When to plant potatoes in April and May according to the lunar calendar. When to plant potatoes and planting under straw - a new method that gives good results When to plant potatoes in a year

When to plant potatoes in April and May according to the lunar calendar.  When to plant potatoes and planting under straw - a new method that gives good results When to plant potatoes in a year
When to plant potatoes in April and May according to the lunar calendar. When to plant potatoes and planting under straw - a new method that gives good results When to plant potatoes in a year

All gardeners have to put in a lot of effort to get a good potato harvest. Any gardener has own secrets and time-tested planting methods, but still, after analyzing any year, you can find any shortcomings. Therefore, every year you need to prepare again. What nuances are most important when planting potatoes? Let's look at it below.

When to plant potatoes

When planting in spring, the main thing is to calculate the timing. At the time of planting, the soil temperature at a depth of 10 centimeters should be 9 degrees. In our latitudes, by this time buds are blooming on birch trees, the leaves are growing to the size of small coins.

The influence of the Moon on living organisms is known - the fertility of plants also depends on it. Therefore, some gardeners calculate plantings based on the phases of our satellite. It is optimal to plant potatoes when the moon is waning. In 2017, the periods of the waning Moon in spring fall on the following dates: March 23-27, April 12-25, May 11-25.

Even in the old days they saw that the speed of growth and productivity depended on the date on which planting was done, and they associated the dependence with Orthodox calendar. IN Maundy Thursday no one planted anything - they knew that there would be no harvest. The Saturday before Easter, on the contrary, was considered a good day, and everyone tried to plant something on it. The entire schedule was made in accordance with the holidays. The signs especially concerned potatoes, the yield of which can vary greatly.

How to plant potatoes

First you need to choose the right size of tubers for planting. Best size– small tubers, no more chicken egg. If you take smaller tubers, the sprouts will turn out frail and it will be more difficult to sprout. It is not advisable to take larger tubers; it will not be possible to get an increase in the ease of germination from sizes larger than an egg; the potatoes will only be wasted.

Potatoes for subsequent planting are selected in advance - in the fall. Then the selected tubers are not put into the basement, they are laid out under a canopy to turn green - it is important that they are straight Sun rays didn't hit them. The resulting green potatoes cannot be eaten; their shelf life becomes longer, and they will germinate better in the spring.

An ideal tuber option for planting. The potatoes have sprouted and turned green

In spring, potatoes are taken out a month and a half before germination begins. Before this, the tubers should be treated with manganese, dried and placed in boxes. Tubers are dipped into manganese in special plastic boxes in batches, pouring the solution into a basin - this way the process will go quickly.

Germination itself must occur at room temperature, don't forget about the light. When the sprouts become stronger, which will happen 15-20 days after the start of germination, they are transferred to a cool place. A greenhouse or glassed-in balcony would be suitable.

Immediately before planting, potatoes are treated with a boron solution to protect them from soil diseases. To obtain a solution you need to take 20 grams boric acid on a bucket of water. Then the potatoes are placed in a vegetable net and dipped into a bucket of solution for a couple of seconds. It dries and you can plant.

During planting, the spacing between rows should be 90 centimeters. Planting depth is 10 centimeters. Before planting, the ground should be plowed, then the roots will begin to develop faster. You can first pour ash and humus into the tuber holes. After planting the tuber, the hole is dug in and the ground is leveled with a rake.

Ideal option for planting potatoes

How to plant using a walk-behind tractor

For older summer residents, it is not easy to do manual planting. You can turn to children, but the technology will not be superfluous. Using a walk-behind tractor, you can land very quickly; to do this, you still need to learn how to operate the walk-behind tractor. Instructions for attachments it is usually not included. The World Wide Web or neighbors will help out.

After mastering the walk-behind tractor, planting potatoes will be easy. You need a hitch, a hiller in one or two rows, the lugs are installed on the walk-behind tractor, after which you can make grooves. Before doing this, it is better to outline the rows for straight cutting.

The basting is done with a marker, which you can make yourself. Something like a rake with three teeth is made, the distance between which is equal to the width between the rows. For each subsequent strip, the outermost peg must be guided along the last row completed. Using a marker, plant the potatoes in neat, even rows.

Using a walk-behind tractor can greatly facilitate the planting process.

Cutting is carried out like this: the walk-behind tractor is adjusted to the area with the markings, the first speed is turned on, and cutting of grooves begins. At the end of the row, a turn is performed. After cutting, the laying out of the tubers begins: the tubers should be placed at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other.

You can hill up potatoes the old fashioned way. A hoe is best for this.

Then the potatoes are covered with hillers. You need to deploy the side wings, and then launch the unit along the ridges. With a single-row hiller, rubber wheels are put on and a pass is made along the middle of the ridge.

When the greenery has just begun to emerge, hillers are also useful: using grousers you can make hilling. After this, the tubers will be well covered with soil and the weeds will be weeded out. With a single-row hiller, the passage is made between the rows.

It is necessary to hill up the potatoes. So you will help correct formation tuber with large potatoes.

How to plant potatoes under straw

If you don’t have time to bury and dig up tubers, you can plant potatoes under straw. It will begin to grow even faster than in the ground. You don't have to dig up the ground. The sprouted tubers are simply laid out and covered with a 20-centimeter layer of straw.

Planting potatoes under straw is a very innovative way that gives good results.

The row spacing should also be covered so that you don’t have to pull out the weeds later. Straw retains water well and prevents the soil from overheating. It only needs to be watered when there is no rain for a long time. At first the sprouts will have a pale tint, but then they will develop.

Mown grass or leftover grass from the garden from last year will also work. To increase productivity, you can add humus or peat. Once the stems are dry, this layer can be simply lifted and harvested. The benefits of such cultivation are double: the harvest will be abundant and the garden will be fertilized.


Growing potatoes in our family is a whole ritual, a long-standing tradition. For planting, hilling and harvesting potatoes, the whole family gets together. After all we plant we have a big streak all the time. We work together, joke while we work, and shout “Hurray!” in unison when we reach the last row.

And it all starts with landing. Plant potatoes we always start later than everyone else. We are never in a hurry, but he grows up excellently. Not far from our dacha there are areas with potatoes. As soon as they finish planting there, we begin. This is also a certain tradition. We usually complete the landing in 1-2 days.

We live in Yaroslavl region, and this is central Russia. So, we plant potatoes in early May, on the May holidays ( from May 1 to May 9). I looked at last year’s photographs: we planted potatoes in 2016 on May 26, and the harvest, despite such a late planting, was good.

How will be correct?

The planting time depends on many factors:

  • Climatic features of the region,
  • Weather (early or late spring, warm or cold),
  • Soil temperature (how warm the soil is and ready for planting potatoes),
  • Potato variety and ripening period (early, late).

Few people measure soil temperature. But there are still recommendations that it is time to plant potatoes if the soil has warmed up to a temperature of 10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. It is important that this temperature is maintained even in the future. The ripeness of the soil can be determined “by eye” as follows: the soil should crumble well and not stick to the shovel.

There is also a sign for the beginning of planting potatoes: if a full leaf has formed on the poplar, it’s time to plant.

Approximate dates by region:

  • IN northern regions, V Middle lane Potatoes can be planted in Russia in the first ten days of May .
  • IN southern regions or in areas well warmed by the sun, on light soils, you can plant 1 - 2 weeks earlier, that is in the last ten days of April.

Accordingly, early varieties, sprouted tubers, are sent into the soil first, then late-ripening ones.

According to the Lunar calendar - 2017

Many are accustomed to focusing on the Lunar sowing calendar. According to him, in 2017 favorable dates when can it be done gardening work with potatoes are considered:

  • in February: from the 21st to the 24th.
  • in March: from 20 to 26.
  • in April: from the 19th to the 24th.
  • in May: 4, 7, 8, 9, 19, 24, 31.
  • in June: 1st, 6th, 7th, 15th, 16th.

If we compare approximate dates by region and Lunar calendar data, it turns out that from April 19 to 24 and May 4, 7, 8, 9 The time has come when you can plant potatoes.

Easy planting and rich harvests!

We plant potatoes. Our experience

They always planted potatoes with manure, but when they came to the market large assortment mineral fertilizers They began to use “Hera”, but in smaller quantities, the weeks indicated on the package. We checked the dug tubers for nitrates: everything is normal.

April and May are the main months for planting vegetables, including potatoes.

You will learn from today’s article how to prepare planting material and when, according to the horticulturist’s lunar calendar, potatoes are planted in April and May.

The term “Gardener’s Lunar Calendar” is probably familiar even to beginners in this business. It is a list of calendar dates indicating the phases of the Moon and the zodiac signs in which it is located.

Such a calendar is an indispensable assistant gardener: crops planted in accordance with it are more stress-resistant and high-yielding, regardless of the variety.

The Moon, as a satellite of the Earth, influences all life on our planet, and garden plants are no exception. Depending on what phase it is in, waning, waxing, full moon or new moon, gardeners can find out whether it is worth planting on a particular day and when it is best to do it.

Root crops and potatoes in particular are usually planted during the waning Moon, since it is believed that with this phase of the satellite the roots and underground parts of plants develop better.

The most successful constellations in in this case Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn are considered.

Using the Lunar calendar, a gardener has a much better chance of getting a healthy and rich harvest, avoiding the death of planting material in the ground and plant diseases. When to plant potatoes in April and May?

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting

The dates that are most successful for planting a particular crop are called favorable.

There are also no favorable days, in which it is not recommended to carry out a certain type of work.

In the case of plantings in general, it is better to wait out the new moon and full moon phases and do something else: for example, cleaning the area, or just relax.

Favorable days for planting potatoes:

In April 2019:

  • from 21st to 22nd. The waning moon is in Scorpio;
  • 25th. Waning Moon in Capricorn.

In May 2019:

  • from 1st to 4th. The waning moon is in Aries. This is not the most favorable sign, however, given that on May 5 there is a new moon, and then a waxing moon until the 18th, it is better to finish planting potatoes on these days.
  • if you did not manage to finish the work at the beginning of May, favorable days will also come on the 22nd and 23rd, when the waning Moon will be in the constellation Capricorn.

It is clear that you should not be guided only by calendar data; you also need to soberly assess the weather conditions at the site.

To plant potatoes, the ground must be warmed to 6 °C, otherwise the planting material will simply freeze.

The most unfavorable dates for planting potatoes in 2019 are:

  • April 19, May 19. Full moon. Any type of work with garden crops is not recommended at all.
  • April 5, May 5. New moon. All operations carried out with plants are also prohibited.

How to plant potatoes correctly in April and May

In order to grow the most early potatoes, it is planted already at the end of the second or third ten days of April, provided that the earth has warmed up sufficiently. If due to weather conditions the ground has not warmed up to 6 °C, planting is postponed until May.

Variety selection

For April plantings, the most suitable are early potato varieties, the so-called “early ripening” ones, which can be dug up after 60...65 days. When planting potatoes for storage, it is better not to choose early-ripening varieties, but to plant them in May.

The choice of variety depends on the wishes of the gardener himself and on what he wants to get in the end.

Here, indicators such as the color of the pulp, peel, disease resistance, tuber size, harvest yield, etc. are usually important. Nowadays, there are varieties of potatoes on which it does not settle. Colorado beetle. In this case we're talking about about the stiffness of the tops.

However, there is a high probability that planting several varieties in one place will provoke them larger cluster on the first.

Preparation of planting material

Gardeners receive planting tubers different ways: some store and select them themselves, others buy them already ready material. It is a small tuber weighing about 50 grams.

Of course, they must be healthy, without signs of rot or other diseases.

In any case, the potatoes will have to be germinated before planting. Basically, boxes with decomposed tubers are taken to outdoor greenhouses and wait for sprouts to appear.

In addition, any other place where it is not too hot and has good lighting is suitable for germination.

Good planting tubers have plump sprouts, and the process of growing them lasts about two weeks.

It would not be superfluous to use some kind of fungicide to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, as well as soak it in a wireworm repellent.

Fertilizer application

Usually seat They prepare potatoes for potatoes in the fall; when planting, they only add the necessary fertilizers: from organic, humus is preferable in the amount of 1 bucket/m², and from minerals - 1 cup of ash and 2 tbsp. superphosphate per m².

Subsequently, the potatoes are fed with fertilizers high in phosphorus and potassium.

Landing in the ground

An important criterion for direct planting in the ground is maintaining a distance of 60x70.

Planting depth also plays an important role and largely depends on the type of soil on the site.

It is clear that on heavy clay soils tubers are planted closer to the surface - depth 7...8 cm. For lighter types of soil, this parameter ranges from 8 to 12 cm. correct landing shoots early varieties potatoes will appear in early May.

Potatoes are one of the most popular crops grown in Russian areas. In order to be the first to enjoy young potatoes, it is necessary to plant them at the end of April - beginning of May.

Guided by the simple instructions given above, and favorable days According to the Lunar calendar for planting potatoes in April and May, even a novice gardener will grow a rich harvest.

Dates for planting potatoes in 2017 in the Moscow region: when to plant potatoes in 2017? A common question asked by almost every summer resident who wants to grow his own crops.

Planting has already become a tradition in the country, and potatoes are the most popular crop.

Usually the gardener looks to see if his neighbor's plot has been dug up and asks his friends when they plan to plant. Everyone wants to grow this unpretentious vegetable, even if there is no need to plant an entire field. Large, tasty fruits will definitely appear if planted in a timely manner.

How and when to plant

The quantity and quality of the harvest largely depends on the time of planting potatoes. Therefore it is very important to comply optimal timing planting crops. You cannot start planting too early or delay it, as both are fraught with a decrease in yield. If the work is carried out too early, the vegetable will take a very long time to germinate, and if there are frosts at night, which often happen in the spring northern regions, may even die.

In the old days, people tied the days of annual potato planting to certain dates (for example, Easter), and followed nature, seeing folk signs that modern man over time I forgot. Early Easter, pointed to early spring, which means that potatoes could be planted earlier than with late spring.

In 2017 Bright Resurrection We celebrated Christ's day on April 16 and it is believed that spring is relatively early, although judging by the weather, this cannot be said. In general, in different climatic zones this “rule” works differently: in some places you can plant potatoes already in March, in others in April, and in others preferably in the first half of May.

Experienced gardeners say that traditionally it is customary to plant potatoes with sprouted root crops in open ground at the end of April and complete all work at the beginning of May, but in last years The weather is unstable, so you should mainly focus on whether the ground has warmed up.

In particular, potatoes can be planted if the soil at a depth of 8–10 centimeters (the depth of planting tubers) has warmed up to at least 6–8 degrees Celsius. It can be measured with a regular thermometer to determine the air temperature. But, in order not to run around with a thermometer and measure the soil temperature yourself, you can turn to folk signs.

Experienced gardeners in particular recommend focusing on earthworms. According to signs, if worms are actively swarming in the ground, then the soil has warmed up enough and is ready to accept potatoes. Among folk signs, which are used as a guide when planting potatoes, is also called the beginning of flowering of apricot, bird cherry or dandelion. But in a spring like this one, signs can fail, so it’s better to plant potatoes according to the weather.

Most often, when planting potatoes, they focus on the air temperature, which should be at least 15 degrees Celsius. It must be remembered that the plant, in conditions high humidity may die from various diseases, including fungal ones. Planting material, once in a puddle, it will begin to rot. On some days the soil will be too dry, which will significantly reduce the harvest from each bush.

For these reasons, one cannot ignore favorable days for planting potatoes, which are calculated by scientists, astrologers and have long been determined folk calendar. According to statistics, the deviation from the optimal period for planting potatoes can be no more than 10 calendar days, otherwise fruiting will decrease several times.

Effect of planting period on yield

Most summer residents will choose the same days for planting potatoes in 2017 as usual. Opening summer season occurs on the May holidays, when workers have free time. Following this rule does not always guarantee success. Of course, no one will take time off from work to plant root crops, but the process requires more responsibility than it seems.

Burying potatoes in the ground certain days, the farmer will receive good harvest. Not every period is suitable for planting a crop. The plant is unpretentious, but certain temperature changes will not do it any good. Late planting runs the risk that the fruits will not have time to grow due to autumn frosts. Potatoes react to lack of rain or severe dampness.

If you plant potatoes in early spring, then the tubers will freeze because the soil has not yet warmed up. In conditions of high humidity, the plant has every chance of dying from a disease, including a fungal one, NewsTut reports. Planting material thrown into a puddle will begin to rot. On some days the soil will be too dry, which will significantly reduce the harvest from each bush.

For these reasons, one cannot ignore favorable days for planting potatoes, which are calculated by scientists, astrologers and have long been determined by the folk calendar. Statistics say that the deviation from the optimal period for planting potatoes can be no more than 10 calendar days, otherwise fruiting will decrease significantly.

Potatoes are delicious and useful product, which today is included in the daily diet of many people. It is used both as a main dish and as a side dish. Potatoes are also an integral part of many popular salads.

Potatoes are currently grown in more than 100 countries in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. climatic conditions. Therefore, it is very important to know where and when to plant potatoes in order to get a rich and high-quality harvest.

Sputnik Georgia decided to find out what signs you need to know, when and how best to plant potatoes according to lunar calendar.

How and when to plant

The quantity and quality of the harvest largely depends on the time of planting potatoes. Therefore, it is very important to observe the optimal planting time. You cannot start planting too early or delay it, as both are fraught with a decrease in yield.

If the work is carried out too early, the vegetable will take a very long time to germinate, and if there is frost at night, which often happens in the spring in the northern regions, it may even die.

In the old days, people tied the days of annual potato planting to certain dates (for example, Easter), and followed nature, looking for folk signs that modern people have forgotten over time.

Early Easter indicated early spring, which means that potatoes could be planted earlier than in late spring. In 2017, we celebrated the Holy Resurrection of Christ on April 16, and it is believed that spring is relatively early, although judging by the weather, this cannot be said.

In general, in different climatic zones, this “rule” works differently: in some places you can plant potatoes already in March, in others in April, and in others, preferably in the first half of May.

Experienced gardeners say that traditionally it is customary to plant potatoes with sprouted roots in open ground at the end of April and complete all work at the beginning of May, but in recent years the weather has been unstable, so you should mainly focus on whether the soil has warmed up.

In particular, potatoes can be planted if the soil at a depth of 8-10 centimeters (the depth of planting tubers) has warmed up to at least 6-8 degrees Celsius.

It can be measured with a regular thermometer to determine the air temperature. But, in order not to run around with a thermometer and measure the soil temperature yourself, you can turn to folk signs.

Among the folk signs that are used as a guide when planting potatoes are also called the beginning of flowering of apricot, bird cherry or dandelion. But in a spring like this one, signs can fail, so it’s better to plant potatoes according to the weather.

Most often, when planting potatoes, they focus on the air temperature, which should be at least 15 degrees Celsius.

It must be remembered that a plant in conditions of high humidity can die from various diseases, including fungal ones. Planting material, once in a puddle, will begin to rot. On some days the soil will be too dry, which will significantly reduce the harvest from each bush.

For these reasons, one cannot ignore favorable days for planting potatoes, which are calculated by scientists, astrologers and have long been determined by the folk calendar. According to statistics, the deviation from the optimal period for planting potatoes can be no more than 10 calendar days, otherwise fruiting will decrease several times.

Modern gardeners honor traditions and adhere to the calendar dates for sowing this vegetable crop, including according to the lunar calendar.

Moon influence

The moon influences important processes, occurring on Earth - long-term observation made it possible to establish the timing of planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar.

An experienced gardener knows that it is impossible to plant potatoes during the new moon or full moon. With the waxing Moon, plants are well formed, quickly becoming strong and stocky. The waning moon takes all the strength of the cutting and shoot. Therefore, if potatoes are planted during this period, they may not sprout.

So, an incorrectly chosen day or period for sowing seeds or planting potatoes can negatively affect both seedlings and growth, as well as further development, and subsequently the formation and timely ripening.

To avoid such problems, you need to correctly determine the favorable days and periods for planting potatoes, as well as watering, processing, weeding, and so on. This is the only way you can get a rich and high-quality harvest.

There are few such days left in April - April 27-29. In May you can sow and plant - May 4, 7, 9, 19,24, 31. There are also favorable days for sowing and planting in June - the 1st, 6th, 7th, 15th and 16th. In July you can sow or plant on the 15th, 18th and 19th.

Knowing favorable days is already half the battle. But the day of disembarkation depends on many factors. Potatoes should be planted in open ground later than under film cover.

The amateur gardener must determine optimal time, relying on the weather characteristics of the region of residence, since much depends on the climate of a particular area.

You can work in the beds in June and July only with early ripening potato varieties. Potato varieties are divided depending on how many days after planting you can start digging up tubers: early - after 50-65 days; mid-early - after 65-80 days; mid-season - after 80-95 days; medium-late - after 95-110 days; late - after 110 days or more.

Early ripening potato varieties are less productive, not as resistant to diseases, their tubers gain less starch, but these shortcomings are compensated by earlier ripening.


The birthplace of potatoes, whose history goes back thousands of years, is considered to be South America, more precisely Peru, where you can still find wild species potatoes.

The Indians began growing potatoes about 14 thousand years ago. South America. Portuguese and Spanish navigators discovered potatoes in the Indian village of Sorocota (Peru) in 1537. They called the tubers they found truffles because of their resemblance to mushrooms.

In 1565, potatoes were brought to Spain, although initially the Spaniards, who ate raw potatoes, I didn’t like the root vegetable. Later they learned to cook it. So potatoes gradually spread throughout Europe.

Potatoes were brought to Russia by Peter the Great, who brought a bag of root vegetables from Holland. Potato farming in Russia began with this bag. In Rus', at first, potatoes were considered an outlandish vegetable, but gradually people learned to cook them and learned about their benefits.

The population of Russia greeted the new culture with distrust. The Old Believers were ardent opponents of potatoes in Russia. They called potatoes “the devil’s apple” and considered it a great sin not only to eat its tubers, but also to grow them in their gardens. On this basis, peasant unrest, called potato riots, arose more than once.

However, most of the people resigned themselves to the inevitable and got down to business. By the end of the 18th century, potato planting was widespread in the northwestern provinces of Russia and the Baltic states. The new culture took root and soon began its victorious march across the country. By the end of the 19th century, potatoes became common garden crops everywhere.

Potatoes in Georgia

According to some information, potatoes were brought to Georgia in 1820 by German colonists who were mainly engaged in viticulture and livestock farming.

In 1913, the area under potato cultivation in Georgia was 6.8 thousand hectares, and in 1975 it exceeded 28 thousand hectares. Thus, after going through a long and thorny path, potatoes have won a place of honor at our dinner table.

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

People began to cultivate potatoes and bred more and more new varieties of potatoes, which we enjoy tasting.

Potatoes are a nutritious product that is rich in carbohydrates, proteins; proteins contain amino acids and mineral salts. Potatoes are also rich in vitamins C, P, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, K, potassium, choline, selenium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium.

For example, about 200 grams of potatoes boiled in their jackets contains daily norm vitamin C for humans. Only by spring the content of this vitamin in potatoes usually decreases.

The material was prepared based on open sources