Brown tongue in the morning. Brown tongue: why plaque occurs and how to treat it. Food poisoning and dysbiosis

Brown tongue in the morning.  Brown tongue: why plaque occurs and how to treat it.  Food poisoning and dysbiosis
Brown tongue in the morning. Brown tongue: why plaque occurs and how to treat it. Food poisoning and dysbiosis

There are diseases whose onset is almost asymptomatic. However, the key word here is almost. The body often signals the onset of illness, but most of us either simply do not notice or do not respond to these signals.

Especially if this signal does not cause much discomfort. For example, few people immediately respond to such a delicate signal from the body as a brown coating on the tongue.

Reasons for appearance

The tongue can be divided into three layers. The outer layer is the mucous membrane, consisting of lamellar epithelium. The mucous membrane is quickly renewed, its complete regeneration takes place in about 3 days. Therefore, disturbances in the body are quickly reflected in the tongue.

In the morning, a thin transparent layer of deposits may often appear in the oral cavity, formed due to the activity of bacteria that are always present in the oral cavity. This happens on teeth and gums.

Photo 1: to prevent the appearance of plaque on the tongue, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures daily: brush your teeth and tongue. Source: flickr (miserablespice)

Ideally, the color of the tongue is pink. Its outer surface is rough due to the presence of small formations that provide taste sensations. The color of these formations is grayish-white.

The appearance of a brown coating is always a sign of a problem. Problems can be very simple, which can be easily solved on your own, or very serious, requiring mandatory medical intervention.

Based on the characteristics of plaque: intensity, shades of color, thickness and localization on the tongue, an experienced doctor learns a lot about the patient’s health status.

Brown coating on the tongue and bitterness in the mouth

A brown coating and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth indicate trouble in the condition of the liver or gall bladder. This can be observed with cholelithiasis, dyskinesia - a violation of the patency of the biliary tract, liver damage as a result of infections, taking medications or alcohol.

If the entire tongue is coated, there is a bitterness in the mouth, and constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain are observed, then most likely this is poisoning or dysbacteriosis.

The thickness of the plaque is determined by the degree and severity of the disease. Thin – the initial stages of the disease, thick – chronic forms of the course and severe infections.

Brown coating on the tongue in the morning

The formation of a small coating on the tongue in the morning is not a pathology; it can be brown due to drinking strong tea or coffee, cocoa, or dark chocolate. If it clears well and doesn't appear after you stop consuming intensely colored foods and drinks, there's nothing to worry about.

A brown coating on the tip of the tongue may be a consequence of problems of the bronchopulmonary system; in the area of ​​the root of the tongue it may be associated with the presence of various types of poisoning of the body.

Dental diseases can also cause brown plaque, for example, stomatitis in advanced cases.

This is interesting! In accordance with the ideas of oriental medicine, areas of the tongue are associated with certain organs. If you mentally divide the tongue into three parts, then the first third, the very tip, is the heart. The area between the tip and the second third is the lungs. The second third is the spleen and stomach. Root – small and large intestines, kidneys. The edge of the tongue on the left side is the liver, on the right is the bladder.

Although these correspondences are useful, it is important to realize that they are not to be taken in a literal anatomical or physiological sense. Eastern medicine considers not only anatomy, but also energetic aspects, and its physiological interpretation is very different from Western medicine.

Brown plaque and antibiotic use

When taking certain medications, a brown coating on the tongue is one of the side effects.

Photo 2: Antibiotics of almost all four groups have side effects on the gastrointestinal tract and liver, the load on it increases significantly, which is why plaque may appear. Source: flickr (Tim Sandle).

Plaque on the tongue is a side effect of, for example, antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, which belongs to the penicillin group, Azithromycin, which belongs to the macrolide group. A drug such as Metronidazole and its structural analogues, although not antibiotics, are very similar to them in their action and side effects, this also applies to the appearance of plaque on the tongue.

The instructions for use of a particular drug always indicate side effects; the appearance of plaque on the tongue, if no other side effects are observed, does not require discontinuation of the drug.

What else can a coating on the tongue tell you?

In addition to the characteristics discussed, the shade of the deposits is important. Dark brown plaque can signal:

  • about acute respiratory viral infections;
  • about kidney diseases;
  • about dehydration and lack of B vitamins in the diet;
  • appears in smokers.

Light brown coating is possible:

  • for chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • if the outflow of lymph is impaired;
  • with inflammation of the joints.

Yellow-brown plaque is possible with diseases of the bronchi and lungs and chronic alcohol dependence.

Prevention measures

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. If the plaque appears due to the consumption of appropriate products, it does not pose any danger. To remove it, it is enough not to get carried away with heavily colored drinks and foods and do not forget, in addition to your teeth, to thoroughly clean the surface of your tongue.

If the tongue is coated as a result of taking medications, this goes away after the patient stops taking them.

Plaque resulting from smoking is usually not removed by hygiene procedures alone. The smartest, but not the easiest way is to quit smoking.

Speaking about the prevention of brown plaque, we can recommend giving up alcohol and smoking, preventing constipation, and if necessary, you need to change your diet: give up fatty, fried, smoked foods, use more vegetables.

Eat foods rich in B vitamins: liver, lean meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts. Be very careful when taking antibiotics. If these measures do not help, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Homeopathic treatment of the problem

In the homeopathic approach, data on the condition of the tongue is considered not as specific signs, but as general physical signs that help to obtain a complete picture of the patient. If there is a brown coating on the tongue, for example, the following drugs can be used:

  1. (Bryony)– dry mouth, tongue with dark brown deposits.
  2. (Carbo vegetabilis)– tongue yellowish-brown with ulcers.
  3. Kali phosphoricum (Kali phosphoricum)– brown tongue, bitter taste and dry mouth, especially in the morning.
  4. (Medorrinum)– there is a brown coating on the tongue, it is thick and spongy.

When prescribing homeopathic medicines, not only the characteristics and location of the plaque are taken into account, but also the characteristics of the patient himself.

A person knows himself best, so it seems that you can easily choose a medicine yourself. This is a deceptive ease; you cannot self-medicate.

Note! Even a certified doctor with experience in homeopathic practice cannot always immediately select the appropriate remedy; there is too much to consider.

The tongue, like any other human organ, is covered with a layer of epithelium, which has a different structure depending on where it is located. The lower side of the tongue is smooth, the upper is rough, and there are small papillae on it, thanks to which a person distinguishes various tastes. A normal healthy tongue is pink, the surface of the papillae has a whitish-grayish tint.

After eating, tiny particles of food can get stuck between the papillae, in which bacteria begin to multiply. It is food particles and bacterial waste products that form the basis of plaque, which usually forms on the tongue some time after eating. It can be of various densities and shades. For example, the tongue becomes coated after drinking black coffee or chocolate. It is easily removed using the hygienic procedure of brushing the teeth and tongue, and it does not appear in the future. But if plaque is difficult to remove and soon appears again, you need to pay close attention to your health. Let's try to figure out in more detail what this brown coating on the tongue is.


The reasons why a brown plaque has formed can be very diverse, ranging from eating foods with coloring properties to the presence of serious chronic diseases. Most often, a brown tongue signals diseases of the digestive system. Moreover, the more intense the color, the more complex and serious the disease.

However, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are by no means the only reason why there is a brown coating on the tongue.

In the morning after sleep

A brown, white-brown or yellow-brown coating on the tongue in the morning after sleep is a sign of problems in the functioning of the human body. Normally, a white transparent coating may be present in the morning, which can be easily removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Sometimes even light brown plaque in the morning is normal if it is easily removed and does not appear again after brushing your teeth. But if in the morning it has an intense color, it is difficult to remove, and some time after cleaning it appears again, you should pay attention to the condition of the bronchopulmonary system (located at the tip of the tongue) or the gastrointestinal tract (closer to the root).


A brown coating on the tongue and smoking are, at first glance, incompatible things. However, this is only at first glance. In fact, it is quite common for smokers to have dark spots on their tongue and teeth. The thing is that the resins that make up cigarettes have coloring properties and over time paint not only the tips of the fingers, but also the teeth and even the tongue of the smoker a dark color.

Tea and coffee

Drinking large amounts of hot chocolate, as well as dark chocolate bars, can cause your tongue to turn dark. In this case, a brown coating forms on the tongue and teeth, which is easily removed by brushing.

A brown coating on the tongue from tea may appear if you drink too much strong tea in large quantities. In this case, as with the formation of chocolate deposits, the stains are easily removed after hygiene procedures. Coffee can also cause a brown coating on the tongue, which can be easily removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Let us hasten to reassure everyone: such a plaque is not a sign of a disease and does not require special treatment. It is advisable not to overuse excessively strong tea and coffee, limit chocolate consumption, and also more thoroughly clean your teeth, gums and tongue using a toothbrush, toothpaste and special rinses.

Antibiotics and medications

The use of certain medications can also cause a patient to have a brown or dark brown tongue. For example, intense coloring is caused by the use of a drug such as faringosept (used for sore throats and other throat diseases). Plaque occurs after some antibiotics.

Malavit can also cause a brown tongue. There are a number of other drugs that have the same effect; usually the possibility of the formation of a brown coating is indicated in the instructions. In this case, after stopping the drug, side effects also disappear. By the way, a yellow-brown or white-brown coating on the tongue that has formed as a result of taking medications usually does not require discontinuation of the medications themselves or correction of treatment.

Fungal diseases of the oral cavity

Another fairly common reason why a brown coating forms on the tongue is the presence of fungal diseases of the oral cavity in the patient. With mycosis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, a white coating that is difficult to remove appears at an early stage. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it begins to darken. In advanced cases, a focal yellowish-brown plaque forms on the patient, which is usually located in the center of the tongue. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and immediately start taking the prescribed medications.

Dysbacteriosis and food poisoning

A brown coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth, constipation or diarrhea, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain, usually indicate food poisoning or intestinal dysbiosis. In this case, folk remedies cannot be used; you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Note that the root cause of the formation should be treated and eliminated, that is, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. After recovery, the plaque on the tongue will go away on its own, without any special treatment.

Quite often, the delay in starting treatment is due to the fact that, having noticed a brown coating on his tongue, the patient does not know which doctor to contact. If plaque formation is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, you should consult a gastroenterologist, as these symptoms indicate disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause of the formation of a brown coating on the tongue is unknown, you should consult a physician for a full examination, which will allow you to establish the correct diagnosis.


A brown coating on the tongue in the morning may also indicate the development of stomatitis. In this case, as in many previous ones, at the early stage of the disease a white coating forms, which covers the mucous membranes of the mouth, and when removed causes pain. Usually, already at this stage, the patient consults a doctor and begins taking medications, so the symptoms of the disease stop developing. But if suddenly, for some reason, the patient does not seek help in a timely manner, the plaque gradually turns from white to brown, indicating the progression of the process. In this case, treatment should be started as quickly as possible.


If a patient has a brown tongue, the causes of this condition may lie in dehydration. Typically, long-term severe disorders and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by dehydration. In this case, it will not be enough to increase the amount of fluid you drink; more competent treatment is necessary, including the use of medications under the supervision of an experienced gastroenterologist.

In this case, the thicker and darker the plaque, the more difficult the patient’s condition. If during treatment the thickness and intensity of the color decreases, then the treatment is successful. If, on the contrary, the thickness of the plaque increases and its color becomes darker, it means that the treatment is ineffective and it needs to be corrected.

B vitamin deficiency and other causes

A brown tongue is a sign of such serious diseases as pellagra, lack of vitamin B, diabetic coma, Addison's disease and some others. In this case, only an experienced doctor can establish the correct diagnosis, based on laboratory tests.

A lack of B vitamins causes not only the appearance of dark brown or black plaque, but also the formation of painful cracks. If you do not start taking the necessary medications in a timely manner, your tongue will later become bright red and as if varnished.

Plaque in children

In children, a brown coating on the tongue can indicate the same problems as in adults. First of all, an experienced doctor will determine the location of the greatest accumulation of plaque. If a thick layer is located on the tip of the tongue, then this most likely indicates problems with the lungs and bronchi. If plaque spots are located symmetrically on the tip of the tongue, then this may even be a sign of incipient double pneumonia. If a child has a predominantly brown coating located in the center of the tongue, then this most likely indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Be that as it may, the child should be shown to an experienced pediatrician as soon as possible. Only he will be able to refer you for examination, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to remove

If a patient has a brown plaque, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that causes it. First, you need to thoroughly clean your teeth, gums, inner surface of your cheeks and tongue from plaque using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Next, you should observe whether the plaque appears again and, if so, how quickly. And depending on the result obtained, whether or not to consult a doctor. If, after careful hygiene procedures, the plaque disappeared and did not appear again, then it was most likely the result of staining with food or medicine. In this case, there is no reason for alarm or treatment.

But if plaque appears again and again, is difficult to remove, and stays on the tongue for longer than five days, then this is a serious reason to consult a gastroenterologist, since a brown tongue primarily indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula flowers will help you deal directly with plaque. You can also chew a small piece of propolis for a few minutes; it has excellent bactericidal properties.

And remember: if the reason that caused the formation of a brown coating on the tongue is eliminated, it will disappear on its own without any measures within a few days. Therefore, you should fight the cause that causes it.

Diagnosis of illnesses by language was used by ancient healers. The most famous of them was the great thinker-healer Avicenna. Chinese healers considered the tongue to be a special indicator organ that speaks about the state of the human body as a whole. And if the color of the tongue has changed, then this fact cannot be ignored. We will tell you what a brown coating on the tongue means in this article.

The tongue is an organ primarily composed of muscles. The upper part of the tongue is covered with papillae, capable of sensing all flavors. A normal tongue appears pink and shiny, with a whitish-gray tinge to the papillae.

According to many theories, it is the tongue that is a projection of the organism in a reduced size. Based on his condition, an experienced alternative medicine doctor can determine:

  • general condition of a person;
  • allergic reactions;
  • body imbalance;
  • lack of nutrients.

Plaque on the tongue is formed due to the ingress of food particles onto it. They get stuck between the papillae and begin to attract various bacteria. Plaque can have different densities and shades. Even ordinary tea drinking or eating can contribute to the appearance of plaque of various shades: from yellowish to brown. Most often, oral hygiene easily destroys this plaque. But this doesn't always happen. For some people, the brown coating on the tongue is very dense and difficult to remove. Even after various hygiene procedures, plaque appears again. Let's figure out what violations this type of language plaque can signal.

What types of examination are needed?

To find out the reasons for the appearance of plaque on the tongue, the doctor will definitely prescribe an examination to the patient. After all, representatives of official medicine are unlikely to be able to make a correct diagnosis based on language alone. The most common studies may include:

  • urine test (general);
  • blood tests (general, biochemical, sugar);
  • fluorography of the lungs;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, and in women – reproductive organs;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy, duodenal intubation.

Further studies will be prescribed by the doctor when any diagnoses are clarified.

Why does a brown coating appear on the tongue?

Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of a brown coating on the tongue. Most often, these reasons may be:

Taking certain medications

The instructions for some medications indicate their ability to stain the tongue. Most often, this manifestation can occur with the drugs Faringosept, Malavit and some antibiotics. After discontinuation of the drug, the plaque quickly disappears.

Food colorings

The most common and most harmless cause of brown plaque is the use of foods with dyes. In addition to tea, coffee, chocolate, such dyes contain various sweets, cream cakes, and carbonated water. Long-term smoking can also lead to a similar effect. If plaque comes from dyes, it can be removed quite easily with a toothbrush or tampons. If the plaque is persistent, then the cause of this phenomenon must be sought elsewhere.


Inflammation of the tongue is not so common, but this disease is also characterized by a brown coating on the tongue. In addition to plaque, there may also be erosions or ulcers on the tongue. In this case, the tongue is usually swollen, painful, with traces of erosions or ulcers. This disease is caused by bacteria or yeast.

Usually associated with a gentle diet and rinsing with antiseptic solutions (furacilin, potassium manganese, chlorhexidine).

Digestive diseases

A brown tongue can be a sign of inflammatory phenomena in the digestive tract (stomach ulcer, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, duodenitis, colitis, duodenogastric reflux).

In this case, a person will notice one of the accompanying symptoms such as:

  • pain or heaviness in the stomach or intestines (after eating or “hunger” pain with an ulcer);
  • loss of appetite;
  • belching with air or acid;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • bowel disorders (diarrhea, constipation).

Almost all gastrointestinal ailments have similar symptoms, and to clarify them, the doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests for the applicant.

Gastritis is asymptomatic for a long time and affects every second person. Its occurrence is usually associated with eating disorders: skipping meals during student years, eating dry food, taking alcohol or medications on an empty stomach. Typical symptoms may be pain after eating (duodenal ulcer) or “hungry” pain (stomach ulcer), sharp pain and bloating when leaving the diet, and weight loss.

In addition to eating disorders, stress is also necessary for the appearance of ulcers. This disease occurs in nervous, suspicious or ambitious people, and in careerists. There is also an infectious theory of ulcers associated with an excess of Helicobacter bacteria.

Reflux esophagitis refers to a disease of the esophagus. With this disease, a typical manifestation will be sour belching or heartburn.

Dysbacteriosis often appears after taking medications for a long time (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) In this case, the patient complains of frequent bloating or diarrhea, and his complexion may become grayish-pale. Therefore, such preparations should be taken only after meals, with a sufficient amount of water, while taking a group of probiotics.

Intestinal diseases (duodenitis, colitis) also manifest as pain in the upper abdomen (duodenitis) or lower abdomen (colitis). The main treatment for any digestive disease is diet, daily routine, and drug therapy.

Fungal diseases

White coating on the tongue with candidiasis can often turn into a yellowish or brown coating.

Often, fungal infections appear due to dysbacteriosis, constant consumption of sweet confectionery dishes, weakened immunity after illness, stress or hard work. Women often experience thrush (vaginal candidiasis) in parallel.

Diagnosis of the fungus is usually made by a doctor based on tests and taking a smear.

In the treatment of fungus, it is traditional to use antifungal drugs (Fluconazole, Fucis, Flucostat), B vitamins, probiotic drugs (Linex, Bifidum-bacterin, Bacteriobalance). Locally, gargles (soda and boron solutions) and sucking tablets for microflora (Lysobact) are used for the throat.

Liver diseases

Liver diseases are often asymptomatic. In addition to slight dyskinesia, cholecystitis or curvature of the gallbladder, cholelithiasis, such ailments include serious diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver tumors.

In addition to this manifestation, a person may have minor symptoms, which many do not pay attention to. These symptoms may include:

  • yellowness of the skin;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea after eating;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • skin itching.

With hepatitis or Botkin's disease, the patient may have:

  • temperature;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • yellow eyes and skin;
  • pain in the hypochondrium;
  • white feces, beer-colored urine.

No diagnosis related to liver disease should be made on your own. It is all the more frivolous to treat yourself using the Internet or the advice of friends. After all, any hepatitis easily becomes chronic, almost always ending in cirrhosis. And people with cirrhosis are already doomed.

Loss of fluid

Dehydration occurs in conditions associated with diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea accompanies many intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, etc.)

At the same time, along with the liquid, the body loses many essential microelements. And if nothing is done soon, the patient may experience a sharp decrease in blood pressure and cardiac activity, threatening the patient’s life.

In addition to plaque, a person also feels thirsty and a small amount of brightly colored urine.

Most often, such conditions require intravenous drip administration of medicinal solutions (glucose, saline, etc.). At home, it is important for the patient to flood the body with mineral water, unsweetened tea, Regidron salt solution, etc.

Other reasons

There are also a number of conditions that can cause a brown coating on the tongue. A similar symptom can also occur with:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • violation of lymph outflow;
  • deficiency of vitamins (usually group B);
  • arthritis or arthrosis;
  • with helminthic infestation in children.


Not every person will run to the doctor when a plaque appears on their tongue. Yes, this is understandable. We, modern people, rarely want to see doctors until a problem begins to seriously bother us. How can a person help himself and is he able to overcome the nasty raid? Fortunately, sometimes this is indeed possible.

It happens that the most common measures in the form of rinsing the mouth with ready-made pharmaceutical rinses or herbal decoctions (calendula, yarrow, chamomile, sage) can help overcome the brown coating on the tongue. If the raid goes away in 5-7 days, it means that the disease has defeated normal immunity. However, even after this, you should reconsider your lifestyle, try to move away from bad habits and increase your chances of strengthening your immune system.

Experience shows that a person with brown plaque rarely has a normal digestive system. Many experts consider intestinal immunity to be the most important and its deterioration as a trigger mechanism for all diseases. The main recommendations for improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminating dysbiosis are:

  1. Daily consumption of liquid or mushy food.
  2. Eat at least 4-5 times a day, excluding overeating.
  3. Limiting “unhealthy” foods from the “fast food” category or purchased in supermarkets.
  4. Introducing natural lactic acid products at least once a day to “feed” intestinal bacteria.
  5. The use of products in the form of natural sorbents, products with fiber (pumpkin, bran, fresh vegetables, rye bread, etc.)
  6. Take a glass of clean water with 1 tbsp in the morning. apple cider vinegar or fresh juice from vegetables (celery, cucumber, carrots, etc.).
  7. Limiting sweet, fatty, fried and smoked foods in the diet.
  8. Limit alcohol and nicotine.
  9. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
  10. Introduction of vitamin complexes, especially vitamins B and A.
  11. Limiting the consumption of coffee and tea and replacing them with herbal teas.
  12. Walking and exercises to improve digestion (bicycle, abdominal exercises, “scissors”, yoga asanas such as “plough”).

The human body is equipped with a whole arsenal of signals for self-diagnosis. One of them is a brown coating on the tongue. If this manifestation is not isolated and does not go away after brushing your teeth, then you should not delay visiting a doctor. And even if no fears are confirmed, it is better to identify any illness at its very beginning.

Sources used:

  • James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. - Saunders Elsevier, 2006.
  • Minciullo, P.L.; Paolino, G; Vacca, M; Gangemi, S; Nettis, E (1 September 2016). "Unmet diagnostic needs in contact oral mucosal allergies". Clinical and Molecular Allergy.
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa in children / I.O. Novik. — M.: Medicine

Doctors say that the tongue is a reflection of the state of the internal organs. Normally, it has a slightly rough surface and a red-pink tint. Unusual manifestations in the oral cavity indicate problems in the body. If a brown coating is observed on the tongue of an adult, the cause of which is unknown, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Often this symptom is accompanied by other signs, for example, putrid breath or bitterness. We will consider further what problems may accompany these signs.

Why does plaque appear?

There are many reasons that cause brown plaque. In most cases we are talking about a pathological process. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  • Taking medications. In particular, antibacterial agents.
  • Reaction to nicotine and tar contained in a cigarette.
  • Lack of oral care, dental diseases.
  • Violation of water-salt balance in the body.
  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lack of B vitamins.
  • Consumption of products containing dyes.

Sometimes plaque is a harmless physiological factor that does not require therapy.

Observe the manifestation - at what time it occurs, what signs accompany it. The doctor will need answers to these questions at your appointment.

Pathologies of the digestive system

If an unusual coating on the tongue is noticeable mainly in the morning, most likely there are problems with the digestive system. The sediment is dead epithelial cells, remnants of undigested food, etc.

If a pathology is detected, you cannot hesitate. In the near future you need to go to an experienced gastroenterologist. The appearance of a brown coating on the tongue indicates the following problems:

  • fibrous stage of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa due to frequent alcohol consumption;
  • inflammatory process localized in various parts of the intestine;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • corrosive stage of gastritis.

Fibrogastroscopy will help to find out the specific reason that provoked the brown coating on the tongue. Thanks to this study, it is possible to assess the condition of the digestive tract.

If precipitation is observed in the morning

Sometimes a brown layer on the tongue appears only after sleep, in which case the plaque clears itself during the day when brushing your teeth, eating food, and so on.

Doctors say that such a sign is not considered a pathology and is the norm. In their opinion, this is due to the consumption of fermented milk or sweet foods at night. However, if plaque appears in the morning and does not disappear on its own in the evening, this is a good reason to consult a specialist.

Characteristics of brown plaque

Brown coating on the tongue in adults and children has a different character.

In addition to dark, other colors of sediment may be observed, of varying consistency, thickness and location.

Color characteristics

Depending on the specific shade, there are different reasons for its occurrence, as well as accompanying symptoms. Let's take a closer look:

  • Dark coating. Usually reflects the condition of the liver or spleen. The appearance of such a symptom on the tongue may be isolated or associated with concomitant ailments. Sometimes pain occurs on the left side of the lower abdomen. The symptom is accompanied by an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • With a hint of green. If the coating on the tongue, in addition to brown, has green shades, it is more likely to be bacteria. Their development is caused by taking medications, especially antibacterial agents. Also, the reason lies in the occurrence of a fungus (candidiasis), this especially often happens in young children and adolescents against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Light coating. If the shade is quite light, most likely this sign has nothing to do with the digestive organs. It usually indicates problems of the lower respiratory tract, for example, pneumonia or bronchitis of various etiologies.
  • Yellow-brown. The yellow layer can be observed in people who smoke and drink. It signals a dysfunction of the liver. Perhaps the appearance of such a sign was influenced by the wrong food, frequent consumption of fatty or smoked foods.

Depending on the shade, other symptoms occur, such as a sour taste in the mouth, which is characteristic of a black or yellow coating.


What does the condition of the tongue mucosa indicate:

  • Dry plaque indicates insufficient saliva production. Sometimes this is a sign of an inflammatory process localized in the oral cavity.
  • Wet coating. If the layer is soft (there is no crust), then there may be problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. The problem is associated with hormonal imbalance, lack of microelements or B vitamins.

If the tongue begins to look swollen, an allergic reaction to food or medications is suspected.

Plaque thickness

The thickness of the brown shade determines the age of the disease:

  • Thick layer. A bright brown sediment signals a long-standing pathological process, for example, a chronic form of disease of the digestive system. Attempts to get rid of the brown plaque are unsuccessful.
  • Thin layer . The disease that caused the appearance of a brown coating on the tongue is recent. When cleaning, it comes off without much effort.

The location of the brown sediment plays an important role. If it is noticeable in the root area, the problem lies in the improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the localization site is the tip or center - the cause is in the lower respiratory tract, the sides of the tongue with a coating signal a hormonal imbalance.

If your tongue is covered with a brown coating for a week, consult a doctor.

How to remove sediment from your tongue

You can get rid of this symptom by finding out its root cause. When a specific pathology is identified, treatment is performed by the doctor depending on the nature of the symptoms.

If the disease is not detected, this manifestation can be removed at home using traditional medicine:

  1. Clean your mouth twice a day with a soft brush. In addition to your teeth, brush the inside of your cheeks, gums, and tongue.
  2. After eating sweets or taking medications, rinse your mouth with water.
  3. If brown plaque forms regularly, rinse the cavity daily with a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Oak bark, juniper or St. John's wort can be used as raw materials for mouth rinsing.

Diagnostic manipulations

Finding out the root cause, which, in turn, provoked its appearance, will help get rid of plaque. To do this, you must definitely consult a doctor, first a therapist. The doctor asks the patient whether there are chronic diseases and whether associated symptoms are observed.

To find out the root causes, you will need to undergo the following types of examinations:

  • blood chemistry;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • radiography of the lower respiratory tract;
  • scraping brown plaque from the tongue;
  • gastroscopy.

Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor makes a definite diagnosis and prescribes therapy.

Treatment of the disease

There is no specific therapy for brown plaque, so treatment is aimed at the underlying disease that caused this symptom. Depending on the identified pathology, the attending physician will be a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or pulmonologist.

  • If the plaque is caused by a fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe antifungal agents.
  • If there are problems with the digestive organs, enveloping, anti-inflammatory or wound-healing drugs are chosen, depending on the specific diagnosis.
  • If hormonal imbalance occurs, medications may be prescribed that contain various types of hormones.
  • Vitamins of group B are prescribed without fail. The doctor also recommends consuming foods containing vitamins B3 - chicken meat, cereals, nuts, etc.

When a brown coating appears on the tongue, it is necessary to avoid provoking factors - cigarettes and alcohol.

If a brown precipitate is observed in a child

It is worth noting that the coating of the tongue with a brown coating has no age restrictions, that is, this symptom appears not only in an adult, but also in a child. The causes of plaque in children can be the same as in adults; naturally, it is worth excluding the factors of tobacco smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

If you notice similar symptoms in your child, pay attention to the following:

  • A brown coating on a child’s tongue is localized in the central part - a reason to take the child to a pulmonologist. Sometimes this is a signal of the chronic stage of bronchitis or the initial form of pneumonia.
  • If the baby’s thick layer appears closer to the root of the organ, be sure to undergo an X-ray of the stomach or fibrogastroscopy to exclude pathologies of the digestive processes.
  • If the layer is insignificant and the child has reached the age of 12, this may mean hormonal changes. In this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

For referrals for testing, contact your pediatrician.

A well-known Russian pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, claims that antibiotics should be given to a child only in extreme cases, this will reduce the risk of the baby developing brown plaque.

Preventive measures

In most cases, a bright brown coating on the tongue occurs due to problems with the digestive tract. Therefore, prevention aimed at eliminating them includes the following recommendations:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • exclude alcohol and cigarettes;
  • eat 4-5 times a day in small portions;
  • take care of your mouth and brush your teeth and tongue daily;
  • strengthen the body's defenses in all available ways;
  • take medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • after taking the tablet, rinse your mouth with clean water;
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Dark brown coating on the tongue occurs due to various factors. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause, who must be visited as soon as possible after the symptom is detected, especially if we are talking about an infant.

General well-being is often assessed by the state of the tongue. This is a good informant, reacting with lightning speed to both an incorrect lifestyle and pathological complications.

Yellow, brown and green plaques are often symptoms of serious diseases, so if you have a specific color, it is recommended to take care of your health.

What does a healthy tongue look like?

The tongue of a healthy person should be light pink, smooth and soft, with an even furrow in the middle. An important factor in normal functioning are the papillae, which are visible on the tongue but not clearly expressed. They should form a velvety surface.

Depending on the time of year, the surface of the tongue often changes. In spring, the tongue may have a slight whitish layer that can be easily removed. In the autumn, the coating is barely noticeable, but the tongue becomes somewhat dry. The winter period, against the background of weakened immunity, is characterized by a yellowish tint, but it is not mistaken for a pathological condition.

The tongue may become covered with a thin coating, which is not a sign of serious illness, but it should be easily removed and not form again after a short period of time. If the surface of the tongue differs from a healthy state for several days, it is necessary to identify the cause of the deviation and take action.

What does yellow plaque mean?

This plaque may be caused by a certain list of foods. These include:

Why is your tongue yellow if you have not eaten the above foods?

If the plaque is caused by food, it will disappear after hygiene and will not appear again after a certain time. Often a yellow color can occur in smokers. Tobacco smoke tends to color the surface of the tongue in shades from light yellow to deep brown.

Some medications can affect the lining of the tongue. Such information is usually indicated in the instructions for use, among other manifestations and side effects. In other cases, the cause may lie in diseases of various etiologies.

What disease does yellowing of the tongue indicate? The color can be caused by pathologies of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts. The reason lies in the disruption of bilirubin metabolism, which turns all mucous membranes yellowish. People call this problem jaundice. Jaundice is the primary symptom hepatitis A, liver cirrhosis or her tumor formations.

In case of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the tongue is coated with a yellow coating. This may be due to the reflux of bile into the stomach, ulcerative formations or pancreatitis. The problem is accompanied by acute abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Intestinal infections of a certain type color the surface of the tongue yellow. The higher the degree of intoxication, the more pronounced the shade of plaque. In addition to it, other signs of poisoning should also appear, for example, vomiting or frequent loose stools.

Respiratory diseases, accompanied by an increase in temperature, can cause the appearance of a yellowish coating. This is due to dehydration, which can also change the color of the surface of the tongue. Inflammation of the tongue, called, changes the color of the organ, but it is more like a light yellow, whitish tint. In addition to plaque, ulcers and erosions may appear on the tongue and surrounding mucous membrane.

Why does brown plaque appear?

A brown coating on the tongue can be caused by an addiction to coffee and chocolate. Food impart a light, translucent tint that disappears after brushing the tongue. If you limit the amount of cocoa and caffeine consumed, you may notice that the unusual plaque will disappear by itself. Brown plaque is permanent smokers' companion. The color saturation also depends on the frequency of smoking.

Depending on the shade of plaque and its location, one can judge the presence of serious diseases. A light brown color indicates impaired lymphatic drainage and inflammation in the joints. This type of plaque also occurs during exacerbation chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The yellow-brown color indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi or lungs. Chronic alcoholism It also stains the tongue a “painful” color, the problem is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Some medications turn the tongue an unusual color.

The dark brown color of the tongue indicates severe complications. These include:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • chronic forms of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • dehydration.

Why does plaque remain on the tongue for a long time? If a pronounced brown tint persists for more than three days, then this situation may indicate dysbacteriosis and intoxication.

Causes of green plaque

The green color of plaque is most often associated with. There are many reasons for this. Often, due to a weakened immune system, the tongue acquires a yellow-green tint. This may also be due to taking strong medications that affect the immune system.

Often puberty is accompanied by hormonal surges, which can cause the tongue to turn greenish. Eating predominantly fried and fatty foods, as well as a lack of vitamins, can cause a green tint on the tongue. If, after normalizing the diet, the color of the tongue remains with an unusual coating, it is necessary to look for the reasons in other deviations.

It is also a common source of a light green tint, but this pronounced color occurs if left untreated. Mold infection not only covers the tongue with a green coating, but also provokes the formation of cracks. An excessively dry tongue with a pronounced green tint may be a sign of liver and stomach problems.

Abuse bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, cause changes in the color of the tongue, including the appearance of a greenish tint. HIV-infected people often complain of a peculiar tongue tone and bad breath.

Most often, a green coating on the tongue is a consequence of poor oral hygiene. The lack of constant care for the mucous membrane causes the active growth of pathological microorganisms that fill the entire surface of the tongue, giving it a specific color and provoking. If all the rules are followed, the problem with green plaque will disappear on its own.

What to do if you find plaque on your tongue?

If an unusual coating appears on your tongue, you need to monitor its manifestation for one to two days. First, you should remember all the foods that were consumed the day before. Some of them can stain the tongue. Such plaque will disappear after hygiene procedures and will not appear after a short time. The density of plaque and its distribution can indicate the presence of problems.

Often, a painful color is not a signal for immediate action, since the reason lies in improper hygiene. When brushing your teeth, you often forget to pay attention to your tongue, and a lot of bacteria accumulate in its soft tissues. You can remove plaque using a soft tongue brush or a special spatula. If there is a dense formation, you can use a regular spoon to remove it.

If there is a risk of certain diseases, the symptom of which is a change in the color of the tongue, you should consult a therapist. The location of plaque, its density and thickness can say a lot about possible diseases and the degree of their development. After the interview, the following procedures will be prescribed:

Depending on the test results, the therapist will give a referral to specialized specialists, for example, a gastroenterologist, dentist, infectious disease specialist, narcologist, surgeon and others. In the future, additional examinations may be required depending on the degree of pathology.

A coating on the tongue with an unhealthy color is the first sign of the slightest deviations, and they may be associated with lifestyle or indicate serious pathologies. Only a specialist, based on a comprehensive study, will be able to assess the existing risk. The patient’s task is to monitor his own condition and seek help in a timely manner.