Quantitative indicators of pig farming in Russia. Pig breeding. Pig breeds. Pig farming as a business

Quantitative indicators of pig farming in Russia.  Pig breeding.  Pig breeds.  Pig farming as a business
Quantitative indicators of pig farming in Russia. Pig breeding. Pig breeds. Pig farming as a business

Wild boar meat was used as food by distant ancestors modern man seven thousand years ago. Domesticated pigs first appeared in Ancient China, from where they spread to Europe and the rest of the world. Omnivorousness and unpretentiousness in feeding and living conditions have made pigs one of the main sources of meat on Earth.

In terms of size, the pig population is confidently among the top three, second only to cattle and sheep, and their population is constantly growing. The significant popularity of these animals is due to their numerous advantages: pork is characterized by high taste and calorie content. Also, pigs are characterized by rapid development and significant fertility. A litter from one farrow ranges from ten to fourteen piglets, depending on the breed of the animal.

These and many other advantages have determined the high status of pig farming in national economy. The greatest rise in the pig industry occurred during the Soviet era. During the five-year plans, entire state farms were organized to raise pigs, and relevant personnel were trained. After the collapse Soviet Union This economic sector experienced a long, protracted decline.

And now in the Russian Federation there is a gradual revival of pig farming. If earlier in the pig farming sector the focus was on increasing the gross product, today the priority task is to reduce the cost of pork and improve its marketable qualities.

According to 2012 data, the pig population in Russia amounted to 6.6 million individuals. Today, pig farming is the most dynamically developing industry, and has all the prerequisites for further maintaining a positive trend.

According to research data for 2010, the Volga and Siberian Federative Districts occupied the leading positions in the number of pigs in Russia. The number of pigs in them was 25 and 18 percent, respectively. total number animals around the country.

But, despite the vast territory and significant population, Russian Federation is not even among the ten largest global pork producers. Today, the world's pig population is approximately 2.7 million. The undisputed leader here is China, which raises more than half of the world's pigs. In 2005, the number of pigs in the Middle Kingdom was 8.8 million heads. In addition to China, the top five countries for the number of pigs are the USA, Brazil, Germany and Spain.

Distribution of pigs in geographical map not evenly distributed at all. The highest density of pigs on Far East, in Northern and South America and European countries. Their smallest numbers are observed in Muslim countries of Asia and North Africa, where the obstacle to pig farming is faith. Muslims consider the pig a “dirty” animal, the breeding and consumption of which is sinful. The pig population in India is also small: in Buddhism, the pig is considered a symbol of ignorance, which, in their opinion, is one of the main human vices.

Over the past two decades, the global pig population has increased significantly. The introduction of modern progressive technologies into pig farming has significantly increased the productivity of these animals. It is possible that further attention to raising pigs will push them to first place in global meat production.

Pig farming is considered to be the most profitable area in livestock farming. This is due to the fact that these animals gain weight quite quickly and are unpretentious in food. However, do not forget that, like any business, this one will require investments, risk and constant participation in the business.

Where do you start breeding pigs?

Pig farming as a business can only be considered by those who have prepared a specific plan and are ready to engage in raising animals every day. Despite the fact that the business started will require huge investments and patience, the results that it can bring will fully compensate for all the efforts. Pig farming is divided into two areas: raising animals for meat and selection, which is not considered as an independent business. In itself it is unprofitable. Pork is always a popular product. The result of production is meat, fat, skin and blood. They are purchased by sausage factories, workshops, grocery store chains and market resellers. Smoked sausages and lard can be stored for a long time, which allows you to increase the duration of product sales without compromising its taste. What makes this business profitable is the sale of meat.

If we're talking about o for the needs of your family within one barn, then you can do without complex calculations. But you still have to invest time and money.

Pig farming for aspiring livestock farmers should start with a business plan. It should take into account such aspects as farm organization, possible sales markets, feed purchases, breeds of pigs and their cost, and maintenance costs. Separately, it is necessary to determine everything possible risks and ways to reduce them. To effectively start a business, it is recommended to involve experienced specialists, among whom should be a livestock specialist.

Farm organization

When considering pig farming as a business, the main focus must be on the farm. The room should be bright, clean and draft-free. The optimal area for a 300-head herd is 5000 square meters. meters. This will allow it to accommodate household, office and industrial offices, as well as a laboratory.

Particular attention when various options farm design must be given to manure removal. This is a very important factor for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and therefore for healthy growth of the livestock.

Equally important is what equipment will be installed on the farm. Equipment for pig farming must meet the latest requirements to prevent animal diseases. The success of the business depends on how modern it is. The leaders in the production and development of such equipment remain European companies. Modern farms are set up in such a way that most of the process occurs automatically. These include electronic feeding systems and separate areas for sow insemination, farrowing, growing piglets and fattening. In Russia, such farms are still very rare. The equipment used here is 15-20 years old. Half of it is not functioning. The result of such activities is losses.

Purchasing pigs

To organize a farm, experts recommend purchasing a herd of 300 heads for a novice pig breeder. There should be no more than 10 producers in the herd, and no less than 150 sows. This will be the main potential for replenishing the herd. Almost half of the livestock will need to be fattened and sold to generate funds. Buy pigs better in dozens from different owners in order to prevent mating of animals that are similar in pedigree. The choice must be made with an experienced livestock specialist or veterinarian, who will immediately determine the health status of the animal. If the farm where you plan to purchase piglets has many unhealthy-looking piglets, it is better not to risk it. And look for another farmer. In any case, this must be done in breeding farms.

Pig breeds

There are about 100 breeds of pigs in the world. To select livestock, you need to carefully study them. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Pigs are raised for meat, lard and bacon. Pig breeds differ based on what more can be obtained from them. There are differences in their fertility and resistance to change temperature regime. They differ in skin color and temperament.

In Russia, 32 breeds of pigs are actively used. Photos of some of them are presented below.

1. Large white. The most common breed in Russia and the CIS.

2. Landrace.

Even outwardly you can see how different all these representatives are.

Pig farming as a business has the main goal of growing the existing livestock and providing offspring to replenish the herd. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all factors, including the time of year.

It's better to start raising pigs in early spring. These animals are very thermophilic. During the warm season, a pig weighing 25 kg grows into a pig weighing 115 kg. With such a mass, they are already ready for sale. Piglets that were born during the warm period will get stronger and gain weight faster.

To grow properly, pigs must drink a lot. If the water supply is not automated, then it must be provided in another way. It is not recommended to leave a trough with water, since it can easily be overturned. Animals will be left without water.

Pigs are very positive about feeding. The food should be balanced according to their age. Normal weight gain should be 0.5 kg per day.

Pig rearing technologies

The technologies for breeding these animals have many differences. But they all relate to feeding and maintaining the herd. Each farmer chooses the one that is most economically acceptable for him and meets his goals.

Technologies differ in their approach. Some are designed for free movement of the herd. Others completely block it and are aimed at keeping the animal in a narrow cage.

There are various Danish, Brazilian, German, Canadian, Finnish technologies. Each of them has its opponents and supporters. The technology of breeding pigs in hangars is gaining popularity in Russia. This is very economical in terms of constructing a farm.

Those who have already started this business unanimously say that with any technology, the important factors for making a profit are raw material(piglets), quality investments in their cultivation and market prices at the time of delivery of the products.

Development of pig farming in Russia

Pig farming is poorly developed in Russia. As a business, this type of livestock farming is unprofitable for small farms. This is due to the fact that new technologies that are based on the capabilities modern equipment, are not implemented in most farms. Russian factories that produced equipment for pig farming have almost completely stopped. Which leads to the use of old energy-intensive technologies for keeping animals. This affects costs and reduces production profitability.

Pig farming in Russia is represented by a number of largest companies, which have not given up their positions for several years.

TOP 5 most successful pork producers in Russia

As can be seen from the table, production growth is obvious. But on a national scale this figure is very small. Recently, attention has been paid to the development of pig farming Special attention. This is due to Russia’s reorientation towards the domestic market and the ban on the import of meat from European countries and the USA. The government plans to allocate special subsidies for the development of farms.

Most people who have any plot in rural areas, sooner or later they think about opening their own business. As practice shows, the most popular area for beginning farmers is pig farming. Firstly, even during a crisis, people will buy meat, and pork, especially high-quality pork, is always in demand on the market.

Secondly, in order to make a profit, you need to raise the animal and sell the meat. But, as in any other business, there are difficulties here. Before you start breeding piglets, you need to carefully consider all the nuances: from choosing a breed to the rules of care and feeding.

According to statistics, domestic pig farming occupies second place (after poultry farming) in the ranking of the most profitable agricultural activities. Sows give birth up to three times and “bring in” about thirty piglets. But such a result can only be achieved if you properly care for the animals.

The benefits of raising pigs at home should be considered in several aspects:

Selection of piglets

There is no clear answer to the question: “Which breed of pig is better?” The farmer himself must make his choice based on what goal he set when starting to raise piglets. Several types of breeds can be distinguished: lard (predominantly lard), meat (predominantly meat), bacon (equal amount of lard and meat) and universal. The advantage of the latter is that the farmer himself can regulate the content of meat and fat in the carcass. It depends on the conditions of detention and.

Specialists of the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center" www.site have prepared the next one. Below are some excerpts from the study.

In 2016, pig farming in Russia showed positive dynamics in livestock growth and meat production.

Pig population

The number of pigs in Russia in farms of all categories as of January 1, 2017 totaled 22,033.3 thousand heads. Compared to January 1, 2016, the livestock increased by 2.4% or by 526.8 thousand heads, by January 1, 2015 - by 2.9% or by 614.1 thousand heads, by January 1, 2014 - by 12.7% or 2,487.2 thousand heads.

In the structure of the pig population, 83.4% came from agricultural organizations, 14.6% from households, and 2.0% from peasant farms.

Analysis of long-term trends shows an increase in the pig population over 5 years by 27.7%, over 10 years - by 36.1%.

In 2016, the number of pigs in Russia reached the level of 1995, but compared to 1990, there was a reduction in the number of pigs - by 42.5%. At the same time, due to the improvement in quality indicators (such as herd turnover), pork production during this period (when comparing data for 1990 and 2016) decreased slightly.

Pig population by region. Rating 2016

The Belgorod region is the leader in the number of pigs as of January 1, 2017 - 4,137.4 thousand heads. A year earlier, this figure was 3,954.4 thousand heads. The share of the Belgorod region in the total pig population in the Russian Federation is 18.8%.

In the Kursk region on January 1, 2017, the pig population totaled 1,480.9 thousand heads (6.7%), which is 8.1% or 111.1 thousand heads more than on January 1, 2016.

The third place is occupied by the Tambov region - 990.8 thousand heads, which is 9.1% or 82.9 thousand heads higher than the figures for the same date in 2016. The region's share in the all-Russian livestock was 4.5%.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as of January 1, 2017, the pig population totaled 751.1 thousand heads. For comparison, January 1, 2016 - 676.1 thousand heads. The region's share of the total livestock population in the Russian Federation was at 3.4%.

6. Voronezh region - 713.7 thousand heads, share in the all-Russian livestock - 3.2%.

7. Krasnoyarsk region- 618.7 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Lipetsk region - 567.3 thousand heads, 2.6%.

9. Altai region- 561.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Tver region - 525.7 thousand heads, 2.4%.

11. Omsk region - 506.0 thousand heads, 2.3%.

12. Republic of Tatarstan - 465.1 thousand heads, 2.1%.

13. Republic of Bashkortostan - 450.5 thousand heads, 2.0%.

14. Rostov region- 411.2 thousand heads, 1.9%.

15. Kemerovo region - 410.1 thousand heads, 1.9%.

16. Stavropol Territory - 395.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

17. Novosibirsk region- 379.3 thousand heads, 1.7%.

18. Oryol region - 374.8 thousand heads, 1.7%.

19. Krasnodar region- 365.2 thousand heads, 1.7%.

20. Tyumen region- 342.4 thousand heads, 1.6%.

As of January 1, 2017, the pig population in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 totaled 6,748.0 thousand heads (30.6% of the total pig population in Russia).

Pork production in Russia in 2016

In 2016, Russia produced 3,388.4 thousand tons of pork in terms of slaughter weight (4,346.1 thousand tons in live weight). Over the year, production volume in slaughter weight increased by 9.3% or 289.7 thousand tons, over 5 years - by 39.6% or 960.8 thousand tons, over 10 years - by 99.4% or by 1,689.2 thousand tons. The volumes of 2016 exceeded the volumes of 1991 and were almost equal to the figures of 1990.

The structure of pork production in 2016 was distributed as follows: 80.5% came from agricultural organizations, 18.2% from households, 1.3% from peasant farms.

Pork production by region. Rating 2016

The main producer of pork in 2016 was the Belgorod region. The volume of production in the region in 2016 amounted to 613.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight (787.4 thousand tons in live weight). The share in all-Russian pork production is 18.1%. Compared to 2015, production increased by 5.1% or 29.6 thousand tons.

The Kursk region in 2016 is in second place with a share of 6.6% of general production pork in Russia (225.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight). Over the year, production increased by 11.1% or 22.4 thousand tons.

In 2016, the Tambov region produced 156.8 thousand tons of pork in slaughter weight (201.1 thousand tons in live weight). The region's share in total production is 4.6%. For comparison, in 2015 the region produced 147.4 thousand tons of pork.

In fourth place in the ranking of regions in 2016 was the Pskov region, where they produced 119.3 thousand tons in slaughter weight (153.0 thousand tons in live weight), which is 45.9% or 37.5 thousand tons more, than in 2015. The share of the Pskov region in all-Russian pork production was at the level of 3.5%.

Share Voronezh region in the total volume of pork production in 2016 amounted to 3.4% or 114.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight (146.5 thousand tons in live weight). Over the year, production increased by 31.2% or 27.2 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in the TOP 20 largest regions pork producers in farms of all categories in 2016 included:

6. Chelyabinsk region(production volume - 108.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in total pork production - 3.2%).

7. Krasnoyarsk Territory (92.2 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Lipetsk region (88.9 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Altai Territory (81.4 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Tver region (80.8 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Omsk region (76.4 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Republic of Tatarstan (75.8 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Republic of Bashkortostan (66.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

14. Krasnodar region (66.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

15. Tyumen region (61.2 thousand tons, 1.8%).

16. Udmurt republic(55.8 thousand tons, 1.6%).

17. Rostov region (54.9 thousand tons, 1.6%).

18. Novosibirsk region (54.6 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region(53.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Stavropol Territory (53.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of pork in 2016 in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 amounted to 1,089.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight (32.1% of total pork production).

The demand for pork meat has remained consistently high over the years. Given this fact, many investors invest in the construction of large pig farms, which, as a rule, is justified by significant profits. But how profitable will it be to raise pigs at home?

In this area, much depends on the personal qualities of a person, his hard work and ability to work with animals, as well as the availability of sales in the intended region, a sufficient number of wholesale and retail buyers.

The nuances of raising pigs at home

In reality, raising livestock is quite a difficult and labor-intensive task. This type of activity has not only advantages, but also disadvantages that beginning farmers should take into account. The main advantages of pig farming include:

Main disadvantages of pig farming are considered:

  • Very difficult animal care. For beginning farmers, the processes of breeding and further feeding of born piglets are quite difficult.
  • Labor-intensive work processes. When raising pigs at home, the main work is done manually.
  • Certain risks. Animals, especially at an early age, are susceptible to dangerous diseases, which can lead to infection and mass death total pig population.
  • The need for significant capital investment. This type of activity requires considerable initial capital, which is not always suitable for beginning farmers.
  • If you decide to thoroughly engage in pig farming, you need to take all stages extremely seriously. preparatory process: from purchasing feed to equipping a pigsty.

Which breeds are best for a home farm?

Before purchasing piglets, special attention should be paid to studying various breeds pigs and their characteristic features. Each breed of pig was bred by breeders taking into account: climatic features region; availability of the necessary food supply; certain conditions of detention.

More than 40 breeds of pigs are bred in Russia, which are conditionally divided into 3 main categories:

  • tallow rocks;
  • meat, or otherwise bacon breeds;
  • universal breeds.

Greasy breeds pigs have a special exterior, which is characterized by a massive front part of the body. This type of pig is different increased content subcutaneous fat, since at the age of 6 months muscle growth in piglets stops and the processes of fat accumulation are activated.

The most typical representatives of this species include the following breeds:

  1. Large Black.
  2. Breitovskaya.
  3. Meishan breed.
  4. Mirgorodskaya.
  5. Bashkir.

In breeds meat type, unlike sebaceous breeds, the front part of the body is less massive, with a fairly strongly developed rear part. Bacon breeds are characterized by a more well-developed muscular system and a small amount of subcutaneous fat. Bacon piglets are characterized by rapid growth and, with properly balanced feeding, reach a weight of more than 100 kilograms by the age of six months.

The most famous meat pig breeds include:

  • Estonian.
  • Duroc breed.
  • Landrace breed.
  • Tamworth breed.
  • Hampshire.

Universal breeds They are a cross between Greasy and Meat breeds. Pigs of these breeds grow quite quickly and are distinguished by the fact that after slaughter they allow the farmer to receive not only meat, but also a certain amount of lard. The most common breeds of this type are:

  1. Yorkshire.
  2. Siberian.
  3. Vietnamese pot-bellied.
  4. Ukrainian steppe white.
  5. Livenskaya.

The largest pigs are found among representatives of meat and universal breeds.

It is good if the site intended for raising pigs already has a room suitable for these purposes, since the construction of a new building will cost the farmer at least a million rubles.

Another advantage would be the presence a plot of land with an area of ​​25−35 acres, on which you can grow various feed crops suitable for feeding pigs.

The territory of a domestic pig farm must be equipped with:

  • cattle paddock;
  • barn;
  • manure pit;
  • hayloft

In the main room of the farm microclimate must be maintained, which will contribute most rapid growth piglets. Breeding and keeping pigs at home must be carried out in compliance with all established standards.

The ceiling height in a building for raising pigs should not exceed 2.5 meters, which will save costs on lighting, heating and ventilation of the premises. Temperature in the pigsty should not fall below 16 degrees, and in the compartments where newborn animals are kept, it is necessary to use local heating, which will ensure a temperature within 30 degrees.

It is very important to note that piglets are often exposed to various colds and do not tolerate raw and cold air. It is necessary to constantly ensure that air humidity in the pigsty did not exceed 70%.

Raising pigs does not require higher level illumination, piglets grow and develop well in a relatively dark room.

Particular attention should be paid flooring in a pigsty in the way that the comfort of keeping animals depends on it. Cement flooring is not suitable for this type of premises because it is quite cold and can cause joint diseases in pigs. Typically, floors are made from concrete screed, on which boards treated with antiseptic agents are laid.

Pigsty divided by partitions into several zones, some pens contain boars, others contain sows and gilts.

Purchase of piglets

After the main work on arranging the farm is completed, you can purchase piglets. To exclude the option of inbreeding, it is better to buy young animals from different suppliers.

The most correct thing would be to buy young animals at the age of 2 months, since after this period the piglets stop feeding on the sow’s milk and begin to feed on rougher feed on their own.

Healthy piglets need to be selected based on several criteria:

  1. At the age of 2 months, a healthy gilt weighs at least 13 kilograms. If the piglet's weight is below this figure, this may indicate that the animal has some disease.
  2. A healthy animal behaves actively and has no injuries.
  3. Piglet's piglet has pink color, without visible spots and redness.
  4. The piglet must stand confidently on its feet and show increased interest to food.
  5. A business plan for breeding pigs should include an item on updating the livestock, since in the future you will have to start and raise 2-3 new boars, which in the future will replace older producers.


To obtain healthy offspring, breeding pigs at home must be under the constant control of the farmer. To begin with, you need to raise or rent a young, healthy boar from which you can get high-quality offspring.

There are about 10 sows per producer, which are also required to have good health and suitable age for mating. Females bear the most numerous and strong offspring in the third year of life.

The gestation period usually lasts about 115 days. The number of offspring is from 8 to 12 piglets, each of which weighs 1.2−1.4 kilograms. If the weight of a newborn piglet does not exceed 700 grams, it is culled, since the probability of survival for this individual is very low.

Boars that are not intended for subsequent breeding castrated at 3 weeks of age. This procedure is very important, since castrated individuals show less aggression and gain weight more rapidly.


Inexperienced pig farmers believe that pigs can be fed absolutely any food. Of course, pigs are omnivores and will grow on almost any diet offered to them, but the quality and quantity of meat obtained will remain at a very low level.

So what is the best way to feed pigs to gain weight? On large pig farms, an exclusively dry method of feeding pigs is used using combined mixtures. On a home pig farm it would be more appropriate to use wet method feeding including in the diet:

  • various cereals;
  • food waste;
  • vegetables;
  • fermented milk products.

IN winter period The farmer may have problems with the availability of fresh herbs and vegetables. In this case you will have to switch pigs to dry feed. Feeding animals with compound feed does not provide negative influence on the rate of their development and can be successfully used in the absence of alternative feeds. With experience, you will learn to determine which type of food is most suitable for your pets.

For the full development of a pig, it is necessary to include in the diet various feed additives, which contain essential vitamins and microelements, which promotes more intensive growth of the animal and strengthens its immunity. Such additives can be mixed with dry feed or diluted in liquid food prepared for pigs.

To achieve great success, the farmer must constantly carry out work to increase the productivity of pigs, selecting best conditions keeping animals and experimenting with feed composition.

It is always worth paying attention to reviews from other farmers regarding new brands of feed and other innovations in pig farming. At the right approach pig farming will be very useful for you profitable business, the resulting products will be sold successfully, and you will not regret the effort expended.