Constructive-model activity “We are builders” with an element of role-playing game in a preparatory school group Video. Construction game for older preschool children

Constructive-model activity “We are builders” with an element of role-playing game in a preparatory school group Video.  Construction game for older preschool children
Constructive-model activity “We are builders” with an element of role-playing game in a preparatory school group Video. Construction game for older preschool children

Private preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 191 open joint stock company

"Russian railways»

Abstract direct educational activities


TOPIC: "City"

(senior preschool age)

Compiled by:


Gnezdina Ekaterina Gennadievna

Achinsk, 2016

Summary of direct educational activities

Topic: "City"

(senior group)

Target:improvement of design skills.

Educational objectives:

learn to analyze the designs of buildings, determine the shape, size, location of parts;

develop the ability to carry out construction in a certain sequence;

Developmental tasks:

develop Creative skills and children's imagination;

develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;

develop coherent speech;

Educational tasks:

cultivate collective relationships in the process of design activities.

Equipment: city plan, building diagrams, various construction kits, necessary attributes (people, animals, trees, cars, etc.), two builders' helmets.

Preliminary work: individual, subgroup, frontal work on the design of various buildings and structures; conversation “Profession of a builder”, drawings on the topic “If I were a builder, I would build ....”, conversations about hometown; city ​​tours.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, socio-communicative development, speech development.

Progress of the game

Organizing time: Children are engaged in playful independent activities. The teacher delivers a truck with “building materials”: ​​bricks, cubes, plates, cylinders, etc.

IN.: There is such a type of work - construction. What professions are people called builders?(children call ).

IN.: And we have building material. Can we be builders?!(Can )

IN.: Where do you want to build? What material? What are you planning? So, what happens (strangely) that every builder builds wherever he wants?!(Children must understand that a builder, like any other profession, depends on the plans of the architect, and their plans depend on the conditions of the area) .

IN.: Have you chosen what you want to build? And who was missing so that your results of labor... and bridges, and houses, and roads, and factories would benefit people and be convenient for them?! (We need an architect, he plans the city ).

IN.: But before building, what should he do? Choose a location. So, the architect will be in charge of construction?!

IN .: Well, in order for all the buildings and structures to be distributed, the architect needs to draw everything on the board.

IN.: What professions of builders will we have?? (Bridge builders, road builders, house builders. And we also need to build a station. And a factory ).

V.: So, what are we up to today?(build a city)

V.: Can you build it so that everyone can live comfortably, so that

the buildings were durable, warm and comfortable? (Yes ).

V.: Probably, we need to think not only about what it will be beautiful city, but also where to place it.

IN.: Well, you can build according to plan, like, for example, St. Petersburg was built. Or it can be done the same way Moscow was built. It was not built all at once, but gradually. There was no advance plan for the layout of the streets; they were built around the Kremlin.

Q: How did you and I decide to build?(According to plan).

V.: In our city there is a main square, from it there is a main street. There is an entrance and a train station. Will there be a river? This is the river...

IN.: You are architects and builders, you have individual projects, please choose.

V.: And I say: “The city will be founded here, according to this plan.”

Constructive activity.


IN.: Construction time is over. Let's discuss the development of the city and countryside? You probably agree that it’s good for the city and village to be beautiful, comfortable, and, of course, for the buildings to be durable? (Yes)

Questions for children

IN.: What country do we live in? (Russia )

IN.: What are those who live in Russia called? ( )

IN.: RussiansWhat city do we live in?

IN.: (Achinsk)What is the name of the city that you built?

IN.: (Suggest titles)(The city that you built is in what country? )

IN.: In RussiaExcuse me, how can we determine this?

(There is a flag on the main building of the city)? Q: What else can be a symbol of the state?

IN.: (Coat of arms, anthem)Is it convenient for residents to live in your city? Why? ).

IN.: (Explain

Well, so your residents just relax, but they have nowhere to work?! ? (All unemployed ).

IN.: There is a plant?! (Well, if there is a plant, then, probably, someone works at the plant, which means there is a result of the work

IN.: They will begin to fantasize about what they produced at the factory). (

IN.: Where are the products sent and to whom?! Send far or close?! (They reason).

IN.: How should it be sent..., what transport...? You can, of course, by river transport, but you can also by rail... or by plane?! (They argue if they call it river transport )

IN.: Do you have piers? (No, but then you can by plane).

IN.: Is there an airfield? (They reason ).

IN.: You had everything in the stores... both vegetables and fruits? (Yes).

IN.: And they just sit in the store... and never run out?!(They are transported ). On what?

IN.: Where are they unloaded?(Future buildings are called again).

IN.: They took it out... and they will bring it to you... From where? (Show village houses)

IN.: Did you bring anything from there? (Called)

IN .: What could be sent there from your city?

(Yes, they probably need both scythes and tractors...).

IN .: Well done! You are real builders!

Olga Safonova

Target: To promote the unification of children, to teach them to finish what they have started.

Educational objectives: Continue to teach children, independently determine and think through the concept of the game. Implement and develop the plot of construction of a hotel complex according to the project, using various Construction Materials. Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they take on.

Developmental tasks:Fix the names of architectural elements: floor, windows, blocks, entrance, etc. Reflect knowledge about surrounding life, develop dialogical speech, verbal communication skills. Develop spatial thinking, ability to navigate in space, creative abilities.

Educational tasks: Cultivate interest in construction professions, respect for socially useful work.

Vocabulary work: architect, foreman, landscape designer, project, foundation, blocks, activate the names of professions and building materials in speech.

Game actions: Selection of construction site. The choice of building material, the method of its delivery to construction site. Construction. Building design. Delivery of the object.

Game material: Polydron Giant “House Construction” set,

“Inventor” construction set, trucks, designation cards (truck, bricks, ladder, ax and plane, flower). project of a hotel complex on whatman paper, trees, vests, aprons, helmets.

Preliminary work. Drawing various sketches of houses. Reviewing and reading children's books on the topic "Builder". Conversation about professions - architect, builder, landscape designer, about their tools. Looking at illustrations of flower bed designs.

Game roles. Architect, landscape designer, foreman, builders, driver.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Children, we have guests today. They came from another city. Tell me, please, what could they have arrived on? (children's answers)

Where do people stay and live when they come to a foreign city? (children's answers)

If there are no relatives or friends in a given city, then people stay in a hotel. Let's build our own beautiful, unique hotel for our guests! (children's answers)

Educator: Children, tell me, where does any construction begin?

Children: From a sketch or project.

Educator: What is the name of the profession of a person who deals with projects and sketches of buildings?


Educator: That's right guys, architect. The architect designs and draws houses on paper. And builders bring his drawings to life. You and I were already architects and we already have a drawing of the hotel complex ready.

Educator: What is the name of the most Bottom part at home?

Children: It's called the foundation.

Educator: Right. The foundation is the basis of the entire building; it must be very strong and durable. What will be built on the foundation?

Children: Walls are built on the foundation.

Educator: How many walls did the architect depict in his drawing?

Children: two.

Educator: You and I know that in any house there are not two walls, but four. It’s just that the other two walls are not visible to us, but they are the same as these.

Educator: What is shown at the top of the drawing?

Children: There is a roof at the top.

Educator: Why do you need a roof?

Children: To keep the house dry when it rains.

Educator: How many floors does our hotel have?

Children: 2 floors.

Educator: Now think and tell me, how many doors?

Children: 2 doors.

Educator: Well done! That's right! How many window blocks are there on each wall?

Children: 4 window units.

Educator: Well done! You counted everything correctly! To build the building, we will need blocks, which will be brought to our construction site by a driver in a truck.

To real home to build, many craftsmen must work hard. And which ones - we will now remember. Listen to the first riddle:

He deftly builds a strong house,

doing important work.

In rows brick by brick

He places it deftly and skillfully.

Children: Bricklayer

Educator: What will our mason lay out?

Children: Foundation and walls

Educator: Now we find out who else is involved in the construction of the house:

To keep the house dry and warm,

To prevent snow from blowing into the house in winter,

So that people in the house do not get wet in the rain,

He covers the house with iron.

Children: Roofer

Educator: What will the roofer do at our construction site?

Children: He will build the roof.

Educator: Another riddle:

Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker working -

Ours works with wood.

Children: A carpenter

Educator:What will the carpenter do?

Children: Carpenters will build a fence around the hotel.

Educator: Please note that there are flower beds near the building, which means we will need landscape designers - people who transform the natural beauty that pleases the eye.

Educator: There are guys at any construction site main man who is in charge of construction. This is the foreman. I will be the foreman.

And who will you be? we'll find out now. Walk up and take each card (truck, bricks, ladder, ax and plane, flower). Who chose the illustration truck- that means he is a driver. Bricks means he is a builder. Ladder - that means he's a roofer. Whoever chose the image of an ax and a plane means he is a carpenter. A flower means he is a landscape designer.

Educator: Well, now all the roles have been assigned, let's start construction. For safety reasons, I suggest everyone wear construction helmets.

Children perform play actions. The driver brings construction material to the construction site. Workers load and unload construction parts from the machine. Based on the sketch of the building, builders build a hotel from building materials. Landscape designers decorate flower beds. The foreman manages the construction site and monitors the quality of the work performed.


Let's look at the drawing.

I propose to build the foundation from blue blocks.

The foundation is ready, now we are building the walls.

What else do we have left to build? (It remains to complete the roof).

The roofers have completed construction.

Carpenters install doors and windows.


Guys, what a big and beautiful hotel you built! Do you think guests of our city will like it? I think so too.


I really liked the way you worked. I thank you for Good work. Now you can go and rest.

Publications on the topic:

Dear Colleagues! Last school year, our kindergarten held a project competition on the topic “Story play as a cultural practice.”

In role-playing games, the child’s personality, intellect, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed. The children in our group love it very much.

Summary of direct educational activities. Second junior group. Constructive modeling activity. "Ladder" Goal: Development.

I. The importance of building and constructive games in the development of a child’s personality

Construction games are practical activities aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived product. Children's construction is closely related to play and is an activity that meets the interests of the child.

In preschool pedagogy, construction is considered as a means of all-round development of the child.

a) Mental development

Sensory abilities are formed. They develop most successfully in productive activities, in particular in design. By constructing, the child learns to distinguish the external qualities of an object or sample (shape, size, structure, etc.); he also develops cognitive and practical actions. In design, the child, in addition to visual perception of the quality of the object, actually, practically disassembles the sample into parts, and then assembles them into a model (this is how he carries out both analysis and synthesis in action). Thus, the ability to compare, perform visual analysis, and include thinking processes in the process of perception is formed.
In playing with building materials, children develop an interest in technology and develop their powers of observation; acquire technical knowledge and become familiar with the properties of geometric bodies.

b) Labor education

Games with building materials are especially close to labor activity. They instill in children qualities that directly prepare them for work: the ability to set goals; plan your work, select the necessary material, critically evaluate the results of your work and the work of your comrades, take a creative approach to achieving your goal. In the process of construction activities, hard work, independence, initiative, and a responsible attitude to work develop. When organizing and conducting games in kindergarten, there are great opportunities for developing the initial skills of friendly work in a team.

c) Speech development

In games with building materials, a large role belongs to the activity of the hand, associated with the active work of consciousness. Materialistic physiology attaches great importance to the hand as a subtle organ of touch, which complements the complex of sensations and makes the idea of ​​objects more complete and deeper. Thanks to joint activities hands, brain and speech apparatus, a person has the opportunity to influence external world, learning the laws of its development. In a kindergarten setting, construction games help children improve their speech: they share their ideas, explain their actions, and suggest this or that solution. The vocabulary is expanding.

d) Physical education

Construction games are also valuable because they bring great emotional pleasure to children. During the game, children become embodied in their favorite characters: either this is a pilot building his own airplane; or a captain, heatedly discussing with his sailors the details of a steamship under construction, on which a long voyage is proposed.
Constant exercise in a wide variety of movements, accompanied by an emotional uplift, helps these movements become fast, dexterous, and easily subject to the control of the eye. The coordinated work of individual muscles, especially flexors and extensors, improves.

d) Aesthetic education

To build any structures from building materials, it is necessary to familiarize children with their original image. This requires excursions and illustrations depicting any structures and buildings. With their help, children have the opportunity to develop artistic taste, evoke aesthetic pleasure when looking at beautiful buildings, develop the ability to appreciate what people have created through creative labor, love the architectural riches of their city, country, and take care of them. In addition, children develop an understanding of the appropriateness of architectural solutions.

f) Moral education

Moral education occurs in close interaction with mental education, and in this single process the task of comprehensive development and harmonious development of the child is solved.

Design plays an important role in this. It contributes to the formation of such valuable qualities as independence, initiative, organization and responsibility when performing a task. During construction classes and play, children are taught willpower, restraint, the ability to listen to the teacher’s explanations and work in accordance with his instructions, to overcome difficulties in achieving the goal.

g) Preparing children for school

Purposeful and systematic teaching of design to children plays a big role in preparing children for school. It contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, reveals to them that the main meaning of activity is not only in obtaining results, but also in acquiring knowledge and skills. Such a cognitive motive causes significant changes in mental processes. These changes consist mainly in the ability to voluntarily control one’s cognitive processes (direct them to solve educational problems), in achieving a certain level of development mental operations, the ability to systematically perform the mental work necessary for the conscious assimilation of knowledge.

II. Features and structure

IN preschool institution Children are taught to design using play building materials, paper, soft cardboard, and natural materials.

a) Construction from building materials

Children are introduced to cubes from an early age, 11 bricks at a time, and then the material is gradually diversified. From the details of this material, children display familiar objects in their buildings.

b) Construction from paper and additional materials

This type of design is taught in middle, senior and preparatory groups. Make a three-dimensional toy out of paper or thin cardboard. This type of construction includes making toys using a variety of boxes, reels, corks, pieces of foam, rocks, etc. All this is much more complicated than constructing buildings from individual ready-made forms by composing them.

c) Construction from natural materials

Starting from the middle group, chestnut fruits, pine and spruce cones, alder shells, bark, branches, twigs, straw, acorns, etc. are used for construction. The peculiarity of making toys from natural material is that its natural shape is used.

The quality and expressiveness of the toy are achieved by the ability to notice in this material the similarity with objects of reality or fairy-tale images and strengthen this similarity with additional processing.

A special feature of construction games is playing with natural material. Having barely learned to walk, the baby reaches for a shovel, a scoop, strives to dig snow, sand, and loves playing with water. But without special education These games are of little content and monotonous - both games with natural materials and games with building materials require special training.

The program for teaching children to design sets the following objectives:

– teach children building design techniques;
– expand ideas about the structures and buildings of the environment, teach them to see their design features, and reproduce them in play buildings;
- encourage all children age groups to use in the game the skills and design skills acquired during training;
– teach children to collectively carry out constructions, taking into account the opinions of friends in their work. Learn to describe your opinion, motivating its expediency;
– teach how to work in an organized manner, observing order when using the material;
– develop the ability to work purposefully, to think through your actions in advance (thinking about the elementary forms of the work ahead).

To teach children how to construct from building materials, the teacher uses a variety of techniques:

– construction of a building by the teacher, showing all construction techniques and explaining the actions;
– showing a sample of the finished building;
– using a finished building as an example showing how one or another object can be depicted in building material;
– demonstration of individual design techniques;
- the proposal of a sample of a building partially completed by the teacher is completed by the children themselves;
– a message about the topic of construction, indicating the conditions that children must fulfill;
– children’s construction of buildings according to their own ideas.

Establish a direct sequence in the application of construction training techniques. The use of one or another technique depends on the complexity of the construction, on the method of connecting the parts.

This type of game has been thoroughly studied in domestic preschool pedagogy (V.G. Nechaeva, Z.V. Lishtvan, A.N. Davidchuk, L.A. Paramonova). Games with building materials (as well as theatrical, didactic, and active games) can be classified as milestone games (as defined by A.N. Leontyev), through which the child develops skills, qualities and personality traits that prepare his transition to a new type of activity. The content of games with building materials is creation, reproduction of the surrounding reality using different materials.

Vary the following types building material:

– specially created (floor, tabletop building material, sets such as “Young Architect”, “Ancient Castle”, construction sets);
– utility room (boards, boxes, boxes);
– natural (sand, snow, clay, stones).

Games with building materials are associated with other types of games (role-playing, theatrical, active, didactic). The need to make a building, for example a stage for a performance, a rocket for a flight into space, a room for a doll, arises in the process of realizing the concept of the game, creating a game image. Such a structure can be conventional in nature (chair after chair - a train) or subordinate to its practical purpose (dependence of the stage design on the genre of art, on the size of the “artists”).

Often a child is fascinated by the process of creation and design. The construction of the building, the making of the toy, is what the game is all about: the children agree on what they will build, in what ways, and distribute roles.

The presence of a game concept, its free development, the variability of solving a creative problem, the interest of children in the process of activity - all this determines the creative nature of games with building materials. We should also add the work of imagination inherent in these games. The games themselves contain incentives that encourage the child to imagine and fantasize, which has been proven in the research of N.N. Podyakova, L.A. Paramonova and others...

IV. The uniqueness of guiding construction games for children of different age groups

The educational and developmental impact of construction games is achieved only when the teacher’s purposeful instructional guidance is correctly combined with children’s initiative and activity.

In this case, the teacher performs the following tasks:

– expanding children’s ideas and directing their attention to the work of builders and the equipment they use;
– training in construction methods, education and development of independence and active thinking, constructive and creative abilities;
– formation of hard work, development of correct relationships between children, uniting them into a friendly team.

First junior group

The education program in kindergarten for younger groups includes construction games with toys, classes with building materials, where the necessary actions are taught to form the simplest, but clear and lasting skills. Children are introduced to building materials, their shape, size, different locations on the table plane (lying, standing); they are taught to stack one on top of the other, place bricks horizontally (train, path); form the simplest ceilings (gates, houses). The teacher finds similarities between buildings and familiar objects in the surrounding life.

Second junior group

They teach not only to distinguish the main building parts (cube, brick, plate), but also to name them, and also to place the bricks at equal distances from each other in a circle, along a quadrangle (fence, fence), placing them on a smaller plane.
Already at this age, children begin to be taught to purposefully examine objects and buildings.
The teacher's guidance consists of creating a play environment - selecting building materials.

Middle group

The education program in kindergarten provides for the further development of children’s interest in construction games, the use of created buildings in role-playing games, the development of the ability to build not only according to the proposed model, but also the topic outlined by themselves, and training in more complex work techniques.
Under the guidance of a teacher, children 4-5 years old are able to reflect impressions of their surroundings in construction games. They are given a variety of materials (building material; construction sets; pieces of plywood, cardboard, material for decorating buildings).
During excursions and targeted walks, the teacher draws children’s attention to buildings, bridges, transport, streets, fences, etc., teaches them to see the beauty of structures, to notice not only what is common, but also what is different, and to highlight individual parts. Thus, in the process of guiding construction games for children of this age, their ideas about the environment, which they use in play, expand.

Senior group

The education program in kindergarten provides for teaching children to pre-plan collective construction games, setting the goal of the game, identifying participants by preliminary agreement, and using constructive and construction skills not only using a visual example, but also using drawings and photographs of various structures.
Guiding older children's games is more focused on a combination of intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches them to think about upcoming game actions, compare one with another, develops intelligence, encourages guessing, and encourages them to implement the decision they make.
For older preschoolers, a variety of building materials are recommended. They should be shown how to use one or another of them, how to connect its individual parts, blocks, how to make buildings movable, durable, and beautiful.
The correct management of the game and the active participation of all children in it determine their satisfaction from it, interest in it, and thereby its duration.

Preparatory group

Construction games in the preparatory group are distinguished by more diverse designs, as children become more familiar with the phenomena of life around them, with construction techniques on special excursions, while watching movies, through books.
In games, they often imitate the construction activities of adults.
Children's interests preparatory group, their capabilities place great demands on the management of construction games.
The teacher must have the necessary knowledge and show interest in technology and invention. From a wide variety of buildings, structures, types of construction, he selects a little that is accessible to children and has an educational and training effect.

In teaching design, the translation of a planar image (photograph, drawing) into a three-dimensional structure is of great importance, which places significant demands on the child and promotes the development of analytical activity. The teacher teaches students to analyze the results of the game. This disciplines the mind and teaches children to relate the goal and the construction process to the result.


1. S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova"Preschool pedagogy"; M. 1998
2. V.N. Levitskaya“Creative games for preschoolers”; M. 1957
3. Z.V. Lishtvan“Games and activities with building materials in kindergarten”; M. 1958
4. Z.V. Lishtvan“Games and activities with building materials in kindergarten”; M. 1966
5. N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova“Methodology for teaching visual arts and design”: M. 1979.
6. Z.V. Lishtvan"Construction"; M. 1981

Lyuba Kamalova
Construction game V middle group"Building a city"

Construction game for the middle group« Building a city»

Target: make children want to participate in construction game.


1. Promote the improvement of skills in constructive activities.

2. Formulate a self-assessment of the final result.

3. Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere.

4. Develop coherent speech.

5. Execute construction in a certain sequence.

6. Nurture collective relationships in the process of constructive activities.

7. Instill patriotic feelings.

Equipment: scheme buildings,attributes for design.

Preliminary work: looking at photographs city ​​of Bratsk, different buildings, drawing festive cities, applique "My street".

IN: We will fold palm to palm

And we will offer each other to be friends

We'll sing and play,

To become kind and smart.

Educator: Guys, tell me, where do we live?

Children: We live in Bratsk.

Educator: Bratsk, this is city ​​or village?

Children: Bratsk is city.

Educator: Guys, who built the city of Bratsk?

Children: Bratsk built by builders.

Educator: And you and I can become builders and build a city?

Children: Yes we can.

Educator: What buildings are there in city?

Children: Homes, schools, hospitals, train stations, airport, theaters, museums, shops, etc.

Educator: Right. Us too in ours the city needs to be built different buildings so that living in it would be comfortable, joyful and safe. But before build, what need to do?

Children: Select a location.

Educator: Who will help us with this?

Children: Architect.

Educator: Yes, architect. And in order for all the buildings and structures to be distributed, the architect needs to draw a plan. I have an architect friend, let's call him (call by phone, order a plan cities) .

In the meantime, they send us a plan, we let's play.

Physical education minute “What a beautiful house!”

One two three four five. (Children stand facing in a circle, hands on their belts, turn left and right).

We will build and play. (Perform squats rhythmically).

The house is big and tall we are building. (Stand on tiptoes and stretch arms up).

We are installing windows and roofing. (Perform jumping in place).

What a beautiful house!

We will live in it, in it.

There's a knock on the door. The messenger brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see what the plan is development the architect offers us (considering the plan). Do you like the plan? Can you do this build so that everyone can live comfortably, so that the buildings are STRONG, WARM, SO THAT IT IS COMFORTABLE?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's get to work! It will be here the city is founded, according to this plan.

Construction– constructive activity.

Educator: Let's discuss city ​​development.

Is it convenient for residents in your live in the city? Why? (Explain).

Educator: Well done! Are you real builders!

Children will enjoy playing city ​​buildings, roads, take dolls to the theater, to the store, etc.

Publications on the topic:

“We are building a city” Script of the play for senior schoolchildren (based on the works of O. Emelyanova and P. Hindemith) We are building a city. Musical - game Based on the works of O. Emelyanova and P. Hindemith Compiled by: Kekina N.V. musical director.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “My hometown” Objectives: 1. Clarify children’s ideas about their hometown, introduce them to some of its attractions; 2. Create a feeling in children.

Summary of OOD in the middle group on familiarization with the surrounding “My City” Goal: Continue to introduce children to their small homeland. Objectives: 1. Teach children to draw big house, transmit rectangular shape walls, rows.

Summary of a design lesson in the first junior group “Building a fence” Goal: to consolidate the ability to build a fence from vertically placed bricks. Objectives: - develop the plot and interest in the building; - physically.

Lesson notes for the middle group “City of Masters” Author: Mikhina Olga Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 "Rainbow" in Michurinsk, Tambov region. Lesson notes in secondary school.

Autumn entertainment in the middle group “Building a house”“Building a house” (entertainment in the middle group) Goal: To foster a sense of love and respect for toys and animals. To develop creativity.

Svetlana Moshkina
Summary of the construction game "Zoo" in senior group

Target: developing gaming skills, organizing a construction game



1. Form ideas about the inhabitants of the zoo: lion, tiger, camel, parrot, bear, etc.

2. Develop the ability to create buildings of different sizes and designs for the same object - a zoo.

3. Foster in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: reading fiction: S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”, looking at illustrations on the topic “zoo”, conversation “who lives in the zoo”, discussion: “Wild animals”, “air, water, earth”, watching the cartoon “Where the sparrow dined” and educational video “Who Lives in the Zoo”, work with diagrams, construction games, virtual tour to the zoo.

Materials and equipment: animal toys for the zoo, construction kits different sizes, building diagrams.

Vocabulary work: zoo, enclosures, sidewalk, cage, veterinarian.

Guys, look who flew into our group (parrot). And his name is Kesha. To find out where he came to us from, you need to guess the riddle:

This is a very strange garden

There are animals in cages there,

They call it a park

People are relaxing in the park.

There are shelters, enclosures,

There are animals walking behind the fence.

What do we call this park?

And let's go see the animals? ( zoo)

Tell me, which of you has been to the zoo? Who knows what a zoo is? A zoo is a place where animals and birds living on earth today are kept and shown to visitors. Right. What animals live there? That's right, wild, domestic, animals of hot countries, animals of the North.

Kesha invites you to build your own zoo, would you like to try it? What will it be like? Who will live in it? What should we call our zoo?

Before us is a designer, waste material, with which we will build a zoo.

Kesha brought us diagrams to help with construction. Look at the diagrams. Name the buildings that will be in our zoo.

What parts or materials will you need for the buildings? (children's answers). Let's agree on how we will build the zoo.

Find yourself a buddy to build with. Take each pair according to the construction diagram and select a set of materials and a place to work.

Remember - you must act in concert and amicably. Now let's start construction. The pair that finishes faster can take the next diagram and complete another construction.

I help the guys agree on who will build what.

Methods and techniques - questions, problem situations, reminders, partial display, explanations, instructions, clarification.

Guys, I see you are already finished. Check if all the buildings are ready, if they are stable, if they are beautiful.

Come out here, now we'll have a little rest:


(children repeat everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

What did you build today? What a beautiful zoo you have turned out to be. Tell us about it: what parts did you use to build it? Did Kesha's schemes help you? What was hard for you? What's easy? Kesha says that Ira and Daniil were good at building walls, and Kirill is well versed in the details of the constructor. But Timofey and Vitalya helped the most. Guys, what do you think is still missing in our zoo?

Kesha liked your zoo so much that he invited his friends. Let's put them in our zoo. Children continue to play a story game with the created building.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Trip to the Zoo” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “ Artistic word» Goal: 1. Keep the score within limits.

Notes on origami in senior group No. 8: “Zoo for kids” Goal: Continue to teach children to work independently with paper and diagrams.

Educational areas: " Cognitive development", "Speech development", " Physical development", "Social and communicative development". Target:.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development with a presentation in the senior group “Walk to the Zoo” Topic “Walk to the Zoo” Goal: formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech on the topic “Zoo Animals”. Tasks:.

Summary of the role-playing game "Zoo" Program content: Develop gaming skills, engage in role-playing interaction with each other; Learn to carry out your plans together;

Summary of the role-playing game "Zoo" in the middle group Abstract role-playing game"Zoo" in the middle group. Progress of the game: Game “Animals and Their Cubs” Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws.

Lesson summary for children of the senior group “Zoo” Summary of a lesson for children of the senior group on the topic “Zoo” Educator: Rimma Yuryevna Titova Educational area: Cognitive development.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Zoo” Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Zoo” Purpose. Teach children how to write a short descriptive story. Equipment.

. Topic: creating a project