Presentation competition for Mother's Day “We need different mothers.... Presentation about mom: “The dearest person on earth” What can you write about mom in a presentation

Presentation competition for Mother's Day “We need different mothers....  Presentation about mom:
Presentation competition for Mother's Day “We need different mothers.... Presentation about mom: “The dearest person on earth” What can you write about mom in a presentation

Presentation on the topic “Behind the Textbook Line” Mom.

You all know this word. The very first thing in our life. This word is mom. The most beautiful word on earth is mother. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

In ancient Rus' there were many proverbs and sayings about mother: When the sun is bright, but when mother is good. There is no sweeter friend than your own mother. Mother is ready for any task. The mother feeds her children like the earth does people. The kalacha cheese is whiter, and the stepmother's mother is cuter. The native land is the mother, the foreign side is the stepmother. Dear mother, an unquenchable candle. Where the mother goes, the child goes. Maternal anger is like spring snow: a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.

There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children. This is a happy, bright holiday on which all mothers should be congratulated from the bottom of their hearts. Mom is sunshine, the look of wonderful gentle eyes. It will save you from a thousand troubles and help you a thousand times.

in Armenia - April 7 in Belarus - October 14 in Germany, Italy and the USA - on the 2nd Sunday of May in Greece - May 9 in Lebanon - on the first day of spring in Lithuania - on the 1st Sunday in May in Poland - May 26 in Serbia - in December in Uzbekistan - March 8 in France - on the last Sunday of May

“All about my mother” “Mother and child” “Fashionable mommy” “Mom” “Happy New Year mom” “Mama Mia”

Hebrew -ima Georgian -deda Korean -omma Ukrainian - mamo Buryat - ezhi. Arabic-omak. Spanish - madre Kyrgyz - apa Japanese - haha ​​Persian - maman

Poets write wonderful poems about mom. Mom - there are not enough words in the whole world to thank you for everything. For sleepless moments by the bed, And for tears of bitter resentment. For your support and your care, the first steps of education, and for every difficult Saturday that you dedicated to us alone. For the smile that warms the heart, For the embrace of your beloved hands, Mommy - you are the best in the world! Heroine, Woman and Friend.

The mother's character must be humane, very humane! If I don't pass the exam - Don't sigh all evening, But say: - Go to the cinema, Take a walk at the same time - Clear your head From your geometries! My mother's character must be humane: If I go somewhere to the park on holidays, Let her ask - don't call me from a payphone, Have fun until late, I'll be alone! Mom's character must be humane, Must not be gloomy!.. I will forget the promise To take a bag of vegetables At the dacha plot - Mom must take it, She may strain herself, Let her not groan: “It’s terribly hard!” - Let him show courage!.. This is my mother’s character, Without a doubt, humane! He is completely human and quite comfortable for me.

There are also wonderful quotes about mom, here are some of them: The best gift in the world is MOTHER's love. The calmest, warmest, most comfortable place is where MOTHER is. Where do you feel happiest? Of course, under MOM’s wing! Being a MOTHER is the most rewarding work, because you pay for it with love. MOTHER is the very first and closest friend!

There is nothing that a mother’s love cannot withstand. (Paddock)

The child recognizes his mother by her smile. (Lev Tolstoy)

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (Peter de Vries).

In all the languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mom... (Beat Hoween)

"The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers." (Honore de Balzac)

Worked on the presentation: Shakhverdova Anastasia Ermakova Ekaterina

And their mothers: Nadezhda Shakhverdova Elena Ermakova

There are many good people on earth,

There are a lot of warm-hearted people

And yet, the best person on earth is my mother.

My mom.

R. Rozhdestvensky.

Purpose of the competition:

strengthening family values, creating a favorable climate in the family, awareness of the role of the mother in a person’s life, the formation of a person with high morality, the creative development of students in the process of creating a competitive work.

Competition objectives:

help strengthen emotional ties within the family;

promote the development of creative activity;

strengthening the importance of the mother’s role in the child’s life.

Organizers of the competition:

The organizer of the competition is MBOU "School No. 21" in Ryazan

Responsible teacher for primary school - Postnikova A.A.


Students in grades 3-4 are invited to participate in the competition.

MBOU "School No. 21" (grades 1-2 can also take part if they wish, their participation must be agreed upon in advance)

Conditions of the competition

The competition work must be completed in the form of an electronic presentation in the Power Point program, be of a research and informational nature, and mothers must be the hero;

The presentation volume should not exceed 12 slides.

The work must include: title of the work, full name. student, educational institution, class.

The work is accompanied by a literary and musical defense, no more than 10 minutes.

The competition is held in two stages:

Winners and participants of the competition are awarded diplomas and certificates.

Work should be directed to:

Primary school - in room 8, Postnikova A.A.

Progress of the event

Teacher. Slide No. 1

Good afternoon to everyone gathered in this room.

Today is an unusual day at elementary school. It is dedicated to the people most dear to us in the world - our mothers.

Teacher: Slide No. 2

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually taking root in Russia.
Founded by the President of the Russian Federation
January 30, 1998
, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This year Mother's Day is celebrated seventeenth year.

Teacher: Slide No. 3

Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday.

It does not yet have established traditions; few people celebrate it in the family circle. But we hope that over time the significance of this day will increase, because in meaning and content this is the holiest holiday.

Teacher: Slide No. 4

In our elementary school, for a month, the children collected material about their mothers and prepared for the electronic presentation competition “We need all kinds of mothers, all kinds of mothers are important.”

I present to your attention our respected jury, which today will evaluate your creative works:

Deputy Director for Educational Work - Elena Alekseevna Yudina

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Yulia Aleksandrovna Kabaeva

The school librarian is Galina Ivanovna Moseykina.

Teacher: Guys, we wish you all success.

The honorary right to be the first to start an electronic presentation competition is granted to 4 A class. Class teacher Natalya Viktorovna Maksimova. We present to your attention a collective work called Fairytale-journey “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important. So, before you is Darina Ivanova, Anastasia Balashova, Victoria Mineeva (speech)

Thank you guys, the jury will appreciate your work

Teacher: Today is a holiday, and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. We decided not to deviate from this wonderful tradition and at the very beginning of our holiday we gave mothers...

Something that, on the one hand, will be the same as everyone else’s, and on the other hand, will be perceived by each mother as something very individual

Meet us! The best gift is your children!

The floor to defend your presentation is given 1st grade “Mom, dear, dear” - this is what the children of Elena Alexandrovna Ustanina think. We ask the jury not to judge harshly our youngest participants in this competition. Attention, teamwork (speech)

Thanks guys - you're great!

Teacher: Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this little word that names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

Class 1B is given the floor to defend their presentation. Class teacher Larisa Vladimirovna Chernousova. Individual work by Victoria Vydrina “Mom is the main word in our destiny.”

Thank you, smart girl, let's escort our young participant Victoria to her place with thunderous applause.

Teacher: - The most beautiful word on earth - MOTHER! A word that sounds equally tender and affectionate in all languages ​​of the world - MOTHER!

Mom has kind and gentle hands that can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart, love never fades in it

And no matter how old a person is - 5, 20 or 50, he always needs a mother. Her caress, her look. And the greater our love for our mother, the happier and brighter our life.

And we meet the next participants of the competition, students of class 1A. Class teacher Zhukova Svetlana Vladimirovna. Attention - Teamwork

Well done guys, thank you very much for your performance.

Teacher: According to statistics, three little people are born every second on our planet. And with them three new mothers are born...

Just as the shining sun warms all living things with its rays, so a mother warms her child with her love. This is the meaning of her life. Love for her baby is as natural to her as the blossoming of an apple tree in the spring. It’s not for nothing that many adults remember their mother’s hands and her kind, gentle eyes all their lives.

Nikita Strigov 3 A class individual work “Love your mothers” has the floor to defend his presentation

Teacher: Mother’s work, mother’s work is the most important and most important on earth. Apparently, this is why there is not a single country in the world where Mother’s Day is celebrated. Slide No. 5

The word for defending your presentation is 3 B class, individual work by Zamfir Anastasia. Class teacher Marina Nikolaevna Kireeva

Thank you for such a wonderful performance.

Teacher: How often do we say warm and tender words to our mothers?

We remember them when we feel bad, when we need something, we remember them when it’s their birthday, but on other days?

Let us together confess our love to a woman who

gave us life that is always with us, in sorrow and in joy.

There is a “heart” in my hands, and I offer everyone who gets it into their hands to say a few warm and gentle words to their mother.

(several people say kind words to mothers)

And the floor is given to the student to defend the presentation.

3B class - Nikita Filippov. Class teacher - Shuklina Marina Ivanovna

Thank you, Nikita, for your active participation in the competition.

Teacher: Love your mothers today and always. Make them happy with your successes, be worthy of everything they do for you, their children. And don’t forget to say: “Forgive me, Mom,” if you are to blame.

The next participant in the competition provides his individual creative work Novikova Alina 4 In class Class teacher - Kozlova Marina Konstantinovna

Thanks for the presentation.

Teacher: We don’t always understand well what mother means to us. We often see in her a person who cooks food, washes, irons, endlessly teaches us wisdom, allows something, forbids something. But mom is the person you can trust, mom will understand everything and will support and advise. Guys, surround your mothers with constant care, attention, sympathy, kind words and deeds, so that they can give you their warmth for as long as possible.

Word to the students of grade 4B. Collective presentation “Moms are different.” Class teacher Postnikova A. A. Attention

Abramov: So... that means it’s true...

Golubev: Ivan, why are you so limp, Gvo? Egor is told that he hatched from an egg, but nothing. And they told you that the stork brought it, what’s wrong with that?

Vyazovkina: I’ll say in In secret, Vlad Burtsev and Karina Matveeva were actually found in a pumpkin..., can you imagine, in the garden!!!

Golubev: And Kirill Trifonova and the unicorn brought Makhmutov Efim, how do you like it?

Abramov: What happens if the girls are found under a bush, then their mother is a hare, right?

Vyazovkina: And if the boys were found on a tree, is their mother a monkey?

Golubev: And if the children were dropped off by aliens, then how? Their mother is an alien?


I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
Only I don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?
My sister grumbled at me:
- You are the head of everyone
turned my head.

And I started over:
-Where did I live before my mother?
No one knows this secret from adults

I couldn't explain it that way.
Only mom is the answer or simply:


Abramov: So what are mothers like?

WE see them like this. Pupils of grade 4b edited a video from their mothers’ drawings:


Mothers are different.
Moms walk and fly
Mothers croak, sing,
And they live at the bottom of the sea.

The hippopotamus has a mother
At the titmouseand a raccoon,
At the elephant and the tiny mice,
For girls and boys.


Obeying the command of the heart,
I'll look into your eyes, dear,
I'll quietly lower myself onto the laziness

And I will tell you: “Thank you...

Students sing the song "Mom, always be by my side"

Song "Mom always be by my side"

I kiss your hands, my dear

You are the most tender in the world, I know for sure

There is no one more precious in the world than you, in my heart you are

Hold me tight, I want to warm you up!


Mom, always be by my side!

Mom, don't be sad!

Do you hear, mom, always be by my side!

Mom, I don’t need more!

Mom, don't be sad!

And forgive me for everything, mommy!

Only you will always support and reassure

And you will protect me from envy and anger.

I love you, you are an angel, I live by you.

I kiss your hands with gratitude.


(verses 12 bars): 3 people

Light in the window, we are together,

The soul is light.

Dear Mommy, how warm it is to be with you!

I pray at night that you live

May you be healthy, mommy!

My mom gave me life!

I love you more than anyone in the world!


Thanks guys, please take your seats.

Teacher: Now the jury will sum up the results, and I really want to thank all the participants for their creative work, and while the jury is deliberating, we will watch “The Parable of Mom” Parable of Mom

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Slide No. 6,7

Guys, please remember this day - the last Sunday in November. Congratulate your mothers on this day, give them gifts, affectionate and kind words, care and attention. Moms will be very pleased.

And now the jury speaks.


Thanks for the work. Happiness to you and your mothers will be happy.

Natalya Nazarova
Presentation for Mother's Day “My mother is the best in the world!”

Presentation for Mother's Day\"My mom is the best in the world!"Presentation for Mother's Day\"My mom is the best in the world!\We didn’t forget about our kind mothers, A year ago, in the middle group, we congratulated them like this. Dear Mom, Mom, It’s good that there is a Mother’s Day. I love you, my dear, All your virtues cannot be counted! For all those sleepless nights I want to say thank you very much. Because you were waiting for me, Because you were worried, and didn’t sleep. I promise to be obedient, Only to please you, But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, Don’t sulk at me! I promise to be obedient, Only to please you, But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, Don’t sulk at me! I promise to be obedient, Only to please you, But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, Don’t sulk at me! I promise to be obedient, Only to please you, But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, Don’t sulk at me!

I promise to be obedient, Only to please you, But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, Don’t sulk at me! There's so much I want to say

Which cannot be described in a nutshell.

Thank you, my mom,

Because you love me.

Publications on the topic:

Our dear mothers, dear to you, we will organize a cheerful festive concert now. Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this! Our children's.

Leisure scenario for children and parents for Mother’s Day “My mother is the best in the world” (senior group) MDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Solnyshko”, Vetluga 2017 Leisure activities for children and parents for Mother's Day. “My mom is the best in the world” senior group. Developed.

Scenario of the holiday “My mother is the best in the world”, dedicated to Mother’s Day in the senior group MDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Sun”, Vetluga. 2017 Celebration “My mother is the best in the world” dedicated to Mother’s Day. Senior group. Developed.

Project in a speech therapy group for Mother’s Day “My mother is the best in the world!” Project methodological passport: Project title: “My mother is the best in the world!” Project leaders: teacher - speech therapist: O. N. Savushinskaya;.

Entertainment "My mom is the best in the world!" From a very early age, a child must remember that no matter where he is and no matter what.

"The best mom in the world." Celebration scenario for the senior group of kindergarten dedicated to Mother's Day Scenario for the senior group of kindergarten dedicated to Mother’s Day “The best mother in the world” Presenter: - It all starts with her... A cry of invitation.

Scenario for the holiday for Mother's Day “My mother is the best in the world” Mother's Day holiday “My mother is the best in the world” (preparatory group) Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle Presenter: V.

Scenario for Mother's Day "Best Mom in the World" Celebration script for Mother's Day. Goal: fostering a good attitude towards mother, a desire to take care of her, protect her, and help. Equipment:.

My mother is young.

Here she is 25 years old

The warmth and sweetness of mother's hands.

Who do we meet first? coming to the white light,

So this is our mom, she’s the cutest one. All life revolves around her, our whole world is warmed by her. All her life she has been trying to protect us from troubles. She is the support in the house, she is busy every hour.

And there is no one else but who would love us so much. So she will have more happiness, and life will be longer, and joy will be her lot. And less sad things to do!

My mom is at work.

My mother is a saleswoman by profession. This is a very difficult and responsible job.


In the store near the cash registers, the salesman meets us: Now he rustles with bags, now he rustles with paper. There is a living needle on the scales, And it is fast, like a squirrel, - Very accurate scales. We bought sausages, hard cheese, sweets, and fish for the cat for lunch.

Rakhimova Camilla

"Mom and her profession"

3rd grade 9 years old

MBOU "Zelenoroshchinskaya Sosh. them.

M. Gorky"

Head: Nailya Dzhamilovna Sirazieva

S. Green Grove, st. Promyslovaya, 1

Alena Shulim
Presentation about mom

Dear Colleagues! Mother's Day is coming soon! In honor of this significant day, a competition is being held in our garden. presentations! I have prepared this presentation with great pleasure, because MOTHER is the most important thing in a person’s life. Parents also took part in this competition, thereby sending a joint photo with their child!

Hovering like a bird above me.

How easy and serene

Next to my dear mother!

I'll take her hand

I'll look into her eyes.

Her laughter will drive away the cloud

A tear of rain will fall.

I'll sit on my mom's lap

And I’ll hug you comfortably

I don't need sweeter happiness

I'm not afraid of anything! (Maria Arkhipova)

Dear mothers, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming day!

Happy Mother's Day - a wonderful one,

A wonderful, bright day.

May the sky be clear

May your house be filled with happiness.

Let troubles and problems

Will disappear forever

Everyone will certainly be there

Happy year!

P.S. Attached presentation

Publications on the topic:

You know, mom, it’s an ordinary day without you we can’t live! The word mother is so familiar to us from the first days! You just have to look closely - Whole.

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Scenario for the holiday “I love my mother” Goal: to create an atmosphere of cordiality and kindness towards the most precious thing in every person’s life - mother. Objectives: * introducing children.

Everyone in the world loves Mom, Mom is the first friend! Not only children love their mothers, they love everyone around them. The older children showed how much they love their mothers.

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Goal: Continue to teach how to find baby animals and name them; develop children's speech, memory, thinking; cultivate a love for animals. Material:.

Congratulations to mom (middle group 2017) -1- Boys enter: 1. The holiday is coming. All is ready? Hey, is anyone late? 2. There are girls there, that's all.

Master Class. Collective production of wall newspapers using the palm painting technique. Congratulations to mom on March 8th! Shabaeva Tatyana.