Wall paint - modern looks and choosing the best option for quality painting with the experts! How to choose wall paint for different rooms Painting walls with decorative and textured paint

Wall paint - modern looks and choosing the best option for quality painting with the experts!  How to choose wall paint for different rooms Painting walls with decorative and textured paint
Wall paint - modern looks and choosing the best option for quality painting with the experts! How to choose wall paint for different rooms Painting walls with decorative and textured paint

The use of paints and varnishes is one of the most common ways to transform and update wall surfaces.

The popularity of paints for walls in apartments is associated with many advantages, from additional protection of surfaces, easy care and ease of application to the ability to create absolutely any design.

But in order to ensure that such wall decoration does not contradict your expectations, you should figure out in advance which paint is best to paint the walls in the apartment.

Types of wall paints

To decide which paint to choose for the walls in your apartment, you need to be familiar with the classification and properties of such materials. Many people make a choice of paint for walls based on its cost, but this is fundamentally wrong, since some paint-and-varnish products are targeted at certain types of surfaces and can very quickly lose their appearance when used in unacceptable conditions.

Paint for walls in an apartment, photo

Among all types of wall paints cheap oil ones are considered among the least durable. The composition of such products includes oils of mineral and vegetable origin.

After applying oil paint to the surface, oxidation processes occur, as a result of which a film is formed that prevents normal air circulation in the room. In addition, such paint is not particularly durable and quickly cracks and falls off the walls.

Advice: If you nevertheless decide to use oil paint to paint the walls in your apartment, first completely clean the surface of traces of previous finishing materials and paintwork materials.

Another type of paint for walls in an apartment is coating based on alkyd resins. In consistency, alkyd paints are in many ways similar to oil paints; they contain soy, linseed and other oil additives, but acidic substances and organic compounds are added to them, which significantly increase wear resistance.

The film formed after painting has high strength and a bright color.

Alkyd They are considered good paints for walls due to their elasticity: over time, the surface will not crack or begin to peel. The selection of paint for walls of this type will be successful due to its resistance to the sun, water, and temperature changes.

But if, when choosing what paint to paint the walls in your apartment, you decide to go with this option, then you should remember some features. Firstly, such paint does not transmit steam and air very well, so the microclimate of the room will be disturbed. Secondly, it has a strong unpleasant odor. The third disadvantage of these types of wall paints is the ease of ignition.

Attention! When applying alkyd paint to walls in rooms with high humidity, over time there may be a risk of yellowing and persistent plaque on the surface.

This is not to say that such paints are not suitable for home interiors. But experts still advise using them for painting radiators, metal products or wood, but it is better to choose paint for indoor walls among other varieties.

Silicate paints- this is another thing they use to paint the walls in the apartment. Finding them can be difficult: the material contains so-called “liquid glass”, which provides the coating with high strength and resistance to abrasive loads.

Another advantage of silicate-type interior wall paint is its structure, which ensures easy circulation of steam and air. It can withstand dampness, fungus and mold will not form on the surface, and the walls will not even need additional protective treatment.

Nevertheless, silicate coatings have many disadvantages: they can damage the skin and mucous membranes during the process of painting walls, have a limited range, are suitable only for mineral surfaces and surfaces cleaned of finishing materials, are quite difficult to clean from walls and prevent the subsequent application of other types of paints to the walls.

Interior wall paint, photo

If you have studied the question of what types of wall paints there are, then you have heard about water-soluble group. They contain an aqueous solvent, dense binders, pigments that give color, as well as some additives with protective properties.

The group of water-based wall paints is very diverse, and among these paints and varnishes you can find coatings that are resistant to abrasive processes, sun, moisture and other influences. In addition, these paints are distinguished by their plasticity and ease of application, but, of course, not all of them will have the quality you need: it all depends on the composition.

What paint is best for the walls in the room? Perhaps they will suit you polyvinyl acetate or water-based coatings. In addition to their low price and ease of application, these paints are safe for health and do not have a persistent odor.

The main disadvantages of water-based paints– low resistance to abrasive processes and moisture on the surface, so caring for walls with this color can be difficult.

Water-dispersion latex paints They are resistant to moisture, abrasions, allow steam to pass through, do not condense and are easily applied to walls. Thanks to the latex structure, such paints and varnishes help mask small irregularities and cracks.

However, they do not withstand UV exposure well and are more expensive than other materials with similar properties.

Advice: paints of this type are suitable for rooms with a humid microclimate.

Silicone paint for walls is in great demand because it combines many of the advantages of all the listed paints and varnishes. Additional properties include the ability to heal cracks, ease of wet cleaning of such surfaces, vapor permeability, long service life, and safety at any stage of operation.

Due to its properties, this paint is excellent for exterior decoration, but for interior decoration, in order to save money, you can choose an option with similar properties - acrylic type paints. If you are deciding what is the best way to paint the walls in your apartment, then they are ideal, since they not only have a reasonable price-quality ratio, but are also quite easy to use in interior decoration.

Among the many advantages of water-dispersion based acrylic paints are a variety of colors, resistance to the sun, mechanical damage and abrasions, the ability to be used on any surface, maintaining optimal air circulation in the room, etc.

Paints may differ not only in their chemical composition, but also in appearance. It can be glossy and matte wall paints, smooth and textured compositions.

The latter type of paint, as a rule, has a grainy surface and is suitable for masking some wall defects. And glossy paintwork materials will contribute to the visual expansion of the space of the room.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of decorative paint for walls in the apartment. It can have a different composition and different properties, and in appearance it will differ from the paints and varnishes we are used to. For example, with the help of such paint you can easily create an imitation of silver or golden tints on the surface of the walls.

By the way, when applying decorative paint to the walls, you can be sure of your safety: they are not only non-toxic, but also prevent dust from settling. And to create stylish effects using such tools, it is enough to purchase auxiliary tools: rollers, brushes, stencils, spatulas, etc.

Decorative paint for walls, photo

The best manufacturers

It’s impossible to say for sure which wall paint is the best. When choosing paint for walls, you should also focus on the manufacturer, since little-known companies often produce low-quality products. By the way, many well-known brands also produce inexpensive wall paint with maximum useful properties.

The best paint for apartment walls is produced by companies from Europe. For example, German wall paint in an apartment will retain its quality for a long time Dufa, Superweiss or Wandfarbe. Wall paints are popular among English manufacturers Johnstone's And Dulux. Finland is famous for its wall paints Tikkurila, and Poland produces high-quality wall paint of the brand Sniezka.

Domestic companies also continue to maintain their competitiveness: the names of wall paints such as “Eurolux”, “Neva Paints”, “Yaroslavskie Paints”, “Admiral” and many others are well known.

Against the general background of Russian manufacturers, the Mitsar company (St. Petersburg) stands apart. Which is notable for its significant experience in the development and production of paints and varnishes with increased wear and weather resistance. Mizar enamels were used in the construction of the Leningrad and Kola nuclear power plants. Compositions with high resistance to aggressive environments are used for painting underwater elements of ships built by the United Shipbuilding Corporation, and are also supplied to enterprises as part of the State Defense Order.

Paints produced by Mitsar differ from all competitors in improved performance characteristics. Such as water and weather resistance, vapor permeability, hiding power, adhesion, etc. In addition, by purchasing compositions produced by Mizar, you can count on super-economical consumption (in comparison with similar materials of other brands, including popular imported ones) type Tikurilla) and for a long service life of the coating. At the same time, Mitsar paint and varnish materials have the lowest (up to 5 times) price among all competitors: both imported and domestic. If you are hesitant in choosing paint for the walls in your apartment, check out the TOP 10 manufacturers of these materials.

  • "Mitsar Rezolux Universal" is a high-quality elastic paint of domestic production. It has increased water resistance, so it is also suitable for finishing bathrooms, showers and kitchens. Easy to clean and has a dust-dirt-repellent effect. Does not contain solvents, does not fade and is practically odorless. It is characterized by extremely low material consumption - only 120-150 grams per square meter of area, while usually the average consumption of elastic paints is 250-400 grams per square meter. Service life - 10 years;
  • Turkish brand Marshall, and especially – Export-7 paint. This paint has excellent performance properties and even withstands cleaning with chemicals. And another advantage of the brand from Turkey is economical consumption (about a liter per 12 square meters);
  • high-quality washable wall paint from a Finnish brand Finncolor Suitable for both interior and exterior surface finishing. One of the manufacturer’s products – Finncolor Minerall gamma – provides reliable protection of walls from fungus and mold in damp conditions;
  • If you are wondering what is the best way to paint the walls in an apartment using Russian-made goods, then one of the best paints is considered Empils. Suitable for any surface, retains quality and appearance for a long time and withstands many external influences;
  • German brand Alpina will delight you with paints that can repel dirt. Suitable for those who have not yet decided which paint to choose for the walls in the kitchen, where not only dirt and grease accumulate, but also there is a risk of mold and mildew, which will not bother you when using paintwork materials of this brand;
  • another example of high-quality German production - Dufa paints. Particularly popular are durable and durable Premium Velor paints with a delicate velvet texture;
  • Finnish paints Tikkurila Harmony have become one of the most frequently purchased among other materials of this production. And this is not surprising, since they not only delight with increased wear resistance, but also help create exquisite decorative effects on surfaces with a slight movement of the hand;

  • Swedish production Beckers produces universal paint for different coatings. The products of this brand are certified and comply with generally recognized environmental standards;
  • A English Dulux paints suitable not only for living rooms, but also for bathrooms and kitchens. The Dulux Kitchen&Bathroom product will surprise you with its durability, color saturation and persistent response to a humid microclimate;
  • American company Sherwin-Williams not only produces high-quality paints and varnishes, but also produces them in reliable sealed packaging, which retains maximum useful properties;
  • another brand from America that is included in the TOP 10 wall paints is Parkerpaint. An abundance of interior paints of different shades, characterized by ease of use and high quality, will transform any surface in your apartment.

Now that you have looked through the manufacturers' reviews and have an idea of ​​which wall paint is best for your apartment, all that remains is to find a truly high-quality product.

Matte wall paint, photo

How to choose quality paint

If you are wondering what paint is best to paint the walls in your apartment - focus on more than one criteria at once: reviews about the manufacturer, ease of application, resistance to external influences, vapor permeability, economical use.

Another important point - surface care: some types of paints do not tolerate not only household cleaning products, but also simple wet cleaning of walls.

By the way, you can understand which wall paint is good by looking at the markings on the packaging. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates which factors adversely affect its quality and color fastness. You can also ask experts which paint is best to choose for the walls, but it is not a fact that they will tell you the cheapest option.

The choice of paint will also depend on what surface you will be treating.

Important! Paint adheres differently to wood and plastic panels, drywall and metal, concrete, plastered and other surfaces.

And you can find out in advance how the chosen shade will look in the room by looking at photos of interior wall paints.

Pay attention to how much wall paint from a particular manufacturer costs. As a rule, cheap paint and varnish materials are the most short-lived, but this does not mean that you cannot find a suitable option in the low price segment.

average price for high-quality paint it starts at about 700 rubles per liter.

Now you know how to choose paint for the walls in your apartment, and you can safely go in search of a suitable manufacturer and color. And if you choose high-quality paint, your walls will look no worse than surfaces with wallpaper, panel and other coatings.


Watch a video about the criteria for choosing paint for residential premises:

Along with wallpapering, painting is popular when decorating interiors. Painting walls in an apartment allows you to easily and quickly and inexpensively transform a room. The modern construction market offers a lot of paints for walls - each has its own features and characteristics. Let's see what is best to choose for renovating an apartment. Choosing paint for walls is a difficult task, but if you approach the issue correctly, you can get the best result.

Among the advantages of decorating walls with paints are the variety of design options, ease of maintenance, reliability and durability of the coating.

The pros and cons depend on which paint you choose. Using high-quality material, as well as high-quality and careful preparation of the wall, the resulting coating will be reliable and will not lose its decorative characteristics. In addition, a painted surface is more practical - unlike wallpaper, regular washing will not damage the wall. It is much easier to paint indoor walls.

Some apartments have a rather complex configuration - there may be niches, columns, and various projections. In the case of wallpapering, you will have to work hard and even suffer. Paint and varnish compositions for such an apartment are the best option.

With the help of painting, you can hide a lot of small defects on the wall: remove scratches, stains and chips, using a minimum of effort and material.

Painting walls is not as easy as it seems. If you have no experience in such work, do not follow technology and purchase inexpensive low-quality material, the resulting coating may be far from expected. You also need to take into account that matte paint, which is the majority of those on the market, accumulates dust.

Main characteristics and properties of paints

When choosing paint for residential premises, you need to pay attention to the harmlessness and environmental friendliness of the material. Some formulations may contain components that are harmful to health. Harmful effects can occur not only during the painting process, but also after complete drying during the entire period of operation. The activity of secretions can be influenced by microclimate, temperature, and humidity levels.

Different types of coloring materials have different resistance to various types of damage. The durability and service life of the coating depends on the level of wear resistance.

Caring for a painted wall may vary depending on the composition. Some materials cannot withstand moisture, so such walls will have to be cleaned using dry methods. There are also indelible paints - they can be cleaned with water, but stains may not be removed at all, or it will be very difficult.

Related article: Characteristics and classification of alkyd paint

There is also a third type of paint and varnish composition - washable paint. It is able to repel dirt, and the wall can also be washed with soap or alkaline solutions. Along with these compositions, there are products on sale with low operational load - they are intended for dry rooms and do not withstand exposure to steam, cigarette smoke, and fats.

An important characteristic is hiding power. This property allows you to cover the color of the wall being treated. High hiding power means that 2-3 layers of material will easily cover even basic contrasting colors.

Resistance to light and sunlight is important. For illuminated rooms, it is better to choose a composition that can withstand exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. If the composition has poor light resistance, then after a certain time the shade will lose its saturation and fade. This should be kept in mind before choosing a paint material.

The consumption of the composition depends on the covering power. When purchasing, you should pay attention to expensive materials - they are ultimately much more economical than cheap paints. An expensive color mixture has high hiding power and often it is enough to apply one layer. But today different paints can be used for walls in an apartment - how to choose the best option?

Types of paints

The modern construction market offers a large selection of products; there are different types of wall paints with different component and chemical structures. The difference can be big, and not all varnish materials are suitable for interior finishing work. Let's look at the main types of wall paints and find out their properties. This will help in choosing paint for the walls in the apartment.

Oil formulations

These products are the most affordable on the market, but the resulting coating is considered the most short-lived. Dyes are based on mineral and vegetable oils. After application to the wall, the composition oxidizes, resulting in the formation of a film that prevents air circulation.

The composite is not resistant to almost all influences, and the coating quickly cracks. This material used for interior decoration will give poor results.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compositions are similar in consistency to oil compositions. They are based on soybean, linseed and other oils, but also contain acidic and organic substances designed to increase wear resistance. These products are preferable for use in interiors. The film is durable and bright in color.

Paint brands such as Tikkurila and Element offer high-quality alkyd enamels, due to the elasticity of which the surface does not crack. The compositions are resistant to exposure to sunlight, moisture, and temperature changes.

These paints have their own characteristics. They are not recommended for use in residential areas due to low vapor permeability. Also, alkyd paints and varnishes have a strong odor, and finally, the product is highly flammable. If for certain reasons it is impossible to use other types of painting compositions, then alkyd paint is suitable for walls.


This option is of better quality in its physical and chemical properties, but it is very difficult to find it on sale. The dye contains liquid glass. It provides the coating with high strength characteristics. The coating withstands mechanical and abrasive loads well. Due to the structure, good air circulation is ensured, the material withstands moisture, fungus and mold. The wall does not need any protective layer.

Related article: Characteristics of water-based paints and their advantages

With all the advantages of this material, it has a lot of disadvantages. In a liquid, ready-to-use state, due to the high concentration of alkalis in the composition, the paint is aggressive to human skin and mucous membranes. When carrying out work, it is necessary to use protective equipment. After drying, the coating will become completely safe.

Pigments must also be exclusively alkali-based. This narrows the possibilities for independent tinting, and the choice of colors on sale is quite scarce.

These compositions will fit well only on mineral surfaces. If the wall has already been painted with organic dyes, then you should not use silicate dyes until the surface is completely cleaned. The silicate mixture will not adhere to metal and polymer surfaces.

If the wall was painted with silicate materials, then it makes no sense to apply anything else on top. If you need to repaint the wall, you will have to use silicate mixtures or completely wash off and clean the surface of the previous layer.

Water soluble

This is a large group of coloring compounds, among which you should choose a material for painting walls. These mixtures have one thing in common - they are diluted with water. The liquid contains all the necessary components. Among these components there are binding particles that create a dense layer. These elements may have different bases, but their only function is to fit tightly to the surface, as well as to securely hold the other components.

Coloring pigments determine the decorative characteristics of the dye. Additionally, there are additives and fillers, the functions of which may vary.


These paints are based on acrylic resins. They have many advantages: high elasticity, high strength, resistance to direct sunlight, good water-repellent characteristics. A special layer protects the walls from corrosion. The downside is the high price.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Experienced homeowners remember with horror this type of finishing of walls and ceilings, such as whitewashing. On the one hand there is a beautiful snow-white surface, and on the other there are a lot of problems. Very timely, manufacturers of paints and varnishes developed alternative types of paints. With their help, you can decorate the ceiling and walls in an ultra-white color, or add some zest in the form of a multi-colored coating. The care of a painted surface also compares favorably with archaic whitewashing. In most cases, you can clean ceilings and walls without worry by adding mild alkaline detergents to the water. When choosing the right paint, experts recommend paying attention to several points.

Criteria for choosing paint for ceilings and walls

    Many buyers start their choice with the price range. But cheap budget paint can make repairs very expensive. The fact is that each paint has its own hiding power. If you can achieve perfect coverage in one pass, then this will be more profitable than applying 2-3 layers with a drying break. The overall price of the repair is also affected by paint consumption.

    An important parameter for users will be durability of the painted surface. After drying, high-quality paint is water- and dirt-repellent and does not change its original color even when exposed to sunlight.

    When choosing a material, it is worth considering the nature of the room. Almost all paints behave well in heated rooms. But not all products can withstand temperature changes and high humidity.

Our review includes the best paints for ceilings and walls. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:



    opinion of experts and finishers;

    user reviews.

Rating of the best paints for ceilings and walls

Nomination place Name of product price
The best silicone water-based paint for walls and ceilings 1 1 500 ₽
2 2,900 ₽
3 -
4 RUR 2,890
The best silicate water-based paint for walls and ceilings 1 8,985 RUR
2 5,947 ₽
3 RUR 3,377
The best acrylic water-based paint 1 1,750 RUR
2 1,550 RUR
3 582 RUR
The best latex paints for walls and ceilings 1 2,950 RUR
2 440 ₽
3 3 600 ₽
4 999 RUR

The best silicone water-based paint for walls and ceilings

Some of the most reliable paint and varnish materials for ceilings and walls are water-based products based on silicone resin. Experts include abrasion resistance and water-repellent properties as the advantages of such paints. Therefore, they can be used in rooms with aggressive environments. The experts selected several high-quality models.

Synonymous with quality in the field of interior decoration is the products of the Finnish company TIKKURILA. In our rating, the winner was TIKKURILA Euro Extra 20 paint. It collected all the main advantages of modern silicone paints. These include pure color, UV resistance, environmental friendliness, and excellent performance characteristics. All these wonderful properties are inherent in real Tikkurila. A product made in Russia does not always correspond to the famous brand.

Professionals highlight the absence of odor during work, neutral attitude towards water and household detergents. It is difficult to find negative reviews from ordinary consumers. The only drawback is the high price, but the excellent quality is worth the money spent.


    environmental friendliness;

    ease of application;


    UV resistance.


  • high price.

Silicone water-based paint Caparol CapaSilan has high hiding power. Even in one pass, specialists manage to paint walls and ceilings, which greatly simplifies the work. It should be noted that Caparol is one of the few companies that specialize in the production of silicone-based paints and varnishes. Experts gave this paint second place also because when painting it is possible to close cracks in the base up to 2 mm wide.

The painted surface is practically not contaminated due to the water- and dust-repellent effect. It is not difficult to wash it with water and household detergents. Caparol CapaSilan paint failed to overtake the winner due to its higher price.


    excellent hiding power;

    easy application;

    water-repellent effect.


  • high price.

Silicone water-based paint LITOKOL LITOTHERM PAINT SIL has high performance characteristics. Experts note the reliable protection of the surface from moisture and contamination, and the resistance of the formed layer to ultraviolet radiation. Overall, the paint has the qualities of a premium material. The advantages of this paint include a rich range of colors. The painted surface can remain in excellent condition for a long time even in harsh climatic conditions.

But this paint took third place due to the company’s policy, which provides for the use of LITOKOL brand plaster, putty and primer. Otherwise, the quality of the finishing coating is significantly reduced.


    moisture resistance;

    rich color palette;

    resistance to negative weather conditions.


  • the need to prepare the surface with LITOKOL materials.

A well-known manufacturer from Germany has launched the production of ALPINA EXPERT paint in our country. There are both positive and negative aspects to this. According to experts, this silicone paint is inferior in quality to the top three. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms where there are no strong temperature changes and low humidity. At the same time, the material has the lowest price and economical consumption. The average is 140 ml of paint per 1 square. m of prepared surface.

Many users speak flatteringly about the properties of ALPINA EXPERT paint. It attracts homeowners with its affordability and good performance.


    affordable price;

    economical consumption of material;

    durability of the painted surface.


    Suitable for heated premises only;

    gets dirty quickly and cannot be washed.

The best silicate water-based paint for ceilings and walls

The use of liquid glass in paint and varnish production has made the painted surface resistant to various negative factors. Silicate paint can be used for both interior and exterior work. At the same time, many manufacturers have managed to offer affordable prices to customers. Considering the environmental friendliness of the material, it is an excellent option for decorating children's rooms, kitchens and bedrooms.

Silicate paint TIKKURILA FINNGARD SILIKAATTIMAALI is a one-component deep matte material. Along with the usual high performance qualities, experts especially highlighted the wide temperature range of application. The painted surface holds up well both in 50-degree frost and in tropical heat of + 60°C. But it is not only for this feature that the paint became the winner of our rating. Factors such as the vapor permeability of the layer and its dirt-repellent ability also had an impact. The material consumption also looks good, especially compared to its closest competitors.

Not only builders and finishers liked the paint. It is actively used by owners of freshwater and sea vessels, which once again confirms the high level of quality of the Finnish manufacturer.


    wide temperature range;

    acceptable consumption;

    resistance to aggressive environments.


  • not detected.

Experts classify BAUMIT SILIKAT COLOR REPRO paint as an elite building material. The quality characteristics of Austrian silicate products are at the highest level. Particularly noteworthy is the reliable binder, which is liquid potassium glass. The paint and varnish coating is non-flammable, UV resistant, dirt-repellent, and vapor permeable. Despite the lower price, this paint failed to take first place in the ranking.

First of all, specialists and ordinary people are not happy with the consumption, which reaches 500 g per 1 sq. m. m. The second negative factor is the low temperature range of application. The paint layer retains its properties only at air temperatures above +8°C.


    high performance properties;

    resistance to fire, light and dirt;

    acceptable price.


    high consumption;

    temperature restrictions.

Ceresit "ST 54"

Many types of Ceresit paint and varnish products are designed for outdoor use. These include silicate water-based paint Ceresit "ST 54". But this does not mean that it is not suitable for interior work. Professional builders and homeowners agreed that paint should be in the top three of our ratings. Experts include good hiding power and an excellent final result as its strengths. The material has antifungal properties and is also environmentally friendly. In addition, the paint is affordable and economical in use.

With all the advantages, the disadvantages did not escape the professional opinion of experts. Paint requires ideal surface preparation, and it is better to use mineral-based plaster compositions.


    affordable price;

    acceptable consumption;

    wide scope of application.


  • perfect base preparation is required.

The best acrylic water-based paint for walls and ceilings

The most popular currently are acrylic paints. They are affordable, easy to apply and durable. Although they are slightly inferior to silicone and silicate compounds, they are excellent for interior work. The following products received high marks from experts.

English acrylic paint DULUX MASTER LUX AQUA 40 is the best option for painting wooden ceilings and walls. At the same time, you can use it to aesthetically design heating radiators. A distinctive feature of the material is its excellent light absorption. Thanks to this property, the paint layer masks minor surface errors. The hiding power of the paint also received high marks from experts. To make a wall or ceiling look perfect, it is enough to apply 2 layers. Considering the acceptable consumption, environmental friendliness and absence of odor during operation, the high price for paint is not so exorbitant.


    hiding power and light absorption;

    environmentally friendly and odorless;

    acceptable consumption;

    easy care.


  • high price.

Acrylic paint ALPINA RENOVA has been included in various ratings for several years. Our experts put it in second position. Experts attribute the preservation of the original whiteness to the advantages of the material for 5-7 years. And if you add any color (always from ALPINA) to the white base, then aging will not occur until the next repair. At the same time, the surface is easy to care for and does not fade from washing. Finishers praise it for its good adhesion and moderate viscosity. The painted surface can withstand temperature changes, as well as high humidity of the base.

The paint is somewhat let down by the high consumption, which is about 200 g per 1 sq. m. m. smooth surface. Although this indicator largely depends on the quality of preparation of the ceiling or walls.


    good adhesion;

    long-term preservation of natural color;

    easy care.


  • high consumption.

In the line of budget acrylic paints for ceilings and walls, experts were attracted by the FARBITEX PROFI line. It earned special praise and third place in the rating due to its unique water-repellent ability. Therefore, consumers use this paint not only in living rooms, but also in the kitchen or bathroom. Painters liked the material because it does not require perfect smoothing of the base before painting. A little moisture on the surface is allowed, but dust and dirt will simply ruin the elegant appearance. Thrifty owners praise FARBITEX PROFI not only for its affordable price, but also for its efficiency (consumption from 90 g per 1 sq. m).

During operation, users note some weaknesses. So the painted surface gets dirty, and when caring for it, it is washed off.


    affordable price;

    low consumption;

    unpretentiousness during application.


    the surface gets dirty;

    wet cleaning can lead to washing off the coating.

The best latex paints

Latex paints boast maximum durability. If previously they were made on the basis of rubber, today the use of polymers has reduced the price. At the same time, in terms of technical characteristics, latex compounds are inferior only to silicone products. Here are some quality polymer paints.

Seeing TIKKURILA EURO POWER7 latex paint on the first line of the rating is predictable for many experts and craftsmen. With this material you can decorate any modern bases of ceilings and walls. The scope of application begins with concrete surfaces and ends with particle boards. The paint can be used in rooms with high humidity. The professionals have no comments about the quality of the material. After drying, the painted surface can be washed using household products.

In reviews, experts point out the ease of application. The paint can be diluted with water within 5-10% depending on the application method. The average material consumption when painting a prepared surface is 100 ml per 1 square meter. m.


    wide scope of application;

    not afraid of moisture;

    easy care;

    economical consumption.


  • not detected.

A wide range of paints is produced by the German company Dufa. The Retail Eurolatex 3 series of latex materials is a confirmation of the high quality characteristic of this manufacturer. By establishing production in Russia, the company managed to reduce the price of its products. At the same time, the technical parameters remained at their best. For which experts awarded the paint an honorable second place. Many experts claim that latex products have become the company’s best achievement.

A distinctive feature of the material is its high covering ability, which simplifies preparatory work and reduces paint consumption. The painted surface has a long service life and can be washed with aggressive detergents with high alkalinity.


    applied to different surfaces;

    good hiding power;

    durability and resistance to alkaline environments.


  • colored paint becomes darker after drying.

Latex paint DULUX Bindo 7 BW matte is a professional material, as evidenced by its high price. It has excellent covering ability; no streaks or smudges are formed during application, and no splashing occurs when using a roller. Hygienic certificates confirm the environmental friendliness of the product, so it can be used in children's rooms or in the kitchen. The paint also perfectly emphasizes the surface relief, which is important when designing structural wallpaper. For high-quality painting it is necessary to apply 2 layers.

Experts put the material in third place, because it can be used for a wide variety of substrates. The painted surface can be washed with gentle household products that do not contain abrasive components.


    environmental friendliness;

    low consumption;

    excellent hiding power.


  • high price.

NewTone Sky

Experts advise lovers of ultra-white ceilings and walls to take a closer look at NewTone Sky latex paint. It is intended for decorating ceilings in heated rooms with normal humidity. The material is perfectly applied to mineral substrates such as brick, concrete, plasterboard, as well as plastered surfaces. It is possible to achieve ultra-white color with two-layer processing. Fans of other colors can use colors by adding to the white base.

Despite the affordable price and environmental friendliness, domestic paint failed to break into the top three. Experts note high material consumption (160-180 g/sq. m per layer), and in reviews users point to poor hiding power.


    affordable price;

    suitable for different bases;

    environmental friendliness.


    high consumption;

    poor hiding power.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Paint for walls as a finishing touch for rooms, types of painting compositions, their properties, colors, manufacturers.

Purpose of paints when repairing walls

Any interior contains elements finished with paint. These can be individual decorative details, ceilings, window frames, doorways and doors, as well as walls. For each described case, different types of paints can be used. Let us consider in more detail what compositions are used for painting walls, what properties they should have when used in residential premises.

General purpose of paint:

  • Decorative finishing. Creating a monochromatic or multi-colored surface can decorate any room, changing it beyond recognition. In this meaning, the paint can be selected according to color and texture, as well as the degree of gloss. Special paints allow you to eliminate minor irregularities and mask small cracks on the walls.
  • Protecting the treated surface. The film formed after complete drying on the surface of the wall protects it from wear, moisture and sunlight. When special functional substances are included in the paint, it is possible to neutralize fungal spores and other dangerous microorganisms (antifungal, antibacterial effect). Some paints contain components that have an anti-corrosion effect.

Technical characteristics of wall paints

Let us describe the parameters of paints that you should pay attention to when purchasing:
  1. Harmlessness. Some paint compositions contain components that can cause significant damage not only to the person working directly with them, but also to residents, even after complete drying. The activity of the process of releasing harmful substances is influenced by various microclimate conditions, for example, increased air temperature, humidity, and exposure to sunlight.
  2. Wear resistance. Different types of paints have different resistance to mechanical damage. To ensure that the wear resistance declared by the manufacturer is at the proper level, correctly follow the recommendations for application and drying.
  3. Care. Some paints cannot be wetted, i.e. Cleaning is carried out only by dry method. Others, which are indelible, can be treated with water, but the stains that appear cannot be removed. Still others, washable, can repel dirt, and when cleaning you can use soap or alkaline solutions. The fourth ones are intended only for dry rooms that have a low operational load and cannot withstand the effects of water vapor; polluting vapors from a gas stove, cigarette smoke settle on them too quickly, and the color of the coating changes.
  4. Covering power. The ability of a coloring solution to cover the color of the surface being treated. A high level of this parameter indicates that the paint is capable of covering even the contrasting color of the base when applied in 1-2 layers.
  5. Lightfastness. This characteristic is relevant for those rooms that are located on the sunny side and are constantly exposed to sunlight, which can cause the color of wall paints to fade, which significantly deteriorates the appearance of the room.
  6. Drying time. An important parameter for the overall speed of repairs. In most cases, you have to apply not one, but two layers of paint. Before the second application, the first layer must be completely dry to avoid bubbles forming on the walls.
  7. Consumption. This parameter depends on the hiding power. Before purchasing, pay attention to the consumption of wall paint. Sometimes a more expensive paint composition is so economical that it can properly paint the surface in 1-2 layers. As a result, it costs less than a larger volume of a product with a lower cost, the full coverage of which is achieved when applying more than 2 layers.

Main types of wall paints

The paint and varnish industry is also distinguished by its variety of production technologies, providing the market with a wide range of paints for interior wall decoration. These products have a variety of characteristics that determine their classification. Paints contain several components, which include film-forming substances, solvents, pigments, fillers and functional additives. Glue, drying oil, varnishes, and aqueous polymer dispersions can be used as film-forming substances in wall paints. Here is a classification of wall paints according to their composition.

Alkyd paints for wall decoration

Alkyd resin is used as a base. There are two main subtypes - oil and enamel. Their smell is quite unpleasant and can linger for some time even after drying. Alkyd paints are fire hazardous and susceptible to alkali. Due to these properties, alkyd dyes are not recommended for use in residential areas.

Oil paint for walls is made on the basis of drying oil; they can even be diluted with gasoline and turpentine. They are available on the market in liquid form (ready to apply) and paste form. Their price is one of the lowest, but the drying speed is quite low, and during operation they release harmful substances and the color becomes yellow over time. It is not recommended to paint walls in residential areas.

Varnish is used as a base in enamel paints. They dry quickly and are suitable for processing a variety of materials. This variety has the following advantages over oil-based ones: resistance to light and water, color fastness, durable coating reliably protects against corrosion, non-toxic.

Emulsion paint mixtures for walls

All components of this type of paint are evenly distributed in water. Their huge advantage is that they are quite economical, do not create conditions for the spread of fire, are safe for the human body and the environment, dry quickly, do not have a sharp unpleasant odor, and are resistant to alkali.

If the surface was previously painted with glossy paints or any adhesives, then you should not use water-based paint on the walls; it is better to first clean the surface of the old coating. Before applying to metal surfaces, it is worth using a protective primer. Other characteristics of this type of paint include: high elasticity, a large number of colors that do not change during use, quick drying, and no odor.

Negative properties include poor absorption, the ability to be used only in rooms with positive temperatures, and also the fact that maximum strength appears only a month after application. Emulsion paints have several subtypes, including latex, acrylic, water-based, water-dispersion, and silicone.

Let's describe each subtype in more detail:

  • Acrylic paint. It is made on the basis of acrylic resins. Has many advantages. The most significant: high elasticity, increased strength, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and low air temperatures, high water-repellent properties, the formation of a film layer that can protect walls from corrosion. Acrylic paints for walls are quite expensive, but cheaper options are available on sale, made on the basis of acrylic copolymers. It is not recommended to apply to fresh plaster, in rooms with high humidity, or in old buildings. To create a spectacular interior, you can use a variety of colors, because... Acrylic paints lend themselves well to tinting.
  • Latex wall paint. The most expensive subspecies. Manufacturers add latex to its composition, due to which a durable water-repellent film is formed after application. Dries very quickly. Suitable for painting textured wallpaper and mineral surfaces. Has the ability to mask small cracks. However, light resistance is less than that of PVA paints and acrylics.
  • Water-based paint for walls. They are quick-drying and easy to apply. The coating is short-lived, because... is gradually washed off if wet cleaning is used. Water-based solutions have a wide range of colors and can be textured, which allows you to create three-dimensional images. The increased strength of the coloring composition allows you to cover existing cracks and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Water-dispersed. Moisture-resistant, so they can be cleaned repeatedly using liquid. Basically, this type is made only in white. Like water-based paints, these paints are vapor-permeable, applicable even in damp rooms, have high color fastness, but do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures well.
  • Silicone paints. Their cost is quite high. After application to walls made of mineral materials, a reliable water-repellent coating is created, but at the same time it is vapor permeable. Despite these properties, unwanted microorganisms do not develop on such a surface. The increased elasticity of paints containing silicone resins allows you to mask thin cracks up to 2 mm thick - this is one of the best elasticity indicators among all types of paints. Silicone paints can have a specific odor and take a long time to dry. Any mineral surfaces are suitable for processing with silicone paints, including clean plaster without a finishing layer of putty; they can also be applied over latex and acrylic coatings.

Adhesive paints for wall coverings

They are based on water, just like emulsion ones. However, an important difference is that adhesive paint compositions are not resistant to carbon dioxide and moisture, therefore they are recommended for finishing dry rooms in which the air is well ventilated.

This type of dye gives a porous surface, so the walls breathe. But due to the organic composition, the development of mold and other undesirable microorganisms is possible at high humidity. They are supplied to the market in powder and diluted with water before use.

There are the following types of paints with a glue-water base:

  1. Casein dyes. A smooth matte coating is created on plaster, concrete, and brick, the strength of which improves over time. Among adhesive-based paints, this type allows you to make the wall surface the most durable and beautiful.
  2. Dextrinated paints. It is based on bone glue. They are characterized by weak water resistance, so they are suitable for finishing only inside dry rooms.
  3. Polyvinyl acetate paints. The most budget option. Low resistance to moisture means that in just a few wet cleanings the coating can be almost completely washed off. At the same time, they have increased light resistance and are also immune to the effects of oils and fats. Rarely used for painting walls; a more common use is application to the ceiling. They are tinted only by hand in a limited number of colors.

Silicate paints for walls

This type belongs to mineral dyes, because... Liquid glass is used as a base, and dilution is carried out with water. The composition contains alkali, so you should strictly follow safety precautions when working with silicone paints. They can be used to paint any alkaline surfaces, such as plaster. They practically cannot be combined with other types of paints, especially acrylic and alkyd; they are not applied to glass, ceramics, stone and metal.

Properties such as breathability and friability play not only a positive role. Their duality is expressed in the fact that the silicate coating does not protect the wall from moisture, but at the same time does not retain it, i.e. promotes faster weathering. At the same time, the silicate paint layer itself, after drying, is resistant to changes in air temperature and moisture, and is quite durable (many manufacturers indicate a service life of up to 20 years).

Polyurethane paints for application on walls

In its production, polyurethane resins and hardeners are used, which are mixed immediately before application. The cost of such paints is quite high, but the advantages completely cover it. Walls coated with polyurethane paint acquire high wear resistance to vibration, chemical, temperature, and light exposure.

The durability of the coating reaches 20 years or more. Most often, such dyes are not used in residential areas due to their high cost, but they can be indispensable in wet areas, such as kitchens or bathrooms.

Structural features of wall paints

After drying, the paints have different structures and gloss levels. In this regard, there are several types of structure:
  • Relief or structural. They can be sold ready-to-apply or in powder form, which is added to the paint of the desired color. After application, a rough surface with abstract contours is created.
  • Decorative. With their help, the illusion of cracked plaster or natural materials, such as wood or natural stone, is created.
  • Matte. The most acceptable option is to use it in the living room or hallway. Matte paints mask surface imperfections well.
  • Semi-matte and semi-gloss. These types are most often used in bathrooms or kitchens, because... easy to clean and quite wear-resistant. Can be applied to wallpaper before painting.
  • Glossy. After drying, the surface becomes smooth and shiny. The effect of volume of the treated surfaces is created.

Rules for choosing wall paint

Recommendations for choosing paint come down to the correspondence of their characteristics to the purpose of the room, the material of the walls and the internal microclimate. When deciding how to choose wall paint, use the information below:
  1. The best option for a bathroom or kitchen is alkyd, polyurethane paint. Latex and acrylic paints containing antifungal agents are also suitable in areas with varying humidity levels. To keep your kitchen walls clean, use paints that can withstand thorough wet cleaning. Washing paint for walls is very popular, the care of which is quite simple, and there are no undesirable reactions of the coating with moisture.
  2. Durability and increased operational stability are the main characteristics that paints for walls in corridors and hallways should have. As an option - two-component latex-acrylic ones, because the coating they create is resistant to mechanical damage. From the available range of colors, it is better to choose light colors, because... There are no natural light sources in such rooms.
  3. For bedrooms, harmless water-based paints that create a matte surface or acrylic dyes with high vapor permeability are suitable.
  4. A universal option for the living room is acrylic paint, because... it has a very wide range of colors. This allows you to create bright, rich images on the walls.
  5. For residential premises, especially bedrooms, children's rooms or those rooms where there are people suffering from allergies, choose environmentally friendly paints that do not emit unpleasant odors and substances harmful to living organisms. The production of safe dyes is regulated in many countries at the legislative level, for example, in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Switzerland.
  6. Tikkurila wall paint can be tinted in 20,000 colors, which will help bring the most varied flights of fancy into decorative reality.
  7. Among the popular manufacturers of paint and varnish products are MARSHALL (Turkey), Caparol (Germany), Empils (Russia), Finncolor (Finland), Alpina (Germany), Dufa (Germany), SHERWIN-WILLIAMS (USA), PARKERPAINT (USA).
Before purchasing paint, be sure to read the information on the product label in order to know exactly the composition, scope of application, application methods, precautions, expiration date, and operating conditions.

How to choose wall paint - watch the video:

Choosing paint for walls is not an easy task due to the many options, however, by placing the priority on the harmlessness of finishing materials to the body, it is quite easy to make the right choice.

The scope of use of paints in construction is constantly expanding. With the advent of new technologies and materials, the choice of finishing options is also growing. The paints are easy to work with, they offer a huge selection of colors and shades, they can be used for different types of work and coatings. There are many types of them, and they differ both in composition and purpose.

The entire range of paints can be divided into four large groups:

  • alkyd,
  • emulsion,
  • silicate,
  • adhesive.

Alkyd – paints based on drying oil (oil) or varnish (enamel). After drying, they form a waterproof film, are non-toxic, resistant to ultraviolet rays, and are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. They are applied to wood, metal, plaster.

Emulsion - most often they are made on a water basis with the addition of pigments, emulsifiers, and various additives. In addition to water-based ones, this group includes water-dispersed, acrylic, latex and polyvinyl acetate types. They are used for application to finely porous surfaces:

  • plaster;
  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • primer for metal.

These paints are non-toxic and can be used in living rooms.

Silicate - are made on the basis of liquid glass and water. Their properties are fireproof, resistant to temperature fluctuations, and are used for porous surfaces (wood, concrete, plaster).

Adhesive - produced mainly for interior work, since they cannot withstand high humidity. They are made on the basis of natural glue (casein, starch, PVA) and water.

Transparent coatings (varnishes) are used for floors made of natural wood. Absolutely transparent or with the addition of coloring pigments, they reveal the natural beauty of wood, penetrate deep into, protecting the floor from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Polyurethane varnishes are quite resistant to mechanical stress.

Acrylic paint is widely used for wood floors due to its resistance to abrasion, humidity, temperature changes and sunlight. The coating allows the wood to “breathe”, preventing damage from moisture. Can be used for external and internal work.

Paint for interior work must, first of all, be safe: non-toxic during operation and, preferably, without a strong odor during the drying period. And to create the desired interior design, it must have either a wide selection of shades or be easily mixed with pigments.

The paint should be relatively waterproof so that minor stains can be washed off rather than having to repaint the entire wall.

For ceilings, water-based types of high density are used: such paint should be snow-white and cover the surface well.

It is best to do it with acrylic or latex types. Acrylics create a matte surface that is not afraid of mechanical abrasion and tolerates wet cleaning quite well. But it is not suitable for rooms with high humidity levels: the ingress of water will spoil it.

Latex paint makes the coating slightly glossy, moisture resistant and quite durable. This is what is most often recommended when asking questions about which bathroom paint is most suitable. The layer turns out to be thin, which allows this type to be used on textured plaster or embossed wallpaper.

Matte paint used in the interior has become familiar: it does not catch the eye, looks discreet and noble. Almost all types of paint have matte varieties:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • alkyd enamels.

The question of which paint is better to choose – matte or glossy – is purely a matter of taste.

Advantages: uniform coverage, deep color without glare or reflections, masking unevenness and minor defects. Matte finish is most often used in interior design, allowing you to achieve rich color even when using light shades.

Disadvantages: high susceptibility to dirt even with enamel coatings. It is much more difficult to clean matte paint from hand marks or other contaminants than glossy paint. In addition, matte paint makes damage and scratches more visible.

Dispersion paint is a mixture of a liquid base and insoluble components: pigments, emulsifiers, thickeners, etc. In the case of using an aqueous base and a liquid phase, a water-based paint is obtained, but it is only part of the entire line of dispersion types in general.

The peculiarity of dispersion types is that the base and components can separate, so before using paint, even fresh paint, it must be thoroughly mixed. And if necessary, this paint can be diluted without any problems.

For interior work, water-dispersion paints are used: acrylic, latex, adhesive. are made using synthetic resins and antiseptics that increase resistance to precipitation, frost, burnout and microorganisms.

Fire retardant paints act as a barrier between fire and the surface, creating an insulating layer. The use of such coatings protects surfaces from fire for up to one and a half hours. According to the principle of action, they are of two types:

  1. intumescent, when the paint swells when heated, creating an air gap,
  2. non-intumescent, which create a non-flammable layer.

Fire retardant paints are used for any materials that suffer from high temperatures:

  • wood, which is one of the most fire hazardous materials in construction;
  • metal structures that lose their strength when exposed to fire (this is especially dangerous for load-bearing elements);
  • cement and concrete, which crack and crumble due to high temperatures;
  • resin-based materials (bitumen), used, for example, for roofing;
  • air ducts and ventilation systems, which in the event of a fire turn into fire conductors;
  • heating boilers, chimneys, heating systems, gas pipelines.

Using fire-retardant paint is convenient and easy: it does not lose its properties under the influence of precipitation, ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.

It’s not for nothing that the largest brands have won their niche in the market: to produce, for example, high-quality water-based paint, you need at least 15 different components for a cheap product and about 30-40 for expensive high-quality paint. It is the various additives that provide the consumer qualities that are so valued in a good product:

  • optimal density,
  • hiding power,
  • density and thickness of the layer,
  • abrasion resistance,
  • uniformity of coverage,
  • water-repellent properties.

It is simply impossible to get a good product from bad raw materials!

The second important factor in paint production (and in any other production) is compliance with the technological process. Here you will need modern equipment with a computerized process control system and a high-tech production line.

That is why you cannot expect high quality from paint made, relatively speaking, in the nearest basement. Even if you really want to save money, it’s better not to mess with a cheap product.

Before applying paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface: level, prime, dry, remove dust and small particles. In some cases, it is necessary to remove old paint or clean and fill the defects.

There are three main methods for working with paints:

  1. brush painting,
  2. roller,
  3. sprayer.

Depending on the surface area, a wide whitewash brush, a medium-width flange brush or a small panel brush (for small details) is used. Modern paints adhere well and spread over the surface, forming a uniform coating. When painting, it is better to apply strokes in one direction, having previously painted the corners, joints and ends with a smaller brush, so as not to damage them later.

A roller made of a special material that picks up paint well and applies an even layer is the second option. It allows you to apply a fairly dense layer, which is necessary when painting painted walls. The painting techniques are the same as with a brush: all movements are made in one direction, the second layer is applied with perpendicular strokes. A roller with a long handle is used to process the floor and ceiling.