When does fasting begin in August? Fasting in August: Orthodox calendar

When does fasting begin in August?  Fasting in August: Orthodox calendar
When does fasting begin in August? Fasting in August: Orthodox calendar

The Assumption Fast is one of the main fasts that Orthodox Church celebrates throughout the year. The question is very often asked, what date does this Assumption Fast begin? Its date does not change; every year it begins on August 14 and ends before .

Like any other multi-day fast, the Assumption Fast is a spiritual practice that is aimed at cleansing both spiritual and physical. It lasts two weeks and is dedicated to the Dormition (death) of the Virgin Mary, mother of the Son God's Jesus Christ. Before leaving this world, the Mother of God remained in prayer and fasting for a long time.

Before telling about the rules that a believer should observe during this period, a few words should be said about the history of this holiday.

History of origin

The canonical Gospels contain little information about what happened to the Mother of God after the execution and resurrection of her son. Much more information can be learned from apocryphal sources.

Tradition says that one day the Virgin Mary went to the Mount of Olives to pray. On the way, she met an archangel who told her that her earthly journey would soon end and the Lord would take her to heaven. The Archangel gave Mary a palm branch, which he held in his hands.

Upon returning home, Mary recounted her conversation to John and asked that her body be buried in Gethsemane, next to her parents.

Mary spent the rest of the time in fasting and prayer. On the predicted day, the temple where Mary was was flooded with a sea of ​​light, Jesus descended from heaven along with the archangels and took her to the Kingdom of Heaven.

According to the traditions of that time, the apostles buried Mary's body in a cave in Gethsemane and blocked the entrance with stones. At this time they all gathered in Jerusalem, although up to this time they had been preaching Christian faith in different parts. Only the Apostle Thomas was not present at the funeral. He later asked his brother apostles to open the tomb so that he could say goodbye to Mary. When they entered the cave, there was no body there; the apostles found only funeral clothes there.

Dormition Holy Mother of God It did not immediately become a church holiday; its description is not in the annals of the first Christians. The first mentions of it date back to the 5th century; Syrian Christians began to celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

A little later, the Assumption began to be celebrated in Jerusalem and Constantinople. It was from this city that the tradition of this holiday came to Europe. It was officially approved by Pope Sergius I at the end of the seventh century.

Dormition Fast and its traditions

Fasting is not just a person’s voluntary restriction of food, but also a kind of spiritual cleansing that takes place according to Orthodox canons. For many people (especially those far from church traditions), the very fact of celebrating the Assumption causes some bewilderment.

However, in the church tradition, death is not the end of existence, but only a moment of transition immortal soul V better world where she will remain forever.

During this period, dairy and meat products, and fish can only be eaten on the Transfiguration of the Lord.

There is a special nutrition calendar for the Dormition Fast; all believers are required to follow its instructions. The nutrition calendar for the Dormition Fast looks like this:

  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday only dry eating is allowed. That is, on these days, believers can eat various vegetables and fruits (raw), unleavened bread or crackers, honey, nuts and drink water. Only salt can be used as seasoning.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday you can eat any hot dishes without oil. It can be any soups or decoctions, stewed vegetables. You can drink tea and coffee.
  • On Saturday and Sunday, it is allowed to add a small amount of sunflower oil to dishes. You can even drink some wine.

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, believers are allowed to eat fish, wine and oil.

The Dormition and the Dormition Fast are associated with the end of summer, with the harvest and preparations for the imminent onset of cold weather.

The question is often asked: is it possible to have a wedding during the Dormition Fast? No wonder, because August is the traditional wedding period. However, according to church traditions, weddings during any period of fasting are strictly prohibited.

It is better to get married and have a wedding before the start of Lent.

There are four long fasts in the Orthodox calendar.

Great Lent (Quenterday) - main post in all Christian denominations. The Savior, tempted by the devil, remained in the desert without food for forty days. In the memory of this event is the meaning of Lent.

Peter's Fast (Apostolic)- dedicated to Peter and Paul, the Holy Apostles, who diligently fasted and prayed before preaching the Gospel.

Dormition Fast (Assumption)- a reminder of the last earthly days of the Mother of God, spent in prayer and abstinence.

Nativity Fast (Filippov)- during the Nativity Fast, believers prepare to meet the coming of the baby Christ into this world pure and sinless. The path to spiritual and moral transformation lies through repentance, prayer and refusal of fast food.

On Wednesdays, believers fast in memory of the tragic event - the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. Friday is the day of the Savior's death on the cross.

One-day fasts are the days before important religious events. Religious tradition instructs believers to observe abstinence, preparing for the holidays physically, morally and spiritually.

Calendar of Orthodox fasts and permitted meals for 2016

Lent (14.03 -30.04)

Pentecost is the most strict fast in Orthodoxy. Its duration in 2016 will be 42 days. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a dry diet is established, excluding the consumption of oil. You can eat salads without dressing, fruits, bread, drink water and juices.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot soups, baked, boiled, stewed dishes from vegetables and cereals. The oil ban remains in place. On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to cook food with vegetable oil.

Petrov post (27.06-11.07)

On Monday - a hot meal with the exception of oil. Raw food without oil - on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays - fish dishes.

Assumption Fast (14.08-27.08)

The nutritional rules are the same as during Lent.

Nativity Fast (28.11 - 06.01.17)

Phillip's fast is divided into three periods:

  • 28.11 – 19.12 (before the day of St. Nicholas) - the nutritional features on these days are similar to the diet established for the Apostolic Fast.
  • 20.12 – 01.01 - hot dishes without oil are allowed on Monday and Thursday; on Tuesday - with butter. On Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating. Diet of two last days weeks enriched with fish.
  • 02.01 – 06.01 - the same strict restrictions as during the period of Lent.

Wednesdays and Fridays

On these days, there is a ban on meat and dairy foods throughout the year. Fish is allowed, except during periods of multi-day fasting.

One-day posts

  • 18.01 - Christmas Eve - the eve of Epiphany.
  • 27.09 - Day of Remembrance of the Savior’s suffering on the cross.
  • 11.09 Beheading of John the Baptist

During one-day fasts, you cannot eat fast food or sweets. Cereal and vegetable dishes seasoned with vegetable oil, fruits. There are more than two hundred fasting days a year. The rest of the time, consumption of meat dishes is allowed.

Free periods

  • 8.05-26.06 Spring meat eater;
  • 12.07-13.08 Summer meat eater;
  • 28.08-27.09 Autumn meat eater;
  • 20.01 – 13.03 Winter meat eater;

Solid weeks

These are periods within meat-eaters during which meat can be eaten even on Wednesdays and Fridays. There are 5 weeks in a year.

  • 07.01-17.01 Christmastide;
  • 22.02 – 28.02 Week of the Publican and Pharisee;
  • 07.03 – 13.03 Maslenitsa (Cheese) week;
  • 02.05-0 8.05 Easter;
  • 20.06-26.06 Trinity.

You should know that during Maslenitsa week there is a ban on meat consumption.

Calendar of fasts and meals for 2016
Periods Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Lent 14.03 -30.04
Spring meat eater
Petrov post 06.27-11.07
Summer meat eater
Assumption Fast 14.08-27.08
Autumn meat eater
Christmas post
28.11 - 06.01
Winter meat eater
xerophagyhot without oilhot with butter
fishmeat food

About meals during Orthodox holidays

Features of meals on days Orthodox holidays depend on whether or not these days coincide with periods of fasting. On Christmas, Epiphany, and Presentation, a rich table with poultry and pork dishes is allowed. Moderate alcohol consumption is allowed.

The Annunciation in 2016 will be on April 7, during the period of Pentecost. You can't eat meat. Lenten recipes are offered: cabbage rolls, pancakes, dumplings, vegetable salads. Fish dishes are allowed.

date Palm Sunday in 2016 – 24.04. Fish dishes and red wine are allowed. On Trinity Day, the main dishes are vegetable salads seasoned with fresh herbs, scrambled eggs, and loaf of bread.

On the Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, small quantities of wine, fish dishes, and seafood are allowed.

Abstinence and health

The priests share the opinion of doctors that following religious traditions should not harm health. At the right approach to the choice of products during Orthodox fasts, the nutrition will be healthy and balanced. When completely eliminating meat from the diet, it is necessary to prevent excessive intake of carbohydrates and protein deficiency into the body.

Valuable sources of protein are legumes- beans, peas, soybeans, as well as fatty ocean fish, seafood, nuts. Slightly less of it is found in pumpkin and cereals, but these products are also necessary during the fasting period. Olive, cedar, and sesame oil are useful.

According to Lenten recipes, you can include dishes from oven-baked vegetables, fruit desserts, rye bread, honey and nuts in your diet. Lemon juice can serve as a substitute for oil for seasoning dishes.

Important! Strict restrictions are always stressful for the body. Sick and weakened people are not recommended to strictly follow all the instructions of the Orthodox Meal Calendar. During the fasting period, it is enough to limit the consumption of meat, milk and eggs.

Contraindications for strict fasting:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Diabetes;
  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis;
  • Anemia;
  • Recent operations, severe infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Hard physical labor.

The essence of fasting in Orthodoxy is by no means limited to abstaining from “meager” food.

During this period, the Church calls on believers to eradicate their shortcomings, not to give in to anger, to spend more time with loved ones, and to do good deeds. Only against the backdrop of moral purification does fasting acquire its true meaning - it becomes a means of gaining love for God and people.

The Dormition Fast is the culmination of summer, two weeks of spiritual and physical preparation for one of the most beloved holidays among the people - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It is known that the Virgin Mary observed strict moderation in food throughout her earthly life, and during the three days of her Assumption she stopped eating food and only drank water. Thus, by imposing upon ourselves the restrictions of the Dormition Fast, we imitate the Mother of God Herself.

When does the Assumption Fast begin in 2016?

All multi-day Orthodox posts eat like common features, and its own characteristics. The Assumption Fast is comparable in severity to Great Lent. Just like Petrov's fast, it falls in the summer. And the similarity with the Nativity Fast is that its beginning and end have fixed calendar dates.

Therefore, to the question: “When does the Assumption Fast begin in 2016?” The answer is easy - August 1 (14), that is, the same as in all previous years.

There are two holidays during the Assumption Fast, known primarily by their “folk” names, but also having ecclesiastical significance Honey Savior (in the church calendar - Origin (wear and tear) of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross God's) and Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord). The first of them is related to the ancient custom of bringing the Venerable Tree of the Cross into the streets and roads to ward off diseases, of which there were many in August. By folk tradition On this day, honey is brought to churches for blessing. This day is celebrated on August 1 (14), that is, from the holiday Origin of the Honest Trees of the Holy Cross and the Assumption Fast begins.

On Apple Savior, a new harvest of apples is traditionally blessed, but for the Church this day is important as a major holiday related to the Twelfth Day - Transfiguration. It was installed in memory of the event on Mount Tabor, where the Savior, together with his three closest disciples Peter, James and Jonah, retired to pray. And there, praying, He, in the words of the Evangelist Matthew, “was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, His clothes became white like light.” At the same time, the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Him. The Feast of the Transfiguration is preceded by one day of pre-celebration - August 5 (18), and will be followed by seven days of post-feast - from 7 (20) to 13 (26) August. In honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as one of the great holidays, eating fish is allowed at meals.

The peculiarity of the Dormition Fast of 2016 is that it begins on Sunday, which gives it additional solemnity and makes it possible to smoothly switch to a Lenten diet.

What can you eat during the Assumption Fast?

Dormition Lent meals exclude meat and meat products, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products. Relaxation is allowed on the Feast of the Transfiguration, when you can eat fish. But in many ways, the question of what can be eaten during the Dormition Fast and what cannot be should be decided individually - depending on the state of health, age, and preparedness of a particular person. Separately, it is worth considering the lean diet of children - for them, refusing food containing calcium and other substances important for a growing body can lead to undesirable health consequences. It is better to discuss all these questions with your confessor.

Thanks to the abundance of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, and garden herbs that August gives us, the food of the Assumption Lent is varied, nutritious and rich in vitamins. It is not for nothing that the Assumption Fast has long been called gourmet among the people.

However, it should be borne in mind that in the matter of abstaining from this or that food, the Orthodox are guided by the monastic charter, and not everyone can do this. Fasting is in no way a diet, and if observing fasting to the fullest extent (for example, on days of dry eating) causes irritation on others, then, obviously, such an “assault on Heaven” achieves the opposite goal.

Here it is appropriate to recall the instruction of John Chrysostom: “He who believes that fasting only means abstaining from food is mistaken. True fasting is removal from evil, curbing the tongue, putting aside anger, taming lusts, stopping slander, lies, and perjury.”.

It is much easier to endure the restrictions of fasting if you observe moderation the day before, without having a large overeating “at the end.”

When does the Assumption Fast end in 2016?

Holiday Assumption It is always celebrated on August 15 (28) - it ends the Assumption Fast. It is one of the fixed dates church calendar, not tied to the Easter holiday. Therefore, the end date of the Assumption Fast does not change in different years.

Dormition in 2016 it falls on Sunday, there is no fasting on this day.

Orthodox people have been familiar with fasting from time immemorial. Fasting is not only a restriction in food, that is, a bodily restriction. It also implies spiritual limitations. It is impossible to imagine a human body without a soul. Therefore, to say that you can limit yourself in food and at the same time be unbridled spiritually means not observing fasting.

How and why to fast

Faith, first of all, lives inside every person. The Lord is in thoughts, actions, and mental anguish. If there is no God inside a person, then fasting makes no sense. This is not a fashion statement. This is a kind of hardening, a test of spiritual strength.

If a person is able to give up everything that can kindle sinful thoughts in him, including rich food, then he can count on God’s mercy.

When observing fasts in August, as in other months, one should remember that bodily fasting is, first of all, a refusal of tasty and sweet foods. The abundance of lean food should also be neglected. If we talk about spiritual abstinence, then the renunciation of passionate movements that delight base vices and lead to sins comes to the fore.

What is needed and

You should refrain from reading secular literature. It is better to use the Internet only for business purposes, and you should not turn on the TV. If this state of affairs is difficult for the fasting person, you can allow yourself some relief.

It will be expressed in watching news feeds and programs. In addition, you don’t have to protect yourself from reading, watching TV programs and films with spiritual content.

While observing fasts in August, you need to pray more. Pray not only in the mornings and evenings, but also read penitential canons. It is during this period that it is worth devoting more time to repentance and separation from passions.

You can repent at home, in front of the icon, and in the church under the epitrachelion. The priest will not only listen, but also guide you on the right path with advice. A conversation with him will help you understand the gravity of the act committed and will ease your soul.

During Lent, and throughout the rest of your life, you should do as many good and godly deeds as possible: help those in need, give alms, perform pilgrimage trips etc.

The most correct result of fasting will be spiritual growth and the renunciation of harmful habits and passions. If you manage to defeat your flesh, then your soul will be able to prevail over it.

Historical reference

Speaking about the need to observe fasting, many people ask the question: what kind of fasting is there in August? The answer to this will be more than clear. This month, in addition to the one-day fast, believers can expect a long Assumption Fast. In its significance and severity, it is equal to Lent.

Speaking about its history, it should be noted that the first mention of it dates back to the distant 450 year. The post was finally approved much later. This happened in 1166, at the Council of Constantinople.

Saint Simeon of Thessalonica said in 1429 that this fast was established precisely in honor of Mother of God. After all, having learned about her destiny, she worried and fasted for the whole people, although, being a saint, she could not have done this. She performed prayers and fasts no less diligently before moving on to another life. That is why people should fast and thereby encourage the Mother of God to pray for the entire human race.

The severity of this fast was also noted in tsarist times. In 1917, it was forbidden to hold carnivals or enjoy the performances of jesters during the August Lent.

Honey saved

IN Orthodox faith the dominant positions are occupied by the Lord God and the Mother of God. The Dormition Fast in August includes several church holidays. But first, many believers are interested in when fasting begins in August. Since the beginning of Lent is August 14, it coincides with the Feast of the Origin (destruction) of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

The holiday's roots go back to the 9th century, to the city of Constantinople. It is there, in St. Sophia Cathedral, there was a cross on which Jesus was crucified. At the end of summer, Byzantium suffered various epidemics. In order to somehow smooth out the situation, it was decided to remove the cross from the temple on August 1, according to the old style (14th - according to the new style). Everyone could bow before him and thereby receive protection from harm. After that procession people went to rivers and springs to bless water. It is also important that Prince Vladimir baptized Rus' on this very day.

Nowadays, some call this holiday honey savior. On this day, people consecrate jars of honey in the temple. This gives additional healing power already quite useful product. From this day on, honey can be eaten, and housewives can bake delicious pies with it.

Transfiguration of the Lord and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It's short in August. Its duration is no more than two weeks. The end of the fast will be August 27th. In the middle of it, the Orthodox people will celebrate another holiday. This will be the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this day, August 19, the Lord, praying on the mountain with three of his disciples, showed them his divine power.

On this day, parishioners bring apples and grapes to the temple. After consecration they can be eaten. This cannot be done previously. The Holy Fathers said that early consumption of these dishes was punishable by a ban on their consumption throughout August. Housewives on this day can make pies with apples and grapes. You can cook compotes and jam with new harvest fruits.

The end of Lent will be the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28). It is marked by the death of the mother of God. According to Scripture, it was on this day that preachers from all over the world gathered in Jerusalem to say goodbye to the Mother of God.

What and how to eat during Lent

When talking about how to properly observe fasts in August, you need to remember their severity. It is recommended to eat only products of plant origin. Food of animal origin is prohibited. More specifically, the calendars schedule meals by day.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the Orthodox Church recommends sticking to dry eating. It is recommended to exclude boiled foods. On Tuesday you can eat boiled food, but do not add oil to it. On Saturday and Sunday, food is prepared with a small addition of sunflower oil. A small amount of wine will allow you to diversify the menu on weekends.

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, you can add fish to your food. On other days this is prohibited. On August 28, the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can eat any food, since the day is not considered a fast day. This is what ends multi-day fasts in August. And on August 29, parishioners will receive a nut savior.

The Assumption Fast is the third most important of the year. It begins and ends with holidays and, like any fast, requires spiritual growth. On what dates it lasts and what it is connected with, you will learn from our article.

Dormition Fast in 2016

The Dormition Fast in 2016 will last from August 14 to 27. It got its name because it ends with an important date for Christians - the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. However, the very first day of the Dormition Fast is also a holiday. People call it the Honey Savior, and in the Orthodox calendar this day is listed as The origin of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross. This post does not change its dates every year.

The Dormition Fast lasts only two weeks and is often the shortest fast of the year. It was established quite a long time ago - as a special time of abstinence for those who did not have the opportunity to observe Lent. Previously, the Petrov and Assumption fasts were not separated and represented one common and long period of communion with God and abstinence from food.

Abstaining from food during the Dormition Fast

In its severity, the Assumption Fast is not inferior to Great Lent. Meat and fish are also excluded, eggs and dairy products are not eaten. The approximate content of the post is as follows: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, exclusively dry eating, that is, plant food without cooking and vegetable oil. On Tuesday and Thursday, thermally processed food without vegetable oil is allowed. On weekends, it is allowed to eat food with vegetable oil and even wine. There is also a day when fish is allowed: the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is celebrated on August 19.

Abstinence from food is important, as it allows one to pacify a person’s carnal needs and pay more attention to the spiritual component of life. Of course, praying and attending church at this time is much more important. Just abstaining from tasty and healthy food animal origin is not fasting. This is just a diet. If you are thinking specifically about fasting, then first of all read the Bible and prayer books in order to understand the essence of fasting and come into closer contact with faith.

Church customs of the Dormition Fast

During the Assumption Lent there are two important holidays, which are popularly called the honey and apple Spas. Sometimes this word is used to refer to the entire Assumption Fast. The first holiday is celebrated on August 14 and on this day honey is blessed in the church, which is why this holiday is popularly called that way. The second is celebrated on August 19 and church charter called the Transfiguration of the Lord. In warm places, grapes ripen by this time and are blessed in churches, while in colder places apples are used. So, this day was popularly called apple saved. Throughout Lent, of course, special services are held that are worth attending.

Not only abstinence in food, but also control of one’s thoughts is necessary in order to correctly observe the Dormition Fast. We wish you spiritual achievements, and don't forget to press the buttons and