Lesson summary Topic: “Blossoming spring. Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing Topic: “Tree in spring Gardens bloom, drawing in the senior group step by step

Lesson summary Topic: “Blossoming spring.  Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing Topic: “Tree in spring Gardens bloom, drawing in the senior group step by step
Lesson summary Topic: “Blossoming spring. Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing Topic: “Tree in spring Gardens bloom, drawing in the senior group step by step

Summary of a lesson for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “The World of Amazing Flowers.”

Description of material: I offer a summary of lessons for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “The World of Amazing Flowers.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at developing work skills in children of senior preschool age, promoting the development of personality traits: observation, responsiveness, independence, hard work, establishing a positive attitude towards the natural world, towards work in nature.

Type of situation: discovery of new knowledge.
Subject:"The world of amazing flowers."
Target: developing in preschoolers the ability to draw up and read diagrams of “sequential actions” using the example of a picture scheme for planting flowers.
1). Expand:
- basic knowledge about the natural world (using the example of the world of flowers);
- knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants;
2). To consolidate ideas about ecological connections in nature: the dependence of living nature on inanimate nature.
1). promote the development of personality qualities: observation, responsiveness, independence, hard work.
1). promote the formation
- ecological culture of children of senior preschool age; - establishing a positive attitude towards the natural world, towards work in nature;
2). create conditions for:
- development of a careful attitude towards nature;
- manifestations of independence in work activity (work in nature).
Preliminary work.
1 Conversation “Why do plants need water, sun, soil.”
2 Observation of onion growth in soil and water.
3 Examination of flowering plants.
4 Reading and retelling of the Russian folk tale “Tops and Roots.”
5 Watching an animated film based on the story by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower.”
6 Memorization of sowing verses, sentences.
Materials for the lesson.
Demo material:
1 card with the image of the sun, water, soil, air: size: 13×13;
2 cards depicting an empty pot, a pot with soil, a flower bulb with sprouted sprouts, a scoop for creating a hole in the ground, a pot with soil and a planted bulb, a watering can with water: size: 13x13;
3 arrows - 5 pcs.
1 pots, scoops, watering cans with water according to the number of children;
2 flower bulbs according to the number of children;
3 container with a large amount of earth;
4 aprons for each child.
1 magnetic board: size: 120×100 cm;
2 tables 2 pcs. (set in a square) or one round table;
3 oilcloth for table covering;
4 chairs according to the number of children;
5 costume for the Flower Fairy;
6 fabulous flower “Seven-flowered flower”;
7 green flooring (artificial) for arranging flower beds - 2 pcs.;
8 artificial wildflowers - 12 pcs.:
chamomile - 4 pcs.;
poppy - 4 pcs;
cornflower - 2 pcs.;
bell - 2 pcs.
9 artificial garden flowers - 12 pcs.:
rose - 2 pcs.;
daffodil - 2 pcs.;
tulip - 4 pcs.;
iris - 2 pcs.;
lily - 2 pcs.
10 Flower basket - 2 pcs.
Necessary materials:
1 letter from the Fairy of Flowers;
2 audio recordings:
V. Dashkevich, lyrics. Y. Kim “Come and visit us” from the film “There on Unknown Paths” (without words);
P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" from the cycle "Seasons";
P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”;
P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".
3 Screensaver picture “Flower City” for projection on the screen.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introduction to the game situation.
Children enter the group room.
- Guys, guests have come to us! Let's say hello to them. They are happy to see you and smile at you! Show that you are happy with them too. Get to know them.
Come to me!
- Today a mysterious letter arrived in our kindergarten!
The teacher reads the letter.
"Dear Guys! I kindly ask you to help me in one very difficult but useful matter. Spring has long come into its own, but I don’t have time to cope with planting flowers. I hope you can help me!

I live in Flower City. I am waiting for you! Fairy of Flowers."
- Guys, do you like flowers?! (Yes.), (Of course we love flowers!), (Very!).
- Tell poems about the flowers you know!
Children read poems about flowers that they have learned in advance.
- Do you want to help the Fairy of Flowers? (We want.), (Of course.), (We love to help.).
- Who is the Flower Fairy? (Sorceress.), (Storyteller.), (Beautiful girl.).
- Do you think we can help her?! (Yes.).
- Why? (We have already helped many.), (We will try, and we will be able to help.).
- What needs to be done for this? (We all need to plant flowers together.), (We need each of us to plant a flower.).
- How can we get to the Fairy of Flowers? (With the help of magic words.), (With the help of magic objects: a flying carpet, a magic wand, a magic flower, a pipe.).
- In our group, in a corner of nature, there is a magical plant, the Seven-flowered Flower. Can he help us get to the Fairy of Flowers? (Of course he will.)
- I think it’s time for us to rush to the aid of the Fairy of Flowers! How can we use the capabilities of the Seven-flowered Flower? (Let's take one petal, say the magic words and be transported to the Flower City.)
To the music of V. Dashkevich, Y. Kim “Come and visit us,” the children say the words: “Fly. Fly, petal. Through west to east. Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way. We want us to be in the flower city.”
2. Actualization in a game situation.
A picture appears on the screen - a screensaver of a flower city. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".
- What do we see in the flower city? (Flowers.)
- What kinds of flowers are there (Garden.), (Wild).
- Let's meet the residents of the flower city! Select garden flowers from the basket, name them and place them in a green meadow.
The guys take from the first basket, which contains both garden and wildflowers, only garden flowers, name them and place them on the proposed green flooring.
Only garden flowers are collected in a vase on a green floor.
- You know a lot of garden flowers. I really want to make sure that you know wildflowers well. Select wildflowers from the second basket and place them in another green meadow!
The guys take from the second basket, which contains both garden and wildflowers, only wildflowers, name them and place them on the proposed green flooring.
Only wildflowers are collected in a vase on a green floor.
- You know a large number of flowers! I think you can say a lot of beautiful things about flowers! (Multi-colored.), (Graceful.), (Beautiful.), (Beautiful.), (Fragrant.), (Unusual.), (Bright.), (Fragrant.), (Multi-colored.).
- Well done! What wonderful words you said about flowers!
- Without what can flowers not grow? (Flowers need soil.), (The soil in which the roots are located provides the flowers with nutrients.)
The child takes a card with a picture of a pot of soil and attaches it to the board.
-What can’t flowers grow without? (Without water.), (Water feeds the plants, washes them.)
- Choose (child’s name) the desired card and attach it to the board.
The child takes a card with a picture of water and attaches it to the board.
- Without what can flowers not grow? (Without the sun.), (The sun warms the plants, gives them warmth.)
The child takes a card with a picture of the sun and attaches it to the board.
- What can flowers not grow without? (Flowers need air.), (All living things need air to breathe!)
- Take (child’s name), the desired card and attach it to the board.
The child takes a card with a picture of air and attaches it to the board.
- Without what can flowers not grow? (Flowers need care.), (My grandmother says that without love for them, they grow poorly and dry out.).
- Of course, plants need: care, care and love, which contribute to the growth, flowering and beauty of plants!
- Let's imagine ourselves as plants!
Psycho-gymnastics “I am a plant.”
The text is heard against the background of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Snowdrop” music from the “Seasons” cycle. Children perform the indicated movements.
Text of the Children's Movement
- Imagine that you are a baby plant. They put you in the ground. You are still a very small sprout. Quite weak, fragile, defenseless. Children squat down, bending their heads to their knees, pretending to be a small plant.
- But someone’s kind hands water you, wipe off the dust, loosen the earth so that your roots can breathe. You start to grow. The teacher approaches the children and strokes each one on the head. The children begin to slowly rise, depicting the growth of a flower.
- Your petals have grown. The stem has become strong, you reach for the light. Children stand up to their full height, stretching their arms up.
- It’s so good for you to live with other beautiful flowers. Children sway, pretend to be flowers and smile.
- Did you like being plants? (Yes.), (I liked it.).
- Why? (We were looked after!), (We were looked after!).
3. Difficulty in a game situation
Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".
- Hear, someone is coming. I'll go and have a look! Just be quiet!
The teacher comes out and puts on the Flower Fairy outfit. Returning.
- Hello guys! I am the Fairy of Flowers. Why did you come to my city? (We have come to help you plant flowers.).
- Do you know how to plant flowers? (No.).
- What are we facing? (There is a problem!)
- Why don’t you know? (We don’t know how), (I only saw how my parents planted parsley at the dacha.), (We haven’t tried.), (All flowers are different: some are planted with seeds, others with bulbs).
4. Discovery of new knowledge
-Can you learn how to plant flowers? (…… (Yes!).
- What is needed for planting? (The soil).
-Where should we pour the soil?! (In a flower pot).
- ..... (child’s name), choose a card and attach it to the board.
The child attaches a card with an empty pot to the board.
- What do you think we will do next?
(Let's pour some soil.)
- Why? (Plants need soil.), (For the flower to feed.), (There are nutrients in the soil.)
- …… (child’s name), choose the right card and attach it to the board.
The child attaches a card with a picture of a pot of earth on the board.
- I sprouted tulip and daffodil bulbs. Let's look at them! Where are the roots, where are the tops? (The tops are green leaves, and the roots are below, thin, like threads.)
- You see that the first sprouts have appeared. How will we plant a tulip (narcissus) bulb with roots or tops? (Roots.)
- Why? (All flowers have roots in the ground.)
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board to indicate the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
- …… (child’s name), choose the right card.
The child chooses a card with a picture of an onion and attaches it to the board.
- What needs to be done to make the bulb comfortable in the ground.
(We need to make a depression.), (Dig a hole with a scoop.)
- Well done. This hole is called a hole.
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board to indicate the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
- ... (child’s name), please choose the right card and attach it to the board.
The child chooses a card with a picture of a scoop in the ground and attaches it to the board.
- What will we do next?
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board to indicate the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
(Let's fill it with earth.), (Let's cover the roots of the onion with earth).
- Well done! Choose the right card... (child's name), please!
The child chooses a card with a picture of an onion in a pot and attaches it to the board.
- Have you done everything to make our tulips grow? (Not all.)
- What else needs to be done!
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board to indicate the next action to be taken when planting flowers. (Water.)
- What happens if you don’t water the flowers? (He will die.)
- Why? (Flowers need water!), (This is their food.), (They grow from water.)
- Who wants to find the right card? Fine, …. (child's name), go choose a card.
The child chooses a card with a picture of a watering can and attaches it to the board.
- Let's repeat all our actions when planting flowers.
The fairy leads with a pointer along the drawing diagram built on the board, and the children pronounce the algorithm for planting flowers.
- ..... (child’s name), name the first action when planting flowers. (Prepare pots.).
- Further, …. (child's name), what are we going to do? (Add soil.)
- What is our next action... (child’s name)? (Grow the bulbs or seeds until the first sprouts appear.).
- Explain,... (child’s name), looking at the diagram, how we proceed further. (We need to make a depression.), (Use a scoop to dig a hole, which is called a hole.).
- Fine. Then, …. (child’s name), explain your action. (Fill it with earth and cover the roots of the onion.).
- And the last action, .... (child's name)? (You definitely need to water it).

What difficulty did we encounter in class? (We didn’t know how to plant flowers.).
- What do you tell me now? (We figured out how to plant flowers!).
-Just understood?!
The teacher guides the student with a pointer along the drawing diagram built on the board.
(We have compiled a drawing diagram “How to plant flowers?”).
- Why do we need a drawing diagram? (Explain to others.), (If you forgot, look at it and quickly remember everything.).
- What is indicated in the diagram? (Procedure for planting flowers.), (We know how to proceed when planting flowers).
- So we can plant flowers!
5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system
- Now we’ll go to the table and get to work! Let's put on aprons. Each of you has everything you need to plant flowers.
- Get to work.
The children begin planting flowers. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers". The teacher corrects the children’s activities, drawing their attention to the pattern of planting flowers on the board.
- Well done! You did everything according to the plan. To make our flowers grow faster, we will tell you the sowing sentence.
Sowing sentence.
Well, you, my onion,
Don't be afraid of the earth!
You'll end up in a hole at the bottom!
It's okay that it's dark there.
To the light, to the sun from the earth
You sprout, let's go quickly!
Like early in the spring
Let the sprouts sprout for us.
They will come out of the darkness to the sun:
“Hello, sun, it’s us!”
- What else do flowers need? (Warm.), (Sunny.).
- Let's all put the pots with planted flowers on the windowsill together.
Children, together with the Flower Fairy, place pots on the windowsill.
- You helped me a lot! I am grateful to you and give you a magic box with a surprise! It can only be opened in a kindergarten group. It's time for us to say goodbye. All the best!
Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. The fairy leaves (takes off her outfit). Returns as a teacher.
- Guys, we need to go back to kindergarten!
To the music of V. Dashkevich, Y. Kim “Come and visit us,” the children say the magic words: “Fly. Fly, petal. Through west to east. Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way. We want us to be in kindergarten, in our group,” they tear off the petal and return to the group.
6. Summary.
- Guys, where were we today? (In the Flower City.)
- Why did we go there? (To help the Fairy with planting flowers).
- What helped us cope with planting flowers? (We drew up a diagram that you could look at and see how to plant flowers correctly.), (We poured soil into pots, made a hole, planted a sprouted tulip bulb with the roots down, sprinkled it with soil, watered it and put it on the windowsill in the sun.).
- This is very important and useful knowledge. Where can they be useful to you? (We can plant flowers at the dacha, at grandma’s in the village.), (Teach other children or adults to plant flowers according to the scheme.).
- Why did everything work out for you? (Because we learned to draw up and read a diagram.), (We were smart, attentive, diligent, quick-witted.).
- You really were friendly today and together you drew up and read a flower planting scheme.
- Let's see what the Flower Fairy put in the box!
- Oh, yes, here are daffodil bulbs that we can plant on the site of our kindergarten! Hey, the Fairy of Flowers! Great, there are also medals for all the children! This means that you all worked very hard! The teacher awards the pupils with medals and praises them.
- Say goodbye to our guests and ask them: did they like our flower planting scheme?
Children communicate with listening adults and say goodbye.

Summary of an open drawing lesson “Apple trees are blooming” (preparatory group)

Ladik Tatyana

Program tasks :

1. Consolidation : depict on a piece of paper several objects related to one content.

2. Consolidation : correctly place trees on a sheet.

3. Consolidation : choose correctlypaint color , mixing it.

Technical tasks :

1. Strengthen the ability to hold and use a brush correctly.

2. Consolidation : paint trees of different sizes and place them on a sheet.

Educational tasks :

1. Cultivate interest in spring painting and its colors.

2. Develop independence and the ability to listen to the teacher.

Materials and equipment :

1. Landscape sheet A4, tinted.

2. Gouache paint.

3. Brushes.

4. A jar of water.

5. Palette.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Guys, let's stand in a circle and hold hands.

Today on ourwe have guests visiting us , let's say hello to them.

Children : Hello!

The teacher invites the children to sit on the mat.

Educator : Tell me guys, what time of year is it now?

Children answer : Spring!

Educator : That's right spring!

When spring comes, everything around wakes up and comes to life. Spring has finally managed to defeat winter, and it is confidently coming into its own. It's the middle of spring now. What is the name of the second month of spring?

Children : April!

Educator : Right!

What signs of spring do you know?(Children's answers)

Educator : Recently you and Ipainted flowers who are the first to wake up in the spring. Let's remember what they are called?

Children : snowdrops.

Educator : Right. Not only the earth comes to life, but also the trees. Buds appear on the trees. Guys, what comes out of the kidneys?(leaves)

And some trees are alsobloom . What kind of trees are these?

Children : list : lilac, bird cherry, fruit trees.

There's a knock on the door. (teacheropens door and spring enters with a twigapple trees in hands ).

Educator : Spring has come to visit us and it did not come to us empty-handed. Look at the twig in her handsapple trees with swollen buds , from which leaves will then appear.

Guys, whatcolors leaves on the trees?

Children answer : Green.

Educator : That's right, green.

Are there any leaves on the branch that spring brought?

Children answer : No.

Educator : Oh, whatcolors flowers on apple tree ?

Children : White and pink.

Educator : Right!

Educator : Let's draw trees with blossoming leaves andflowers and give our drawings to spring

The children agree.

Educator : Guys, let's relax and play.

Physical education minute.

You and I went to the field

(Step in place)

ANDfound flowers there .


Bent over for one

(Lean forward)

And then for the second one,

(Lean forward)

We quickly ripped off the third one

(Lean forward)

And they ran with the bouquet.

(Running in place) .

Educator : Let's go with you to our tables and startdrawing . We willdraw apple orchard . What willdraw first ?

Children : trees.

Educator : Right. Tree trunks are browncolors . Let's take some brushes and dip them in water, and then in brown paint and paint the trunk of our tree. We press the bone at the bottom and lead it up. We draw a large trunk for trees that are close, and a small trunk for those that are far away.What color do apple trees bloom in? ? Pink and white. Take a palette and mix red and white paint, you get pink paint. Take green paint and, applying the tip of the brush, draw leaves. Before we get started, let's do some finger exercises. The fingers are ready.

Finger gymnastics.

The sun is rising -

The flower is blooming !

The sun is setting -

Flower goes to bed .

During the process of completing the work, I explain any unclear points. Passive methodI help children with drawing .

Educator : Guys, let's lay out our work on the table and show it to the spring

Educator : Vesna really liked your drawings. He says thanks.

Educator : Now let's say goodbye to spring.

The children say goodbye.

Oksana Avramenko

Program content:

1. educational:

Continue to introduce children to still life using non-traditional drawing techniques;

Enrich the emotional sphere of the child;

Strengthen the ability to mix paints to obtain a new color;

Improve drawing techniques in an unconventional way: using a clothespin and a cotton pad;

Strengthen children's knowledge about the seasons.

2. educational:

Foster a love of nature, create a joyful mood in children;

Learn to see the beauty of nature and the variety of colors, general color.

3. developing:

Develop imagination and thinking, sense of color and composition.

Materials and equipment: A-4 sheet of paper, gouache, brushes, clothespins, cotton pads, reproductions on the theme “Spring”, photographs of flowering trees.

Preliminary work:

Examination of reproductions of flowering trees;

Observation of nature in the kindergarten area;

Reading poems and stories and riddles about spring.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, guess the riddles:

I open my buds

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops,

Full of movement

my name is.

Green-eyed, cheerful,

The girl is beautiful.

She brought it to us as a gift,

What everyone will like:

Greens - leaves,

We are warm


So that everything blooms.

Birds flew after her

All craftswomen sing songs.

Can you guess who she is?

This girl is...

Educator: Right. Spring is popularly called spring-red. Nature wakes up from the winter cold, birds fly in, the first greenery and flowers appear. In spring everything around comes to life.

Listen to the poem A. Blok “In the meadow”

The forests in the distance are more visible,

Blue skies

More noticeable and blacker

There is a stripe on the arable land,

Spring is passing by

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave gurgles in the stream.

Educator: What is the poem talking about? What's happening to nature?

Children's answers.

Educator: We have an unusual activity today. We will learn how to draw flowering trees using a cotton pad and paints. First, let's do a little warm-up.

Physical education lesson “Trees have grown in the field”

Trees have grown in the field.

It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up)

A cheerful wind blew

The branches swayed immediately, (Children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward)

Right, left, back and forth -

This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body)

Educator: Let's start drawing. We take brushes in our hands and draw a trunk for our tree.

Educator: And now the barrel is ready. Now we will draw flowers on our tree. And they will help us with this. cotton pad and clothespin. We fold the disk so that we get a flower, fix it with a clothespin and create.

Educator: Our work is ready. Did you enjoy working with new technology? What wonderful work you have done! You worked like good wizards.

At the end of the lesson, children look at the drawings and choose the most successful ones for the exhibition. The teacher praises the children for their interesting and beautiful work.

Drawing with non-traditional techniques opens up wide scope for children's self-expression and imagination. This time, the guys and I decided to use a cotton pad and a clothespin as a creative tool... Here are the flowering trees we got.


educational activities

in the senior group

on artistic and aesthetic development
"Gardens are Blooming"


Gotovkina Elvira Anatolyevna


Target: Using unconventional drawing methods, teach children to create a spring composition from flowering trees.



  1. Learn to complement the image of an apple orchard with flowers obtained by the “poking” and “blowing” method;
  2. Practice getting pink by mixing colors.
  3. To develop skills in using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of the trees, then the foliage on all the trees)
  4. Strengthen the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature,
  5. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of trees and their location.


  1. To develop children’s skills in creating the composition of a plot drawing - placing objects on a wide strip of land.
  2. Develop the ability to independently select colors in accordance with the invented plot.
  3. To develop children's creative abilities in creating expressive images using visual means accessible for this age.


  1. To cultivate in children independence, patience, perseverance, accuracy, respect for the surrounding nature, and the ability to see beauty.

Demo material:illustration with the image of blossoming apple trees, a branch of a blossoming apple tree, an easel, a blank sheet of paper, a brush, paints, a palette, a ready-made sample assignment, audio recordings of calm classical music.

Handout:sheets of tinted paper with images of apple tree trunks drawn using the blowing technique, brushes (two for painting and one for glue for each child), palettes, glasses of water, napkins.

Preliminary work:Observation of nature in spring, conversations about the seasons, various garden trees, including apple trees; viewing illustrations of flowering trees, shrubs, flowers; reading landscape lyrics: T. Karelina “I love when gardens bloom”, S. Batyr “Blooming Garden”, V. Sharipov “Lilac blooms in the garden”; making apple tree trunks using the blowing technique; drawing using the "poke" method.

OD move:

Introductory part.

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

Educator: Children, please tell me what time of year it is now?

Children's answers: Spring.

Educator: What is the name of the month?

Children's answers: May.

Educator: Yes, that's right. Guys, look what a wonderful morning greets us today! The sun, trying to “blind” us with its bright rays, seems to be playing blindman’s buff with us. Trees with blossoming foliage wave their branches to us, inviting us to take a walk. The ground, overgrown with grass, invites us to frolic on its soft, green carpet. And all because guys, all nature rejoices in spring and tries to convey to us all the wonders of this wonderful time. Now I will introduce you to another of the most unique phenomena of the wonder of spring, which Nikolai Nekrasov describes:

Like drenched in milk

There are cherry orchards

They make a quiet noise...

N. Nekrasov

Educator: Guys, what is this poem talking about? (Children's answers). How do you understand the expression “drenched in milk”?

Examination of a reproduction of A. Gerasimov’s painting “The Apple Orchard.”

Educator: What attracts you in this picture? (Children's answers)

The teacher summarizes the statements: The blue of the sky, many white inflorescences, green grass - all this merges into a joyful hymn to blossoming nature. Now let's listen to wonderful poems about blooming gardens.

Children recite excerpts from poems by Yu. Kul, S. Batyr:

I love when gardens bloom

How beautiful! Look at everything in flowers!

Like a bride, the apple tree stands

In the snow-white decoration of spring.

Blooming garden. There are apple and cherry trees here.

Bees and bumblebees fly around.

Here is the rustling of branches, the smell of nectar,

And pinkish-white flowers.

Educator. Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens? (Children's answers).

If it is difficult to remember, read an excerpt from a poem by M. Yasnov

If you see in the picture

River drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut,

Required picture

It's called... (landscape).

Educator: Come on, guys, and we will draw landscapes of blooming gardens.

Main part.

Children stand in a semicircle at an easel on which several trees are painted, obtained by blowing through a tube.

Educator: Guys, here is a drawing with apple tree trunks that we drew in the previous lesson. Who remembers the unconventional way we did it?

Children's answers: The trunks were blown out through a tube.

Educator: That’s right, using the “blowing” method. Today we will draw apple blossoms and tree leaves using the “poke” method. But first, let's remember the structural features of the apple tree. What is she like?

Children's answers: Beautiful, with an even long trunk. Dense branches only at the top, etc.

Educator: That's right. An apple tree is a fruit tree with a tall, even trunk; the branches of the crown of the apple tree are dense, but not straight. Guys, pay attention to this. These are exactly the apple trees on your leaves.

Now let's look at apple tree flowers. What color are they? (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the branch of the apple tree and to the illustrations).

Children's answers: White, pink.

Educator: That's right, we will draw in white and pink. And in order to get pink, what do we need to do?

Children's answers: You need to add red paint to the white paint.

Educator: What do we need to mix paints?

Children's answers: Palette.

The teacher calls the child to show how to mix paints. The teacher helps and advises the children if necessary.

The teacher asks one child to show the rules for drawing with a “poke” on a sample.

Educator: Guys, before we start drawing, let's prepare our hands.

Held finger gymnastics:

A fat and big finger went into the garden to get an apple,

A pointer from the threshold showed him the way,

The middle finger is the most accurate - it knocks apples off the branch,

Nameless eats

And the gentle little finger plants seeds in the ground.

Educator: Now get to work, be careful and attentive.

Children individually complete a practical task. During independent practical activities of children in the group, music is played.

Educator: (when the children have completed the drawing with a poke) Guys, you have finished painting the apple blossom, and while the paint is drying, I invite you to a physical education lesson.

Physical education minute “Fruits”.

We will cook compote. March in place.

You need a lot of fruit. Here. (Show with hands - “a lot”)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (Imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand)

We cook, we cook compote,

Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people. ( Clap)

Educator: Well done! In the meantime, we practiced, our flowers dried up, and we can continue working. Take your seats.

Educator: Let's remember what we drew?

Children's answers: Apple blossom.

Educator: That’s right, what else appears on apple trees along with flowers in May?

Children's answers: Leaves.

Educator: Correct. Now we will draw them. What do you think is the best way to draw them?

Children's answers: Using the “poke” method.

Educator: Correct. We will also draw leaves using the “poke” method (the teacher reminds the children using the example how to draw correctly using the “poke” method). But I want to warn you that you don’t need to put a lot of water on the brush, this will make the drawing blurry. Please tell me what color the apple tree leaves are?

Children's answers: Light green.

Educator: That's right. Well done. Get to work (music sounds).

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, I see that you have already completed the work. Therefore, I propose moving to the next stage. What's missing from our drawings?

Children's answers: Earth, grass, sky, etc.

Educator: Absolutely right. Now you will all take thick brushes and add the necessary elements and details to your drawings.

The children get to work (music starts again).

The final part.

Educator: Let's see what happened for each of you? What great fellows you all are! Everyone did it! Guys, let's remember what methods we used to draw in today's lesson?

Children's answers: Using the “poke” method.

Educator: We got beautiful landscapes that can become a spring gift for your loved ones. The blooming gardens you have drawn will delight you for a long time, even when in nature they have already faded.

The gardens are blooming! And there is so much love in them -

In the raging, boiling white flowers...

Nightingales whistle serenades in them

About the soon, long-awaited.

Svetlana Zhizhina
Blooming apple orchard. Non-traditional methods of drawing (open lesson in the senior group)

Blooming apple orchard.

Unconventional drawing methods.

(open lesson for senior group)

Program content classes:

Strengthen the skill draw by method"poke" And "blowing";

Pin with kids way to get pink color;

Strengthen children's knowledge about trees;

Help children understand the surrounding reality, develop a sense of beauty;

Form creative capabilities children in creating expressive images using visual means accessible for a given age.

Demo material: illustration with image blossoming apple trees, twig blossoming apple tree, easel, blank sheet of paper, brush, paints, palette, ready-made sample assignment, radio tape recorder with recordings of calm music.

Handout: sheets of paper with images of trunks apple trees, drawn using the blowing technique, brushes (two for drawing and one glue bottle for each child, palettes, glasses of water, napkins.

Preliminary work: conversations about the seasons, various garden trees, including apple trees; viewing illustrations; reading a Russian folk tale "Rejuvenation apples» ; execution of trunks apple trees using blowing technique; drawing method"poke".

Location: group.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part. Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle. Educator: Guys, today we have story drawing lesson. But first, please answer me, what time of year is it now?

Children's answers: Spring.

Educator: What is the name of the month?

Children's answers: May.

Educator: Right, well done. Do you know that in spring, in May, trees are especially lushly covered with leaves and bloom. Please tell me what fruit trees do you know?

Children's answers: Cherry, plum, Apple tree, pear.

Educator: That's right, well done. You named a lot of fruit trees, but paint we will only have one. This - Apple tree, and not just, but blooming.

Main part. Children go to their desks and take their seats. Educator: guys, in front of you are sheets of paper with trunks apple trees which we drew in the previous lesson. Who remembers how we did it in an unconventional way?

Children's answers: The trunks were blown through a tube.

Educator: Correct, method "blowing". And today we will draw apple blossom and tree leaves method "poke". But first, let's remember the structural features apple trees. What is she like?

Children's answers: Beautiful, with an even long trunk. Dense branches only at the top, etc.

Educator: Right. Apple tree is a fruit tree with a tall, even trunk, crown branches apple trees are dense, but not straight. Guys, pay attention to this. Exactly like this apple trees on your leaves.

Now let's take a look apple tree flowers. What are they colors? (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the branch apple trees and illustration).

Children's answers: White, pink.

Educator: Right. Do you think the whites will be noticeable on white paper? inflorescences?

Children's answers: No, it won't be visible.

Educator: Therefore we will paint in pink. And in order to get this color, what do we need to do?

Children's answers: Mix several colors.

Educator: What do we need to mix paints?

Children's answers: Palette.

Educator: Right, palette. What colors need to be mixed to get a beautiful pink? color.

Children's answers: You need to add red paint to white paint.

Educator: You're right.

The teacher shows how to mix paints. The children then do the same on their own. At this time, the teacher helps and advises the children.

Educator: And so, everyone got it right color, and we can get to work.

The teacher asks one child to show the rules drawing"poke" on the sample.

Educator: Guys, before we start drawing,let's get our hands ready.

Finger gymnastics is carried out:

Thick and big finger in the garden went like an apple,

A pointer from the threshold showed him the way,

The middle finger is the most accurate - it knocks down apples from a branch,

Nameless eats

And the gentle little finger plants seeds in the ground.

Educator: Now get to work, be careful and attentive.

Children individually complete a practical task. During independent practical activities of children in the group plays music.

Educator: (when the children have completed the task) Guys, are you done? draw apple blossom, and while the paint dries, I invite you to a physical education session.

Physical education moment: "Fruits".

We will cook compote. March in place.

You need a lot of fruit. Here. Show with your hands - “a lot”.

We will chop apples,

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. Imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand.

We cook, we cook compote, Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people. Clap.

Educator: Well done! We had a fun time. While we were having fun, our the flowers have dried up, and we can continue working. Take your seats.

Educator: Let's remember that we painted?

Children's answers: apple blossom.

Educator: That's right, what else along with flowers appears in May on apple trees?

Children's answers: Leaves.

Educator: Right. Now we will have them paint. What do you think way to draw them?

Children's answers: In a way"poke".

Educator: Right. We will draw leaves "poke"(the teacher reminds the children using an example how to correctly draw by method"poke"). But I want to warn you that you don’t need to put a lot of water on the brush, this will make the drawing blurry. Please tell me what color the leaves are apple trees?

Children's answers: Light green.

Educator: Right. Well done. Get to work (music sounds).

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, I see that you have already completed the job. Therefore, I propose moving to the next stage. What's missing from our drawings?

Children's answers: Earth, grass, sky, etc.

Educator: Absolutely right. Now you will all take thick brushes and add the necessary elements and details to your drawings.

Children get to work (music starts again).

The final part. Educator: Let's see what happened for each of you? What great fellows you all are! Everyone did it! Guys, let's remember what ways we drew in today's lesson?

Children's answers: Method "poke".

Educator: Guys, I have one last question for you: When the apple trees will bloom, what appears on them in the fall?

Children's answers: Apples.

Educator: Right. What can you cook from apples?

Children's answers: Pie, compote, juice.

Educator: You're all right. And I really want to treat you apple juice. thanks for class and help yourself to your health!

Children treat themselves apple juice.