Who is the fastest man in the whole world? Famous runners of the world and Russian athletes

Who is the fastest man in the whole world? Famous runners of the world and Russian athletes

The most fast man in the world

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Speed ​​is what has always attracted people. Running, riding horses, riding cars, flying on airplanes, all this takes your breath away and makes a person repeat it again and again. Of course, everyone is interested in the fastest man in the world. Who is he? Where? What's his name? We will answer these questions in our new publication.

An important characteristic of people has always been the ability to test themselves for strength. Which helped to achieve greater and greater results, especially in the field of sports. After all, everyone wants to know the limits of human capabilities.

So, let's find out the name of the fastest sprinter in the world? Classically, this ability is tested at a hundred-meter distance. This allows you to determine the runner's speed before he gets tired. The first such results go back to the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, the fastest man in the world covered the distance in 10.6 seconds. Over the next hundred years, they were able to exceed this achievement, but not by much.

Jamaican W. Bolt:

  • three times Olympic champion,
  • multiple world champion,
  • record holder in three running categories.

The summer of 2009 was marked by a new world record in the 100-meter.

  1. In the World Championship final, Bolt put in a fantastic run, covering the distance in 9.58 seconds.
  2. In addition, he became a record holder in the 200 meters, running them in 19.19 seconds.
  3. The famous Jamaican team raced the relay with a new record of 37.1 seconds.

After these fantastic results, the Jamaican received the nickname “Lightning”. Experts estimate that Usain's peak speed reached 37.6 km/h.

Watch the YOUTUBE video about Usain Bolt:

The video shows Bolt improving his own 100-meter record by 0.01 s. in August 2009 at the World Championships in the capital of Germany, Berlin. And in the same week, he improved his result in the two hundred meters by the same 0.01 s.
The President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, admitted that, in his opinion, Bolt is phenomenal, since his body and genetics are unique.

However, if you thought that it was all about genetics and natural data, then you were mistaken. Look at the training video of the fastest man in the world and you will understand the work behind his records:

But the list of the fastest people on the planet does not end there. Let's take a look at the speed record holders using the Guinness Book of World Records.

Japanese Hidekichi Miyazaki, who was already 105 years old at that time, ran a hundred meters in 42 seconds. The athlete grandfather thereby set a Guinness record in the category of runners over 80 years of age. Despite the fact that this is much worse than Bolt’s result, it is a very cool achievement for a 105-year-old grandfather!

The record holder spoke about his desire - a competitive race with Usain Bolt, who, by the way, promised to come to a meeting with the sports veteran. Interestingly, Miyazaki took up running at the age of 90.

But, unfortunately for the Japanese, his younger competitor, 100-year-old runner from the USA Donald Perelman, just 5 days later, covered the hundred meters in just twenty-seven seconds. Donald Perelman also became a champion among his peers in discus throwing and long jump.

Few motorists are able to overcome the speed of sound. However, Andy Green, an officer in the British Air Force, could do it. In 1997, while driving the ultra-fast Thrust SSC, he reached a speed of 1228 km/h. He thereby exceeded the speed of sound. Driving the car at that speed is extremely difficult. This is why a person who had met something similar in the air was invited.

Green still makes trips in this car. Their goal is to analyze the possibility of operating a car at speeds of more than 1.5 thousand kilometers per hour. It is worth saying that the car is very similar to a rocket, and designers are still finalizing its shape. This is done in order to minimize sound impacts, which negatively affect speed. The choice of tires is also important, since the quality of rubber is the most important factor in speed.
The car uses the Eurojet EJ200 engine, designed for fighter jets.
The team behind the car strives to attract talent from all over the world to its high-speed projects.

Canadian runner Donovan Bailey is the 1996 Olympic champion and 3 times world champion. I became interested in running in the early 90s, and in 1994 I was already on the team that took gold in the relay. He also set a 50-meter record that still stands. In Atalanta, he received gold in the relay and in the 100-meter dash, where he set new record 9.84 seconds.

He left the sport in 2001 and began making money in the financial sector. He created his own company and is also active in the field of charity.

American sprinter Florence Griffith can boast of 3 Olympic victories. Her records, adopted back in 1988, are still relevant today: 10.49 in the 100-meter dash; 21.34 – in the two hundred meters. A year later I left the sport and gave birth to a child.

The fastest man in Russia

Well-known in his homeland, Denis Ogarkov from Bryansk in 2016 again confirmed his title of two-time champion of the Russian Federation, running a hundred-meter distance in 10.36 seconds.

An incredible Chinese man was able to type 648 characters in a minute. Lu Fengming is his name. He types twice as fast as any of us. The essence of the record is that the applicant must type the text provided to him as quickly as possible with 95% accuracy.

The fastest man in the world playing guitar

Brazilian virtuoso Thiago Della Vega became interested in the guitar at the age of five. He devoted about five hours to the game every day and was eventually able to achieve a fantastic playing speed on musical instrument. He managed to play the famous composition “Flight of the Bumblebee” at a speed of three hundred and twenty sounds per minute. Then their competition began with John Taylor from the USA. In 2008, he broke Vega’s record and reached a speed of 600 sounds per minute. Three years later, Vega broke this record, producing a fantastic 750 sounds! Now the guitarist travels with his guitar, improves and delights the audience with his skills.

Rap is an art, just like other types of music. Anyone who does not think so is deeply mistaken. A rap master must have super talent, perfect pitch and charisma. However, speed is also important here - and the fastest performers are valued above all else.
Among them is Bilgin Ozchalkan (Ceza) from Turkey. This record holder amazed everyone, and even his colleagues, by uttering a phenomenal 1267 words in 2 minutes and 39 seconds. The resulting popularity allowed him to record a joint album with the famous rapper Tek Nyman. The Turk is constantly improving and, perhaps, will surpass his achievement in the foreseeable future.

The fastest person in the world to solve a Rubik's cube

For several decades now, the famous cube has been a very popular puzzle all over the world. The Americans are the strongest in the speed of collecting it, which is very unexpected. Guy Lukas Etter set a record for solving the classic Rubik's cube in just 4.9 seconds. Another fantastic result from his compatriot, Colin Burns, was 5.25 seconds. Caltech student Lian Lo (pictured) also keeps up with his compatriots.

Fastest superhero

From Marvel Comics - Spider-Man

The well-known Spiderman gained his popularity back in the 60s as a comic book hero. The plot was based on a loser teenager who turned into a superhero. This type of story appealed to American teenagers. After being bitten by a spider, he gained incredible strength and speed, as well as the ability to weave a web.

From X-men – Beast

Well now you know everything about the fastest people on planet Earth. Who knows, maybe the person reading these lines has a talent that will allow him to stand on par with the heroes of this post. What other people's achievements do you know? Maybe you are also the very first in something? Write your answers in the comments.

Nowadays, the unspoken title of “the fastest man in the world” is deservedly held by the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt.

Humanity has always wanted to test its strength, to achieve highest results in everything, including sports. Find out the limits of possibilities that are available to a person. This happened in the case of running, because one of the most interesting questions- who is the fastest, who is the fastest runner on earth and what is his maximum speed?

As you know, the classic test in this area is the 100-meter dash. It is this distance that allows you to determine the maximum capabilities of the runner. Records (the first was 10.6 s) at this distance began to be recorded back in 1912, and since then the result has been improved by more than a second.

Usain Bolt is a three-time Olympic champion, several times world champion, and, moreover, the current winner of three in three sprint disciplines. The final at the World Championships, held in August 2009, in the 100m brought an incredible result of 9.58 seconds, of course, performed by Usain.

At the same championship, a few days later, a new record appeared in the two hundred meters - 19.19 seconds. In addition, he was included in the Olympic team of his country to participate in the 4x100 relay, and this participation was also marked by the appearance of a new indicator - 37.10 seconds. (at the Beijing Olympics).

The famous runner’s most famous nickname was “lightning.” Usain received this nickname due to his results and his name:

World record for 100 meters - 9.6 seconds
200 m - 19.19 sec
300 m - 30.97 sec
400 m - 45.28 sec

Its maximum speed is 37.578 km/h or 10.438 meters/sec

The longest duration of the unbreakable record in the 100-meter dash was 20 years.

It was installed in 1936, when the Olympics took place in Berlin. Then the achievement was established by a black American, Jesse Owens, which greatly upset the Nazis. That result was 10.2 seconds, and became an unattainable mark for many 20 years.

The first holder of the 100-meter running record was Donald Lippincott.

Donald Lippincott is an American by nationality, who ran the distance in 1912 during the Olympics in Stockholm, then his time was around 10.6 seconds.

Biography of Usain Bolt:

Date of birth - August 21, 1986 - Jamaica, Trilawny region. He gained fame by the age of 15, when he won an international tournament among runners under 17 years of age. The venue for that competition was Kingston, and he managed to win a gold medal as well as two silvers.

Two years later, he managed to improve his performance; the distance was then 200 meters; the sprinter completed the junior race in 19.93 seconds, so he was the first in the world among juniors who was able to overcome this distance in less than 20 seconds.

Then in 2008, he covered the 100-meter distance in 9.76 seconds, but this was the second officially registered result; the best achievement was by Bolt’s compatriot at that time, Asafa Powell (two hundredths less - 9.74 seconds).

But very little time passes, and in May of the same year, he ran a hundred meters in 9.72 seconds, thereby setting an outstanding achievement and becoming the author of a new world record.

However, this was not the peak of outstanding achievements; Bolt’s triumph had to wait until a new performance, until the Olympic Games held in 2008 in Beijing, where the runner received three Olympic gold medals, while three world records were set (one of them was set by the relay team ).

It should also be added that at the end of the 100-meter race, the sprinter relaxed a little and slowed down, because it was clear that he was unattainable and would become the Olympic running champion. According to experts, if he had run to the maximum of his capabilities, the final result would probably have been 9.50 seconds, and not the 9.6 that he ended up with.

Bolt is currently ranked at the top of the rankings published by the International Association of Athletics Federations.

He has twice won the Rising Star Award and was inducted into the Jamaican Order of Dignity. In 2008 and 2009 he was recognized as the best athlete and athlete in the world.

Almost every person is interested in learning about other people's records. Humanity is waiting for answers to the questions: who is stronger, smarter, more beautiful, faster. Some records were set thanks to the physiological characteristics of a person, while others require long and hard training and work on oneself. It is precisely such achievements that inspire special respect. Answer the question: “Who is the fastest man in the world?” definitely not possible. Each sport has its own Legend. This article provides a list of record holders, or more precisely, the fastest people on the planet, whose activities cause surprise and sometimes even envy.

Fastest runner on the planet

For track and field athletes, every microsecond counts. Typically, the running speed of athletes is determined by a distance of 100 meters. The best here was and remains Usain St. Leo Bolt (also called “lightning”), a thirty-two-year-old Jamaican athlete, track and field athlete and world champion. It was he who ran the fastest 100-meter dash in the world, thanks to which he won worldwide fame and the title of “best” runner on the planet.

His story began in his school days - it was then that the future Olympic champion began to engage in athletics. His first coach, Pablo McNeil, immediately noticed his athletic potential. Thus, in 2001, Usain Bolt won his first medal, covering the 200 m distance.


His first record was set in 2007 at a competition in New York and was 9.72 seconds (100 meters).

He beat it at the World Championships in Berlin in 2009, improving his result by 11 hundredths of a second. Accelerating at a speed of 44.71 km/h, Usain Bolt set a new world record of 9.59 seconds, which remains unbeaten to this day. That same year, he covered 200 meters in just 19.19 seconds, which is also the best result in the history of the sport. Doctors, having studied Usain Bolt’s body, came to the conclusion that the secret of the champion’s victories lies in his genetics. His muscles are made up of very fast cells

. But, nevertheless, success lies not only in physiological abilities.

Nutrition Any athlete adheres to balanced nutrition

Carbohydrates predominate in his diet (approximately 60%), proteins occupy a quarter of the diet, and fats only 10%.

The fastest runner in the world prefers to eat fruits, yams, potatoes for breakfast, fish and rice for lunch, chicken, pork or beef for dinner. He allows himself fast food extremely rarely.

How an athlete trains

Training is an equally important component of the success of any athlete. The main thing is that they are chosen correctly.

Usain Bolt focuses on cardio: stretching, doing leg swings, and doing small sprints. Then he runs and goes to the gym. No less important for him are abdominal exercises, as well as squats and jumps, leg lifts, planks, strength exercises(with dumbbells, weights, barbells).

In total, the athlete spends 3 hours a day on training.

Usain Bolt himself answered the question “How to become an Olympic champion?” gives the following answer: “There are no secrets here. You just have to develop strength, power, acceleration and technique.” Everything seems so simple, but behind these words lie training, diets, self-control, insane willpower and Full time job above oneself.

In 2017, Usain Bolt completed his sports career. But he has no plans to stop training. In addition, it is known about his plans to start football activities.

The fastest woman in the world

Women can also show incredible success and achievements in sports. Thus, Florence Delores Griffith, an American athlete, showed phenomenal results in 1988 that amazed the whole world.

The girl loved sports since childhood, and during her student years she trained under the guidance of Bob Kersey.
She has participated in competitions since 1983.

5 years later, she set an incredible record at the Seoul Olympics, running 100 meters in 10.49 seconds. The world remembered her for another unique result in the Olympic final: 200 meters in 21.34 seconds. 1988 was the brightest year in the girl’s career, as it brought her 3 gold medals at the Olympics in Korea and the title of the fastest woman in the world.

Tens of years have passed since the woman’s record, but no one has yet been able to even come close to this result.

Secret of success

Florence said that exercises using barbells were her favorite, and they were the ones that led her to this result. A typical day for an athlete consisted of an hour and a half of athletics, housework, cooking, hairdressing, as well as lessons in painting, design, and literature. The workout machine was right next to the kitchen table.


Her eyes were constantly shining and her body was always filled with energy.

She was different from other athletes: thick, lush hair, long nails, extravagant style often caused discussion. At the championships she always looked special, surprising the audience: instead of a classic jumpsuit, she wore a “one-legged” suit. She herself came up with the idea of ​​cutting off one of his trouser legs, thanks to which she looked as stylish as possible at the competition. This woman loved to look bright and unusual.

She could have continued to amaze humanity and set world records, but on September 21, 1998, at the age of 38, Florence Delores Griffith died in her sleep. The cause was unclear, so experienced sheriffs handled her death. They came to a verdict that death was associated with an epileptic seizure. According to unofficial data, there was a heart attack.

Swim speed champion

Michael Phelps is not only the fastest swimmer in the world, but also the only twenty-time champion in the fifty-meter pool. It is he who has a record number of awards in the entire history of the Olympic Games. It is called the "flying fish" and the "Baltimore bullet".
Michael Phelps began swimming at the age of seven. Then his sister took him to the pool. The boy showed brilliant results, was the best on his team. This potential was noticed by Bob Bowman, his first coach.

Phelps continued to show incredible results every year, and at the age of 15 he was already selected to participate in the 2000 Olympics. Start successful career it's supposed to.

In 2007, at the World Championships in Melbourne, the athlete managed to win 7 gold medals.

In 2009 in Rome, the athlete swam the 200-meter butterfly in 1.51.51 seconds. 2 days later at the same Olympics, Michael Phelps surprised humanity with a new achievement: 100 meters in 49.82 seconds, which is also a record figure.

In 2016, he made the final decision to end his sports career. Over its entire duration, the athlete won 13 times at individual distances, surpassing the legendary Leonid of Rhodes, who won 12 medals in the individual competition even before our era. For 2168 years, no one in the world has been able to come close to this result. The athlete has 28 Olympic medals and 37 records!

It is known that over the course of 10 years, the man was recognized several times as the best swimmer of the year both in the USA and around the world.

Athlete nutrition

Few people know about Michael Phelps' crazy diet, which has been subject to discussion, doubt and criticism.

But it seems that his diet is completely contrary to this wish.

Phelps' diet includes rolls, mayonnaise, and other fatty foods. A typical breakfast consists of sandwiches, a five-egg omelette, 3 pieces of toast with chocolate, oatmeal, pancakes, and coffee. For lunch and dinner, an athlete can eat pasta, sandwiches with mayonnaise, and even pizza. They say that all dishes in total contain up to 10 thousand calories.

How does an athlete maintain such a small weight for him, equal to 88 kg?

This diet is quite suitable for Phelps, given his constant overwork. It is obvious that it spends more energy than it consumes. To an ordinary person It is not recommended to consume this amount of calories.


Michael spends most of his day training.

Of course, the emphasis is on swimming. Phelps devotes 6 days a week to this activity, 5 hours every day.

Its main rule is not to use heavy weight V gym, since the set muscle mass will negatively affect the results during the competition.

Michael's favorite exercises are multi-joint (the most energy-intensive).

He must maintain arm strength, for this frequent exercises include pull-ups, classic push-ups, parallel bars and other bodyweight exercises.

What is the secret of Legend's success? In training, nutrition, physiological characteristics? Not only. Michael Phelps always had goals in front of him, wanted to be No. 1, did everything to win.

Fastest football player

In football, fast players are in demand and are worth their weight in gold. After all, the main thing for a football player is speed and dynamism. The best here was and remains the legendary Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo, who is considered not only the fastest, but also the best football player on the Planet.

Cristiano was born in 1985. After 8 years, the boy will already show his first results in the Andorinha team.

At the age of 18, the future champion was noticed by the famous Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson.
Just five years later, Cristiano managed to score 42 goals in a season, thereby overtaking George Best and breaking his record. In the same 2008, Ronaldo received the Ballon d'Or.

In 2013, the football player broke his personal record, scoring 69 goals.


The 33-year-old player has developed maximum speed throughout the history of football. This happened not so long ago - June 15, 2018, on the day of the fight with the Spaniards at the World Championships. The speed was 38.6 km/h. Thus, the athlete managed to run away during a counterattack, although the maneuver did not lead to a goal.

Even before this match, Cristiano was the fastest football player in the world, his speed reached 36 km/h.

Training and nutrition

“A machine that thinks only about training” is how Ronaldo’s acquaintances and friends describe him. Indeed, many hours of exercise for this person is not just a necessity, but favorite hobby. He has developed high discipline, so he will never allow himself to cancel or postpone training. It even happened that the players went home, and Cristiano returned to the gym and did a few more exercises.

In his training, the football player concentrates on speed, endurance, strength, and spends 4 hours on this 5 days a week.

This includes push-ups, box jumps, and various exercises with barbells and kettlebells, such as clean-ups. The footballer supplements all this with swimming and running. In addition, do not forget that the Portuguese also has time to train with the football team.

To recover, Cristiano takes ice baths and does spa treatments. Thanks to his crazy willpower and discipline, he is the fastest football player on the planet.

As for nutrition, the athlete eats only the right foods. His day consists of 6 meals. The menu includes meat, fruits, vegetables and seafood.


Cristiano Ronaldo is recognized as the best football player of all time, and he is also the richest and most sought-after player.

He is the owner of 25 trophies in team achievements, four Golden Balls for 2017, and the Golden Boot. He is the top scorer of the European Championship, the author of significant goals. All this makes Cristiano the “king” of football.

The list goes on for a long time. By the way, Ronaldo knows all his records, achievements and trophies by heart, although this seems impossible.

Winner rapper: fastest rap in the world

Determining the fastest rapper in the world is not so easy, because records are constantly being broken and new talents are emerging. Artist lists are being updated.

But on this moment Ceza is proudly the fastest rapper in the world.

His real name is Bilgin Ozchalkan. He was born in 1977 in Turkey.

Until the age of 18, Bilgin grew up as an ordinary child: he loved sports, music, and at the same time worked as an electrician.

1995 was a turning point for the boy - he decided to plunge headlong into rap and began writing music. Together with rapper Dr. Fuchs created the group "Nefret". But after his partner was drafted into the army, Bilgin decided to start solo career under the pseudonym “Ceza” (translated as “punishment”, “punishment”)

Since 2006, the rapper began to have his first singles. He began to be invited to song events and festivals.

In 2007 he won the MTV Europe Music Awards for Best Turkish Act.


The song Holocaust brought Bilgin the title of King of Recitative. In just 2 minutes 40 seconds, the rapper managed to clearly pronounce 1267 words, which is about 9 words per second! With such a fantastic performance, Ceza entered the Guinness Book of Records, having “read” the fastest rap in the world. No one has yet managed to overtake him. Ceza himself is not going to stop there, but on the contrary, to develop his talent.

How to become the King of Recitative

Rap requires constant practice and training: the performer needs to learn to keep the tempo and rhythm. It is necessary to constantly perform articulatory gymnastics, pronounce tongue twisters, thereby improving diction.

Equally important is reading speed, which will come with time and regular training.
Intonation is the key to the success of any rapper. Reading should be emotional, so the performer needs to feel his text and work on each word, putting a certain emotion into each.

The fastest game on musical instruments

Here we highlight the fastest guitarist, pianist and violinist.

1. Guitar

Thiago Della Vega is a Brazilian guitarist who gained worldwide fame after performing Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumblebee" at incredible speed.

Already in early age he realized that his true passion was the electric guitar. Every day, honing his skills and training, he achieved an incredible speed of performance: in 2011 he performed the composition “Flight of the Bumblebee” at a tempo of 750 beats per minute! Thus, he ended up on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

But his achievement was surpassed in 2012 by Daniel Himbauch. What he did seems impossible: 1300 beats in a minute. But this is not the limit. After three years of training, Daniel managed to perform the same composition, but at a tempo of 2000 beats per minute! The movements of his fingers at the time of filming were so fast that it seemed as if it was a pre-accelerated video. So far no one has managed to beat his record.

How to achieve such speed

Only daily training, perseverance, patience and honing your skills will do here. This is what Daniel did for several years before he became the fastest guitarist in the world.

2. Violin

There are many talented violinists, but there is only one best. German violinist David Garrett is only 37 years old, but he is already listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest performer of the famous “Flight of the Bumblebee.” Now he earns millions of dollars and attracts full audiences.

The boy began playing violin at the age of seven. At 13, a recording company entered into a contract with him. In 1999, David performed with the Symphony Orchestra, and in 2008 he released his album entitled “Encore”. By this he wanted to arouse the interest of young people in classical music.

World record

In 2008, Garrett became the world record holder by performing "Flight of the Bumblebee" in 1 minute 6.52 seconds, which is approximately 13 notes per second.

The violinist “wooed” the audience with this melody, and most importantly, dispelled all the stereotypes that the violin is a boring and unfashionable musical instrument.

3. Piano

Peter Bens (Bence) is an example of a pianist who gets incredible pleasure from what he does. He was born in Hungary, and in his 26 years he became the record holder for the speed of repeated pressing of one key.

It’s hard to believe, but he wrote his first composition at the age of 7. This proves his talent and incredible love for music from a very early age.

At the age of 15, he released his first album called “Green music”.

In 2012, Peter Bens performed cover versions of Michael Jackson's songs "Bed" and "Smooth Criminal". He played it like no one had ever done before: 765 notes per minute!

Experts from the Guinness Book of Records immediately took this as a talent and recognized Peter Bence as the fastest pianist in the world.

Now he is working on his studio album and several clips, and also writes the script for his show.

Secret of success

Peter believes that having just playing technique is not enough. Music should be meaningful, and most importantly, lively, that is, penetrate the soul of the listener. The performer must be able to find harmony and special contact with the audience.

“I'm constantly looking for new ways to give my audience something unique that they can never forget,” Peter Bens said in an interview.

Obviously, to achieve such results, the pianist spends a large number of time for training. With this attitude, it is clear that in the future he plans to surprise the public with better results and new records.

Speed ​​shooting: who is the champion

The way American shooter Bob Munden can skillfully handle a weapon will surprise anyone. His unique abilities exceed what science allows. He set records for the fastest shooting 18 times.

Bob also owns all types firearms, for which he is called the fastest and best in the world.

He was born on February 8, 1942, and at the age of 11 he already knew how to shoot well. At 17, he took first places in competitions and mini-championships. From a very young age he performed in public, his first and main weapon was a Colt 45 revolver.

Who would have thought that this boy would later win about four thousand trophies for rapid shooting.

Superman or magician: what can he do?

  • He pulls out his pistol and shoots faster than all the people living on Earth;
  • Its dignity can only be assessed using the most fast technology filming;
  • Bob differs from any other person not only in the speed of the shot, but also in the way he aims from the hip or shoots with an inverted revolver. At the same time, he hits the target clearly, coordinating his hand in accordance with what he sees;
  • It can pull, cock and fire faster than the average human's brain reaction time. Research has proven that at the moment of the shot, Bob's hand movements are faster than a rattlesnake;
  • 2 shots at balls located at a distance of 2 meters from each other take him a tenth of a second. From the sound it seems like there was only one shot.

Bob Munden often demonstrates his skills on various programs and programs, such as “Super Humans”, “Shooting USA” and others. “I’m the only one in the world with such a reaction,” Munden said to himself in an interview.

Record holder

In 1980, Bob was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It took him only 0.15 seconds to grab the revolver and fire. This later caused doubts and controversy, since this record was not fully documented to be considered valid. For this, critics often called Bob a magician or showman.

Despite this, for his devoted fans, for those who respect and admire his achievements, Münden will forever remain the fastest shooter in the world.

Bob Munden's speed is amazing, he wields a weapon like no one else in the world, for which he can be called not a magician, but a “revolver wizard.”


Bob Munden was born in Missouri, where every man was required to learn to shoot. From early childhood, he honed his skills, participated in competitions, thereby gaining experience. It's no secret - the one who trains a lot wins.

Late in his life, Bob Munden suffered from chest pain and was diagnosed with a mild heart attack. He died in 2012 from heart disease. So the man from the world of legends passed away.

Who has the fastest hands on the planet?

The famous Rubik's Cube puzzle is not only a game, but also a brain workout. Solving this cube is an achievement for any child, but even adults are not always able to do it in a few minutes or even seconds.

Many records have been set using the Rubik's Cube. One of them belongs to American schoolboy Colin Burns. On April 25, 2015, he solved a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube in 5.25 seconds.

It seemed impossible to assemble faster, but in November 2015 a new record holder appeared with a result of 4.9 seconds. It was 14-year-old US resident Lucas Etter. The record was officially documented and included in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

The 22-year-old Dutchman Mats Valk stole the show at the 2016 championship in Indonesia. He solved a 3x3x3 cube in 4.74 seconds. He already managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records in March 2013 with a result of 5.55 seconds. But, as it turned out, Mats was not going to stop there at that moment. Today he has the most fast hands in the world, and he is the absolute record holder for solving the Rubik's cube.

What's the secret

Mats designed his own Valk 3M model that feels great in the hand, doesn't jam, and turns quickly. His cube contains 40 magnets. They are necessary so that the parts of the cube move more smoothly during assembly. This secret design and constant training brought Mats Valk incredible success and the title of “the fastest speedcuber on the planet.”

World record for touch typing

If you type 100-150 characters per minute on your computer, then you have developed a good speed. If your result rises to 300 characters, then you can be congratulated, because professionals and record holders come next.

With touch typing the situation is much more difficult, because you need to constantly practice.
Secretary Barbara Blackburn set a world record in 2005. She typed the text at a speed of 750 characters per minute.

But this is not the limit.

The speed of the Russian journalist has been compared to a Kalashnikov assault rifle, which fires 600 rounds per minute. This is confirmed by the experiment in which Mikhail took part. Next to him stood a shooter with a machine gun, the capacity of which was 30 bullets. This is exactly how many characters Mikhail Shestov needed to write. They finished almost simultaneously, Mikhail lacked two symbols to equal the result with the machine. Any person on the planet would type those 30 characters 10 times slower.


Mikhail Shestov's speed has been officially established. In 1991, during the open speed typing championship in Denmark, he beat five thousand participants and set a world record of 940 characters per minute. This achievement became a real sensation and caused a public outcry. The dexterity of his fingers has been compared to the deadly strike of a rattlesnake.

On April 11, 1993, the program conducted the following experiment: Mikhail needed to type maximum amount numbers in 5 minutes. He managed to reach the number 795.

The question arose: Does Mikhail only type quickly or does everything speed up? After a mini-competition with the chef on cutting vegetables, it became clear that Mikhail has a very well developed fine motor skills, and he makes all the movements with his fingers faster than an ordinary person.

It is worth noting that Mikhail does not use his skill as an end in itself. For him, this is primarily a way to save time and simplify his task a little.

How to achieve

At school, he did not shine with either good memory or abilities; he was a stable C student.
After graduating from school, he joined the army, where he taught himself to read books aloud and even copy them into a notebook. He could take the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky and begin to write it page by page, after which he noticed that grammatical errors has become much smaller.

Developing his memory, Mikhail decided to take up learning English. He listened a lot to English-language radio stations and television channels. He divided each word into phonemes and “sang.” Using his own method, Mikhail managed to learn 7 more languages ​​in this way. Now he often conducts master classes, shares his experience with students from different countries peace, teaches English language. He developed his own unique teaching method. It allows you to master any skill in a short time.

“I don’t have any special outstanding abilities. I’m just a very diligent, strong-willed and purposeful person,” says Mikhail.

It’s not for nothing that Shestov is called a man of new times, because today the one who does everything faster than others is valued.

Fastest hands by number of hits

Boxers are capable of delivering not only powerful, but also incredibly fast punches; this distinguishes an amateur from a professional. Speed ​​plays no less a role in this sport than strength.


Everyone knows the American athlete Muhammad Ali. He is not only fast, but one of the best boxers in Humanity. He is called a Legend for his talent to show fast strikes and attacks, but at the same time move easily around the ring.

The athlete was born in 1942. As a child, it was difficult to train Muhammad: he was constantly bullying, shouting, and conflicting. In one of his first televised fights, he declared that he was a future World Champion. After that, the guy began to seriously work on himself.

Finally, in 1960, Muhammad was invited to participate in the Olympic Games. He now had that chance to show that he was the best boxer. And he showed it. At the Olympics he managed to win a gold medal.

Who could have guessed that within 2 years the athlete would have 5 victories by knockout, and after 10 years the title of the best boxer of the year, decade and century.

He broke all the canons of the game and developed his own style. His movements in the ring resembled a dance. Being tall, he usually attacked in the head. He also had greater speed than his rivals. He moved around the ring and attacked so quickly that over time it became one of his secrets to success. Speed ​​helped Ali in defensive actions.

The athlete’s impact force is considered the greatest in the world and is equal to one ton.

Champion training

The assumption that speed in boxing is a merit of nature is not correct.

Not every athlete is able to withstand the training of Muhammad Ali. He studied every day for 2 hours.

Ali started his day with running; for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the athlete consumed only the right and healthy foods: chicken, vegetables, fruits, juices and water.

The training included:

  • Practicing the speed and force of blows;
  • Sparring (training fight);
  • Strength exercises with your own weight;
  • Abdominal workout: crunches, bicycle exercises, leg raises (300 reps each);
  • Exercises with a pear 15 minutes;

Jumping rope. By the way, this kind of exercise was Ali’s favorite.

His entire training was aimed at developing reaction, coordination, speed and technique. All this combined makes Muhammad Ali invincible.

The athlete died on June 3, 2016 in Phoenix at the age of 76. The boxer suffered from Parkinson's disease and was hospitalized due to lung problems. When his organs stopped functioning, his heart continued beating for 30 minutes. This once again proved his incredible fortitude and willpower even in last minutes life. The world is no longer an icon of boxing and simply an invincible athlete.

"My speed is my advantage"

Speaking about the most outstanding and fastest boxers of mankind, one cannot fail to mention the Filipino professional Manny Pacquiao.

Since childhood, boxing was not only a hobby for the boy, but also a way to earn money. With $2 earned by Pacquiao, a family could buy 20 kg of rice. Nevertheless, the boy was distinguished by his special diligence and perseverance. Coach Freddie Roach was able to discern his talent, knowing even then that he had a future champion in front of him. Thus began Manny’s brilliant sports career.

Over the years, he has won championship titles in eight weight categories, which no boxer has ever achieved. He was repeatedly awarded the title of athlete of the year and decade.

In combat, he has his own style, which includes incredible speed, quick reactions, accuracy and timing. He strikes with lightning speed strong blows opponent using a large number of combinations. “My speed is my advantage. And I will make the most of my advantages in the fight,” says the fastest boxer in the world, Manny Pacquiao.

Training program

Like any other athlete, Manny needs to constantly train to keep himself in shape and win new titles.

One of the secrets of success is basketball, which develops Pacquiao's agility and improves coordination.
At 5 o'clock the athlete runs. Next comes exercise on the beach, in the park or in the hills. Then exercises with stairs, stretching or swimming pool are added.

Manny eats the right foods and also drinks protein 6 times a day. The total is about seven thousand calories per day.

After lunch, full training begins. It includes:

  • Exercises with weights, pneumatic bag;
  • A fight with a shadow;
  • Jump rope;
  • Sparring (15 rounds);
  • Twisting;
  • Scissors;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Raising the body;
  • And much more.

On Sunday the athlete has a rest.

How to become a speed champion

The key to the success of any athlete and, in general, a person who does not play sports is work, self-improvement and perseverance. This is the only way to achieve phenomenal results in any type of activity. It is human nature to strive to achieve better results, and this is especially true for athletes.

To become a speed champion, you need to start training from childhood, since speed and step length develop in children under 12 years of age. To improve these indicators, you should regularly perform the following exercises, which will help develop speed not only for a child, but also for an adult:

  • Running with raised knees;
  • Running with straight legs;
  • "Bike";
  • Wheel (30 meters);
  • Straight jumps (2 sets of 5 times). Bend your knees and try to jump as far as possible;
  • Plyometrics (5 reps). The purpose of this exercise is to increase strength and launch speed;
  • Jumping on one leg;
  • Stand on two legs, leaning against the wall. Bend one leg so that it is at a right angle. Push forward and up from the ground. Once you feel the rhythm, you can increase the speed.
  • Perform this exercise in 2 sets of 10 times;
  • Jumping over the ball (2 sets of 10 times);
  • Squat jumps. The exercise is aimed at developing starting speed and leg strength;
  • 40 meter sprint;
  • Leg choking;
  • Jumping with a barbell;

The above exercises are followed by the fastest people in the world.

With such training you will develop not only speed and agility, but also endurance. The main rule: do the exercises regularly, every day.

Athletes claim that if you stop training for at least two weeks, the results you have been working on for several months are considered lost. It will be difficult at first, but then training will become a habit and become a way of life.

Also try not to burden your body, take your time, do everything gradually. Starting is already 50% success.

Motivate and praise yourself, think about the goal more often. Calmly accept mistakes and failures if they arise, but do not give up. Slowly but surely follow your goal. Remember the saying of the philosopher Mahatma Gandhi: “Strength does not come from physical ability. It comes from an unbending will.”

In this situation, success is definitely guaranteed!


We present to you the top 10 The fastest people on earth who have achieved enormous success solely due to their efforts and muscles. Without the use of any mechanical devices.

No. 10. Patrick Makau, Kenya

Distance: marathon Age: 28 years

Representatives from Africa and Kenya in particular will often appear on this list. Patrick Makau is actually the world's toughest runner, who managed to set a marathon record of 42,195 meters. He completed the Berlin Marathon in 2011 in 2 hours 3 meters 38 seconds.

No. 9. Moses Mosop, Kenya

Distance: 25,000 m, 30,000 m Age: 27 years

Record holder for near-marathon distances: 25 km and 30 km. In addition, he repeatedly participated in the marathon, for example, he became a champion at the Chicago Marathon and at the 2009 World Championship cross-country championships. And this is the ninth place among fastest people in the world.

No. 8. Zersenay Tadese, Eritrea

Distance: half marathon, 20,000 m highway Age: 31 years

Favorite distance is the half marathon, no joke, five-time world champion in it. His record: 58 m 23 s. In addition, the first (and only so far) in the history of Eritrea Olympic medal the athlete received in 2004 at a distance of 10 km.

No. 7. Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia

Distance: 20,000 m, hour run Age: 39 years

A two-time Olympic champion (1996 and 2000 Games at a distance of 10,000 m) and multiple world champion at distances of 3 km, 5 km and 10 km, he became a real standard of track and field athlete. In 2007, he set 2 world records during the World Championships in the Czech Republic: 20 km in 56 m 26 s and 21 km 285 m in an hour. At his age, he does not give up sports, but combines it with business and the role of a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

No. 6. Kenenisa Bekele, Ethiopia

Distance: 5,000 m, 10,000 m Age: 31 years

Repeated world champion (2003-2009), three-time Olympic champion (Athens and Beijing), twice world record holder at a distance of 5 km and 10 km (12 m37 s and 26 m17 s, respectively). And it all started with a school, which was (don’t be surprised) 10 km from home and to which he ran. Bravo, Kenenis!

No. 5. Hisham El Guerrouj, Morocco

Distance: 1,500 m, 1 mile, 2,000 m Age: 38 years

In fifth place, among fastest people in the world, multiple world champion at distances of 1,500 m (3 m26 s), 3,000 m, 1 mile (3 m43 s) and 5,000 m, the best athlete in the world (1999, 2001, 2002, 2003), two-time Olympic champion of Athens. Who knows, perhaps if not for injuries he would have continued his career as a runner, but today he works for the International Olympic Committee.

No. 4. Noah Ngeni, Kenya

Distance: 1,000 m Age: 34 years

Until now, no one has managed to break that Kenyan’s record at a distance of 1 km (for 14 years, by the way). In 2000 in Sydney he won an Olympic gold medal in the 1,500 m distance. However, since 2006 he has not continued his sports career, which is a pity. The record for 1,000 meters is 2 m12 s.

No. 3. David Rudisha, Kenya

Distance: 800 m Age: 24 years

Olympic champion in 2012 and world record holder in the 800 meters of the same year - only 1.40.91 m. The athlete’s youth allows us to expect further victories and records from him.

No. 2. Michael Johnson, USA

Distance: 400 m Age: 45 years

Yes, finally an athlete not from Africa. Repeated Olympic champion (in 1992, 1996, 2000) at distances of 200 and 400 m (43.18 s). In the 90s of the last century, he was an incomparable runner; no one was able to compete with him on equal terms. In addition, he developed his own running style - body back, legs forward.

No. 1. Usain Bolt, Jamaica

Distance: 100,200 m Age: 26 years

Fastest man in the world, a young and already famous runner at distances of 100 m and 200 m, moreover, a record holder for the first distance. It took him only 9.58 seconds to complete the 100 meters – a previously unheard-of result. Justified 6 Olympic gold medals in Beijing and London.

A person spends his entire life trying to test his strength. In all areas of life, he strives to achieve the highest results. This also applies to sports. Why not find out your physical capabilities, which Mother Nature gave? Let's look at the Top 10 fastest people on earth. They all achieved success in life thanks to their persistence and muscles.

He repeatedly became an Olympic champion at distances of 200 m and 400 m. Best time, during which he covered a distance of 400 m - 43.18 seconds. Michael is the best and incomparable runner of the 90s. He had no equal. He had a peculiar running style: he moved his torso back and his legs forward.

2. Usain Bolt, Jamaica

He is the best runner of the 1st distance. It took him 9.58 seconds to cover the 100 m distance. In such a short time, no one has yet been able to conquer this milestone. Received 6 gold medals from London and Beijing.

3. Noah Ngeni, Kenya

The best record holder at a distance of 1000 m. No one managed to beat his record - 2 minutes 12 seconds. At a distance of 1.5 km in Sydney, he received an Olympic gold medal. Since 2006, Noah has stopped his career.

4. David Rudisha, Kenya

The Kenyan became the Olympic champion in 2012 at a distance of 800 m. In the same year, he broke his record and became a world record holder. Great hopes are placed on him, because youth and effort should lead to new records and victories.

5. Moses Mosop, Kenya

Moses enjoys near-marathon distances of 25 and 30 km. He took 9th place at the Chicago Marathon. He is a repeated participant in world marathons and is considered one of the fastest people.

6. Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia

In 1996 and 2000 he became an Olympic champion at a distance of 10 km. In addition, he is a multiple champion at distances of 3, 5, 10 km. 2007 was a successful year for the record holder. Haile ran 20 km in 56 minutes and 26 seconds. And he covered a distance of 21 km in 60 minutes.

7. Patrick Makau, Kenya

As we can see from the list, the world record holders are representatives from Kenya and Africa. Patrick is considered the toughest runner in the whole world. Taking part in the 2011 marathon, he covered 42 km in 2 hours 3 minutes and 38 seconds.

8. Kenenisa Bekele, Ethiopia

He began preparing for his career as a child, when he went to school. The institution was located 10 km from the house. And how do you think he got there? Well, of course, run! From 2003 to 2009, he was a multiple world champion, twice world record holder (5 and 10 km), and three-time Olympic champion.

9. Zersenay Tadese, Eritrea

Zersenay is a half marathon enthusiast. In this distance he became the world champion 5 times. He became the one and only winner in Eritrea at a distance of 10,000 m, held in 2004. For this he was awarded an Olympic medal. Bravo!

10. Hisham El Guerrouj, Morocco

One of the fastest people. Prado, it’s a pity that due to injury he left the sport and was unable to prove himself further. Hisham is a two-time Olympic champion in Athens, showed at distances of 1.5 km, 3 km the most top scores. He is rightfully considered the best athlete in the world.

All Olympic champions and honored athletes do not stop there. Only persistent struggle, grueling training and great strength the will that forces you to go to training at any time and deny yourself small joys, sometimes even in opposition to your desires, helps not only to maintain the results achieved, but also to break your records and conquer more and more heights. One can only wish them not to stop and with a confident step, or run, to achieve their cherished goal.