Intestinal infection treatment in adult drugs. Intestinal infection - symptoms and treatment in adults, causes of the disease. Prevention of acute intestinal infection

Intestinal infection treatment in adult drugs.  Intestinal infection - symptoms and treatment in adults, causes of the disease.  Prevention of acute intestinal infection
Intestinal infection treatment in adult drugs. Intestinal infection - symptoms and treatment in adults, causes of the disease. Prevention of acute intestinal infection

They belong to the group of infectious diseases. Intestinal pathogens are bacteria and viruses of various etiologies. The disease leads to severe intoxication of the body, accompanied by high temperatures, debilitating diarrhea, cutting pains in the abdomen, constant bouts of nausea with incessant vomiting. Against the background of the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, significant dehydration of the body occurs and, if no measures are taken, this condition leads to death. How to treat intestinal infections?

You can't do without antibiotics...

Intestinal infections form a group of diseases, which includes about 30 forms of infectious agents that affect the gastrointestinal tract and expose a person to severe forms of disease.

Intestinal infections in the world are the second most common, second only to acute respiratory infections, and occur in 60% of cases more often in children than in adults.

Every year, intestinal infections lead to the death of over a million children and more than 50% of them are children under the age of two.

The disease begins its activity in the middle spring period, with the advent of heat, and its peak is reached by mid-summer, when high air temperatures contribute to the process of active reproduction of infected forms.

Replenishment of body fluids

With the manifestation of symptoms of infection of the body with intestinal forms of the disease, it is extremely important to replenish the fluid lost by it. For mild to moderate dehydration, the fluid is given orally. These can be saline solutions or Citroglucosolan. As a rule, manipulations are carried out in two stages:

  1. Stage one. Its purpose is to replenish fluids and salts lost by the body since the onset of the disease process. The duration of the first stage is from 4 to 6 hours, depending on the degree of dehydration and the patient's body weight.
  2. Stage two. The purpose of the second stage is to support the body. The course of the disease is associated with large losses of body fluid. Exhausting diarrhea and vomiting not only deprive the body of the water it needs, but also wash out with it the necessary electrolytes that serve as energy sources, generators of vigor and the spirit of the physical state of the human body.

The second stage in duration is at least 6 hours. During this time, as much fluid is introduced into the patient's body as he lost during the first stage. Its volume is calculated as a combination of fluid losses with vomit, diarrhea, and moisture excreted by the body with sweat at elevated temperatures.

In the presence of hyperthermia, 10 ml / kg is added to the total amount of liquid for each degree, which is above + 37.0С. In the presence of shortness of breath, another 10 ml / kg is added for every 20 breaths in excess of age standards. The liquid is drunk in small sips from a cup, or served in a tablespoon at regular intervals.

Special solutions can be alternated with mineral waters without gas, weakly brewed teas or weak herbal infusions.

Any disease according to its severity is accompanied by intoxication. In order to remove the toxin from the body as soon as possible, it is necessary to inject therapeutic solutions intravenously - to carry out infusion detoxification, in other words, put a dropper and administer therapeutic solutions intravenously.

How to treat intestinal infections with a drip

Infectious inflammation of the intestine, as a rule, begins with the infusion of colloidal solutions into the patient's body. It can be Hemodez, Albumin or fresh frozen blood plasma. Moisture deficiency is replenished with poly-ionic saline solutions with 5-10% glucose content:

  1. Tri-salt
  2. quart-salt
  3. 1% potassium chloride solution
  4. 4% sodium bicarbonate solution.

For the first 6-7 hours, the patient is injected with up to 50% of the volume of fluid lost by the body. In severe cases, with frequent eruption of vomit, the volume of fluid administered intravenously reaches 80%.

This method is carried out in conjunction with constant control of urine output - diuresis, taking into account the speed and amount of fluid released by the body. When using diuretics, potassium is washed out of the body. To replenish it, a solution of potassium chloride is introduced, and in case of increased acidity, a solution of sodium bicarbonate 4%.

General therapy in the treatment of intestinal infections

The action of the drug is associated with the relief of disruption of the heart muscle, since diarrhea can cause a large load on the heart.

In order to reduce it, a complex of calcium preparations is used in combination with vitamin B2. The course of treatment is carried out for three days by the method of intravenous administration of a 10% calcium gluconate solution using adsorbents:

  • Activated carbon
  • KM Activated Carbon Containing Activated Carbon, White Clay, Sodium Carboxemyl Cellulose Salt
  • Carbolong, which contains activated stone charcoal
  • Polyphepan
  • Smecta

None of the drugs has contraindications and goes well with other drugs. All of them can be assigned to children of any age category. Therapeutic agents that have an opioid antidiarrheal effect on the body are also prescribed:

  • trimebutin
  • Somato-statin

The action of drugs is based on inhibition of intestinal motility and normalizes the smooth muscles of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to these funds, the process of intestinal absorption is normalized and the work of the secretory departments is started. Somatostatin is a new generation hormonal drug.

Somatostatin is available in injections and is administered subcutaneously. Under the influence of the hormone, the rate of absorption of fluid and salts in all parts of the small intestine increases. At the same time, there is a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements and a decrease in fecal mass.

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a faithful companion of intestinal infections

Intestinal infections are almost always accompanied. First of all, antibiotics are prescribed for its treatment. Antibiotics inhibit the overgrowth of the microflora of the small intestine.

They can be metranizadole groups, a group of quinolone, penicillin, tetracycline, cephalosporin. All of them are broad-spectrum antibiotics.

As a result of the use of antibiotics, the balance of beneficial and "harmful" bacteria is disturbed, since both pathogenic forms of bacteria and those that are beneficial to the body are suppressed.

Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed only in cases of impaired intestinal motility and absorption functions during the development of microbial flora in the lumen of the small intestine. The course of antibiotic treatment is from 3, but not more than 10 days, depending on the diagnosis and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment of intestinal infection with antibiotics

Prescription of antibiotics is carried out only in the state of moderate severity of the patient in cases of severe form of the disease. The family belongs to the largest class of antibiotics. The drugs have the widest spectrum of action and the lowest level of toxicity. In therapeutic practice, Cefabol or Claforan in injections are used to treat intestinal infections.

The active substance of these second-generation drugs is cefotaxime. Another broad-spectrum antibiotic of the latest generation is prescribed for diseases of the intestinal forms. This is Ceftriaxone. Ways of its introduction, both intramuscularly and intravenously.

The most common is Doxycycline and its analogues: tetradox, doxal and vibramycin. Children are prescribed antibiotics in the form of capsules or tablets, exclusively starting from the age of 8. It is also not recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Streptomycin group antibiotics

Contraindications to the use of this group are severe liver disease and renal failure, since the removal of the drug from the body is associated with a large load.

The effects of drugs such as Gentamicin, Netromycin, Kanamycin or Neomycin have toxic damage to these organs. The result of such exposure may be secondary deafness caused by drugs.

Drugs are produced in injections, they are administered mainly intramuscularly, in some cases it is advisable to administer drugs intravenously, which is acceptable for this group. This group of antibiotics is prescribed, as a rule, for adult patients.

Only in rare cases, streptomycin group drugs are prescribed to children with extreme caution. A single dose is divided into two equal parts and given through an absolutely equal, 12-hour interval

How and what is treated with antiseptics

If the colon is affected by dysbacteriosis, antiseptics are prescribed:

  • Furazalidon
  • Ercefuril
  • Intetrix
  • Nitroxoline.

The most effective drug for suppressing the vital activity of pathogens of dysentery, paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever is Furazalidon, since the bacteria that cause intestinal infection have not only high sensitivity to the drug, but also slow addiction to it. Therefore, Furazalidon must be in every home first-aid kit, especially for the summer period.

It is advisable to equip them with a first-aid kit for unforeseen cases that occur on holidays outside the walls of their usual habitat.

All antiseptics help to suppress the growth of Proteus, staphylococcal forms and yeast fungi, while having a minimal effect on the microflora. An imbalance in the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract can also occur while taking antibiotics. To normalize the intestinal flora prescribe:

  • Linex
  • Bifidum-bacterin
  • Bifikol
  • Polybacterin.

Cholera. Features of treatment

This disease belongs to a group of especially dangerous infections, a rapidly spreading form from person to person, including by airborne droplets. Cholera bacillus can be carried by flies.

Cholera has a number of distinctive features that are unique to this type of disease. A person who has been infected with Vibrio cholerae has diarrhea, vomiting without nausea, and rapid fluid loss.

Cholera is an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract caused by sewage. In world history, cholera outbreaks have been recorded, when entire cities died out in a matter of days. The causative agent of infection is intestinal vibrio. Symptoms of the disease are not associated with the vibrio itself, but with its metabolic products - cholera toxins.

When diagnosing this dangerous disease, the patient is immediately hospitalized with complete isolation from others using intensive care. Treatment is symptomatic, primarily aimed at eliminating the patient's moisture deficiency, by intravenous administration of nutrient fluids in combination with antibiotics.

Antibiotics for cholera help to reduce the electrolyte losses associated with diarrhea and significantly reduce its duration. Inside, drugs are prescribed only after the cessation of the gag reflex. The course of antibiotics ranges from 3 days to a week, depending on the severity of the disease:

  • Erythromycin
  • Tsiprolet
  • Succinate
  • Doxycycline
  • Levomycetin

Vibrio cholerae responds well to treatment with Tetracycline and Levomycetin. With severe dehydration of the body, the drugs begin to be administered immediately upon the patient's arrival at the clinic. Enter intravenously, infusion, during the first 45-60 minutes from the start of therapy.

Enteritis. Treatment Methods

Enteritis, like all infections affecting the intestines, tends to create a deficiency of fluid and mineral salts in the body. There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic.
The acute form of enteritis manifests itself violently, with pronounced symptoms, but it also stops just as suddenly as it began.

Intestinal infections - the road to a hospital bed

Enteritis begins with rumbling and painful bloating. Next comes nausea, accompanied by vomiting, and diarrhea up to 10-20 times a day. All this is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39C, possibly even higher.

Acute enteritis often occurs in young children, although it is possible to become infected with this disease throughout life. In elderly people, chronic forms of the disease are observed, which are accompanied by associated diseases: colitis, gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas.

At the initial stage of treatment of acute enteritis, the use of drugs such as Citroglucosolan or Regidron is recommended, which not only replenish the fluid deficiency in the body, but also contribute to replenishing it with mineral salts, restoring the electrolytic balance. As medications, sulfonamides and antibacterial drugs are used.

In connection with acute pains in the abdomen that accompany the disease, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics. Recommended mandatory use of enemas with saline laxatives, as well as astringents. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the presence of additional infectious foci: nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, tonsillitis.

Diet for intestinal infections

As a rule, for patients with infectious diseases of the intestine, a sparing diet is prescribed from products that have a viscous consistency and contain astringents and tannin.

  • Products with a viscous consistency: all kinds of mucous soups, pureed and boiled cereals,
  • Products containing tannin: strong green tea, water tinctures of bird cherry or blueberry.
  • It is not forbidden to eat crackers, low-fat fish and meat, as well as steam dishes.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited.

As a conclusion, it should be recalled that gastric lavage is a complex mandatory measure, especially in the initial stage, in the treatment of all types of intestinal infections. Washing helps to remove pathogens from the mucous membrane of infected cultures. In the absence of this important stage of treatment, the disease can relapse.

Never in your life not to meet with, it is almost impossible. What is an intestinal infection, we will find out by asking Dr. Komarovsky:

Rotavirus infection (intestinal or stomach flu)- an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses, characterized by a combination of intestinal and respiratory syndromes.


Pathogens are the cause of the disease rotaviruses- viruses of the Reoviridae family, similar to each other in antigenic structure. Under an electron microscope, they look like wheels with a wide hub, short spokes and a clearly defined rim, they have two protein shells. The systematic study of these viruses began in 1973, when they were found in a biopsy specimen from the mucous membrane of the small intestine of children with gastroenteritis.

rotaviruses under the microscope

Source of infection

The source of infection is a sick person. At a young age, the source of infection of a child is a mother infected with rotavirus, at an older age and in adults - children from the team where the child or adults are. Infection can also occur from carriers of the virus, who themselves do not get sick, but infect others. The most dangerous in terms of transmission of the virus is the sick person in the first 3-5 days from the onset of clinically pronounced symptoms of the disease, at which time the concentration of viruses in the excreted feces is the highest. Methods of transmission from animals have not been identified.

Transfer mechanism

The main transmission mechanism of the virus is fecal-oral or as it is also called “disease of unwashed hands”. The virus can be transmitted massively through food and water (including holy water, in which the virus feels great), isolated cases are noted through the contact-household spread - through viruses located on objects. The spread of the virus through dairy products is especially often observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of milk processing and the cycle of the virus itself.

The virus feels great in a cold environment, in the same refrigerator, where it can persist for a long time and cause disease in humans.

Propagation time

The virus has a characteristic time of its spread - autumn-winter period, approximately from November to April inclusive. The rest of the time, isolated cases of the disease can be observed. Since the spread and characteristic symptoms of rotavirus infection usually precede an influenza epidemic, the combination of factors has given the disease the capacious name of intestinal flu.


Once in the human body, the virus penetrates the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the small intestine, which leads to the destruction of predominantly intestinal villi. And the intestinal villi are involved in the synthesis of digestive enzymes that break down incoming food. Since food cannot be digested normally, plus disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, this leads to the entry of a large amount of water and electrolytes (saline solutions) into the intestinal lumen, and characteristic symptoms are formed in the form of severe diarrhea (diarrhea) and dehydration of the body.


The intestinal flu has cyclic flow. That is, the disease goes through the gradual stages of its development stage by stage. The first stage is the incubation period - lasting 1-2 days, the second - the acute period (from 3 to 7 days, with a severe course of the disease it can take more than 7 days), the third period - recovery (from 4 to 5 days)

The disease usually begins acutely, but a prodromal period (lasting up to 2 days) can also be observed during this period: malaise, general weakness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort and rumbling in the abdomen. There may also be moderate manifestations of the disease from the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion, sore throat, mild cough.

In the clinical picture of the disease, a combination of gastroenteritis syndrome, intoxication and damage to the upper respiratory tract is noted, secondary lactase deficiency (intolerance to milk and dairy products) may be noted.

Gastroenteritis syndrome is characterized by loud rumbling in the abdomen, pains that are localized at the top of the abdomen, but may also be diffuse (over the entire surface of the abdomen), nausea, and vomiting. The main symptom that determines, among other things, the severity of the development of the disease is diarrhea. Stool with rotavirus infection is watery, frothy, yellow or greenish-yellow in color, with a mild form of the disease it can be mushy. The intensity of diarrhea (the number of “effective” trips to the toilet is considered) determines the degree of dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Intoxication of the body is manifested by increased fatigue, weakness, headache. In severe cases of the disease, dizziness, fainting may occur.

An increase in temperature with intestinal flu, especially in adults, is not always observed. Sometimes there is chills without fever. At the same time, at the height of the disease, the temperature can rise significantly to 38-39 degrees, both in children and adults.

Of the symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract, it is worth noting a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. There may be hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatine arches and uvula.

Complications and lethality

In a severe form of the disease, cardiovascular insufficiency can develop, up to a fatal outcome. According to statistics, mortality from rotavirus is 2.5-3% of cases, especially for people with poor health. In other cases, recovery occurs without health consequences. After a disease, relative immunity is developed, so adults who have had this disease in childhood get sick less often or in a mild form, sometimes they do not even notice their illness. Over time, immunity can weaken and repeated cases of the disease can be observed, that is, it is produced more than once for a lifetime, and therefore relative.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection, especially isolated cases, is difficult, since symptoms, especially in a blurred form, can also be characteristic of a number of other intestinal infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Currently, in connection with the development of diagnostic systems and laboratory tests for the detection of rotavirus, there is an increase in statistically registered cases of rotavirus infection, but this is nothing more than an improvement in the quality of diagnosis and detection of this infection, and not some kind of epidemic, as the media like to escalate the situation.

A reliable diagnosis of rotavirus infection can only be made if rotaviruses are detected in humans, and this can now be done using a large number of laboratory diagnostic methods, such as polymerase chain reaction, passive hemagglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, immunofluorescence and many other laboratory methods. It is worth noting their high cost even at this stage in the development of medicine, so you should not run these tests with every disorder.

Of the available diagnostic tools available in the arsenal, a general blood test can be noted, in which, during the acute phase of the development of the disease, leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes) with a neutrophilic shift to the left, and an increase in ESR are detected. During the recovery period, the blood picture is normalized. In the general analysis of urine, changes can also be noted in the form of: protein-, leukocyte- and erythrocyturia; the presence of hyaline casts in a small amount is rarely noted. Changes in the urine also disappear with recovery.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children

Currently, there are no specific anti-rotavirus drugs to combat rotavirus. Therefore, all treatment is aimed at combating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

The disease manifests itself most clearly in children, so we will analyze the treatment using the example of therapy in a child.

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the child from healthy peers in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the team.

The second thing to deal with is dehydration. This is a dangerous symptom that can be fatal. Since with diarrhea a lot of water and salts (electrolytes) are lost. It should be noted that drinking a child with a solution of salts in this disease has a number of features:

  1. do not give the child a large amount of liquid to drink - this can lead to vomiting and the effect of such treatment will be negative
  2. for drinking it is better to use a special solution of salts, for example, rehydron is sold in a pharmacy, a powder in sachets, contains all the necessary salts (potassium, sodium, etc.), which the body loses with severe diarrhea. Dissolves according to the instructions (1 sachet per 1 liter of cold boiled water) and drink in small doses of 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out
  3. If there is no rehydron, you can use saline (a solution of water with the addition of salt). At home, it is prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water (but this is not a solution for injection, but for drinking the patient). It is drunk according to the rehydron scheme (50 ml every half an hour)
The fight against temperature must also be justified, as with. If the child's temperature is 38 and below, then it is not worth knocking it down with chemicals. Rotavirus dies at high body temperature, plus the production of interferons is activated, which also remove the virus from the body. It is possible to shoot down at a temperature above 38.5, it is possible below if its poor tolerance is noted. To reduce the temperature, you can use both physical methods to reduce the temperature (rubbing the body with vodka) and chemical ones (taking paracetamol and other specific drugs, it is preferable to use candles in children).

In the acute period, it is necessary to prescribe enzyme preparations (festal, mezim), since their own enzymes for digesting food in the body are not enough due to the death of intestinal villi that produce enzymes.

It is also necessary to take adsorbing and astringent agents (activated carbon, polysorb, smecta).

For pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers, in this case, call an ambulance that will provide the necessary assistance.

It is also necessary to monitor the child and with a progressive deterioration in the condition, prolonged diarrhea, the appearance of new symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor to refer the sick person to the hospital.

Adults do not need treatment for stomach flu. In the case of the development of symptoms of the disease, treatment is similar to that in children.

Features of nutrition (diet) in the intestinal form of influenza

The first thing you need to give up in nutrition when symptoms of intestinal flu appear is milk and dairy products, including sour-milk. In addition to increasing diarrhea due to secondary lactase deficiency, which I have already mentioned, milk is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so do not aggravate

If a person can eat, you can feed him thin chicken broth or rice porridge boiled in water without adding oil. But you need to feed in small portions with interruptions, so as not to cause an attack of vomiting.

It is also worth limiting the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should refrain from visiting places and contact with people with intestinal flu, even if they are her own children. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

It is worth noting the difficulty of diagnosing rotavirus infection in pregnant women due to the possible masking of symptoms under toxicosis of pregnant women and other conditions.

In general, therapy does not differ from the standard above. More liquid inside to compensate for excreted from the body (it is necessary to monitor edema), consultation of an intelligent therapist for pregnant women in order to exclude possible severe pathology, which will be hidden under the guise of intestinal flu, dietary restrictions, intake of adsorbent and lactose-containing drugs.

Some doctors and seen on forums advise drinking Enterofuril, but it only helps against bacteria that can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, it is useless against rotavirus.


Two vaccines are currently available for specific prophylaxis of rotavirus infection, but they are used only in Europe and the USA. In our country they are not used.

For prevention, a standard set of sanitary procedures is used to prevent infection from entering the body (isolation of the sick, washing hands regularly throughout the day and especially before meals, eating proven and high-quality products, especially dairy products that have not expired, using high-quality drinking water , better boiled, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits used for food, it is even possible to soak in a 3% solution of acetic acid for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water if the epidemiological situation for rotavirus in the region is unfavorable). Sanitary control by regulatory authorities over the state of catering points and products in stores and markets is a matter of course.

Here is a detailed study of the intestinal flu, I conducted in this article. If you missed something or have questions, you can always consult by leaving a comment below.

Children's diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are of an infectious nature. For various reasons (imperfection of the immune system, failure to comply with personal hygiene procedures), the child's body is susceptible to many infectious diseases. A separate group is the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract by microorganisms of various origins.

The causative agent can be pathogenic microflora, represented by:

  • bacterial group;
  • a group of viral infections (rotavirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, reovirus);
  • fungal infections, mainly fungi of the genus Candida;
  • intestinal infections of protozoal nature (amebiasis, giardiasis).

The last 2 points refer to opportunistic microflora, which is not so often the causative agent of intestinal diseases, since it is constantly present in a small amount in the human body, releasing enzymes and participating in the digestive process. What cannot be said about the bacterial and viral group of microorganisms that come from outside and against which a person does not have a natural defense of immunity.

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Almost every person at least once in his life is faced with an intestinal infection. Many confuse this disease with food poisoning, but unlike it, the infection is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the digestive tract, and is a serious and dangerous disease that requires a detailed examination and qualified treatment. In this article, we reviewed the symptoms and treatment of intestinal infections in adults, methods of diagnosis, first aid and prevention of these diseases.

Intestinal infection - what is it

Acute intestinal infection is a term that unites a group of diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route, caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria and viruses are the causative agents.

Pathogenic pathogens can be found in food or transmitted from person to person. Microorganisms, entering the body through the digestive tract, begin to release dangerous toxins and actively multiply. They can penetrate the walls of the intestines, cause an inflammatory process in them. Such diseases are always accompanied by severe intoxication and intestinal symptoms.

In the absence of correct and timely medical treatment, acute intestinal infections can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition and pose a threat to his life. It's believed that children are the most susceptible to these diseases.. But even in adults, these infectious diseases can occur in an acute form, leading to dehydration and malfunction of the whole organism.

In the case of ordinary food poisoning, the disease is not provoked by bacteria, but by toxins formed in spoiled and low-quality foods. Such conditions do not require bacterial therapy and long-term treatment. A poisoned person is not contagious and dangerous to other people.

Types of intestinal infections, methods of their transmission

What diseases are intestinal infections and how can they be infected? This question, at first glance, is simple, but many, confusing infections with poisoning, cannot give an accurate answer to it and recognize a life-threatening condition in time.

Intestinal infections include a large number of different diseases. Some of them proceed in an acute form, and carry a danger to the patient, while some pass safely and quickly.

The main route of transmission of intestinal infection is fecal-oral. A person can become infected from a sick person or from a person who has recently had the disease. Sometimes in the period after the disease, people remain carriers of bacteria and are dangerous to others.

An outbreak of intestinal infection can develop in people who eat food prepared by an infectious person. Bacteria through unwashed hands after the toilet get into food.

Each type of intestinal infection has its own characteristics in the ways of transmission and spread among the population. Pathogens can spread not only from person to person. Some foods are natural reservoirs for them.

Below are the main types of intestinal infections and the features of their transmission to humans.


Dysentery, or dirty hands disease, is an infectious disease that is prevalent throughout the planet. Most often it develops in the hot season.. Caused by Shigella bacteria. You can get infected from a sick person, as well as by drinking contaminated water, unwashed vegetables or fruits.

Outbreaks of dysentery are frequent in the summer. People while swimming in water bodies can swallow contaminated water. The mentality of our people allows them to relieve themselves while swimming, thereby exposing other swimmers to the risk of infection.


This intestinal infection is very insidious. Often Salmonellosis pathogens multiply in food products without changing their taste. You can become infected with salmonellosis by eating eggs, dairy and meat products, and sausages. At the same time, the food consumed can be fresh and of high quality, not have any wrong smell or taste.

Most often, a person becomes infected with salmonellosis precisely when eating chicken or duck eggs from infected birds. At the same time, the eggs are no different from normal ones; it is impossible to suspect infection without laboratory tests.

The bacteria caused by salmonella is found inside the eggs, not on the shell. For some reason, there is an opinion among the population that if you wash the egg thoroughly, you can protect yourself from salmonellosis. Eggs certainly need to be washed, but this will not protect you from this intestinal bacterial infection.


This intestinal disease is one of the most dangerous. A person can die in a matter of hours from the loss of a large amount of water and severe intoxication..

Fortunately, in our time it does not happen often, its episodes are single. The cholera epidemic most often develops in the summer.

You can get sick by drinking contaminated water or swimming in water bodies. A sick person can infect others while preparing food with dirty hands. Vibrio cholerae can be carried by flies.


This viral intestinal disease is popularly called "intestinal flu", since it manifests itself not only with symptoms from the digestive system, but with catarrhal symptoms characteristic of SARS.

Rotavirus is a seasonal disease, and its outbreaks most often develop in the autumn-winter period.

You can get infected from a sick person.

This infection is transmitted by the fecal-oral route.


Enterovirus outbreaks are very common. This pathogen can be transmitted from person to person.

Also it can accumulate in the ground, food. The virus is able to remain active for a long time, staying on personal hygiene items.

A person who has had an enterovirus infection is dangerous to others for a long time and can remain a carrier of the infection for a certain period.

Clinical picture of intestinal infections

Signs of an intestinal infection do not appear immediately after infection. Usually, there is an incubation period between exposure to the infection and the onset of the first symptoms. This is the time required for pathogenic microbes to penetrate the intestinal walls, multiply and produce toxins.

The duration of the incubation period is individual for each pathogen. For example, with salmonellosis, it can last from 6 hours to 3 days, and in the case of cholera - 1-5 days.

The following are the main symptoms of gastrointestinal infections:

  • Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature. Its figures can reach 38-39 degrees. This is due to severe intoxication and an acute inflammatory process that develops in the walls of the intestine.
  • Nausea and vomiting. At first, the patient can vomit with the remnants of food, then the vomit consists of gastric juice, bile and fluid taken orally.
  • Abdominal pain. It can be acute or aching, localized in different parts of the abdomen. Dysentery is characterized by tenesmus - sharp pain during the act of defecation.
  • Diarrhea. The type and consistency of feces depends on the type of pathogen. So, with cholera, the feces are watery, resembling rice water. Salmonellosis is characterized by liquid green fetid stools. With dysentery, streaks of blood and mucus can be seen in the feces.
  • General weakness and malaise - develop due to intoxication and loss of a large amount of fluid.
  • Increased gas formation, flatulence, bloating. These processes can be accompanied by severe intestinal colic.
  • In the case of rotavirus, the patient develops catarrhal symptoms: nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, cough.

With an intestinal infection, dehydration can develop. With vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of fluid and essential trace elements. The patient's pulse quickens, the level of blood pressure decreases, breathing quickens, the skin turns pale. Against the background of such a condition, convulsions, heart rhythm disturbances, and consciousness may develop.

First aid for intestinal infections

Help with the development of intestinal infection should be provided in the first minutes of the onset of symptoms. It is possible to determine the development of this disease by rapidly rising temperature and abundant stools, a deterioration in the human condition. With the development of the first clinical signs of this disease, you need to call an ambulance.

Remember that self-treatment of an intestinal infection in adults at home is very dangerous, it can lead to serious consequences. Only a doctor after a detailed examination of the patient can prescribe the correct etiological treatment.

While waiting for the arrival of doctors, begin to provide first aid to the poisoned person. Thanks to it, you can slightly alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the severity of the intoxication syndrome.

Below are the main actions that you can use to help the sick person before the arrival of the ambulance team.

Gastric lavage

Why wash it, you ask, if intestinal poisoning occurs after a certain incubation period, dangerous food has long since left the gastric cavity? In fact, this procedure will help remove some of the toxins and waste products of microorganisms, and will greatly facilitate the patient's well-being. It should also be borne in mind that acute poisoning can also manifest itself with similar symptoms at first, in which cleansing the stomach is the main emergency saving procedure.

For gastric lavage, you will need plain water at room temperature. You need to drink 2-3 glasses of water in one gulp and induce vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue.

According to modern first aid protocols, the use of potassium permanganate solution for gastric lavage by doctors is not welcome. The effectiveness of this method does not exceed the use of ordinary water. An improperly prepared solution for washing based on potassium permanganate can cause acute poisoning and burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.

Cleansing enema

She is helps to remove toxins formed in the intestines under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. It is carried out on the basis of plain boiled water. To carry it out, you will need a cup of Esmarch, baby cream or petroleum jelly. For enema, use only water at room temperature. Hot and cold liquids are contraindicated.


Any sorbents, for example, sorbex, atoxyl, smecta or activated charcoal for intestinal infection, can be taken at the stage of first aid. These drugs help to neutralize and remove toxins from the intestines and reduce the level of intoxication syndrome.

Before taking the drug, you need to carefully read the instructions, check the expiration date of the drug. The recommended dosage should be observed and not exceeded.

Plentiful drink

Fluid must be ingested in large quantities. It can be plain or mineral water, weak black or green tea. You should drink constantly, little by little. For example, five sips every 10 minutes.

The rest of the assistance will be provided by ambulance and hospital doctors. The main drugs against intestinal infection will be prescribed after a detailed examination of the patient and diagnosis.

Establishing diagnosis

If an intestinal infection is suspected, patients are hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. The doctor examines the patient, collects an anamnesis, asks him about the products that he has consumed over the past few days, the catering places where he ate. In order to choose the right etiological cure for an intestinal infection, you need to make an accurate diagnosis, identify the pathogen, and also assess the condition of the internal organs and the whole organism as a whole.

The following are the main methods of laboratory and instrumental examination for suspected intestinal infection:

  • A general detailed blood test allows you to distinguish between a bacterial and a viral infection.
  • A biochemical blood test is aimed at identifying violations of the internal organs and electrolyte failure in the body.
  • Bacteriological examination of feces is carried out to identify the pathogen. With it, you can determine the type of intestinal infection. This is necessary for the appointment of etiological treatment.
  • An electrocardiogram is necessary for the timely detection of rhythm disturbances that may occur against the background of a water-electrolyte shift.
  • A general urine test is needed to assess the condition of the kidneys, which are very sensitive to various intoxications and infections.
  • An ultrasound examination of the internal organs is performed to identify possible disorders in the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

This list of examinations can be expanded or narrowed by the attending physician, depending on the clinical picture and the patient's condition, the results of the tests already received.

note that diagnosis and diagnosis is carried out in parallel with the provision of necessary assistance to the patient, fight against intoxication and dehydration.

Treatment of intestinal infection

How to treat an intestinal infection in adults at home? The answer to this question is very simple - no way. Don't risk your health by self-medicating. Many people are afraid of infectious diseases departments and think that there they can pick up some other sore. In fact, in the hospital, all patients are in separate isolated boxes or divided by type of disease. The risk of catching something there is very small. But the possibility of getting complications with self-treatment is very high.

So what to do? It is necessary to agree to the hospitalization offered by the ambulance team. The doctor in the hospital will select the necessary drugs to treat the infection, will adjust the water and electrolyte balance. To quickly cure this disease, you must strictly follow all of his recommendations and adhere to the appointments.

Below are the main components of the treatment of intestinal infection:

  • Rehydration therapy is aimed at combating dehydration and intoxication. First, the patient is injected intravenously with the necessary solutions, since he cannot drink water due to constant vomiting. Then, after stabilization of the condition, a plentiful drink is prescribed. You can drink plain water or special solutions, for example, rehydron.
  • Antibiotics are the main pills for intestinal infection of bacterial etiology. Appointed by a doctor after identifying the pathogen. They are selected individually.
  • Diet. During the first few days, you can only eat rice water or boiled oatmeal porridge with a mucous consistency.
  • Sorbents are prescribed to remove toxins from the intestinal cavity. They must be taken separately from other medicines.
  • Enzymes. They are used to improve digestion and unload the pancreas.
  • Antacids are prescribed for heartburn and abdominal pain. These symptoms often manifest chronic gastritis, which can worsen against the background of the disease.
  • After the end of the course of antibiotics, drugs are prescribed that restore the intestinal microflora.

The patient is discharged after repeated stool tests. If microorganisms are not detected in them, a person is considered not dangerous and not capable of provoking infection of the people around him.

Also, in parallel with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, some folk remedies for intestinal infections can be used. The safest and most beneficial is chamomile tea.. It is considered a natural natural antiseptic, helps relieve inflammation from the intestinal walls. A decoction of flax seeds can also be used. They treat exacerbation of gastritis. You can take it with a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, frequent heartburn.

Prevention of intestinal infections

How to protect yourself and loved ones from this terrible infectious disease? Unfortunately, there are no vaccines and inoculations against intestinal infection, or 100% of effective methods of prevention. From the development of this disease, no one is immune. But thanks to simple recommendations, you can minimize the risk of its development.

Below we have put together some tips for you that will help in the prevention of intestinal infections:

  1. Practice personal hygiene, always wash your hands before eating, even before a small snack.
  2. Store meat products and eggs only in the refrigerator, separately from ready-made meals.
  3. Buy products only from licensed markets or stores. Avoid spontaneous bazaars.
  4. Do not eat cream cakes during the hot season. At this time, the risk of developing an infection there increases significantly.
  5. Don't buy street food. Very often, when preparing it, the basics of hygiene are not observed and all sanitary standards are violated.

Intestinal infections are dangerous diseases, they can be contracted from a sick person. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should seek medical help. Self-medication is a dangerous and rash act that can lead to serious consequences.. You do not need to search on the Internet for how to treat this disease, you should immediately contact qualified specialists. All drugs are prescribed by a doctor after examination and examination of the patient. Their action is aimed at fighting infection, reducing intoxication and dehydration, and restoring the digestive system.

Intestinal infections are a group of contagious diseases spread through unwashed hands, spoiled food, and contaminated water. Adults quite often become victims of this kind of ailment, even though they more carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. Consider which pathogens cause intestinal infections in adults, how these diseases manifest themselves and what methods of their treatment are considered the most effective.

Causative agents of intestinal infections in adults

The species composition of bacteria and viruses that can provoke an intestinal infection in an adult is not particularly different from that in children. Among the main culprits:

  • Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.

These viruses and bacteria enter the environment with the patient's feces. Animals can also be reservoirs for some pathogens (for example, salmonella may be present in chicken and duck droppings). In this regard, everything that can potentially come into contact with feces is dangerous. Number one on the list of possible transmission factors for intestinal infections dirty hands, under the second raw water, under the third flies, which on the paws carry sewage to food, under the fourth - stored in improper conditions and undergone insufficient heat treatment food, under the fifth - vegetables and herbs polluted by earth.

Features of the course of intestinal infections in adults

The body of an adult can effectively resist pathogens of intestinal infections. To do this, he has a whole arsenal of methods:

  • Bactericidal action of saliva.
  • High acidity of gastric juice.
  • Normal intestinal microflora, which does not allow pathogens to take root.
  • Local intestinal immunity (lymphoid tissue, secretory immunoglobulin in mucus, etc.).

In young children, many of these mechanisms are not active enough, so the risk of development is much higher. But an adult can make his body more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. To do this, he just needs to do the following:

  • Bad chewing food.
  • Do not treat diseases of the stomach and pancreas in a timely manner.
  • Accept uncontrollably.
  • Eat wrong.
  • drink alcohol and
  • Work hard and don't rest well.

In addition to the characteristics of the susceptibility of the body, in adults it has the characteristics and course of intestinal infections:

  • First, the disease can be latent (virtually without symptoms) or "blurred", limited to one or two episodes and mild malaise.
  • Secondly, in adults it does not develop as quickly as in children - a constant companion of intestinal infections.
  • Thirdly, in adults very often there is a carriage of the pathogen, which does not manifest itself in any way and does not go away, but is a danger to others.

Symptoms of intestinal infections in adults

Each of the pathogens listed above causes a specific infectious disease. They have their own characteristic symptoms, but despite this, there are a number of signs that occur with all intestinal infections:

  • The penetration of pathogenic viruses or bacteria into the intestine causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ and indigestion. It is these processes that lead to the fact that the stool becomes liquid.


The deeper the intestinal lesion, the more pronounced intestinal disorders.

  • . Increased peristalsis of the inflamed intestinal wall provokes attacks of pain, the localization of which depends on which part of the intestinal tube is affected. With (inflammation of the small intestine) it hurts around the navel, with (inflammation of the large intestine), on the sides of the abdomen, above the pubis.

Symptoms described may include fever, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.. In mild forms of intestinal infections, these signs may not be. In addition, it can begin as a respiratory disease (with and), for which it is called "".

Due to diarrhea, intestinal infections almost always develop (dehydration).


The most significant loss of fluid and salts is characteristic of cholera, in which the patient goes to the toilet with "rice water" - muddy water. But with other infections, especially if they occur with persistent diarrhea and vomiting, a serious water deficiency can occur.

You can suspect dehydration by the following symptoms:

  • mucous membranes.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Decrease in skin turgor (it is taken in a fold and does not straighten out).
  • Darkening of urine and reduction to several per day of urination.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • strong

Why is dehydration dangerous? The consequences of a significant loss of fluid by the body are an electrolyte imbalance, a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and damage to the central nervous system.


Most intestinal infections that occur in adults can be diagnosed by an experienced doctor based on the patient's complaints. But to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out bacteriological culture or virological examination of feces, especially if the patient's condition is severe.

The presence of pathogenic microbes in the feces does not always indicate the development of the disease. If a person does not have complaints and symptoms of an intestinal infection, they state a healthy carriage.

Treatment of intestinal infections in adults

Adults rarely go to the doctor because of diarrhea, although this should be done, since self-medication can be ineffective and even dangerous. But, if you still decide to fight an intestinal infection at home, you should remember very important rules:

Be sure to go to the hospital in the following cases:

  • If the dominant symptom of the disease is severe abdominal pain.
  • If diarrhea and vomiting are persistent.
  • If there is no urination for a long time.
  • If the stool contains
  • If it is impossible to drink due to vomiting.
  • If the diarrhea stopped, but vomiting appeared and the body temperature rose sharply.

In the hospital, intestinal infections are treated comprehensively:

In general, intestinal infections in adults are treated well and do not cause serious complications.. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner, follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids.

Prevention of intestinal infections

Every adult knows how to protect themselves from intestinal infections. But it doesn’t hurt to repeat a few basic rules of prevention:

  • Hands should be clean - after the street and the toilet, before preparing food and before eating it, after working in the garden, after communicating with animals.
  • You can drink only boiled or high-quality bottled water.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be washed with safe water (tap, boiled, filtered) before eating.
  • Food must be properly prepared and stored. It is important not to forget about the expiration dates and temperature conditions for storing products, about the proper heat treatment of dishes, about the inadmissibility of contact between raw and ready.
  • Do not swallow water when swimming in pools and natural reservoirs.
  • It is not advisable to eat and buy products in dubious places.