Brick gazebo. Do-it-yourself brick gazebo: how to build, what materials and tools are needed How to make a roof at a brick gazebo

Brick gazebo.  Do-it-yourself brick gazebo: how to build, what materials and tools are needed How to make a roof at a brick gazebo
Brick gazebo. Do-it-yourself brick gazebo: how to build, what materials and tools are needed How to make a roof at a brick gazebo

A summer cottage for a modern person is a place of relaxation and unity with nature. People come here to forget the worries and anxieties of the working week, relax, have a good time in the company of family and friends. Such meetings, of course, are accompanied by a feast in the fresh air. And how nice it is to sit with family and friends in a gazebo built with your own hands. There are many materials for its manufacture, however, the most commonly used are wood and brick. This article will discuss the detailed process of creating a brick gazebo, from concept development to direct construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick gazebos

Why are brick gazebos so popular?


  • The undeniable advantages of this material include its practicality and durability.
  • Brick does not need regular or any special care. A brick building will protect from any bad weather, give home comfort and warmth.

Not to mention the disadvantages

  • Any brick building is heavy and solid, and, accordingly, requires accurate calculations, a solid foundation and certain financial costs.
  • Compared with a wooden building, a brick gazebo will require more time and money for construction.

But this is where its shortcomings will end, the rest is only pluses. Having invested at the initial stage, in the future you will no longer have to spend money on the maintenance of the gazebo, paint, processing from bugs, replacing elements, and so on.

Arbor planning

Initially, the concept of a future gazebo is thought out. Its size, shape and height are determined in accordance with the needs. It depends on how many people should fit in it.

  • Before starting construction, it is necessary to make a diagram of the gazebo and its location on the site. The scheme is necessary in order to visualize all the structural elements and make calculations.

  • First of all, geodetic work is carried out. The site proposed for construction is marked and checked for relief, the presence of drops, and the need to level the surface is determined. The place of the future gazebo must be chosen taking into account many factors:
  1. if a fireplace or barbecue is planned, then it should be away from other buildings,
  2. it is desirable that the trees nearby do not have an extensive root system, otherwise they may damage the foundation,
  3. the gazebo is best placed on the leeward side. If it is of a semi-closed type, then it is also necessary to consider the location against the wind.
  • Then the geology of the soil is determined, what kind of foundation will be needed for the gazebo, the type of foundation, the need for piles.

You can choose one of the standard gazebo options and download its diagram on the network. Of the advantages of this approach, it is important to note that all calculations will already be made, it remains only to correctly position the gazebo on the site, taking into account the wind rose and the sunny side.

A good brick gazebo project must contain:

  • the appearance of the future building;
  • at least two sketches of the gazebo;
  • all parts of the gazebo with ready-made sizes;
  • 3D plan.

On the other hand, you can make the scheme yourself, so the gazebo will be guaranteed to be unique and exclusive.

  • At this stage, the issue of not only the appearance of the final product is solved, but also all the smallest details are calculated: the necessary engineering networks for connection (electricity, water supply), building materials and their quantity.
  • It is extremely important here to make correct load calculations, because it is precisely depending on the totality of such factors as the type of soil, wind load, type of roof and the height of the brickwork that the foundation will need to be laid so that the arbor in the future does not “lead” and does not warp.

Types of brick gazebos

Any gazebo can be divided into three main types:

  • open- used as a shelter from the sun or rain, it is more of an element of garden decor than it carries a certain functional load;
  • semi-open suitable if the gazebo also serves as a place for cooking, barbecue or barbecue. It will allow, without looking up from the contemplation of the surrounding nature and communication with guests, to cook delicious food;

  • closed the gazebo is an all-weather option. In it, you can easily celebrate the New Year in the country. It is a kind of summer kitchen.

Do-it-yourself brick gazebo

Foundation device

The foundation is the basis of the foundations, it is necessary to dwell on its structure in more detail.

There are 4 types of foundation:

  • columnar
  • monolithic
  • tape
  • pile

The choice of the type of foundation is determined by the type of soil, the depth of its freezing and the type of structure being built.

Soil types

  • rocky soils. By themselves, they are an excellent base, since they are not subject to external influence, do not freeze, do not let water through. On such soil, a foundation is needed only if it is necessary to level the structure on the surface.
  • Cartilaginous soils are a mixture of sand, clay interspersed with small stones. They are practically not affected by water, therefore they are quite reliable and do not require an expensive foundation. Even an impressive structure can easily stand on a simple strip foundation.
  • Sandy. Their distinctive feature is the fact that due to good water permeability, the foundations in this type of soil do not lock up.
  • clayey. A complex and inconvenient type of soil for construction, it has a large freezing depth (over 150 cm), in addition, it is highly liquefied and eroded from moisture.
  • loamy- a mixture of sand and clay, depending on which component prevails in a given area, the soil may behave differently.
  • Peat- abundantly saturated with moisture, with a high level of groundwater.

The degree of saturation of the soil with water determines its behavior during freezing-freezing, the more moisture - the more it walks, and accordingly affects the foundation.

For a gazebo in a summer cottage, in most cases, a tape or columnar type of foundation is made. A solid one is too expensive and solid for a non-residential building, and a pile one requires accurate load calculations, which can only be done by a specialist in construction.

Stages of work

  • For the installation of a strip foundation around the perimeter of the future gazebo, a ditch is dug to a depth slightly greater than the depth of soil freezing in the area.
  • Then formwork is performed, to reduce the cost of the process, you can use any old boards or plywood.
  • A layer of gravel is poured to the bottom, which is then compacted with water.
  • The concrete solution is poured into the formwork.
  • Then the foundation needs about a week to gain the necessary strength.
  • After this time, it will be possible to begin work on the construction of the gazebo.


To increase the strength of the structure, when laying the foundation, reinforcement is built into it for future columns. It will not allow the structure to sag, in addition, the pipes used to stabilize the entire structure will also be the support of the future roof. With the help of the level, the strict verticality of the installation is verified.

Which brick to choose?

The market is filled with bricks of all shapes, colors and sizes. It is hard not to get lost in such a variety. In fact, everything is quite simple, the type of brick is completely at the discretion of the owner of the building. It depends only on taste preferences and financial capabilities (but here you need to remember that masonry is done with facing bricks).

Tip: The only general advice when choosing is to check his documents. You can protect yourself and be guaranteed to get a high quality product if you check when buying where and by whom the product was produced, as well as the availability of certificates. It is most reliable to buy bricks from large manufacturing plants, made in accordance with GOST. Modern GOST contains very strict requirements for the composition and functional qualities of bricks, therefore, by purchasing products corresponding to it, you can be sure that they will last a long time.

Brick brazier in the gazebo

Often, brick gazebos are chosen for the sake of the possibility of installing a fireplace or barbecue in it.

  • The furnace is erected simultaneously with the supporting columns.
  • It is quite possible to fold it yourself, without involving specialists, for this it is important to approach the task responsibly and carefully consider the installation of the main elements - the furnace and chimney.
  • It is also important to remember that refractory bricks will be needed for the internal masonry of the firebox.

The use of barbecue is no less popular:

  • to install it, you will also need a base (except if a solid foundation is chosen for the gazebo). A small depression is dug under it, which is filled with a concrete mixture in two stages: first up to half, then a reinforcing mesh, on top the rest of the concrete;
  • after the foundation has completely hardened, brickwork is performed.


  • The roof is of two types: pitched and flat. The second is usually used in industrial construction, it is quite expensive and difficult to construct.
  • For a gazebo, it is best to choose a pitched roof made of light material, since heavy materials require reinforced supporting structures and a strong foundation.
  • If the gazebo is planned with a fireplace or a barbecue, then the roofing must be fire resistant, for example, corrugated board. In addition, it is necessary to equip the chimney.
  • For the installation of the roof, a rafter system is used, on which a crate is then made and the finishing material is laid on top.

  • The choice of materials, as in the case of brick, depends on the taste and financial capabilities of the owner of the gazebo. All materials for the roof can be divided into two classes: hard and soft. Rigid roofing materials include: tiles; slate; polymer boards. And for the soft ones: bituminous (soft) tiles; ruberoid .
  • Soft tile has recently been very popular in summer cottage construction. It proved to be excellent because it is easy to install and reliable in operation. Another important advantage in protecting this type of roofing is its light weight, which is essential for small buildings like a gazebo, where it is important not to overdo it with the load.

  • Another interesting solution is the manufacture of polycarbonate roofing. Such gazebos look interesting and unusual, the transparency of the material adds zest to the appearance of the building. However, this material has a significant drawback - it is combustible, therefore, if a fireplace or barbecue is equipped in the gazebo, it cannot be used.

Photo of the interior design of brick gazebos

So, the gazebo has been erected, now it remains to breathe life into it, make it beautiful and cozy inside. Often, the interior of the gazebo is neglected, which is fundamentally wrong. It makes it possible to realize any of the most daring design ideas that, for one reason or another, could not be implemented in a residential area.

The gazebo can be decorated in Provence style.

Or decorate in the Moorish style. Hang a light tulle, put an ottoman and scatter bright pillows with oriental ornaments everywhere. The main rule remains only the common style of furniture and materials used.

Whatever style is chosen for interior decoration, it must, first of all, reflect the individuality of the owners and meet their requirements for beauty, then the brick gazebo will become the place where it is truly comfortable to relax.

It’s good when there is a special facility in the summer cottage that allows you to comfortably spend your free time in any weather. An excellent solution would be the construction of a gazebo. If you build it out of brick, you can get a durable structure that will be a real decoration in the garden and a source of pride for the owners.

Features and Benefits

A brick gazebo has such positive qualities as:

  • perfectly withstands mechanical and atmospheric influences;
  • has a long service life;
  • lends itself to partial reconstruction and does not require special care;
  • resistant to flame and moisture;
  • looks expensive and is performed in any style;
  • can be used not only in summer but also in winter.

To get all these advantages, you will have to put up with the following disadvantages of this design:

  • spend a lot of money on building materials. The construction of an arbor, including from facing bricks, cannot be cheap;
  • brick construction belongs to the category of labor-intensive work and requires some preparation in terms of masonry;
  • the construction of a brick gazebo will require much more time than the construction of a wooden one;
  • a brick building cannot be moved to another place.


There are several varieties of garden arbors, including brick ones:

  • open type. In such buildings there are no doors, walls and windows. The design consists of racks and a roof resting on them. Under it you can install a barbecue or barbecue.
  • Semi-open type. Such a gazebo can have one wall or glazing.
  • closed type. In fact, the building is presented in the form of a small brick house. It can be heated, has a ventilation system. Here you can install double glazing and a reliable door. With stove or electric heating in such a room, you can take off your outerwear even in severe frost and comfortably spend time at the table in a friendly company.

Considering how much building material and labor costs are needed for each of the structures, it is obvious that an open and semi-closed gazebo will cost less than a closed one.

According to the method of construction, such garden structures can be divided into two types:

  • Attached are a continuation of the main structure on the site. Due to the fact that such a design has one wall - this is the wall of the house, you can save on construction. In this case, the consumption of building materials is reduced. If the place for the extension is chosen correctly, precipitation will never fall into it and the wind will blow. Such a gazebo should be built in the same style with the neighbor's house.
  • Freestanding brick gazebo can also be closed or open. It requires a solid foundation.

The building can be used in different ways. It can be a place for gathering guests, and a well-equipped summer (and sometimes winter) kitchen. In closed gazebos with stoves, with windows, it is especially cozy in bad weather and late in the evening.

Open with barbecue or barbecue allow you to gather for barbecue on a warm summer day. Glazed garden gazebos are well warmed up by the sun, which makes it possible to operate such structures until late autumn, even if stoves are not installed in them.

If you equip such a room with a fireplace, it will attract all the inhabitants of the cottage in cool weather.

Forms of brick arbors are diverse. The easiest way to build a square or rectangular structure. It will be more difficult with a round structure, but such a garden house will definitely attract the attention of anyone who appears on the garden plot.

Six- or octagonal designs look just as elegant. Although it must be understood that, for example, octagonal gazebos, like any "polygons", due to the large number of corners make the interior space larger, but their usable area is reduced. It's okay if the most important thing is to accommodate as many guests as possible.

There are also combined options that combine different geometric shapes, which makes it possible to simplify the zoning of the internal space.

How to make your own?

Self-construction of a brick gazebo is justified from an economic point of view, if you can get down to business on your own.

Calculations and layout

First you need to decide on the place of construction, the shape and size of the structure, make all the calculations and draw the necessary sketches and diagrams.

The following points should be taken into account:

  • the gazebo should not conflict with the style of other buildings on the site;
  • when installing the stove on an open and semi-open gazebo, the direction of the wind should be such that the smoke is blown away from the people under the roof. At the same time, the same smoke should not become a problem for neighbors. With regular use of the barbecue or stove, this can lead to conflicts with them;
  • construction must begin in such a way that the roots of nearby trees do not grow over time so as to damage the foundation;
  • for construction, one should not choose that part of the site against which the picturesque building will look out of place. Not the best situation when the backdrop for the gazebo is a deaf cheap fence or an old barn.

When developing drawings, the future structure must be drawn in section, from the side and from the front. This will allow you to see all the details of the building and help to avoid mistakes in construction.

In the cost estimate, you need to take into account the price of each type of building material and display the total amount.

When deciding on the type of brick, many factors should be taken into account. It is possible, for example, to conduct masonry from the usual construction, which does not have a particularly elegant look. Then, upon completion of the work, the gazebo must be plastered, finished with tiles or stone. Not everyone is ready for these additional costs.

A beautiful cladding can be made from silicate brick, which is white, but the foundation and all supporting structures will still have to be made from ordinary red.

You can do it easier by adopting a clinker brick, which does not require additional finishing. And also you need to take into account that for the gazebo you may need wooden beams and boards, material for the foundation and for the roof. It can be slate, metal or even polycarbonate. It is better to focus on the roofing material of a residential building.

Building instructions

The device of the foundation depends on the scale and architecture of the garden building for recreation. The more massive it is, the stronger the foundation should be.

For open gazebos, a columnar or strip foundation may be enough, and a closed structure is best placed on a solid slab base.

In open structures, foundation reinforcement should be done only in places where a barbecue or fireplace is located. Here you need a solid base.

The columnar foundation is arranged under the supports, on which the roof then rests.

For a semi-open gazebo made of bricks, a solid reinforced foundation will be required. To do this, you will have to make a pit of a meter depth, providing for future engineering networks. After that, formwork is made, a fifteen-centimeter layer of rubble is poured into the pit - this is the so-called pillow. Crushed stone remains to be leveled and compacted.

In a solution for one part of cement, three parts of sand and five parts of crushed stone are taken. There should be enough water so that the solution can maintain fluidity. The foundation is poured with the resulting mixture to half the height, then the reinforcement is laid and connected with a special wire into a continuous network, after which the foundation is topped up and the mortar is leveled.

At the same time, pipes are installed, around which brick supports of the gazebo will then be created. These pipes will support the roof.

After completing the foundation work, you need to wait about two weeks, and then move on to further construction.

The next step is the construction of the walls. It should be borne in mind that the height and thickness of the walls are provided taking into account the characteristics of the soil on the site. If the ground is mobile, it is unreasonable to build a bulky structure on it, although the walls still need to be very stable, allowing them to support the roof.

To begin with, bricks should be overlaid with metal racks that will support the roof. Four bricks can be placed around the pipes. The gap between the bricks and the pipe is filled with cement mortar. It is poured in gradually.

After the installation of the supports, an oven is made, if it is provided for by the project, and then the walls themselves.

The first layer of brick is laid out on the hardened concrete. Bonding to the base occurs due to the cement mortar, in which there are three parts of fine sand to one part of cement. Pre sand needs to be sifted.

Upon completion of the first row of bricks, experts recommend waterproofing. It must be borne in mind that the evenness of the laying of the first rows of bricks is crucial. The quality and appearance of the walls will depend on this.

For work, you can adopt different options for laying bricks. It is performed, for example, in the form of a lattice, when there are gaps between the individual elements, which is interesting for an open-type structure.

If the structure is closed, you can apply the laying method in one brick. In the first row, the wall elements are laid with the long side across the masonry, and in the next row, perpendicular to the components of the previous one. Metal bars should be welded to the pipes on the supports, to which it will be convenient to attach the roof rafters in the future.

The roof can be made hipped. To do this, in the center of the future structure, a temporary rack is placed under the polygonal washer at the top, from which the “rays” of the rafters can then diverge, with the other ends resting on supports along the perimeter of the structure. Crossbars are made between the rafters, reproducing the shape of the base of the umbrella. Further, the slopes of the tent are made of wood. These are boards that are tightly fitted to each other.

You can also use plywood sheets that are resistant to moisture. The roof covering is made in the form of triangles, the joints between which, during the final design, can be insulated with strips of metal.

For flooring, you can lay paving slabs on a sand cushion.

In closed gazebos, a wooden floor is often arranged. To do this, during the construction of walls, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of laying lags.

The process of building a brick gazebo awaits you in the next video.

Interior design

After the completion of the main construction work, you can proceed to interior design. If the project initially provides for a combination of bricks with forged elements, for example, railings, a decent view of such a structure is provided.

Openwork forging can even decorate the wall of the building from top to bottom. It will look expensive and at the same time easy if you choose a pattern with large gaps between the artistic elements. And you should also decorate inside the gazebo with forging elements, for example, in the design of a table, sofas and chairs.

A good investment in creating the image of a house will be a decorative finish made of artificial or natural stone from the outside or even the inside.

A brick gazebo is a stylish solution for a park, backyard or front garden. It can be used as a summer dining room, as well as a place to relax. Unlike wooden structures, which are built very simply, brick gazebos can last for a long time without requiring special care.

Brick does not need to be treated with special solutions, as well as monitor humidity and temperature changes. You can fold a brick gazebo yourself, but the design itself requires a pre-folded foundation. Arbors of various shapes and sizes become faithful companions of country houses - in the summer you can move the dining room or arrange a rest room in them.


A key feature of a brick gazebo is its versatility. Covered structures can be used all year round, especially if you add a barbecue or a small stove inside to keep warm. Brick gazebo will be a great place for family holidays and recreation.

The advantages due to which a brick gazebo outperforms other structures:

Brick belongs to the category of fireproof materials. Inside the covered gazebo, you can safely build a brazier or a small oven, which will not only allow you to make barbecue, but also provide the room with warmth. The brick itself prevents the penetration of wind and precipitation inside, so it is not required to insulate it additionally. A gazebo of such a plan can be used as a summer kitchen.

Types of brick gazebos

The basis of a brick gazebo is a pre-built foundation. It will take on the main load, due to which the structure will remain strong for many years. The upper part of the gazebo (depending on the purpose) can be open, closed, semi-open. Brick looks good in combination with other materials - iron, wood, natural stone. It is worth choosing the type of gazebo from the materials presented and the purpose of the design.

Types of brick gazebos and their features:

Brick gazebos also differ in shape. The easiest way is to recreate the shape of a square or rectangle. Square gazebos are compact and neat in appearance, but at the same time they allow you to place inside not only the dining room, but also the kitchen area. Rectangular gazebos involve the placement of benches and tables along the walls, in the center there is a brazier, a stove, a fire pit.

A round brick gazebo cannot be folded, so many designers prefer multifaceted buildings. In terms of configuration, they resemble round arbors, but at the same time they do not look very simple. For park areas and small front gardens, you can give preference to buildings of a non-standard shape. However, such a decision must be carefully worked out so that the gazebo does not become strange and uncomfortable.


The development of a brick gazebo project begins with determining the purposes for which the structure will be used. On this basis, the dimensions of the structure, the required amount of materials, as well as the shape and type of construction are calculated. As a decoration, the gazebo can be decorated with materials such as natural stone and glass, which can add high cost to the appearance of the building.

Of particular difficulty is the design of closed gazebos that will be used all year round. In addition to a solid foundation, they require the development of a lighting and heating system, plumbing, as well as an entry and exit system, windows.

What is important to consider when developing a brick gazebo project:

When developing a project for a brick gazebo, it is important to consider the size of the territory. Too small gazebo on a large plot may seem even smaller and become almost invisible in the garden, park. The shape of the gazebo and the type of construction also depend on the location. If a fireplace or stove is built into the structure, their foundation is laid along with the foundation at the first stages of construction.

The drafting of the project consists of the following steps:

Only after drawing up a project and carefully working out all the details, it is worth moving directly to construction. The project will avoid surprises in terms of the construction of the structure.

Types of foundation for a brick gazebo

The simplest and easiest option is a columnar base. It takes the least effort and time to create it, such a foundation serves as the basis for buildings with a small load - open-type gazebos. Heavy structures require a strip, solid or slab foundation.

The design of an open-type square gazebo is as follows:

For the construction of a strip foundation, it is required to prepare a formwork made of wood in a previously dug trench to the depth of soil freezing. Reinforcement is placed inside the formwork and poured with concrete. A solid reinforced base is prepared in a similar way, only a foundation pit is pulled out to create it, and the structure itself is covered with rubble, after which it is poured with cement.

Particular attention should be paid to creating a foundation in dangerous areas - surfaces with hills, ravines, swampy and unpaved areas. In such cases, it is necessary to first level the soil. The base of the future gazebo should protrude above the ground by at least 20 cm, so that the facing material is preserved upon contact with the soil.

After creating the foundation, you can start building the gazebo in a few weeks, after the concrete dries and becomes hard.

Construction of the gazebo frame

Many prefer combined designs, since a solid brick gazebo is very expensive. Often there is an option when only the upper part is finished with bricks, and the lower part is made of natural stone (as a result, both the strength of the structure and its appearance do not suffer). Experts recommend making support pillars from bricks, and using less expensive materials for walls.

The process of creating a frame of a brick gazebo is as follows:

The next stage after the construction of the foundation is laying the floor. A budget and simple option is the creation of a concrete screed. For this purpose, the top layer of soil is removed, the surface is leveled and treated with special substances (if required) to get rid of weeds and fast-growing plants. The site is poured with concrete mortar only after appropriate preparation. You can continue construction no earlier than a week after pouring the floor.

Creating walls and roofs for the gazebo

The walls are created on the basis of brick pillars, the surface is leveled with a level, since the doors of the structure may not open due to distortions. The finished foundation is treated with a waterproofing material, the gaps between the materials are filled with special compounds. An open gazebo involves laying bricks along the pillars to the very roof, a half-open one - the construction of one or two walls, a closed one is built completely. Together with the walls, a stove or fireplace is erected.

Under the laying of roofing material, a special crate is made, which is laid on a beam and fastened with anchors (the basis is the truss system, which is created on the last circle of bricks). Slate, metal tile, profiled sheet (for hard materials), as well as moisture-resistant plywood (for soft coatings) can be attached to the crate. If a brazier or fireplace is installed inside the gazebo, the place where the pipe exits to the surface must be laid with refractory material so that the structure does not catch fire. Bricks are fireproof, but the wood used in the construction, as well as the interior and surrounding area, can be severely damaged.

To create the roof of a brick gazebo, materials are usually used:

The glazing of the gazebo and the installation of doors are made at the last stage of construction.


Decorating is one of the key elements in the development of a brick gazebo project. Particular attention should be paid to the development of estimates for the implementation of design ideas. The gazebo should not only be comfortable and functional, but also have a presentable appearance, combined with the surrounding landscape.

Decorating the gazebo involves decorating it, both from the inside and from the outside of the structure. In addition to traditional masonry, there are more complex decoration options:

Exterior decoration includes not only wall decoration, but also the design of the path, roof, and area around the building. An open or semi-closed gazebo can be decorated with living plants (for example, ivy). Fresh flowers look very organic, especially if there are not enough plants in the territory itself. For a closed-type gazebo, this solution will not work, since every season the outside of the gazebo will have to be decorated in a special way.

Exterior decoration should be in harmony with the interior decoration. Tiles, wooden slabs, concrete, natural or artificial stone are used as floor decoration. Additional protection can be laid on the floor for the barbecue area, stove or fireplace. For walls, it is better to choose moisture-resistant wallpaper that will not peel off at the first rain.

In closed-type gazebos, special attention should be paid to the choice of furniture. Wooden structures should be avoided, because furniture quickly begins to rot from high humidity and temperature changes. Forged elements look especially harmonious in the decoration of a brick gazebo.

A brick gazebo is a great opportunity to transfer food and relaxation to nature. A closed gazebo allows you to spend time outside the home, regardless of weather and climatic conditions, and also involves the creation of a plumbing and heating system. All this must be taken into account at the stage of project development and the construction of the foundation in particular. Its appearance, duration and quality of operation, as well as the satisfaction of the owners depends on the correct organization.

When building a brick gazebo, all safety measures should be taken into account. In particular, the design, which involves the placement of a barbecue or stove, should be no closer than 5 m from the house. At the same time, the entrance to the gazebo should be convenient for taking out dishes and food. A firewood rack should be placed next to the brazier, it is advisable to style it like a brazier or stove.

With the help of landscape design, you can turn the gazebo into a real paradise. If possible, you should place flowering plants inside, arrange flower beds and plant berries. Decorating the site will not do without decorative elements, with which you can diversify any design.

Beautiful examples

A gazebo made of expensive and high-quality materials can look careless and ugly if its creation is approached incorrectly. Before starting construction, it is worthwhile to properly study the surrounding area and make the most of its advantages in the construction of the structure. You can use a ready-made example as a basis, but it is beneficial to supplement it with your own ideas.

Simple ways to diversify the appearance of a brick gazebo:

  • Give it a custom shape. Most prefer octagonal structures - they look quite complicated and unusual, but at the same time they do not allow turning the gazebo into something strange. From the outside, the structure can be finished with elements of natural and artificial stone, wood, add forged parts.
  • Gazebos of a closed type do not have to be completely built of brick. It is possible to decorate the gazebo due to active glazing. If desired, stained-glass windows can be placed on the windows, colored glass can be chosen.
  • It is possible to diversify the interior design by using bricks of different colors. Thus, you can separate the dining area from the dining area, as well as highlight the area near the barbecue, fireplace, stove. Light brick walls can be complemented with a multi-faceted ceiling or floor of a similar shade.
  • Inside the gazebo, it is possible to divide the space into several zones, depending on their functioning. For a semi-open gazebo, the best option would be to allocate a kitchen area with a print and a countertop.

A winning solution would be to decorate an antique brick gazebo by adding worn furniture and forged decorative elements to the interior. According to the color scheme, the design should not be too bright, since its purpose is to give relaxation and tranquility, to ensure a comfortable stay. When creating a summer gazebo, a double-glazed window can be replaced with polycarbonate, which will also hide what is inside from prying eyes, but will not provide complete protection from temperature changes and precipitation.

Various options for photos of brick arbors

Not a single cottage can do without an ennobled recreation area. And it is better if it is a building where you can hide from the rain, receive guests, cook food on a fire.

A brick gazebo - a durable construction with a long service life - will become the pride of the owners and the decoration of the site. And made by yourself, it will save the cost of hiring a construction team.

When is it worth operating the building: in winter or summer?

Due to the high thermal insulation properties of the material, such a capital structure is used at any time of the year.

In addition, a brick gazebo has other advantages. Among them:

  • fire safety;
  • ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • resistance to the influence of precipitation, moisture;
  • ease of repair;
  • long period of operation;
  • compatibility of appearance with any direction of design.

At the preparation stage, construction may seem rather laborious, but the result obtained in the form of a reliable building compensates for the time, effort and finances spent.

What form of construction do you prefer?

In fact, absolutely any geometric shape can become the basis of a gazebo.

The most popular are:

  • . The optimal size is 4x4. Features quick and easy assembly. It can make the most of the available space. Doesn't require special skills.
  • . Simplified design. You can easily build your own. Construction does not take much time. The most common size is 3x4. This form allows you to clearly calculate the required amount of building materials. A rectangular gazebo will suit any type of layout and style of landscape design.
  • . Most often it is a type of open rotunda. Requires careful design, since any unaccounted detail can lead to a distortion of the structure.
  • . The best option is the shape of a hexagon. The original appearance will give the garden plot elegance. Materials must be purchased with a margin, because most of them are designed for the construction of rectangular buildings. The entrance can be placed anywhere, while such a decision will not be displayed on the aesthetics of the overall picture.
  • Combined. It involves the combination of different geometric shapes. It is appropriate in a territory with a large area, where the recreation, reception and cooking areas are separated.

Remember! By increasing the angles inside the structure, it will be possible to expand its dimensions, but at the same time, the area useful for operation will decrease significantly.

Video masonry masters

Types of gazebos

It is worth highlighting the following types:

  1. Open. It consists of support posts made of metal or wood and a roof. Instead of walls, beautiful curtains, climbing plants. Not intended for use in winter. A brazier or a barbecue oven can be placed inside.

    Photo: a combined version of brick and wood - simple and beautiful

  2. Closed . It is a small house. In such a gazebo, glazing is carried out, doors are installed, and ventilation is established. For heating, a fireplace is most often used. Suitable for year round use. There are no restrictions on the choice of furniture and interior style.

    3D gazebo project

  3. Attached. The gazebo becomes a continuation of the main building. Installation of the structure is carried out to one of the walls of the house, which saves space on the site, reduces the cost of the entire structure due to lower consumption of materials. Such a street building will be reliably protected from the influence of precipitation and wind. Materials are selected in accordance with the composition of the house. It can also install a window, doors.
  4. Freestanding. Requires a solid foundation. It is necessary to choose the right place, taking into account the climatic features of the region. There are closed and open types.

    Photo: closed version of the building with plastic windows

The price of ready-made gazebos will depend on the size, shape and cost of building materials. The average cost of work is 3000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

If the owners firmly decided to build it on their own, then later in the article step-by-step instructions for building and photos of finished projects of brick arbors will be offered, among which the reader will be able to find a suitable option.

How to choose a brick?

Before proceeding with the creation of a structure, it is necessary to determine the type of material used.

For this you need to remember:

Having decided on the main material, you should prepare the site, tools and proceed with the construction of the structure.

Step by step construction

In order for the building to serve for many years, each type of work should be distributed in stages. Among them:

  • Design.
  • Foundation pouring.
  • Frame installation.
  • Roof erection.
  • Floor laying.
  • Finishing.
  • Interior decoration.

In addition, you must immediately prepare:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • a trough for mixing mortar or a concrete mixer;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • welding machine;
  • wooden pegs;
  • rope (for marking the site)
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • fittings;
  • waterproofing;
  • trowel;
  • timber;
  • metal pipes;
  • roofing material.

The key to successful construction is a well-designed design drawing, which will help to avoid mistakes in the process of its creation.

Project development

First you need to draw a rough sketch of the future gazebo. In doing so, take into account:

  1. So that the building harmoniously fits into the style decision of the surrounding structures.
  2. The dimensions and shape of the structure for an accurate calculation of the number of building materials.
  3. Wind rose. If you plan to lay a fireplace or barbecue, you need to take this factor into account so that others do not drown in a smoke screen.
  4. The location of the trees. Their roots will eventually cause damage and destruction of the foundation.

Having chosen the place and type of the gazebo, you can begin to create a building scheme, in which a detailed plan of the foundation, frame, roof is mandatory, and the method of laying communications is indicated.

The visibility of the project will ensure the compilation of three drawings at the same time. In them, the future gazebo must be depicted in section, from the front and side.

When the development of the project is completed, a cost estimate is drawn up, where it is written how much each type of material costs and its quantity, the total cost figure is displayed.

It is not difficult to build a structure with your own hands that would decorate the site and serve as a place to relax with family or friends. The main thing is desire and skills.

Selection, laying the foundation

The type of foundation must be selected based on the functional purpose of the building. Open structures are light in weight, and a columnar look is suitable for them. But a closed gazebo should be erected on a monolithic, strip foundation.

Remember that the columnar base does not fit under the brick supports, because without the grillage they will loosen on the sides.

A good solution is to use a combined option, when the cooking area with a barbecue or oven will be on the tape, and the corner for summer holidays on the column.

If the building site is covered with sandy, clayey soil, it is better to use a strip, shallow foundation. This is a fairly cheap option, since 1 linear meter will cost 4.5 thousand rubles.

You can get it like this:

  1. The site is leveled and the top layer is removed to a depth of 20 cm.
  2. Marking is carried out with the help of pegs and a rope.
  3. A trench is dug along the perimeter up to 50 cm deep.
  4. Sand is poured into it at a level of 20 cm. It is filled with water. Rammed.
  5. After that, 10 cm of crushed stone is applied.
  6. A frame is knitted from a 12 mm reinforcement. Formwork is formed from the boards. The height of the tape should not exceed 60 cm, and the width 40 cm.
  7. The base is poured with concrete mortar. After complete solidification, the formwork is removed.
  8. The last step is to apply a waterproofing material on top of the tape.

If the project provides for the construction of a fireplace or stove, a separate foundation must be built under them.

Frame and walls

Since buying a brick for a solid structure is an expensive pleasure, combined buildings have become popular. For example, in pavilions made of brick and wood, half of the structure is made from the first material, and the upper part, including the roof truss system, from the second. The plinth is finished with natural stone. Forging elements are added along the perimeter.

The best solution is to make supporting pillars of brick, and use wood, polycarbonate or simply glaze as a material for walls.

In order to get a brick frame, you need:

  1. Weld 4 iron bars to the parts of the protruding reinforcement from the foundation. Form a frame out of them.
  2. Knead a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  3. Prepare hollow bricks. Lay on top of the roofing material and stretch the welded reinforcement through them.
  4. The evenness of the order is checked using the building level.
  5. The width of the support column is made in 1 brick.
  6. The wooden post is attached to the masonry with an anchor pin, which is driven into the brick. And in the lower part of it, a hole for the thread is cut. So it spins.

For accuracy in applying the mortar and even seams, it is recommended to use reinforcing rods that are pulled out after laying the next row of bricks.


When erecting the upper part of the gazebo, the angle of inclination of the slope must be at least 45 0. In this case, the snow will not linger on the roof and create an extra load.

Rafters are already mounted to the studs previously prepared in the masonry. After that, they are perpendicularly closed with a crate.

If the gazebo will serve as a summer kitchen, the place where the pipe exits to the roof is covered with refractory material.

In some cases, the roofing requires the manufacture of a counter-lattice.

Suitable for roofing

  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated board;
  • metal or flexible tiles.

And also in the private sector you can see a variant of an iron roof, which is then painted.


An economical and most practical solution is pouring a concrete screed. To do this, remove the top layer of soil and level the surface. If necessary, treat with chemicals to get rid of vegetation. The prepared area is poured with a solution and leveled with a rule. As soon as the mixture dries out a little, cover it with plastic wrap. This is a necessary measure to avoid the appearance of cracks. The floor will be dry not earlier than in a week.

An alternative would be to lay paving slabs on a sand cushion.

For closed gazebos, a wooden floor option is suitable, when boarding is performed on top of the laid beams. There are many videos on the network that describe in detail this technology for creating flooring.

Finishing and interior design

When the main processes are completed, the building should be given an attractive appearance. The corner part of the gazebo is treated with stone, decorative tiles. Siding is suitable for walls. Glass doors will look original, which will provide a good overview of the territory. An open gazebo can be decorated with forged elements made of aluminum and steel. Plant climbing plants and shrubs around the perimeter.

There are no restrictions in the choice of interior design. It becomes popular to decorate a room in a rustic style, "Country", "Provence".

Their integral parts of the decor are antique furniture, plants in pots, sideboards with lots of dishes. In the color scheme, preference is given to discreet tones of blue, lilac, yellow, green.

photo gallery

And to simplify the process of construction and decoration of the structure, we offer several options for finished projects.

The lower part of the building is made of brick, trimmed with stone on top. Supports are metal pipes. On the sides, the openings of the structure are sheathed with wood.

The pillars of this gazebo are made of brick. Forged elements act as a fence. For the roof, a wooden truss system is used.

It is worth noting that it is much more pleasant to spend leisure time in a gazebo created and decorated with one's own hands, because a piece of the owner's soul is invested in each part of it.

Not a single suburban area is complete without a place to relax in the open air - it can be an open terrace or a gazebo built of wood or brick. Each of the materials used for the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, but both options fit perfectly into the design of the territory.

I must say that a brick gazebo is seen as a more reliable and durable building. In addition, this material is perfectly combined with wood, allows, if necessary, the installation of window systems with conventional glazing or double-glazed windows, and has a number of other important advantages.

In this publication, the main advantages of such "summer" brick buildings, the recommended types of structures, as well as the stages of their construction, will be considered.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick arbors

When choosing a material for the construction of any architectural object, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all its positive and negative sides. At least in order to know what can be expected from the building in the process of its further operation.

First of all, it is worth considering Benefits pavilions built of brick. These qualities include the following:

  • Strength and durability of buildings. They can be used for decades without losing their strength characteristics and appearance. Of course, this is possible only in those cases when high-quality material is chosen for construction, and the object is erected in compliance with all the requirements of construction technology.
  • Brick structures are more "safe" in terms of fire protection. This is especially important if you plan to equip a barbecue oven or install a barbecue inside the gazebo.
  • Respectability, solidity and aesthetics of the structure. Neat brick structures look great in any landscape design and are in harmony with the natural environment. In addition, brick goes well with other building materials.
  • Brick walls do not require complex maintenance. They do not have to be cleaned, painted or periodically impregnated with protective compounds.
  • A brick gazebo can easily be turned into a capital closed "all-weather" structure.
  • The variety of material offered by manufacturers is decorative brick with various relief patterns, as well as having a variety of shapes. These factors make it possible to diversify the forms and design of the building.

Knowing the advantages of the material is good, but it is equally important to have information about shortcomings brick gazebos:

  • The massiveness of the building. The brick has a fairly large weight, so the objects erected from it are classified as capital structures. Therefore, the design requires a solid base-foundation, the arrangement of which will entail additional, very significant costs.
  • The complexity of the construction process. Brick laying should be neat, for jointing, which requires some experience with this material. For a beginner, laying out a brick wall is a very difficult task. It follows from this that it may be necessary to invite a professional bricklayer, whose services are not cheap.

If the above difficulties are not seen as obstacles for a brick building, then you can proceed to the choice of the design of the gazebo and its design.

Types of constructions of brick arbors

Arbors built of brick can be divided into open, semi-open and closed structures. They may differ in their shapes and sizes.

When a brick capital object is being built, the decision often arises to create a closed version, so many site owners do not miss the opportunity to protect the interior of the gazebo from rain, snow, dust, wind and fallen leaves. But open options are no less in demand.

  • open gazebo consists of low walls of the fence, retaining pillars and a roof - it does not involve glazing. This option is convenient if the family likes to spend time outdoors. However, such a gazebo will have to be cleaned quite often from dust and dirt. In addition, during slanting rain, water can get inside, and rest can become spoiled. Even in the presented illustration, it can be seen that a plastic film in the form of a curtain was used to protect the room from rain.

  • Semi-closed gazebo. Partially glazed structures or those with one, two or three solid brick walls can be attributed to this category. Usually, the windward sides are closed with glass or a wall so that the interior of the gazebo still has some protection from wind and precipitation.

It is clear that you cannot leave furniture or other summer accessories in such gazebos for autumn and winter, since they still will not have full protection from precipitation, and temperature drops will finally “finish off” them.

  • Closed gazebos. Such a structure is convenient in all respects, since it can create coolness in it in the summer and heat it for relaxation during the winter holidays. In addition, if it is possible to maintain heating in the cold season, a closed gazebo can be used as a small greenhouse, by equipping at least boxes for growing greenery there.

When designing a closed gazebo, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of its periodic ventilation, that is, windows (at least some) must open.

  • Another version of gazebos can be attributed to open, and, at the same time, to conditionally closed structures. We are talking about those buildings, to protect the internal space of which so-called "soft windows" are used. Recently, they have become more and more popular, as they are easy to use - they can be easily installed or dismantled. Thick, resistant to wind load, precipitation, temperature extremes and ultraviolet rays, a transparent film framed with a special material will reliably close the gazebo room. For the summer period, if desired, you can partially or completely open such windows, or even completely remove them for the entire warm season.

Soft windows are a convenient solution to many problems!

Some adjoining buildings want to be kept open in the summer, but so that with the onset of a stuttering bad weather or with the advent of autumn, they can be quickly transferred to a “protected mode”. The problem is solved by installing, which is described in detail in a special publication of our portal.

Pavilions made of bricks can be given various shapes in terms of. But the most common is a square, rectangle or hexagon. Accordingly, retaining pillars for open buildings are installed at four or six corners.

Project planning and development

When drawing up a project, it is necessary to think over all the nuances of the construction, from determining the construction site, the amount of material, and ending with the approximate total cost of the structure. At the same stage, you can cut costs a little if they seem too high. For example, it is permissible to remove one of the walls from the plan, replacing it with retaining pillars, the distance between which can be closed with a window frame or “soft” film windows. However, you should not get too carried away with savings, as this can negatively affect the strength, and hence the durability of the structure.

The construction of a reliable and beautiful roof, as well as the design of the building, is another expense item that is also better to calculate in advance by including it in the project.

So, designing a gazebo includes several stages.

Choosing a place to build a gazebo

The location of the facility on the site depends on the characteristics of the territory and the availability of structures already erected, as well as the features of the planned operation.

  • On a rugged, uneven area, you should not install a gazebo under a slope, as this can reduce the overall durability of the building due to the constant accumulation of moisture.
  • It is not recommended to equip an open gazebo and at the highest point, where it will always be blown by the wind. This is especially annoying on a rainy day.
  • The best place for a construction site would be a shaded area located near natural or artificial reservoirs.
  • If the gazebo is planned to be used as a summer dining room, you should not install it far from home. If possible, it is even desirable to attach it to one of the walls of the main building.
  • , the plan of which includes a barbecue oven or barbecue, must be installed in such a way that smoke does not enter the windows of the house when cooking. Here it makes sense to trace the direction of the prevailing wind, of course, taking into account the existing buildings and plantings.
  • If it is planned to use water in the recreation area, then the route of the possible laying of a water supply and sewer line should be taken into account.
  • In addition, it is often necessary to think over a convenient supply of the power line.

When choosing a site for the construction of a gazebo, the location of the site boundary is also taken into account. So that subsequently there are no problems with neighbors, since there are certain rules for the relative position of buildings. Maybe it makes sense to notify the neighbor about the planned construction - in order to listen to their possible motivated objections in advance, to come to a certain consensus on this issue.

Selecting the type of construction and carrying out the necessary calculations

After the type, purpose and approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gazebo are determined, you can proceed to more thorough design calculations. First of all, a project plan is drawn up with a detailed drawing, which indicates the number and height of walls, columns, dimensions, roof shape and slope of slopes.

Naturally, the plan is drawn up with a reference to the dimensions taken from the site allotted for the construction of the gazebo.

The drafted project will provide an opportunity not only to present the architectural structure visually, but also to plan the costs of its construction. It should be noted that this is one of the most important stages of work, since the upcoming costs and, in many respects, the durability of the building depend on proper planning and budgeting.

The complexity of this process most often lies in insufficient knowledge in the field of construction. When producing it, it is necessary to imagine how the future gazebo will look like, to study possible solutions to create the maximum harmony of the elements, both in terms of aesthetics and the operational strength of the building.

According to a precisely drawn up plan, the amount of materials needed is calculated.

After that, it is worth finding out the cost of the “kit” for construction. The cost of building materials in different stores may vary, and a reasonable approach when purchasing everything necessary for the construction of even a small object will help save a fairly significant amount as a result. Therefore, it is recommended to study the prices in several local outlets, taking into account delivery to the place of work.

When the prices for materials are determined, it will be possible to calculate the approximate total cost of the object.

Construction of a gazebo

Materials and tools for work

In order not to get lost when choosing materials, it is worth making a list of everything you need. For each project, in addition to brick, various materials are purchased, depending on the design of the building. However, as a rule, for the construction of a brick gazebo, this list includes the following:

  • Cement, crushed stone, sand for arranging the foundation and laying brickwork.
  • Waterproofing material - roofing material. Sometimes it is needed for foundation formwork, and in any case - for a cut-off waterproofing layer between the foundation and brickwork.

  • Brick. Red ceramic bricks are usually chosen for the walls and columns of the gazebo. For individual parts of the furnace, if it will be built in the gazebo - fireclay. When deciding on the choice of red brick, you should immediately consider whether it will be lined with decorative material, or the masonry will be made for jointing. In the first case, you can purchase ordinary building bricks, which do not have special decorative qualities. For the second option, they often resort to the front facade. In any case, a hollow brick is quite suitable.
  • Reinforcement - metal rods will be required for the reinforcing frame of the foundation, as well as for columns, if they are laid down in the project.
  • Lumber. A board and a beam will be required to create a truss system, as well as for some parts of the building envelope, if they are planned to be mounted between the supporting pillars. In addition, wood is necessary for arranging the formwork when pouring the foundation.
  • Roofing material. Most often, the same coating is chosen as on the other buildings located on the site. Arbors covered with transparent polycarbonate roofs also look original.
  • Fasteners - self-tapping screws, nails, dowels, possibly bolts - for fastening the elements of the truss system.
  • If a barbecue oven is to be erected, then some standard cast iron parts may be needed, for example, a hob, various doors, latches, grates and other metal parts.
  • When arranging everything necessary for cooking in the gazebo, it is advisable to install a kitchen sink, provide materials for laying water supply and sewerage.

The list of materials can be reduced or supplemented, as it depends on the design features of the gazebo.

Help for the reader- below, he is offered a convenient online calculator that allows you to quickly and accurately calculate the amount, so to speak, of the “title”, the most necessary material, that is, brick.

Just a few words about working with the program:

  • Brick comes in a variety of sizes. In addition to the standard, most common single with dimensions of 120 × 250 × 65, one and a half and double ones can be used. In addition, there are a lot of clinker bricks on sale, which are produced in a fairly wide range of formats.

It is clear that the dimensions of the brick directly affect its consumption when performing a certain amount of masonry. In the calculator, the author tried to collect all the most common formats - you just need to select the one you need.

  • Next - two sections of the calculator follow, one of which touches the brick walls of the gazebo, the second - the columns.

For walls, their total area is indicated (excluding columns, if they come from the foundation, as is usually the case) and the thickness of the masonry (half a brick, brick, or one and a half bricks).

For columns - their number, method of laying (in brick, one and a half or two bricks) and height in meters.

The results for both items are automatically summed up.

  • However, the program allows you to calculate other options.

For example, according to the project, there are no walls at all - then “0” is simply indicated in the input window for their area. Only columns count.

Another case is that the project provides for columns of different sections. You can calculate the brick for walls and one type of columns, and then, specifying the area of ​​​​the walls equal to zero - for the second type of columns. True, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the two calculations will have to be summed up on their own.

Similarly, it can be approached if the project plans to lay out sections of walls of different thicknesses, although this is very rare.

  • The calculator allows you to calculate the "net" amount or immediately lay down a certain stock, which is traditionally done when purchasing building materials. It is only necessary to choose the appropriate direction of calculation - without a reserve, with a margin of 5 or 10%.
  • The final result is shown in brick pieces.

The calculator considers the brick only for the gazebo. If it is also planned to install a barbecue oven in it, then a completely separate calculation is made for it, in accordance with the chosen ordinal.