Siberian cedar. Scion varieties. Decorative, low-growing, early-fruiting and other scion varieties of Siberian cedar Decorative cedar planting and care

Siberian cedar.  Scion varieties.  Decorative, low-growing, early-fruiting and other scion varieties of Siberian cedar Decorative cedar planting and care
Siberian cedar. Scion varieties. Decorative, low-growing, early-fruiting and other scion varieties of Siberian cedar Decorative cedar planting and care

We selected the trees with the best yield for the purpose of checking them for vegetative offspring. At the same time, out of pure curiosity, they also vaccinated VM. As it turned out later, these were the first graftings of cedar VMs in Russia. A year later, it became clear that VM vaccinations differed significantly from conventional vaccinations: one of the clones formed cones, the other developed an unprecedented number of lateral buds. There is something in this: we thought. And they began to observe the development of the scions.

We never specifically looked for a VM. They were found by chance and incidentally while performing other work in the cedar forests. Since 1995 and until now, we have been actively creating a geographical collection of the cedar gene pool. Therefore, we visited almost all large areas where there is cedar. Now at our nursery we are actually testing 40 VM Siberian pine on the vegetative progeny. Some of them were found just last year. An ordinary cedar, and it grows very slowly. VM - even more so. As experience has shown, to test a clone, i.e. to obtain any reasonable judgment about its properties, it takes at least 10 years. Therefore, this material describes only 17 clones propagated in the first years of work. Most of these clones have been commercial products for 10-15 years. They spread widely throughout Russia, and, through our European colleagues, abroad. Their first published description was prepared for the magazine “Homestead Farming” (2004, No. 4). Later, with minor corrections and additions, it appeared on the Internet: for example, The results of long-term observations of the vegetative offspring of VMs are summarized below. The previous characteristics of clones have been significantly adjusted.

The most important result of these observations is the high diversity of VM-derived clones. In most cases, for testing and comparison, we grafted cuttings not only from VM, but also from the normal crown of the same tree. So, for many important characteristics, the diversity of VMs was an order of magnitude greater than the diversity of normal clones. This means that VM is an excellent source of genetic material for selection for decorativeness (short stature, crown density) and seed productivity (precocity, productivity). The characteristics of VM clones consist of several characteristics that are combined differently in each of them.

1. Growth rate and crown density directly related to it. All VM clones, without exception, have slower growth and a denser crown than ordinary cedar. This creates the main decorative effect. However, the differences between the clones are very large: from low-growing, super-dense (they look very exotic, but are much more difficult to care for) to medium-sized with a somewhat dense (does not require special care) crown.

2. Crown shape. This trait also depends on the growth rate. As it increases, the shape of the crown usually changes as follows: oblate ellipsoid → ball → elongated ellipsoid → wide egg → egg → narrow egg → wide cone → narrow cone.

3. Availability of fruiting: fruiting and sterile. Fruit-bearing ones, as a rule, bear fruit 1-2 years after grafting, sterile ones - never. The latter are relevant for landscape design in places where it is not possible to properly protect plants: hooligans often break off ripening cones along with branches, or even the entire graft at once.

4. Abundance of fruiting: almost all fruiting varieties bear fruit abundantly, but among them there are some that are unique in this regard. If grafted onto a powerful rootstock, they produce one and a half to two dozen cones within a year. The presence and abundance of fruiting is associated with growth rate, but this relationship is not particularly close. In low-growing clones, fruiting is absent or weak; in vigorous-growing clones, it is always present and somewhat intensifies with increasing growth rate.

5. Cone size: large ones are not possible on these varieties; ordinary, small and very small, essentially decorative, are possible. The connection between cone size and growth rate is direct, but correlational (different combinations are possible).

6. Color of pine needles. Most have a normal color, but there are clones with some tendency towards blue (blue, dove) and yellow. This trait is not related to others and partly depends on geographical origin: clones from the upper part of the taiga belt in the mountains often have a blue tint.

7. Resistant to insect damage. Two types of insects cause significant harm. The first relates to butterflies. Pinecone moth caterpillar ( Dioryctria abietella) damages only some clones with the densest crown (06 Narcissus, 036 Tamagotchi): it eats the soft tissue of the stem at the base of the branches, causing these branches to die. Hermes Siberian ( Pineuscembrae), which belongs to aphids, sucks juices from pine needles. The damage caused by Hermes depends on the geographical origin: northern and mountainous ones are more damaged than local ones.

The clones in question were initially listed with us under certain numbers. At the end of the test, they all received their own names. The names of the two oldest clones in terms of the start of testing are related to the status of their first owners.

So, the Tomsk region gave one of them to Russian President V.V. Putin for his 50th anniversary (02 President). The other, shortly before his arrest, was handed to the main Russian oligarch at that time, M.B. Khodorkovsky (03 Oligarch).

Some of the clones received names that directly or allegorically characterize some of their properties: grace and sterility (06 Narcissus), unusual color of needles (034 Emerald), crown shape (08 Biosphere, which translated from ancient Greek means “living ball”), unique productivity ( 032 Record holder), suitability for creating nut-bearing plantations (054 Plantation), optimal crown density and its ideal spherical shape (010 Ideal), tendency to die without special care (036 Tamagotchi).

Some clones had to be named after the place where the source material for their breeding was found: 046 Highlander, 020 Subalpine, 016 Seminsky (this is a pass in Central Altai), 038 On-i- ABOUT on (these are not masculine and feminine pronouns, but two rivers in the Western Sayan), 040 Bolshoy On and 044 Stoktysh (these are also Western Sayan rivers).

One of the clones (012 Avrov) is named after the wonderful researcher and my teacher - Fyodor Dmitrievich Avrov, who found and first grafted this VM.

Finally, the last of the unmentioned clones was found in Khakassia and named 042 Purtakh Nime (that's "evil spirit" in Khakassian: a great name for a VM).

Since ancient times, cedar has delighted people with its natural power, beauty and healing power. It was called a breadwinner tree, a mystery, a gift from the gods. Since ancient times, thickets of cedar trees have been considered sources of miraculous energy that calms and enlightens thoughts, awakens the soul and directs feelings to everything beautiful that is on Earth. Over the course of several thousand years, during which people observed it, it not only did not lose its significance, but increased it, which was confirmed by many scientific discoveries.

Cedar is one of those rare trees, all parts of which are used for food or medicinal purposes.

Cedar forests have such intense phytoncidal power that one hectare of such forest would be enough to purify the air in an entire city.

The ancient Sumerians revered cedar as a sacred tree and gave names to the most majestic specimens. Cedar wood served as a measure of exchange and was often valued more than gold. The Sumerian god Ea was considered the patron of cedar, and no one could cut down this tree without the highest permission. These facts are confirmed by clay tablets found during excavations, which date back to the 5th–4th centuries. BC. A description of what cedar looks like was written on them.

The decoration of the tomb of the Egyptian king Tutankhamun is made of cedar wood. For 3 thousand years, it not only did not deteriorate, but even retained its delicate delicate smell. Due to its properties, cedar resin was one of the components of mummifying mixtures, and cedar oil helped preserve priceless ancient Egyptian papyri to this day.

The ancients built their ships from cedar wood, and the wonderful gopher tree, from which Noah built his ark, is a cedar that grows in the valleys of Mesopotamia.

Description of the tree

The majestic cedar belongs to the genus of the Pine family. These are monoecious, evergreen trees up to 45 meters high, with a wide pyramidal spreading crown. They are long-lived and grow up to 400–500 years. The dark gray bark on young trees is smooth, but on old trees it has cracks and scales.

The needles are needle-shaped, resinous, hard and prickly. Its color varies among different species from dark green to blue-green and silver-gray. The needles are collected in bunches. Cedar flowers, if the spikelets can be called that, are up to 5 cm long with numerous small stamens and anthers. Cedar blooms in autumn.

The cones grow on branches one at a time, arranged vertically, like candles. They ripen in the second or third year and disintegrate over the winter, scattering seeds to the wind. Once in favorable conditions, they germinate in 20 days.

Cedar seeds are not at all like nuts. They are small, with wings for better dispersal in the wind, and inedible.

Cedar needs light, non-compacted and breathable soils. They are very sensitive to stagnant water. Prefers soils poor in lime. On mountain slopes made of limestone, they suffer from chlorosis and often die.

They feel better in open sunny places, but in richer soils they grow well in partial shade.


The places where cedar grows everywhere are the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean coast. The trees prefer mountainous areas with cool summers and mild winters. They are also found in the foothills of the Himalayas, in North-West Africa, in Lebanon, where cedar is one of the national symbols and is depicted on the state flag and coat of arms.

In Russia, cedar grows only on the southern coast of Crimea, where it has successfully acclimatized and produces abundant self-seeding. In other regions it is found only in botanical gardens and nurseries. And that tree, which is called Siberian cedar, is actually a representative of the genus Pine and is correctly called Siberian, European or Korean pine. These varieties share the same family with cedars. But everyone’s favorite and extremely healthy “pine nuts” are produced by Siberian pine.

Types of cedar

The cedar genus has 4 species:

  • Atlas - Cedrus atlantica;
  • short-coniferous - Cedrus brevifolia. In some sources, this species is classified as a subspecies of Lebanese;
  • Himalayan - Cedrus deodara;
  • Lebanese - Cedrus libani.

The structure of cedar and pine cones is similar in many ways, so for a long time the listed species were considered identical. But recent scientific research has refuted these data, and now the classification separates both species.


Atlas cedar grows on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains in Algeria and Morocco. In the natural environment it is found at altitudes of up to 2000 m above sea level. The tree is majestic and spreading. The largest specimens reach 50 m in height, and their trunk diameter is 1.5–2 m. The needles are collected in bunches and have a bluish-green tint. The wood is resinous and aromatic, smelling like sandalwood. The Atlas species tolerates frosts down to -20 °C and copes well with drought.

In African countries, cedar wood is used as fuel. The oil has good antiseptic properties and is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

Atlas cedar as a cultivated plant is grown in southern Europe, in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and in Asian countries.

Which is widely grown as a garden or indoor plant, is the Atlas cedar.


Himalayan cedar grows in eastern and southeastern Asia, in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. In the mountains it is found at altitudes of up to 3500 m. In terms of height and trunk girth, the Himalayan species is not inferior to the Atlas species, in contrast, it has a more broadly conical crown. The branches of a mature tree are parallel to the ground. The wood is durable and has a strong aroma; it is light yellow with a red-brown core. The needles are quite soft, light, with a gray-gray tint.

The cones ripen for more than a year, then fall off. The seeds are small, inedible, resinous. The Himalayan species tolerates shading better than others, although in natural conditions it occupies the upper tier of the forest. Some specimens live up to 1000 years.

Himalayan cedar grows quickly and is widely used in landscaping parks in southeastern Europe and the Crimea.


Lebanese cedar is not inferior to others in terms of height and trunk power. The crown of young trees is conical and becomes more flattened over the years. The needles are blue-gray-green, live 2 years, collected in bunches.

At the age of 25–28 years, the tree begins to bear fruit. Cones are formed every two years.

This variety is characterized by slow growth and tolerates short-term frosts down to -30 °C. Prefers well-lit areas, mild drought, can grow in poor soils, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.

Lebanese cedar is valued for its light, soft, but at the same time durable red wood.

Types of cedar pine

Despite the fact that, according to the latest scientific data, the Canadian, Korean and Siberian species are only close relatives of real cedar, the names familiar to everyone remain among the people. Canadian cedar belongs to the Thuja genus of the Cypress family.

Korean cedar pine

Korean, or Manchurian cedar is a coniferous tree of the pine genus, common in eastern Asia, China, Korea, Japan and the Russian Far East. The tall, powerful tree has a dense cone-shaped crown and shallow roots. The needles are bluish-green, long, and grow in bunches of 5 pieces.

The cones ripen within a year and a half and fall off in autumn or early winter. Each cone contains many nuts. The Korean species bears fruit once every few years.

Siberian cedar pine

Siberian cedar, or Siberian pine, is an evergreen tree, only slightly smaller in size than its famous relative. It lives up to 500–700 years and is distinguished by a dense, often multi-peaked crown with thick branches. The needles are soft, long, with a bluish bloom. The tree grows a powerful root system, and on light sandy soils it develops anchor roots that penetrate to great depths. Compared to cedars, it is shade-tolerant, with a short growing season.

The plant has male and female cones. They ripen within a year and a half and fall off in early autumn. Each cone contains up to 150 nuts. One tree produces up to 12 kg of pine nuts. Siberian cedar begins to bear fruit late, on average at 50–60 years of age.

Nutcracker squirrels and chipmunks, which carry seeds over long distances, participate in the dispersal of the tree.

The subtleties of growing cedar from a nut

Russian gardeners grow Siberian cedar pine, out of habit calling it cedar. No one would refuse to have a fluffy Siberian beauty with fragrant needles and medicinal nuts on their plot, and for modest properties there are low-growing varieties that do not take up much space. Let's learn how to grow cedar by purchasing a seedling from a nursery.

When choosing a location, it should be taken into account that with age the tree’s need for sunlight only increases, so you should choose places without shading. If possible, purchase cedar seedlings with a closed root system. Specimens that take root best are those whose root system has not had time to dry out, so it is advisable to choose a seedling that has just been dug up. The earthen ball must have dimensions of at least half a meter in diameter and be packed in damp burlap and a plastic bag.

How to plant a cedar pine seedling correctly

Before planting, it is necessary to dig up the entire area of ​​the garden where the seedlings are planned to be planted. Planting pits are prepared a little more than a ball of earth. The distance between the holes should be at least 8 m. Young cedars are planted immediately in light soils, and sand and peat are added to heavier soils.

A little soil is poured into the bottom of the hole and the seedling is placed, straightening the roots. The root collar should be no lower than ground level. If this does happen, the seedling is removed and a little more soil is added. Then a peg is dug in next to the tree and the hole is filled with earth, slightly compacting it. The planting hole is watered abundantly, the soil in the tree trunk circle is mulched with pine litter, sawdust or chopped bark.

For two weeks, while the seedling takes root, it is watered every 2-3 days if there is no rain.

Growing cedar from a nut

If you couldn’t find a seedling in the nursery, but ripe pine nuts in a vase suggest a certain idea, feel free to choose the largest ones with intact shells - let’s try to grow cedar from seeds at home. The process of germinating nuts is not entirely simple, but very exciting:

  • the seeds are placed in water and kept for 3 days, changing it periodically;
  • the floating nuts are removed, and the rest are kept for several hours in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • disinfected seeds are placed in a moist substrate and subjected to stratification for at least 3 months;
  • then the nuts are soaked again in potassium permanganate for a day and dried;
  • sow in closed ground (greenhouse or film shelter) in prepared soil that contains 20 parts of peat, 2 parts of ash and 1 part of superphosphate to a depth of 2–3 cm;
  • The furrows are watered before emergence.

Seedlings are grown indoors for 2 years. After this, the cover is removed. 6–8 year old trees are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

Caring for young Siberian cedar consists of mulching the tree trunk circle, surface loosening in the absence of mulch, and applying potassium fertilizer three times a season. To do this, 20 g of potassium sulfate is diluted in a bucket of water and watered on each tree.

Two varieties of cedar pine are popular among gardeners - “Rekordistka” and “Icarus”. Both are highly decorative, compact in size, relatively unpretentious and bear fruit abundantly.

The cedar, which was grown from a nut, will soon turn out to be one of the most beloved trees on the site. And when it grows up, and you can relax in its shade, it will give you many pleasant moments, bringing coolness and refreshing the air with a subtle resinous aroma.

Formation of cedar on a summer cottage - video

A bright representative of evergreen coniferous trees is part of the Pine family. Siberian cedar (lat. Pínus sibírica) also known as “Siberian cedar pine”. The culture is widespread in Eastern and Western Siberia. A distinctive feature of a coniferous tree is a massive, multi-tiered crown with large branches. The whorled structure (a special arrangement of branches in which several leaves emerge from each shoot) makes the plant especially attractive. The slow development of the crop is caused by a short period of vegetative growth - only 45 days a year. Under favorable conditions, pine lives up to 800 years. An adult representative often reaches about 40 meters in length. There are known cases when the diameter of Siberian cedar was more than 3 meters. You don't have to be afraid to grow a bulky, giant tree at home. Breeders have bred no less useful dwarf subspecies of the crop.

Low-growing varieties of Siberian pine have been bred for growing at home.

There are several reasons for growing a coniferous tree at home:

  1. The special decorative value of evergreen culture.
  2. Nutritious and healthy fruits.
  3. The healing effect of nuts and pine needles.


The tree has a very branched crown. Therefore, you should choose a free, spacious area of ​​the site.

The minimum distance between green spaces must be at least six meters. You should retreat 3 meters from the foundation of buildings. Dwarf representatives can be planted a little closer.

Optimal lighting

Siberian pine prefers brightly lit areas. Young representatives can tolerate semi-shaded areas well. The plant is frost-resistant and not demanding on microclimatic conditions.

Watering rules

Siberian pine pine is a moisture-loving crop. During the summer season, wood absorbs a lot of moisture. Therefore, during the hot months, it is necessary to water the plant regularly as the soil dries out.

In autumn, in preparation for the dormant phase, watering should be reduced. You can notice a slowdown in the process of draining the earthen clod.

During the winter dormant period, a plant planted in a container practically does not need watering. The soil mixture in the container may dry out due to low air humidity. Trees consume moisture from the ground in very small quantities.

Siberian cedar is a moisture-loving crop. But excessive soil moisture or stagnant water will destroy the pine.

Excessive soil moisture can destroy the plant.

Cedar pine in winter

The absence of a dormant stage leads to slower growth in the next growing season. Therefore, for several months a year it is necessary to provide the coniferous representative with cooler climatic conditions.

Siberian cedar, planted in a container, can be transferred to a glassed-in loggia, cellar, veranda or winter garden. Water only as needed. With the onset of spring warmth, it is necessary to gradually move the flowerpot to a sunny place.

How to properly transplant Siberian cedar

Seedlings with a closed root system should be replanted permanently immediately after the morning frosts have subsided - in early spring. You can also plant purchased Siberian cedar in the fall, immediately after the end of the growing season.

The ideal age for replanting pine is about 5 years. The height of the trunk is no more than one meter. The diameter of the stem is about two centimeters. When planting, there is a chance to keep the root system intact.

With large representatives of conifers it is much more difficult. Replanting an adult cedar is usually done in winter. In the cold season, you can dig up a large earthen ball and save most of the rhizome. As a rule, the cedar root system is severely damaged.

The ideal age of pine for replanting is 5 years.

During the recovery period, the plant releases a component that attracts pests. If the crop is severely weakened, bark beetles can penetrate under the bark and lay larvae. It will not be possible to save the pine tree. Therefore, replanting an overgrown cedar is extremely risky.

Before planting you should:

  1. Weed out the weeds and thoroughly cultivate the soil around the planting site.
  2. Dig a hole of suitable size. It is necessary to focus on the size of the root system with a lump of earth. The depth of the hole should exceed the size of the cedar roots by 40%.
  3. The bottom of the hole must be thoroughly loosened.
  4. Lay out drainage in a thick layer (about 15 cm). Crushed stone, gravel, shells, and bottle caps can be used as materials.
  5. The ideal composition of the soil mixture is greenhouse soil with peat and leaf humus. Organic ingredients can be added. A pine forest bedding is ideal.
  6. For subsequent tying of the seedling, a wooden support should be driven into the hole.

How to trim correctly

To naturally form a dense, even crown, the plant should be allowed to grow freely in an open area. The coniferous plant is unpretentious. Therefore, there is no need to further intervene in the development process. It is enough to periodically clean the conifer from damaged and dead branches.

If the plant is used as an element of garden design, the crown can be given the appropriate shape. It is not recommended to prune plants younger than five years old. The best time of year for pruning is early spring.

It is advisable to use sharp garden pruners. The instrument should be thoroughly disinfected with alcohol. The affected areas must be treated with a healing component (var).

Cedar pine is an excellent representative of the flora for creating dwarf miniatures.

Amazing miniature of Siberian pine.

Using oriental techniques you can create a skillful bonsai. The pliability and elegance of the trunk and shoots contribute to the design of a reduced exact copy of a coniferous tree.

Features of planting a tree can be found in the video:

Cedar pine in open ground

To grow outdoors, it is enough to provide the following minimum conditions:

  • open area;
  • uniform sunlight;
  • loamy and loose soil;
  • lack of groundwater. Often young conifers develop well on the site, but adult representatives die. The main reason is that the root system is damaged by the accumulation of liquid in the top layer of soil.

Siberian cedar is a very sustainable crop. The plant is not afraid of severe frosts.

Siberian pine is a frost-resistant plant.

In winter, there is no need to cover the plant with mulch and protective material. In open soil, cedar does not need regular feeding and pruning.

Planting cedar at home

Flower pot

The coniferous plant has a large and branched root system. Therefore, the choice of container should be taken seriously. For young cedars, it is advisable to choose small containers with drainage holes and side openings for air circulation.

The kit must include a tray to collect excess liquid. As the root system and crown develop, it is necessary to use a larger container.

Ideal soil

Cedar pine prefers loose and fertile soil. It is not recommended to use mixtures containing peat for growing. The multicomponent fossil causes rotting of the root system.

To protect the plant from pests, you should add some oxidizing agents to the soil. You can use a natural solution of citric acid and pine needles.

Feeding cedar

During planting, a biogrowth stimulator should be added to the soil. The ideal combination of components is contained in the drug "Kornevin".

The plant does not require regular feeding. It is advisable not to experiment with chemicals. Preparations for indoor crops can harm conifers. Products with natural composition have been developed specifically for growing cedar.

To feed cedar you should use a special vermicompost.

Vermicompost "Kedronik", made from waste pine nuts, is ideal for cedar wood. The fertilizer also includes Siberian soil. The drug can not only be applied to the soil, but also sprayed onto cedar needles. It has a particularly effective effect after the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

Cedar diseases and main pests

Bark beetles

Most often, cedar trees are affected by the common engraver. Mass attacks of conifers begin at the end of May. Spotting pests is quite easy. Beetles gnaw small holes in the bark.

The cedar will produce resin to control pests on its own. Inaction will result in females entering the stem. Once the larvae are deposited, it is almost impossible to save the tree.

As preventive measures, you can use systemic insecticides, inject into the trunk with biological protection agents, and promptly clean the crop from affected areas.

Massive attacks of bark beetles can destroy a pine tree.

Pine Hermes

At the initial stage, all affected areas can be collected and destroyed mechanically. If the insect population has covered the entire plant, it is necessary to treat the soil with “Aktara” and spray “Decis” or “Iskra” on the cedar. Spraying should be repeated after a month. You will need to continue the procedure until the pests are completely eliminated.

Pine is also affected by scale insects, moths and aphids. Systemic insecticides should be used for treatment.

Pests rarely appear on a healthy plant. Therefore, you should purchase biological preparations in advance to strengthen the immunity of the coniferous tree.

Pine needle rust

A characteristic disease for warm and humid climates. Yellow marks appear on the tree. After some time, a white coating forms on the blister spots. Fungal cells infect all parts of the tree. At the initial stage of infection, the needles will turn yellow and begin to fall off.

As a rule, infection occurs from sow thistle and coltsfoot. It is necessary to destroy all plants on the site that contribute to the spread of fungal spores. Affected branches must be removed and destroyed. Cleaning the tree will help prevent further spread.

Tar crayfish or seryanka

The crop should be immediately cleared of areas infested with spores. For prevention, it is necessary to clean the plant from dry branches and stems with cancerous ulcers. Inactivity attracts many pests. A weakened pine tree may die from insect damage.

Allergic manifestations

Pine nuts are a very healthy product. People with individual intolerance may experience an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.

It is quite difficult to determine the relationship with the cedar fruit. A reaction to peeled nuts may only appear after two days. The first sign is the appearance of a metallic taste.

It's not just fruits that can cause a reaction. The so-called wood allergy affects the upper respiratory tract. Redness and itching appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Once characteristic symptoms occur, direct contact with the crop should be avoided.

Reproduction options

There are several ways to grow pine. To grow coniferous cedar, you need to purchase seeds or seedlings from a garden nursery.

Planting cedars from seeds

Long term growing method. Planting material must be treated with potassium permanganate. A mixture of coarse sand should be used as primer. The nuts should be placed in the holes and sprinkled with a small layer of sawdust. To stimulate growth, you can place the container with the seeds in a cold room.

Periodically you need to moisten the soil.

Germination of Siberian cedar seeds.

After the first shoots appear, you can move the container to a warm room. After strengthening the sprouts, young cedar trees should be planted in separate containers.

You can experiment and sow treated seeds in open soil. But this is very risky. Often the planting material does not germinate.

Growing cedar seedlings

It is preferable to buy seedlings with a closed root system. The ideal age for planting material is three-year-old trees. The average size of a pine tree should be from thirty centimeters to three meters, depending on the subspecies.

Flowering and fruiting of cedar pine

Cedars do not produce inflorescences. Nuts are formed as seeds.

You will be able to try nuts from your own cedar tree only after 60 years.

Adult crops begin to bear fruit only at the age of 60 years. To speed up the process, you can pin the tree. The ripening process of cones occurs in the fall. As they form, most of the fruit falls to the ground.

How to choose Siberian cedar

Planting material should be purchased from nurseries specializing in coniferous trees. Siberian cedar seedlings 15-25 cm high can be purchased for 50 rubles. Grown seedlings in a container with a closed root system sell for an average of 1,500 rubles. Seeds of Siberian cedar "Shepard" are in the catalogs of online stores. The cost of one package is 42 rubles.

Cedar wood is expensive, prestigious and beautiful. Largely due to the fact that this tree was mentioned in the Bible and expensive products have been made from it from time immemorial, cedar is often called any coniferous wood. The Mediterranean countries are considered the birthplace of this tree, whose height does not exceed 50 meters. In Russia, cedar of various types grows on the southern coast of Crimea, as well as in Siberia. We do it in construction, as well as in furniture production.

Cedar, this is the second name for cedar, has a light core with a yellow or pink tint. It is practically no different from sapwood. The resin passages of cedar are smaller than those of pine. But at the same time they are more clearly expressed.

GOST 20022. 2-80 classifies cedar as a resistant species that very rarely rots. But at the same time, cedar wood is very soft and can be processed perfectly in all directions.

In Siberia, houses are still built from cedar. Moreover, as practice shows, they can last more than a hundred years.

They also make from cedar:

  • pencils;
  • plywood;
  • veneer;
  • furniture;
  • racks for mining production;
  • hives;
  • musical instruments;

The life expectancy of cedar is quite high. So, it can exist up to 4 centuries. In the Baltics there is a long-lived cedar, which is 1,500 years old. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how many years a cedar tree lives.

It is worth mentioning the beneficial properties of cedar:


In total, 2 types of cedar form 9 subspecies. All trees do not grow very quickly, but their wood is very valuable, largely due to the fact that it is resistant to decay. It is surprising that cedar grows in Asia, Africa, Siberia, Crimea, and Transcaucasia. It is believed that this tree is heat-loving. Nevertheless, Siberian cedar tolerates harsh winters well.


Some experts still claim that there is no Siberian cedar, there is pine, which is similar to cedar. Therefore, this tree is classified as a pine species. However, Siberian pine pine is a frost-resistant evergreen tree.

It grows successfully in the Moscow region, Leningrad and Voronezh regions, as well as throughout Siberia, Altai (Altai) and the Urals. The lifespan of a tree reaches 800 years. In size, Siberian cedar is second only to sequoia. The diameter of its trunk reaches 2 meters.

The growing season of cedar is only 45 days; the rest of the time the tree remains dormant. The most valuable product of cedar is its nuts. They are rich in vitamins, healthy fats and minerals. Nuts are eaten raw and oil is made from them. Siberian cedar is a very beautiful tree, valuable to humans.

Photo of Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar Siberian cedar cones


An evergreen coniferous tree with a trunk up to 2.5 meters. This cedar grows slowly. It can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. Its bark is dark gray with small scales. This type of cedar is a symbol of Lebanon, where it comes from. It feels best at an altitude of 1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level. In Russia, Lebanese cedar grows on the Black Sea coast.

Cedar propagates by seeds. In youth it has a conical crown, in old age it has the shape of an umbrella. The cones are shaped like a barrel. By the way, earlier essential oils were obtained from pine needles, but now from Lebanese cedar wood. This tree is depicted on the state symbols of Lebanon. And Lebanese cedar is often mistakenly called Libyan.

Photo of Lebanese cedar

Lebanese cedar cones Lebanese cedar


The oldest Canadian red cedar grows in Washington's Olympic Park. Its age is 1,200 years. An ordinary Canadian cedar reaches a height of 75 meters, and the diameter of its trunk can be up to 6.5 meters. The tree has very soft, pliable wood.

Despite its name, Canadian red cedar has wood that ranges in color from light beige to brownish-red. When heated, Canadian cedar wood does not release resin. The wood does not crack during processing.

Photo of Canadian cedar tree


This cedar grows up to 50 meters, the maximum width of its trunk is no more than 3 meters. Its needles are soft and light green in color. It lives up to 1,000 years, but under favorable conditions it can live up to 3,000. The cones ripen within a year and a half. Himalayan cedar tolerates darkness well.

The cedar crown is conical, but very wide. It loves high humidity, including soil, so it feels great in the conditions of the southern coast of Crimea. Although this species is frost-resistant, which means it may well exist in the conditions of central Russia.

Photo of Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar Cones of the Himalayan cedar

Far Eastern

This is the most frost-resistant cedar. Its lifespan reaches 600 years. Far Eastern cedar grows in a mixed forest. Next to him there is always a linden, birch, and fir tree. Its cones, like those of the Siberian cedar, have edible nuts. The cedar begins to bear fruit after its twentieth birthday.

The tree respects moderate watering and dry soil. Where Far Eastern cedars grow, there are always healthy trees and shrubs, and the air is fresh and even healing. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from cedar resin.

Photo of Far Eastern cedar


Scientists classify the tree as a member of the pine family. This cedar likes to grow on south-facing slopes at altitudes of 1,500 to 2,500 meters above sea level in Central Europe and Russia. The maximum tree height is 25 meters. European cedar is very similar to Siberian pine. Only its growth is lower and the trunk is thinner, and the bark is more beautiful and stronger.

And this is what a European cedar tree with cones looks like in the photo


The tree can grow up to 40 - 50 meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 meters. Scientists also classify this species as a pine tree. The bark has a reddish tint, in youth it is gray, and in more mature age it is brown. Young cedar has large cones of red color with a purple tint, but there are few of them. The old one has many times more, but the size is small.

The tree grows in Korea and the adjacent Russian territory. Korean cedar is a monoecious tree. Male spikelets are yellow. But the needles are bluish-green.

Photo of Korean cedar

Physical properties of cedar wood

Cedar is a core tree species. It resembles pine in texture, but has more pronounced lines. The physical properties of cedar allow the tree to be classified as elite and therefore all products made from its wood have a high price.


The higher the humidity, the higher the density of the wood. The density of cedar in a completely dried state is 410 kg/m3. At a standard humidity of 12%, the density is 435 kg/m3, and the conditional density (the ratio of the mass of absolutely dry wood to the mass of the same volume of wood at the hygroscopicity stage) does not exceed 350 kg/m3.


Such an indicator as strength is standard, and its increase or decrease depends on the humidity of the environment and the defects of the wood.

The tensile strength of cedar can be as follows:

  • Compression along the fibers ranges from 33 to 40.6 MPa.
  • Static bending - 54.1 to 79.9 MPa.
  • Tension along the fibers is 90.2 MPa.
  • Chip along the fibers - 5.64 - 6.39 MPa.
  • Along the radial or tangential plane it ranges from 5.64 to 7.15 MPa.

For different types of cedar, these indicators differ slightly from each other and, in general, only Altai cedar has higher figures for physical and mechanical parameters.


In a freshly felled cedar, the humidity exceeds 100%, and with maximum water absorption it can double and reach 220%. The humidity of absolutely dry cedar is 420%. A distinctive feature of any type of cedar is that it is not afraid of moisture and therefore can be used where the humidity is quite high.

Cedar wood weight

The structure of the cellular tissue, as well as its quantity in its pure form, plus the water level and the content of organic and inorganic substances, are responsible for the weight of the wood. Roots weigh the least, branches and twigs weigh more. The specific gravity of wood always depends on the type of tree. And these average figures for cedar vary in different reference books from 360 to 570 kg/m3.

The generally accepted indicators of the volumetric weight of 1 m3 of cedar are as follows:

Chemical composition

Cedar phytoncides disinfect the air, while its needles contain a lot of vitamin C and provitamin A. The cedar kernel contains 17% protein; 12% starch; 4% fiber; up to 20% carbohydrates; at least 60% oils. Wood contains organic acids, hydrocarbons, stilbenes, and flavonoids. In aromatherapy, cedar oils have a special place. Assessment of the chemical characteristics of wood 5.

Color and texture

All types of cedar wood are very similar in color. They have a light core with a brown or yellow tint. The wood has a pronounced cedar aroma and an oily surface. The contrast between the early and late zones is clearly visible.

The grain of cedar wood is medium in size. Middle-aged cedar has straight grain. Himalayan cedar has brown lines on a longitudinal section. The appearance of cedar wood has distinctive features that make it extremely interesting and beautiful.

An example of cedar wood texture

Mechanical properties of cedar wood

According to its physical and mechanical properties, cedar wood occupies a place between fir and spruce. Although it is more resistant to the processes of suppuration. Although soft, cedar wood is at the same time very durable.


The hardness of the side surface of cedar is 40% lower than the end surface. According to the Brinell scale, this wood is classified as soft and its hardness is 4 HB. Although its strength is rated quite highly.

Due to its softness but strength in carpentry, cedar wood is used to make products that will be subject to significant loads in the future. The cedar is rated 5 for these properties.

Combustion temperature and calorific value of cedar

Cedar does not make the best firewood. They don't produce much heat, and their resinous nature can also ruin the chimney. But at the same time, cedar firewood takes a very long time to smolder. Although they have a low calorific value and its indicator is 4.3 kW/hour.

In terms of flammability, cedar belongs to the category of unstable wood. The fire resistance index does not exceed 1.1 - 1.5. The specific calorific value of cedar is close to that of pine. The more moisture there is in the wood, the harder it burns. The average calorific value of cedar, which has been dried as much as possible, can be from 4907 to 4952 calories.

Ash content

Cedar is a beautiful, powerful tree that, while growing, heals other trees and the air around it. And as wood it brings invaluable benefits to humans and is used by them practically without a trace. Rating of wood, taking into account its appearance and all characteristics 5.