DIY brick factory. Business idea: brick production. Technology and installation for brick production

DIY brick factory. Business idea: brick production. Technology and installation for brick production

At first, you can start making bricks to solve your needs; if you succeed and like it, then you can start organizing your own small business. Brick will always be in demand, as it is the main building material.

So where to start making bricks at home? Naturally from clay. The most important thing is to find the right clay. You can find it both on your property and in quarries located in your district. The quality of the products you make will directly depend on the degree of fat content of the clay.

Making bricks from clay

Let's start from the very beginning simple method choice required quality raw materials for brick production. You can test clay samples from some areas. You need to take half a liter of clay, add a small amount of water and stir thoroughly until the clay absorbs all the water and begins to stick to your hands. Having prepared the thick dough, you need to roll out a ball with a diameter of about forty to fifty millimeters and a flat cake - about one hundred millimeters. This procedure must be performed for each sample of raw materials separately. Then, you need to dry the cakes and balls in the shade for 2-3 days. If cracks appear on them during drying, this means that the clay used is very oily and sand needs to be added. If no cracks have formed, and a ball thrown from a meter high does not crumble, then the fat content of the clay is normal. Non-fat clay will not crack, but it will not be strong either - in this case it must be mixed with fattier clay. Clay or sand must be added in several stages and the quality of the resulting mass must be checked each time. This must be done until you get the normal composition of the raw materials and find out the optimal proportion.

There are two ways to produce clay bricks:

Regular fired red brick;

Unfired brick (raw).

For Let's start by looking at the production of unbaked bricks. If it is made correctly, dried, from good raw materials, it will not be inferior to red baked brick. Raw brick is mainly used in the construction of small buildings - sheds, verandas, baths. The production process of this brick includes the following:

1. We make molds. To produce molds, you can take boards with a thickness of twenty to twenty-five millimeters. You will also need two sheets of plywood. We adjust the size of the form to standard size brick (25x12x6.5 cm). The upper and lower lids of the molds should have conical projections that will form voids in the brick. These protrusions improve the contact of the brick with the mortar. The details of the forms are connected with ordinary nails measuring 5-6 cm. The lid, which is located at the top of the form, is made removable. In order for the brick production process to be successful, not one mold is made, but several - this will be faster.

2. Fill out the forms. Before filling, the mold is slightly moistened with water on the inside and sprinkled with cement or fine dust. This procedure will make it easy to remove the workpieces. The clay dough must be poured into molds and shaken well - this way the solution will fill the corners. Excess solution can be easily removed metal plates. The mold is closed with a top lid, left for a while and then opened. On drying racks, the mold is turned over and the workpiece is removed.

3. Dry the workpieces. This is a very responsible and not easy process. During the evaporation of water, the particles in the brick blank are brought closer together by tension forces, and the volume of the brick decreases. The reduction in brick volume should be no more than 15%. After this limit, the decrease in brick volume stops, although all moisture does not completely evaporate. It is best to use a drying rack under a cover or with a cover. It is very important that the workpieces are well ventilated, but not exposed to direct Sun rays. Drying time depends on several factors: air movement, humidity, temperature - and under normal conditions it takes up to a week or two. Making raw bricks is ready.

4. Strengthen the water resistance of bricks. Raw brick has low water resistance, so walls that are built from it must be carefully protected from moisture. To do this you need to do:

Carefully tie the seams in the masonry;

Door and window openings must be provided no closer than one and a half meters from the corner of the structure;

The length of the roof overhang must be at least 60 cm;

When it dries completely, it is necessary to plaster the wall or cover it with siding or ordinary red baked brick.

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Let us now consider the production of ordinary red or baked bricks. Firing unfired brick to produce red brick is a very technologically complex process, and its implementation is not very rational in everyday conditions. But a small amount, for cladding the structure, can be done by yourself. The whole process is divided into three stages:

Warming up;



In domestic conditions, the firing process can look like this:

1. Warming up and burning. The roasting of the raw material can be carried out in a simple large iron barrel, in which the bottoms are cut out, placed on a fire or an iron stove, not covered with a top. If you use a fire, it is better to place a fire pit in a hole 40-50 cm deep, and place a barrel on 20 cm legs - heating will be more uniform and it will be more convenient to maintain the fire. The bricks are stacked one on top, making small gaps. When the barrel is filled, it is covered with a metal shield to prevent cold air from entering. It is necessary to maintain the fire for eighteen to twenty hours on a fire or in a stove. The firing mode is selected experimentally. What happens to the brick at the moment of firing? During the firing process, hydration and hygroscopic (chemically and physically bound) water evaporates from raw brick, partial decomposition of carbonates occurs, combustion of organic impurities occurs and uniform heating of the entire mass that is placed in the barrel occurs. The minerals of the clay are destroyed, and its transition from its normal state to an amorphous one occurs. The formation of a ceramic shard occurs at a temperature of 1150-1200 oC for refractory clays and 800-1000 for low-melting clays.

2. Cooling. Cooling of the barrel loaded with bricks should occur gradually, the lids should be closed. By reducing the intensity of the fire in a stove or fire, you can regulate the temperature. One of the most critical moments is the cooling process of bricks, which occurs after firing. It is necessary to block the flow of cold air and prevent a sudden change temperature regime, since freshly fired brick does not tolerate this. If this is allowed, cracks may form. It is necessary to slowly reduce the temperature, and only when it reaches 650 °C can the process be accelerated. You can open the barrel after 4-5 hours have passed after complete cooling.

After completing the work, you can check how much quality brick, made by you. To check, you need to split it into two halves. With good annealing, the fracture will have the same structure and color. Fill the debris with water and let it sit for a while. If the brick is well baked, it will not collapse and differ.

The description of brick production is completed, this material will be useful for those who are interested in the following questions: brick production, brick production technologies, brick production methods, brick production from clay, production of bricks without firing.

Brick making machine

The operation of this machine consists of compressing the mixture (cement, screenings, clay) using a manual clamp in a special form. The machine has a dispenser and a loading hopper. A very important factor is that the operation of the machine does not require an electrical connection and is very easy to operate.

Comrades, on YouTube there is a discussion of these machines right in the comments. It is quite possible to make such a machine yourself.

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Brick as a building material has been known to mankind for a long time. A few thousand years ago they learned how to make it without high-tech machines and equipment. These simple ancient technologies allow you to set up brick production at home. The raw material for this is ordinary clay and several additives. Finished products can be baked at high temperatures to obtain durable material, or you can simply dry it in the sun. Any structure can be built from such material, from utility rooms to residential buildings. If you want to learn more about history, then Wikipedia or the history forum will help you in this matter.

  • Brick making technology
  • Unfired brick
  • Red brick

Characteristics finished product depend primarily on the quality of raw materials. Regular clay is used for production. True, it happens too different quality. Clay is suitable for making the material, which becomes oily when water is added to it. There are long-proven methods for testing clay. Samples are taken from different areas. They make a flat cake and a small ball. All samples air dry naturally. High-quality raw materials are those that will not crack in the form of a cake and will not split when dropped to the ground from a height of 1 m.

Brick making technology

Unfired brick

The most simple technology- This is the production of unfired material. This includes raw brick and adobe. When properly manufactured and dried, adobe bricks are not inferior in characteristics to fired products. Buildings are often made from it southern regions, since the temperature in an adobe building is always approximately the same.

In order to make adobe brick you will need a container. Its sides should be low so that it is convenient to mix. The container needs to be filled with a mixture of one part clay, one part water and five parts straw. The last component must be thoroughly crushed. The size of the straw affects the strength of the future building material. Wheat straw is best. Then everything is mixed well.

Production of adobe bricks.

Even before production begins, they prepare wooden molds according to the size of standard bricks. For this you will need boards and plywood. The thickness of the timber should be 2.5 cm. more shapes If it can be produced, the more efficient the production will be.

  1. The prepared forms are filled with the solution. Before that internal surfaces moistened with water and sprinkled with cement. This makes it easier to remove products from the molds. During filling, shake the molds well so that the solution evenly fills the entire inside. The remaining solution is removed and the mold is covered with a lid. The forms are left to harden for some time.
  2. The best method for drying is naturally. Products are stored on racks arranged under a canopy. It is not recommended to leave them in the open sun. Drying can take from one to two weeks, depending on the air temperature. The water in the solution evaporates and the dry particles stick together. In this case, the material shrinks by approximately 15%.

Adobe brick is not very moisture resistant, so after laying it is protected by plastering outside buildings or lay siding.

Raw brick is a building material made from unfired clay, in which sand is used instead of straw. For its production, wooden forms are also used - flyovers. Usually they are made double. In order for all products to turn out the same shape and have identical properties, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of sand and determine the fat content of the clay. The smaller it is, the more the product shrinks when drying. Today, when determining these parameters, they use special technology tables.

The compressibility of clay is usually determined experimentally. A cube is molded from the solution, with sides 20 cm long, diagonals are pressed on the sides, 10 mm deep. Prototype dries naturally. Then measure the depth of the dried grooves. Each millimeter equals 1% compressibility. An indicator from 5 to 10 indicates that such raw materials are suitable for making high-quality raw bricks. It is important to note that if the shrinkage percentage is less than 5, then such clay will make the material brittle.

Red brick

The production of red brick (burnt) is much more difficult. It is beneficial to do this at home if you need a small batch for own needs. The main and most important operation in the entire process is firing. It consists of several stages:

  • heating of workpieces;
  • keeping at high temperature;
  • cooling.

To obtain high-quality clay bricks, you need to observe temperature and time conditions at all stages of the process. Drying occurs at a temperature of 150 degrees. A rapid increase in it can lead to destruction of the product, as a large amount of steam is released. This should happen gradually. Clay transforms into a new, ceramic state at temperatures from +800 to +1200 degrees, depending on the properties of the primary raw material. There are concepts of low-melting and refractory clays.

What is the price facing brick? The wholesale price, depending on the region, is from 11 rubles per piece.

Cooling occurs by gradually lowering the temperature in the oven. At first very slowly, and when the temperature reaches +650 degrees - faster. The whole process will take about 5-6 hours. You can remove the products only after they have cooled completely. If cold air enters the oven before this, the products will become brittle and crack.

The resulting products must be checked for strength before installation. The prototype is broken into two parts, inspected visually and soaked in water for a while. After this, it should not crumble, be uniform in color and throughout its structure. If this is the case, then your product is of high quality, and you can think about the scale of your brick production and entering the market in this small business niche.

People have been using brick for a very long time. The reason for this popularity is unique properties this building material, as well as the ease of its manufacture. In areas with active sun summer time it can be manufactured in a makeshift way, at home. The brick obtained in this way is suitable for the construction of one-story structures intended for housing or for household needs.

Preparing and testing clay

Suitable clay is not available in every area, but often the raw materials for making bricks are located almost on the surface: it is enough to remove a layer of turf. If such a deposit is located directly on your site, this is very convenient, but if not, you can use clay deposits in a public quarry or purchase them in a commercial quarry.

The suitability of clay as a raw material must be verified. To do this, you need to take a sample of the soil in the area: when you add water, does it turn into a reddish mud with an oily consistency? This means that this place is suitable for extracting the clay you need. But you should also check the fat content of the raw materials - the quality of the resulting building material depends on this. To check, you need to take samples from different places plot. Half a kilo of earth is mixed with not big amount water. Stirring should continue until the clay has completely absorbed all the water and begins to stick to the skin. The “dough” obtained in this way is formed into a cake 10 cm in diameter and a ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. This procedure must be carried out with each sample and the resulting samples must be left to dry in the open air for a couple of days. If the samples become covered with cracks during this time, this means that sand should be added to the alumina to reduce the fat content. If no cracks are observed and the ball dropped from a meter height remains intact, it means that the fat content of the raw material is within normal limits.

It is necessary to distinguish between lean types of clay: they also do not crack, but they do not have sufficient strength. To eliminate this drawback, fattier varieties, as well as sand, must be added to such clay.

This must be done in several stages, each time checking the quality of the mixture. This must be continued until the required proportion necessary to obtain quality products is established.

How to make raw brick and adobe Not industrially can be made clay brick the following types

: adobe (unfired with chopped straw), raw and burnt red brick.

Adobe, when made from high-quality raw materials in compliance with drying conditions, will be in no way inferior to ordinary baked brick. Buildings made from this material can last up to 70 years.

If the walls of the building are thick enough, then a building made of adobe will be comfortable both in summer and winter. To make adobe, a container is assembled for mixing the components: two types of clay are used - lean and fatty, to which straw is added in a ratio of 1: 1: 5. After this, a certain amount of water is added and the resulting mixture is carefully mixed with a shovel. The straw must first be crushed: this helps to increase the strength of the adobe. Unchopped straw is unsuitable as a raw material. Ideal option

The use of dried wheat stalks is considered.

To form bricks, make equipment from boards and plywood. The standard shape of bricks corresponds to dimensions 250x120x65 mm. To improve adhesion to the mortar, you can make special protrusions in the lids that form recesses in the brick. The parts of the equipment are connected using long nails, and the top cover must be removable. The number of templates should support the expected performance.

After preparing the solution, the equipment is filled. First, it must be moistened with water from the inside and sprinkled with fine sand, dust or cement: this is necessary to facilitate the removal of the formed product. When laying, the raw materials are compacted so that the equipment is completely filled. Excess clay is removed with a spatula. After this, the top covers are installed, which are then removed. The formed bricks are removed from the mold after it is turned over.

Drying of bricks should take place under a canopy, on racks. During this process, the product decreases in volume by approximately 15% (shrinkage occurs). It is recommended to protect the wet brick from direct sunlight, but to ensure good ventilation. Drying time depends on humidity and air temperature, as well as wind speed and varies from one to two weeks.

Due to the low water resistance of unfired bricks, it is necessary to provide additional protection walls from moisture. To do this, increase the edges of the overhangs to at least 60 cm and carefully bandage the masonry seams; window and door openings are located at least one and a half meters from the corners. But the best way is to cover the outside of the walls with some moisture-resistant material or apply a layer of plaster on them.

Raw brick without straw is made in the same way as adobe, with the only difference being that instead of straw, a small amount of pure clay is added to the clay. quartz sand fine fraction in a ratio of 1:5.

This is not an easy task, but it is still possible to make a small batch of baked bricks using an artisanal method. The whole process is divided into three parts: heating, direct firing and cooling.

Raw firing can be done in a simple metal barrel with a volume of about 250 liters. You need to cut out the top and bottom bottoms and install them on a metal stove without a top. Raw brick is placed inside the barrel and fired.

Another method of firing is using a fire. You should dig a hole half a meter deep and place the barrel on low legs (about 20 cm). This is necessary for uniform heating. The raw brick is laid in a column inside the barrel with small intervals. The filled barrel must be closed with a lid to prevent cold air from entering. It takes about 20 hours to maintain a fire: this depends on the quality of the clay and is chosen experimentally.

During the drying process, under the influence high temperature The clay is sintered and turns into ceramics.

The cooling process of the brick must be controlled: this can be done by gradually reducing the amount of fuel supplied. The barrel must remain closed at all times. A sharp change in temperature leads to cracking of bricks. The barrel can only be opened 5…6 hours after the brick has completely cooled.