Notes, presentations, tests, geography manual. Lesson - presentation. Southeast Asia Southeast Asian countries presentation

Notes, presentations, tests, geography manual.  Lesson - presentation.  Southeast Asia Southeast Asian countries presentation
Notes, presentations, tests, geography manual. Lesson - presentation. Southeast Asia Southeast Asian countries presentation

"Asia" - Central and Eastern. Political map of foreign Asia. Foreign Asia comprehensive map. South. Regions of Asia. Countries. Guardian A z and I. Japan. China. New industrial. Russia. Southeast. Southwestern.

"Foreign Asia" - the birthplace of all religions. Countries of Southeast Asia. Countries of South-West and South Asia. Economically developed countries. Diversity of countries. Economic development of foreign Asian countries. Countries of Central and East Asia. Population of the region. Sharply different. New industrial countries. They occupy a leading position among the countries of the world.

"East Asia" - Village. East Asia. Uninhabited areas are dark blue. The rice paddies are filled with water and appear blue in the image. Image. 1. Population distribution in Eastern China and Korea. In China, cities glow, but rural areas have diffuse lighting. City blocks. Channels are straight and curved lines and strips connecting rice paddies.

“Territory of Asia” - Relief of Asia. The Caspian Sea is the world's largest lake. Rivers of Asia. presentation topic: Asia. East Asia is an area of ​​active volcanism. Climate of Asia. Area - about 43.4 million km?. Municipal educational institution "Krasnoslobodskaya city gymnasium" More than 60% of all humanity lives in Asia. The plains of Central, Central and Western Asia have a semi-desert and desert climate.

“Economy of Overseas Asia” - Oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf. The complexity of the ethnic and religious composition of a number of countries leads to the emergence of interethnic. Economy of Foreign Asia. Islam. Density 6100 people. per sq. km. Ethnic composition of the Asian population. Export: Ports of the Persian Gulf Ports of the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Geographical location Southeast Asia is located on the territory of the Indochina Peninsula and numerous islands of the Malay Archipelago. The countries of the region border South and East Asia, Australia and Oceania. Southeast Asia is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans and their parts. Almost all countries have access to the sea. The most important sea routes and air communications pass through the countries of the region. Located at the crossroads of the most important sea roads.

Natural resources Forest resources: most of the region is covered with tropical rainforests, therefore it ranks second in the world in terms of tropical timber reserves) Mineral resources: The region’s wealth in mineral resources is associated primarily with the world’s largest tin-tungsten belt (from Myanmar to Indonesia) the richest reserves of non-ferrous metals: tin (Indonesia 1.5 million tons, Malaysia and Thailand 1.2 million tons each), tungsten (reserves of Thailand 25 thousand tons, Malaysia 20 thousand tons). Nickel, chromite (Philippines) copper and gold - Philippines Oil and gas raw materials (Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam) Water resources: Thanks to the dense river network, Asia has a significant amount of water resources. Full-flowing rivers: Mekong, Salween, Irrawaddy, Hong Kha.

Population Natural population growth 1.4-2.9% per year The total population of the region is approximately 600 million people. (8% of the world's population). Countries of Southeast Asia with the largest population: 1. Indonesia (240 million people). 2. Philippines (104 million people). 3.Vietnam (90 million people). The share of city dwellers in some countries is less than 20% (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand) The most urbanized (Philippines - 40%) Singapore almost 100%

Ethnic composition The following language families are represented in the region: Sino-Tibetan (Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore, Burmese, Karen in Thailand); Thai (Siamese, Lao); Austro-Asian (Vietnamese, Khmer in Cambodia); Austronesian (Indonesians, Filipinos, Malays); Papuan peoples (in the eastern part of the Malay Archipelago and in the west of New Guinea).

Agriculture The main crops in the region are also: sugar cane (especially the Philippines and Thailand); tea (Indonesia, Vietnam); Rice (Philippines, Indonesia) Hevea - up to 90% of the world production of natural rubber occurs in the countries of the region (Malaysia - 20% of world production, Indonesia, Vietnam) Indonesia exports mineral raw materials (oil, gas, tin, nickel, uranium, gold) and with / products (palm oil, tobacco, coffee) Notable producers and exporters of pineapples are Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Lesson - presentation. Southeast Asia. Singapore is a very small island off the southern tip of Malacca. Singapore is a typical dwarf state. Despite its small size, Singapore is a very rich and developed country. The average income of residents is higher than in the USA.

Malaysia has been developing rapidly for 20 years now. It produces natural rubber, tin, oil, and wood. Recently, electronics has been developing rapidly in Malaysia.

The capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, is a large and modern city.

The two Malaysian Petroleum Company skyscrapers are the tallest buildings in the world.

Thailand borders Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia

Educational goals of the lesson:

Identify the typological features of the countries of Foreign Asia, show the economic and social backwardness of some countries.

Generate knowledge about the political map of Overseas Asia.

Give an economic assessment of natural resources and natural conditions, show the special role of the natural resource factor in the economic and social development of countries.

Continue to develop the ability to work with maps and tables, draw up a detailed plan of the material being studied during classes.

Learning Tools: Political map of Asia, map of the mineral resources of the world, geographical atlases for grade 10, anthology on economic and social geography of the world, textbook on geography.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Determining students’ readiness for the lesson and taking notes

setting lesson goals and objectives.

Learning new material.

The student's abstract should include the following characteristic features of the countries of Foreign Asia:

1. Distinctive features of the countries of Foreign Asia:

Territory – 27.7 million sq. km (second only to Africa)

Population - 3.75 billion people (exceeds all other regions)

On the political map of Foreign Asia there are 38 sovereign states (many of them are among the oldest in the world)

Foreign Asia is one of the centers of the origin of humanity, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, and many cultural values.

Almost all countries are developing.

There are four subregions within Foreign Asia:

Central and East Asia

Southeast Asia

South Asia

Southwest Asia.

Practical task 1: Identify the main countries representing the subregions of Foreign Asia. (The work is done in the form of a table and looks like this)

Subregions of Overseas Asia Central and Eastern Asia Southeast Asia Southern Asia Southwest Asia

2. General characteristics of countries: territory, borders, position.

The territory of Foreign Asia stretches from north to south for almost 7 thousand km, and from west to east for more than 10 thousand km.

Two countries - China and India - are considered giant countries, most of the rest are fairly large countries (Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, etc.), and there are microstates (Singapore).

Borders follow well-defined borders (mountains and rivers)

The economic and geographical position is characterized by three main features:

firstly, it is a neighboring position, which in many ways unites the countries of each of the four subregions of Asia

secondly, this is the coastal position of most countries, providing access to the seas of 3 oceans, where the most important world trade routes pass

thirdly, this is the deep position of some countries, which is generally much less favorable.

3. Political map of foreign Asia:

has undergone great changes recently

before the Second World War, 90% of its population lived in colonies and semi-colonies

At present, almost all countries in the region are sovereign states

In the Middle East, the problem of a Palestinian state has not yet been resolved, Korea is divided by a demarcation line into the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, there are territorial disputes between Iran and Iraq, India and Pakistan, Japan and Russia.

in Foreign Asia there are republics, monarchies, unitary and federal states

Practice 2: Using the “calling card” of the countries on the flyleaf of the textbook, specify the characteristics of their political system. The work is performed in the form of a table.

Political system of the countries of Foreign AsiaForm of government Form of administrative-territorial structure

Republics Monarchies Unitary states Federal states

Constitutional Absolute

4. Natural conditions and resources:

In general, the mineral resources of the region create the basis for the development of heavy industry, and are distinguished by great diversity.

The main basins of coal, iron and manganese ores are concentrated in the Chinese and Hindustan platforms.

Ores of non-ferrous and rare metals are concentrated in mountainous countries.

The main wealth of the region is oil, which largely determines its role in the international geographical division of labor. Oil reserves are concentrated in the countries of South-West Asia (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran).

Practice 3: Using atlas maps, determine what types of mineral resources the countries of Foreign Asia possess. The class is divided into four groups, each of them being assigned one of the subregions. The task is carried out in the form of compiling a table and has approximately the following form (for the South-West Asia subregion) Countries Types of minerals


Saudi Arabia

Conclusion: in most countries of the subregion, the composition of mineral resources is characterized by a pronounced “incompleteness”. The only exceptions are Türkiye and Iran.

5. The natural resource prerequisites for the development of agriculture are very diverse. However, for most countries there are two main problems:

firstly, this is the problem of lack of land resources (the presence of large mountain ranges, desert and semi-desert spaces). The availability of arable land per capita in the countries of the region is low and amounts to only 0.1-0.2 hectares.

secondly, this is the problem of rational use of agroclimatic resources (heat reserves in most of the region ensure plant growth almost all year round, and moisture resources are distributed extremely unevenly). Many countries use artificial irrigation of fields. This is where ¾ of the world's irrigated land is located.


Prepare material for presentations of foreign Asian countries.

Compose a crossword puzzle on foreign Asian countries.

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  • Southeast Asia includes countries located on the Indochina Peninsula and the islands that make up Malay Archipelago . Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei are monarchies, all other states in the region are republics.

  • and Indonesia has more than 13,600 islands! Both countries are in the Earth's seismic zone. Many mountain peaks are active volcanoes. It was in this region that the most powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in recent years occurred.

Indonesian volcano Krakatoa

  • Most of the peninsula experiences a monsoon climate with alternating dry and wet seasons. It rains all year round on the islands. In the wettest areas, find evergreen forests with rich flora and fauna.

Consequences of the typhoon

Major religion in mainland Southeast Asia

Buddhism. But in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia there are many

adherents of Islam. But the Philippines is the only one in

Asia is a Christian country.

  • Singapore - is a city-state. Thanks to the work of skilled workers, Singapore has become a major industrial center. Chemical products are produced here, electronics, scientific instruments, ships and textiles. Singapore is a country where the latest super technologies and centuries-old ancient traditions exist in harmony.

  • For their high level of development, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia have been nicknamed the “Asian Tigers”. But their neighbors Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos are poor countries whose economies have been hit hard by recent wars.



  • and Prambanan in Indonesia,

Let's test our knowledge?

A. Philippines

B. Indonesia

B. India

G. Malaysia

Which country is not part of Southeast Asia:

A. China

B. Laos

B. Thailand

G. Cambodia

Which country is not part of Southeast Asia:

A. Vietnam

B. Japan

B. Singapore

G. Philippines

The largest island in Southeast Asia:

A. Java

B. Sumatra

V. Luzon

G. Kalimantan

The largest river in Southeast Asia:

A. Yellow River

B. Mekong

V. Yangtze


Which city is the capital of Thailand?

A. Phnom Penh

B. Manila

V. Jakarta

G. Bangkok

What religion does the majority of the population of the Philippines follow?

A. Islam

B. Buddhism

B. Catholicism

G. Orthodoxy

Most of the countries in Southeast Asia are located on the peninsula:

A. Hindustan

B. Indochina

V. Apennine

G. Scandinavian

Komodo National Park is famous for the fact that it protects:

A. armored rhinoceroses

B. giant monitor lizards

V. Indian lions

G. Indian elephants

This state, located in Southeast Asia, is the largest archipelago country in the world.


Muslim archipelago state,

intersected by the equator. Ranked first in

world palm oil production. A country?

I n d o n e s i s

The country stretches in a narrow strip along the sea coast. A significant area is occupied by tropical forests. The country's population grows rice. A country?


  • The world's largest sea trade port and global financial center. A country?


The only state in Southeast Asia that does not have access to the sea. A country?


Previously, this country was called Siam. This is where the name of the cat breed and conjoined twins came from. Now this country is a paradise for tourists. A country?


Fill the table. Diversity of Southeast Asian countries by geographic location:



Archipelagic countries

Fill the table.

A country



Geographical coordinates







Thank you