Air conditioner with air purifier for apartment. Split system with ultraviolet lamp for air purification. High-tech control panel

Air conditioner with air purifier for apartment.  Split system with ultraviolet lamp for air purification.  High-tech control panel
Air conditioner with air purifier for apartment. Split system with ultraviolet lamp for air purification. High-tech control panel

What do you know about the functions and capabilities of modern split systems? Do you know how to achieve optimal humidity air in your home? Here we have collected the most best models split systems with air humidification, and why this function is needed, let's figure it out.

Why is it important to maintain normal air humidity?

The answer to this question is very simple: normal moisture content in the room must be maintained for human health, pets, furniture, walls - for everything. If the air in the apartment is too dry, the immune system of living beings will weaken, diseases of allergy sufferers will worsen, and household items will simply begin to deteriorate. This is a problem for many big cities, such as Moscow or Orenburg, with the possible exception of port settlements.

How does a humidifier work in an air conditioner?

The principle of operation is not complicated: the device accumulates moisture taken from the street air through outdoor unit, breaks it down into tiny particles and delivers it into the room. When many split systems operate, this happens automatically: the built-in hygrometer determines when it is necessary to saturate the air with moisture, and when peak parameters are reached, it stops supplying. It is very convenient to use such devices for several reasons:

1. There is no need to add water, as when using household humidifiers
2. Air that has been dried out by the split is automatically saturated with moisture
3. There is no need to constantly monitor the humidity level, the air conditioner will do it itself
4. Many air conditioners with a humidifier are also equipped with filters fine cleaning air

Price of wall-mounted split systems with humidification

All wall splits are divided into inexpensive models and premium devices. Surprisingly, devices with a built-in humidifier can be found among both budget and more expensive devices. Therefore, prices, accordingly, vary from 15 to 200 thousand rubles. The choice of a specific model and price segment depends on the preferences and desires of the user.

Significant deterioration of the environmental situation in major cities leads to the fact that every year the problems associated with creating a comfortable microclimate in your home or apartment become more and more aggravated. Fortunately, progress does not stand still and not only new devices, but entire classes of devices for creating a comfortable indoor climate are appearing on the market. But the growing number of different models aimed at solving completely different problems, leads to the fact that to an ordinary person It is very difficult to understand which device to choose in order to create a comfortable atmosphere in your apartment. In this article, we will try to explain the differences between the devices available on the market and help you choose the most suitable solution for you.

Air conditioners.

Air conditioning is a true veteran among climate control devices. The first air conditioners were released in the USA in the 30s of the last century and have since gained enormous popularity among consumers. Currently, this is perhaps the most common climate control device. All air conditioners are usually divided into three key types, depending on the air they operate on:

  1. Recirculating air conditioners operate only on indoor air. Those. drive the internal air in the room through themselves, simultaneously changing its temperature to a user-specified temperature. The main disadvantage of such devices is that they do not provide fresh air. In this case, the room should be as airtight as possible so that the cooled air does not “escap” outside. Despite this, due to its relatively low price, this type of air conditioner is the most common at present and occupies up to 90% of the market. This includes almost all split systems and mobile air conditioners.
  2. Supply air conditioners- work only for outside air. Those. They take air from the street and supply it to the room, simultaneously cooling or heating it. These types of air conditioners are already much more expensive than recirculation ones, while the amount of air supplied is small, and if the system also has filtration, then the cost of such a solution reaches several hundred thousand rubles. Another disadvantage of these systems is the complexity of installation. If the apartment has already been renovated, then installing such a system is almost impossible.
  3. Recuperative air conditioners operate on a mixture of external and internal air. This type of air conditioner is not cheaper than supply air conditioners, but it allows you to save on electricity by using internal air to change the temperature to a set one. At the same time, the amount of air supplied to the room is so small that it is not enough even for one person. The installation problem is also relevant for this type of device.

It is very important to understand that the main goal of absolutely all air conditioners is to change the air temperature to a comfortable level for humans. Most often this means air cooling. At the same time, the most common recirculation systems force a person into a sealed “jar”. The user very quickly “eats” all the oxygen from this jar and begins to feel unwell. Another problem is that air conditioners dry out the air very much, which leads to dry mucous membranes, and this provokes the development of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Almost every office employee has encountered the so-called air conditioning disease. And finally, let’s add that the air conditioner must be regularly maintained so that its working elements do not become a breeding ground for bacteria and infections.

Humidifiers and air purifiers

Low air humidity is another current problem, especially for residents of cold regions. For comfortable stay, RHV in the room should be about 60%. IN winter time at work heating devices relative humidity air (AHV) usually drops to 30-40%. This leads to problems that we have already described in the section on air conditioners - common colds and ARVI. To increase humidity to a comfortable level, it is necessary to use electric humidifiers. Another equally pressing problem of a modern metropolis is poor ecology and, accordingly, dirty air. This problem especially plagues people suffering from allergic and/or asthmatic diseases. Used to clean air from pollutants various cleaners or air wash. Let's, just like air conditioners, divide all these devices into classes:

  1. Steam and ultrasonic air humidifiers. They work on the principle of converting water into steam (fog) due to heating or ultrasound and spraying it around the room using fans. Ultrasonic humidifiers air has practically replaced steam due to greater efficiency and ease of use. These devices do their job well, but they are also not without drawbacks. If hard water, then it falls out throughout the room white coating- these are calcium salts that are present in any tap water. To eliminate this problem, you must either boil the water or use purified water. Inexpensive humidifiers practically do not increase air humidity and are therefore essentially useless. Therefore, we recommend choosing solutions from famous manufacturers at a price above average.
  2. Air purifiers. They work on the principle of recycling. Those. They take air from the room, pass it through filters and release purified air into the room. To purify the air in such devices, various filters are most often used (HEPA, carbon, etc.), sometimes in combination with ultraviolet light. Advanced systems can use photocatalysis, which provides almost 100% air purification. These devices do an excellent job of cleaning the air, but you need to understand that no amount of ionization or other marketing tricks will saturate the room air with oxygen or rid it of carbon dioxide. The maximum they can do is create the illusion of fresh air for you. Until recently, to saturate the air with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, we used ventilation, during which the efficiency of purifiers drops to almost 0, because the system cannot cope with the huge flow of incoming air. And systems that can move large volumes of air through themselves cost from $1000. Expensive purification systems also usually have built-in air humidification and ionization functions.
  3. Air washers. These devices combine the functions of humidification and air purification. In this case, air purification is carried out by supplying air to a container with water using a paddle drum. Thus, all contaminants in the air settle in the water. And the drum blades soaked in water produce humidified air at the outlet. In our opinion, these devices are not only ineffective, but also potentially dangerous. This is due to the fact that a water tank becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and infections that multiply well in water. Therefore, even daily washing of the container does not guarantee you bacteriological air pollution.

Compact ventilation systems.

Or, in common parlance, ventilators. This is absolutely new class devices, which has recently become increasingly widespread due to its high efficiency and good price/quality ratio. What are these devices needed for? At any modern apartment, home or office there is a problem of stuffiness when the windows are closed. And no humidifier/air purifier can solve this problem. The oxygen we need for breathing and life is found exclusively in fresh street air. Moreover, for wellness a person needs 30-40 cubic meters of air per hour, and this figure is unattainable for most even very expensive air conditioners with a supply ventilation. At the same time, when we open a window for ventilation, we immediately release into the room all the pollutants present in the air, as well as extraneous noises and odors. To solve this problem, compact ventilation systems are used. To install them, a hole about 10-12 cm in size is usually made in the wall. Such holes can be made without approval from regulatory authorities. Moreover, modern construction standards oblige developers to make such openings during the construction phase. An air duct is installed in this hole. outer part which closes ventilation grille, and at the other end, indoors, a device is installed that supplies air from the street into the room through an air duct, simultaneously cleaning and heating it, if this function is provided in the device. So let's look at what devices are available among ventilators:

  1. Supply ventilation valve. At the end of the air duct in the room, a so-called valve cap is placed, which is an ordinary plastic plug with which you can mechanically open or close the air supply. Also, a simple foam filter is built into the head, which will protect you only from large particles. Main advantage this decision - affordable price. In this case, air is supplied solely due to the pressure difference between the street and the premises, which is most often not enough for comfortable living. Also, in addition to weak filtration, there is no air heating in the valve, which can lead to freezing of the valve in winter.
  2. Supply compact ventilation systems. They look serious electrical appliance equipped with fans for forced air supply. Also, these devices usually have a more serious air filtration system, and the most advanced systems also have air heating. The cost of these devices directly depends on the quality of filtration and the presence of heating.
  3. Compact systems ventilation with recovery. These systems are in many ways similar to conventional supply systems. The difference is that in addition to supplying air from the street, it also provides for the removal of waste, saturated with harmful carbon dioxide, air from indoors to outdoors. In this case, the heating of the air coming from the street is carried out due to heat exchange with the air leaving the room. warm air. This allows you to seriously save on energy consumption for heating air and reduce the cost of servicing the device.

In addition to providing premises fresh air KVS also improve air humidity due to the fact that the humidity of street air rarely drops below 60%. In addition, the air supplied by the PCV, which has good filtration, displaces internal air contaminated with various harmful substances into exhaust ventilation, thereby ensuring the most healthy and clean indoor air. We also recommend that you read the article “How to choose a compact ventilation system?”

What should I choose?!

The answer is actually simple. In our opinion, any apartment, house or office needs all three devices: ventilation system, humidifier and air conditioner. Next, depending on the climatic and environmental conditions in your city or region, you choose the device that is most suitable for you in terms of quality and price. At the same time, the primary task that needs to be solved is the problem high-quality ventilation premises.

Greetings, friends!

When you think about installing an air conditioner in a room or office, the main requirement for it is air purification.

Since in modern cities high level pollution due to the abundance of industrial enterprises and cars, and every year their number is steadily growing, then such a purchase is a vital and necessary acquisition.

Oxygen that comes from the street must be thoroughly cleaned of all harmful components in order to protect itself from constant negative effects. To do this, we will need air conditioners with air purification, and now we will analyze in more detail how to choose them.

From this article you will learn

Why are these devices necessary?

The first thing these devices are needed for is to create comfort where we spend most of our time: in living quarters and in the workplace.

They protect us from allergens, dust, and other harmful compounds that float in the atmosphere.

No one will argue that spending time indoors with a clean microclimate, with comfortable temperature, better than in a dusty, stuffy, or vice versa - cold room.

In order to maintain a comfortable microclimate, which has a positive effect on performance, mood and health, it is necessary to clean the atmosphere of dust, various particles and gaseous harmful compounds.

The temperature should be between 20 and 24 0C, oxygen should be 1/5 V percentage, and carbon dioxide should not exceed 0.3%. Normal hydration is considered to be parameters of the order of 50-60%.

All these indicators, which are so necessary for normal life, can be provided by the necessary climate control equipment.

You should not ignore the fact that clean air is necessary for long-term work at home. household appliances, computers, refrigerators and other appliances.

Since all the microparticles that hover in an uncleaned space can clog them, causing the equipment to overheat, break, or burn out.

If the equipment breaks down, then what can we say about our health. A dirty microclimate quietly worsens our well-being.

This factor may cause:

  • headaches,
  • irritability,
  • drowsiness,
  • rapid fatigue.

Over time, more serious diseases appear:

  • mucous membranes become irritated, eyes begin to water,
  • negative impact on the respiratory organs and lungs can cause shortness of breath,
  • attacks of allergies, asthma
  • in the most severe cases may cause the development of cancer.

As you can see, by purchasing such a device, we not only create the most useful and comfortable conditions, but also investing in our future. Let's figure out what the differences are and what types of such equipment there are.


Air conditioners with air purification, in addition to making the atmosphere safe, create and maintain certain parameters microclimate that is most favorable for human health.

When selecting, pay attention noise characteristics To prevent drafts, the air must be distributed evenly.

Most main function Such equipment is filtering from all unnecessary and harmful impurities.

Electrostatic filters, which are built in, protect not only our lungs, but also the heat exchanger of the air conditioner itself from dust, textile particles, poplar fluff, etc.

This filter requires washing in a warm soapy solution. Smaller particles, pollen, odors, including car exhaust and cigarette smoke are eliminated by fine filters.

Most are made from activated carbon, that’s why it’s called coal. Most often it is a product of coconut processing. It is also called carbon or deodorizing.

The service life depends on the degree of its use; in heavily polluted cities this period is about 3-4 months, after which it should be replaced with a new one.

Types of filters

Among the modern variety, these types of filters are distinguished.

  • Plasma

Here, instead of a deodorizing filter element, a plasma ionizer is installed, which generates a voltage of 4.8 thousand volts.

Such tension completely destroys all microorganisms, microbes, bacteria, fungi, viruses, spores, pollen.

Dust and other large mechanical contaminants adhere to the filter elements due to the ionization process occurring.

The same process partially discharges the air currents. Such a system is twice as effective as a simple air conditioner, and what’s most convenient is that it does not require periodic replacement.

  • With silver ions

The action is based on the destruction of the internal structure of bacteria, which makes it possible to destroy them completely or significantly reduce their activity.

System element Nano Silver uninterruptedly supplies silver ions, which effectively fight all types of bacteria.

  • Catechin

The electrostatic element with catechin coating is a development patented by the famous company Panasonic.

What is this substance? This is a strong natural antiseptic. As a result of the effect of this substance on viruses, up to 98% of them no longer pose a threat to human health after they enter the device.

A pre-filter with an antibacterial treatment function retains dust and all large fractions, bioderating filter parts destroy harmful and unpleasant odors, and the air barrier traps microorganisms and small particles.

After air flow in the heat exchanger it undergoes a final antibacterial treatment, where mold and fungi die.

  • Wasabi

It has the strongest bactericidal properties due to the fact that it treats the flows with specific substances that are obtained from horseradish.

More economical option is inverter air conditioners. Thanks to alternating current converted to constant, this allows you to regulate the rotation speed of the compressor.

As a result, this makes it possible to maintain the most accurate temperature readings.

If you have already made expensive repairs, or do not want to pay for the expensive installation of a split system, then you can be helped out by a mobile device that has all the parts in a single housing, and the heat is removed using a flexible outlet.

It has its advantages - ease of movement and transportation, does not require installation, low power consumption, but this model is quite noisy, the outlet heats up.

A device for compact supply ventilation - a breather - may appeal to many.

This can be said to be the replacement of a window, only with the effect of cleansing and heating. You can regulate the speed and temperature of the incoming flow yourself.

Unlike split systems, this device does not circulate the same atmosphere around the room, which is sometimes already enriched with carbon dioxide, but supplies fresh, oxygen-rich air.

Preventive measures

To not only feel comfortable, but also to make your room safe and useful for work and living, take care of air humidification.

you can use Appliances, carry out more often wet cleaning. Don't forget about the helpers - indoor plants.

They will not only decorate your rooms, but will be able to disinfect the microclimate and provide an additional portion of healing oxygen. Don’t forget that staying indoors all the time is harmful to your health. Be sure to walk outside.

It would be desirable if it were some kind of green island. There is always an opportunity to take a walk in a park, square, or near water bodies.

Such ventilation of the lungs will saturate the blood with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and performance.

Lack of oxygen will negatively affect well-being and work internal organs, will cause sleep disturbances, irritability and increased fatigue.

To prevent this, take daily air baths, and try to spend your weekends in nature.

I hope this information will help you make your environment cleaner and healthier. Share this page on social networks.Subscribe to blog updates.

I wish all readers well and good health!

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Manufacturers of climate control equipment are expanding the capabilities of equipment by adding new useful features. An air conditioner with an ultraviolet lamp cools the air in the room, purifying it of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The split system, equipped with a UV filter, creates a comfortable and safe environment.

Ultraviolet in air conditioning systems

Cooling, heating, humidification and dehumidification - these functions have become a familiar set of capabilities of a modern air conditioner. For creating healthy microclimate indoors required quality system filtration. Climate control equipment controls the parameters of temperature, humidity and air purity. Filters rough cleaning get rid of particles of dust, wool, fluff, but they are not designed to destroy harmful microorganisms. Installing an ultraviolet lamp in the air conditioner mechanism takes air purification to a new level.

The economical mode of operation of climate control equipment assumes a closed room. Cooled or heated air is forced through a heat exchanger, moving in a closed cycle.

Among the substances that pollute the environment are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Without air exchange, their concentration increases. Some of them settle on the details indoor unit split systems. An ultraviolet lamp disinfects equipment and indoor air.

Invisible rays

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is in a spectral region invisible to human eyes. Its ability to destroy pathogens was established by English scientists D. Downes and G. Blunt in 1877. Laboratory tests of UV lamps have shown the complete elimination of airborne viruses when they are turned on. UVI began to be used in medical institutions, operating rooms.

A trial installation of ultraviolet light in the school's ventilation system gave a positive result - the number of respiratory diseases among students significantly decreased. The positive effects of invisible rays have been verified by tests and years of use of this technology.

Effect of UVR on bacteria

Depending on the wavelength ultraviolet radiation is divided into three ranges:

  • Near-ultraviolet UV-A (wavelength 315-400 nm) largely reaches the Earth's surface.
  • UV-B rays (280-315 nm) - partially penetrate into the atmosphere.
  • Further UV-C radiation(100-280 nm) is 90% retained by the earth's atmosphere.

Microorganisms and bacteria are not adapted to electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 100-280 nm (UV-C). The most pronounced bactericidal effect is observed when irradiated in the range of 205-315 nm. Destructive destruction of microorganisms occurs at the cellular level. Changes in DNA are cumulative. Errors in the genetic structure lead to slow development and then extinction. Studies have shown that bacteria, fungi, yeast, and viruses are sensitive to a wavelength of 254 nm.

The ultraviolet lamp in the air conditioner sterilizes it by 90% in one cycle of passing the air mass. It negatively affects not only known viruses, influenza strains and infections, but also pathogenic bacteria that have not been studied by doctors. On the air conditioner parts summer time moisture remains in the form of condensation. Microorganisms that cause severe pneumonia (Legionnaires' disease) actively multiply in it. Gram-negative rods arise in branched air conditioning systems.

The regular emergence of new viruses and mutations of known ones creates real threat health. Installing an air conditioner with UVI, which disinfects the air, will create a pleasant and safe microclimate.

How does air purification work?

When the cooling/heating mode is turned on, air from the room is blown through the heat exchanger and changes the temperature. As it moves, it goes through several filtration systems. Cleaning begins by trapping dust particles and other large debris. To destroy microorganisms and get rid of unpleasant odors, it is necessary special processing. One option is to install a UV lamp in the indoor unit of the split system, generating waves with a length of 250-260 nm and 100-220 nm. Its radiation is directed towards the back of the heat exchanger through which air passes. The size of the lamps used does not exceed 22.86 cm.

The second method is a photocatalytic filter. The air conditioner heat exchanger (plate and coil) is treated with a semiconductor based on titanium dioxide. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the oxidation and decomposition of pathogens, allergens, and toxic compounds occurs. Titanium dioxide is a catalyst that accelerates the process.

Advantages of ultraviolet air conditioners

  • Mechanical and adsorbent filter systems require regular replacement. They accumulate harmful substances. The ultraviolet lamp works with the same intensity and does not require maintenance or replacement.
  • The self-cleaning function destroys fungal spores that settle on the surface of the split system parts.
  • The UVI in the air conditioner kills viruses and bacteria without affecting humans.
  • During operation, climate control equipment destroys up to 99% of dangerous microorganisms in the room per day.
  • Filters with ionization effect and plasma purifiers release ozone. In high concentrations, this substance negatively affects people’s well-being. Using ultraviolet light to purify air is completely safe.
  • Number of viral and infectious diseases in apartments, children's institutions, offices where it is installed air conditioning equipment with UVI, is sharply reduced.
  • Models of air conditioners with wide functionality operate in energy-saving mode with low level noise.

Air conditioners with air sterilization function

Leading manufacturers of climate systems: Haier, AKIRA, General, Hitachi produce entire lines of models with a built-in ultraviolet air treatment function:

  • Hitachi Luxury air conditioners are equipment operating in 4 modes (cooling/heating/drying/ventilation), with a low noise level. Installation of LED UV Air Cleaner provides air disinfection.
  • Haier Lightera split system - the series products control the basic parameters of the indoor microclimate - humidity, temperature, pollution level. The Nano-Aqva generator ionizes and humidifies the air, and a powerful UV lamp destroys harmful microorganisms.
  • General Fujitsu Nocria air conditioners are equipped with a self-cleaning antibacterial filter and 4 ultraviolet lamps. A special UVR sterilizer prevents the development of bacteria on the components of the indoor unit. The supply of conditioned air is optimized, cooled air flows horizontally, and heated air flows vertically.

The only disadvantage of air conditioners with an ultraviolet lamp is high price. Models with additional functions belong to the premium class and are superior in price budget options. Indoors small area You can install a split system with a UV LED. It is inferior to units with a lamp in terms of power, but is cheaper.

The latest models of air conditioners are equipped with filter systems to remove dust, small particles of wool, pollen and even viruses. There are systems that can detect the smell of smoke. To choose climate control equipment for fine cleaning, you should understand the operating principles and types of filters.

Why is air purification necessary?

The indoor air contains dust, soot, germs, and bacteria. Home appliances, household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics are sources of various chemical compounds floating in the air and entering the lungs when breathing. All this negatively affects people's health. Prolonged stay in a room with polluted air causes:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • development of asthma and allergies;
  • decreased immunity.

In high-traffic areas, the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases is especially high.

To avoid these problems and create comfortable conditions for work or leisure, it is recommended to install an air conditioner with an air purification function.

Types of filters and their features

Split systems are equipped with two types of filters:

  • rough cleaning;
  • fine cleaning.

The first ones are installed in all models of any price category, so the consumer receives basic air purification from dust in any case. The electrostatic filter is fine mesh, sometimes covered non-woven material. It copes with coarse debris, fluff, and animal hair, thereby protecting the heat exchanger of the device.

The second category of filters is installed on more expensive models of air conditioners with a fine air purification function. The designs are varied. Such air conditioners trap dust with particles of 0.01 microns, cigarette smoke, allergens, germs and viruses.

Carbon (deodorizing) carbon filter made from coconut. Detains small particles, odors, harmful chemical compounds.

Photocatalytic filter contains titanium dioxide, which acts as a catalyst. It captures unpleasant odors, viruses and even toxic impurities. Splits organic matter for carbon oxides, water and other compounds that do not pose a danger.

Air conditioners that purify outdoor air with an ultraviolet filter destroy almost all known harmful microbes and viruses and disinfect the air conditioner itself from the inside.

IN plasma filter An ionizer is installed that creates a voltage of 4800 volts. Under its influence, fungi, viruses, bacteria, pollen, spores, etc. are destroyed. Larger compounds stick to the filter elements.

Catechin filter contains a natural antiseptic contained in tea leaves. Destroys 98% of all known viruses.

Wasabi filter disinfects air masses with the help of a specific substance contained in horseradish. Has a powerful bactericidal effect.

Filtration with silver ions destroys the internal structure of bacteria and absorbs their cells. Thus, microorganisms disappear completely or significantly reduce activity. The Nano Silver element is responsible for the constant production of ions.

Biofilter– a new product in the production of air conditioners with air purification. Beneficial microbes live inside the cartridge, processing 99% of dust and microorganisms. Consists of a pre-filter for antibacterial treatment and retention of large particles, a bioderating filter for eliminating odors, air filter, killing fungi, mold, trapping small particles.

Formaldehyde filter removes harmful volatile compounds, in particular formaldehyde, and unpleasant odors.

Premium air purification air conditioner models are equipped with ionizers. Ionized air improves well-being, relieves fatigue, and helps normalize metabolism. Keeps the room fresh and clean long time. Such air conditioners are ideal for children's rooms and for people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

In budget models, antioxidant filters are often installed, as well as those containing vitamin C.

Maintenance of air conditioners with air purification function

The electrostatic filter mesh must be cleaned twice a month during active use. The frequency depends on the purpose of the room and the number of people constantly in it. Cleaning methods:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • rinsing with water.

If you don't wash the filters, the air conditioner will overheat and fail.

Should be washed in warm water with non-aggressive detergents. Reinstall only after completely dry. Forced drying is prohibited, as the mesh is deformed under the influence of hot air.

Fine filters do not need to be washed. Carbon cartridges are changed every 3-4 months.

Once clogged, photocatalytic filters are placed under straight Sun rays. Deodorizing ability is restored by 95%. The service life of such a filter is 5 years.

Many air conditioner models have a filtration status indicator. It gives a signal when the cartridge needs to be replaced. However, the sensor does not respond to actual contamination, but to approximate period service, which is usually 2-3 months.

Examples of models from famous brands

Electrolux EASM-12– floor-standing air conditioner with air purifier. Operates in ionization mode and provides antibacterial filtration. Operates with low noise levels. Easily moves around the room. Not intended for rooms with large area. The cost of the model is about 30 thousand rubles.

Midea MSE-18HR– a model with a four-layer filter and a self-cleaning function, thanks to which the cartridge is replaced once every five years. Works quietly. Price – 20 thousand rubles.

Toshiba Daiseikai N3KVR– provides two-stage plasma and photocatalytic filtration, contains an air ionizer. The self-cleaning function prevents the accumulation of moisture and mold in the indoor unit. Inverter control allows you to reduce electricity consumption. Costs about 50 thousand rubles.

General Climate GC/GU-F10HRIN1– equipped with a filter with silver ions, a bio-filter and an air ionizer. The status indicator of the indoor unit indicates the need to replace cartridges. Turbo mode allows you to short time install required temperature. There is an automatic restart function in the event of a sudden power outage.

Carrier 42QCP007713VG– air conditioner with fine air filter. Ionizes and disinfects. The self-diagnosis function will indicate a specific problem and allow you to quickly eliminate it. Built-in motion sensor.