. Only on elongated sections to visually bring the far edge closer.

Do not forget about trees and shrubs. By the way, they can serve as a screen for an unsightly fence. And you will have it around the perimeter. Partially it can be decorated with hanging flower beds, partly covered with shrub trees. While the trees are growing, you can put a grate in front of the fence, along which to let climbing roses, clematis, any other similar plant.

Garden plot design: choose a style

In most cases, the style of garden design is very difficult to determine. Most often it can be described as "modern". Are used interesting solutions different "nationality" and different styles, and sometimes these combinations are very, very successful and interesting. That and self-design is good, that intuitively you can create beautiful landscapes. But designing a site in a certain style is, in a sense, easier: you know for sure whether this idea will work or not. Let's look at some design options for a garden plot in a particular style. The easiest way to work with ethnic areas.


Chinese and Japanese cultures have significant differences, but regarding the design of the garden plot, it is difficult for a non-specialist, it is almost impossible to distinguish between these two directions. For ease of perception, let's combine them into one style: oriental.

Japanese-style decoration - an abundance of stones, interesting combinations of hardwoods and conifers

For these cultures, achieving maximum harmony is inherent. What is good about the design of a garden plot in Japanese or chinese style is because they use a lot of rubble and pebbles. If you get a pebble in the right amount difficult or expensive, then there are much fewer problems with crushed stone. Maybe you are lucky, and you can even agree on a color - the meticulous Japanese use pebbles of the same size and the same color in the backfill, or form different shapes from them.

Great idea for decorating the backyard garden house: crushed stone and pebbles, slabs as a path - dirt will not rush into the house

Large stones, near which boxwood bushes are planted, traditional form small fountain. A very interesting idea with a painted gravel border. Only if you do something like this, make sure that the water that drains from has somewhere to go: under the pebbles and rubble there should be dense soil with a slope towards plantings or an exit to drainage system- this is how water drainage is organized.

A small fence is extremely easy to make. Bamboo is also good because it does not rot

To make the design of the Japanese-style garden plot really traditional, you can use bamboo. A small fence and a gate are made extremely simply. A couple of stakes are driven into the ground, bamboo crossbars are tied to them, and thin bamboo is tied to the crossbars. It turns out such a bamboo picket fence.

Paths are very characteristic - rounded stones at a step distance from each other, slabs of stone, or even concrete plates, but they are not square, as we are used to, but long. Please note that the gaps between the stones / slabs are overgrown with grass, moss, or covered with pebbles.

Often in Japanese gardens there are fountains. But these are not pompous structures with sculptures and jets hitting upwards, but combinations of bamboo and stone, over which a small amount of water flows. It is easy to make them even on your own, but how, read here.

Several photos of Japanese-style garden design are collected in the photo gallery. There are interesting ideas that are easy to implement with your own hands. And the costs are minimal.

Proper selection of plants is half the success Japanese maple - how to get past Slabs, stones, gravel, plants - all this against the backdrop of a lawn

Country style (rural or country)

The more urbanized our cities become, the more we want something simple, natural, without clear lines and edges, which are already boring in the city. Therefore, many houses began to be built from logs: they exude comfort. If your country house is built from a log house, the natural continuation of the idea will be the design of the site in a rural or rustic style. In this case characteristics- usage different kind old utensils and its elements in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds, wattle fences, plain, often deliberately coarse, made of logs.

Rustic garden design is easy to recognize by the presence of wheels from carts, baskets, ceramic dishes, old barrels, decks and flowering stumps

On a rural plot, by no means can everything be too even and orderly. Paths - overgrown with grass, with stones laid for convenience, abandoned boardwalks. And so that the “boards” always look like new, you can use decking - this is a wood-composite material that looks and feels very similar to wood, but does not rot, does not darken, retains its original appearance over the years.

Fences inside the site can be made from dead wood chopped in the forest. Fences made of birch or otkhi with its light green bark look very decorative.

Wicker fences are traditional for this style. They can be made for beds, flower beds, fence off areas within the site, and even as the main fence that separates the garden from neighbors and from the street.

In the same vein, you can arrange a reservoir - a small mill or a bridge next to a long pond will not hurt. And if there is a height difference on the site, you can make a cascade of watering cans-buckets - a very original idea.

Waterfall on the steps, only in an unusual design: a fountain of watering cans and buckets

Even the toilet can be made in the same style. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will bring it to the fore even in stylish performance, but you don’t have to take too much care that the building is not visible.

Such a toilet is a hut that can not be particularly hidden

Rustic garden design is not demanding on geometry or selection of plants. It is important that you feel comfortable and cozy, the plants feel good. Then even the simplest compositions will delight the eye and heart. See the photo gallery for a few design ideas for different zones.

An unusual flower bed - a flower stream Carts and wooden wheels - traditional elements of a country-style garden Arbor covered with reeds and sculptures from ceramic pots - interesting design finds in the design of the garden Wattle - a good fence, and the style supports the design of the well

Garden plot in a modern style or modern

The design of the garden plot in Art Nouveau style is international. It contains elements different cultures. The basic rule is harmonious combination shapes and shades. Most often, straight lines and rounded shapes are combined.

Is it difficult to create such a corner in own garden. Tiles can be replaced with concrete or stone slabs or wooden deck, the main thing is that the geometry is preserved. Flowerbeds of an unusual shape - smooth edges both at ground level and high. Between two high flower beds seats are installed, and to make it really convenient and comfortable, you can make the curb higher and nail the back board. All this cubism is broken by a round ceramic pot with a plant. Instead of a pot, you can make a small fountain in the form of a stone ball, along which water flows.

This fountain is easy to make. The main thing is to find suitable stone and drill a hole in it

As you can see, the fountain is close in style to Japanese style. Slightly modified, it fits perfectly into modern design garden. And it's not the only stylized element. For example, wicker furniture is often used. But it has a different shape - either cubic or with curved surfaces, but only in one plane. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what I mean.

And again, notice how hard straight lines are broken up by rounded ones: in the bottom photo, this pyramidal thuja, on the top - a round table-flower bed ( extraordinary solution, by the way) and curved lines of chairs.

That's where the expanse for lovers high beds, so this is precisely when designing in this vein: it is more convenient to set straight lines with the help of high boxes. They are made of wood, stone, concrete. The material should be combined with the main finish or be an addition.

Approximately in the same traditions it is made out adjoining territory and sites near the reservoir. To make flooring from boards, planken or decking, put up characteristic furniture - part of the garden is framed.

By the way, you can make a gazebo in an unconventional manner.

There are a lot of ideas, and all of them are interesting in their own way. Check out some photos in the gallery below. Might be useful for your garden.

Practical design of the pond - you can even sunbathe on the deck Smooth paths are a sign of style, but the execution is unusual

Ideas for decorating the fence and walls

Like it or not, there is always a fence. And far from always it is a decoration of the garden. More often it is quite the opposite: it is the owner's headache: how to disguise it or give it a more acceptable look. There are actually quite a few solutions, and for different tastes.

If you can draw, and the fence is at least relatively even, paint it with some scenes. It is clear that choosing a suitable plot is not easy, but you can rely on the general style of the design of the site.

Boring fence and site design style is easy to guess))

You can use the fence as a time for a vertical flower bed or vegetable garden. It's beautiful and useful. This idea will especially please the owners of small plots. That's the only way to use it only if the summer in your region is cool. In all other cases, plants burn on it.

Approximately the same idea is useful for decorating the wall of the house. Only here flowers are planted more often, and mostly ampelous, but nothing can prevent you from planting in such baskets or boxes, say aromatic herbs or simply beautiful flowers to the lower tier, and at the top let there be hanging lashes of ampelous ones.

Wall design option - metal baskets lined with jute fiber, inside - soil

Very often, uncomplicated decorations or some unusual elements distract attention from the not very attractive surface, which is a fence. It can be homemade flowers made of colored plastic or a whole cascade of different boxes in which you can either plant flowers or put them in pots.

Uncomplicated decorations, but they fulfill their task - they distract attention from an unsightly surface

Ideas in photo format