Condensation on the windows in the apartment. We fight condensation on plastic windows. High air humidity: where does it come from and how to deal with it

Condensation on the windows in the apartment.  We fight condensation on plastic windows.  High air humidity: where does it come from and how to deal with it
Condensation on the windows in the apartment. We fight condensation on plastic windows. High air humidity: where does it come from and how to deal with it

Dew drops on window glass during cold weather are a common problem. The opinion that wet windows inside an apartment is normal is wrong. There are specific factors, after eliminating which everything will return to normal again.

Condensation is a consequence design features glass unit Hermetically sealed windows, on the one hand, mean comfort, warmth, absence of noise, street dust and soot, and drafts. On the other hand, blocking natural ventilation through window frames, which can lead to constant fogging of the glass. Reasons why it is necessary to eliminate condensation from inside window:

  • an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment in the form of high humidity and poor ventilation can cause respiratory diseases;
  • a high moisture content in the air will lead to damage to furniture, wallpaper and other materials;
  • water that has formed on the window sills can cause the formation of mold and mildew, which are very harmful to health: their appearance in the children's room is completely unacceptable;
  • V winter time water quickly turns into ice;
  • Foggy windows look unattractive and collect dust and dirt.

High humidity due to condensation it creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment

According to building regulations 2.04.05-91, average temperature in residential premises should be 20-22 degrees. Approximate moisture content is 30-45%. In such conditions, condensation will not form on PVC windows, and it will become comfortable to stay in the apartment and easy to breathe. If water continues to collect on the glass, this indicates a poor microclimate; the cause must be identified and eliminated.

To better understand why condensation collects, let's look at the term dew point. This is the temperature value at which steam becomes water. The lower the humidity level in the room, the lower the dew point will be. The indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • density of materials in the “filling” of the wall;
  • temperature outside and inside the room;
  • humidity outside and at home.

At the dew point, moisture can settle inside the room, both on the wall and on the windows. Accordingly, the problem is in the wall structure, double-glazed windows, or appears for external reasons.

When it comes into contact with a cool surface, the vapor becomes a liquid. Condensation forms because plastic windows are the coldest objects in the apartment. It's about O winter period– it is at this time that the problem of moisture on glass becomes relevant. There is always a certain level of humidity in the air. During the process of washing, cooking, taking water procedures, wet cleaning this figure increases. The optimal microclimate in the room is maintained by the ventilation system. It is mandatory for both private and apartment buildings.

For supporting optimal microclimate in an apartment it is better to take care of the ventilation system in advance

At first glance, useless, small barred holes in the kitchen and bathroom perform an important function - the air gets rid of excess moisture. If ventilation efficiency decreases, condensation will occur. You can try to get rid of it:

  • First of all, check the operation of the ventilation. To do this, take a lighter, lit match or candle and bring it to the ventilation grill. If there is a noticeable deviation of the flame towards the hood, proceed to the next steps. If the light burns straight, it means the ventilation shaft is clogged and you need to contact the utility service.
  • It also happens that condensation on double-glazed windows occurs when the shaft is working perfectly. Check how well the room is ventilated - open the windows slightly. If the kitchen is actively preparing food, use an electric hood. It is placed above the stove. This convenient device It pulls out not only excess steam, but also strong odors. In winter, when you can’t open the windows wide, kitchen hood- a real salvation.
  • If many people live in an apartment, then it would be advisable to install a pressure valve in the bathroom and toilet. This device will force air out of the room. You won’t have to worry about the quality of your “native” work.

If drops of water form on the glass periodically, pay attention to exactly when this happens. If you are cooking or taking water procedures, a hood will help get rid of condensation on the windows. If the windows fog up constantly, then the problem is different.

Ventilators – useful devices, widely used in residential and production premises. The most common is the model mounted in outer wall.The structure consists of:

  • air duct – plastic pipe, through which air comes from the street;
  • a ventilation grille that protects the device from foreign particles;
  • the inner housing where the filter is installed.

The pull-out valve is usually installed in an external wall

Inside the supply valve there is a sound insulation insulation that prevents the wall around from freezing and reduces noise from the street. Some models are equipped with:

Air wall valve provides an air flow of up to 30 cubic meters per hour, which corresponds to the norm for one person. The supply of oxygen from the street will increase if there is less of it in the room. This explains the principle of operation of the valve - it occurs due to the pressure difference created. The device itself regulates the desired flow. Advantages:

  • no need to constantly open and close windows;
  • less noise is transmitted than through slightly open window sashes;
  • you can regulate the amount of incoming air;
  • the device can be installed anywhere, for example, near the battery;
  • it is almost invisible in the room; it can be covered with a curtain.


  • you need to make a hole in the wall;
  • installation is carried out by a master, because mistakes will lead to freezing of the wall;
  • not suitable for regions with severe and prolonged frosts, because the room will become cold.

If you have sufficient experience in construction work, then you can install the ventilator yourself. For this you will need: a marking tool, a diamond drill rig, glue, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, PVC film, a respirator, and glasses. Select the location where the device will be located. This could be an area near a window, radiator, or at the bottom of a wall. Drill a hole in the wall using a drill at a slope of three to four degrees so that moisture does not accumulate inside. On inner surface make holes in the walls for self-tapping screws to secure the ventilator body. Try on the air duct. Insert the pipe into the hole, mark the desired length, and trim off the excess pipe.

The hole in the wall for the valve is made using a drill

Place a sound insulator inside the pipe, and insert the pipe back into the hole. Attach a ventilation grille to it from the outside - partitions horizontally and downwards. Collect inner body, cover it from the side of the room with a decorative grille, screw it to the wall. The inlet valve must be cleaned once a year, preferably in the summer. To do this, remove the filter with insulation and wash them. Wipe the inside of the pipe with a damp cloth, a large number of Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

No time to mess with the installation additional systems hoods or contact the Housing Office for cleaning work ventilation shaft? Try the simplest method - open the windows slightly. First you need to measure the total humidity in the room. If it exceeds 60%, then the problem is a lack of fresh air.

The easiest way to get rid of condensation is to open the window slightly

All modern double-glazed windows made of plastic are equipped with a function that allows them to be depressurized or to create a mini-gap. It's convenient when outside strong wind or frost. In order for a microgap to form between the sash and the frame, you need to turn the handle 45 degrees and pull the sash towards you. It will immediately become easier to breathe in the room, but there will be no draft.

An invisible assistant - a ventilation valve

What to do if there is condensation on the windows, but there is no way to constantly ventilate the room? What is the best way to be with a nursery, where the microclimate should be ideal? Install a special ventilation valve in the window. Advantages over an open window:

  • ventilation occurs at closed windows– protection against opening;
  • increase in service life window fittings– no need to constantly open and close the doors;
  • ease of use and maintenance - it is enough to clean the device from dust once a year;
  • lack of draft - convenient in case a strong wind blows, for example, at night;
  • possibility of adjusting the air flow from the street.

There are three types of ventilation valves. Slot machines are further divided into automatic and mechanical. Easy to install without dismantling window units. The machine is interesting because it has a built-in hygroregulation sensor. It monitors changes in air humidity levels, opens itself wider or closes, until the window is completely sealed. It is convenient to use the mechanics in tandem with a household hygrometer. You yourself monitor the moisture level and adjust the position of the valve. For rebated valves, special cutouts are made in the window block. They allow less air to pass through than the slot type, maintain the level of sound insulation, and cost less. Overheads provide maximum air flow and require special installation.

To ensure that the cause of condensation is eliminated, when choosing a ventilation valve, adhere to the following criteria:

  • the device must provide about 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour per resident, otherwise its effect will be ineffective;
  • maximum level of transmitted noise from the street – 35 dB;
  • the design must be adapted for the winter period;
  • The ability to regulate air flow is important, because the temperature outside the window changes.

You can also choose between valves that are mounted in a window or in a wall. It all depends on your budget and your preferences.

Fogging may occur due to the constant penetration of cold air inside. It cools the glass very much, and a crust of ice forms on the bottom. How to get rid of condensation in this case? The places where the glass comes into contact with the frames are coated silicone sealant. This procedure is suitable for both plastic and wooden windows.

Condensation can also appear due to the constant entry of cold air into the room

You can apply to the areas where the sash joints are located. special seals. Suitable for this self-adhesive types. Fighting condensation on plastic windows is only advisable when it appears on their inside. If the windows sweat from the street, this indicates high quality window glass units.

The classic location of heating radiators in houses and apartments is under the windows. This arrangement is well thought out, because the windows are the coldest part in the house. They often cause drafts and low temperatures in winter. Radiators located below give thermal curtain, which rises up to the ceiling. This prevents cold from penetrating into the room. Direct action hot air from heating pipes prevents windows from fogging up.

If you have wide window sills, they create a barrier to the heat generated by radiators. The windows become overcooled and drops of water appear on them.

You can make a ventilation hole in a wide window sill

This is not a reason to refuse a wide window sill. You can easily make holes in plastic or wood, thanks to which the upward flow of heat will be restored. Buy suitable grilles in the store building materials. Select desired design, size and color. Keep in mind that the strength of the window sill should not be affected, so it is better if the holes in it are narrow. The appearance of some grille models allows them to be used as decoration. There are adjustable types on sale that make it possible to close the hole in the warm season.

Using a jigsaw or fine-toothed saw, cut holes in the window sill according to the size of the purchased grilles. The markings should correspond not to the top, but to the bottom of the grille, because the first one will cover the cutout like a lid. Drill the corners first, then use a hacksaw. Insert the grilles into the holes and, if necessary, secure them with self-tapping screws. If moisture still remains after the procedure, move on to eliminating other possible causes.

Do windows on the side of the slopes fog up? The reason lies in their insufficient insulation. Cold turns steam into water. can be easily upgraded. To do this, remove the PVC panels from the slopes. They are easy to pull out if you pick them up and pull them out of the profiles. Carefully foam the space between the opening and window frame so that the inside of the slope is filled with foam. Cut off the remaining material along the slope of the slope. Before the procedure, clean the surface from dust and moisten. Fill large hollow spaces with mineral wool - it will serve as insulation. Put plastic panel slope into place.

If the windows fog up from the side plastic slopes, you should remove the panels and foam the space between the opening and the window frame

In the case of plasterboard slopes, the structure cannot be reused. To solve the problem, you will have to dismantle the old structure, carry out insulation according to the instructions and install a new one. If the windows are single-chamber, it will not be possible to get rid of fogging. The reason is in the double-glazed windows themselves. In most cases, they are not able to provide sufficient thermal insulation due to insufficient quantities air gaps. The problem is solved by forced heating of windows or replacing them with new ones quality windows PVC from several chambers.

Are you expecting guests and need to quickly give your foggy windows a shiny look? Use auto chemical products. This is any anti-fog spray designed for car windows. First, rinse the window, dry it and apply the product. After active kitchen work, steam will not come out immediately. The windows will remain clean and beautiful for the entire time you are receiving guests.

If you need to quickly get rid of condensation before guests arrive, you can use a car anti-fog spray

Another extraordinary way for those who love experiments. One of the materials is suitable for it: nichrome thread, conductive film, foil. Attach any of the materials around the perimeter of the window and pass a current of 12-24V through it. A little heating will get rid of two problems at once - fogging and freezing.

We get rid of moisture at minimal cost

Deal with moisture without extra costs Candles or a fan will help. These methods will appeal to those who prefer natural and simple methods. They are convenient if the windows fog up only periodically. Place burning candles on the windowsill near the glass - preferably thick ones, because... they burn longer. The fire will cause natural convection - excess moisture will gradually go away. Do not forget about safety precautions; do not leave candles unattended at night. If you don’t have time to figure out why condensation is forming, take a regular fan and place it on near the window so that the air stream is directed at the glass. It can be positioned to handle multiple windows at once. Use the device at minimum power.

A common cause of damp glass is indoor plants, if there are a lot of them on the windowsill. Any plant is a source of evaporation of moisture, which is released from the soil in the pot and from the surface of the leaves. The way out of the situation is simple - reduce the number of flowers on the window, leaving the least moisture-loving species. Move plants that need to be watered frequently to another location. If you are an amateur gardener and like your windows to be decorated with lots of green "friends", improve ventilation in the window area.

Fogging of windows is not uncommon, and you should not wait for it. It is enough to carry out simple preventive actions to prevent it from appearing:

  • maintain a comfortable temperature regime in room;
  • provide a natural flow of fresh air;
  • insulate the building from the outside;
  • dry the basement, repair the roof;
  • install convection screens on radiators.

Important in any case systems approach. You will make your home cozy if you try the basic methods in combination.

First, we need to understand what condensation is and why it harms us so much in our everyday life. Condensation occurs on glass in the form of fogging due to temperature conditions, the use of a gas stove, and so on.

Previously, people used wooden windows, but progress is making progress and today we have more a good option for our homes. Plastic windows have an advantage over wooden ones in many respects, such as tightness, strength and ease of opening and closing. And yet, there are chemical inconveniences that arise when using plastic in a house or apartment, which interfere with living and working in comfort.

Condensation deposits on glass are usually simply wiped off, but this is like fighting windmills. Many people, with the onset of winter, constantly spend their precious time wiping foggy windows. This article will describe in detail, legibly and step by step the causes, consequences and effective solutions such everyday troubles.

Why is condensation harmful?

When we cook something on the stove, or heat the room using a heater or batteries in winter conditions, a sediment forms on the windows and begins to evaporate. As it evaporates, it makes the room more humid. People who are in an unfavorable room with humidity from condensation run the risk of getting sick or damaging certain things that are not resistant to moisture (for example, paper, documents, electronic devices).

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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If you do not get rid of condensate fumes for a long time, then mold and mildew will appear on the walls near the window, the vapors of which are harmful to human health.

Even without going far, it’s no secret that condensation in winter makes the room damp. Dampness is harmful to health (especially if there are people in the house who suffer from any allergic diseases). Dampness damages the structure of the room, swells the wallpaper and spoils it beyond recognition. appearance. Damp swelling and blackening certainly do not improve the condition of the house, nor the quality of life and work of people. Of course, this is the most neglected and worst option. But usually we spend our time wiping windows, warming up internal environment(without taking into account that the external environment can also be changeable and many efforts may simply be in vain and unnecessary). Our goal is to get rid of this everyday horror, and not waste our time “painting” on the windows!

How to reduce the level of humidity and dampness?

Humidity and dampness slowly destroy all household items and need to be quickly disposed of. What to do in such a situation? Every problem has a source, a cause, and it needs to be identified. For example, to find out the source of dampness and moisture in the house, you need to attach a piece of foil to the wall for a day - this is a proven method. If the foil ends up getting wet, then the source of the dampness is in external environment, if the foil, on the contrary, remains dry, then the cause of the problem should be looked for inside the room.

How to fix this?

First of all, you need to check the condition of the ventilation in the house and check the apartment for repair defects. If you live in a private house, systematically check and clean the basement - this is the main source of dampness and mold in the house. Of course, in modern realities Factors beyond our control may arise, for example, the poor condition of the roof of the house, which is leaking, or neighbors from above who flood us.

Affects condensate kitchen appliances, because it is she who more or less regulates the temperature (at least in the kitchen). Gas stoves are the main culprits of condensation. You should also not lose sight of the bathroom, where the humidity concentration is exactly the highest than in any other room.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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All these reasons can be listed for a very long time, they vary from the number of people in the house to the number of flowers on the windowsill. Let's move from theory to action.

You need to buy a high-quality and powerful dehumidifier, ventilate the room from time to time, thereby providing yourself with protection from harmful bacteria due to proper air circulation. Buy in store household appliances a fan for rooms, a heated towel rail for the bathroom to prevent the spread of moisture from wet laundry after washing. What’s even more necessary is a hood above gas stove And quality system ventilation. If the situation with dampness is completely neglected, then it is worth making repairs, sealing the cracks and trying to create favorable microclimate. So, now we know how to deal with the worst consequences of window condensation (this is sometimes the cause of condensation). The main thing is to use modern technologies heating the rooms, treating the walls with anti-fungus or mold repellents, drying clothes outside the apartment, and keeping plants only those that do not require watering and moisture.

Other causes of window condensation

The tightness of plastic windows does not allow air to circulate normally (unlike old, wooden windows that absorb moisture). Steam generated from various household activities settles in the form of fogging. If, in the off-season, situations arise when it is already cold outside, but the heating has not yet been turned on, the apartment quickly cools down, which is also not good. Also, you need to skillfully change radiators and coordinate your actions to regulate the internal microclimate depending on the season, for winter and summer requires completely different approaches.

How to get rid of condensation from plastic windows?

First you need to find out why the window is sweating. If it's just a matter of kitchen appliances, then first of all you need good ventilation, and above the stove you need to install good and high-quality hood, Not smaller size slabs Use a heater, do not rely only on batteries, because it is problems with heating that create unfavorable temperatures in the window area. If the heating problem is beyond your control, then you should contact the housing and communal services authorities.

There is also a very interesting mechanism, which is increasingly gaining relevance. It is connected with the design of window sills. The point is that special things are done in the window sills. ventilation holes, and it turns out that the air from the batteries that are located near the window is drawn directly onto the glass.

As mentioned earlier, the room needs to be ventilated. Even in winter, open the window completely for at least 10 minutes, this will be a big contribution to solving the problem. Place air conditioners near windows to regularly warm them up without worrying about their condition.

You can try treating the windows with special liquids. They are usually used by motorists as car windshield washers.

Alternatively, try calling a professional to clean the ventilation ducts; in old houses they are usually contaminated with all sorts of debris, which triples the risk of condensation. In certain temperature conditions you need to monitor the condition of the windows, carry out their regular repairs, avoid the occurrence of unevenness, cracks, crevices and anything that may leak cold air or interfere with its uniform circulation. These days there are even tutorials on various videos hosting sites on this topic, where people clearly show all of the above methods in action.

Plastic windows are convenient, environmentally friendly and reliable. Everything that is said in this article is not anti-advertising. The problem always lies in temperature condition premises. Not everyone experiences condensation, but a certain percentage of people constantly suffer from it. If you do not monitor the situation, you can damage the window sill, and in winter, all the dampness can turn into ice, so be careful and do not neglect heating rules.

Norms and deviations

Regarding the unattractiveness of foggy windows, which also collect all the dirt and dust, there are scientific and sanitary standards. According to the official accepted standards, then the average temperature in the house should remain between +20 and +22 degrees Celsius. The humidity in the room should not exceed 30-40%, the air should be favorable and comfortable for breathing. By trying to focus on these numbers in your war against window fogging, you will get rid of this problem once and for all.
In addition, relatively recently an interesting innovation has appeared in the world of household technologies. This is a pressure valve and it would be worthwhile to dwell on it in more detail.

Pull valve

This model is built into the wall of the room (you can also next to the window). It consists of three components: an air duct, a grille that protects the valve from dirt and a filter. Such a thing helps to comply with all sanitary standards, as it is able to insulate the wall, protecting it and isolating external noise (which, by the way, is also very important for many people).
Typically, such a device is installed in an external wall and may contain a temperature controller, a built-in fan, remote(helps to manage the device). The air flows in at around 30 cubic meters per hour; the main convenience of the device is that it self-regulates its operation with air flows.

Depending on the external temperature, the device itself regulates the air flow. This device is worthy of attention, if only because it minimizes financial and other human costs. You just need to adjust the draft valve and it will automatically adjust your microatmosphere, bringing it as close as possible to the ideal one. You no longer need to worry about ventilation and noise. You can place the model in any convenient place.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. Buying such a pleasure is quite expensive; installing it can be even more expensive (after all, for this you will have to call a specialist who will drill the wall). If something goes wrong during installation, there is a risk that the wall will develop structural damage or deformation, which will worsen the problem with the atmosphere in the house. To purchase, use or install this device, it is advisable to have personal experience in construction, and also trust such matters only to competent specialists, trusted sellers and good craftsmen.

Other cases of condensation

There are cases when condensation appears from time to time, and in the cold season it can damage the glass of the window, as it turns into ice. In such cases, lubricating the frozen surface with silicone sealant will help.

In addition to this, there are also folk remedies anti-fogging. They are ineffective, but we cannot ignore them, so we will focus on candles. You can light a few candles and place them on the windowsill to warm up the window. True, then you will have to comply with the measures fire safety. You can also use polyurethane foam to cover potential sources of air penetration. In the end, there is only one conclusion: it is better to spend money on quality of life than to constantly waste time maintaining it. Better yet, apply all of the above in unified system, then solving problems with potentially dangerous precipitation and deposits on windows will never bother you again.

Plastic windows are installed in almost every home; they are airtight, comfortable and durable. The glass reflects cold air and noise, while providing complete sealing of the room. But with the arrival of cold weather, owners often wonder why condensation appears on the windows and what to do in this case. Is it possible to get rid of it during operation or should you think about the potential problem before purchasing and installing double-glazed windows?

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    The reason for the formation of condensation on the surface of the window

    Moisture accumulating on the glass surface of plastic windows is formed due to disturbances in normal evaporation. The air contains water vapor. It appears when drying clothes or cooking, as well as from human breathing. When the temperature of water decreases, it transforms from a gaseous state to a liquid state. As a result, condensation settles on the glass.

    Some materials allow water vapor to pass through, so it does not form. But glass is not included in this list. It does not retain heat and is always cold. The lower the temperature of the window surface facing the room, the greater the likelihood that drops will appear on it.

    Consequently, if the windows in a house or apartment fog up, this indicates problems with the microclimate in the home.

    Reasons for condensation:

    • A lot of indoor plants on the window.
    • Excess moisture.
    • Wide window sill.
    • Poorly selected curtains for the winter season.
    • Poor quality materials.

    Plants as sources of increased humidity

    Certain types of house flowers intensively evaporate moisture, because of this it is dry in the back of the room, and increased humidity on the windowsill. In this case, you can move the plants to another location.

    Wide window sill

    This factor is another reason for the appearance of “tearfulness.” As a rule, heating radiators are located underneath the double-glazed windows. Window sills should not obscure them by more than a third. If they completely block the radiator, warm air is not able to properly heat the glass. There is no circulation and the windows start to sweat.

    To get rid of condensation, window sills need to be replaced with narrower ones or special ones installed ventilation grates. Warm air will rise freely through them. If the products are wooden, drill several holes so that the heat from the battery passes through the window, warming it and removing excess moisture.

    Summer and winter curtains

    In spring and summer, residents hide radiators under their windows behind long curtains, which also serve as protection from sun rays. In winter, it is advisable to open the radiators to normalize the movement of air in the room and avoid heat loss through the windows. To do this, hang short, light-colored curtains made of thick fabric. Perhaps after this the structures will not “cry”.

    Eliminating water

    Houses built decades ago were designed for ventilation through windows, without taking into account vents. With the advent of sealed PVC, there is no air exchange and moisture stagnates in the room, the air becomes damp. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms more often. And also check ventilation ducts in the apartment. Obviously they were clogged.

    To prevent your home from turning into a sauna, it is worth installing a hood above the stove. Thanks to this, the steam generated during cooking will be effectively discharged to the street. Can buy household dehumidifier air, allowing you to remove excess moisture from the apartment.

    How to carry out high-quality installation?

    Windows must be installed correctly, according to GOST. Sometimes gaps remain between the wall and the frame because the builders do not apply enough foam. After this, the consumer himself tries to restore the damaged slopes and ensure that there is no flow of cold air from the cracks. Often, buyers do the installation themselves, especially in a new private home, but do it incorrectly.

    The polyurethane foam must be covered from exposure to sunlight with special tape or covered concrete mortar, especially on the balcony. Otherwise, the seam between the wall and the window will crumble within two years.

    What is dew point?

    In winter, condensation often forms on plastic windows for the same reason that a bottle of drink that has just been taken from the refrigerator is covered in sweat. There are always water molecules in the atmosphere. According to standards, at a temperature of 20-22°C in the room, air humidity should be 40-50%. If it is higher, condensation will occur on the coldest object, in particular on a window in winter.

    In the cool confined space Condensation always forms. The warmer the room, the greater the humidity in the air will be retained without forming dew. An example would be a steam room. There is no formation of raindrops due to high temperature. Whereas in the kitchen while cooking or in a room where there are a lot of people, the windows sweat quickly.

    Condensation inside the window

    Often condensation on plastic windows appears in the air chamber between the panes. This happens due to cooling. In the cold season, air acts on the frame from the outside and tries to get inside.

    Penetrating between the sashes, the cold hits the inner glass. This material holds it well. In the room, the air collects steam, which seeks out a cold surface. If there are cracks and crevices, air different temperatures will mix inside the window, and condensation will settle between the sashes. It's not easy to remove it from there.

    3 main methods for eliminating condensation

    Even in the process of preparing to replace wooden windows with metal-plastic ones, it is necessary to understand that condensation will form. Therefore, choose a profile of the greatest thickness so that the recess into the niche is insignificant.

    It is not advisable to make wide window sills. And preference should be given not to double, but to triple glazed windows. Then there will be excellent sound insulation, and the glass itself will not freeze even on frosty days. If the installation has already been completed and a problem with condensation is detected, it is necessary to eliminate it using the following methods:

    1. 1. Make forced ventilation windows To do this, there must be good air exchange in the window niche. You can carefully ventilate the room by turning the handles at a 45-degree angle horizontally to the left or right. In this position, the room will not get cold and will be well ventilated. But sometimes the fittings are not designed for this mode and they look for other ways.
    2. 2. At the bottom of the window on the windowsill you can place candles in candlesticks and light them. In extreme cold you will need several pieces. This method of dealing with condensation is relatively cheap. Candles will also be beneficial for indoor plants, as they highlight carbon dioxide, which is their food product. No need to remember about safety anddon't leave the firenear curtains or flammable objects.
    3. 3. Use a fan. Typically, these devices are not used during the cold season. But if you turn on the unit, you can create air movement in the window niches. To do this, select a weak fan mode and set it so that it blows on several windows at the same time.

    Sometimes they use auto chemicals. There are a variety of anti-fog agents available in parts stores. They are used on car windows or for apartment windows. The washed windows are dried, then an anti-fog agent is applied. This will not completely solve the problem of condensation, but it will help somewhat.

    How will inlet valves help?

    These devices are placed at the top of the structure. Thanks to supply valve the rooms will be ventilated without tilting the sash or opening the window. Typically, two types of dampers are used, equipped with pressure or humidity sensors.

    The first reacts to fluctuations in humidity, the second evens out the difference between external and internal pressure. Diffusers provide a continuous flow of air, the amount of which is determined by the user independently.

    Hygro-adjustable valves reduce or increase air flow automatically. When installing the structure at the top of the window, air coming from the street mixes with warm air in the room under the ceiling and reaches room temperature, going down. Thanks to this, residents do not feel uncomfortable due to the influx of outside air, as happens with standard ventilation in winter using an open window.

    But always when choosing a method window ventilation standards should be taken into account in order for the system to optimally fit into the room and give the desired effect. Usually an air flow of 30-50 m³ per hour is sufficient. But for a bathroom or kitchen, more intensive supply is needed - about 70 cubic meters per hour.

    Supply valves can be installed into an existing window system. To do this, you need to contact a specialized company, where installers will do the work in full accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Have you installed new plastic windows in your home, but after some time a problem has arisen: moisture has begun to form inside the glass unit? People often turn to Teplo Doma for help with a similar problem. That is why solving it is not unusual for us.

But there's one here important point: Windows fog up from the inside, not the outside. Is there a difference? Of course, these are two completely different problems. Accordingly, they require a different approach.

If condensation ON double-glazed windows

In the case where condensation forms on outside double-glazed windows, most likely the culprit is the one who operates the metal-plastic structure. Decide this problem possible on your own. If you don’t have time to look for the reasons, then you can turn to our specialists for help, and they will help.

It is important to know! When the liquid passes the dew point, it turns into water droplets on your windows. As a result, the windows fog up. And if it’s very cold outside, and the double-glazed window is single-chamber, then this same water on the windows turns into ice.

Condensation between the double-glazed windows is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. If the windows are constantly wet, then an ideal environment will be created on their surface for the development of various types of bacteria and fungi. And this, in turn, can seriously affect the health of residents.

Why is there condensation on double-glazed windows? There are actually several reasons:

  • Increased humidity in the room.
  • The window sill covers the radiator.
  • There is poor ventilation in the room.
  • Lots of indoor plants.
  • Windows are not translated to winter mode.
  • The room is poorly ventilated.
  • Installation errors.
  • Carrying out indoors repair work.
  • Leakage interpanel seams(Let us explain: when the seams leak, moisture finds its way to the insulation, is absorbed into it and then evaporates into the room).
  • And etc.

All these reasons contribute to the formation of condensation on the glass unit. As a result, we are faced with problems such as fungus, mold, bacteria and a complete lack of appearance of our metal-plastic structures.

Now, it should have become clear to you that the cause of condensation can be eliminated on your own. If for some reason you cannot do this, then contact the specialists of the Teplo Doma company for help. By the way, one of them is ready to discuss a solution to your problem right now.

We present to your attention a table from which you can determine the temperature at which condensation will form in any case. In order to solve the problem you will need the following values: relative humidity and air temperature.

If there is condensation INSIDE the glass unit

When condensation forms on a glass unit, consider yourself lucky. Why is that? The fact is that moisture can also accumulate inside the window. Now this is a more serious problem. In the first case, you can solve it on your own, but in the second it will no longer be possible to do so. And all because if there is condensation in double-glazed windows, there can only be one reason - depressurization.

But why did this happen? In most cases the culprit is the manufacturer metal-plastic window. The structure could not have been manufactured in accordance with GOST, as a result, during operation, the window became depressurized and moisture got inside.

Please note: initially there is specially dried air there.

What does this mean? The window stops performing its functions. It lets in noise from the street and cold. A humid environment forms inside it, and this is a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. You can't see anything through such a window.

How to remove condensation between glass panes in a double-glazed window? You are unlikely to be able to solve the problem on your own. That's why the most the right decision will be a call from the master.

If there is condensation on the glass unit from the inside, then in most cases the matter ends with replacing the glass unit itself. It's easier, and the price is almost the same as repairs metal-plastic construction. Teplo Doma specialists will select the most optimal solution for you.

Condensation inside a double-glazed window: what to do, video?

Representatives of the Teplo Doma company prepared a video for this occasion, which discusses the problem of depressurization of double-glazed windows. If you want to eliminate condensation inside a double-glazed window, then this video will be useful for viewing.

Call the master

Alas, the problem of depressurization of double-glazed windows is not far-fetched. It leads people to wonder why condensation collects inside the glass unit. The Teplo Doma company repairs plastic windows in Moscow and the region. The specialists of our company know their work and are able to help you resolve any difficult situation associated with the breakdown of metal-plastic structures.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Plastic windows perform their function perfectly: they retain heat perfectly, isolate street noise and maintain room temperature. But a common occurrence is the appearance of condensation on glass during the cold season. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to fix this problem?

Causes and consequences of window fogging

The reason for window fogging is hidden in physical properties water. Being in a gaseous state, it is invisible, but as the temperature drops, the so-called dew point is reached, that is, water vapor turns into liquid. It is in this case that condensation forms and settles on the plastic windows.

The reason for moisture settling on glass is increased humidity.

If the windows begin to fog up from the inside, there can only be one reason - it’s a defective double-glazed window.. This item the entire system must be sealed, and if this condition is violated, water vapor gets inside, where it settles on the inner glass during cooling. This problem is eliminated by replacing the glass unit, the frame can be left.

However, most often condensation forms on the outer surface of the window. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to eliminate this factor? There may be several answers to this question:

Subsequently, fogging leads not only to disruption of the view through the glass. Often this process provokes the occurrence of worse phenomena:

  • Freezing of windows and formation of ice on them.
  • High humidity causes mold, rot and mildew.
  • Water and low temperatures gradually destroy the foam in the gap and break the tightness of the entire system and the house.

Constant fogging of windows can lead to mold growth

What to do with this negative impact and how to eliminate the causes of window fogging?


If your windows are leaking, you need to determine the cause of the phenomenon. It happens that the situation arises as a result of placing a large number of indoor plants on the windowsill, which evaporate a large amount of moisture.

Window adjustment

You can verify what the cause is by doing a simple inspection of the entire window. The first thing to do is to check the correct adjustment of the valves and the degree of their locking. This is done as follows:

  • You can feel a strong draft by running your hand along the window.
  • Light a match or candle; if the light fluctuates, the seal is broken.
  • Paper is placed in the door and locked. You can pull out the sheet without any effort.

If deficiencies are found, proceed with adjustment. The sash is adjusted vertically and horizontally with screws located on bottom loop.

To adjust the sashes, tighten the bolts located on the lower hinge

The degree of pressure is adjusted by eccentrics at the ends of the window, as well as by tightening the pressure plates.

Transfer to winter or summer mode carried out using eccentrics

Don't forget about seasonal window adjustments. To do this, turn the regulators with a marker inward in the summer, and toward the street in the winter.

Window sills

Windows often cry due to improper air circulation during the cold season. The reason is hidden in wide window sills, which block the access of warm air masses to the surface of the glass unit.

In this case, to normalize circulation in the window sill, you need to drill several holes that will ensure normal heat access to the glass.

Holes in the window sill allow warm air warm glass

You also need to pay attention to the grilles covering the heating radiators; perhaps they also impede air exchange.

Slope finishing

If the window was installed incorrectly (leaky gaps, the frame has moved), then you should contact the installation company. Installers are required to fix this problem free of charge.

An independent attempt to seal the gaps may not correct the situation, since the double-glazed window was initially installed incorrectly.

Finishing and insulation of slopes prevents windows from fogging

The situation is different with slopes. If finishing has not been done, it must be done immediately, otherwise it will lead to complete destruction polyurethane foam in the gaps. To prevent windows from crying, it is best to additionally insulate them using heat-insulating material (mineral wool, foam plastic or penoplex).


Quite often, windows cry due to poor-quality or worn-out fittings. All mechanisms must function normally and smoothly close the sash while maintaining normal pressure.

Damaged seal must be replaced

The seal must be carefully inspected. It should be elastic, without tears or cracks. If there is damage and elasticity is lost, proceed to replace it.


Ventilation of the room must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for rooms with increased level humidity (kitchens, bathrooms), where glass most often sweats in winter.

After all, plastic windows completely seal the room and make it difficult for air to enter from the street. The problem of air exchange can be solved in the following ways.

Check existing ventilation for blockages. This can be done by lighting a candle near the channel outlets. If the light does not deflect, then the hood does not work. The gratings are removed and cleaned until normal operation is restored.

However, apart from exhaust system, supply ventilation must also be present. This issue is resolved by installing ventilation valves on the windows.

Supply ventilation can be achieved using the valve built into the handle

Today there are modern supply systems, installed in the window handle, they do not spoil the appearance and provide a sufficient amount of fresh air.

By ensuring a normal level of ventilation, the problem of high humidity is eliminated.

Thermal insulation

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in most non-residential premises, where thermal insulation is not so important. If such a double-glazed window is installed in a living room, it will not provide adequate heat conservation.

Thermal insulation of glass with film will not solve the problem of cold

The problem can be eliminated by insulating the slopes and applying an energy-saving film to the glass. But these measures will not ensure full heat conservation.

Optimizing humidity levels

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be eliminated by ensuring normal ventilation of the rooms. However, if this does not help, then you can install moisture-absorbing devices under the window sill. Such cartridges are inexpensive, and their efficiency is quite high..

Recent renovations can increase indoor humidity. Big square plastered surfaces evaporate a huge amount of moisture, which ventilation cannot cope with. This is a temporary phenomenon and as the walls dry, the humidity level returns to normal.

As a rule, these are the main reasons why windows cry in winter. Once they are eliminated, the situation will normalize and there will be no problems with fogging.