Silicate glue. Application features. Liquid glass - application and special properties of the solution

Silicate glue.  Application features.  Liquid glass - application and special properties of the solution
Silicate glue. Application features. Liquid glass - application and special properties of the solution

Silicate glue is a composition widely used in everyday life. It has other names - clerical glue or liquid glass. This is explained by the wide range of applications of glue. It is suitable for both office work and construction purposes. To know how to work with an adhesive, you need to study all its qualities, composition features, application nuances, precautions.

Glue liquid glass is a water-alkaline solution of silica. For the first time, liquid glass was obtained by a chemist from Germany, Ya.N. von Fuchs in early XIX century. Then he was able to detect the stickiness of this substance.

The modern composition of stationery glue may vary depending on the components used. Usually sodium or potassium silicates, sometimes lithium silicate, are included in the formula, which make the mixture surprisingly sticky. Depending on the main silicate included in the composition, the areas of use of this adhesive will also differ.


Silicate liquid glass glue is usually a transparent dense consistency, sometimes with a yellowish or greenish tint. The sodium composition of the adhesive ensures good adhesion of the substance to any materials. It is used when working with the foundation, glass, porcelain, used in the refractory processing of building materials.

Potassium glue is resistant to aggressive factors external environment, is used for the production of protective paint and varnish products. It lays down on the surface in the form of a matte layer without glare.

Silicate glue is produced in accordance with GOST 13078-81, therefore, in order to exclude the purchase of fakes, you can ask the seller for a quality certificate. AT pure form liquid glass can harden in 10 minutes. If it acts as an ingredient for another building mix, the curing time will vary.

If you mix sodium silicate adhesive with cement-sand compositions, the hardening rate will be increased. Therefore, such combinations are often used when working with the foundation and to create waterproofing coatings. Stationery glue has a special composition that allows it to quickly penetrate the structure hard materials, giving moisture and increasing viscosity and density.


Silicate glue has gained immense popularity and demand, thanks to the following qualities:

  • Versatility - can be used to perform various kinds construction work.
  • Creation of a protective layer on the surface of any material, reliable protection.
  • Reduced curing time.
  • Availability antiseptic properties, preventing the appearance of fungus and mold on materials.
  • refractory characteristic.
  • Absence in the composition harmful substances so they can be used even indoors.
  • Long period of operation.
  • Simplicity and convenience of drawing, easily lays down evenly on the working bases.
  • Long shelf life, approximately 2 years. The quality of the composition is not affected by regular freezing and thawing. With long storage, a precipitate may appear, which is considered quite acceptable.
  • The created insulating base of silicate adhesive can withstand temperatures of 1300°.

In addition to numerous positive qualities, silicate glue has disadvantages:

  • This composition includes a significant amount of alkali, so it is necessary to avoid contact of the substance with human skin. It is necessary to carry out work in rubber gloves.
  • High curing speed, within 20 minutes. The work must be carried out very quickly, since after hardening the glue is no longer suitable.

Application area

Silicate glue is sold in all construction stores. He is considered universal composition which can be used in any construction work. Glue is used as waterproofing material in residential and non-residential premises. It makes any seams and bases as resistant to moisture as possible, protects them from further deformation. If you spend quality work with liquid glass in the basement or in the basement, then ground water will not be able to penetrate inside, ensuring dryness all year round.

You can work with silicate glue both with vertical surfaces - walls, and with horizontal ones - floors and ceilings.

Important! When applying silicate glue, you can not only prevent the appearance of various harmful formations, but also eliminate the already existing mold or fungus on the surface. After applying the composition to the surface, bacteria and fungi will disappear by themselves.

Silicate glue looks like a homogeneous transparent layer, therefore it is used as an alternative to polish. They can cover any household items, such as tables, cabinets, headsets.

The glue performs its main purpose in the pulp and paper industry. Silicate glue can act as an antiseptic. It is applied to the walls for pasting with non-breathable wallpaper. They close up seams and cracks, process internal walls in pools and wells. Silicate glue protects structures from leakage and destruction.

In their work, silicate glue is used by plumbers and car mechanics. If installation and repair of the pipeline is necessary, then it will act as an excellent sealant. Auto mechanics apply it to the body of the car. You can use glue on fabric, but the material must be fire resistant.

Note! If wounds appear on trees and bushes, they can be covered with silicate glue. It allows you to protect the tree from the ingress of harmful microorganisms and the progression of the disease, and protects the plant from decay.

Silicone office adhesive can be used for bonding ceramics, creating mosaic paintings, mounting suspended ceiling structures.

How to prepare a solution

The silicate product that is sold in stores has quite high price. Therefore, many are interested in how to make silicate glue on their own. This is quite possible if you know the basic technology.

First you need to prepare all the necessary components and tools:

  • Bucket.
  • Cement.
  • Tassel.
  • Electric drill.
  • Putty knife.
  • Water.
  • Fine-grained sand mixture.
  • Personal protective equipment.

According to the instructions, you need to mix all the substances.

Important! It is necessary to dilute the dry mixture with cold water.

Depending on the base material, you need to select the optimal proportions for mixing. First of all, water is poured into the bucket, followed by cement. The resulting combination must be mixed well for complete dissolution. For this you can use construction mixer.If a composition is needed for waterproofing, then sand, cement and silicate should be taken in equal proportions.

Not everyone knows that a refractory mixture can also be prepared from silicate glue. The process includes the following steps: a cement-sand substance is diluted, then an adhesive mixture is added to it in an amount of 1/4 of the entire mass.

Note! A fire-resistant mixture is necessary for finishing the surface of fireplaces and stoves.

At home, you can create an antiseptic silicate solution that needs to be covered wooden surfaces. In this case, all components are mixed in a ratio of 1:1. It can be applied to plaster and concrete.

How to use

It is most convenient to apply silicate glue to any surface with a brush or spray gun. With a spray gun, you can save costs, you need to take a ratio of 1 to 5. The silicate mixture should be applied exclusively to the outer part of the surface to ensure its protection. If there individual parts small size, they can be completely dipped in liquid glass.

Before work, it is still better to familiarize yourself with correct technique work with stationery glue:

  1. Previously, the surface must be cleaned of contaminants, degreased, applied a primer.
  2. After the first layer of primer has dried, the second one is applied, very carefully, without smudges and gaps.
  3. After the second layer has dried, liquid glass is applied with a spatula. Be sure to work in special clothing, gloves and goggles.

If you need to apply silicate glue to a car body, then the technology will be different:

  1. It all starts with the cleaning of dirt and degreasing.
  2. Then the surface of the car is polished, the old coating is removed.
  3. When the surface is perfectly even, liquid glass is applied in several layers from 3 to 10.
  4. The body must dry for 8 hours.

Note! It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist who owns a certain technology and skills. It will be very difficult for a beginner to do quality work for the first time.

Manufacturers and reviews

Now you can find a lot of quality products from various manufacturers.


This company is engaged in the production of sodium glass in accordance with the requirements of GOST. You can order from them absolutely any substance, consisting of the necessary ingredients.


The St. Petersburg company "Silikat" has long won a leading position in the domestic market. It produces a silicate adhesive that is ideal for small repair work and major construction. It can be used in everyday life, when repairing garages, houses, apartments. It has an affordable price, so it won a large number of admirers.

"Glass product"

Organization "Stekloprodukt" produces foam glass, glass bottles and silicate glue. Liquid glass from this company has found its application in industry. The company manufactures only qualitative composition which is checked regularly.

When working with liquid glue, you need to be guided by such tips and recommendations from experienced craftsmen and specialists:

  • The finished surface should be perfectly even and smooth, without flaws.
  • Avoid contact with adhesive open areas skin.
  • After the completion of construction and repair work, it is necessary to carefully close the bottles and jars of glue in order to maintain the possibility of using the product another time.
  • To slow down the period of solidification of the solution, you need to knead the composition in a different order. First, add glue to the water, and only then cement and sand.
  • Apply glue only on degreased and primed surfaces to increase the level of adhesion.
  • It is necessary to exclude the ingress of foreign particles into the composition so as not to disturb the adhesion.
  • It is better to prepare the glue in small portions in order to have time to work with it until it completely hardens.
  • After treatment with liquid glass, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the surface for a certain period. It will take at least a day to dry completely.

Application of silicate glue (2 videos)

Silicate glue (15 photos)

AT modern construction silicate glue is quite actively used, in other words, liquid glass. In fact, this is a mineral compound, which, in addition to the construction industry, is widely used in national economy and everyday life for gluing materials of various nature. In this article, we will try to tell as much as possible about what “liquid glass” clerical glue is, we will describe the features of its production and application.

How is liquid glass made?

For the first time stationery glue was made in Germany in 1818 by the chemist and mineralogist von Fuchs. To date, this material is produced according to the most different technologies.

The most common of these are:

  • Tripoli, diatomites, flasks or other types of siliceous raw materials are placed in special alkaline solutions, where they dissolve at normal pressure and relatively low temperatures.
  • Compounds containing silicon are treated with concentrated sodium hydroxide. Perform this procedure on a special autoclave.
  • Quartz sand and soda are fused for construction work.

Silicate glue (liquid glass) is sold as a ready-to-use solution or in dry form, it resembles a powder that must be diluted with water in certain proportions. Instructions are attached to each composition, which clearly describes how and in what proportions to dilute it:

  • In everyday life, of course, it is better to use an already prepared solution.
  • industrial, construction companies more often this product is ordered dry.

Important! The main indicator chemical composition of this adhesive is the silicate modulus, the value of which indicates the release of silica into the solution. In addition, this module describes the ratio of sodium or potassium oxide to silicon oxide contained in silicate glue. But keep in mind that the quality of glass is not determined by this indicator.

The glass is dried under natural and elevated temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers, in order to speed up this process, finished products dried at a temperature of 375 degrees. The glue dissolves completely in water, no residue or particles remain. If ketones, salt compounds, aldehydes, ammonia, alcohol-containing substances are added to the solution, then a salting-out effect can be observed.

Important! This material is not compatible with organic compounds, the only exception is sugar, alcohol, urea.

The main characteristics of stationery glue

Solutions of this liquid compound include various arrogant forms, the simplest orthosilicates from the category of monomers. Key Features this composition can be called the following.


The level of polymerization of silicate glue does not have a constant value, it is constantly changing under the influence of fluctuations in the ratio of silicic acid and alkali. In addition, this indicator depends on the concentration characterizing the main substance.


This is - the most important indicator liquid glass quality. This value decreases with increasing temperature, exactly at the level at which the material is made. As the concentration of the solution increases, its viscosity increases. The value of this quantity is determined using a special device - a viscometer.

Important! It can also increase if a highly soluble salt is added to the glass.


This indicator is measured with an ordinary aerometer. It indicates the actual density of the composition as reliably as possible, even if too little glue is submitted for analysis. This value is measured with fluctuations, even the most insignificant, in the ratio of the silica and alkaline components of the glass.

brewing point

The astringent properties of the adhesive directly depend on it, that is, the liquefaction temperature, which varies from 760 to 870 degrees.

pH value

It is impossible to change this indicator strongly. If you add 10-100 parts of water to the composition, then the pH level will change by no more than one unit, that is, it will become equal to 10-12. The adhesive hardens at temperatures ranging from minus 2 to plus 10 degrees. It returns to its original state when diluted, but its properties remain unchanged.

Important! Store stationery glue (liquid glass) at negative temperatures should not be, otherwise - crystals may form on its surface. Even after warming up, they do not disappear.

The use of liquid glass

The largest consumers of this material are construction companies. Most often it is used in concrete:

  • Despite the fact that it is characterized by a low price, it can be used to significantly improve the quality, performance properties of concrete, guarantee the mortar high level waterproofing.
  • The material has high antibacterial properties. Thanks to this, the concrete with which it is mixed is never covered with fungus or mold. All modern pools, structures that operate under high humidity, concreted with compositions containing silicate glue.

Important! Glass hardens quickly enough, so it’s better not to risk it, do not mix it with concrete before starting work.

Liquid glass in the fight against subsidence of buildings is pumped directly into the ground under the base of the building. This happens in two ways:

  • One-way method. The mixture is formed from liquid glass and a special hardener, then it is fed directly under the building.
  • Sequential way. Glass is pumped first, only then the hardener.

Other options:

  • Very common in construction is the impregnation of wood and plaster with liquid glass.
  • They are diluted with silicate paint, which provides excellent protection from corrosion of metal products for 25-30 years.
  • Silicate glue is part of modern chipboard boards. Such impregnation makes any wooden product durable, resistant to compression.

Areas of use of silicate glue

Impregnation of concrete and plastered surfaces with a silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. Any coatings become more resistant to aggressive influence external factors- high humidity and flue gases. Now it is clear why “liquid glass” glue is so popular in many areas. The use of this composition gives the coatings treated with it additional properties:

  • High level of hardness.
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • The ability to plug various cracks and irregularities that appear in plaster or concrete.

Among other things, liquid glass is used in the production.

Less commonly, silicates are used as liquid glass. lithium, for example, in the electrode coating.

Liquid glass is also commonly known as silicate glue(tradename).


Liquid glass was first obtained in 1818 by a German chemist and mineralogist. Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs(German) by the action of alkalis on silicic acid.

At present, liquid glass is obtained by processing in autoclave silica-containing raw materials concentrated solutions sodium hydroxide or fusion quartz sand with soda. There are also known methods for producing liquid glass, based on the direct dissolution of siliceous raw materials ( flasks , tripoli , diatomites and others) in alkali solutions at atmospheric pressure and relatively low temperature (the boiling point of an alkali solution).

A characteristic of the chemical composition of liquid glass is the silicate module. The module shows the ratio of silicon oxide contained in liquid glass to sodium or potassium oxide and characterizes the release of silica into solution. The size of the silicate module does not judge the quality of liquid glass, but in some technological prescriptions there are instructions for the use of a specific module, when the final product directly depends on the quantitative ratio of these oxides.


Liquid glass is soluble in water, due to hydrolysis, this solution has an alkaline reaction. Depending on the concentration of water solutions meaning pH equals 10-13. The density and viscosity of liquid glass solutions depend on the concentration of the solution, temperature and ratio silicic acid to alkali. Soda liquid glass (silicate lump) liquefies at a temperature of 590…670 °C. The hardened film of liquid glass is soluble in water. Rehydrolysis is reduced by reaction with ions metals (formed insoluble silicates), or upon neutralization with an acid (an insoluble silica gel). At chemical reaction liquid glass with amphoteric metal chips, basic metal oxides, aluminates, zincates and plumbates, sparingly soluble silicates are formed in a mixture with silicon gel. Cured film exposed to moisture and carbon dioxide air loses its properties and a white precipitate of alkali carbonate is formed.

Liquid glass solutions are incompatible with organic matter(except sugar, alcohol and urea), with liquid artificial resinous dispersions, coagulation of both the organic colloidal system and the silicate solution occurs. Solutions of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ammonia and saline solutions produce the effect of "salting out".


There are many applications for liquid glass. It is used, in particular, for the manufacture of acid-resistant and hydro-resistant cement and concrete, for the impregnation of fabrics, the preparation of refractory paints and wood coatings ( flame retardants), strengthening weak soils, as an adhesive for gluing cellulose materials, in the production of electrodes, in the purification of vegetable and machine oil and etc.

In combination with alcohol and the finest sand, they are used to create "ceramic" or shell forms, into which, after calcination up to 1000 ° C cast off hardware.

Liquid glass is used in drilling fluids, forming insoluble compounds (the so-called "silicification" of the surface).

Liquid glass was first made by German mineralogist and chemist von Fuchs in 1818. Now given material produced using different technologies. The most common are the following:

  • Placement in alkaline solutions of diatomites, tripoli, flasks and other types of siliceous raw materials, where it dissolves at relatively low temperatures and normal pressure.
  • Treatment with sodium hydroxide (in concentrated form) of compounds that contain silicon. This operation is performed in a special autoclave.
  • Fusion of soda and quartz sand for construction work.

silicate glue

Silicate glue is sold either in the form of a dry powdered substance, which must be diluted in certain proportions with water (the instructions for liquid glass contain the features of this process), or as a ready-to-use solution. For use in everyday life, it is more reasonable to take an already prepared composition. But construction and industrial enterprises often order the described material in dry form.

The main indicator of the chemical composition of the adhesive is its silicate module. This value indicates the release of silica into the solution. It also describes the ratio of silicon oxide to potassium or sodium oxides, which are contained in silicate glue. At the same time, it is worth knowing that the quality of glass in terms of the module is not determined.

Key characteristics of liquid glass - viscosity and density

Solutions of the considered liquid compound include both various arrogant forms and the simplest orthosilicates of the monomeric type. The amount of polymerization of liquid glass has a variable value. It changes with fluctuations in the ratio of alkali and silicic acid, and also depends on the concentration that characterizes the silicate substance.

Liquid glass

The most important indicator of the quality of silicate adhesive is viscosity. It becomes smaller with an increase in the temperature at which the material is manufactured, and increases with an increase in the concentration of the silicate solution. Viscosity also becomes higher when highly soluble salts are added to the glass. Discover exact value this value, you can use special devices– viscometers.

They have different design, but they use one technique when working - measuring the speed at which a ball made of steel falls in a liquid compound. To measure the density of silicate glue, a conventional aerometer is used. It is able to indicate the real density of the compound as reliably as possible even when a small portion of the solution is analyzed. This value changes with fluctuations (including minor ones) in the ratio of the alkaline and silicic components of the glass.

Other properties of silicate glue

The active use of liquid glass in construction and other industries is determined, as was said, by the special characteristics of this material. Its high astringent properties depend on the boiling point (in other words, the liquefaction temperature), which varies between 760–870 ° C. Silicate glue is characterized by a pH value of 11–13 units. However, it is often called neutral, which is not true.

Application in construction

It is impossible to change the pH of the solution by a significant amount. If you add to it from 10 to 100 parts of water, the pH will change by a maximum of one unit, and will become equal to 10-12. The described adhesive hardens at different temperatures - from -2 to + 10 °. When diluted, it returns to its original state without losing its properties. True, it is undesirable to store glue at negative temperatures because of the risk of crystals appearing on its surface. After warming up, it will not be possible to eliminate them.

Drying of glass is carried out at elevated and natural temperatures. To speed up the process, manufacturers usually dry the finished product at a temperature of about 375 ° C. Silicate adhesive dissolves in water without residue. If salt compounds, ketones, alcohol-containing substances, ammonia or aldehydes are added to its solution, the so-called "salting out effect" is noted. The described glass is incompatible with organic compounds, with the exception of urea, alcohol and sugar.

The use of "miracle glue" in modern construction

The main consumers of the described material are enterprises in the construction industry. The use of liquid glass in concrete is widespread. Silicate glue is characterized by a relatively low cost. And at the same time, it significantly improves the performance properties. concrete mortar, guaranteeing the latter excellent waterproofing. In addition, liquid glass has high antibacterial capabilities.

Due to this, mold never appears on the concrete into which it is added, and the fungus does not start. All pools today, as well as structures operating at a constant high humidity, are concreted with compositions containing the "miracle glue" we are considering. It should be taken into account that the solidification of liquid glass occurs quite quickly. And in some cases it is impossible to mix it with concrete before starting work. The builders found a way out of this situation.

They use a "cunning" method, which involves processing an already erected concrete structure with a solution of water and liquid glass (the components of this mixture are taken in equal amounts). Silicate mortars are well suited to combat subsidence of soil under erected buildings and structures. AT this case it is recommended to use liquid glass, the use of which does not require any large-scale work.

Surface treatment with liquid glass

Silicate glue in the fight against subsidence is pumped into the ground for construction according to one of two schemes:

  • One-step method - a mixture of a special hardener and liquid glass is formed, which is fed under the building.
  • Sequential technique - the glass is pumped first, then the curing compound.

Impregnation of plaster and wood with liquid silicate solutions is common (we will discuss this below). Silicate glue is also added to zinc silicate paint, which provides protection for metal products from corrosion for 25-30 years! Liquid glass is also included in modern chipboards. Their impregnation with “miracle glue” makes any wood products durable and very resistant to compression.

About the areas of use of liquid glass

Impregnation of plastered and concrete surfaces silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. Coatings become resistant to aggressive external factors, flue gases, high humidity and improve their other performance characteristics. They get:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high hardness;
  • the ability to “lock” various irregularities and pores that form in coatings (such pores destroy a layer of concrete or plaster).

wood impregnation ( building products from wood), concrete and plastered surfaces is different. The most commonly used method is in which the impregnating composition is applied to the coating to be strengthened with an airbrush or conventional paint brush repeatedly. This technique is called deep surface treatment. There is also a more “gentle” way to protect plaster, concrete and wood. It involves processing the coating only once.

Liquid glass, among other things, is used in the production of:

  • hydro and refractory coloring compositions for wood products;
  • putty for cast iron pipes used in water supply networks;
  • acid-resistant cement mixtures;
  • tile adhesive;
  • solutions for cleaning machine oils;
  • electrodes for welding;
  • adhesives for joining cellulose products.

And in everyday life, silicate solutions have long been used by gardeners to process tree trunks. Now liquid glass is being replaced by more modern formulations for plant care. At the same time, many amateur gardeners prefer the inexpensive and time-tested silicate glue.

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