Competitive positions of JSC Russian Railways in terms of wages in the labor market compared to railways in the CIS countries, the Baltic countries and the world. In other regions of Russia. Professional responsibilities and work characteristics

Competitive positions of JSC Russian Railways in terms of wages in the labor market compared to railways in the CIS countries, the Baltic countries and the world.  In other regions of Russia.  Professional responsibilities and work characteristics
Competitive positions of JSC Russian Railways in terms of wages in the labor market compared to railways in the CIS countries, the Baltic countries and the world. In other regions of Russia. Professional responsibilities and work characteristics

Russian Railways is a state infrastructure and the most important railway operator in Russia. The company employs hundreds of thousands of employees throughout the country.

Let's find out how much railroad bosses get paid.

Profit report for Russia

Near RUB 700,000. - salary of the head of Russian Railways per day. This is what the current president of OJSC Oleg Belozerov receives. Converted to American dollars - 10,200.

  • In 2015 new president Russian Railways declared an annual profit of 86 million rubles.
  • In 2016, his declared annual income doubled and amounted to 173 million rubles. This is due to the fact that during his reign the company increased profits 20 times.

4,000,0000 rub.. - this was the monthly salary of the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin. He served as head of the state-owned company until 2015. This is purely salary without taking into account other income.

If we take into account the profit from all sources of income, Vladimir Yakunin received 1.3 million rubles. per day or $19,000.

For comparison, the average salary for Russian Railways is 27,000 rub./month. And, despite all the transparency of salary calculation in a state company, the earnings figures for railway workers differ in different regions countries.

Income of top managers

4 700 000 — this is how much the salary of department heads close to the head of the company is accrued per month at Russian Railways.

The president of the OJSC has 24 assistants:

  • vice presidents,
  • Chief Accountant,
  • heads of corporate finance and legal management,
  • senior advisor.

Junior management salary

  1. 30,000 rubles is the salary of a Russian Railways train manager, or $440.
  2. 50,000 rubles is the salary of a Russian Railways station manager, or $730.

Earnings depend on:

  • station sizes,
  • train view,
  • difficulties transport hub,
  • train routes,
  • specialist experience.

Open vacancies and salaries of managers at Railways according to Indeed statistics (RUB/month):

  • head of the fuel base, Tyumen region. — 31 000,
  • track section manager, Khabarovsk Territory - 40,500,
  • beginning plot, Amur region. — 85 000,
  • head of the flaw detection department, Moscow - 45-70 thousand.

Interesting Facts about managers' finances:

  • The current head of Russian Railways, Belozerov, has not declared any property. Only an apartment of 193 m2, which belongs to his wife. In addition to the apartment, the wife of the head of a huge company has 3 cars, 2 of them are rare Volgas from the 60s and a Land Rover SUV. Her annual income is 23 million rubles.
  • According to information from various sources, Belozerov owns a villa in Akulinino, worth $75 million, with an annual income of $2.5 million.
  • No matter how much the president of the company receives, his subordinates will believe that he receives the money undeservedly.

What does leadership remuneration consist of:

  • salary,
  • various allowances,
  • bonuses based on the economic results of the enterprise.

The country's railways can be called the circulatory system of the economy.

Russian Railways has a monopolist on the market for transporting various goods across Russia. Transcript of Russian Railways - Russian Railways. Today the JSC employs up to 820,000 people. The salary of a Russian Railways locomotive driver depends on many different nuances.

Craftsmanship, integrity, renewal - such corporate values promotes Russian Railways

In 2019, the average salary of a Russian Railways train driver is 70,000 rubles/1 month. On Sakhalin, the labor of a Russian Railways driver is estimated at 100,000 rubles/2 months. IN Chechen Republic The salary of representatives of this profession is 50,000 rubles/1 month.

Other factors on which Russian Railways salaries depend are presented in the table.

How are salaries calculated?

Salaries of Russian Railways employees are paid monthly. The salary is calculated based on the hours worked by the OJSC employee. The monthly norm is 176 hours.

The average salary of Russian railway workers in comparison with the income of representatives of this profession from other countries.

Often, railroad workers agree to work after hours. This is taken into account when calculating your salary. At the end of the month, such OJSC employees receive a large amount than specified in the contract. Judging by the reviews, for Good work Russian Railways pays bonuses even in times of crisis.

Also, representatives of this specialty are entitled to the following bonuses:

  • providing housing for nonresidents;
  • obtaining health vouchers for all family members;
  • free railway travel even after retirement.

Depends on qualifications

Russian railway workers have the right to receive the maximum salary. To do this, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. Availability of secondary specialized education.
  2. Good health.
  3. Successful completion of the internship.

The duration of the internship for everyone who wants to get a job at Russian Railways varies from 90 to 120 days.

Working on an electric train

Today, the salary of a Russian Railways electric train driver is paid in accordance with a time-based bonus system. The salary amount consists of the following components:

  • qualification level;
  • number of years worked;
  • work at night;
  • performing overtime work;
  • the amount of hours worked.

In addition to a salary increase, an OJSC employee is entitled to bonuses. He is entitled to treatment at the expense of the company in any medical institution. Also, an electric train driver is entitled to bonuses and quarterly bonuses. The amount of additional payments is 30-40%.

Is it easy to work as a machinist? The answer is in the next video.

How much do Muscovites earn?

In Moscow, a driver earns more than in other Russian cities. The salary level is affected by the type of train and the rank of the JSC employee.

The average salary in Russian Railways for Muscovites is 50.0 thousand rubles. Experienced railway workers receive up to 70,000 rubles/1 month.

The assistant driver earns the least. This level is considered initial. The average salary for an assistant driver is 45,000 rubles/1 month. After graduating from university, young professionals are forced to work at the lower level for 12 to 24 months.

After 5 years, a specialist who has improved his qualifications has the opportunity to increase his salary to 100.0 thousand rubles.

Moscow railway workers receive more than their regional colleagues.

Salaries of other railway employees

Information on the salaries of other Russian Railways employees is presented in the table.

Job titleMonthly level wages
Traveler18 000-19 000
Engineer23 000-25 000
Dispatcher20 000-21 000
Technician22 000-24 000
Transceiver17 000-19 000
Controller15 000-17 000
Electrician21 000-23 000
Station duty officer22 000-24 000
Cashier at the station17 000-19 000
Lineman22 000-23 000
mover16 000-18 000
Electrician22 500-24 600
Mechanic24 000-26 000
Carriage car23 000-25 500
Shooter22 500-24 000
Transcriber Operator21 000-23 500
Security Inspector26 000-28 000

How much do they pay a conductor?

The average salary of a conductor is 46.8 thousand rubles. The salary that a representative of this profession earns depends on the following factors:

  • type of train;
  • control;
  • daytime hours;
  • night hours;
  • complexity of the path;
  • travel distance;
  • season.

The highest salaries are received by specialists working on new, improved trains.

The table provides information on the salaries of conductors by city.

The following video is about the intricacies of the profession of a passenger carriage conductor.

The minimum wage for representatives of this profession is 17,000 rubles/1 month.

There is also a special sales plan for these specialists. If it is completed, then the entire team of the train, which in addition to the conductor includes an engineer, a driver, a dispatcher and an electrician, receives an additional 15% bonus. Otherwise, OJSC employees have to pay their own money.

The auditor plays a huge role in the conductor’s salary. If the auditor finds errors in the work, the Russian Railways employee loses his bonus. If the conductor loses company property, he also undertakes to pay a certain amount from his own pocket.

How much do security guards get paid?

The services of departmental security officers are not rated highly enough. Information on vacancies and salaries for Russian Railways security guards is presented in the sign.

CityMonthly salary amountNuances
Moscow21000-25000 During the interview, you must have your ULCH with you.
and certificate of rank.
Part-time jobs for employees are expected, as well as full-time social package. Registration strictly according to labor code RF. Salary is transferred to bank card. One-time bonuses and financial assistance are also provided. Railroad travel and a trip to a holiday home are paid for an employee and a child under fourteen years of age.
22000-24000 You need to have with you a certificate of a private security guard, a diploma of graduation from a security school, medical certificates of form No. 002/0u; No. 003/0у, certificate of qualification.

Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Relies on an additional social package, part-time work, and quarterly wages.

Tula18000-20000 You must have a new type of private security guard ID with you, valid qualification category, diploma or certificate of completion from a non-state school. In addition to salary, employees are entitled to bonuses, social packages and quarterly benefits.
Pyatigorsk11000-13000 You must have a private security guard ID with you. The salary includes bonuses, quarterly payments, examination and treatment at the National Health Institution, and a full social package.
Bryansk14000-16000 Registration strictly according to the Labor Code. In addition to salary, the employee is provided with a full social package, paid leave, examination and treatment in any health care institution, free travel on railway transport, sick leave, quarterly bonuses. There may be a salary increase in the future.

It is expected that in the future the work of VOHR will be rated higher.

VOHR employees make their rounds

JSC Russian Railways - Russian Railways is a company that provides a monopoly on services for the transportation of goods and passengers by rail across the territory of our country. The company is the largest transport enterprise in the Russian Federation, employing more than 800 thousand employees. In this regard, many ordinary citizens I’m interested in the amount of salaries that the corporation’s employees received and will receive in 2018.

Railway workers' salaries

Approximate salary of some specialists of JSC Russian Railways in 2018:

In addition to wages in in monetary terms, employees of the enterprise in 2018 can take advantage of certain benefits:

  • free train travel long distance round trip once a year;
  • Spa treatment;
  • free rail travel to your place of work;
  • full social package;
  • financial support in emergency situations.

Russian Railways employees who have worked at the company for more than 3 years are paid an additional annual bonus “for loyalty to the company.” Its size is approximately 3 salaries.

Note! In the current realities of the unstable economic situation in Russia in 2018, Russian Railways, according to experts, is considered one of the most reliable companies.

Despite possible problems, the enterprise continues to pay its employees official wages in full and provides them with an expanded social package.

The procedure for calculating monetary allowances

The basis of a Russian Railways employee's salary is the monthly salary. It is calculated based on the number of hours actually worked. The norm is 176 hours per month. Very often, employees agree to overtime, which increases the amount they receive at the end of the month.

The corporation's management considers each employee individually and rewards those who particularly distinguish themselves with additional payments. Their size depends not only on the diligence of the person himself, but also on the financial situation of the company as a whole. It should be noted that Russian Railways does not skimp on paying bonuses even in times of crisis.

In addition to salary and bonuses, employees have the opportunity to enjoy bonuses. You can get a free vacation package not only for yourself, but also for your family. After retirement, pensioners can also enjoy free rail travel.

The salary level also depends on the qualifications of the employee. The company has requirements that determine monthly payments. Their list is fixed by internal orders of the management of Russian Railways. For example, to receive the maximum possible salary you need:

  • have at least average special education;
  • pass a medical examination;
  • successfully complete an internship, which lasts approximately 3 - 4 months.

While performing your functional responsibilities the employee gains special knowledge and skills, as a result of which he better performs the tasks assigned to him. After a certain time, you can take exams to improve your qualifications in your position. Thanks to this, the employee is subsequently awarded additional bonuses, bonuses and allowances.

Indexation of wage payments to railway workers

Twice a year, Russian Railways carries out salary indexation. This is stated in collective agreement, which determines additional social guarantees, benefits and compensation for employees of the corporation.

Indexation is carried out in March and October of each year. Its level is determined by the growth of inflation in the country. The dynamics of changes in salaries of Russian Railways employees over the years as a result of indexation are shown in the table.

Remuneration in Russian Railways during the crisis

Last year, due to a decrease in cargo transportation volumes against the backdrop of an unstable economic situation in the country, the management of Russian Railways had to transfer some employees to part-time work. working week. Because of this, the overall level of salaries in the company decreased.

In 2018, the board of directors plans to restore operations to full capacity and transfer employees to full-time positions. In addition, the general level of employee salaries has increased. If in 2015 it was 38.8 thousand rubles, then in 2018 it increased to 40.4 thousand rubles.

The salary of Russian Railways employees cannot be called the highest in the country. However, thanks to additional payments and benefits, as well as timely payment of salary, the company’s attractiveness as an employer not only does not decrease, but even increases. And this despite economic crisis in Russia.

New Year is always a long-awaited event. Many people wait for it not only for the sake of celebration, fun and Have a good mood, but also because employers often pay bonuses for the new year. In some organizations, instead of bonuses, employees receive the so-called 13th salary. Each employer decides independently whether to pay it or not. But at the end of 2017, an event occurred that for a long time Railway workers were waiting - Russian Railways announced that their employees would receive their 13th salary in a long time.

Chronology of the payment decision

This proposal was made by the trade union body of Russian Railways quite a long time ago, but all this time it remained unheeded. In December 2017, the leadership of the Russian Union of Railway Workers and JSC Russian Railways met. One of the issues at the meeting was incentives for railway transport and industry workers. It turned out that the opinions of the leadership of both, in fact, different organizations coincide - Russian Railways employees need to be encouraged this year, and not just with a bonus, but with a normal amount of money. This is how the decision on the 13th salary in Russian Railways in 2018 came about.

During the meeting single solution, despite a similar position on this issue, it was never adopted. Nevertheless, the management of JSC Russian Railways promised to think about how to properly pay this amount to its employees. The final decision was kept secret from the employees until the last moment. There were a lot of rumors, but official position no one spoke up. And after the New Year's all-Russian holidays, the decision was finally brought to the attention of the employees of the Russian Railways. They received a document that told about the 13th salary at JSC Russian Railways in 2017-2019 (salaries for 2018 and 2019 are still in the draft stage).

The essence of the thirteenth salary

According to the explanations of the management of Russian Railways, the so-called 13th salary is, in fact, the same bonus, but in a more substantial amount. The management also answered the question about who is entitled to the 13th salary for the New Year. According to the clarifications, all employees of Russian Railways OJSC, including service personnel, will receive it, with the exception of certain categories of employees. This salary is an incentive payment and is intended not only as a bonus, but also designed to increase the authority of work on the railway (no one argues that this industry is one of the most difficult).

Russian Railways employees will receive bonus payments in January 2018. Exact date payments are not named, but presumably these will be the last days of the month (it is quite possible that the 13th salary will be paid along with the January payments).

Calculation rules and categories of workers applying for 13 salaries

Much more difficult question is how the 13th salary is calculated. According to official explanations received from the management of JSC Russian Railways, the calculation principle will be practically the same as calculating average monthly earnings. That is, to determine the amount to be paid, data on wages received by the employee over the last 12 months will be analyzed. The average figure obtained as a result of calculations will be the amount that the employee receives.

Those who worked for less than 12 months on the railway were also interested in the question of how their 13th salary was calculated. This interest is completely justified, since according to logic, they should receive a smaller amount compared to those who have been working at Russian Railways for several years. Indeed, for this category of people, the salary will be calculated according to the same principle as the calculation of average monthly earnings. That is, for them the amount of wages that they received at JSC Russian Railways during their work will be taken and divided by 12 months. Earnings from previous jobs will not be taken into account.

Who shouldn't wait for their 13th salary?

As already mentioned, not all categories of employees of JSC Russian Railways will receive the long-awaited 13th salary. In particular, it will not be paid to the following categories of employees:

For those who managed to withdraw it before the new year, the payment will still be made. Let us remind you that any disciplinary sanction can be lifted early. The decision on this is made by the head of the interregional or regional department of JSC Russian Railways. As a rule, the basis for this is the flawless performance of one’s official duties after the imposition of a disciplinary sanction. In addition, it is often removed for memorable dates or major holidays (including professional ones). However, if the foreclosure was not lifted ahead of schedule, but at least a year has passed since its announcement, it is considered lifted automatically. Accordingly, those employees whose disciplinary sanction was lifted before December 31, 2016 can count on payment.

What else can railway workers expect besides 13 salaries?

In addition to the 13th salary, in the spring of 2018, employees of JSC Russian Railways will receive a salary increase. More precisely, we're talking about about indexation by approximately 2.2 percent. This figure is still approximate, but we can definitely say that there is very little left before this event. JSC Russian Railways is the largest joint stock company our country. The profession of a railway worker has always been considered prestigious and highly paid. However, for last years Salaries for employees in this sector were practically not increased. It is possible that the decision to both increase wages and pay the 13th salary was influenced by the economic crisis. One way or another, employees of JSC Russian Railways will receive a pleasant gift from their management at the end of January this year. It is noted that the management of the OJSC plans to make such payments annually. This will increase the authority of the railway profession and improve the quality of service in railway transport.

Rail transport transports both various loads, and passengers. There are quite a lot of professions associated with this species, but common name all workers in the sector are railway workers.

The emergence of a wide list of professions in this field of activity is due to the fact that this is quite complex and varied work. Those who want to connect their lives with this type of transport must undergo difficult training at a specialized educational institution.

Salary increase program for railway workers

There are no more than one million employees in this field throughout the country. Government Russian Federation decided to carry out indexation twice a year. A new collective agreement was signed for 2017.

It focuses on all kinds of benefits for these workers. They will definitely be provided to railway workers. In addition, employees will be paid various compensations and guarantees. All these actions are needed in order to attract, retain and motivate railway employees more.

How have salaries changed in recent years?

For the first time, railway workers' wages were indexed in 2014 by 2.63%. The funds were clearly distributed by the management of the huge monopoly. And this process was beneficial. The workflow has been optimized.

Workers who did not participate in the transportation of goods were transferred to part-time work. Thanks to these actions, the company's budget increased by 4 billion rubles. In 2015, the next indexation was carried out. It was carried out at 3.7%.

The minimum wage for a railway worker was then 8,000 rubles. The indexation rate at the beginning of 2016 was only 1.9%. But there are plans to increase its number, which will be equal to 3.8%.

The management of the monopoly took drastic measures to increase the status and interest of railway employees. Bonuses were paid for loyalty to the company. Employees will receive this incentive annually. The size of this bonus was 3 fixed salaries.

Real numbers and salary calculations

The salary in this profession mainly depends on the position. Today, the following positions of railway workers and their corresponding fixed rate are distinguished:

1. The station manager has a salary of 27,000 rubles.

2. Track lineman - 35,000 rubles.

3. Track repairman - 25,000 rubles.

4. Passenger car conductor - 25,000 rubles.

5. Painter in a road design bureau - 25,000 rubles.

In addition to wages, employees are additionally provided with some benefits, namely:

Full social package;

Free spa treatment;

Financial support in emergency cases;

Free rail travel to your workplace;

Free travel on a long-distance train there and back once a year.

Employees whose work experience at the same enterprise is more than 3 years have the right to apply for an additional bonus. It is paid every year for loyalty to the company.

Its size is 3 fixed salaries for the position. The main income of railway workers is the salary that is paid every month. It is calculated based on the number of hours worked. The fixed rate is at least 176 hours per month.

Almost all employees have a positive attitude towards recycling. Thanks to her, the salary increases. Therefore, problems with additional shifts usually do not arise. Those employees who have shown themselves to be the best side, can count on additional allowances. Management considers each employee individually.

It’s nice that bonuses are paid even in such a difficult situation for the country. Railway workers can enjoy various types bonuses. It is possible to get a vacation package for the whole family. After employees retire, they can enjoy free rail travel.

The qualifications of the employee also significantly influence the amount of remuneration. Monthly payments are determined by certain requirements, established by the enterprise. To receive the maximum salary, you must:

1. Pass the medical examination in a timely manner.

2. It is mandatory to have a secondary specialized education.

3. Successfully complete an internship within 3-4 months.

During the implementation of its work activity the employee gains experience and knowledge. Gradually the work becomes better and better. After some time, it is necessary to pass certain exams to improve the qualifications of a particular position. If they are successfully completed, then in the future the employee has the right to receive some more bonuses, allowances and bonuses.

What can railway workers expect in 2018?

The situation with the country's economy today is quite difficult. In truth, there is practically nothing left in the treasury Money. Based on this, throughout 2017, the indexation of salaries of some budget workers will be frozen.

As for railway workers, their salaries change, according to the latest data, twice a year. Pay increases occur every March and October. According to plans next year this will happen by 4%.

As for regional divisions, they will begin to receive some allowances and bonuses in 2018, in addition to the fixed rate. Certain items will be added to help improve social status railway company workers. On this moment the amount of benefits per employee is about 30,000 rubles.