Indoor calamondin citrofortunella at home. Best tips for growing calamondin at home Citrus calamondin fruits are edible

Indoor calamondin citrofortunella at home.  Best tips for growing calamondin at home Citrus calamondin fruits are edible
Indoor calamondin citrofortunella at home. Best tips for growing calamondin at home Citrus calamondin fruits are edible

Calamondin or, as this indoor variety of citrus is also called, citrofortunella, is a hybrid obtained from crossing a kumquat and loved by many gourmets. Growing calamondin at home makes it possible not only to add an exotic crop to your collection, but also to get bright, small-sized fruits.

It is thanks to them that the plant received the popular name “golden orange”. Small size fragrant fruits cover the crown abundantly and sometimes seem unreal. Therefore, novice gardeners have a question: “Is it possible to eat calamondin?”

The round fruits, with a thin zest and a juicy core, are edible. But you shouldn’t expect the sweetness of tangerine in this case. The pulp of yellow-orange calamondins is sour or even bitter, but the peel, like that of a kumquat, is sweetish and very aromatic.

Features of caring for and growing calamondin

When kept indoors, the plant forms a compact shrub or an elegant standard tree, although outdoors the plant sometimes reaches a height of five meters. At easy care

  • at home citrus calamondin:
  • grows well;
  • bears fruit;

it can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. Today for lovers indoor plants

They offer plants not only with monochromatic foliage, but also variegated forms, in which even the fruits have an unusual striped color. In the second half of spring, citrus blossoms, and then the crown is covered with very fragrant star-shaped flowers

white color. The plant requires hand pollination, after which numerous ovaries are formed on it.

Even a small specimen, with proper feeding and watering, will not shed them and can bloom when there are still unripe fruits on its branches. Calamondin signals discomfort or disturbances in growing conditions by loss of foliage.

Caring for citrus calamondin at home

For the first time, a gardener may encounter withering and falling foliage a few weeks after purchasing a bright plant.

  • The fact is that the exotic perennial does not adapt easily, and when moving from a store to an apartment it changes:
  • air temperature;
  • humidity;

composition of irrigation water;

In addition, the reasons for ill health and failure to care for citrus calamondin may lie in the depletion of the fruiting tree from a long stay in the store or insufficient care. Therefore, it is better to replant the plant after first inspecting and clearing the root system of dead or rotten fragments. The crown can be covered with a bag to artificially increase air humidity and create a kind of greenhouse. Since exotic crops are partial to the sun, a place for them must be found on bright side

. True, it is still worth taking care of shelter from direct scorching rays.

Calamondin purchased in winter is protected from possible drafts and immediately placed under to extend daylight hours. And in subsequent winters, lighting is required.

  • At home, growing calamondin does not require the grower to maintain a special temperature. Plants, if all the rules for caring for citrus calamondin are followed, easily tolerate the hot season, and the optimal temperature for them is considered to be: 18–24 °C in;
  • summer time

12–16 °C in winter.

The plants are moisture-loving and respond well to spraying, which helps them survive the heat. In the cold season, such frequent soil moistening is not required.

Top dressing can be traditional, combined with watering, and foliar. Calamandins need additional nutrition all year round, especially with frequent and abundant fruiting. If caring for calamondin at home is practiced foliar feeding

, irrigation is best done on the back side of the leaves. This way it will not be possible to spoil the appearance of the glossy sheet plates. Such procedures are prescribed in the evening so that the sun's rays burn the places where the drops hit.

Propagation by seeds and growing calamondin from cuttings

Growing calamondin from seeds is a painstaking task and requires considerable patience. The grower will be able to pick the first fruits only after 6–7 years. You can also get new specimens of citrus using cuttings.

  • But there are pitfalls here too. For the cuttings to take root, you will need:
  • loose substrate for deepening the apical parts of shoots;
  • maintaining a temperature of about 23–25 °C;
  • long daylight hours.

It is best to carry out cuttings and rooting from May to June, when it is easiest to provide these conditions. After the roots have formed, young calamondins are planted in their own pots.

When choosing pots for transplanting calamondin, you need to take into account the size of the plant and the growing root system. Therefore, it is better to take large containers where the tree will be comfortable for at least one year.

When transferring the earthen clod to a new container, it is important not to damage it. And for outflow excess moisture a powerful drainage layer is created at the bottom of the pot. It is calculated so that when installing the bark system on a layer of soil, the root collar, when backfilled, is above the surface of the substrate.

The soil mixture for growing calamondin is made from ready-made soil for ornamental crops with the addition of humus or from the same humus, twice as much turf soil and sand to give looseness. After cutting, calamondin needs watering, and the first feeding is carried out only a month later.

Video about the features of caring for calamondin

Calamondin is a very pretty indoor plant from East Asia. It appeared as a result of crossing a mandarin with a kumquat, therefore it is often called “golden mandarin” or “citrofortunella”. The plant belongs to the Oratae family. It is distinguished by its lush greenery and abundant fruiting. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the tree brings benefits, because the fruits of calamondin can be eaten.

Description of the plant

Calamondin is an evergreen perennial tree or branched shrub. Under natural conditions, its height can be 3-7 m. Houseplants do not exceed 60-150 cm in height.

Calamondin (citrofortunella) has a developed root system. Thin roots quickly become lignified and entangle the earthen lump in a dense bunch. The surface of the roots and stems is covered with light brown, rough bark. The stems branch from the very base and are almost completely covered with foliage. The spherical dense crown consists of small shiny leaves. The leaf blade is oval or ovoid in shape and slightly bent along the central vein. The leaves are 4-7 cm long and are attached to the branches with short, dense petioles.

On young branches at the end of spring axillary inflorescences consisting of 2-3 snow-white buds are formed. The fragrant flower has 5 petals. The diameter of the open bud is 2.5 cm. Citrus calamondin is capable of self-pollination and after a few weeks small orange fruits with a diameter of up to 4.5 cm appear on the branches. The juicy pulp has a bitter-sour taste, but the skin is sweet. Not everyone will like eating the fruits, but they can be added to tea or various dishes.

Varieties of calamondin

Mandarin calamondin is a hybrid species and does not have much varietal diversity. Breeders have developed several varieties with bright foliage or fruits various shapes. Today, in addition to the classic calamondin, the following varieties are popular in flower shops:

Breeding rules

It is quite difficult for Calamondin to reproduce at home. Vegetative methods are usually used.

Propagation by cuttings is considered the most convenient. In spring, the tops of the branches should be cut with 3-4 internodes. The cut sites are dipped in a root stimulator. The cuttings are rooted to the bottom leaf in moist sandy-peaty soil. Plants need to be covered with film or glass jars and placed in a warm place. It is necessary to ventilate the seedlings daily. Roots form within 2-3 weeks, after which the calamondin is ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

Some gardeners prefer to propagate calamondin by grafting. This plant has good drought resistance and hardiness. Any citrus seedling can serve as a rootstock. The scion usually takes root well and fruiting can be expected the following year.

It is also possible to grow calamondin from seeds. But such a plant either will not bear fruit at all, or you will have to wait 6-7 years for them. A mixture is used for planting seeds garden soil and sand. The bones are deepened by 1.5-2 cm in wet soil. The pot should be placed in a bright room with an air temperature of +20...+25°C. Sprouts appear within 3-6 weeks. Seedlings grow rather slowly and need a moist and warm environment. After 4 true leaves appear, they are carefully planted without picking in separate pots.

Adaptation and transplantation

After purchasing calamondin, it should be replanted. Stores often use cramped pots with no big amount peat soil. In it, the citrus will dry out and overheat. You should choose a larger pot with drainage holes at the bottom. First, lay out coarse material for drainage, and then pour in soil. The soil should include:

  • turf land;
  • leaf humus;
  • rotted manure;
  • river sand.

Can buy ready mixture for citrus fruits. Transplantation is done by transferring an earthen clod. After the procedure, calamondin should be moved to a shaded place for several days and watered moderately.

Sometimes after the first transplant, calamondin begins to actively shed its leaves. Even if only bare branches remain, you can try to save the tree. All fruits and some shoots should be trimmed. The cut areas are dipped in crushed activated carbon. The plant continues to be kept in a bright room. It is necessary to spray the shoots daily with any medicinal solution. The soil is moistened very carefully. After a few weeks, young shoots can be found on the branches.

Selection of location

Calamondins are grown at home in a bright room. With a lack of sun, the number of flowers and fruits decreases. However, on hot days it is necessary to shade the crown from direct sun rays or ventilate the room more often. From sunburn Calamondin leaves begin to dry out and fall off. In the summer, it is recommended to take the tree out into the garden or onto the balcony. Even in winter, the plant needs long daylight hours; it is convenient to use special lamps for illumination.

In summer, calamondin needs warmth. Optimal temperature air temperature is +20…+25°C. The plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and drafts. In autumn, the temperature in the room begins to decrease to +12…+15°C. A cool winter will provide more abundant flowering and fruiting.

High air humidity is also very important for citrus. In a dry room, the leaves begin to die and the appearance of the crown deteriorates. You should spray the tree daily with soft water and place pallets with wet expanded clay nearby. It is important that the soil does not come into contact with moisture. If there is an aquarium or fountain in the house, it is recommended to place the flower closer to it.

Daily care

Calamondin needs regular watering. Only the top part of the soil should dry out. As it gets colder, watering is reduced. At low temperatures dampness promotes the development of root rot. Water for irrigation should be settled and acidified; the plant reacts poorly to alkalization of the soil.

From April to the end of September, calamondin is fed with mineral fertilizers twice a month. In stores you can find special fertilizers for citrus fruits.

home care

So that citrus has attractive appearance, it needs to be trimmed periodically. Pruning is carried out in early February. You can remove up to half of the entire crown to get a symmetrical plant. Until flowering begins, it is recommended to regularly rotate the flower relative to the light source. This cannot be done during the flowering and fruiting period, otherwise the buds will dry out and begin to fall off the branches.

The main pests of calamondin are scale insects, whiteflies and spider mites. If at least one insect is detected, the crown must be treated with an insecticide. According to the instructions, 2-3 more treatments are carried out on the drug to get rid of the insects themselves and their larvae.

Wet tropical thickets, high blue sky, endless beaches and the intoxicating aroma of fruits - how we want to preserve a piece of the southern sun in our cold apartments. A resident of the southern forests, who has perfectly adapted to home conditions, will help us fulfill this wonderful desire - calamondin or, as it is also called, Citrofortunella.

Calamondin is an ornamental indoor plant whose appearance resembles a dwarf tangerine tree. This is what the people called the plant - golden orange or indoor tangerine. Calamondin is native to the southern and eastern parts of Asia, where it predominates hot climate And high humidity. Calamondin belongs to the rutaceae family and is the product of crossing mandarin and. As a result, a beautiful evergreen plant appeared, which at home reaches 1 m in height (at home it grows up to 5 m). Moreover, it got its appearance and fruits from citrus fruits, and from kumquat it got its sweet peel and resistance to low temperatures.

Against the background of small dark green leaves, bright orange fruits reminiscent of tangerines look very colorful and contrasting. This plant can bloom and bear fruit almost all year round if you care for it properly. A special feature of calamondin (or citrofortunella) are small white flowers with four petals, which emit a pleasant smell and fragrant fruits weighing only 10-12 grams, appearing after flowering.

[!] Flowers will have to be pollinated manually using a brush in order to then enjoy the fragrant small fruits.

Despite its very appetizing appearance, the taste of calamondin fruits will not please gourmets too much. Under the thin and sweetish peel there is juicy and sour pulp with a large number of small seeds. And although there is raw indoor tangerines There are few takers, but they make excellent, tasty and aromatic jam or jam. Moreover, the fruits usually fully ripen in November and can hang on the tree for another six months.

Citrofortunella's attractive appearance makes it a popular New Year's gift in China. It is believed that this plant symbolizes well-being and good luck in all endeavors. It is also customary to give calamondin during the Christmas holidays in America, the Philippines, Hawaii and even in Europe. Its decorative nature and ease of maintenance allow it to become a real decoration of any home.

Despite the fact that calamondin grows quickly, branches well and bears fruit abundantly at home, it needs constant care and certain conditions of detention. Let's take a closer look at them.

Caring for calamondin at home


Calamondin requires a large amount of light; dark or shady places are not suitable for it. Bright and diffuse light– this is the optimal lighting for the plant. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so as not to cause burns on the delicate leaves.

In summer, when the sun not only shines strongly, but also heats up, you need to take care that the flower is not too hot, otherwise it will begin to shed leaves, flowers and even fruits. For a lush and symmetrical crown, it must be turned slightly towards the light source every day (literally one degree clockwise).


Calamondin – heat-loving plant. The optimal temperature for him, as for humans, is 20-25 °C. However, in the cold season, it is useful for the flower to lower the temperature to 13-17 ° C: this way it will bloom and bear fruit better in spring and summer.

In general, calamondin can withstand temperature changes of up to 5°C, but, given our domestic climate, under no circumstances should it be taken out onto the balcony in winter. During the heating season, care should be taken to ensure that the flower does not overheat when located next to a radiator or heater.

Humidity and watering

Citrofortunella is native to rather damp places, rainforests Southeast Asia, therefore it needs high humidity at home. To do this, calamondin should be regularly sprayed with water at room temperature, especially in the hot season. It is best to spray and water with warm boiled and settled water to reduce the content of various impurities, especially chlorine. In the warm season, you need to water abundantly, and in the cold season as needed, when upper layer the soil will dry out.

Soil and fertilizers

The composition of the soil is very important for this plant. Since Citrofortunella constantly bears fruit, this requires a certain amount and ratio of nutrients and minerals in the soil. The optimal soil is one that includes turf and leaf soil, humus and sand in equal proportions. It is very important to pay attention to drainage, which does not allow moisture to stagnate and the root system to rot. It is best to pour 4-5 cm of pebbles, gravel or expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, then add the prepared soil mixture.

Calamondin needs constant fertilization, especially during the flowering period, which begins in March. Therefore, from March to October, the plant must be fed with special fertilizers for citrus fruits. The fertilizer is sold dry and diluted with water in the required proportion before use. In addition to fertilizing the roots, you also need to pay attention to the above-ground part of the tree. To do this, the diluted solution is irrigated under the foliage using a spray bottle. Depending on the size and needs, fertilize the plant 2-4 times a month.

Replanting and pruning

This miniature tree has a fairly developed root system, so it must be transplanted into larger diameter pots as needed. Young calamondin sprouts are replanted annually in February-March, before flowering begins. When the plant becomes an adult and its growth is no longer so intense, then change flower pot possible once every 2-3 years.

The root system is very sensitive to any changes, so during transplantation there is no need to break the earthen ball. Before placing the calamondin in another pot, you should inspect the root system and if there are rotten roots, they should be removed. Moreover, they need to be planted in new soil at the same level as the root collar was before. After this, you don’t have to fertilize the flower for a month, as there is no need for it.

In order for the shape of the calamondin crown to be fluffy, uniform and round, you need to periodically trim the leaves and young shoots. If fatty shoots are left, they will not only spoil the symmetrical shape, but will also not produce flowers and fruits. Pruning is done annually in the spring.


This evergreen plant propagates using seeds or cuttings, but there are a number of nuances. Cuttings for this flower are a rather complicated process, so it is very difficult for the cuttings to take root and require additional measures to care for them. Seeds, on the contrary, sprout quickly and easily, however, for the tree to begin to bear fruit, several years must pass.

  • Propagation by cuttings

A young shoot is used for cuttings. To do this, cut off the shoot, which already has 4-6 leaves. After this, it must be placed in a solution of indolyl-3-butyric acid, root (25 mg of acid per half liter of water) or heteroauxin for 16 or 10 hours, respectively. Then the cutting is planted in regular soil and covered with a jar or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect and increase humidity. Phytohormones are often used to stimulate the root system and the growth of the entire shoot. It is very important that the temperature is 23-25 ​​°C. To do this, cuttings are best carried out in the warm season (late spring or early summer) or use soil heating.

  • Propagation by seeds

The seeds of still fresh fruits are suitable for seeds. Dried fruits are not suitable, as the seeds in them quickly lose their ability to germinate. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm in loose soil, for which peat, sand and fertile mixture are taken. For shoots to appear, certain conditions are necessary: ​​temperature 25-28°C and high humidity. Therefore, the surface of the soil is watered abundantly and covered with polyethylene or glass. In one and a half, two months, young shoots with leaves should appear. When there are more than four leaves on the shoot, they can already be planted in pots with regular soil.

Diseases and pests

Citrofortunella, like many indoor plants, is susceptible to various diseases if not proper care or attack by harmful insects.

The most common pests for this miniature tree are: aphids, whiteflies, spider mite and scale insects. These insects can be detected by yellowed leaves, white plaque on the surface or the presence of cobwebs. To combat them, special insecticides are used, which are sprayed from above onto the plant. After using these chemical substances, the surface of the flower will need to be washed.

Problems encountered during cultivation

  • Calamondin sheds its leaves. There can be many reasons. It's either too hot, too cold, too much water, not enough nutrients, too dry air, or draft. By the falling leaves you can immediately see that the plant does not like something in its living conditions.
  • Calamondin does not bloom. This may indicate insufficient light, nutrition or moisture.
  • Calamondin drops unripe fruits. Most likely there are not enough nutrients.

Calamondin does not tolerate any sudden changes or adaptation quite well. Very often, after purchasing this plant, at home it may begin to shed its leaves. In this case, it is recommended to pick off all the fruits, if any, and wrap the calamondin in polyethylene to increase humidity.

Citrofortunella also does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, as well as changes in lighting. Therefore, during flowering and fruiting, you cannot rearrange or rotate the pot with the plant, otherwise the plant will become stressed and begin to shed both leaves and flowers.

If simple care manipulations are done regularly and in a timely manner, then this plant will delight its owner with constant growth and flowering all year round. Even with fruits on the branches, calamondin can continue to bloom.

Kalamandin, in addition to its bright and original appearance, has pleasant aroma. Moreover, the smell of freshness and sourness is emitted by the leaves, flowers, and fruits of this exotic wood. And small, juicy citrus fruits also contain a number of health-promoting vitamins. Most of all there are vitamins C and P, which are excellent antimicrobial agents and antioxidants.

K alamondin, or citrofortunella, is beautiful evergreen, obtained as a result of natural hybridization of mandarin and kinkan. Its botanical name is Citrofortunella microcarpa, the old ones still found are Citrus madurensis and Citrus mitis. Calamondin has many local names, since the plant is popular and loved in many countries as a fruit or ornamental plant. The most famous ones are “Chinese mandarin” and “golden orange”.
At home, calamondin is grown on light windowsills, in winter gardens and greenhouses, sometimes in standard form or in bonsai form. In subtropical climates, calamondin is used in landscape design and planted in open ground in gardens and parks, grown in large containers on terraces and patios. Less commonly, it is a citrus fruit crop. The height of the tree can reach several meters.


The homeland of calamondin is China, from where the plant came to nearby regions. I found citrus there practical use, it was used mainly for juice. And now in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, calamondin is primarily fruit crop. In the rest of the world, the plant is popular more as an ornamental. It has new forms, including variegated ones with striped fruits and dwarf ones. For some peoples, citrofortunella has become an attribute of Christmas and New Year. The tradition of giving calamondin New Year and Christmas or decorating your home with it these days is catching on with us too. After all beautiful plant very similar to the tangerine, which we historically associate with the New Year holiday.


The calamondin tree is 3 to 7 meters high, has an erect trunk that branches close to the base, and a dense crown. Dark green dense glossy oval leaves, 4-7 cm long, yellow-green underneath. They are located alternately on small petioles. Tap root, powerful. The flowers are solitary or grow 2-3 often in the axils of the leaves, very fragrant, self-pollinating, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. They have 5 white petals. Attractive to bees.
The fruits are orange-red, round or slightly flattened, up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The skin is thin, glossy, aromatic, contains many glands with essential oil. It peels well and is the sweetest in the fruit. The pulp, on the contrary, is sour, juicy, enclosed in 6-8 lobules and contains up to 5 seeds, sometimes there are no seeds. Calamondin is abundantly covered with fruits, the average yield of a tree in the Philippines is 30 kg, at ten years of age up to 50 kg.

Alas, in our climate, no matter what care is taken at home, calomondin will not grow to such a size, so dwarf citrofortunellas often grow on windowsills. There are also differences in life expectancy. In a pot it is limited to four years at best, in greenhouses somewhat longer, in open ground records of centenarians are 20 years or more.


Calamondin variegata▲ Calamondin flowers

At home, calamondin can grow up to 60-150 cm. And although it is less demanding than mandarin, it also requires warmth, light and moisture for development.


Calamondin likes bright light, but not midday sun. When there is too much light, the leaves turn pale or discolored; when there is too little light, they increase in size and partially fall off. Particularly demanding of light variegated varieties.
At home, calamondin is placed on window sills oriented south - east. Glasses are wiped more often to allow light to penetrate better. In the autumn-winter period they are additionally illuminated. The total daylight hours should be 12 hours. But this does not guarantee success either. The best option care - provide calamondin with a period of rest (see below).
In summer, it is better to take Citrofortunella out onto the terrace or balcony, gradually accustoming it to the sun. In the garden, it is advisable to give it a semi-shaded place and shade the pot so as not to burn the roots with the overheating walls of the vessel. The plant must be installed in a place protected from the wind.
In the fall, after returning to the room, the tree experiences serious stress and may shed its leaves; this must be taken into account and moved in advance so that there is no sharp contrast in the conditions of its maintenance.
In a subtropical climate, the plant is exposed to virtually unchanged light and temperature ranges throughout the year. At home, it needs the same stability. In a temperate climate, the gardener needs to try hard for this.


Calamondin is considered the most persistent citrus, but this does not make home care easy conditions. Withstanding temperatures of minus 6°, the minimum for growth and life for the Golden Orange should be +12°. For active vegetation, temperature indicators should be between +18 ° and +27 °.

Rest period

The rest period is an important stage of home care. Without it, Calamondin weakens and dies. Winter holidays The plant needs it because:
it is difficult to provide full daylight from November to the end of February, even resorting to supplementary lighting, and the plant cannot fully vegetate, grow, bloom, or produce fruit;
Most indoor calamondins are obtained by grafting onto Poncirus trifolia, which tends to stop sap flow and shed its leaves during this period. Therefore, I will graft Citrofortunella at this time nutrients are not supplied from the ground. The advantage of this vaccination is the increased resistance of calamondin, including to cold.
The necessary care at home during the rest period is as follows. Calamondin is kept in a well-lit room (up to 12 hours a day) at a temperature of +4 to +12°C. Watering is reduced, usually to 1-2 times a month. If you leave Citrofortunella at normal room temperature, it will not go into a dormant state and will wither due to lack of light, inconsistency in humidity and temperature. Anyone who creates optimal living conditions for the plant in the autumn-winter period will experience continuous flowering and fruiting, because five months or more pass from the formation of the ovary to ripening, and calamondin can bloom and bear fruit at the same time.

Humidity and watering at home

Calamondin is very demanding of soil and air moisture and does not tolerate drying out of the soil and dry, especially hot, air. For this reason, it is not advisable to place it near a hot radiator, or it is necessary to fence off the citrus from it with a screen. Insufficient watering or poor drainage can cause leaves to curl and fall, and excessive moisture and hypothermia of the substrate often lead to root rot and plant death. Therefore, water the citrofortunella under the root after the earthen lump (the top 2-3 cm of soil) has dried, preventing it from drying out (the roots should be in a moist substrate). With careful care, the need for watering is determined by the weight of the pot. Excess water that has escaped into the pan must be drained fifteen minutes after watering. The best method is to immerse the pot in water. Do the same if calamondin grows in a plastic pot, which is in a beautiful flowerpot. For watering, the pot is removed, immersed almost completely in water, for example, in a basin, and kept until the soil is completely moistened through holes in its bottom. Then they take it out. When excess water has drained, the pot is returned to the flowerpot.
The hotter the temperature environment, the more often calamondin is watered. The temperature of the air, soil and water for irrigation should be as equal as possible. For watering and spraying, use only soft, settled water.
In the heat of summer, the tree is regularly sprayed with a spray bottle, thoroughly wetting the leaves on the underside. The required air humidity is about 70%. In winter, spraying is carried out only if the air in the room is very dry. Excessive humidity can damage the plant, as it is a favorable environment for the growth of mold - a fungal disease. In case of symptoms, the leaves are thoroughly washed and treated with a fungicide, and the conditions of detention are normalized.

Feeding calamondin at home

Citrofortunella grows intensively, consuming large amounts of nutrients. Therefore, home care necessarily requires regular fertilization. When there is a shortage of them, leaves and fruits fall off. During the period of active growth, complex fertilizers for citrus fruits are applied once a week. It is useful to carry out foliar feeding. In winter, plants are fed once a month.
It is necessary to strictly follow the dosages recommended by the manufacturer, since an excess of nutrients is no less harmful to plants than their deficiency. For this reason, citrofortunella can be transplanted more often into new pot with the addition of fresh soil. This reduces the frequency of fertilizing.


"Golden Orange" easily tolerates pruning and branches well after shortening the branches. A beautiful tree is formed with a compact, dense crown and a trunk 20-25 cm high in low-growing varieties. You can also form the plant in the form of a bush.
The main pruning is carried out in early spring, at the same time as replanting. At the same time, thickening, brown and old branches are cut out. The cut shoot will bear fruit only the next year. In summer, long branches are shortened by cutting with garden shears above the internode.


With proper care, calamodin at home gives up to 10 cm of growth in a pot and up to 30 cm in a large container. At the same time, trees no more than 25 cm high begin to bloom and bear fruit. Fast growing plant Frequent replanting is required, usually annually. Large calamondins are replanted every 2-4 years, and the top layer of soil is changed annually. The root system of citrofortunella is well developed and needs a large pot. The minimum ratio of tree to pot height is 2:1.
The best time for replanting is the end of winter - the beginning of spring. You should not replant a flowering or fruit-bearing plant, as this can lead to the fall of both flowers and fruits.
In open ground, calamondins grow on almost any fertile soil - loamy, calcareous, sandy. In a limited container space, to achieve the decorative qualities of calamondin, you need to take care of the soil. For planting, prepare a substrate from leaf, turf soil and sand or use a mixture peat land and sand in a ratio of 9:1. The mixture should have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). A special primer for citrus fruits is suitable, adjusted if necessary.
The plants are carefully removed from the pot, the roots are carefully examined, they should be white and clean. Dark, rotten and damaged ones are cut out. If the roots are healthy, the tree is moved to a new container, trying not to damage the earthen ball, and fresh soil is carefully added, leaving the root collar at the same level. It is impossible to clean the soil from the roots when replanting, because a fungus lives in it, replacing small roots and supplying nutrients to the plant. By removing the soil, you will remove these calamondin “roots” and the plant will take a long time to take root.
After transplantation, citrofortunella is not fed until the roots occupy the new volume of the pot.


Since even proper care at home does not ensure the long life of calamondin, the plant must be propagated periodically. It is better to do this by cuttings or grafting.
Cuttings are carried out in early summer. Mature and healthy trees are used as queen cells. Immediately after flowering, cuttings about 10 cm long with 2-3 buds are cut and kept in a heteroauxin solution for 10 hours.
They are planted in a loose, disinfected substrate, moss, peat or sand and placed in a greenhouse or special greenhouse with bottom heating. Maintains temperature around +25°C and high humidity air.
It is difficult for calamondin to take root, so you need to be prepared for the fact that a significant part of the cuttings will die.
When young leaves appear, the plants are accustomed to fresh air, raising the shelter for a while. Remove it after the seedlings are strong enough.
Calamondin can be grafted onto any citrus fruit grown from seeds. The cuttings bloom quickly. Fruiting occurs in the second year.
Calamondin grown from seeds develops very slowly and does not inherit the characteristics of the mother. It is very difficult to wait for it to bear fruit at home, so a cutting taken from a varietal plant is grafted onto it.


The first sign of improper care of calamondin at home is falling leaves. This phenomenon can be caused by several reasons, for example:
Non-compliance temperature regime
Drafts and/or soil hypothermia
Excess or lack of light
Abrupt change in conditions of detention
Lack of nutrients
Excessive or insufficient watering
Low air humidity
Fungal diseases roots
Pest infestation
What to do if calamondin leaves, and even ovaries and fruits, fall off? It is necessary to accurately determine which of the listed reasons causes leaf fall and eliminate it.
If the care is correct, and the calamondin sheds its leaves every day, it is treated with Epin solution and placed in a plastic bag (but not in the sun). Spray regularly, maintaining high air humidity. Be sure to ventilate once a day. The bag is removed only after the plant has fully recovered.
Picking off all the flowers, ovaries and fruits will also help the calamondin to quickly recover from stress and speed up the recovery process. After recovery he will give new growth and will again be covered with leaves and flowers.
Sometimes, when the calamondin is in good spring form, only some of the ovaries fall off. There's no need to worry. The plant thus regulates itself required amount fruits that can ripen and reduces them to the optimal number.


Whiteflies pose a danger to Citrofortunella, aphids, mites, mealybugs, thrips, scale insects. When they multiply strongly, they weaken the plant and can cause not only leaf fall, but also the death of the plant. Prevention is done by wiping the leaves and maintaining air humidity at the proper level; dryness is as dangerous as excessive humidity.
When attacked by scale insects, dark waxy plaques are clearly visible on the leaves and shoots. To combat this pest, plants are treated with insecticidal preparations such as deciss or karbofos.
Spider mite reproduces at low air humidity and can quickly destroy even mature plant. The leaves become lethargic, turn yellow and fall off. You can fight a tick infestation with the help of acaricidal drugs.
If the plant needs to be moved to another place for processing, all operations are carried out in the evening. Before moving the pot, note which side it is facing the light. The next morning, the citrofortunella is returned to its permanent place.


Calamondin after purchase. Abroad, calamondins, strewn with golden-orange or green fruits, actively go on sale closer to European Christmas or Chinese New Year. Like others purchased potted plants After losing its decorative properties, calamondin is thrown away like a withered bouquet or a New Year tree. This culture can be adopted by us, since it is sometimes difficult to ensure the future life of citrus. But if you want to preserve and care for citrofortunella, after purchasing it, you need to help the plant survive the stress that it experiences after changing the conditions. Let it come to its senses after intensive exposure to drugs and fertilizers in commercial greenhouses. In this case, immediately after purchase:
Transplant the plant into a new pot of larger volume with nutritious soil by carefully transferring it, since the old one is usually completely filled with roots, which dry quickly in such conditions.
If damaged roots are visible during transplantation, they are removed.
Place the plant separately from others in the house for a 10-day quarantine.
If pests are detected, the tree is sprayed with insecticidal preparations.
When the leaves are dropped, they are treated with Epin, the flowers and ovaries are torn off.

With proper care, calamondin blooms annually in early spring, filling the entire house with a unique aroma. For better fruit set, artificial pollination is carried out, transferring pollen with a soft brush. The fruits ripen from the end of September. Since the flowers do not bloom at the same time, the fruiting period extends for several months. In places of natural growth, calamondin exhibits the properties of a remontant plant and bears fruit throughout the year. At home, on the contrary, if there is a lack of light and heat, the fruits may not ripen even during the season and remain on the tree until next year.

Plants, especially flowering ones, should not be moved or rearranged. If care at home requires it, for example, spraying, watering, then a mark is made on the pot and after the procedures, focusing on it, the pot is returned to its place.

In winter, to prevent the soil and roots in the pot from overcooling on the windowsill, it is better to place the tray or flowerpot on polystyrene foam or a laminate base.

The branches of indoor calamondin quickly grow and bloom before they have time to grow stronger. They are very flexible and cannot withstand the weight of ripening fruits, so they need to be tied up.

Among ornamental trees, calamondin is especially loved by many. This plant is quite undemanding in care, but at the same time it has a pleasant aroma and an eye-catching appearance.

Calamondin is an interesting hybrid of the Rutaceae family, obtained by crossing a mandarin and a fortuneella (kumquat). Another name for the plant is citrofortunella, but people almost always call it home tangerine or tangerine tree. The appearance of calamondin is very pleasant: a branched tree up to 90-95 cm high with shiny dark green leaves and small white flowers that exude a wonderful aroma. Fruit tangerine tree– 3-4 cm in diameter, deep yellow or orange color, with thin skin and sour pulp with many seeds.

Calamondin is native to Southeast Asia. The plant prefers an abundance of warmth and light, and therefore you will have to work a little to wait for the appearance of bright, beautiful tangerines. But if you carefully follow all the rules for caring for calamondin at home, the plant will bear fruit all year round.

Placing the calamondin and starting to care for it

Due to its unusual appearance and pleasant smell, citrofortunella is often used as a holiday gift. If you are lucky enough to receive such a gift, or you decide to add a tangerine tree to your collection of indoor plants yourself, then do not worry about difficulties in growing - the plant is not listed in the category of the most capricious and finicky units of flora.

It is necessary to place a pot with a tree in a room filled with scattered bright light. However, direct sunlight should be prevented, as this will not have the best effect on the condition of calamondin. In winter, you can and should illuminate the plant with a lamp. It is also possible to grow citrofortunella in a shaded room, but then you will not have to hope for fruit to appear.

If we talk about the most optimal place for placement homemade tangerine, then this is the western or eastern part of the room in the warm season and the northern part in winter.

Calamondin does not need replanting for at least 2 weeks from the date of purchase. During this time, it is necessary to spray the plant as often as possible and provide it with maximum light. Special attention you need to pay attention to the soil: after keeping the plant in the store, it is often dry. The soil where the young tree grows must be well moistened.

You can replant calamondin no earlier than 2 weeks after you bought it.

To avoid overheating of the roots, it is recommended to cover the pot with paper and place it in a white pot. After a couple of weeks of caring for your new “green friend,” you will need to transplant it by carefully transferring it into a slightly larger container. Replacing the soil does not play a significant role: it is much more important not to damage the roots of a tree that has not yet matured when transplanting. Nothing bad will happen if you perform the transplant immediately after purchasing the plant.

In some cases, Citrofortunella has difficulty adapting, which is caused by a significant contrast in parameters external conditions in shops and residential premises. A few days after being placed in a room, calamondin sheds its leaves. To the question “What to do?” It is worth answering that you will have to cover the plant with a plastic bag (this will increase the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere to 95-99%), devoting time to ventilation every day.

Almost always commercially available calamondins are imported and grown according to special technologies, which involves the introduction of capsules with hormones into the roots of the tree. In apartment conditions, the effect of these capsules may become negative, and the plant will begin to wither. Then you should immediately transplant the citrofrotunella into another pot, carefully examining the roots in the process. Their rotten areas must be removed.

The optimal temperature for calamondin is from 15 to 18 degrees Celsius

This plant belongs to the category of heat-loving and moisture-loving. Therefore one of important aspects caring for citrofrotunella at home is to control lighting and moisture levels. The optimal temperature for calamondin in summer is +22...+25 degrees, in winter - +15...+18 degrees. The fact is that in winter, a slight decrease in temperature promotes more efficient flowering and fruiting.

Calamondin needs frequent watering and good regular spraying of the crown. The watering procedure is carried out as the outer layer of mail dries 0.5 cm. Water should be used warm, filtered and settled, since soil saturated with alkali is detrimental to the plant. In winter, the frequency and intensity of watering is somewhat reduced, but due to the increased dryness of the air, you will have to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and spray the plant with a spray bottle much more often.

To form a beautiful and correct shape of the tree, it is turned daily by 1-2 mm. Don't turn the pot different sides 180 degrees to the sun, as this is harmful to the plant.

Calamondin transplantation, soil requirements, fertilizers

Young calamondin trees are replanted every spring

To transplant citrofrotunella you will need a fairly spacious pot. Even a small plant can have an extremely developed root system. In the process, you should not greatly destroy the clod of earth at the roots. It is important to ensure good drainage. The neck of the root in the new pot should be at approximately the same level as in the old container. After transplantation for 30-40 days, calamondin does not need fertilizers, since fresh soil will already provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.

For citrofrotunella, soil consisting of turf soil, manure and sand in a ratio of 2/1/1 is perfect. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to install drainage up to 2.5-3 cm high.

Young plants are replanted every spring, more mature ones - once every couple of years.

Like most plants, calamondin requires additional nutrition during intensive flowering - from March to September. Fertilizers are applied to the soil during this period once every 7-14 days, the rest of the time - approximately once a month.

Useful compositions for feeding a tree can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered online. One of the most popular fertilizers is “Humus. Citrus fruits" containing at least 2.5 g/l of humic substances, a number of microelements and having a pH of at least 7.5. .Compositions for indoor flowering plants are also suitable.

Pruning and propagation of calamondin

One of the points of plant care is its regular and timely pruning. To form a neat, even crown, you will need a standard about 25 cm high: skeletal branches are located at the top, then branches of a higher order are formed. As soon as branches of the fourth order appear, the formation of the crown is completed.

The branches of the tangerine tree are pruned in February, and in the summer, if necessary, long and excessively dense shoots are removed.

Reproduction of calamondin is a rather labor-intensive process, carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Planting seeds in the ground;
  2. Cutting cuttings with 2-3 buds;
  3. Vaccination.

Reproduction of calamondin is a rather complex process.

Despite the fact that the first method is more time-consuming, many people find it simple. Growing a tree from seeds will require regular addition of special substances to the soil to accelerate germination and ripening.

Orange seedlings are ideal for grafting because they are drought-resistant and have well-developed roots.

Calamondin is propagated by cuttings, adhering to the following rules:

  • Select a cutting from the top, with pronounced internodes, mature leaves;
  • Immerse the tip of the cutting for a few seconds in a growth stimulator (for example, zircon or root);
  • IN ready soil immerse the cutting to the level of the petiole of the lower leaf;
  • Cover the planted sprout with a plastic bag or glass jar to maintain high humidity;
  • Ventilate the mini-greenhouse daily for up to 20 minutes.

Rooting of the cutting occurs on average 2.5-3 weeks after planting in the ground.

Calamondin diseases and care during this period

In the photo, calamondin affected by anthractosis

Indoor tangerine is susceptible to diseases such as sooty fungus, gommosis and anthracnose. The appearance of the plant is extremely spoiled by sooty fungus, or black fungus, which manifests itself as an unpleasant dark film on the leaves and shoots. Eliminates the trouble by wiping or spraying the affected areas of the tree with Fitosporin, infusion of ash or sulfur solution.

Copper sulfate saves calamondin from anthractic disease. This disease is expressed in the form of pinpoint yellow spots on the leaves of the plant. If you do not provide help in time, you will have to watch how the calamondin sheds leaves with dead areas. By the way, during the growing season, to get rid of the disease, only Bordeaux mixture, but not vitriol. All damaged leaves must be removed to avoid re-infection.

If calamondin turns yellow, then the most likely cause may be gommosis, one of the most common ailments affecting citrus fruits. The disease begins in the lower fragment of the trunk, after which it spreads to the branches, leaves and fruits. The tree is treated by cutting out diseased areas from the bark, eliminating diseased leaves and then cleaning the wounds. The plant is then treated copper sulfate and lubricate with Bordeaux paste.

If there is a shortage sunlight, excess moisture in the soil, frequent drafts, high temperature air, you can also observe that calamodin sheds its leaves. All that remains to be done is to adjust the conditions of its detention.

Finally, I would like to answer one of the popular questions - is it possible to eat calamondin? Yes, the fruits of this ornamental tree are absolutely edible, but their taste differs significantly from ordinary tangerines, and not in better side. Citrofrutonella fruits can be used instead of lemon juice: added to tea and various dishes. However, the main advantage of this tree is not the taste of the fruit, but its aesthetic and colorful appearance, which can enliven even the most boring interior.

We recommend watching a video on how to care for the calamondin plant at home; florist Irina Valerievna Kozyulina shares her experience in growing this citrus tree, we wish you a pleasant viewing.