Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group “Differentiation - (consolidation of the past). Literacy education. Differentiation of sounds "Ch" - "T" Differentiation of sounds part of the speech material

Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group “Differentiation - (consolidation of the past). Literacy education. Differentiation of sounds "Ch" - "T" Differentiation of sounds part of the speech material

Differentiation H - T

by Elena Soboleva

Copyright © 2018

Differentiation H - T

by Elena Soboleva

Artwork: For use in the work of teachers-defectologists, as well as for homework of parents and children

Copyright © 2018

Differentiation of sounds H - T`

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in syllables

Exercise 1. Say (read) the syllables.

Cha - cha at - ach cha - atya

Cho - cho ot - och ocho - ote

Chi - ti it - ich I teach - iron

Che - te et - ech ichi - iti

Chu - tu ut - uch eche - ete

Exercise 2. Game exercise "Say the opposite"

Ti - ..., che - ..., cha - ..., etc.

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in words

Exercise 1."Couples". Say the words in pairs.


cup-heavy rock-roll grandchildren-ducklings

lazy seagull grumbling-twirling rabbit-kittens

slurp-yelp moo-bridge twist-twist

cho - those, che - those

cistern-drip cask-duckling bunny-kitten

bangs-chick read-cauldron black-dark

clear-aunt combed-hewn

dark twine

chu-tu, chi-ti

Chuk-bale rubber-iron closet-tulip

chizhik-shoulders-scourge bunny-umbrella

bellows-flies sharpen-roll sheepskin-cobweb

che - those

why-then swing-wanted treatment-wattle

black-dark evening-wind blacken-tolerate

blackness-crowding stalk-teremok kalach-desire

ah - ah

trumpeter - cut down jump - look for kumach - catch cry - send a doctor - take

och (och) -ot, uch-ut, yach (yach) -yat

pound-weed beam-dregs

pull-pull mighty-bend

ball-knead harness-five

ich (ich) - itch, ech (ech) - et

game-drive stove-Petka protect-whiten
sword-speech-look leak-put on
bake-sing river-radish bake-sing

Exercise 2. Say (read the words).

Teacher, pulling, crackling, tractor, pulling, repairing, guarding, flowing, birdie, first aid kit, flowing, teaching, treating, being silent, pumping, mooing, printing, screaming, reading, sneezing, growling, sticking out, answering, bored, honor, slurp, grumble, tea drinking, viscous, flair, jaw, repair, clean, clean, celandine, reader, a little, smell, print, be silent, receive, wet, sharpen, mosque, leak, birdie, roach, chick, reading, confluence.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Call me affectionately." Name the word affectionately so that the sound Ch appears in it.

Wind - breeze, boat - ...., duckling - ..., heifer - ..., boiler - ..., ticket - ..., panicle - ..., braid - ..., iron - ..., tulip - ..., teremok - ..., telephone - ..., suit - ..., five - ..., shadow - ..., tube - ..., cart - ....

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in phrases

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) the phrases.

A wheelbarrow is rolling. The calf is mooing. The teacher is reading. Hot iron. Heavy pack. Close closet. Five checks. Braided twine. Dark night. Sharpen the sword. Warm kalach. Receive change. Weed lentils. Bend the key. Five textbooks. Tight shelf. Warm kettle. To drink tea. Use the stove.

Exercise 2. Game exercise "Count". Agreement of numerals with nouns.

- Name who you met in the clearing, count. Say a lot with the word.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Tell me a word"

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in tongue twisters

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) speeches

Ti - chi - ti - chi - we lost the keys.

Cha - cha - cha - cha - oh, how hot the stove is!

Te - che - te - che - I dream of kalach.

Chu - tu - tu - chu - I'll turn off the light now.

Cho - cho - cho - cho - my left shoulder hurts.

Chu - chu - chu - chu - I'll light a candle now.

Cha - cha - cha - cha - a candle is burning.

Chi - ti - chi - ti - we sat down around the candle.

Ti - chi - ti - chi - they began to eat kalachi.

Ti - chi - ti - chi - kalachi from the oven.

Ech - et - ech - et - do you want to sit with us?

Tim - chom - tim - chom - we will treat you with kalach.

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in sentences

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) the sentences.

The theme is cleaning shoes. Petya is sitting on the stove. A tulip has four stamens. The bird flew out of the cage. A night light glows in a dark room. There was almost no water left in the kettle. Tema fixed the cast-iron boiler for my aunt. It is necessary to send a checkmark by mail. The children enthusiastically threw the ball. The kids wanted to swing on the swings. A black cloud is crawling across the sky. Evening came and the wind died down. The girl lost her umbrella. The owl hides during the day and hunts at night. Subject in the dark stumbled upon the stove. The ball rolled into the closet. Chapa's dog barked at rabbits and ducklings. A soldier was cleaning a cauldron of barley porridge. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs. A woodpecker hammers trees, but he does not cripple them, but only heals them.

Exercise 2 . Repeat (read) couplets.

  1. Grandfather Ilyich is not at all away

Help us build a house.

  1. Oh, we froze on the river

Let's sit on the stove.

  1. I had a chick

Looking sadly from under the bangs.

  1. Bug and spider

Sat together on a branch.

  1. Following the duck, the duckling swims

He rows quickly with his paws.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Tell me a word" (enrichment of the verb dictionary)

What can a bee do? (sting, fly, buzz, circle, collect nectar, etc.)

- What can a doctor do? (treat, give injections, take temperature, give medicine, write a prescription, etc.)

What can a boy do? (play, run, jump, help, clean, repair, etc.)

What can a bell do? (grow, bloom, decorate, delight, smell, wither, etc.)

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in poems

Exercise 1. Say (read) poems.

Why are you here, birdie?

To the fontanel, where is the water pouring?

- I came for a drink

Wash little chicks!

At this hour on all clocks

Quiet time Quiet time

Arrows walk on toes

At this hour, quiet hour.

A spider from a long thread

Weaved a web on the branches.

The bug is gaping

Will get to him in a net.

Spider thread though thin

But will not release the bug.

Long-legged stork

Lost my way in the evening.

The firefly lit the lantern,

Helped me find the way home.

F. Bobylev


A bee flew to us.

At the window glass

Spinning, trying

Yes, it doesn't work!

I want to be friends with a bee

I'll open the window for her:

- Fly away to freedom

Bring honey on your paws.

V. Stepanov


I wanted turtles

Wash your shirt.

I tried to remove it through the legs.

- Wait, - the hedgehog laughs, -

Try it over your head

But both did their best.

Maybe better through the ponytail?

It's been a happy rain.

Very happy turtle

The shirt was clean.

F. Gurinovich

Joy in the forest

Great joy in the forest:

Bunny on the violin sings!

He made the violin himself

He taught himself to play.

He taught himself to play.

All the hares sat down under the sticky,

They began to sing along to him.

I. Muraveyka

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in texts

Exercise 1. Pronounce (read) and retell the text.


Now I will show you something. Here are three eggs. Of course, you think that the testicles of a bird? And I thought so when I saw four of these eggs in the leaves. I did not meet the bird, and it was curious to know whose testicles these were.

Three days later I was back at that place. There was no bird again, but the testicles were lying. They were swollen, and in one there was a hole: a bird's nose was about to stick out.

The hole enlarged, and a dark snake crawled out of the testicle. That's the bird! So I did not distinguish a bird's egg from dinner.

I took three eggs. Here they are. Very similar to birds, it is not easy to distinguish them.

(According to N. Sladkov)

Exercise 2.


A spider weaves a cobweb. Thread by thread, cell by cell, he wove a cobweb. He wove, and he hid himself: "If a fly gets into a big web - we hire."

A titmouse flew. I hit the web of a spider. Thread by thread, cell by cell - the whole web was torn apart and flew away.

The web twitches - the spider thinks: "The big fly got caught."

The spider looks - no flies, no cobwebs.

(N. Dilaktorskaya)

Exercise 3 Speak (repeat) texts

Chip poet

Spider Chip wants to be a poet. “You just need to feel exactly which words to combine, and the verse is ready,” thought the spider. Chip dreams of writing poems about sticky leaves coming out of the buds in the spring, about what light webs spiders weave, what songs small birds sing.

Chip really wants to write a lot of poetry, and the boys and girls will read them and notice how many miracles there are in the world.

(Alifanova E.A., Egovora N.E.)

Exercise 4 Tell a story with pictures.

Boots for a spider.

Once upon a time there was a tiny one on a cobweb. An autumn breeze came and blew off the cobwebs. Sitting under a bush, sad. It's cold for him. A bird flew by and dropped it. Wanted to open. He went to the box, climbed on it, then got down. Pulled the ribbon, can't open it!

Jumped out of the box.

- Grasshopper - grasshopper, help open the box? - said.

They began to pull the ribbon together - it doesn’t work!

Flew up. Flew around the box. Went over the box. It flew out of the box. Sat on a box.

Butterfly butterfly, help open the box! - said.

The three of us pulled the ribbon - the box does not open!

Flew up.

- Bee - bee, help open the box! - said.

The four of us pulled the ribbon and opened the box! And there - ! They began to measure: - large, - small, - a little bit too big. He began to try on a bag of shoes. Shoes came up: warm, soft, comfortable. Now the spider is not afraid of the autumn breeze!

List of used literature:

  • Alifanova E.A., Egorova N.E. Logopedic rhymes and miniatures. Moscow, 2001, p. 76-79

  • Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. – Ed. School. TM, LLP Publishing house "Biopolis", St. Petersburg, 1996, 208 p.;

  • Gerasimova A., Zhukova O., Kuznetsova V. Speech therapy encyclopedia of a preschooler, Ed. house "Neva", St. Petersburg, 2004, p. 598-607

  • Board game "Five puppies" - speech therapy lotto for children 4-7 years old

  • Electronic Pedagogical Library http://www.pedlib.ru/

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Published: Jan 29, 2018
Latest Revision: Jan 29, 2018
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Copyright © 2018

GBOU secondary school No. 760 named after. A.P. Maresyeva,

kindergarten №997

Literacy education.

Theme "Sounds of H-T"

Teacher - speech therapist Panyushkina O.N.

Moscow 2015


Strengthening the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Differentiation of sounds in pronunciation and writing.

Exercise in the correct use of the verb to want.

Consolidation of the construction and use of compound sentences.

Sound-letter analysis of words.

Continue teaching how to chart a sentence.

Strengthening typing and reading skills.

1. Organizational moment.

What sound is repeated in the words: phone, Katya, shadow, five? (Sound Th)

What sound is repeated in the words: kettle, barrel, cloud, sword? (Ch sound)

Today we will talk about the sounds "t" and "h"

Refine the articulation of sounds. Describe each sound.

2. Reproduction of syllabic rows.




3. The game "The sound got lost"

Listen to the poem, find and correct the mistake.

The sea is blue above the waves,

T-shirts (seagulls) fly over the waves.

Wolves and golden eagles for fear

A wild boar (shepherd) grazes sheep in the mountains.

Having eaten fish to satiety,

On the sea, the nut (gull) was resting.

There are no roads in the swamp.

I'm on cats (bumps) lope yes lope!

4. Differentiation of sounds in words.

Subject pictures with the sounds "Ch" and "T" are displayed on the board. Children select pictures with the sound "Ch", then with the sound "T". When naming an object in a picture, they analyze where the sound is located: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end.

5. Differentiation of sounds in the text.

Select from the read poem words with the sound "T", then with the sound "Ch".

Why did you rush, bird,
To the fontanel, where is the water pouring?
- I came for a drink
Wash small chicks.

6. Exercise in the use of the verb want in the present tense:

A) pattern conjugation:

Want to study well.

B) negotiating complex sentences according to the model:

I take the chalk because I want to write a proposal.

I need a pencil...

I'm learning letters...

Kate is getting dressed...

Children are exercising...

We put on a sports uniform….

Tanya took a pencil ...

We took umbrellas...

7. Physical education.

8. Sound-letter analysis of words.

Isolation of vowels and consonants, drawing up word patterns:

glasses, bird, evening.

9. Typing under dictation of the sentence.

Repetition of the rules for writing a sentence, drawing up a diagram.

Our Vitya is a strong man.

Underline all soft consonants.

What sounds and letters did we talk about in class?

Divide the children into 2 teams. Command "H" and command "T". Which team will name more words with their own sound.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - T.

In elementary school, the mixing of sounds Ch - T is not so common anymore. If it is, it is necessary to carry out corrective work on the differentiation of sounds. The selection of material is made taking into account the capabilities of each child individually. Each stage is also worked out as it is mastered by the student.

1. Differentiation of sounds Ch - T in isolation. Comparing them by articulation, characteristics, designation in writing.

2. Work on differentiation in syllables. There may be exercises such as listening to a series of syllables, reflected reproduction, reading syllabic tables, writing syllables from dictation. Example:

che - te - che



3. Differentiation in words. It is carried out on the material of words where the hanging sounds are first one of the pair, and then both at the same time. Possible work options:

Isolation of sounds Ch - Tch from words. Raise the signal card (letter or colored circle), clap, stomp (at the discretion of the speech therapist) - when you hear the given sound in the word:
a barrel, a kitten, a duckling, a rook, a swing, a snowstorm, a cricket, a vegetable marrow, a leak, a leak, a cookie, weaving, shoulders, a picture ...

Determine the place of the sound in the word. An easy option is the beginning, middle or end of a word. Then you can name the place of the sound in the word based on the number row, when each child has a set of numbers in front of him and he puts forward the corresponding number indicating the place of the sound in the word:

Ple h and

Differentiation of sounds in paronymic words, making oral sentences with them:
stove - sing evening - wind shoulders - whip radish - river
heifer - bangs ball - wrinkle strand - hide scratched - tesal ...

Recording words under dictation in two columns (in one with the sound Ch, in the other - Th):
take, rook, miracle, mud, cup, cobweb, bed, shoulder, news, flew away, bee, soil, path, kidney, cat, theme, barrel...

Change the verbs according to the model, follow the alternation of sounds Ch - T.
Sample: fly - I fly - he flies.
twist, beat, thresh, notice, roll, draw.

Repeat words where both sounds are in one word:
flow, teacher, cloud, repair, read, cloud, learn, wet, print, download, reading, wheelbarrow, Tamarochka, Tomochka, Tolechka, Tanechka, Timofeevich, shoes, point, bird, flows, point, sharpen, switch.

Name and write down words with syllables - chit, - chat. For example: teach, receive, seal, be silent, shout ... You can also invent words for any syllable with differentiable sounds.

4. Differentiation in phrases, sentences, text.

Make up phrases with the word a little bit (watch for a clear pronunciation).

Speak proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes:
The river flows, the stove bakes.
To teach is to sharpen the mind.
Four turtles learned to drink from a cup
A cup of tea was brewed into four divided.
Grandma, put on your glasses!
Read fairy tales to your granddaughter!
Before heating the oven
We need to drink some tea!

Solve riddles:

I'm in no hurry to go home.
Why hurry me in an empty way?
I always carry my house with me
And that's why I'm always at home. (turtle)
Sweet berry, pretty

And it looks like a cherry (cherry)

Delicious berry -

Black bead.

You will go to the forest

You will find her (blueberry)

Suggestions for analysis and recording:
The girl wants to stand near the swing.
Hot iron to iron the blouse.
The calf mooing in silence.
The teacher asks the students to take out their pens.
The student wants to read a story.
We will drink tea from a cup.

Tyoma cleaned his shoes and went for a walk. On the street, the children enthusiastically threw the ball. Tanechka and Vanechka were swinging. The kitten ran after the bee. Everyone will walk until the evening. Good summer!

Correction-developing tasks.

To teach the child to listen carefully to the speech of an adult, to find and correct errors in the use of personal endings of verbs.

To teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [H] - [T '].

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activities.

Develop the child's auditory-speech memory.

Practice word formation.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Correct mistakes". The adult reads the sentence, and the child corrects the mistakes and pronounces the correct variant.

He's flying on a plane. We are writing a letter. Mom is feeding the child. The boy is going to school. Children watch movies. People are walking down the street. The clock is right. The dog barks loudly. The cat catches the mouse. The girl sings a song.

Task 2. Differentiation of sounds [H] - [T '] Name the extra word in the series (according to the presence of sounds) and explain why it is superfluous:

Miracle, seagull, telephone, chizhik; aunt, body, tima, kettle.

Compare the articulation of sounds [H] - [T '] (common and different), recall the characteristics and designation.

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [H]":

Tchm - n - h - t; ma - cha - flow - choit - ich;

seagull, notebook, Tim, Alien, wrinkle, ball......

Task 3. Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

cha-cha, chu-.,., ach-at, och ...

Repeat a series of syllables for an adult:

cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha.

Arrange the pictures into two piles: objects whose names have the sound [H], and objects whose names have the sound [T ’]. Determine the place of sounds in words, divide them into syllables. Make up a sentence with each word.

Task 4. An adult calls 3-5 words with the sound [H] ([T"]), and the child must listen carefully and repeat them in the same sequence.

Pick up as many words as possible with the sounds [H] and [T"].

Replace the sound [H] with the sound [T] in words. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words.

Ball - knead, scourge - ..., bangs - ..., stove - ..., weaver - ...,

clearly - ..., river - ..., oven - ..., evening - ..., why - ...

Recall riddles, tongue-twisters with the sounds [H] and [T "] (see topics No. 10, 35).

Task 5. Correct mistakes, draw the child's attention to the change in the meaning of the whole sentence when replacing the sounds [H] and [T '] in words.

The stove sits on Petka. A river grows by the radish.

The boy began to bake a song. Mom was going to sing pies.

Find related words to the words:

to write (writer, novelist, copyist...),

to teach (teacher, teacher, student...),

Remember the words: with the sound [H], with the sound [T ’], with the sounds [H] and [T "] at the same time.

Repeat for an adult sentences:

The pet is sitting.

Boy Petka is sitting.

Boy Petka is sitting on the stove.

The big boy Petka is sitting on the stove.

The big boy Petka sits on a warm stove.

The big boy Petka has been sitting on the warm stove since morning.

The big boy Petka has been sitting idle on the warm stove since morning.

Task 6. Recall the letters that the letter represents the sounds [H] and [T '] .

Distinguishing sounds h - t "in isolated pronunciation in syllables

Exercise 1 . Select the initial sound h or t "from the words suitcase-dan, cart. Compare them by articulation, by place of formation: a) What do these sounds have in common? b) How do they differ?

Exercise 2 . Select the sounds h and t "from the words. The speech therapist pronounces the word, the children call the sound h or t" a) at the beginning, b) in the middle and c) at the end of the word.

Sample. Stocking (h), grater (t ").

a) Cup, cart, black, pure, dark, quiet,
garlic, grater, warm, alien, frequent, tulle, skulls
ha, tulip, hard, tiger cub, watch, calf, TV.

b) Washcloth, tablecloth, rocking chair, towel, cloth, cookies, master, evening, satin, worker, five, gloves, buckwheat, kitten, ringlet, flies.

c) The ball, wash, sew, protect, watch, guard,
cover, kalach, net, whip, mow, strong man, rook, see
doctor, weaver

Exercise 3 . Pronounce the syllables in reflection.






Exercise 4 . Remember and reproduce syllables.

CHA - CHA -CHA 40 -TE -40 CHA - CHA - CHA TE - 40 - TE


Exercise 5 . Pick out the initial syllables from the words. Sample. Bowl (cha), seal (chu).

Body, cast iron, quiet, siskin, stocking, seal, prison, miracle, mud, sneeze, shadows, closet.

Distinguishing sounds h - g "in words

Exercise 6 . Complete the words by adding the syllables cha or cha. Say all the words.

Sample. Sve ... (cha) - candle, Mi ... (cha) - Mitya,

Te.. .(cha), Pe.. .(cha), yes.. .(cha), Vee.. .(cha), ass.. .(cha), wind... .(cha), di. . .(cha), kru... (cha), kru... (cha), ala... (cha).

Exercise 7 . Say the words in pairs. Find out the meaning of the words. Answer the question: What are the sounds of these words?

Twisting - twisting, bangs - heifer, forehead - body.

Exercise 8 . Change the words like this:

Tiger cub - tiger cub, kitten - ..., duckling - ..., calf - ..., rook - ....

Notebook - notebook, tablecloth - ..., shadow - ..., wind - ..., boat - ....

Shine - a candle, fly - ..., puff - ..., stomp - ..., be silent - ..., shout - ..., shine - ..., want - ....

I twist - twist, a candle - ..., I turn - ..., I want-choo - ..., I knock - ..., I am silent - ..., I trample - ..., I trample - ..., I shout - ... , puff - ... .

Shouts - shout, is silent - ..., sounds - .... grumbling -... .

I roll, you roll. I'm flying, you... .I'm screaming, you... . I twist, you.... I want, you... . I believe you...

Exercise 9 . Raise your right hand if you hear the sound h in the word, the left - t ", both hands if you hear both in the word


Grater, I want, now, teacher, dark, black, washcloth, calf, warm, clean, cloth, stove, seal, sad, switch, ham, teremok, cloth, calf, meet, meeting, chick, wolf.

Exercise 10 . Consider pictures. Arrange them in two columns according to the sounds h and g. Name them.

An approximate list of pictures: a tulip, a key, a phone, a boy, a tablecloth, a turtle, cookies, a notebook.

Exercise 11 . Remember the heroes of fairy tales, in the name of which there are sounds h or t "(Cipollino, Pinocchio).

Exercise 12 . Guess riddles. What sound (h or g") is contained in the answer.

Riddles to guess.

I've been walking all my life, the mesh is thick

I don't go anywhere. The flies won't let go.

(Clock.) (Web.)

They grow up in the summer, Without arms, without legs,

And fall off in the fall. And the gate opens.

(Leaves.) (Wind.)

There is a hut in the hut, They beat him, but he does not cry,

There is a pipe in the hut. Only higher, higher

Noisy in the hut, jumping. (Ball.)

Buzzed in the pipe.

People see the flame

But it doesn’t go to extinguish. (Stove.)

Exercise 13 . Draw pictures in the name of which you hear the sounds ch or r. Name your drawings.

The number of drawings is determined by the speech therapist. it Exercise can be given at home.

Differentiation of sounds h - t "in sentences

Exercise 14 . Pronounce the word combinations in reflection.

Duck with ducklings. Tea with cookies. Steppe flower dots. Kitten with kittens. Kalachi with cumin. Yellow pillowcase. Teacher with student. Veal with garlic.

Exercise 15 . Think of sentences with phrases (see previous Exercise).

Sample. Ducks are walking with ducklings.

Exercise 16 . Count the chicks.

The speech therapist exposes pictures depicting chicks in different quantities, and invites the children to count them.

One chick. Two chicks. Five chicks. Four chicks. Six chicks.

Exercise 17 . Compose the conditions of the problem with phrases (see the previous Task).

Exercise 18 . Say sentences in reflection. Answer the questions in full sentences.

Vitya reads to Mitya. Who is reading to whom?

Vitya and Mitya drank tea with cookies.

What did Mitya and Vitya drink tea with?

Exercise 19 . Say it reflectively. Learn by heart.


One, two, three, four, five, The bunny came out for a walk.


Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.


Though round, not a ball. The mouth is not visible, but the biter.


My ball, fly high. My ball, fly away!

Exercise 20 . Listen to the story, answer the questions. Re-tell as you remember.


Petya had a chizhik. The chizhik in the cage did not sing. Petya came to the chizhik.

It's time for you, chizhik, to sing!

Let me go for a walk, I'll sing all day.

Who was with Petya?

What did Petya say to the chizhik?

What did the chizhik answer?

Why do you think the chizhik didn't sing?

Bug and bone

Bug was carrying a bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It came to the mind of the Bug that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She let her bone in to take that one. She didn’t take that one, but her own went to the bottom.

Expressions for explanation: Bug came to mind.

Exercise 21 . Listen to the poems. Say it reflectively. Learn by heart (at the choice of a speech therapist).

About the jackdaw

Jumping Jackdaw Attacked the Jackdaw

Yelnichka, robbers,

He beats with his tail, they unchecked the blue

Bereznichka. caftan.

Oh, there is nothing to tick, the jackdaw is crying,

Walk around the city. Nowhere to take!


Kitten, kitty, kitty, download Our Murochka,

Kitty - gray To lull.

Tail! How do I like you, cat,

Come, cat, spend the night, I'll pay for the work ... (K. Chukovsky.)


Lost kittens

On the road gloves

And ran home in tears:

Mom, Mom, I'm sorry

We can't find

We cannot find


Lost your gloves?

Those stupid kittens!

I won't give you a pie today

Meow-meow, I won't give,

Meow-meow, I won't give,

I won't give you a pie today!

The kittens ran

Found gloves

And laughing, they ran home:

Mom, Mom, don't be mad

Because they found

Because they found


Did you find the gloves?

Thanks, kittens!

I'll give you a pie for that.

Mur-mur-mur, pies,

Mur-mur-mur, pies,

I'll give you a pie for that?

(Translated by S. Marshak.)

Children memorize the song by roles. Logope e reminds them of the correct pronunciation of the sounds h and g.