When to collect thuja seeds and how. All you need to know about sowing thuja, how to grow an evergreen bush from seeds. Harvesting thuja seeds and their preparation for sowing

When to collect thuja seeds and how.  All you need to know about sowing thuja, how to grow an evergreen bush from seeds.  Harvesting thuja seeds and their preparation for sowing
When to collect thuja seeds and how. All you need to know about sowing thuja, how to grow an evergreen bush from seeds. Harvesting thuja seeds and their preparation for sowing

The evergreen beauty has many fans around the world. Many owners of summer cottages and household plots are happy to decorate their territories with this culture, and therefore the issue of shrub propagation does not lose its relevance.

There are only 2 ways to propagate thuja: seeds and cuttings. The seed method is not so popular and is used less often, because cultivation is delayed for several years. But the latter option is very common, since, according to many gardeners, it is much better and more convenient. Consider the features of this method.

Video: thuja propagation methods

When to cut thuja: optimal timing

On the question of when it is better to propagate thuja by cuttings at home: in spring, summer, autumn or winter, experts differ slightly in their opinions. Someone claims that it is better to do it in winter, and someone says that the ideal time is in the spring.

But despite such disagreements, propagation of thuja by cuttings in the summer is the most optimal option. The thing is that the event held in the summer allows the branches of the shrub to fill up with strength, adapt and take root normally for transplanting to a permanent place next season.

Important! Thuja should be propagated at home by cuttings in the summer when the growth of the shoots has stopped.

How to cut thuja cuttings

For reproduction, it is necessary to choose a healthy shrub, you can not take branches from a sick and weak tree. It is also not recommended to take cuttings from side shoots, as it is possible to get a twisted seedling.

For reproduction of thuja, a normally developed skeletal branch in the upper part of the shrub is ideal. For the cutting, you should choose two- or three-year-old lignified growths about 10-15 centimeters long, which are located at the ends of the shoots.

The stalk must be sharply torn off along with a small piece of wood with last year's bark, which is called the "heel" (it is recommended to tear it off from top to bottom). Thanks to the “heel”, the twig will be able to take root faster, as it contains useful substances that the plant has managed to accumulate. When peeling the bark on the handle, it is necessary to slightly clean this place with a knife.

In the photo, a correctly cut thuja stalk:

Advice! With strong lignification, you can use a secateurs, it will help to carefully remove the material.

How to prepare thuja cuttings for rooting

First of all, excess needles should be removed from the handle in order to prevent decay. To do this, it is necessary to cut the branches from the lower part and lightly strip the bark. And with an abundance of branches, you can make the needles a little shorter in other places.

After these manipulations, the branches must be placed for about 12 hours in a solution of the drug to stimulate growth and root formation (for example, Epin, Kornevin preparations).

Note! Storage of cuttings is not allowed, as they may deteriorate and become unsuitable for planting. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to root, then you can wrap the branches with a damp cloth and leave them in a dark, cool place.

Soil preparation

As a soil for rooting cuttings, it is optimal to use light soil with good drainage properties or ordinary river sand (the main thing is that it is clean). If the first option is more suitable for you, then you can prepare the substrate yourself: you should mix sand, peat, and leafy soil in equal proportions.

For seating it is necessary to use containers with a small depth. They must have aeration and drainage holes. Containers or seedling cassettes are ideal for this purpose.

When using sand, it must be boiled for five minutes before use and be sure to cool. When using both sand and soil mixtures, it is necessary to add a three percent solution of potassium permanganate and mix.

After that, place expanded clay or other small stones on the bottom of the container. Now you can shift the soil or sand into prepared containers.

Direct rooting process

When rooting thuja cuttings, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Lightly treat the roots of the cutting in the Kornevin preparation.
  2. Insert them into the ground at a 45 degree angle to a depth of about one and a half or two centimeters. The optimal distance between the cuttings is five centimeters.
  3. Then you should slightly compact and water the plant.
  4. Cover the containers with foil or a plastic bag. You can also place a branch in a plastic cup and cover with the same cup on top.

Note! Some time after the event, new shoots will begin to appear on the plant. This means that rooting was successful.

Video: rooting thuja cuttings in a cup.

non-standardmethod of rooting cuttings in potatoes

Some gardeners also practice another equally interesting way of propagating thuja by cuttings - rooting in potatoes. Potato nutrients and starch have a beneficial effect on the twig, helping to take root successfully.

To do this, take a few healthy, fresh potatoes, wash them, remove the eyes, then make a hole about 4 cm long in them with a nail. After that, it is necessary to place the thuja stalk in the hole of the potato. Fill the wooden crates with fertile soil and place the potatoes in the soil. Cover the thuja in the potato with a plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Then you can unscrew the cap of the bottle and water.

There is also a method of rooting in a jar of water, but it is not very productive, it is better to do this in a substrate.

How to care for planted thuja cuttings before planting in a permanent place

The optimum temperature of the content is + 18-23 degrees. Humidity should be high - about 70-75%. Storage should be carried out in a warm place, which is exposed to diffused light (direct rays are dangerous!). And the greenhouse itself must be regularly ventilated.

Water the plant as carefully as possible to avoid exposing the “heel” and getting moisture on the needles. For delicate watering, a spray bottle is ideal. Water only when the top layer of soil or sand dries out and remember that an abundance of moisture can adversely affect the plant.

In autumn, after successful rooting, planting should be done in larger flowerpots or in open ground on a special bed (if weather permits). If you want to plant in flowerpots, then you should prepare a nutrient substrate: just mix garden soil with high-moor peat. After that, be sure to regularly water, feed, eliminate weeds near the coniferous plant.

Video: rooted cuttings of thuja smaragd four months after planting open ground.

Important! In late canopy around November, small thujas should be able to endure the winter cold normally. For this purpose, sawdust, leaves, spruce branches are perfect.

After the winter cold, the covering material can be removed. But you need to do this only if you are sure that the frosts will not return. Continue to do the care that was carried out for the thuja cuttings earlier.

If you dream of decorating your site with lush and luxurious shrubs, then the method of propagating thuja with cuttings is perfect for you. It can be done independently at home without any problems and difficulties. This method is not expensive and economical, and if done correctly, gives an excellent result. Good luck in breeding and growing thuja!

Video: how to properly propagate thuja cuttings at home

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Now it is fashionable to plant your garden with exotic plants. The usual apple and spruce trees fade into the background. If the goal is to bring out the perfect plant to create a unique landscape, then thuja becomes an excellent option. This lush tree can be pruned at different angles to create amazing shapes. In just a couple of years, the thuja grows to a decent size - a quick way to ennoble the site.

Thuja can be grown in several ways: seeds and cuttings. If you want to get an adult plant as soon as possible, then cuttings should be chosen. Already small in size, the tree will grow faster from them. But the downside is finding good cuttings. They are often sold at high prices. Much cheaper and more practical to sow seeds. Any store in your country can send them by mail.

At home, it is best to germinate thuja from seeds.

Having bought good seeds, they need to be prepared before planting. The best time for sowing is considered the threshold of winter. Thuja is a frost-resistant tree, so sub-zero temperatures are not a threat to it.

When collecting cones and obtaining seeds from them, you should wait for the shell to open. It is impossible to roughly get grains, since the risk of harm is very high. The seeds themselves, after extraction, should be dried at normal room temperature. The main thing is to adhere to the minimum humidity in the apartment, otherwise the seeds may be affected by the fungus.

Breeders advise sowing seeds always for the winter. Thanks to natural selection, by the spring you can accurately see the amount of dead crop.

Also, colds contribute to better germination of thuja. Therefore, although the home method of growing is used, the plant itself should be constantly exposed to cold places in the apartment.

Preparing the ground for the box

It is in the boxes that it is customary to plant thuja. You can put everything right on the street to create ideal conditions for growth. Do not rush to transfer the sprouts from the box to the soil. Young animals are often not ready for open living. There is an acute shortage of useful trace elements.

  • sand 50%
  • peat 25%
  • sod land 25%

All components are simply poured together. You don't need to harden anything. Small rows are made. The distance between them can be kept within 6 centimeters. Now the seeds are scattered far from each other. We sprinkle with soil so that there is one centimeter above the ground level - a small mound is formed.

We water the beds themselves with water, but we adhere to the rules for laying them. That is, we pour it on the planted seeds. When the soil is eroded, everything should be immediately restored so that the grains are completely covered with earth.

Breeders' advice: in spring and for the entire summer period, boxes should be removed under other trees. Their foliage will help protect the crop from the scorching sun, which can quickly destroy all the work done.

We properly care for sprouts

Thanks to the boxes, the soil will quickly warm up to the desired temperature. On average, the first sprouts are observed 25 days after planting the seeds. Throughout the entire period of growth in boxes, thujas need to be fed with special formulations. It is recommended to add top dressing once every two weeks. The best mixture is nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions.

In season, thuja grows to a maximum of 8 cm. For at least one winter, sprouts should be carefully grown in boxes. If deviations from the norm are observed or the harvest is too weak, then several winterings in artificial conditions are allowed.

The best place for planting thuja can be considered a free area from other plants. It is also important to make a shadow. Pre-fertilize the earth with the following components:

  • bucket of humus
  • 250 grams of wood ash
  • 45 grams of nitrophoska

The indicated proportions apply to one square meter of land. Such top dressing will allow the thuja to increase its growth per season to a maximum of 8 cm.

Features of the process of landing from boxes into the ground

Tui can be planted equally in spring and autumn. The land, previously fertilized, is plowed a little. Planting sprouts in dense layers of soil should not be allowed: the root system that has not yet become stronger will not cope well with its growth.

As for watering, you need to immediately understand - we water the young, but not the adults. Approximately twice a week, sprouts transplanted into the soil should be irrigated with plain water. When the age of two is reached, watering is no longer necessary. Now we resort to it only on hot summer days.

As an additional protection for the thuja for the winter, we cover it with spruce branches. We are building something like a hut. Actual for regions with low temperatures, where minus 30 ° C is considered the norm. In order for the branches to retain their elegant shape, we tie the whole plant with a soft cloth.

Crowns are cut off for better formation. Approximately 1/3. The whole process of circumcision is done with very sharp secateurs. It is necessary to cut off the excess, and not break it. This is the last task of the breeder. This is how the seeds can germinate up to a few meter thuja, which will decorate any area with its magnificent forms.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant that is very fond of landscape designers. They love to use slender thuja pyramids to place around the perimeter of the site. After all, such a living fence will always look great and will not require special care. In addition, this tree will actively release useful phytoncides into the environment.

Ordinary gardeners love thuja no less. They are well aware that in order to plant this plant on the site, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive cuttings in nurseries, you can grow thuja at home on your own. This article will tell novice gardeners how to grow thuja.

Selection of planting material

Before you start growing thuja you need to choose the right planting material. It must be selected based on the following criteria:

Varietal variety of thuja

In nature, 5 types of thuja grow:

  • Japanese.
  • Korean.
  • Folded.
  • Eastern.
  • Western.

Western thuja is in greatest demand among gardeners and landscape designers. The fact is that this species has a pyramidal crown with diameters up to 5 m. It fits very well into any landscape design of the site. In addition, this type of thuja perfectly tolerates cold and therefore is excellent for growing in our climatic conditions.

To date, breeders have bred many varieties of this type of thuja. The following are the most popular:

For the first planting, it is best to use seedlings, bought from a nursery. In the future, you will not have to buy them, since thuja can be propagated in various ways, which will be discussed below.

You can grow thuja both in the sun and in partial shade. But in the shade this plant should not be planted. The fact is that from a lack of sunlight, his crown will thin out. In addition, when planting, remember that this plant does not like excess moisture. Therefore, if groundwater is located close to the surface on the site, then full drainage will have to be done.

As for the ground, then this plant survives well on any soil, but feels best in black soil. It is also not recommended to plant it on clay soils. There it can develop root rot.

If there is no black soil on the site, then it is recommended to enrich the soil with humus, compost and peat before planting. The latter is necessary for better air permeability of the soil. On acidic soils, the preliminary application of lime or ordinary ash is recommended.

The process of planting a seedling is as follows:

When planting several seedlings between them, you need to maintain a distance of at least 5 meters. If a hedge is formed from seedlings, then the distance should be 1 m.

Thuja: growing from seeds

Growing thuja from seeds at home- a very profitable occupation in all respects. First, you can grow a large number of seedlings at a time. Secondly, you do not have to pay for seedlings. Thirdly, all seedlings will be the same age and size. This option is perfect for those who have plans to create a hedge on the site. Finally, we should not forget that a plant grown from seeds takes root better in a particular area.

There are a couple of disadvantages to growing thuja in this way:

  • Seedlings grow for a long time. From sowing to transferring the seedling to the ground, 5 years can pass.
  • Despite the same appearance, seedlings can be very different from parent trees. This is due to the possible loss of varietal characteristics.

Seed harvesting

If the gardener decided to propagate this plant with seeds, then he needs to properly prepare planting material. The collection of the latter should begin in early autumn. To do this, you need to choose ripe cones. You can recognize them by their brown color.

The collected cones are dried at home for several days until they are fully opened. After that, the seeds are removed from them by light tapping. Ripe seeds fall out easily. Only those seeds that are dark brown in color should be selected.

After collecting the seeds, you can begin to stratify them. To do this, they need to be wrapped in a rag and dug in moist soil. From above, the soil can be covered with fallen leaves or put a piece of insulation. In this state, the seeds are left for the winter.

After wintering seed material is removed from the soil and poured into a previously prepared container with dry sand. The latter, together with the seeds, should be placed in the refrigerator for 2 months.

By the end of the above period, you need to prepare the soil for planting seeds. They take root best in a mixture of soddy soil, peat sand.

Sowing thuja seeds

It is best to plant seeds at home. For this, wooden boxes are prepared, on the bottom of which a layer of drainage 2 cm thick is poured. A nutrient mixture is poured onto the drainage. All this is well tamped down. Then, furrows are made in the soil mixture into which seeds are sown. The distance between them should not be less than 6 cm. After that, the seeds should be sprinkled on top with a mixture of peat and sand and watered with a spray bottle.

The box with the planted seed should be covered with a film and put in a warm place until the first shoots appear. In this case, do not forget to moisten the soil every day with a spray gun. It is better not to use direct watering, as this can lead to a blurring of the soil mixture and exposing the seeds.

After the appearance of the first shoots the film is removed from the boxes. The boxes themselves should be moved to a cool place and provided with sufficient lighting. It remains only to observe the seedlings and get rid of dead plants in time.

Seedling care at home

First of all, their strong growth should not be allowed. With a strong thickening of the seedlings, they develop poorly. If young plants still grow strongly, then they are not cut off, but seated. When there is no thickening, then it is better not to replant the seedlings during the 1st year.

On the 2nd year of life grown seedlings in any case will have to be transplanted into separate pots, which should then be transferred from home to outdoor conditions. This is necessary for better adaptation of plants to the climate. For wintering, it is better to return the plants to the house.

In the autumn of the 3rd year of life seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place.

In summer, pots with seedlings should be in partial shade at a temperature of 17 to 23 ° C. For the winter, plants should be placed in a room with a temperature regime of 15 to 18 ° C.

After planting the seedlings in open ground, the first 2 years of their free life will have to be securely covered for the winter.

Seedlings in the first years of life do not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to protect them from such influence. Experts advise storing boxes and pots with seedlings on the windowsills of windows facing the west or north side.

Seedlings should be fed regularly. As fertilizers, you need to use those mixtures that contain potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. It is also useful to add compositions with boron and manganese to the soil.

Top dressing should be given 2 times a month.

Thuja: propagation by cuttings

You can grow thuja not only from seeds, but also from cuttings. The latter are harvested from the upper parts of the axial shoots. This allows the branching characteristic of the parent to be preserved in the daughter plant. It is better not to use side branches for grafting, as they will make a creeping form of thuja.

When harvesting cuttings, you do not need to cut them. It is better to tear off planting material from the main branch along with the bark. After that, using a sharp knife, you need to clean the ends of the cuttings.

The timing of growing thuja from cuttings depends on the maturity and health of the branches that were used to obtain the cuttings. The younger they are, the faster the cuttings take root.

For better survival of planting material in recent years, gardeners are increasingly using growth substances, for example, organic acids. Their use allows you to increase the survival of seedlings.

If the gardener plans to germinate cuttings in a greenhouse, then it is best to harvest them in April. In this case, at least 75% of all seedlings survive. When rooting cuttings at home, they should be planted in pots filled with quartz sand. From above it is sprinkled with a thin layer of peat.

Cuttings should be planted to a depth of no more than 3 cm. After planting, the pots should be in a room with an air temperature of no more than 8 ° C.

It takes a year for the cuttings to fully root. That is, next spring they can already be placed in open ground. However, before that, they must stand in a greenhouse for 3 weeks.

Fertilizers for growing thuja

In order for this plant to grow properly, it needs to be fertilized regularly. For this purpose, it is best to use the following types of fertilizers:

  • Organics. It is used in cases where it is required to improve the general agricultural background. Organic fertilizers include: manure, peat, compost.
  • mineral fertilizers. First of all, we are talking about mineral complexes containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Without them, the normal cultivation of thuja in the northwestern and northern regions of our country can hardly be called effective.
  • Microfertilizers. They contain trace elements such as: manganese, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, etc.


Tui cultivation This is not an easy, but very exciting process. Yes, it will take more than one year to grow an adult plant, but real gardeners will not be afraid of any difficulties.

Tell me, please, is it possible to propagate thuja by seed?
V.S. Sereda

Growing thuja by seed is a long and laborious process. In order to get small seedlings, it will take about 3-5 years. With the seed method of propagation, seedlings will retain only species characteristics, and the form and other parental characteristics will be lost.

Despite its laboriousness, the seed method of reproduction gives good results in obtaining healthy and high-quality planting material.

Thuja seeds for sowing are harvested in autumn from lignified cones. Collected cones are laid out in a warm, dry room, where after a few days they will open, and reddish or brown seeds will fall out. Then there are two ways to germinate them.

Natural germination of thuja seeds

The first way: the seeds are harvested in the last month of autumn or in December and immediately sown in open ground. After sowing the seeds, the soil surface is mulched with sawdust. In the spring, after the earth warms up, shoots appear. Young plants during this period must be protected from the bright sun, which can burn the delicate tissues of the plants. For a year, small thujas will grow by about 7 cm. This method can be attributed to the natural methods of thuja seed propagation.

Artificial breeding of thuja

The second way: the collected seeds go through a period of stratification. A glass container is prepared, which is filled with wet fishing line and sawdust, seeds are added there. Next, the closed container is sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and stored there for 2-3 months, sometimes checking the condition of the seeds.

Sow such seeds begin in February in pre-prepared boxes or pots. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the selected containers, then the prepared soil. It is better to purchase a soil mixture ready-made in a store for coniferous plants. A layer of sand is poured on top of the soil, slightly leveled and compacted. Next, the surface of the sand is well sprayed with water, and then they begin to place the seeds at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Seeds should be slightly pressed into the soil, then sprayed a little and covered with glass or film.

For better seed germination, an elevated air temperature of at least 20 degrees is required. After small sprouts appear, the container with the plants is moved to a well-lit place with a slightly lower temperature. If plant roots appear on the surface of the soil, they must be carefully sprinkled with sand. Crops must be inspected every day and diseased plants should be removed, if any.

After 1.5 months, the shelter from the plants is completely removed. But be sure to spray regularly so that the soil does not dry out. In the first year of the life of the seedlings, they are not swooped down, but only fertile soil is poured into the container where they grow.

Second and third year of life

Starting from the second year of life, the plants are planted in separate pots or cups. During the period of active growth, they are fed with complex fertilizer, excluding nitrogen in autumn top dressing. In summer, plants are grown outdoors, placing them in the shade. In winter, plants spend in a greenhouse or in the house.

In the third year of life, the next transplant is carried out by transferring plants into larger containers. In May, plants can be taken out to the garden, and planted in a permanent place in the fall.

Thuja: growing by sowing seeds. Master class, photo

The simplest and most convenient breeding technology for thuja is sowing seeds before winter in the ground. Seedlings come out strong, develop well. You can get any number of seedlings in a fairly short time. Here's how it's done:

Why it is convenient and easy to propagate thuja seeds

After planting, water and mulch with peat. Feed once every 2-3 weeks in the same way as in the previous season, water in dry weather, loosen the soil after watering and remove weeds at the same time as loosening. In the third year of cultivation, when the thuja grown from seeds reaches a height of 50 cm, it can be planted in a permanent place.

How to select thuja seedlings for a hedge

For hedges, uniform planting material is needed, but when growing thuja from seeds, splitting of forms occurs: seedlings from sowing are obtained with different outlines and crown densities. This problem has a solution. At the age of 2-3 years, the future shape of the crown is already clearly visible in thuja seedlings. You can easily select the required amount of homogeneous planting material for a hedge or other purposes. In addition, the thuja tolerates a haircut very well, and the desired shape of the hedge can be obtained, even if the seedlings are slightly different.

Illustrations for the material: OOO Publishing House Gastronom

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