Red curtains in the interior: types, fabrics, design, combination with wallpaper, decor, style. Red curtains in the interior: Bold, passionate and simply luxurious options Curtains with red flowers

Red curtains in the interior: types, fabrics, design, combination with wallpaper, decor, style.  Red curtains in the interior: Bold, passionate and simply luxurious options Curtains with red flowers
Red curtains in the interior: types, fabrics, design, combination with wallpaper, decor, style. Red curtains in the interior: Bold, passionate and simply luxurious options Curtains with red flowers

Red curtains in a living space are quite rare. Some people think that they look defiant, others are used to seeing a calmer look in their home. color scheme. In addition, most people find it difficult to fit them into the interior and choose suitable adjacent colors. It must be said that they are neglected undeservedly. In order for such an interior detail to look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

How to choose?

Red color can be described as active, stimulating, exciting. Scientists have found that it has a stimulating effect on nervous system. This fact cannot be called categorically negative. Red curtains will stimulate brain activity, increase performance and improve mood. However, this condition can lead to emotional fatigue over time. That's why it's so important not to go to extremes.

In order for the curtains to look unobtrusive and not oppressive, in addition to the color, you need to choose the right type and shape. There are several main types:

  • Classic - in the form of one or two stripes located vertically. The most common type of curtains for us.
  • Italian - usually consist of two parts, each of which is draped in the form of folds with tiebacks.

  • Rolled - consist of a canvas, a box and a lifting mechanism that allows you to fix them in any position. There are several subspecies:
  1. French - light, the fabric is draped in the form of identical small folds, which are fixed at equal intervals;
  2. Austrian - their fabric is distinguished by fewer folds and a flounce along the lower part;
  3. Roman ones are more laconic, with large transverse folds and a lifting mechanism.

  • Blinds are strips of fabric located vertically or horizontally and moved by a mechanism. Their design is simple and functional.
  • Thread ones live up to their name, they look lighter and more unobtrusive.

When choosing the right type, make sure that they match the style of the rest of the room's decoration. If the red color is present only on the curtains, the room will be visually smaller. With their help, you can hide imperfections and visually change the space. Vertical stripes, fabrics and folds raise ceilings, while horizontal elements make the room wider.

Much depends on the ceiling, the window and the furniture next to it. Depending on this, curtains can be short or long, with or without cornice. As decorative elements you can use a lambrequin, drawstring, loops and ties. For windows facing sunny side, the fabric should be dense.

However, it should not accumulate dust or wrinkle.


What to combine with?

Too much red can look vulgar. To avoid this, it can be diluted with other color spots. A universal color that goes with almost everything is white. Such a contrasting combination will always be bright. This is especially true for thick curtains, behind which the thinnest snow-white tulle or organza is hidden. With roller blinds the opposite is true - most often they are framed on top with a translucent haze.

Another win-win contrast combination is red and black. Smooth, shiny fabric will give them richness, and soft matte will add depth. In any case, it is stylish and fashionable.

Warm red shades go well with orange and yellow. The transition from dark to light and back looks unusually gentle. The energy charge will help fight bad mood when it is cloudy outside or there is not enough light in the room.

The canvas does not have to be plain. You can make some detail, top or bottom part. The arrangement of colors can be asymmetrical - it is quite acceptable when one half of the curtain is red, and the other, for example, golden or silver - depending on the prevailing warm or cold shades. Let's not forget that red has many wonderful shades. Among them, raspberry, burgundy, brick, and wine stand out.

In addition to those noted above, blue or green can be a cheerful neighbor to scarlet.

They may be present as details of a fabric composition or a pattern on a red canvas.

Where to use?

Of course, you can decorate any room in the house brightly, but tastefully. For the kitchen, the distance of the window from the source of open fire is important. If the stove is close, be sure to use clamps - with the help of them you can remove the canvas to the opposite side. If there is a table near the window opening, give preference to short curtains or those that can be fixed to the desired length.

The living room is the very place where the color red looks especially solemn and festive. This room will become business card your home, will attract the attention of guests, and will gather relatives and friends in the family circle. Curtains can be combined with pieces of furniture, a carpet, or a wall covering pattern.

In a child's room, curtains should not only be practical, but also beautiful. This is where you can mix several similar shades. As for the bedroom, it is important to understand what effect you are trying to achieve. Blackout curtains will help you privacy and relax. More intricate models will create a cheerful mood in the morning.

In the bathroom it is better to use the most practical options in the form of blinds. The fabric should clean quickly.

A plus will be the water-repellent effect to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew.

Beautiful examples

Red curtains, depending on their material and type, can be included in the interior of almost any style and direction. If we watch any historical film, then these curtains with a slight variation in shades will become an attribute of any castle or mansion. Because it is the classic interior that combines aristocracy and luxury. The line between these seemingly opposite characteristics is so thin that only a person with good taste can create such a design.

In a modern interior, red curtains are used primarily to attract attention. Usually the walls, floor and ceiling look restrained. However, they can be easily revived at any time by placing several color accents. Thus, we can radically change a boring interior with the help of red curtains.

Modern studio apartments are a unique space in which designers find application for the most daring solutions. For several years now there has been a trend to replace solid partitions with lighter ones. Thus, you can separate the kitchen and living room, highlight the dining, working or sleeping area. The main advantage is that the curtains can be removed or replaced with others at any time without material costs or major changes.

You will learn more about what you can combine red curtains with in the interior in the following video.

When decorating a living space, red color palette counts universal solution, but it is important to use it carefully.

So, red curtains can add zest to a room or overload it.

A long stay in a room with incorrectly selected red window decor often has a bad effect on general condition. How to choose the right red curtains?

Living room

You can use the variety of red palette when arranging windows in the living room. Burgundy, pink, and scarlet will look great in this room.

Window decor in these tones will be the best solution for those who want the living room to be constantly filled with an atmosphere of celebration.

Advantages of red curtains in the living room:

  • give the room a festive look and bring comfort to it;
  • distract from the disadvantages of the situation;
  • used in different interior styles;
  • help in creating chic at low cost;
  • testify to the unsurpassed taste of the owner. Photos of assorted red curtains can be seen in the catalog on the website.

  • prolonged stay in a room with red window decoration often causes a feeling of discomfort;
  • textiles in this shade make the room visually smaller, so it will become optimal solution for a spacious area.


When decorating a bedroom, it is preferable to use calm shades that are conducive to relaxation. But red curtains are also acceptable here.

In this case, crimson, scarlet and similar flashy tones are not suitable.

Advantages of red curtains in the bedroom:

  • optimal choice for people of different genders;
  • have a good effect on the general well-being of melancholic owners, help in the fight against constant laziness;
  • give the interior piquancy and individuality.


  • not suitable for choleric people, as they can cause anger and a state of aggression;
  • undesirable for hypertensive patients, as they can provoke dizziness and nausea;
  • Contraindicated for hyperactive people and those with nerve problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of kitchen curtains in red

The colorful red curtains in the kitchen look great. But they must be used carefully. It is preferable to dilute expressive tones with other shades, preferably light and pastel.

  • stimulate appetite;
  • help in creating a good mood;
  • are considered an excellent interior solution for a combined kitchen and living room space;
  • Suitable for energetic people.

  • visually reduce the area;
  • if ventilation in the room is minimal, red curtains in the interior can exacerbate the feeling of stuffiness.

Red textiles are very noticeable and attract maximum attention. That is why windows with such curtains must be impeccable.

How smaller room, the more transparent the curtains should be. In this way, the influence of the shade, which makes smaller room, while creating the effect of a certain theatricality.

To prevent dark red curtains from looking like a random detail in the overall setting, add a couple of elements of a similar tone. For example, a frame, a vase.

Red window decor looks great in a room of any style. But it best suits styles such as pop art and hi-tech.

Combination with other tones

To eliminate the feeling of the room being overloaded with red, it is better to combine this shade with a calm palette of colors.

Shades of cream and chocolate will go well with the design of red curtains. This combination will fill the interior with warmth and comfort.

Combining rich red textiles with milky, woody shades will help create a luxurious interior. In combination with gray The red tint looks quite noble.

The traditional combination of red with black and white will balance the variegated color, adding maximum emotionality and solemnity to it.

Red and white curtains will bring maximum romance into the interior and also evoke delightful associations.

When decorating the interior, you can use not only a red tint, but give preference to complex tones, for example, carrot or wine. They will rid the room of banality and introduce a pleasant palette of colors.

If you want to see red curtains, the photo in the catalog is at your service! Choose the most suitable product from the offered range.

At correct use window decor in red can decorate the interior space in any style performance. Such textiles will make the room festive and stylish.

Red is one of the three basic colors, but despite its versatility, it must be used carefully. This is the most “active” color of the entire spectrum - a bright, spectacular and powerful energy accumulator that affects the psyche and physiology.

And, if an interior in such colors will give liveliness to a calm, phlegmatic nature, adding “tone,” then in impetuous choleric people it can cause unconscious irritation and even outbursts of aggressiveness.

It can be compared to hot spices, which stimulate the appetite and give the dish a special piquancy, however, in excessive quantities they completely spoil the taste of the original.

Likewise, red curtains in the interior can add a “zest”, a necessary accent, emphasizing designer furniture(as in the photo), or they can oversaturate the atmosphere of the room with excessive theatricality.

Beautiful curtains in red tones will decorate a woman's bedroom and a bachelor's room. The main thing is to choose the right shade and find out what to combine this passionate color with. Unlike, for example, pink, it is not considered exclusively feminine.

Such neutrality, and, accordingly, versatility became the reason for the use of this tone in all stylistic directions. Modern, classic, loft, Provence, neoclassical – many modern styles do not exclude its use.

Today you will see the ability of the red color, beloved by designers, to transform classic and modern interiors.

Combine or go solo?

Curtains of this color visually narrow the room, as if bringing the window closer to the observer. If the room is spacious and the walls are decorated in soothing colors, then cherry or wine-red curtains will look quite appropriate.

And for small living rooms, textile “duets” made from fabrics of different textures and contrasting colors will become more harmonious. Red and green curtains are elegant and trendy.

It is best to combine red with neutral colors. Compositions of red and brown look gorgeous. The only color it doesn't look great with is pink.

Combinations of red and black in the hall are a classic technique that will suit spacious living rooms of 20 sq.m. and more.

Take a look at this photo. Thick curtains in a dark burgundy shade are complemented by a light thin curtain. A cornice with a lambrequin successfully complements the color scheme.

IN luxurious interiors Dark red curtains with fringe and monograms will also fit perfectly.

Red-gold or black-red curtains will emphasize the sophistication of the art deco style.

Soft comfort: terracotta translucent curtains give the lighting an almost tangible “velvety” quality.

Beauty and smart design: here’s how red curtains look in the interior of a living room decorated in high-tech style.

This active color is a good option for the bathroom, as evidenced by the photos shown below.

In the bedroom

Any room in the house should be decorated not only according to your color preferences, but also taking into account its functional purpose.

Lifting roller blinds are practical to use in the kitchen. Curtains with eyelets are no less convenient.

Brightness in the nursery interior

The color red, which stimulates physical activity, should be used with caution in a child's room.

It is better to use a neutral color as the base background of the canvas. White curtains with red pictures or flowers are one of the acceptable options for decorating a child’s room, recommended by Feng Shui and psychologists.

White color is rightfully considered best companion red And this is what red and white curtains might look like in a nursery.

Yellow-red compositions will be a warm and pleasing combination, guaranteeing good mood both children and adults.

A little girl will love coral curtains or, for example, white tulle with a rich-colored lambrequin. Red roses can be displayed on a translucent organza or veil.

Thread curtains in combination with tulle will fill a girl’s room with romance, making the interior more feminine. White, black and red compositions are suitable for a boy’s bedroom to balance the energy of the colors. Dark colors, of course, must be in the minority.

We create unique decor

As you know, combinations are in fashion now. various materials. By combining several types of fabric, you can create a unique window decor and complement the style and color scheme of the decor.

In addition, you need to combine and different types curtains, achieving both practical and aesthetic goals. So, for example, in the room small sizes Roman or roller blinds combined with light tulle are suitable. In this case, a short tulle in the shape of an arch would be a good option.

Thread curtains, beautifully tied with a tieback or secured with a magnet, will also act as an unobtrusive and elegant window frame. They also go great with tulle.

In addition to combined curtains, other unusual compositions are often found in modern interiors. Patterned tulle against the background of thick curtains is one of them. No less interesting solution There will be double curtains.

Two or three panels on each side of the window will provide a single color ensemble. Red-beige or gray-red compositions look elegant. Sometimes there is a special niche in the wall where you can always hide one of the curtains, changing the decoration of the window. Plus, there are ways to embellish the curtains themselves - for example, drape them at one level or another.

Crossed translucent curtains in contrasting colors create the ultimate window decoration.

Tip: if you skillfully use red curtains, you can refresh any interior, make it more stylish, fashionable and interesting.

As additional accessories, which will “echo” bright textiles, can be used decorative vases and dishes, lampshades, furniture covers and sofa cushions.

Create cozy atmosphere in your own home is everyone's dream. AND correct selection the color scheme of the interior elements will help to implement it in a worthy manner.

In this article we will consider in what cases red and white curtains would be appropriate.

If you want to include them in your design, you need to consider several points: firstly, the color scheme has a strong influence on emotional condition person.

Red is associated with blood, passion and primal instincts. It has a stimulating effect, with a call to action, promotes digestion and a healthy appetite.

White is an image of something clean and fresh. This color visually makes the space wider. So the proportions and combination of red and white in curtains directly depend on the purpose of the room. Another important factor: the rest of the interior details should be monochromatic.

What do red and white curtains go with?

The main color in a room with such curtains can be chocolate, strawberry or cream. Red or white accessories and pieces of furniture will also look good here.

The main color of the curtains can be either red or white. The first option is well suited for a room with light wallpaper and a dark floor. White patterns on red curtains can give a particularly elegant and noble look to an interior in grey, beige or green tones.

The second option is more preferable for women who prefer an abundance of light in the room. It assumes a wider range of applications.

Two-color curtains can be of two types: contrasting or harmonious. The difference will be in the brightness of the selected colors.

There are options to choose from patterns: stripes, circles, squares or a more complex pattern. The photos of red and white curtains in the interior seen here will help you see their influence on creating the image of each type of room and choose the option that you want to recreate in your apartment


Since red color stimulates appetite and relieves stress, it can be actively used in such rooms: it can dominate the color of curtains, go well with black or gray tones in the kitchen set.


Here, red curtains with a white floral pattern will create a truly romantic look.

IN small bedroom they must be supplemented with a blanket, lamps, vases or other small objects in the same colors. Then the design of the room will be holistic.

Spacious bedrooms interesting effect can be achieved if the texture of the fabric or its shade on the bedspread does not match the curtains.

Living room

A place to communicate with relatives and friends should exude warmth and hospitality. Therefore, walls, curtains and other interior items in warm colors will not create the effect of grayness and cold.

If you want to draw the attention of your guests to the curtains, you can use complex drapery or a contrasting design with a large pattern. And, conversely, harmonious curtains with a small pattern will help highlight another piece of furniture: a chic chandelier, an expensive vase or a grandfather clock.

The living room can be kept clean classic style with red sofas and armchairs. In this case, the floor, walls and other large furniture should be done in neutral light (or brown) colors so as not to visually overload the space.

And a wonderful addition to the look will be white curtains with large red flowers.


Here you need to be extremely careful with the color red, because it visually makes the room smaller and negatively affects the emotional state of the person in it.

Therefore, if you still decide to hang red and white curtains, be sure to dilute them with the light colors of the rest of the interior.


The design of red and white curtains can add warmth to the room, as it is associated with beautiful natural phenomena (sunrise and sunset).

This is on the one hand classic combination, but on the other hand, a bold design decision.

Photo of red and white curtains

Red curtains will be a non-standard and bold solution for decorating the interior of an apartment. Shades of red can be the main tone or present only in the details, in any case it will attract attention. Considering the nature of red, it is worth using it in doses, without overloading the interior of the house with bright colors.

A few nuances will help you decorate your home tastefully, making it stylish and laconic.

  • The intensity of the color depends on the area of ​​the room; the smaller the room, the calmer and lighter the shade of red should be chosen.
  • Shades of red are suitable for decorating a room for both girls and men.
  • Red curtains will attract attention.
  • Do not overload the interior with color; a few red details will be enough.



A simple and convenient mechanism consists of a tube onto which the fabric is wound when lifted. For convenience, weights are sewn along the bottom edge. Roller blinds Suitable for decorating a kitchen, office, loggia.


According to the principle of operation, Roman blinds are similar to roller blinds, but visually they are more elegant. Along the entire length, the canvas is divided into equal segments; along the edges there are chains or laces, fixed along the lower edge. When lifted, the material folds into even waves.

Classic straight floor-length curtains will decorate any interior style. IN in this case Color and material will attract attention. Long curtains or tulle are suitable for decorating almost any part of the house.

A good option for kitchen curtains and children's rooms. Dense material, which can be decorated with cute designs, can be combined with tulle fabric. Suitable for the kitchen short curtains.

On the picture modern kitchen With bright details red and blue color. Due to white furniture, maximum space is visually preserved.


Decorative curtains perform the function of zoning space without making it heavier. Threads can be different thicknesses, decorated with bugles, beads, rhinestones and other decorative elements.

As a rule, long curtains are decorated with lambrequins, adding grace to them. They may have different shapes, differ in color from the general range and are complemented by decorative elements, such as tassels or fringe.

Their main advantage is always smooth waves, which are formed due to fastening. The fabric is pierced into rings at equal distances, which in turn are strung onto a curtain in the shape of a tube.


Tulle looks good both in combination with thick curtains and without any additions. Transparent material does not visually conceal the space and gives a feeling of spaciousness.


The fabric is divided into equal segments vertically. Ribbons sewn into the division points form equal waves when rising. Curtains look luxurious and look voluminous. Suitable for decorating a living room and bedroom.


The overall picture depends on the selection of fabric. Natural non-glossy fabrics are suitable for modern direction, rich and complex will decorate a classic room.

Linen and cotton

Completely natural fabrics made from plant materials. The material has a wide range of uses, from scarves and linen to furniture upholstery.

Velor and velvet

Fabrics with a pleasant fleecy texture. They differ in the composition and length of the pile. Due to the unusual texture, the color forms a shimmer.

It is transparent, matte and light fabric. The composition can be made of natural or synthetic materials.


Unlike a veil, organza is a more rigid material; the surface can be shiny or matte.

The photo shows the living room. Matte organza curtains harmonize with the armchair and pillows in red shades.


Fabric from natural materials with a unique, easily recognizable weave. Matting curtains will decorate the interior in a marine, modern and eco-style.

Curtain fabrics

They differ in composition and texture, can be monochromatic or have completely different patterns. The fabric is also dense, satin allows light to pass through, but hides it from the sun's rays.

  • Jacquard is a denser material and has a rich texture.
  • Blackout isolates the room from light as much as possible and is convenient for use in home theaters.

The photo shows a bedroom with massive furniture made of natural wood. Red curtains are decorated with tassel tiebacks.

Combining different types of curtains

A classic combination of fabrics that is suitable for both classic and formal occasions. modern design. Curtains can be complemented with lambrequins, tiebacks or tassels.

Combination with lambrequin

Curtains complemented with lambrequins are suitable for decorating a classic living room or bedroom. Lambrequins can have a simple straight shape, thus not overloading the overall picture, or form an unusual complex figure that will become the main decoration of the room.

Long curtains look harmonious with roller, Roman and French curtains. If desired, they can be made lower or raised as much as possible, letting in sunlight.

Plain curtains with curtains with a pattern or ornament

Thick curtains can have a common color scheme and distinctive features in the form of patterns or ornaments. Some interior details can be made from the same colored fabric, such as pillows or bedspreads.

The photo shows a kitchen in beige tones. Long curtains are combined with Roman blinds.

Roman and tulle

Tulle, combined with Roman blinds, softens the overall picture. This combination is suitable for the interior of the kitchen and children's room.

Color combination


One of best solutions combinations of red. White color will lighten bright shade.


Dark combination of colors, it is better to dilute the interior light color.


Stylish combination. With a gray tint, red does not look so bright.

The photo shows a living room with red elements.


The combination of green and red is associated with a flower bud and, despite the bright shades, they look harmonious with each other.


Beige softens the shade of red. The combination looks warmer than with white.


A warm and rich combination of shades will decorate the office, living room and bedroom.


A good combination for modern interior. Blue floral patterns on a dark red background are suitable for a classic room.


The summer combination of red and yellow will fill the room with warm light.


Autumn colors will envelop the room in warmth.


Gold inclusions in the form of floral patterns are suitable for a classic interior.

Curtain design


Plain red or crimson curtains good decision for interior in any style. You can focus on an unusual cut or texture of the fabric, for example beautiful burgundy velvet curtains.


Striped curtains will decorate modern, classic and marine interior. The combination of red and white looks most advantageous; white “calms” the bright shade of red, while emphasizing it.

In a cage

Classic Scottish check always remains in fashion; it can be present in details, for example, sofa bedspreads, pillows, curtains, decorative accessories. The cell can also be simple geometric shape, this option is suitable for the kitchen or living room.

With a pattern or ornament

A pattern or ornament can support the overall idea of ​​the interior. Thick curtains with an elegant floral pattern will look harmonious in classic interior, and hieroglyphs will decorate the interior in Asian style.

With an image

Playful drawings will decorate the interior of a children's room. Drawings of pink-red flowers will make the interior delicate, while reflecting the character of the room. For example, poppies or Red roses will become bright accent and can be in harmony with other red elements.

With photo printing

Curtains with photo printing will become the main object of attention in the room. Technologies make it possible to recreate any image on a textile fabric, forming a large picture.


Decorative details add zest to the overall picture.


They are fixed on the walls and lightly hold the fabric in a certain position; if desired, it can be easily straightened. Holders can be almost invisible or, on the contrary, become a decoration.


They are two magnets connected by a tape; they fix the curtain in place. in the right position and at any height. The “caps” of the clips can be decorated with rhinestones, fabric and other textures.

Tiebacks, tassels and fringes

Fabric tiebacks hold curtains and can be attached to wall holders. Tassels and fringes perform a completely decorative function and can decorate dense fabrics.

What color of wallpaper matches red curtains?

Considering the nature of color, in the interior of a house, red curtains will look more harmonious with a light color of the walls, for example white, milky, beige. This finishing option will be the best for rooms with a small area.

Dark wall decoration creates a brutal and backstage interior. This combination is suitable for a room with plenty of natural light.


The depth of color, material and cut reflect the character and style of the room.


Red curtains in a classic interior can have either a simple straight shape or an unusual cut. Lambrequins, tassels, fringe, floral patterns and noble fabrics will look appropriate.


For minimalism and hi-tech styles ideal option There will be plain curtains of red color and a simple cut. In the living room and bedroom these can be straight curtains to the floor, and in the kitchen curtains with a roller mechanism.


For rustic style Curtains in a red checkered pattern or with a small pattern are suitable. It is preferable to choose natural material.


The style will be supported by brick-red curtains made of plain material. Roller, straight and Roman curtains look harmonious.

The photo shows a loft-style bedroom. Red drapes with eyelets are complemented by sheer roller blinds.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


Short red curtains, such as tulle, thin mesh, or with patterns and discreet ornaments, are suitable for the kitchen. Roman and roller blinds will look just as harmonious.

Living room

The living room is the place where you can express your ideas to the fullest. The design of the curtains depends on total area And stylistic direction premises. In a small room, curtains of a simple cut look more appropriate; in a spacious room, you can use unusual lambrequins or French curtains.


Thick ruby ​​or red-burgundy curtains create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Textured fabrics such as jacquard and velvet will give the interior a special chic.

On the picture stylish bedroom with thick straight red curtains.


In a children's room, curtains can be decorated with patterns and funny designs. Curtains with photo printing will be an interesting interior solution; thematic images will help the child’s development and decorate the nursery.

The photo shows a compact children's room with plain red Roman blinds.

Photo gallery

Red curtains - unusual, stylish and bold decision. Red has many shades, for example, scarlet curtains will decorate a modern minimalist room, and light red ones are suitable for a calm, classic interior.