Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: “Autumn mood. Speech development preparatory group. Gerbova Classes on speech development in a kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson Plans

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: “Autumn mood. Speech development preparatory group. Gerbova Classes on speech development in a kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson Plans

Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization

kindergarten No. 111, Sochi

Abstract open class

on speech development for children of the preparatory group "Kolobok"

theme: “Autumn motives”

Prepared by:

teacher of MDOBU No. 111

Belogortseva L.V.

Date: 03.11.2017

Subject: "Autumn motives"

Group : preparatory


for children: pictures of autumn (puzzles), autumn attributes (apple, hedgehog); 2 easels, 2 A-3 sheets of paper, wax crayons different colors; blindfold 2 pcs, treats in the basket.

for the teacher: presentation, chips maple and birch leaves

Priority educational area: speech development.

Integration educational areas: speech, cognition, social-communicative, artistic, physical development.

Target: generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn.



    Promote positive emotions

    Foster positive relationships between children

    To cultivate a sense of beauty, harmony and love for the world around us through poetry.


    To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn, its signs and gifts

    Develop ideas about the sequence (cyclicity) of changes in nature in autumn

    Strengthen the ability to create artistic images on a sheet of paper

    To form a conscious attitude towards the beauty and sonority of the Russian language.


    Develop a coherent, sound culture of speech

    Develop the ability to notice the beauty of autumn nature

    Continue learning to listen and answer questions

Preliminary work: Getting to know the poems about autumn by A.S. Pushkin "The sky was already breathing in autumn ", A.N. Tolstoy "Autumn ", A. Pleshcheeva "Summer has passed », « Autumn has come ", A. Maykova "There's already a golden leaf covering ", I. Bunina, O. Vysotskaya. Selective learning by heart.Observation of signs of autumn in nature.Guessing and memorizing riddles about autumn.Repetition of the autumn months.

Planned results: have a complete understanding of autumn, autumn signs, the sequence of changes in nature in autumn. Extension vocabulary, ………..

Progress of the lesson

Educator : Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them. . . Today we will have an unusual activity. And to find out what it is about, you need to guess the riddle:

The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
(in autumn )

Children's answer: in autumn

Educator : That's right guys. And in order to make it more convenient for you and me to communicate, please take a seat. Tell me, please, how many months does autumn have?

Children's answer : 3

Educator: and who can name them for me?

Children's answer : September October November.

Educator : Well done. Autumn has three periods, which ones?

Children's answer : early, golden, late

Educator: Let's remember the signs of autumn.

Children's answer: the leaves turn yellow, the birds fly away…..Who can answer me why some birds fly away?

Children's answer......

Educator: guys, you all know that you can not only look at autumn through the window or in pictures, you can also read about it. Do you agree with me?

Children's answer …..

Educator: What are the people called who write books, stories, poems, etc.?

Children's answer …..Writers, poets….

Educator: Who can tell me the writers who write about such a beautiful time of year as Autumn?

Children's answer: ……..

Educator: Who are the poets and which ones do you know?

Children's answers : poets are those who write poetry….

Educator : Well done boys. And now I suggest you divide into two teams. One team will have birches, and the other will have maples and we will play. Whichever team is the first to guess the tasks receives a team name piece.

Presentation slide 1 to 6

Educator: let me read poems about autumn, you will listen very carefully, but at the same time you must choose the right picture.

Children's answer :…

Educator: And now I invite each team to assemble a picture puzzle.

(Children collect, whose team collects the fastest gets a chip).

Educator : Well done guys, you completed the task. Let's take a little rest.

Finger gymnastics :

"Leaf Fall"

Leaf fall, leaf fall!Raise your hands up.

Leaves are flying in the wind:Swinging your brushes from side to side,

slowly lower your hands (the leaves fall).

From maple - maple,Straighten your fingers and spread them as far apart as possible.

From oak - oak,Straighten your fingers and press them tightly together.

From aspen - aspen,Connect the index and thumb in the form of a ring.

From rowan - rowan.Straighten your fingers and spread them slightly to the sides.

The forest and garden are full of leavesClap your hands.

What a joy for the guys!

Presentation slide from 7 to 11

Educator: sit down and guess which branch the kids are from. Children guess and get chips.

Educator: let's play. I am asking a riddle, and you must guess and find in the basket what is said in it, put it on your table. Whose team guesses the most and faster will receive a chip.

Children solve riddles.

Educator: Let's count how many guesses someone has. Children count, the winning team gets a chip.

Educator: Now I propose to draw an autumn landscape. But not just, but with eyes closed. Here are two easels with sheets of paper, we need two people from each team. One will draw, and the second will help direct with words what needs to be drawn.

Children complete the task.

Educator: look how beautiful it turned out. The first team to finish the job is given a chip.

Educator: guys, let's count who got how many chips.


Educator : Did you like it? What did we talk about today? And so you guys were great today, for your efforts, I want to treat you with autumn gifts.

Thank you for your attention.

Tarkova Marina Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 393"
Locality: Permian
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group "Autumn Surprises"
Publication date: 28.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group

"Autumn Surprises"

Tarkova M.V.
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group. Topic: “Autumn Surprises” Goal: Improving the skill of coherent storytelling. Objectives: 1. Educational: Exercise in composing a collective story, based on model diagrams; Strengthen the ability to express your thoughts in complete sentences. To consolidate children's ideas about autumn as a season and its signs. 2. Developmental: Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, thinking, speech. Develop common and fine motor skills, coordination and sense of rhythm. 3. Educational: To cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature; Foster a feeling of love for native nature; To cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards the world around us: plants, birds, animals. Preliminary work: examination of illustrations on the theme “Autumn”, “Migratory Birds”, “Living and inanimate nature in autumn”, “People’s labor in autumn”; guessing riddles; observing changes in nature with the onset of autumn, learning finger gymnastics, organizing, together with parents, the exhibition “Autumn Fantasy”. Equipment: Mailbox, parcel, letter, raincoat, disc with music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn”, diagrams - hints in pictures, a set of pictures for composing a plot story, ball, maple leaf. NODE STROKE:
1. Organizing time(activation cognitive interest, updating knowledge, posing a problem) Children receive a parcel with a letter. Educator: - Guys, this morning, when I came to kindergarten, I found this parcel and letter. There is a riddle written on the letter. To find out who sent the letter, you must solve this riddle. She walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields, she prepared supplies for you, hid them in cellars, in bins, said, winter will come for me. -Who do you think sent us this letter? (Autumn) - Do you want to know what is written there? Let's open this letter and read it. (Children sit on chairs). The teacher reads the letter. “Guys, hello! I really want to play with you, for this I am sending you my magic cloak. This cloak is not simple, with pockets, each of which contains tasks with a hint. If you complete the tasks, you will be able to create a verbal portrait of me.” Educator: - Guys, what did you understand from this letter? What does Autumn ask us to do? (you need to make a verbal portrait of Autumn, and for this you need to complete tasks) Educator: - And today we will try to remember all the most important, beautiful and interesting things about autumn. 2. Main part. (The teacher puts on a raincoat.) (The teacher invites the child to take the task out of pocket 1) Teacher: - Guys, look, in pocket 1 there is a diagram - a hint. What does it depict? (music disc) - What do you think music can tell us about autumn? (to convey the mood of this time of year). - Let's close our eyes, listen to music and determine what kind of mood does autumn have?
(music sounds). - Listen to the beautiful, calm music that sounds. This melody was written by composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. - How do you feel listening to this music? Joy, despondency, sadness? (children's answers) Educator: - Autumn is a dull, but colorful time. The famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin wrote many poems about autumn. It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, forests dressed in crimson and gold. (The child takes task 2 out of his pocket) 2 pocket with a calendar. Educator: - What do we have in our second pocket? (calendar) - Why do you think Lady Autumn sent us a calendar? The calendar denotes the movement of time. Let's remember how autumn changes over time. What is it like at the very beginning, in the middle and at the end? - What 3 periods is autumn divided into? (Early, golden, late) - Early autumn refers to which autumn month? (By September; golden - by October; late - by November) - Let's get into the autumn round dance and once again remember the autumn months. Phys. minute: The leaves hung on the branches all summer. (Hands are raised up and swaying left and right) September has come and they have turned yellow. (Hands on top, hands turning like lantern balls) October brought leaf fall. (Gently lower your hands down)
The leaves fly off and dance around. (Rotating around yourself in one direction and the other) November has come, The whole leaf has flown around. (Squatted down) And there was a noise under our feet. (Rub palm against palm, imitating the rustling of leaves) (The child takes task 3 out of his pocket) 3 pocket with a leaf. - Guys, what is shown in this diagram - a hint? (Autumn leaf) - Why leaf? Is there really something unusual happening to the leaves in the fall? (children's statements) - In autumn, leaves fall from the trees, because the cold causes the sap in the trunk and branches to move more slowly, and the leaves do not have enough of it, the leaves change their color and leaf fall begins. - Now let's play with you. Didactic game “Name the leaf” (The teacher throws the ball and names the tree, and the children name the leaf of this tree) oak - oak maple - maple aspen - aspen rowan - rowan birch - birch poplar - poplar viburnum - viburnum (Children sit on chairs) (Child takes task 4 out of his pocket) - What is in pocket 4? (picture with animals - animals and birds) - Does something happen to animals in the fall?
(All animals are preparing for winter: some hibernate, for example, a bear, a hedgehog, a badger; others make supplies for the winter, such as a squirrel, a chipmunk; in the fall, animals molt: they change their summer coats to winter, warmer ones) - Amphibians and insects, Perhaps they are also stocking up for the winter? (No, amphibians and insects hibernate until spring) - What changes in the life of birds with the arrival of autumn? (there are birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter) - What are the names of the birds that fly away from us for the winter? (Such birds are called migratory) - Why do they fly away? Crows, jackdaws, and sparrows remain with us all year round. (And in the fall the sun heats up little, it becomes cool, there are fewer insects) - How do the birds that remain with us survive? (These birds live next to humans, and so that they do not die of hunger or freeze, you need to feed them, build feeders) - That's right. Such birds are called wintering birds. And, of course, they expect help from us in winter. And we, together with our fathers and mothers, will definitely build them feeders. (The child takes task 5 out of his pocket) Pocket 5 (the picture is a person’s work in the fall) - Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? (We will talk about human worries in the fall) - What do you and I, your parents, friends and acquaintances, do in the fall, how do we work in the fall? (Children’s answers) Didactic game “Pass it to someone else.” (Children pass a piece of paper and name the types of autumn work: picking leaves, harvesting, picking mushrooms, berries, etc.) - How did you guys work all autumn? (And we were removing leaves on the site to help the janitor) - Correct. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all its gifts must be collected and processed: preserved or dried, boiled or pickled. And this is also a lot of work. (The child takes task 6 out of his pocket) - Let’s continue. What's in pocket 6? (Scheme - hint with pictures) - Why do you think Autumn sent you these diagrams - hints? (So ​​that we can compose a story about autumn) - Look, Autumn has put 2 diagrams with pictures.
(Divide into subgroups - a magic bag with a mosaic) (Children go to the tables) Educator: - Pictures are laid out in front of each subgroup, your task is to compose a story based on the pictures. - You must answer in a complete sentence. (Writing a descriptive story for children) (3 minutes) - Now let’s hear what kind of stories you came up with? (Each subgroup takes turns talking about autumn) - Guys, you will tell now, and I will write your stories in a notebook to please Lady Autumn. And the postman Pechkin will deliver our letter to her. (The teacher plays out this situation) 3. Reflection. (Children sit on chairs) Educator: - Remember what autumn asked us to do (make a verbal portrait of it) - Do you think we managed to jointly draw up a verbal portrait of Autumn? (yes) - I draw your attention to the diagrams - hints, let's remember what we talked about today? (Children, with the help of diagrams and hints, remember all stages of the lesson) V.: - What was difficult? What was easy? - Well done, you showed yourself to be knowledgeable, each of you was able to learn something new for yourself, someone remembered what they already knew.

Target. Teach children to look at pictures in books and explain why they liked this or that illustration.

Preliminary work. The day before, the teacher draws the children's attention to a small exhibition of books on the theme of autumn. Asks you to remember or bookmark the pictures you like.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children whether they liked looking at the pictures in the books.

“I even see bookmarks in books,” the teacher notes. – I am glad that you, future schoolchildren, are responsible for fulfilling my requests and tasks. And being able to look at drawings is a very necessary and not at all easy task. So, whose bookmarks are in this book?

The teacher invites the child to his table, and he explains his choice. If there is more than one bookmark on this page, a second child comes to the table and complements his friend’s answer.

The teacher listens to everyone. Notes children's observation skills. As the child’s story progresses, the teacher monitors his speech, suggests the right words, and helps him construct sentences correctly.

The teacher says that he also liked many of the drawings that the children liked, such as the illustration from the book “Autumn Poems.”

“I also noticed the colors in this drawing,” says the teacher, “ rose bush, which has become half golden, a lilac haze (blue) between the trees, a barely noticeable yellowish path near a harvested field, where two cautious crows are collecting fallen grains.”

Riddles about autumn

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It's blowing like this, there's no escape!
What's happened? Give an answer!
(Late fall)

The leaves are spinning in the air,
They lie down quietly on the grass.
The garden sheds its leaves -
It's simple…
(leaf fall)

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course …
(Leaf fall)

The branches in the park rustle,
They shed their outfit.
He is near the oak and birch trees
Multi-colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's simple …
(Leaf fall)

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.
(Autumn leaf)

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

The wind will call the cloud,
A cloud is floating across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
It's drizzling cold...

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.

It became large and frequent, and wet the whole earth.

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds
In the darkness
Only feet on the ground.

The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...

Low in the gray sky
The clouds are moving close
They close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took... (umbrella)

It became gloomy outside the window,
The rain is asking to come to our house.
The house is dry, but outside
Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on speech development on the topic “Autumn”

Educational goals:

  • Systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about autumn and autumn natural phenomena.
  • Formation of ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features.
  • Introduce children to the periods of autumn and the autumn months.

Developmental goals:

Improving the ability to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality through coherent speech, logical thinking, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements.

Educational goals:

To instill in children an interest in seasonal changes in nature.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading poems about autumn: F.I. Tyutcheva, P.M. Pleshcheeva,

S. Yesenina, A. Maykova.

  • Observing the change in color of tree leaves while walking.
  • Repetition of general articulation gymnastics exercises.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Autumn”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. (Announcing the topic of the lesson. Creating an emotional background.)

The teacher reads a poem:


What is it, what happened?

For some reason all the foliage

Spun, spun

And she sank to the ground.

The sun shone with a ray

And the clouds cleared.

Because on a white day,

The sky rained!

(T. Pavlova)

2. Conversation on questions: (Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about different periods autumn and autumn months)

What time of year is the poem talking about?

Name the autumn months. (September October November)

How many autumn months did you name? (We named three autumn months)

- Which month marks the beginning of autumn? (The beginning of autumn marks September)

- What do you call autumn in September? ( Early autumn,)

What month marks the middle of autumn? (Mid-autumn is called golden)

What do you call autumn in November? ( Late fall)

3. Game “Choose action words.” (learn to select action words for the names of plants and birds)

The leaf (What is it doing?) - turns yellow, withers, falls, dries, rustles, rustles.

Birds (What are they doing?) - fly away, fly over, chirp, sing.

Rain (What is it doing?) - drizzling, pouring, falling, dripping.

The wind (What is it doing?) – disperses the clouds,

4. Game “Close Words”. (Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to select synonyms for words; to develop accuracy in expressing thoughts when composing sentences)

In autumn the days are cloudy, ..... ( gray, dull...)

In autumn the weather is often cold,..... (windy, rainy...)

In autumn the mood is sad,..... (sad, dreary…)

In autumn, rains are frequent, ..... (cold, torrential…)

The sky is covered gray clouds, ….. (dark, rainy...)

At the beginning of autumn there are clear days, ….. (cloudless, bright...)

It's cold outside in late autumn,..... (cloudy, windy...)

5. Physical education minute

6. The teacher puts a painting by I.S. on the easel. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn".

Conversation about the painting.

Look at the painting by the Russian artist “Golden Autumn”. It was written by I. Ostroukhov.

What time of year do you see? (The painting depicts autumn)

What kind of leaves are on the trees? (The trees have yellow, green, red leaves)

Why is the picture called “ Gold autumn» (Because yellow leaves look like gold coins)

What does the word "leaf fall" mean? (Leaf fall is when leaves fall from trees)

Teacher. Well done.

7. Guess the riddles

Who beats on the roof all night,

Yes he knocks

And he mumbles and he sings,

Lulls you to sleep?

(Rain )

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


The sun shines sometimes

There are always clouds in the sky.

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


No arms, no legs,

And the windows open

(Wind )

Teacher. Well done! All the riddles were solved.

8. Work in a notebook.

Teacher. Open your notebooks to page 4. What do you see at the top?

Children. Letter E, image of hedgehogs and raccoon.

Teacher. Right. Color the big and small letters. What pencil will you need for this?

Children. Red because E is a vowel. (color)

Teacher. Now think about how to color the pictures correctly and color them. (children complete the task).

Teacher. Put down your colored pencils and grab your pens, let's write the letter E. Watch me do it on the board. First I will write one long stick from top to bottom, then a small stick at the top, a small stick at the bottom and a small stick in the middle. Write four big letters and four small letters with dots.

9. Summary of the lesson.

The teacher offers to tell the children about what they did today and what games they liked. Who did the best work, and who needs to be more active and attentive.

They made us happy. And poems about early autumn are unusually expressive.”

The teacher reads an excerpt from I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves”:

Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue,
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, that window...

“Autumn is coming into its own, nature and weather are changing,” the teacher continues the conversation and reads the poems by A. Pushkin “Autumn” and A. Pleshcheev “A Boring Picture.”

The teacher ends the lesson by reading A. Pushkin’s poem “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”. After reading the work, he asks the children which lines they remember.

“Today we had a day of poetry, and you and I bathed in the rays of the beautiful, sonorous, figurative Russian language. Is not it?" – the teacher sums up the lesson.

Lesson 2. Autumn motifs

Target. Teach children to look at pictures in books and explain why they liked this or that illustration.

Preliminary work. The day before, the teacher draws the children's attention to a small exhibition of books on the theme of autumn. Asks you to remember or bookmark the pictures you like.

Progress of the lesson
The teacher asks the children whether they liked looking at the pictures in the books.

“I even see bookmarks in books,” the teacher notes. – I am glad that you, future schoolchildren, are responsible for fulfilling my requests and tasks. And being able to look at drawings is a very necessary and not at all easy task. So, whose bookmarks are in this book?

The teacher invites the child to his table, and he explains his choice. If there is more than one bookmark on this page, a second child comes to the table and complements his friend’s answer.

The teacher listens to everyone. Notes children's observation skills. As the child’s story progresses, the teacher monitors his speech, suggests the right words, and helps him construct sentences correctly.

The teacher says that he also liked many of the drawings that the children liked, such as the illustration from the book “Autumn Poems.”

“I also noticed the colors in this drawing,” says the teacher, “a rose bush that has become half golden, a lilac haze (blue) between the trees, a barely noticeable yellowish path near a harvested field, where two careful crows are collecting fallen grains.”

Lesson 3. Sound culture of speech. Working on a proposal

Target. Improve phonetic perception, the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence. Continue working on the semantic side of the word.
Progress of the lesson
“How many of you have seen crystal things that sparkle in the light of lamps? - the teacher begins the conversation. – These could be... glasses, shot glasses, salad bowls, candy bowls, sconces, chandeliers. Or maybe an autumn day can be crystal clear?

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -

And the evenings are radiant.

These lines were written by the wonderful Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. What amazingly accurate and beautiful words appear in this quatrain. Did you hear? Initial autumn – what kind of autumn is this? What word can replace the word marvelous

The teacher explains what radiant evenings are. Then asks the children to count the number of words with sound R in the first two lines of the poem (repeats them) and name these words.

"Can you name the first two sounds in the word marvelous. Di- part of a word. There are other words starting with di-. Which? (Dima, Dina, Dinara, director, sofa...) Let's look in the dictionary and find words starting with di-. So: diet, diadem, savage, curiosity, porcupine, dynamo, disk, conductor. Are all the words familiar to you? AND diadem, porcupine, conductor? Determine in which part of the word the sound is heard R in a word conductor

Next, the teacher invites the children to play the game “I am for you, you are for me” and reminds of its rules: “First I will say a sentence, and you will count the number of words in it and name them. Then one of you will say your sentence and I will count the number of words. So, how many words are in the sentence “The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder?”

Children count the words (4–5 answers), and then name the words in the order they appear in the sentence.

“Now let’s play differently,” says the teacher. - Dima, you have the floor keeps up, Sasha has the floor cowberry, at Ira - become, at Masha's - days, Katya's - colder. Come to my table and decide who will stand with whom, and then say the proposal.”

If confusion occurs, the game is repeated with other participants. (The reception was offered by G. Belyakova.)

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads to the children F. Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...” or K. Balmont’s “Autumn.”

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...
F. Tyutchev

Lingonberries are ripening,
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.
K. Balmont

Lesson 4. Retelling the story by V. Sukhomlinsky “The Apple and the Dawn”

Target. Improve the ability to retell and draw up a retelling plan.
Progress of the lesson
“Today I will read you a story written by the teacher, school director Vasily Sukhomlinsky,” the teacher begins the lesson. “The story is called “The Apple and the Dawn.”

Little Misha often came to his grandfather Korney’s garden. Grandfather treated his grandson delicious apples, pears, honey.

And Misha could not take his eyes off the huge, white, tender apple that glowed at the very top of one apple tree.

Grandfather, dear, let me climb in and pick that apple over there.

No,” answered the grandfather, “the apple will go to the one who comes to the garden at dawn and works for an hour: pours water for the bees, cuts dry twigs.”

How many times did Misha intend to come to the garden at dawn, but he could not overcome laziness.

Finally, I gathered my strength, opened my eyes while it was still dark, threw away the pillow and ran to my grandfather in the garden. He poured water for the bees and cut off dry twigs.

The morning star has risen. Misha approached the apple tree with the treasured apple, and it took his breath away. The huge apple at the very top was no longer white, but pink, like the sky at dawn.

Well, now the apple is yours. “Climb and tear it off,” said the grandfather.

No, grandfather... Better tomorrow.


I want to see the sunrise again.

“If we can draw up a plan for the story, then we will be able to retell it without significant omissions and unnecessary repetitions,” the teacher continues the conversation. – Do you remember how the story begins? How can you briefly call this part of the story?

The teacher listens to the children’s answers and says that everything they talked about happened in Grandfather Korney’s garden: “I think that the first point of the plan should be called: “In Grandfather Korney’s garden.” And then the action, where? And how did the action develop? Can this part of the story be called...? “Misha stopped being lazy”, “Misha conquered laziness”...

Did the boy get the treasured apple? How did Vasily Sukhomlinsky describe this apple? When did this apple become pink instead of white? (When the morning star rose.)

We have a plan. Now I will read the story again so that you remember it better.”

Then the teacher calls the child, and they retell the story together. The teacher ends his part with the words: “Grandfather, dear, let me climb up and pick that big apple.” The child retells the story further.

The teacher calls another child to retell the story, and he invites a peer.

“The apple in the story was... (huge, white, tender). What kind of apples have you come across? – the teacher asks, finishing the lesson.

Lesson 5. Lexical games and exercises

Target. Activate children's speech, improve phonemic perception of speech.
Progress of the lesson
“I have already told you many times that you should listen carefully to the words that I pronounce,” the teacher begins the conversation. – If you mumble just one sound in a word, it turns out to be nonsense. Shall we check?

Rooks are hurrying, doctors are flying. Which letter changed the word rooks? (Letter V.)

There were barrels, behind the barrels there were daughters.”

The teacher says the following pairs of words: house - catfish, beetle - onion, poppy - varnish.

Next, the teacher invites the children to listen to the story and fantasize: “In one fairy-tale town, the names of animals were written on all the houses: Squirrel, Hedgehog, Raccoon... One day a new one was built in the city beautiful house, on which the inscription soon appeared: “Cat.”

The little mice ran to school. They saw the sign and read: “Cat.” Can you imagine their behavior, convey their conversations? (For example: “What a horror! Now we will have to go to school by a different route. The house is very rich. This cat must have a servant,” etc.)

The cat was running errands. Can you describe it? And what did the kitty meow when she saw the inscription “Cat”?

The dog ran behind. What breed do you think she was? Seeing the “Cat” sign, the dog got angry...

And the little girl who was walking next door couldn’t read. But she saw a cat come out of the house and sit on the porch step. The girl immediately appeared next to him and spoke to him. What do you think about?”

One two three four five,
I start repeating:
Baked in the oven
And he wears it in his buttonhole
Crawling on the grass
Milk flows into
And at the construction site there is

The teacher repeats the poem, and the children finish the words bud, loaf, can, concrete, python.

Lesson 6. Reading K. Paustovsky’s fairy tale “Warm Bread”

Target. Introduce children to literary fairy tale K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”.

Preliminary work. The day before, read the work of K. Paustovsky “The Thief Cat” to the children.

Progress of the lesson
The teacher asks the children if they remember the name of the author of the story “The Thief Cat.”

When the children name the author, he continues: “Readers (Who are they?) call Paustovsky a singer of Russian nature. Indeed it is. The writer describes the corners of nature so vividly and memorablely, natural phenomena that these descriptions remain in memory for a long time. And he knows how to make you laugh. After all, you laughed when I read about the tricks (actions) of the red cat. And Konstantin Paustovsky also knows how to put the reader in a very serious mood. See for yourself by listening to his new work, called “Warm Bread”. This is a very wise fairy tale. If you understand its meaning, understand what rudeness and cruelty leads to, you will become kinder.”

The teacher reads a fairy tale. Then he asks the children: “What did this fairy tale teach you?”

Lesson 7. Underwater world

Target. Improve dialogical speech children, the ability to write stories on a given topic.

Preliminary work. Together with the children, the teacher looks at pictures depicting animals of the seas and oceans. Then he asks the children where and what marine inhabitants they saw and what they know about their habits.


Progress of the lesson
The teacher invites the children to create their own underwater world on sheets of paper (the images should be conventional so that the children can “read” what they depict). One child, using pictures, creates his own version underwater world at the blackboard. Then he talks about what he managed to see in the depths of the sea. The children ask him clarifying questions.

The teacher notes the successful beginning of the story or, on the contrary, suggests how the story would benefit if the child started it something like this... (sample).

The teacher calls the second child. While he works, 3-4 children talk about their paintings.

If there is time left, you can offer children tasks for ingenuity (exercise “What’s extra?”):

– cod, herring, spinning rod, perch;

– gudgeon, pike, roach, crab.

Lesson 8. First snow. Memorizing A. Fet's poem “Mom! Look out the window..."

Target. Develop children's ability to perceive poetic speech. Help me remember A. Fet’s poem “Mom! Look from the window...”
Progress of the lesson
“Did any of you manage to see the first snow? – the teacher asks the children. “Are you happy about this or sad?”

The teacher says that there are many good poems, which are called “First Snow”, and reads a poem by I. Bunin:

It smelled like winter cold
To the fields and forests.
Light up bright purple
Before sunset the sky.

At night the storm raged,
And with dawn to the village,
To the ponds, to the deserted garden
The first snow started to fall.

And today over the wide
White tablecloth fields
We said goodbye belatedly
A string of geese.

The teacher asks the children which lines they remember and repeats them.

Then he reads Y. Akim’s poem “First Snow”:

Morning cat
Brought on his paws
First snow!
First snow!

He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!

He's spinning
Over the guys' heads
He managed
Down scarf
On the pavement

He turns white
Along the fence
Took a nap
On the lantern -

Very soon
Will fly
From the hills.
Can be
In the courtyard!

Children usually ask the teacher to repeat the lines about how the snow spread a downy scarf and lay down (snuzzled) on the lantern.

“But what I like most is Afanasy Fet’s poem “Mom!” Look from the window,” says the teacher and reads the poem (abbreviated).

The teacher invites the children to memorize the poem.

Then he asks the children: “What do you think, what does a cat washing its nose (muzzle) and the first snow have to do with it? There is a sign: if a cat diligently (how is that?) washes its face, there will be guests. Why isn’t snow a guest?”

The teacher repeats the first six lines of the poem:

Mother! Look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that a cat
I washed my nose!
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.

“The first lines of the poem - a child’s address to his mother,” says the teacher, “can be read in different ways. Let's try (3-4 answers).

And what made the child looking out the window so happy? He saw that there was no dirt... (3-4 children read these lines).”

The teacher repeats the passage and adds the following six lines to it:

Now there will be no argument:
For the sled, and up the hill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you yourself will probably say:
“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

The teacher asks 3-4 children to repeat three lines of the poem, which convey the joy of the child looking forward to skiing down the mountain. The teacher evaluates the recitation.

“But the last lines,” says the teacher, “I would probably read differently than the previous ones, with pleading notes and a little quieter.” Children read these lines together with the teacher, and then 3-4 children individually.

The teacher repeats the poem, children can read along with him, but without a voice. Later, he reads the poem outside of class and asks the children to repeat it.